/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* jshint node:true */ /* globals cat, cd, cp, echo, env, exec, exit, find, ls, mkdir, mv, process, rm, sed, target, test */ 'use strict'; try { require('shelljs/make'); } catch (e) { console.log('ShellJS is not installed. Run "npm install" to install ' + 'all dependencies.'); return; } var builder = require('./external/builder/builder.js'); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var CONFIG_FILE = 'pdfjs.config'; var config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(CONFIG_FILE)); var ROOT_DIR = __dirname + '/', // absolute path to project's root BUILD_DIR = 'build/', SRC_DIR = 'src/', BUILD_TARGET = BUILD_DIR + 'pdf.js', BUILD_WORKER_TARGET = BUILD_DIR + 'pdf.worker.js', BUILD_TARGETS = [BUILD_TARGET, BUILD_WORKER_TARGET], FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR = BUILD_DIR + '/firefox/', CHROME_BUILD_DIR = BUILD_DIR + '/chromium/', B2G_BUILD_DIR = BUILD_DIR + '/b2g/', JSDOC_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'jsdoc', EXTENSION_SRC_DIR = 'extensions/', FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR = EXTENSION_SRC_DIR + '/firefox/content/', LOCALE_SRC_DIR = 'l10n/', GH_PAGES_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'gh-pages/', GENERIC_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'generic/', MINIFIED_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'minified/', SINGLE_FILE_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'singlefile/', COMPONENTS_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'components/', REPO = 'git@github.com:mozilla/pdf.js.git', MOZCENTRAL_PREF_PREFIX = 'pdfjs', FIREFOX_PREF_PREFIX = 'extensions.uriloader@pdf.js', MOZCENTRAL_STREAM_CONVERTER_ID = 'd0c5195d-e798-49d4-b1d3-9324328b2291', FIREFOX_STREAM_CONVERTER_ID = '6457a96b-2d68-439a-bcfa-44465fbcdbb1', MOZCENTRAL_STREAM_CONVERTER2_ID = 'd0c5195d-e798-49d4-b1d3-9324328b2292', FIREFOX_STREAM_CONVERTER2_ID = '6457a96b-2d68-439a-bcfa-44465fbcdbb2'; var DEFINES = { PRODUCTION: true, // The main build targets: GENERIC: false, FIREFOX: false, MOZCENTRAL: false, CHROME: false, MINIFIED: false, SINGLE_FILE: false, COMPONENTS: false }; function getCurrentVersion() { // The 'build/version.json' file is created by 'buildnumber' task. return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(ROOT_DIR + 'build/version.json').toString()) .version; } // // make all // target.all = function() { // Don't do anything by default echo('Please specify a target. Available targets:'); for (var t in target) { if (t !== 'all') { echo(' ' + t); } } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Production stuff // // Files that need to be included in every build. var COMMON_WEB_FILES = ['web/images', 'web/debugger.js'], COMMON_WEB_FILES_PREPROCESS = ['web/viewer.html'], COMMON_FIREFOX_FILES_PREPROCESS = [FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfStreamConverter.jsm', FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfjsContentUtils.jsm', FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfjsChromeUtils.jsm']; // // make generic // Builds the generic production viewer that should be compatible with most // modern HTML5 browsers. // target.generic = function() { exec('gulp bundle-generic'); target.locale(); cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Creating generic viewer'); rm('-rf', GENERIC_DIR); mkdir('-p', GENERIC_DIR); mkdir('-p', GENERIC_DIR + BUILD_DIR); mkdir('-p', GENERIC_DIR + '/web'); mkdir('-p', GENERIC_DIR + '/web/cmaps'); var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, {GENERIC: true}); var setup = { defines: defines, copy: [ [BUILD_TARGETS, GENERIC_DIR + BUILD_DIR], [BUILD_DIR + 'viewer.js', GENERIC_DIR + '/web'], [COMMON_WEB_FILES, GENERIC_DIR + '/web'], ['LICENSE', GENERIC_DIR], ['external/webL10n/l10n.js', GENERIC_DIR + '/web'], ['web/compatibility.js', GENERIC_DIR + '/web'], ['web/compressed.tracemonkey-pldi-09.pdf', GENERIC_DIR + '/web'], ['external/bcmaps/*', GENERIC_DIR + '/web/cmaps/'], ['web/locale', GENERIC_DIR + '/web'] ], preprocess: [ [COMMON_WEB_FILES_PREPROCESS, GENERIC_DIR + '/web'] ], preprocessCSS: [ ['generic', 'web/viewer.css', GENERIC_DIR + '/web/viewer.css'] ] }; builder.build(setup); cleanupJSSource(GENERIC_DIR + '/build/pdf.js'); cleanupJSSource(GENERIC_DIR + '/web/viewer.js'); cleanupCSSSource(GENERIC_DIR + '/web/viewer.css'); }; target.components = function() { exec('gulp bundle-components'); cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Creating generic components'); rm('-rf', COMPONENTS_DIR); mkdir('-p', COMPONENTS_DIR); mkdir('-p', COMPONENTS_DIR + 'images'); var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, {COMPONENTS: true, GENERIC: true}); var COMPONENTS_IMAGES = [ 'web/images/annotation-*.svg', 'web/images/loading-icon.gif', 'web/images/shadow.png', 'web/images/texture.png', ]; var setup = { defines: defines, copy: [ [BUILD_DIR + 'pdf_viewer.js', COMPONENTS_DIR], [COMPONENTS_IMAGES, COMPONENTS_DIR + 'images'], ['web/compatibility.js', COMPONENTS_DIR], ], preprocess: [], preprocessCSS: [ ['components', 'web/pdf_viewer.css', COMPONENTS_DIR + 'pdf_viewer.css'], ] }; builder.build(setup); cleanupJSSource(COMPONENTS_DIR + 'pdf_viewer.js'); cleanupCSSSource(COMPONENTS_DIR + 'pdf_viewer.css'); }; target.jsdoc = function() { echo(); echo('### Generating jsdoc'); var JSDOC_FILES = [ 'src/doc_helper.js', 'src/display/api.js', 'src/display/global.js', 'src/shared/util.js', 'src/core/annotation.js' ]; if (test('-d', JSDOC_DIR)) { rm('-rf', JSDOC_DIR); } mkdir('-p',JSDOC_DIR); exec('"node_modules/.bin/jsdoc" -d "' + JSDOC_DIR + '" ' + JSDOC_FILES.join(' ')); echo(); }; // // make web // Generates the website for the project, by checking out the gh-pages branch // underneath the build directory, and then moving the various viewer files // into place. // target.web = function() { target.generic(); target.extension(); target.b2g(); target.jsdoc(); echo(); echo('### Creating web site'); if (test('-d', GH_PAGES_DIR)) { rm('-rf', GH_PAGES_DIR); } mkdir('-p', GH_PAGES_DIR + '/web'); mkdir('-p', GH_PAGES_DIR + '/web/images'); mkdir('-p', GH_PAGES_DIR + BUILD_DIR); mkdir('-p', GH_PAGES_DIR + EXTENSION_SRC_DIR + '/firefox'); mkdir('-p', GH_PAGES_DIR + EXTENSION_SRC_DIR + '/chromium'); mkdir('-p', GH_PAGES_DIR + EXTENSION_SRC_DIR + '/b2g'); mkdir('-p', GH_PAGES_DIR + '/api/draft/'); mkdir('-p', GH_PAGES_DIR + '/examples/'); cp('-R', GENERIC_DIR + '/*', GH_PAGES_DIR); cp(FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR + '/*.xpi', FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR + '/*.rdf', GH_PAGES_DIR + EXTENSION_SRC_DIR + 'firefox/'); cp(CHROME_BUILD_DIR + '/*.crx', FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR + '/*.rdf', GH_PAGES_DIR + EXTENSION_SRC_DIR + 'chromium/'); cp('-R', 'test/features', GH_PAGES_DIR); cp('-R', 'examples/learning', GH_PAGES_DIR + '/examples/'); cp('-R', B2G_BUILD_DIR, GH_PAGES_DIR + EXTENSION_SRC_DIR + 'b2g/'); cp('-R', JSDOC_DIR + '/*', GH_PAGES_DIR + '/api/draft/'); var wintersmith = require('wintersmith'); var env = wintersmith('docs/config.json'); env.build(GH_PAGES_DIR, function (error) { if (error) { throw error; } sed('-i', /STABLE_VERSION/g, config.stableVersion, GH_PAGES_DIR + '/getting_started/index.html'); sed('-i', /BETA_VERSION/g, config.betaVersion, GH_PAGES_DIR + '/getting_started/index.html'); echo('Done building with wintersmith.'); var VERSION = getCurrentVersion(); var reason = process.env['PDFJS_UPDATE_REASON']; cd(GH_PAGES_DIR); exec('git init'); exec('git remote add origin ' + REPO); exec('git add -A'); exec('git commit -am "gh-pages site created via make.js script" -m ' + '"PDF.js version ' + VERSION + (reason ? ' - ' + reason : '') + '"'); exec('git branch -m gh-pages'); echo(); echo('Website built in ' + GH_PAGES_DIR); }); }; target.dist = function() { target.generic(); target.singlefile(); target.components(); var DIST_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'dist/'; var DIST_REPO_URL = 'https://github.com/mozilla/pdfjs-dist'; var VERSION = getCurrentVersion(); cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Cloning baseline distribution'); rm('-rf', DIST_DIR); mkdir('-p', DIST_DIR); exec('git clone --depth 1 ' + DIST_REPO_URL + ' ' + DIST_DIR); echo(); echo('### Overwriting all files'); rm('-rf', DIST_DIR + '*'); cp('-R', ROOT_DIR + 'external/dist/*', DIST_DIR); cp('-R', GENERIC_DIR + 'LICENSE', DIST_DIR); cp('-R', GENERIC_DIR + 'web/cmaps', DIST_DIR); mkdir('-p', DIST_DIR + 'build/'); cp('-R', [ GENERIC_DIR + 'build/pdf.js', GENERIC_DIR + 'build/pdf.worker.js', SINGLE_FILE_DIR + 'build/pdf.combined.js', SRC_DIR + 'pdf.worker.entry.js', ], DIST_DIR + 'build/'); mkdir('-p', DIST_DIR + 'web/'); cp('-R', [ COMPONENTS_DIR + '*', ], DIST_DIR + 'web/'); echo(); echo('### Rebuilding manifests'); var DIST_NAME = 'pdfjs-dist'; var DIST_DESCRIPTION = 'Generic build of Mozilla\'s PDF.js library.'; var DIST_KEYWORDS = ['Mozilla', 'pdf', 'pdf.js']; var DIST_HOMEPAGE = 'http://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/'; var DIST_BUGS_URL = 'https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/issues'; var DIST_LICENSE = 'Apache-2.0'; var npmManifest = { name: DIST_NAME, version: VERSION, main: 'build/pdf.js', description: DIST_DESCRIPTION, keywords: DIST_KEYWORDS, homepage: DIST_HOMEPAGE, bugs: DIST_BUGS_URL, license: DIST_LICENSE, dependencies: { 'node-ensure': '^0.0.0' // shim for node for require.ensure }, browser: { 'node-ensure': false }, format: 'amd', // to not allow system.js to choose 'cjs' repository: { type: 'git', url: DIST_REPO_URL }, }; fs.writeFileSync(DIST_DIR + 'package.json', JSON.stringify(npmManifest, null, 2)); var bowerManifest = { name: DIST_NAME, version: VERSION, main: [ 'build/pdf.js', 'build/pdf.worker.js', ], ignore: [], keywords: DIST_KEYWORDS, }; fs.writeFileSync(DIST_DIR + 'bower.json', JSON.stringify(bowerManifest, null, 2)); echo(); echo('### Commiting changes'); cd(DIST_DIR); var reason = process.env['PDFJS_UPDATE_REASON']; var message = 'PDF.js version ' + VERSION + (reason ? ' - ' + reason : ''); exec('git add *'); exec('git commit -am \"' + message + '\"'); exec('git tag -a v' + VERSION + ' -m \"' + message + '\"'); cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('Done. Push with'); echo(' cd ' + DIST_DIR + '; git push --tags ' + DIST_REPO_URL + ' master'); echo(); }; target.publish = function() { target.generic(); var VERSION = getCurrentVersion(); config.stableVersion = config.betaVersion; config.betaVersion = VERSION; fs.writeFileSync(CONFIG_FILE, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); cd(GENERIC_DIR); var