/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */ 'use strict'; var globalScope = (typeof window === 'undefined') ? this : window; var isWorker = (typeof window == 'undefined'); var ERRORS = 0, WARNINGS = 1, TODOS = 5; var verbosity = WARNINGS; // The global PDFJS object exposes the API // In production, it will be declared outside a global wrapper // In development, it will be declared here if (!globalScope.PDFJS) { globalScope.PDFJS = {}; } // getPdf() // Convenience function to perform binary Ajax GET // Usage: getPdf('http://...', callback) // getPdf({ // url:String , // [,progress:Function, error:Function] // }, // callback) function getPdf(arg, callback) { var params = arg; if (typeof arg === 'string') params = { url: arg }; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', params.url); xhr.mozResponseType = xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; xhr.expected = (params.url.indexOf('file:') === 0) ? 0 : 200; if ('progress' in params) xhr.onprogress = params.progress || undefined; if ('error' in params) xhr.onerror = params.error || undefined; xhr.onreadystatechange = function getPdfOnreadystatechange(e) { if (xhr.readyState === 4) { if (xhr.status === xhr.expected) { var data = (xhr.mozResponseArrayBuffer || xhr.mozResponse || xhr.responseArrayBuffer || xhr.response); callback(data); } else if (params.error) { params.error(e); } } }; xhr.send(null); } globalScope.PDFJS.getPdf = getPdf; var Page = (function PageClosure() { function Page(xref, pageNumber, pageDict, ref) { this.pageNumber = pageNumber; this.pageDict = pageDict; this.stats = { create: Date.now(), compile: 0.0, fonts: 0.0, images: 0.0, render: 0.0 }; this.xref = xref; this.ref = ref; this.ctx = null; this.callback = null; } Page.prototype = { getPageProp: function pageGetPageProp(key) { return this.xref.fetchIfRef(this.pageDict.get(key)); }, inheritPageProp: function pageInheritPageProp(key) { var dict = this.pageDict; var obj = dict.get(key); while (obj === undefined) { dict = this.xref.fetchIfRef(dict.get('Parent')); if (!dict) break; obj = dict.get(key); } return obj; }, get content() { return shadow(this, 'content', this.getPageProp('Contents')); }, get resources() { return shadow(this, 'resources', this.inheritPageProp('Resources')); }, get mediaBox() { var obj = this.inheritPageProp('MediaBox'); // Reset invalid media box to letter size. if (!isArray(obj) || obj.length !== 4) obj = [0, 0, 612, 792]; return shadow(this, 'mediaBox', obj); }, get view() { var obj = this.inheritPageProp('CropBox'); var view = { x: 0, y: 0, width: this.width, height: this.height }; if (isArray(obj) && obj.length == 4) { var tl = this.rotatePoint(obj[0], obj[1]); var br = this.rotatePoint(obj[2], obj[3]); view.x = Math.min(tl.x, br.x); view.y = Math.min(tl.y, br.y); view.width = Math.abs(tl.x - br.x); view.height = Math.abs(tl.y - br.y); } return shadow(this, 'cropBox', view); }, get annotations() { return shadow(this, 'annotations', this.inheritPageProp('Annots')); }, get width() { var mediaBox = this.mediaBox; var rotate = this.rotate; var width; if (rotate == 0 || rotate == 180) { width = (mediaBox[2] - mediaBox[0]); } else { width = (mediaBox[3] - mediaBox[1]); } return shadow(this, 'width', width); }, get height() { var mediaBox = this.mediaBox; var rotate = this.rotate; var height; if (rotate == 0 || rotate == 180) { height = (mediaBox[3] - mediaBox[1]); } else { height = (mediaBox[2] - mediaBox[0]); } return shadow(this, 'height', height); }, get rotate() { var rotate = this.inheritPageProp('Rotate') || 0; // Normalize rotation so it's a multiple of 90 and between 0 and 270 if (rotate % 90 != 0) { rotate = 0; } else if (rotate >= 360) { rotate = rotate % 360; } else if (rotate < 0) { // The spec doesn't cover negatives, assume its counterclockwise // rotation. The following is the other implementation of modulo. rotate = ((rotate % 360) + 360) % 360; } return shadow(this, 'rotate', rotate); }, startRenderingFromIRQueue: function pageStartRenderingFromIRQueue( IRQueue, fonts) { var self = this; this.IRQueue = IRQueue; var gfx = new CanvasGraphics(this.ctx, this.objs, this.textLayer); var displayContinuation = function pageDisplayContinuation() { // Always