/* Copyright 2017 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { DOMCanvasFactory, DOMSVGFactory, getFilenameFromUrl, getPdfFilenameFromUrl, isValidFetchUrl, PDFDateString, } from "../../src/display/display_utils.js"; import { createObjectURL } from "../../src/shared/util.js"; import { isNodeJS } from "../../src/shared/is_node.js"; describe("display_utils", function () { describe("DOMCanvasFactory", function () { let canvasFactory; beforeAll(function (done) { canvasFactory = new DOMCanvasFactory(); done(); }); afterAll(function () { canvasFactory = null; }); it("`create` should throw an error if the dimensions are invalid", function () { // Invalid width. expect(function () { return canvasFactory.create(-1, 1); }).toThrow(new Error("Invalid canvas size")); // Invalid height. expect(function () { return canvasFactory.create(1, -1); }).toThrow(new Error("Invalid canvas size")); }); it("`create` should return a canvas if the dimensions are valid", function () { if (isNodeJS) { pending("Document is not supported in Node.js."); } const { canvas, context } = canvasFactory.create(20, 40); expect(canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement).toBe(true); expect(context instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D).toBe(true); expect(canvas.width).toBe(20); expect(canvas.height).toBe(40); }); it("`reset` should throw an error if no canvas is provided", function () { const canvasAndContext = { canvas: null, context: null }; expect(function () { return canvasFactory.reset(canvasAndContext, 20, 40); }).toThrow(new Error("Canvas is not specified")); }); it("`reset` should throw an error if the dimensions are invalid", function () { const canvasAndContext = { canvas: "foo", context: "bar" }; // Invalid width. expect(function () { return canvasFactory.reset(canvasAndContext, -1, 1); }).toThrow(new Error("Invalid canvas size")); // Invalid height. expect(function () { return canvasFactory.reset(canvasAndContext, 1, -1); }).toThrow(new Error("Invalid canvas size")); }); it("`reset` should alter the canvas/context if the dimensions are valid", function () { if (isNodeJS) { pending("Document is not supported in Node.js."); } const canvasAndContext = canvasFactory.create(20, 40); canvasFactory.reset(canvasAndContext, 60, 80); const { canvas, context } = canvasAndContext; expect(canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement).toBe(true); expect(context instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D).toBe(true); expect(canvas.width).toBe(60); expect(canvas.height).toBe(80); }); it("`destroy` should throw an error if no canvas is provided", function () { expect(function () { return canvasFactory.destroy({}); }).toThrow(new Error("Canvas is not specified")); }); it("`destroy` should clear the canvas/context", function () { if (isNodeJS) { pending("Document is not supported in Node.js."); } const canvasAndContext = canvasFactory.create(20, 40); canvasFactory.destroy(canvasAndContext); const { canvas, context } = canvasAndContext; expect(canvas).toBe(null); expect(context).toBe(null); }); }); describe("DOMSVGFactory", function () { let svgFactory; beforeAll(function (done) { svgFactory = new DOMSVGFactory(); done(); }); afterAll(function () { svgFactory = null; }); it("`create` should throw an error if the dimensions are invalid", function () { // Invalid width. expect(function () { return svgFactory.create(-1, 0); }).toThrow(new Error("Invalid SVG dimensions")); // Invalid height. expect(function () { return svgFactory.create(0, -1); }).toThrow(new Error("Invalid SVG dimensions")); }); it("`create` should return an SVG element if the dimensions are valid", function () { if (isNodeJS) { pending("Document is not supported in Node.js."); } const svg = svgFactory.create(20, 40); expect(svg instanceof SVGSVGElement).toBe(true); expect(svg.getAttribute("version")).toBe("1.1"); expect(svg.getAttribute("width")).toBe("20px"); expect(svg.getAttribute("height")).toBe("40px"); expect(svg.getAttribute("preserveAspectRatio")).toBe("none"); expect(svg.getAttribute("viewBox")).toBe("0 0 20 40"); }); it("`createElement` should throw an error if the type is not a string", function () { expect(function () { return svgFactory.createElement(true); }).toThrow(new Error("Invalid SVG element type")); }); it("`createElement` should return an SVG element if the type is valid", function () { if (isNodeJS) { pending("Document is not supported in Node.js."); } const svg = svgFactory.createElement("svg:rect"); expect(svg instanceof SVGRectElement).toBe(true); }); }); describe("getFilenameFromUrl", function () { it("should get the filename from an absolute URL", function () { const url = "https://server.org/filename.pdf"; expect(getFilenameFromUrl(url)).toEqual("filename.pdf"); }); it("should get the filename from a relative URL", function () { const url = "../../filename.pdf"; expect(getFilenameFromUrl(url)).toEqual("filename.pdf"); }); it("should get the filename from a URL