distFilename = 'pdfjs-' + VERSION + '-dist.zip'; exec('zip -r ' + ROOT_DIR + BUILD_DIR + distFilename + ' *'); echo('Built distribution file: ' + distFilename); cd(ROOT_DIR); }; // // make locale // Creates localized resources for the viewer and extension. // target.locale = function() { var METADATA_OUTPUT = 'extensions/firefox/metadata.inc'; var CHROME_MANIFEST_OUTPUT = 'extensions/firefox/chrome.manifest.inc'; var EXTENSION_LOCALE_OUTPUT = 'extensions/firefox/locale'; var VIEWER_LOCALE_OUTPUT = 'web/locale/'; cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Building localization files'); rm('-rf', EXTENSION_LOCALE_OUTPUT); mkdir('-p', EXTENSION_LOCALE_OUTPUT); rm('-rf', VIEWER_LOCALE_OUTPUT); mkdir('-p', VIEWER_LOCALE_OUTPUT); var subfolders = ls(LOCALE_SRC_DIR); subfolders.sort(); var metadataContent = ''; var chromeManifestContent = ''; var viewerOutput = ''; for (var i = 0; i < subfolders.length; i++) { var locale = subfolders[i]; var path = LOCALE_SRC_DIR + locale; if (!test('-d', path)) { continue; } if (!/^[a-z][a-z]([a-z])?(-[A-Z][A-Z])?$/.test(locale)) { echo('Skipping invalid locale: ' + locale); continue; } mkdir('-p', EXTENSION_LOCALE_OUTPUT + '/' + locale); mkdir('-p', VIEWER_LOCALE_OUTPUT + '/' + locale); chromeManifestContent += 'locale pdf.js ' + locale + ' locale/' + locale + '/\n'; if (test('-f', path + '/viewer.properties')) { viewerOutput += '[' + locale + ']\n' + '@import url(' + locale + '/viewer.properties)\n\n'; cp(path + '/viewer.properties', EXTENSION_LOCALE_OUTPUT + '/' + locale); cp(path + '/viewer.properties', VIEWER_LOCALE_OUTPUT + '/' + locale); } if (test('-f', path + '/chrome.properties')) { cp(path + '/chrome.properties', EXTENSION_LOCALE_OUTPUT + '/' + locale); } if (test('-f', path + '/metadata.inc')) { var metadata = cat(path + '/metadata.inc'); metadataContent += metadata; } } viewerOutput.to(VIEWER_LOCALE_OUTPUT + 'locale.properties'); metadataContent.to(METADATA_OUTPUT); chromeManifestContent.to(CHROME_MANIFEST_OUTPUT); }; // // make cmaps // Compresses cmap files. Ensure that Adobe cmap download and uncompressed at // ./external/cmaps location. // target.cmaps = function () { var CMAP_INPUT = 'external/cmaps'; var VIEWER_CMAP_OUTPUT = 'external/bcmaps'; cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Building cmaps'); // testing a file that usually present if (!test('-f', CMAP_INPUT + '/UniJIS-UCS2-H')) { echo('./external/cmaps has no cmap files, please download them from:'); echo(' https://github.com/adobe-type-tools/cmap-resources'); exit(1); } rm(VIEWER_CMAP_OUTPUT + '*.bcmap'); var compressCmaps = require('./external/cmapscompress/compress.js').compressCmaps; compressCmaps(CMAP_INPUT, VIEWER_CMAP_OUTPUT, true); }; // // make bundle // Bundles all source files into one wrapper 'pdf.js' file, in the given order. // target.bundle = function(args) { exec('gulp bundle'); }; // // make singlefile // Concatenates pdf.js and pdf.worker.js into one big pdf.combined.js, and // flags the script loader to not attempt to load the separate worker JS file. // target.singlefile = function() { cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Creating singlefile build'); var SINGLE_FILE_BUILD_DIR = SINGLE_FILE_DIR + 'build/'; exec('gulp bundle-singlefile'); cd(ROOT_DIR); rm('-rf', SINGLE_FILE_DIR); mkdir('-p', SINGLE_FILE_DIR); mkdir('-p', SINGLE_FILE_BUILD_DIR); cp(BUILD_DIR + 'pdf.combined.js', SINGLE_FILE_BUILD_DIR); }; function stripCommentHeaders(content) { var notEndOfComment = '(?:[^*]|\\*(?!/))+'; var reg = new RegExp( '\n/\\* Copyright' + notEndOfComment + '\\*/\\s*' + '(?:/\\*' + notEndOfComment + '\\*/\\s*|//(?!#).*\n\\s*)*' + '\\s*\'use strict\';', 'g'); content = content.replace(reg, ''); return content; } function cleanupJSSource(file) { var content = cat(file); content = stripCommentHeaders(content); content.to(file); } function cleanupCSSSource(file) { var content = cat(file); // Strip out all license headers in the middle. var reg = /\n\/\* Copyright(.|\n)*?Mozilla Foundation(.|\n)*?\*\//g; content = content.replace(reg, ''); content.to(file); } // // make minified // Builds the minified production viewer that should be compatible with most // modern HTML5 browsers. // target.minified = function() { exec('gulp bundle-minified'); target.locale(); cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Creating minified viewer'); rm('-rf', MINIFIED_DIR); mkdir('-p', MINIFIED_DIR); mkdir('-p', MINIFIED_DIR + BUILD_DIR); mkdir('-p', MINIFIED_DIR + '/web'); mkdir('-p', MINIFIED_DIR + '/web/cmaps'); var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, {GENERIC: true, MINIFIED: true}); var setup = { defines: defines, copy: [ [BUILD_TARGETS, MINIFIED_DIR + BUILD_DIR], [BUILD_DIR + 'viewer.js', MINIFIED_DIR + '/web'], [COMMON_WEB_FILES, MINIFIED_DIR + '/web'], ['web/compressed.tracemonkey-pldi-09.pdf', MINIFIED_DIR + '/web'], ['external/bcmaps/*', MINIFIED_DIR + '/web/cmaps'], ['web/locale', MINIFIED_DIR + '/web'] ], preprocess: [ [COMMON_WEB_FILES_PREPROCESS, MINIFIED_DIR + '/web'] ], preprocessCSS: [ ['minified', 'web/viewer.css', MINIFIED_DIR + '/web/viewer.css'] ] }; builder.build(setup); cleanupCSSSource(MINIFIED_DIR + '/web/viewer.css'); var viewerFiles = [ 'web/compatibility.js', 'external/webL10n/l10n.js', MINIFIED_DIR + BUILD_DIR + 'pdf.js', MINIFIED_DIR + '/web/viewer.js' ]; echo(); echo('### Minifying js files'); var UglifyJS = require('uglify-js'); // V8 chokes on very long sequences. Works around that. var optsForHugeFile = {compress: {sequences: false}}; UglifyJS.minify(viewerFiles).code .to(MINIFIED_DIR + '/web/pdf.viewer.js'); UglifyJS.minify(MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.js').code .to(MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.min.js'); UglifyJS.minify(MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.worker.js', optsForHugeFile).code .to(MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.worker.min.js'); echo(); echo('### Cleaning js files'); rm(MINIFIED_DIR + '/web/viewer.js'); rm(MINIFIED_DIR + '/web/debugger.js'); rm(MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.js'); rm(MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.worker.js'); mv(MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.min.js', MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.js'); mv(MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.worker.min.js', MINIFIED_DIR + '/build/pdf.worker.js'); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Extension stuff // // // make extension // target.extension = function() { cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Building extensions'); target.locale(); target.firefox(); target.chromium(); }; target.buildnumber = function() { exec('gulp buildnumber'); }; // // make firefox // target.firefox = function() { cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Building Firefox extension'); var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, {FIREFOX: true}); var FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR = FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR + '/content/', FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR = 'extensions/firefox/', FIREFOX_EXTENSION_FILES_TO_COPY = ['*.js', '*.rdf', '*.svg', '*.png', '*.manifest', 'locale', 'chrome', '../../LICENSE'], FIREFOX_EXTENSION_FILES = ['bootstrap.js', 'install.rdf', 'chrome.manifest', 'icon.png', 'icon64.png', 'content', 'chrome', 'locale', 'LICENSE'], FIREFOX_EXTENSION_NAME = 'pdf.js.xpi', FIREFOX_AMO_EXTENSION_NAME = 'pdf.js.amo.xpi'; target.locale(); exec('gulp bundle-firefox'); cd(ROOT_DIR); // Clear out everything in the firefox extension build directory rm('-rf', FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR); mkdir('-p', FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR); mkdir('-p', FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + BUILD_DIR); mkdir('-p', FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'); mkdir('-p', FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web/cmaps'); cp(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfJs-stub.jsm', FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfJs.jsm'); cp(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfJsTelemetry-addon.jsm', FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfJsTelemetry.jsm'); // Copy extension files cd(FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR); cp('-R', FIREFOX_EXTENSION_FILES_TO_COPY, ROOT_DIR + FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR); cd(ROOT_DIR); var setup = { defines: defines, copy: [ [BUILD_TARGETS, FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + BUILD_DIR], [BUILD_DIR + 'viewer.js', FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'], [COMMON_WEB_FILES, FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'], ['web/compatibility.js', FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'], ['external/bcmaps/*', FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web/cmaps'], [FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR + 'tools/l10n.js', FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'] ], preprocess: [ [COMMON_WEB_FILES_PREPROCESS, FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'], [COMMON_FIREFOX_FILES_PREPROCESS, FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR], [SRC_DIR + 'core/network.js', FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR], [FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR + 'bootstrap.js', FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR] ], preprocessCSS: [ ['firefox', 'web/viewer.css', FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web/viewer.css'] ] }; builder.build(setup); cleanupJSSource(FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web/viewer.js'); cleanupJSSource(FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR + 'bootstrap.js'); cleanupJSSource(FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfjsChromeUtils.jsm'); cleanupCSSSource(FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web/viewer.css'); // Remove '.DS_Store' and other hidden files find(FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR).forEach(function(file) { if (file.match(/^\./)) { rm('-f', file); } }); // Update the build version number var VERSION = getCurrentVersion(); sed('-i', /PDFJSSCRIPT_VERSION/, VERSION, FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR + '/install.rdf'); sed('-i', /PDFJSSCRIPT_VERSION/, VERSION, FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR + '/update.rdf'); sed('-i', /PDFJSSCRIPT_STREAM_CONVERTER_ID/, FIREFOX_STREAM_CONVERTER_ID, FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfStreamConverter.jsm'); sed('-i', /PDFJSSCRIPT_STREAM_CONVERTER2_ID/, FIREFOX_STREAM_CONVERTER2_ID, FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfStreamConverter.jsm'); sed('-i', /PDFJSSCRIPT_PREF_PREFIX/, FIREFOX_PREF_PREFIX, FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfStreamConverter.jsm'); sed('-i', /PDFJSSCRIPT_MOZ_CENTRAL/, 'false', FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfStreamConverter.jsm'); sed('-i', /PDFJSSCRIPT_PREF_PREFIX/, FIREFOX_PREF_PREFIX, FIREFOX_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfjsChromeUtils.jsm'); // Update localized metadata var localizedMetadata = cat(EXTENSION_SRC_DIR + '/firefox/metadata.inc'); sed('-i', /.