/* globals PDFJS, expect, it, describe, Promise, combineUrl, waitsFor, InvalidPDFException, MissingPDFException, StreamType, FontType, PDFDocumentProxy, PasswordException, PasswordResponses, PDFPageProxy, createPromiseCapability */ 'use strict'; describe('api', function() { var basicApiUrl = combineUrl(window.location.href, '../pdfs/basicapi.pdf'); var basicApiFileLength = 105779; // bytes function waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, successCallback) { var resolved = false; promise.then(function(val) { resolved = true; successCallback(val); }, function(error) { // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); }); waitsFor(function() { return resolved; }, 20000); } function waitsForPromiseRejected(promise, failureCallback) { var rejected = false; promise.then(function(val) { // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); }, function(error) { rejected = true; failureCallback(error); }); waitsFor(function() { return rejected; }, 20000); } describe('PDFJS', function() { describe('getDocument', function() { it('creates pdf doc from URL', function() { var loadingTask = PDFJS.getDocument(basicApiUrl); var isProgressReportedResolved = false; var progressReportedCapability = createPromiseCapability(); // Attach the callback that is used to report loading progress; // similarly to how viewer.js works. loadingTask.onProgress = function (progressData) { if (!isProgressReportedResolved) { isProgressReportedResolved = true; progressReportedCapability.resolve(progressData); } }; var promises = [ progressReportedCapability.promise, loadingTask.promise ]; waitsForPromiseResolved(Promise.all(promises), function (data) { expect((data[0].loaded / data[0].total) > 0).toEqual(true); expect(data[1] instanceof PDFDocumentProxy).toEqual(true); expect(loadingTask).toEqual(data[1].loadingTask); }); }); it('creates pdf doc from URL and aborts before worker initialized', function() { var loadingTask = PDFJS.getDocument(basicApiUrl); loadingTask.destroy(); waitsForPromiseRejected(loadingTask.promise, function(reason) { expect(true).toEqual(true); }); }); it('creates pdf doc from URL and aborts loading after worker initialized', function() { var loadingTask = PDFJS.getDocument(basicApiUrl); // This can be somewhat random -- we cannot guarantee perfect // 'Terminate' message to the worker before/after setting up pdfManager. var destroyed = loadingTask._transport.workerInitializedCapability. promise.then(function () { return loadingTask.destroy(); }); waitsForPromiseResolved(destroyed, function (data) { expect(true).toEqual(true); }); }); it('creates pdf doc from typed array', function() { var nonBinaryRequest = PDFJS.disableWorker; var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('GET', basicApiUrl, false); if (!nonBinaryRequest) { try { request.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; nonBinaryRequest = request.responseType !== 'arraybuffer'; } catch (e) { nonBinaryRequest = true; } } if (nonBinaryRequest && request.overrideMimeType) { request.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined'); } request.send(null); var typedArrayPdf; if (nonBinaryRequest) { var data = Array.prototype.map.call(request.responseText, function (ch) { return ch.charCodeAt(0) & 0xFF; }); typedArrayPdf = new Uint8Array(data); } else { typedArrayPdf = new Uint8Array(request.response); } // Sanity check to make sure that we fetched the entire PDF file. expect(typedArrayPdf.length).toEqual(basicApiFileLength); var promise = PDFJS.getDocument(typedArrayPdf); waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function(data) { expect(data instanceof PDFDocumentProxy).toEqual(true); }); }); it('creates pdf doc from invalid PDF file', function() { // A severely corrupt PDF file (even Adobe Reader fails to open it). var url = combineUrl(window.location.href, '../pdfs/bug1020226.pdf'); var promise = PDFJS.getDocument(url); waitsForPromiseRejected(promise, function (error) { expect(error instanceof InvalidPDFException).toEqual(true); }); }); it('creates pdf doc from non-existent URL', function() { var nonExistentUrl = combineUrl(window.location.href, '../pdfs/non-existent.pdf'); var promise = PDFJS.getDocument(nonExistentUrl); waitsForPromiseRejected(promise, function(error) { expect(error instanceof MissingPDFException).toEqual(true); }); }); it('creates pdf doc from PDF file protected with user and owner password', function () { var url = combineUrl(window.location.href, '../pdfs/pr6531_1.pdf'); var loadingTask = PDFJS.getDocument(url); var isPasswordNeededResolved = false; var passwordNeededCapability = createPromiseCapability(); var isPasswordIncorrectResolved = false; var passwordIncorrectCapability = createPromiseCapability(); // Attach the