/* Copyright 2014 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* globals PDFJS */ 'use strict'; (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('pdfjs/display/annotation_layer', ['exports', 'pdfjs/shared/util', 'pdfjs/display/dom_utils'], factory); } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { factory(exports, require('../shared/util.js'), require('./dom_utils.js')); } else { factory((root.pdfjsDisplayAnnotationLayer = {}), root.pdfjsSharedUtil, root.pdfjsDisplayDOMUtils); } }(this, function (exports, sharedUtil, displayDOMUtils) { var AnnotationBorderStyleType = sharedUtil.AnnotationBorderStyleType; var AnnotationType = sharedUtil.AnnotationType; var Util = sharedUtil.Util; var isExternalLinkTargetSet = sharedUtil.isExternalLinkTargetSet; var LinkTargetStringMap = sharedUtil.LinkTargetStringMap; var warn = sharedUtil.warn; var CustomStyle = displayDOMUtils.CustomStyle; var ANNOT_MIN_SIZE = 10; // px var AnnotationLayer = (function AnnotationLayerClosure() { // TODO(mack): This dupes some of the logic in CanvasGraphics.setFont() function setTextStyles(element, item, fontObj) { var style = element.style; style.fontSize = item.fontSize + 'px'; style.direction = item.fontDirection < 0 ? 'rtl': 'ltr'; if (!fontObj) { return; } style.fontWeight = fontObj.black ? (fontObj.bold ? 'bolder' : 'bold') : (fontObj.bold ? 'bold' : 'normal'); style.fontStyle = fontObj.italic ? 'italic' : 'normal'; var fontName = fontObj.loadedName; var fontFamily = fontName ? '"' + fontName + '", ' : ''; // Use a reasonable default font if the font doesn't specify a fallback var fallbackName = fontObj.fallbackName || 'Helvetica, sans-serif'; style.fontFamily = fontFamily + fallbackName; } function getContainer(data, page, viewport) { var container = document.createElement('section'); var width = data.rect[2] - data.rect[0]; var height = data.rect[3] - data.rect[1]; container.setAttribute('data-annotation-id', data.id); data.rect = Util.normalizeRect([ data.rect[0], page.view[3] - data.rect[1] + page.view[1], data.rect[2], page.view[3] - data.rect[3] + page.view[1] ]); CustomStyle.setProp('transform', container, 'matrix(' + viewport.transform.join(',') + ')'); CustomStyle.setProp('transformOrigin', container, -data.rect[0] + 'px ' + -data.rect[1] + 'px'); if (data.borderStyle.width > 0) { container.style.borderWidth = data.borderStyle.width + 'px'; if (data.borderStyle.style !== AnnotationBorderStyleType.UNDERLINE) { // Underline styles only have a bottom border, so we do not need // to adjust for all borders. This yields a similar result as // Adobe Acrobat/Reader. width = width - 2 * data.borderStyle.width; height = height - 2 * data.borderStyle.width; } var horizontalRadius = data.borderStyle.horizontalCornerRadius; var verticalRadius = data.borderStyle.verticalCornerRadius; if (horizontalRadius > 0 || verticalRadius > 0) { var radius = horizontalRadius + 'px / ' + verticalRadius + 'px'; CustomStyle.setProp('borderRadius', container, radius); } switch (data.borderStyle.style) { case AnnotationBorderStyleType.SOLID: container.style.borderStyle = 'solid'; break; case AnnotationBorderStyleType.DASHED: container.style.borderStyle = 'dashed'; break; case AnnotationBorderStyleType.BEVELED: warn('Unimplemented border style: beveled'); break; case AnnotationBorderStyleType.INSET: warn('Unimplemented border style: inset'); break; case AnnotationBorderStyleType.UNDERLINE: container.style.borderBottomStyle = 'solid'; break; default: break; } if (data.color) { container.style.borderColor = Util.makeCssRgb(data.color[0] | 0, data.color[1] | 0, data.color[2] | 0); } else { // Transparent (invisible) border, so do not draw it at all. container.style.borderWidth = 0; } } container.style.left = data.rect[0] + 'px'; container.style.top = data.rect[1] + 'px'; container.style.width = width + 'px'; container.style.height = height + 'px'; return container; } function getHtmlElementForTextWidgetAnnotation(item, page, viewport) { var container = getContainer(item, page, viewport); var content = document.createElement('div'); content.textContent = item.fieldValue; var textAlignment = item.textAlignment; content.style.textAlign = ['left', 'center', 'right'][textAlignment]; content.style.verticalAlign = 'middle'; content.style.display = 'table-cell'; var fontObj = item.fontRefName ? page.commonObjs.getData(item.fontRefName) : null; setTextStyles(content, item, fontObj); container.appendChild(content); return container; } function getHtmlElementForTextAnnotation(item, page, viewport) { var rect = item.rect; // sanity check because of OOo-generated PDFs if ((rect[3] - rect[1]) < ANNOT_MIN_SIZE) { rect[3] = rect[1] + ANNOT_MIN_SIZE; } if ((rect[2] - rect[0]) < ANNOT_MIN_SIZE) { rect[2] = rect[0] + (rect[3] - rect[1]); // make it square } var container = getContainer(item, page, viewport); container.className = 'annotText'; var image = document.createElement('img'); image.style.height = container.style.height; image.style.width = container.style.width; var iconName = item.name; image.src = PDFJS.imageResourcesPath + 'annotation-' + iconName.toLowerCase() + '.svg'; image.alt = '[{{type}} Annotation]'; image.dataset.l10nId = 'text_annotation_type'; image.dataset.l10nArgs = JSON.stringify({type: iconName}); var contentWrapper = document.createElement('div'); contentWrapper.className = 'annotTextContentWrapper'; contentWrapper.style.left = Math.floor(rect[2] - rect[0] + 5) + 'px'; contentWrapper.style.top = '-10px'; var content = document.createElement('div'); content.className = 'annotTextContent'; content.setAttribute('hidden', true); var i, ii; if (item.hasBgColor && item.color) { var color = item.color; // Enlighten the color (70%) var BACKGROUND_ENLIGHT = 0.7; var r = BACKGROUND_ENLIGHT * (255 - color[0]) + color[0]; var g = BACKGROUND_ENLIGHT * (255 - color[1]) + color[1]; var b = BACKGROUND_ENLIGHT * (255 - color[2]) + color[2]; content.style.backgroundColor = Util.makeCssRgb(r | 0, g | 0, b | 0); } var title = document.createElement('h1'); var text = document.createElement('p'); title.textContent = item.title; if (!item.content && !item.title) { content.setAttribute('hidden', true); } else { var e = document.createElement('span'); var lines = item.content.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/); for (i = 0, ii = lines.length; i < ii; ++i) { var line = lines[i]; e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(line)); if (i < (ii - 1)) { e.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); } } text.appendChild(e); var pinned = false; var showAnnotation = function showAnnotation(pin) { if (pin) { pinned = true; } if (content.hasAttribute('hidden')) { container.style.zIndex += 1; content.removeAttribute('hidden'); } }; var hideAnnotation = function hideAnnotation(unpin) { if (unpin) { pinned = false; } if (!content.hasAttribute('hidden') && !pinned) { container.style.zIndex -= 1; content.setAttribute('hidden', true); } }; var toggleAnnotation = function toggleAnnotation() { if (pinned) { hideAnnotation(true); } else { showAnnotation(true); } }; image.addEventListener('click', function image_clickHandler() { toggleAnnotation(); }, false); image.addEventListener('mouseover', function image_mouseOverHandler() { showAnnotation(); }, false); image.addEventListener('mouseout', function image_mouseOutHandler() { hideAnnotation(); }, false); content.addEventListener('click', function content_clickHandler() { hideAnnotation(true); }, false); } content.appendChild(title); content.appendChild(text); contentWrapper.appendChild(content); container.appendChild(image); container.appendChild(contentWrapper); return container; } function getHtmlElementForLinkAnnotation(item, page, viewport, linkService) { function bindLink(link, dest) { link.href = linkService.getDestinationHash(dest); link.onclick = function annotationsLayerBuilderLinksOnclick() { if (dest) { linkService.navigateTo(dest); } return false; }; if (dest) { link.className = 'internalLink'; } } function bindNamedAction(link, action) { link.href = linkService.getAnchorUrl(''); link.onclick = function annotationsLayerBuilderNamedActionOnClick() { linkService.executeNamedAction(action); return false; }; link.className = 'internalLink'; } var container = getContainer(item, page, viewport); container.className = 'annotLink'; var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = link.title = item.url || ''; if (item.url && isExternalLinkTargetSet()) { link.target = LinkTargetStringMap[PDFJS.externalLinkTarget]; } // Strip referrer if (item.url) { link.rel = PDFJS.externalLinkRel; } if (!item.url) { if (item.action) { bindNamedAction(link, item.action); } else { bindLink(link, ('dest' in item) ? item.dest : null); } } container.appendChild(link); return container; } function getHtmlElement(data, page, viewport, linkService) { switch (data.annotationType) { case AnnotationType.WIDGET: return getHtmlElementForTextWidgetAnnotation(data, page, viewport); case AnnotationType.TEXT: return getHtmlElementForTextAnnotation(data, page, viewport); case AnnotationType.LINK: return getHtmlElementForLinkAnnotation(data, page, viewport, linkService); default: throw new Error('Unsupported annotationType: ' + data.annotationType); } } function render(viewport, div, annotations, page, linkService) { for (var i = 0, ii = annotations.length; i < ii; i++) { var data = annotations[i]; if (!data || !data.hasHtml) { continue; } var element = getHtmlElement(data, page, viewport, linkService); div.appendChild(element); } } function update(viewport, div, annotations) { for (var i = 0, ii = annotations.length; i < ii; i++) { var data = annotations[i]; var element = div.querySelector( '[data-annotation-id="' + data.id + '"]'); if (element) { CustomStyle.setProp('transform', element, 'matrix(' + viewport.transform.join(',') + ')'); } } div.removeAttribute('hidden'); } return { render: render, update: update }; })(); PDFJS.AnnotationLayer = AnnotationLayer; exports.AnnotationLayer = AnnotationLayer; }));