*PDFJS_LOCALIZED_METADATA.*\n/, localizedMetadata, FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR + '/install.rdf'); var chromeManifest = cat(EXTENSION_SRC_DIR + '/firefox/chrome.manifest.inc'); sed('-i', /.*PDFJS_SUPPORTED_LOCALES.*\n/, chromeManifest, FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR + '/chrome.manifest'); // Set timezone to UTC before calling zip to get reproducible results. process.env.TZ = 'UTC'; // Create the xpi cd(FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR); exec('zip -r ' + FIREFOX_EXTENSION_NAME + ' ' + FIREFOX_EXTENSION_FILES.join(' ')); echo('extension created: ' + FIREFOX_EXTENSION_NAME); cd(ROOT_DIR); // Build the amo extension too (remove the updateUrl) cd(FIREFOX_BUILD_DIR); sed('-i', /.*updateURL.*\n/, '', 'install.rdf'); exec('zip -r ' + FIREFOX_AMO_EXTENSION_NAME + ' ' + FIREFOX_EXTENSION_FILES.join(' ')); echo('AMO extension created: ' + FIREFOX_AMO_EXTENSION_NAME); cd(ROOT_DIR); }; // // make mozcentral // target.mozcentral = function() { cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Building mozilla-central extension'); var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, {MOZCENTRAL: true}); var MOZCENTRAL_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'mozcentral/', MOZCENTRAL_EXTENSION_DIR = MOZCENTRAL_DIR + 'browser/extensions/pdfjs/', MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR = MOZCENTRAL_EXTENSION_DIR + 'content/', MOZCENTRAL_L10N_DIR = MOZCENTRAL_DIR + 'browser/locales/en-US/pdfviewer/', FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR = EXTENSION_SRC_DIR + '/firefox/content/', FIREFOX_EXTENSION_FILES_TO_COPY = ['*.svg', '*.png', '*.manifest', 'README.mozilla', '../../LICENSE'], DEFAULT_LOCALE_FILES = [LOCALE_SRC_DIR + 'en-US/viewer.properties', LOCALE_SRC_DIR + 'en-US/chrome.properties'], FIREFOX_MC_EXCLUDED_FILES = ['icon.png', 'icon64.png']; exec('gulp bundle-mozcentral'); cd(ROOT_DIR); // Clear out everything in the firefox extension build directory rm('-rf', MOZCENTRAL_DIR); mkdir('-p', MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR); mkdir('-p', MOZCENTRAL_L10N_DIR); mkdir('-p', MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + BUILD_DIR); mkdir('-p', MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'); mkdir('-p', MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + '/web/cmaps'); cp(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfJsTelemetry.jsm', MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR); // Copy extension files cd('extensions/firefox'); cp('-R', FIREFOX_EXTENSION_FILES_TO_COPY, ROOT_DIR + MOZCENTRAL_EXTENSION_DIR); mv('-f', ROOT_DIR + MOZCENTRAL_EXTENSION_DIR + '/chrome-mozcentral.manifest', ROOT_DIR + MOZCENTRAL_EXTENSION_DIR + '/chrome.manifest'); cd(ROOT_DIR); var setup = { defines: defines, copy: [ [BUILD_TARGETS, MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + BUILD_DIR], [BUILD_DIR + 'viewer.js', MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'], [COMMON_WEB_FILES, MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'], ['external/bcmaps/*', MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + '/web/cmaps'], ['extensions/firefox/tools/l10n.js', MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'] ], preprocess: [ [COMMON_WEB_FILES_PREPROCESS, MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'], [FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'pdfjschildbootstrap.js', MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR], [SRC_DIR + 'core/network.js', MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR], [COMMON_FIREFOX_FILES_PREPROCESS, MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR], [FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfJs.jsm', MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR] ], preprocessCSS: [ ['mozcentral', 'web/viewer.css', MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + '/web/viewer.css'] ] }; builder.build(setup); cleanupJSSource(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + '/web/viewer.js'); cleanupJSSource(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + '/PdfJs.jsm'); cleanupJSSource(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + '/PdfjsChromeUtils.jsm'); cleanupCSSSource(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + '/web/viewer.css'); // Remove '.DS_Store' and other hidden files find(MOZCENTRAL_DIR).forEach(function(file) { if (file.match(/^\./)) { rm('-f', file); } }); // Remove excluded files cd(MOZCENTRAL_EXTENSION_DIR); FIREFOX_MC_EXCLUDED_FILES.forEach(function(file) { if (test('-f', file)) { rm('-r', file); } }); cd(ROOT_DIR); // Copy default