with an anchor", function () { const url = "https://server.org/filename.pdf#foo"; expect(getFilenameFromUrl(url)).toEqual("filename.pdf"); }); it("should get the filename from a URL with query parameters", function () { const url = "https://server.org/filename.pdf?foo=bar"; expect(getFilenameFromUrl(url)).toEqual("filename.pdf"); }); }); describe("getPdfFilenameFromUrl", function () { it("gets PDF filename", function () { // Relative URL expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl("/pdfs/file1.pdf")).toEqual("file1.pdf"); // Absolute URL expect( getPdfFilenameFromUrl("http://www.example.com/pdfs/file2.pdf") ).toEqual("file2.pdf"); }); it("gets fallback filename", function () { // Relative URL expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl("/pdfs/file1.txt")).toEqual("document.pdf"); // Absolute URL expect( getPdfFilenameFromUrl("http://www.example.com/pdfs/file2.txt") ).toEqual("document.pdf"); }); it("gets custom fallback filename", function () { // Relative URL expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl("/pdfs/file1.txt", "qwerty1.pdf")).toEqual( "qwerty1.pdf" ); // Absolute URL expect( getPdfFilenameFromUrl( "http://www.example.com/pdfs/file2.txt", "qwerty2.pdf" ) ).toEqual("qwerty2.pdf"); // An empty string should be a valid custom fallback filename. expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl("/pdfs/file3.txt", "")).toEqual(""); }); it("gets fallback filename when url is not a string", function () { expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl(null)).toEqual("document.pdf"); expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl(null, "file.pdf")).toEqual("file.pdf"); }); it("gets PDF filename from URL containing leading/trailing whitespace", function () { // Relative URL expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl(" /pdfs/file1.pdf ")).toEqual( "file1.pdf" ); // Absolute URL expect( getPdfFilenameFromUrl(" http://www.example.com/pdfs/file2.pdf ") ).toEqual("file2.pdf"); }); it("gets PDF filename from query string", function () { // Relative URL expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl("/pdfs/pdfs.html?name=file1.pdf")).toEqual( "file1.pdf" ); // Absolute URL expect( getPdfFilenameFromUrl("http://www.example.com/pdfs/pdf.html?file2.pdf") ).toEqual("file2.pdf"); }); it("gets PDF filename from hash string", function () { // Relative URL expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl("/pdfs/pdfs.html#name=file1.pdf")).toEqual( "file1.pdf" ); // Absolute URL expect( getPdfFilenameFromUrl("http://www.example.com/pdfs/pdf.html#file2.pdf") ).toEqual("file2.pdf"); }); it("gets correct PDF filename when multiple ones are present", function () { // Relative URL expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl("/pdfs/file1.pdf?name=file.pdf")).toEqual( "file1.pdf" ); // Absolute URL expect( getPdfFilenameFromUrl("http://www.example.com/pdfs/file2.pdf#file.pdf") ).toEqual("file2.pdf"); }); it("gets PDF filename from URI-encoded data", function () { const encodedUrl = encodeURIComponent( "http://www.example.com/pdfs/file1.pdf" ); expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl(encodedUrl)).toEqual("file1.pdf"); const encodedUrlWithQuery = encodeURIComponent( "http://www.example.com/pdfs/file.txt?file2.pdf" ); expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl(encodedUrlWithQuery)).toEqual("file2.pdf"); }); it("gets PDF filename from data mistaken for URI-encoded", function () { expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl("/pdfs/%AA.pdf")).toEqual("%AA.pdf"); expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl("/pdfs/%2F.pdf")).toEqual("%2F.pdf"); }); it("gets PDF filename from (some) standard protocols", function () { // HTTP expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl("http://www.example.com/file1.pdf")).toEqual( "file1.pdf" ); // HTTPS expect( getPdfFilenameFromUrl("https://www.example.com/file2.pdf") ).toEqual("file2.pdf"); // File expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl("file:///path/to/files/file3.pdf")).toEqual( "file3.pdf" ); // FTP expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl("ftp://www.example.com/file4.pdf")).toEqual( "file4.pdf" ); }); it('gets PDF filename from query string appended to "blob:" URL', function () { if (isNodeJS) { pending("Blob in not supported in Node.js."); } const typedArray = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); const blobUrl = createObjectURL(typedArray, "application/pdf"); // Sanity check to ensure that a "blob:" URL was returned. expect(blobUrl.startsWith("blob:")).toEqual(true); expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl(blobUrl + "?file.pdf")).toEqual("file.pdf"); }); it('gets fallback filename from query string appended to "data:" URL', function () { const typedArray = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); const dataUrl = createObjectURL( typedArray, "application/pdf", /* forceDataSchema = */ true ); // Sanity