callback that is used to request a password; // similarly to how viewer.js handles passwords. loadingTask.onPassword = function (updatePassword, reason) { if (reason === PasswordResponses.NEED_PASSWORD && !isPasswordNeededResolved) { isPasswordNeededResolved = true; passwordNeededCapability.resolve(); updatePassword('qwerty'); // Provide an incorrect password. return; } if (reason === PasswordResponses.INCORRECT_PASSWORD && !isPasswordIncorrectResolved) { isPasswordIncorrectResolved = true; passwordIncorrectCapability.resolve(); updatePassword('asdfasdf'); // Provide the correct password. return; } // Shouldn't get here. expect(false).toEqual(true); }; var promises = [ passwordNeededCapability.promise, passwordIncorrectCapability.promise, loadingTask.promise ]; waitsForPromiseResolved(Promise.all(promises), function (data) { expect(data[2] instanceof PDFDocumentProxy).toEqual(true); }); }); it('creates pdf doc from PDF file protected with only a user password', function () { var url = combineUrl(window.location.href, '../pdfs/pr6531_2.pdf'); var passwordNeededPromise = PDFJS.getDocument({ url: url, password: '', }); waitsForPromiseRejected(passwordNeededPromise, function (data) { expect(data instanceof PasswordException).toEqual(true); expect(data.code).toEqual(PasswordResponses.NEED_PASSWORD); }); var passwordIncorrectPromise = PDFJS.getDocument({ url: url, password: 'qwerty', }); waitsForPromiseRejected(passwordIncorrectPromise, function (data) { expect(data instanceof PasswordException).toEqual(true); expect(data.code).toEqual(PasswordResponses.INCORRECT_PASSWORD); }); var passwordAcceptedPromise = PDFJS.getDocument({ url: url, password: 'asdfasdf', }); waitsForPromiseResolved(passwordAcceptedPromise, function (data) { expect(data instanceof PDFDocumentProxy).toEqual(true); }); }); }); }); describe('PDFDocument', function() { var promise = PDFJS.getDocument(basicApiUrl); var doc; waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function(data) { doc = data; }); it('gets number of pages', function() { expect(doc.numPages).toEqual(3); }); it('gets fingerprint', function() { var fingerprint = doc.fingerprint; expect(typeof fingerprint).toEqual('string'); expect(fingerprint.length > 0).toEqual(true); }); it('gets page', function() { var promise = doc.getPage(1); waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function(data) { expect(data instanceof PDFPageProxy).toEqual(true); expect(data.pageIndex).toEqual(0); }); }); it('gets non-existent page', function() { var promise = doc.getPage(100); waitsForPromiseRejected(promise, function(data) { expect(data instanceof Error).toEqual(true); }); }); it('gets page index', function() { // reference to second page var ref = {num: 17, gen: 0}; var promise = doc.getPageIndex(ref); waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function(pageIndex) { expect(pageIndex).toEqual(1); }); }); it('gets destinations', function() { var promise = doc.getDestinations(); waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function(data) { expect(data).toEqual({ chapter1: [{ gen: 0, num: 17 }, { name: 'XYZ' }, 0, 841.89, null] }); }); }); it('gets a destination', function() { var promise = doc.getDestination('chapter1'); waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function(data) { expect(data).toEqual([{ gen: 0, num: 17 }, { name: 'XYZ' }, 0, 841.89, null]); }); }); it('gets a non-existent destination', function() { var promise = doc.getDestination('non-existent-named-destination'); waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function(data) { expect(data).toEqual(null); }); }); it('gets attachments', function() { var promise = doc.getAttachments(); waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function (data) { expect(data).toEqual(null); }); }); it('gets javascript', function() { var promise = doc.getJavaScript(); waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function (data) { expect(data).toEqual([]); }); }); // Keep this in sync with the pattern in viewer.js. The pattern is used to // detect whether or not to automatically start printing. var viewerPrintRegExp = /\bprint\s*\(/; it('gets javascript with printing instructions (Print action)', function() { // PDF document with "Print" Named action in OpenAction var pdfUrl = combineUrl(window.location.href, '../pdfs/bug1001080.pdf'); var promise = PDFJS.getDocument(pdfUrl).then(function(doc) { return doc.getJavaScript(); }); waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function (data) { expect(data).toEqual(['print({});']); expect(data[0]).toMatch(viewerPrintRegExp); }); }); it('gets javascript with printing instructions (JS action)', function() { // PDF document with "JavaScript" action in OpenAction var pdfUrl = combineUrl(window.location.href, '../pdfs/issue6106.pdf'); var promise = PDFJS.getDocument(pdfUrl).then(function(doc) { return doc.getJavaScript(); }); waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function (data) { expect(data).toEqual( ['this.print({bUI:true,bSilent:false,bShrinkToFit:true});']); expect(data[0]).toMatch(viewerPrintRegExp); }); }); it('gets outline', function() { var promise = doc.getOutline(); waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function(outline) { // Two top level entries. expect(outline.length).toEqual(2); // Make sure some basic attributes are set. expect(outline[1].title).toEqual('Chapter 1'); expect(outline[1].items.length).toEqual(1); expect(outline[1].items[0].title).toEqual('Paragraph 1.1'); }); }); it('gets metadata', function() { var promise = doc.getMetadata(); waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function(metadata) { expect(metadata.info['Title']).toEqual('Basic API Test'); expect(metadata.info['PDFFormatVersion']).toEqual('1.7'); expect(metadata.metadata.get('dc:title')).toEqual('Basic API Test'); }); }); it('gets data', function() { var promise = doc.getData(); waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function (data) { expect(data instanceof Uint8Array).toEqual(true); expect(data.length).toEqual(basicApiFileLength); }); }); it('gets download info', function() { var promise = doc.getDownloadInfo(); waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function (data) { expect(data).toEqual({ length: basicApiFileLength }); }); }); it('gets stats', function() { var promise = doc.getStats(); waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function (stats) { expect(stats).toEqual({ streamTypes: [], fontTypes: [] }); }); }); it('checks that fingerprints are unique', function() { var url1 = combineUrl(window.location.href, '../pdfs/issue4436r.pdf'); var loadingTask1 = PDFJS.getDocument(url1); var url2 = combineUrl(window.location.href, '../pdfs/issue4575.pdf'); var loadingTask2 = PDFJS.getDocument(url2); var promises = [loadingTask1.promise, loadingTask2.promise]; waitsForPromiseResolved(Promise.all(promises), function (data) { var fingerprint1 = data[0].fingerprint; expect(typeof fingerprint1).toEqual('string'); expect(fingerprint1.length > 0).toEqual(true); var fingerprint2 = data[1].fingerprint; expect(typeof fingerprint2).toEqual('string'); expect(fingerprint2.length > 0).toEqual(true); expect(fingerprint1).not.toEqual(fingerprint2); }); }); }); describe('Page', function() { var resolvePromise; var promise = new Promise(function (resolve) { resolvePromise = resolve; }); var pdfDocument; PDFJS.getDocument(basicApiUrl).then(function(doc) { doc.getPage(1).then(function(data) { resolvePromise(data); }); pdfDocument = doc; }); var page; waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function(data) { page = data; }); it('gets page number', function () { expect(page.pageNumber).toEqual(1); }); it('gets rotate', function () { expect(page.rotate).toEqual(0); }); it('gets ref', function () { expect(page.ref).toEqual({ num: 15, gen: 0 }); }); it('gets view', function () { expect(page.view).toEqual([0, 0, 595.28, 841.89]); }); it('gets viewport', function () { var viewport = page.getViewport(1.5, 90); expect(viewport.viewBox).toEqual(page.view); expect(viewport.scale).toEqual(1.5); expect(viewport.rotation).toEqual(90); expect(viewport.transform).toEqual([0, 1.5, 1.5, 0, 0, 0]); expect(viewport.width).toEqual(1262.835); expect(viewport.height).toEqual(892.92); }); it('gets annotations', function () { var promise = page.getAnnotations(); waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function (data) { expect(data.length).toEqual(4); }); }); it('gets text content', function () { var promise = page.getTextContent(); waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function (data) { expect(!!data.items).toEqual(true); expect(data.items.length).toEqual(7); expect(!!data.styles).toEqual(true); }); }); it('gets operator list', function() { var promise = page.getOperatorList(); waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function (oplist) { expect(!!oplist.fnArray).toEqual(true); expect(!!oplist.argsArray).toEqual(true); expect(oplist.lastChunk).toEqual(true); }); }); it('gets stats after parsing page', function () { var promise = page.getOperatorList().then(function () { return pdfDocument.getStats(); }); var expectedStreamTypes = []; expectedStreamTypes[StreamType.FLATE] = true; var expectedFontTypes = []; expectedFontTypes[FontType.TYPE1] = true; expectedFontTypes[FontType.CIDFONTTYPE2] = true; waitsForPromiseResolved(promise, function (stats) { expect(stats).toEqual({ streamTypes: expectedStreamTypes, fontTypes: expectedFontTypes }); }); }); }); });