localization files cp(DEFAULT_LOCALE_FILES, MOZCENTRAL_L10N_DIR); // Update the build version number var VERSION = getCurrentVersion(); sed('-i', /PDFJSSCRIPT_VERSION/, VERSION, MOZCENTRAL_EXTENSION_DIR + 'README.mozilla'); sed('-i', /PDFJSSCRIPT_STREAM_CONVERTER_ID/, MOZCENTRAL_STREAM_CONVERTER_ID, MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfStreamConverter.jsm'); sed('-i', /PDFJSSCRIPT_STREAM_CONVERTER2_ID/, MOZCENTRAL_STREAM_CONVERTER2_ID, MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfStreamConverter.jsm'); sed('-i', /PDFJSSCRIPT_PREF_PREFIX/, MOZCENTRAL_PREF_PREFIX, MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfStreamConverter.jsm'); sed('-i', /PDFJSSCRIPT_MOZ_CENTRAL/, 'true', MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfStreamConverter.jsm'); sed('-i', /PDFJSSCRIPT_PREF_PREFIX/, MOZCENTRAL_PREF_PREFIX, MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + 'PdfjsChromeUtils.jsm'); }; target.b2g = function() { target.generic(); target.components(); echo(); echo('### Building B2G (Firefox OS App)'); var B2G_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR = B2G_BUILD_DIR + '/content/'; // Clear out everything in the b2g build directory cd(ROOT_DIR); rm('-Rf', B2G_BUILD_DIR); mkdir('-p', B2G_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR); mkdir('-p', B2G_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'); // Simulating pdfjs-dist structure in the pdfjs-components folder. mkdir('-p', B2G_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/pdfjs-components/web'); mkdir('-p', B2G_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/pdfjs-components/build'); mkdir('-p', B2G_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/pdfjs-components/cmaps'); var setup = { defines: DEFINES, copy: [ ['extensions/b2g/images', B2G_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'], ['extensions/b2g/viewer.html', B2G_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'], ['extensions/b2g/viewer.css', B2G_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'], ['extensions/b2g/viewer.js', B2G_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'], ['web/locale', B2G_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'], ['build/generic/build/pdf.js', B2G_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/pdfjs-components/build'], ['build/generic/build/pdf.worker.js', B2G_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/pdfjs-components/build'], ['build/components/pdf_viewer.js', B2G_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/pdfjs-components/web'], ['build/components/pdf_viewer.css', B2G_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/pdfjs-components/web'], ['build/components/images', B2G_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/pdfjs-components/web'], ['external/bcmaps/*', B2G_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/pdfjs-components/cmaps'] ], preprocess: [] }; builder.build(setup); cleanupJSSource(B2G_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web/viewer.js'); }; // // make chrome // target.chromium = function() { target.locale(); cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Building Chromium extension'); var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, {CHROME: true}); var CHROME_BUILD_DIR = BUILD_DIR + '/chromium/', CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR = CHROME_BUILD_DIR + '/content/'; exec('gulp bundle-chromium'); cd(ROOT_DIR); // Clear out everything in the chrome extension build directory rm('-Rf', CHROME_BUILD_DIR); mkdir('-p', CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR); mkdir('-p', CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + BUILD_DIR); mkdir('-p', CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'); var setup = { defines: defines, copy: [ [BUILD_TARGETS, CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + BUILD_DIR], [BUILD_DIR + 'viewer.js', CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'], [COMMON_WEB_FILES, CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'], [['extensions/chromium/*.json', 'extensions/chromium/*.html', 'extensions/chromium/*.js', 'extensions/chromium/*.css', 'extensions/chromium/icon*.png',], CHROME_BUILD_DIR], ['extensions/chromium/pageAction/*.*', CHROME_BUILD_DIR + '/pageAction'], ['extensions/chromium/options/*.*', CHROME_BUILD_DIR + '/options'], ['external/webL10n/l10n.js', CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'], ['external/bcmaps/*', CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web/cmaps'], ['web/locale', CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'] ], preprocess: [ [COMMON_WEB_FILES_PREPROCESS, CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web'] ], preprocessCSS: [ ['chrome', 'web/viewer.css', CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web/viewer.css'] ] }; builder.build(setup); cleanupJSSource(CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web/viewer.js'); cleanupCSSSource(CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + '/web/viewer.css'); // Update the build version number var VERSION = getCurrentVersion(); sed('-i', /PDFJSSCRIPT_VERSION/, VERSION, CHROME_BUILD_DIR + '/manifest.json'); // Allow PDF.js resources to be loaded by adding the files to // the "web_accessible_resources" section. var file_list = ls('-RA', CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR); var public_chrome_files = file_list.reduce(function(war, file) { // Exclude directories (naive: Exclude paths without dot) if (file.indexOf('.') !