defer call to display() to work around bug in // Firefox error reporting from XHR callbacks. setTimeout(function pageSetTimeout() { try { self.display(gfx, self.callback); } catch (e) { if (self.callback) self.callback(e); else throw e; } }); }; this.ensureFonts(fonts, function pageStartRenderingFromIRQueueEnsureFonts() { displayContinuation(); }); }, getIRQueue: function pageGetIRQueue(handler, dependency) { if (this.IRQueue) { // content was compiled return this.IRQueue; } var xref = this.xref; var content = xref.fetchIfRef(this.content); var resources = xref.fetchIfRef(this.resources); if (isArray(content)) { // fetching items var i, n = content.length; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) content[i] = xref.fetchIfRef(content[i]); content = new StreamsSequenceStream(content); } var pe = this.pe = new PartialEvaluator( xref, handler, 'p' + this.pageNumber + '_'); var IRQueue = {}; return (this.IRQueue = pe.getIRQueue(content, resources, IRQueue, dependency)); }, ensureFonts: function pageEnsureFonts(fonts, callback) { // Convert the font names to the corresponding font obj. for (var i = 0, ii = fonts.length; i < ii; i++) { fonts[i] = this.objs.objs[fonts[i]].data; } // Load all the fonts var fontObjs = FontLoader.bind( fonts, function pageEnsureFontsFontObjs(fontObjs) { this.stats.fonts = Date.now(); callback.call(this); }.bind(this), this.objs ); }, display: function pageDisplay(gfx, callback) { var xref = this.xref; var resources = xref.fetchIfRef(this.resources); var mediaBox = xref.fetchIfRef(this.mediaBox); assertWellFormed(isDict(resources), 'invalid page resources'); gfx.xref = xref; gfx.res = resources; gfx.beginDrawing({ x: mediaBox[0], y: mediaBox[1], width: this.width, height: this.height, rotate: this.rotate }); var startIdx = 0; var length = this.IRQueue.fnArray.length; var IRQueue = this.IRQueue; var self = this; function next() { startIdx = gfx.executeIRQueue(IRQueue, startIdx, next); if (startIdx == length) { self.stats.render = Date.now(); gfx.endDrawing(); if (callback) callback(); } } next(); }, rotatePoint: function pageRotatePoint(x, y, reverse) { var rotate = reverse ? (360 - this.rotate) : this.rotate; switch (rotate) { case 180: return {x: this.width - x, y: y}; case 90: return {x: this.width - y, y: this.height - x}; case 270: return {x: y, y: x}; case 360: case 0: default: return {x: x, y: this.height - y}; } }, getLinks: function pageGetLinks() { var links = []; var annotations = pageGetAnnotations(); var i, n = annotations.length; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (annotations[i].type != 'Link') continue; links.push(annotations[i]); } return links; }, getAnnotations: function pageGetAnnotations() { var xref = this.xref; function getInheritableProperty(annotation, name) { var item = annotation; while (item && !item.has(name)) { item = xref.fetchIfRef(item.get('Parent')); } if (!item) return null; return item.get(name); } var annotations = xref.fetchIfRef(this.annotations) || []; var i, n = annotations.length; var items = []; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { var annotationRef = annotations[i]; var annotation = xref.fetch(annotationRef); if (!isDict(annotation)) continue; var subtype = annotation.get('Subtype'); if (!isName(subtype)) continue; var rect = annotation.get('Rect'); var topLeftCorner = this.rotatePoint(rect[0], rect[1]); var bottomRightCorner = this.rotatePoint(rect[2], rect[3]); var item = {}; item.type = subtype.name; item.x = Math.min(topLeftCorner.x, bottomRightCorner.x); item.y = Math.min(topLeftCorner.y, bottomRightCorner.y); item.width = Math.abs(topLeftCorner.x - bottomRightCorner.x); item.height = Math.abs(topLeftCorner.y - bottomRightCorner.y); switch (subtype.name) { case 'Link': var a = this.xref.fetchIfRef(annotation.get('A')); if (a) { switch (a.get('S').name) { case 'URI': item.url = a.get('URI'); break; case 'GoTo': item.dest = a.get('D'); break; default: TODO('other link types'); } } else if (annotation.has('Dest')) { // simple destination link var dest = annotation.get('Dest'); item.dest = isName(dest) ? dest.name : dest; } break; case 'Widget': var fieldType = getInheritableProperty(annotation, 'FT'); if (!isName(fieldType)) break; item.fieldType = fieldType.name; // Building the full field name by collecting the field and // its ancestors 'T' properties and joining them using '.'