/* Copyright 2020 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { Color } from "./color.js"; import { EventDispatcher } from "./event.js"; import { FullScreen } from "./fullscreen.js"; import { PDFObject } from "./pdf_object.js"; import { Thermometer } from "./thermometer.js"; const VIEWER_TYPE = "PDF.js"; const VIEWER_VARIATION = "Full"; const VIEWER_VERSION = "10.0"; const FORMS_VERSION = undefined; class App extends PDFObject { constructor(data) { super(data); this._constants = null; this._focusRect = true; this._fs = null; this._language = App._getLanguage(data.language); this._openInPlace = false; this._platform = App._getPlatform(data.platform); this._runtimeHighlight = false; this._runtimeHighlightColor = ["T"]; this._thermometer = null; this._toolbar = false; this._document = data._document; this._proxyHandler = data.proxyHandler; this._objects = Object.create(null); this._eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher( this._document, data.calculationOrder, this._objects ); this._timeoutIds = new WeakMap(); if (typeof FinalizationRegistry !== "undefined") { // About setTimeOut/setInterval return values (specs): // The return value of this method must be held in a // JavaScript variable. // Otherwise, the timeout object is subject to garbage-collection, // which would cause the clock to stop. this._timeoutIdsRegistry = new FinalizationRegistry( this._cleanTimeout.bind(this) ); } else { this._timeoutIdsRegistry = null; } this._timeoutCallbackIds = new Map(); this._timeoutCallbackId = 0; this._globalEval = data.globalEval; this._externalCall = data.externalCall; this._document = data._document; } // This function is called thanks to the proxy // when we call app['random_string'] to dispatch the event. _dispatchEvent(pdfEvent) { this._eventDispatcher.dispatch(pdfEvent); } _registerTimeoutCallback(cExpr) { const id = this._timeoutCallbackId++; this._timeoutCallbackIds.set(id, cExpr); return id; } _unregisterTimeoutCallback(id) { this._timeoutCallbackIds.delete(id); } _evalCallback({ callbackId, interval }) { const expr = this._timeoutCallbackIds.get(callbackId); if (!interval) { this._unregisterTimeoutCallback(callbackId); } if (expr) { this._globalEval(expr); } } _registerTimeout(callbackId, interval) { const timeout = Object.create(null); const id = { callbackId, interval }; this._timeoutIds.set(timeout, id); if (this._timeoutIdsRegistry) { this._timeoutIdsRegistry.register(timeout, id); } return timeout; } _unregisterTimeout(timeout) { if (this._timeoutIdsRegistry) { this._timeoutIdsRegistry.unregister(timeout); } const data = this._timeoutIds.get(timeout); if (!data) { return; } this._timeoutIds.delete(timeout); this._cleanTimeout(data); } _cleanTimeout({ callbackId, interval }) { this._unregisterTimeoutCallback(callbackId); if (interval) { this._externalCall("clearInterval", [callbackId]); } else { this._externalCall("clearTimeout", [callbackId]); } } static _getPlatform(platform) { if (typeof platform === "string") { platform = platform.toLowerCase(); if (platform.includes("win")) { return "WIN"; } else if (platform.includes("mac")) { return "MAC"; } } return "UNIX"; } static _getLanguage(language) { const [main, sub] = language.toLowerCase().split(/[-_]/); switch (main) { case "zh": if (sub === "cn" || sub === "sg") { return "CHS"; } return "CHT"; case "da": return "DAN"; case "de": return "DEU"; case "es": return "ESP"; case "fr": return "FRA"; case "it": return "ITA"; case "ko": return "KOR"; case "ja": return "JPN"; case "nl": return "NLD"; case "no": return "NOR"; case "pt": if (sub === "br") { return "PTB"; } return "ENU"; case "fi": return "SUO"; case "SV": return "SVE"; default: return "ENU"; } } get activeDocs() { return [this._document.wrapped]; } set activeDocs(_) { throw new Error("app.activeDocs is read-only"); } get calculate() { return this._document.obj.calculate; } set calculate(calculate) { this._document.obj.calculate = calculate; } get constants() { if (!this._constants) { this._constants = Object.freeze({ align: Object.freeze({ left: 0, center: 1, right: 2, top: 3, bottom: 4, }), }); } return this._constants; } set constants(_) { throw new Error("app.constants is read-only"); } get focusRect() { return this._focusRect; } set focusRect(val) { /* TODO or not */ this._focusRect = val; } get formsVersion() { return FORMS_VERSION; } set formsVersion(_) { throw new Error("app.formsVersion is read-only"); } get fromPDFConverters() { return []; } set fromPDFConverters(_) { throw new Error("app.fromPDFConverters is read-only"); } get fs() { if (this._fs === null) { this._fs = new Proxy( new FullScreen({ send: this._send }), this._proxyHandler ); } return this._fs; } set fs(_) { throw new Error("app.fs is read-only"); } get language() { return this._language; } set language(_) { throw new Error("app.language is read-only"); } get media() { return undefined; } set media(_) { throw new Error("app.media is read-only"); } get monitors() { return []; } set monitors(_) { throw new Error("app.monitors is read-only"); } get numPlugins() { return 0; } set numPlugins(_) { throw new Error("app.numPlugins is read-only"); } get openInPlace() { return this._openInPlace; } set openInPlace(val) { this._openInPlace = val; /* TODO */ } get platform() { return this._platform; } set platform(_) { throw new Error("app.platform is read-only"); } get plugins() { return []; } set plugins(_) { throw new Error("app.plugins is read-only"); } get printColorProfiles() { return []; } set printColorProfiles(_) { throw new Error("app.printColorProfiles is read-only"); } get printerNames() { return []; } set printerNames(_) { throw new Error("app.printerNames is read-only"); } get runtimeHighlight() { return this._runtimeHighlight; } set runtimeHighlight(val) { this._runtimeHighlight = val; /* TODO */ } get runtimeHighlightColor() { return this._runtimeHighlightColor; } set runtimeHighlightColor(val) { if (Color._isValidColor(val)) { this._runtimeHighlightColor = val; /* TODO */ } } get thermometer() { if (this._thermometer === null) { this._thermometer = new Proxy( new Thermometer({ send: this._send }), this._proxyHandler ); } return this._thermometer; } set thermometer(_) { throw new Error("app.thermometer is read-only"); } get toolbar() { return this._toolbar; } set toolbar(val) { this._toolbar = val; /* TODO */ } get toolbarHorizontal() { return this.toolbar; } set toolbarHorizontal(value) { /* has been deprecated and it's now equivalent to toolbar */ this.toolbar = value; } get toolbarVertical() { return this.toolbar; } set toolbarVertical(value) { /* has been deprecated and it's now equivalent to toolbar */ this.toolbar = value; } get viewerType() { return VIEWER_TYPE; } set viewerType(_) { throw new Error("app.viewerType is read-only"); } get viewerVariation() { return VIEWER_VARIATION; } set viewerVariation(_) { throw new Error("app.viewerVariation is read-only"); } get viewerVersion() { return VIEWER_VERSION; } set viewerVersion(_) { throw new Error("app.viewerVersion is read-only"); } addMenuItem() { /* Not implemented */ } addSubMenu() { /* Not implemented */ } addToolButton() { /* Not implemented */ } alert( cMsg, nIcon = 0, nType = 0, cTitle = "PDF.js", oDoc = null, oCheckbox = null ) { if (typeof cMsg === "object") { nType = cMsg.nType; cMsg = cMsg.cMsg; } cMsg = (cMsg || "").toString(); nType = typeof nType !== "number" || isNaN(nType) || nType < 0 || nType > 3 ? 0 : nType; if (nType >= 2) { return this._externalCall("confirm", [cMsg]) ? 4 : 3; } this._externalCall("alert", [cMsg]); return 1; } beep() { /* Not implemented */ } beginPriv() { /* Not implemented */ } browseForDoc() { /* Not implemented */ } clearInterval(oInterval) { this._unregisterTimeout(oInterval); } clearTimeOut(oTime) { this._unregisterTimeout(oTime); } endPriv() { /* Not implemented */ } execDialog() { /* Not implemented */ } execMenuItem(item) { switch (item) { case "SaveAs": case "FirstPage": case "LastPage": case "NextPage": case "PrevPage": case "ZoomViewIn": case "ZoomViewOut": this._send({ command: item }); break; case "FitPage": this._send({ command: "zoom", value: "page-fit" }); break; case "Print": this._send({ command: "print" }); break; } } getNthPlugInName() { /* Not implemented */ } getPath() { /* Not implemented */ } goBack() { /* TODO */ } goForward() { /* TODO */ } hideMenuItem() { /* Not implemented */ } hideToolbarButton() { /* Not implemented */ } launchURL() { /* Unsafe */ } listMenuItems() { /* Not implemented */ } listToolbarButtons() { /* Not implemented */ } loadPolicyFile() { /* Not implemented */ } mailGetAddrs() { /* Not implemented */ } mailMsg() { /* TODO or not ? */ } newDoc() { /* Not implemented */ } newCollection() { /* Not implemented */ } newFDF() { /* Not implemented */ } openDoc() { /* Not implemented */ } openFDF() { /* Not implemented */ } popUpMenu() { /* Not implemented */ } popUpMenuEx() { /* Not implemented */ } removeToolButton() { /* Not implemented */ } response(cQuestion, cTitle = "", cDefault = "", bPassword = "", cLabel = "") { if (typeof cQuestion === "object") { cDefault = cQuestion.cDefault; cQuestion = cQuestion.cQuestion; } cQuestion = (cQuestion || "").toString(); cDefault = (cDefault || "").toString(); return this._externalCall("prompt", [cQuestion, cDefault || ""]); } setInterval(cExpr, nMilliseconds = 0) { if (typeof cExpr === "object") { nMilliseconds = cExpr.nMilliseconds || 0; cExpr = cExpr.cExpr; } if (typeof cExpr !== "string") { throw new TypeError("First argument of app.setInterval must be a string"); } if (typeof nMilliseconds !== "number") { throw new TypeError( "Second argument of app.setInterval must be a number" ); } const callbackId = this._registerTimeoutCallback(cExpr); this._externalCall("setInterval", [callbackId, nMilliseconds]); return this._registerTimeout(callbackId, true); } setTimeOut(cExpr, nMilliseconds = 0) { if (typeof cExpr === "object") { nMilliseconds = cExpr.nMilliseconds || 0; cExpr = cExpr.cExpr; } if (typeof cExpr !== "string") { throw new TypeError("First argument of app.setTimeOut must be a string"); } if (typeof nMilliseconds !== "number") { throw new TypeError("Second argument of app.setTimeOut must be a number"); } const callbackId = this._registerTimeoutCallback(cExpr); this._externalCall("setTimeout", [callbackId, nMilliseconds]); return this._registerTimeout(callbackId, false); } trustedFunction() { /* Not implemented */ } trustPropagatorFunction() { /* Not implemented */ } } export { App };