== -1) { // Only add a comma after the first file if (war) { war += ',\n'; } war += JSON.stringify('content/' + file); } return war; }, ''); sed('-i', /"content\/\*"/, public_chrome_files, CHROME_BUILD_DIR + '/manifest.json'); // Bundle the files to a Chrome extension file .crx if path to key is set var pem = env['PDFJS_CHROME_KEY']; if (!pem) { return; } echo(); echo('### Bundling .crx extension into ' + CHROME_BUILD_DIR); if (!test('-f', pem)) { echo('Incorrect PDFJS_CHROME_KEY path'); exit(1); } var browserManifest = env['PDF_BROWSERS'] || 'test/resources/browser_manifests/browser_manifest.json'; if (!test('-f', browserManifest)) { echo('Browser manifest file ' + browserManifest + ' does not exist.'); echo('Copy and adjust the example in test/resources/browser_manifests.'); exit(1); } var manifest; try { manifest = JSON.parse(cat(browserManifest)); } catch (e) { echo('Malformed browser manifest file'); echo(e.message); exit(1); } var executable; manifest.forEach(function(browser) { if (browser.name === 'chrome') { executable = browser.path; } }); // If there was no chrome entry in the browser manifest, exit if (!executable) { echo('There was no \'chrome\' entry in the browser manifest'); exit(1); } // If we're on a Darwin (Mac) OS, then let's check for an .app path if (process.platform === 'darwin' && executable.indexOf('.app') !== -1) { executable = executable + '/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome'; } // If the chrome executable doesn't exist if (!test('-f', executable)) { echo('Incorrect executable path to chrome'); exit(1); } // Let chrome pack the extension for us exec('"' + executable + '"' + ' --no-message-box' + ' "--pack-extension=' + ROOT_DIR + CHROME_BUILD_DIR + '"' + ' "--pack-extension-key=' + pem + '"'); // Rename to pdf.js.crx mv(BUILD_DIR + 'chrome.crx', CHROME_BUILD_DIR + 'pdf.js.crx'); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Test stuff // // // make test // target.test = function() { target.unittest({}, function() { target.browsertest(); }); }; // // make bottest // (Special tests for the Github bot) // target.bottest = function() { target.unittest({}, function() { target.fonttest({}, function() { target.browsertest({noreftest: true}); }); }); }; // // make browsertest // target.browsertest = function(options) { cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Running browser tests'); var PDF_TEST = env['PDF_TEST'] || 'test_manifest.json', PDF_BROWSERS = env['PDF_BROWSERS'] || 'resources/browser_manifests/browser_manifest.json'; if (!test('-f', 'test/' + PDF_BROWSERS)) { echo('Browser manifest file test/' + PDF_BROWSERS + ' does not exist.'); echo('Copy and adjust the example in test/resources/browser_manifests.'); exit(1); } var reftest = (options && options.noreftest) ? '' : '--reftest'; cd('test'); exec('node test.js ' + reftest + ' --browserManifestFile=' + PDF_BROWSERS + ' --manifestFile=' + PDF_TEST, {async: true}); }; // // make unittest // target.unittest = function(options, callback) { cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Running unit tests'); var PDF_TEST = env['PDF_TEST'] || 'test_manifest.json'; var PDF_BROWSERS = env['PDF_BROWSERS'] || 'resources/browser_manifests/browser_manifest.json'; if (!test('-f', 'test/' + PDF_BROWSERS)) { echo('Browser manifest file test/' + PDF_BROWSERS + ' does not exist.'); echo('Copy and adjust the example in test/resources/browser_manifests.'); exit(1); } callback = callback || function() {}; cd('test'); exec('node test.js --unitTest --browserManifestFile=' + PDF_BROWSERS + ' --manifestFile=' + PDF_TEST, {async: true}, callback); }; // // make fonttest // target.fonttest = function(options, callback) { cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Running font tests'); var PDF_BROWSERS = env['PDF_BROWSERS'] || 'resources/browser_manifests/browser_manifest.json'; if (!test('-f', 'test/' + PDF_BROWSERS)) { echo('Browser manifest file test/' + PDF_BROWSERS + ' does not exist.'); echo('Copy and adjust the example in test/resources/browser_manifests.'); exit(1); } callback = callback || function() {}; cd('test'); exec('node test.js --fontTest --browserManifestFile=' + PDF_BROWSERS, {async: true}, callback); }; // // make botmakeref // target.botmakeref = function() { cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Creating reference images'); var PDF_BROWSERS = env['PDF_BROWSERS'] || 'resources/browser_manifests/browser_manifest.json'; if (!test('-f', 'test/' + PDF_BROWSERS)) { echo('Browser manifest file test/' + PDF_BROWSERS + ' does not exist.'); echo('Copy and adjust the example in test/resources/browser_manifests.'); exit(1); } cd('test'); exec('node test.js --masterMode --noPrompts ' + '--browserManifestFile=' + PDF_BROWSERS, {async: true}); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Baseline operation // target.baseline = function() { cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Creating baseline environment'); var baselineCommit = env['BASELINE']; if (!baselineCommit) { echo('Baseline commit is not provided. Please specify BASELINE variable'); exit(1); } if (!test('-d', BUILD_DIR)) { mkdir(BUILD_DIR); } var BASELINE_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'baseline'; if (test('-d', BASELINE_DIR)) { cd(BASELINE_DIR); exec('git fetch origin'); } else { cd(BUILD_DIR); exec('git clone .. baseline'); cd(ROOT_DIR + BASELINE_DIR); } exec('git checkout ' + baselineCommit); }; target.mozcentralbaseline = function() { target.baseline(); cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Creating mozcentral baseline environment'); var BASELINE_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'baseline'; var MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'mozcentral.baseline'; if (test('-d', MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR)) { rm('-rf', MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR); } cd(BASELINE_DIR); if (test('-d', 'build')) { rm('-rf', 'build'); } exec('node make mozcentral'); cd(ROOT_DIR); mkdir(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR); cp('-Rf', BASELINE_DIR + '/build/mozcentral/*', MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR); // fixing baseline if (test('-f', MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR + '/browser/extensions/pdfjs/PdfStreamConverter.js')) { rm(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR + '/browser/extensions/pdfjs/PdfStreamConverter.js'); } cd(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR); exec('git init'); exec('git add .'); exec('git commit -m "mozcentral baseline"'); }; target.mozcentraldiff = function() { target.mozcentral(); cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Creating mozcentral diff'); var MOZCENTRAL_DIFF = BUILD_DIR + 'mozcentral.diff'; if (test('-f', MOZCENTRAL_DIFF)) { rm(MOZCENTRAL_DIFF); } var MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'mozcentral.baseline'; if (!test('-d', MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR)) { echo('mozcentral baseline was not found'); echo('Please build one using "gulp mozcentralbaseline"'); exit(1); } cd(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR); exec('git reset --hard'); cd(ROOT_DIR); rm('-rf', MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR + '/*'); // trying to be safe cd(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR); cp('-Rf', '../mozcentral/*', '.'); exec('git add -A'); exec('git diff --binary --cached --unified=8', {silent: true}).output. to('../mozcentral.diff'); echo('Result diff can be found at ' + MOZCENTRAL_DIFF); }; target.mozcentralcheck = function() { cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Checking mozcentral changes'); var mcPath = env['MC_PATH']; if (!mcPath) { echo('mozilla-central path is not provided.'); echo('Please specify MC_PATH variable'); exit(1); } if ((mcPath[0] !== '/' && mcPath[0] !== '~' && mcPath[1] !== ':') || !test('-d', mcPath)) { echo('mozilla-central path is not in absolute form or does not exist.'); exit(1); } var MOZCENTRAL_DIFF = BUILD_DIR + 'mozcentral_changes.diff'; if (test('-f', MOZCENTRAL_DIFF)) { rm(MOZCENTRAL_DIFF); } var MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'mozcentral.baseline'; if (!test('-d', MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR)) { echo('mozcentral baseline was not found'); echo('Please build one using "gulp mozcentralbaseline"'); exit(1); } cd(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR); exec('git reset --hard'); cd(ROOT_DIR); rm('-rf', MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR + '/*'); // trying to be safe cd(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR); mkdir('browser'); cd('browser'); mkdir('-p', 'extensions/pdfjs'); cp('-Rf', mcPath + '/browser/extensions/pdfjs/*', 'extensions/pdfjs'); mkdir('-p', 'locales/en-US/pdfviewer'); cp('-Rf', mcPath + '/browser/locales/en-US/pdfviewer/*', 'locales/en-US/pdfviewer'); // Remove '.DS_Store' and other hidden files find('.').forEach(function(file) { if (file.match(/^\.\w|~$/)) { rm('-f', file); } }); cd('..'); exec('git add -A'); var diff = exec('git diff --binary --cached --unified=8', {silent: true}).output; if (diff) { echo('There were changes found at mozilla-central.'); diff.to('../mozcentral_changes.diff'); echo('Result diff can be found at ' + MOZCENTRAL_DIFF); exit(1); } echo('Success: there are no changes at mozilla-central'); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Other // // // make server // target.server = function () { exit(exec('gulp server')); }; // // make lint // target.lint = function() { cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Linting JS files'); var jshintPath = path.normalize('./node_modules/.bin/jshint'); // Lint the Firefox specific *.jsm files. var options = '--extra-ext .jsm'; var exitCode = exec('"' + jshintPath + '" ' + options + ' .').code; if (exitCode !== 0) { exit(1); } echo(); echo('### Checking UMD dependencies'); var umd = require('./external/umdutils/verifier.js'); if (!umd.validateFiles({'pdfjs': './src', 'pdfjs-web': './web'})) { exit(1); } echo('files checked, no errors found'); }; // // make clean // target.clean = function() { exit(exec('gulp clean')); }; // // make makefile // target.makefile = function () { exit(exec('gulp makefile')); }; // //make importl10n // target.importl10n = function() { exit(exec('gulp importl10n')); }; exports.stripCommentHeaders = stripCommentHeaders; exports.builder = builder;