. var fieldName = []; var namedItem = annotation, ref = annotationRef; while (namedItem) { var parentRef = namedItem.get('Parent'); var parent = xref.fetchIfRef(parentRef); var name = namedItem.get('T'); if (name) fieldName.unshift(stringToPDFString(name)); else { // The field name is absent, that means more than one field // with the same name may exist. Replacing the empty name // with the '`' plus index in the parent's 'Kids' array. // This is not in the PDF spec but necessary to id the // the input controls. var kids = xref.fetchIfRef(parent.get('Kids')); var j, jj; for (j = 0, jj = kids.length; j < jj; j++) { if (kids[j].num == ref.num && kids[j].gen == ref.gen) break; } fieldName.unshift('`' + j); } namedItem = parent; ref = parentRef; } item.fullName = fieldName.join('.'); var alternativeText = stringToPDFString(annotation.get('TU') || ''); item.alternativeText = alternativeText; var da = getInheritableProperty(annotation, 'DA') || ''; var m = /([\d\.]+)\sTf/.exec(da); if (m) item.fontSize = parseFloat(m[1]); item.textAlignment = getInheritableProperty(annotation, 'Q'); item.flags = getInheritableProperty(annotation, 'Ff') || 0; break; case 'Text': var content = annotation.get('Contents'); var title = annotation.get('T'); item.content = stringToPDFString(content || ''); item.title = stringToPDFString(title || ''); item.name = annotation.get('Name').name; break; default: TODO('unimplemented annotation type: ' + subtype.name); break; } items.push(item); } return items; }, startRendering: function pageStartRendering(ctx, callback, textLayer) { this.ctx = ctx; this.callback = callback; this.textLayer = textLayer; this.startRenderingTime = Date.now(); this.pdf.startRendering(this); } }; return Page; })(); /** * The `PDFDocModel` holds all the data of the PDF file. Compared to the * `PDFDoc`, this one doesn't have any job management code. * Right now there exists one PDFDocModel on the main thread + one object * for each worker. If there is no worker support enabled, there are two * `PDFDocModel` objects on the main thread created. * TODO: Refactor the internal object structure, such that there is no * need for the `PDFDocModel` anymore and there is only one object on the * main thread and not one entire copy on each worker instance. */ var PDFDocModel = (function PDFDocModelClosure() { function PDFDocModel(arg, callback) { if (isStream(arg)) init.call(this, arg); else if (isArrayBuffer(arg)) init.call(this, new Stream(arg)); else error('PDFDocModel: Unknown argument type'); } function init(stream) { assertWellFormed(stream.length > 0, 'stream must have data'); this.stream = stream; this.setup(); this.acroForm = this.xref.fetchIfRef(this.catalog.catDict.get('AcroForm')); } function find(stream, needle, limit, backwards) { var pos = stream.pos; var end = stream.end; var str = ''; if (pos + limit > end) limit = end - pos; for (var n = 0; n < limit; ++n) str += stream.getChar(); stream.pos = pos; var index = backwards ? str.lastIndexOf(needle) : str.indexOf(needle); if (index == -1) return false; /* not found */ stream.pos += index; return true; /* found */ } PDFDocModel.prototype = { get linearization() { var length = this.stream.length; var linearization = false; if (length) { linearization = new Linearization(this.stream); if (linearization.length != length) linearization = false; } // shadow the prototype getter with a data property return shadow(this, 'linearization', linearization); }, get startXRef() { var stream = this.stream; var startXRef = 0; var linearization = this.linearization; if (linearization) { // Find end of first obj. stream.reset(); if (find(stream, 'endobj', 1024)) startXRef = stream.pos + 6; } else { // Find startxref by jumping backward from the end of the file. var step = 1024; var found = false, pos = stream.end; while (!found && pos > 0) { pos -= step - 'startxref'.length; if (pos < 0) pos = 0; stream.pos = pos; found = find(stream, 'startxref', step, true); } if (found) { stream.skip(9); var ch; do { ch = stream.getChar(); } while (Lexer.isSpace(ch)); var str = ''; while ((ch - '0') <= 9) { str += ch; ch = stream.getChar(); } startXRef = parseInt(str, 10); if (isNaN(startXRef)) startXRef = 0; } } // shadow the prototype getter with a data property return shadow(this, 'startXRef', startXRef); }, get mainXRefEntriesOffset() { var mainXRefEntriesOffset = 0; var linearization = this.linearization; if (linearization) mainXRefEntriesOffset = linearization.mainXRefEntriesOffset; // shadow the prototype getter with a data property return shadow(this, 'mainXRefEntriesOffset', mainXRefEntriesOffset); }, // Find the header, remove leading garbage and setup the stream // starting from the header. checkHeader: function pdfDocCheckHeader() { var stream = this.stream; stream.reset(); if (find(stream, '%PDF-', 1024)) { // Found the header, trim off any garbage before it. stream.moveStart(); return; } // May not be a PDF file, continue anyway. }, setup: function pdfDocSetup(ownerPassword, userPassword) { this.checkHeader(); this.xref = new XRef(this.stream, this.startXRef, this.mainXRefEntriesOffset); this.catalog = new Catalog(this.xref); if (this.xref.trailer && this.xref.trailer.has('ID')) { var fileID = ''; this.xref.trailer.get('ID')[0].split('').forEach(function(el) { fileID += Number(el.charCodeAt(0)).toString(16); }); this.fileID = fileID; } }, get numPages() { var linearization = this.linearization; var num = linearization ? linearization.numPages : this.catalog.numPages; // shadow the prototype getter return shadow(this, 'numPages', num); }, getFingerprint: function pdfDocGetFingerprint() { if (this.fileID) { return this.fileID; } else { // If we got no fileID, then we generate one, // from the first 100 bytes of PDF var data = this.stream.bytes.subarray(0, 100); var hash = calculateMD5(data, 0, data.length); var strHash = ''; for (var i = 0, length = hash.length; i < length; i++) { strHash += Number(hash[i]).toString(16); } return strHash; } }, getPage: function pdfDocGetPage(n) { return this.catalog.getPage(n); } }; return PDFDocModel; })(); var PDFDoc = (function PDFDocClosure() { function PDFDoc(arg, callback) { var stream = null; var data = null; if (isStream(arg)) { stream = arg; data = arg.bytes; } else if (isArrayBuffer(arg)) { stream = new Stream(arg); data = arg; } else { error('PDFDoc: Unknown argument type'); } this.data = data; this.stream = stream; this.pdf = new PDFDocModel(stream); this.fingerprint = this.pdf.getFingerprint(); this.catalog = this.pdf.catalog; this.objs = new PDFObjects(); this.pageCache = []; this.fontsLoading = {}; this.workerReadyPromise = new Promise('workerReady'); // If worker support isn't disabled explicit and the browser has worker // support, create a new web worker and test if it/the browser fullfills // all requirements to run parts of pdf.js in a web worker. // Right now, the requirement is, that an Uint8Array is still an Uint8Array // as it arrives on the worker. Chrome added this with version 15. if (!globalScope.PDFJS.disableWorker && typeof Worker !== 'undefined') { var workerSrc = PDFJS.workerSrc; if (typeof workerSrc === 'undefined') { throw 'No PDFJS.workerSrc specified'; } try { // Some versions of FF can't create a worker on localhost, see: // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=683280 var worker = new Worker(workerSrc); var messageHandler = new MessageHandler('main', worker); // Tell the worker the file it was created from. messageHandler.send('workerSrc', workerSrc); messageHandler.on('test', function pdfDocTest(supportTypedArray) { if (supportTypedArray) { this.worker = worker; this.setupMessageHandler(messageHandler); } else { globalScope.PDFJS.disableWorker = true; this.setupFakeWorker(); } }.bind(this)); var testObj = new Uint8Array(1); // Some versions of Opera throw a DATA_CLONE_ERR on // serializing the typed array. messageHandler.send('test', testObj); return; } catch (e) {} } // Either workers are disabled, not supported or have thrown an exception. // Thus, we fallback to a faked worker. globalScope.PDFJS.disableWorker = true; this.setupFakeWorker(); } PDFDoc.prototype = { setupFakeWorker: function() { // If we don't use a worker, just post/sendMessage to the main