check to ensure that a "data:" URL was returned. expect(dataUrl.startsWith("data:")).toEqual(true); expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl(dataUrl + "?file1.pdf")).toEqual( "document.pdf" ); // Should correctly detect a "data:" URL with leading whitespace. expect(getPdfFilenameFromUrl(" " + dataUrl + "?file2.pdf")).toEqual( "document.pdf" ); }); }); describe("isValidFetchUrl", function () { it("handles invalid Fetch URLs", function () { expect(isValidFetchUrl(null)).toEqual(false); expect(isValidFetchUrl(100)).toEqual(false); expect(isValidFetchUrl("foo")).toEqual(false); expect(isValidFetchUrl("/foo", 100)).toEqual(false); }); it("handles relative Fetch URLs", function () { expect(isValidFetchUrl("/foo", "file://www.example.com")).toEqual(false); expect(isValidFetchUrl("/foo", "http://www.example.com")).toEqual(true); }); it("handles unsupported Fetch protocols", function () { expect(isValidFetchUrl("file://www.example.com")).toEqual(false); expect(isValidFetchUrl("ftp://www.example.com")).toEqual(false); }); it("handles supported Fetch protocols", function () { expect(isValidFetchUrl("http://www.example.com")).toEqual(true); expect(isValidFetchUrl("https://www.example.com")).toEqual(true); }); }); describe("PDFDateString", function () { describe("toDateObject", function () { it("converts PDF date strings to JavaScript `Date` objects", function () { const expectations = { undefined: null, null: null, 42: null, 2019: null, D2019: null, "D:": null, "D:201": null, "D:2019": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)), "D:20190": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)), "D:201900": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)), "D:201913": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)), "D:201902": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)), "D:2019020": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)), "D:20190200": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)), "D:20190232": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)), "D:20190203": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0)), // Invalid dates like the 31th of April are handled by JavaScript: "D:20190431": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0)), "D:201902030": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0)), "D:2019020300": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0)), "D:2019020324": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0)), "D:2019020304": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 4, 0, 0)), "D:20190203040": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 4, 0, 0)), "D:201902030400": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 4, 0, 0)), "D:201902030460": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 4, 0, 0)), "D:201902030405": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 4, 5, 0)), "D:2019020304050": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 4, 5, 0)), "D:20190203040500": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 4, 5, 0)), "D:20190203040560": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 4, 5, 0)), "D:20190203040506": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6)), "D:20190203040506F": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6)), "D:20190203040506Z": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6)), "D:20190203040506-": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6)), "D:20190203040506+": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6)), "D:20190203040506+'": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6)), "D:20190203040506+0": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6)), "D:20190203040506+01": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 3, 5, 6)), "D:20190203040506+00'": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6)), "D:20190203040506+24'": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6)), "D:20190203040506+01'": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 3, 5, 6)), "D:20190203040506+01'0": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 3, 5, 6)), "D:20190203040506+01'00": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 3, 5, 6)), "D:20190203040506+01'60": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 3, 5, 6)), "D:20190203040506+0102": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 3, 3, 6)), "D:20190203040506+01'02": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 3, 3, 6)), "D:20190203040506+01'02'": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 3, 3, 3, 6)), // Offset hour and minute that result in a day change: "D:20190203040506+05'07": new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 2, 22, 58, 6)), }; for (const [input, expectation] of Object.entries(expectations)) { const result = PDFDateString.toDateObject(input); if (result) { expect(result.getTime()).toEqual(expectation.getTime()); } else { expect(result).toEqual(expectation); } } }); }); }); });