thread. var fakeWorker = { postMessage: function pdfDocPostMessage(obj) { fakeWorker.onmessage({data: obj}); }, terminate: function pdfDocTerminate() {} }; var messageHandler = new MessageHandler('main', fakeWorker); this.setupMessageHandler(messageHandler); // If the main thread is our worker, setup the handling for the messages // the main thread sends to it self. WorkerMessageHandler.setup(messageHandler); }, setupMessageHandler: function(messageHandler) { this.messageHandler = messageHandler; messageHandler.on('page', function pdfDocPage(data) { var pageNum = data.pageNum; var page = this.pageCache[pageNum]; var depFonts = data.depFonts; page.startRenderingFromIRQueue(data.IRQueue, depFonts); }, this); messageHandler.on('obj', function pdfDocObj(data) { var id = data[0]; var type = data[1]; switch (type) { case 'JpegStream': var imageData = data[2]; loadJpegStream(id, imageData, this.objs); break; case 'Image': var imageData = data[2]; this.objs.resolve(id, imageData); break; case 'Font': var name = data[2]; var file = data[3]; var properties = data[4]; if (file) { // Rewrap the ArrayBuffer in a stream. var fontFileDict = new Dict(); file = new Stream(file, 0, file.length, fontFileDict); } // For now, resolve the font object here direclty. The real font // object is then created in FontLoader.bind(). this.objs.resolve(id, { name: name, file: file, properties: properties }); break; default: throw 'Got unkown object type ' + type; } }, this); messageHandler.on('font_ready', function pdfDocFontReady(data) { var id = data[0]; var font = new FontShape(data[1]); // If there is no string, then there is nothing to attach to the DOM. if (!font.str) { this.objs.resolve(id, font); } else { this.objs.setData(id, font); } }.bind(this)); messageHandler.on('page_error', function pdfDocError(data) { var page = this.pageCache[data.pageNum]; if (page.callback) page.callback(data.error); else throw data.error; }, this); messageHandler.on('jpeg_decode', function(data, promise) { var imageData = data[0]; var components = data[1]; if (components != 3 && components != 1) error('Only 3 component or 1 component can be returned'); var img = new Image(); img.onload = (function jpegImageLoaderOnload() { var width = img.width; var height = img.height; var size = width * height; var rgbaLength = size * 4; var buf = new Uint8Array(size * components); var tmpCanvas = new ScratchCanvas(width, height); var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); tmpCtx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); var data = tmpCtx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data; if (components == 3) { for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < rgbaLength; i += 4, j += 3) { buf[j] = data[i]; buf[j + 1] = data[i + 1]; buf[j + 2] = data[i + 2]; } } else if (components == 1) { for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < rgbaLength; i += 4, j++) { buf[j] = data[i]; } } promise.resolve({ data: buf, width: width, height: height}); }).bind(this); var src = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + window.btoa(imageData); img.src = src; }); setTimeout(function pdfDocFontReadySetTimeout() { messageHandler.send('doc', this.data); this.workerReadyPromise.resolve(true); }.bind(this)); }, get numPages() { return this.pdf.numPages; }, startRendering: function pdfDocStartRendering(page) { // The worker might not be ready to receive the page request yet. this.workerReadyPromise.then(function pdfDocStartRenderingThen() { this.messageHandler.send('page_request', page.pageNumber + 1); }.bind(this)); }, getPage: function pdfDocGetPage(n) { if (this.pageCache[n]) return this.pageCache[n]; var page = this.pdf.getPage(n); // Add a reference to the objects such that Page can forward the reference // to the CanvasGraphics and so on. page.objs = this.objs; page.pdf = this; return (this.pageCache[n] = page); }, destroy: function pdfDocDestroy() { if (this.worker) this.worker.terminate(); if (this.fontWorker) this.fontWorker.terminate(); for (var n in this.pageCache) delete this.pageCache[n]; delete this.data; delete this.stream; delete this.pdf; delete this.catalog; } }; return PDFDoc; })(); globalScope.PDFJS.PDFDoc = PDFDoc;