'use strict'; var fs = require('fs'), path = require('path'), vm = require('vm'); /** * A simple preprocessor that is based on the Firefox preprocessor * (https://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/build/docs/preprocessor.rst). * The main difference is that this supports a subset of the commands and it * supports preprocessor commands in HTML-style comments. * * Currently supported commands: * - if * - elif * - else * - endif * - include * - expand * - error * * Every #if must be closed with an #endif. Nested conditions are supported. * * Within an #if or #else block, one level of comment tokens is stripped. This * allows us to write code that can run even without preprocessing. For example: * * //#if SOME_RARE_CONDITION * // // Decrement by one * // --i; * //#else * // // Increment by one. * ++i; * //#endif */ function preprocess(inFilename, outFilename, defines) { // TODO make this really read line by line. var lines = fs.readFileSync(inFilename).toString().split('\n'); var totalLines = lines.length; var out = ''; var i = 0; function readLine() { if (i < totalLines) { return lines[i++]; } return null; } var writeLine = (typeof outFilename === 'function' ? outFilename : function(line) { out += line + '\n'; }); function evaluateCondition(code) { if (!code || !code.trim()) { throw new Error('No JavaScript expression given at ' + loc()); } try { return vm.runInNewContext(code, defines, {displayErrors: false}); } catch (e) { throw new Error('Could not evaluate "' + code + '" at ' + loc() + '\n' + e.name + ': ' + e.message); } } function include(file) { var realPath = fs.realpathSync(inFilename); var dir = path.dirname(realPath); try { var fullpath; if (file.indexOf('$ROOT/') === 0) { fullpath = path.join(__dirname, '../..', file.substring('$ROOT/'.length)); } else { fullpath = path.join(dir, file); } preprocess(fullpath, writeLine, defines); } catch (e) { if (e.code === 'ENOENT') { throw new Error('Failed to include "' + file + '" at ' + loc()); } throw e; // Some other error } } function expand(line) { line = line.replace(/__[\w]+__/g, function(variable) { variable = variable.substring(2, variable.length - 2); if (variable in defines) { return defines[variable]; } return ''; }); writeLine(line); } // not inside if or else (process lines) var STATE_NONE = 0; // inside if, condition false (ignore until #else or #endif) var STATE_IF_FALSE = 1; // inside else, #if was false, so #else is true (process lines until #endif) var STATE_ELSE_TRUE = 2; // inside if, condition true (process lines until #else or #endif) var STATE_IF_TRUE = 3; // inside else or elif, #if/#elif was true, so following #else or #elif is // false (ignore lines until #endif) var STATE_ELSE_FALSE = 4; var line; var state = STATE_NONE; var stack = []; var control = // eslint-disable-next-line max-len /^(?:\/\/|<!--)\s*#(if|elif|else|endif|expand|include|error)\b(?:\s+(.*?)(?:-->)?$)?/; var lineNumber = 0; var loc = function() { return fs.realpathSync(inFilename) + ':' + lineNumber; }; while ((line = readLine()) !== null) { ++lineNumber; var m = control.exec(line); if (m) { switch (m[1]) { case 'if': stack.push(state); state = evaluateCondition(m[2]) ? STATE_IF_TRUE : STATE_IF_FALSE; break; case 'elif': if (state === STATE_IF_TRUE || state === STATE_ELSE_FALSE) { state = STATE_ELSE_FALSE; } else if (state === STATE_IF_FALSE) { state = evaluateCondition(m[2]) ? STATE_IF_TRUE : STATE_IF_FALSE; } else if (state === STATE_ELSE_TRUE) { throw new Error('Found #elif after #else at ' + loc()); } else { throw new Error('Found #elif without matching #if at ' + loc()); } break; case 'else': if (state === STATE_IF_TRUE || state === STATE_ELSE_FALSE) { state = STATE_ELSE_FALSE; } else if (state === STATE_IF_FALSE) { state = STATE_ELSE_TRUE; } else { throw new Error('Found #else without matching #if at ' + loc()); } break; case 'endif': if (state === STATE_NONE) { throw new Error('Found #endif without #if at ' + loc()); } state = stack.pop(); break; case 'expand': if (state !== STATE_IF_FALSE && state !== STATE_ELSE_FALSE) { expand(m[2]); } break; case 'include': if (state !== STATE_IF_FALSE && state !== STATE_ELSE_FALSE) { include(m[2]); } break; case 'error': if (state !== STATE_IF_FALSE && state !== STATE_ELSE_FALSE) { throw new Error('Found #error ' + m[2] + ' at ' + loc()); } break; } } else { if (state === STATE_NONE) { writeLine(line); } else if ((state === STATE_IF_TRUE || state === STATE_ELSE_TRUE) && stack.indexOf(STATE_IF_FALSE) === -1 && stack.indexOf(STATE_ELSE_FALSE) === -1) { writeLine(line.replace(/^\/\/|^<!--|-->$/g, ' ')); } } } if (state !== STATE_NONE || stack.length !== 0) { throw new Error('Missing #endif in preprocessor for ' + fs.realpathSync(inFilename)); } if (typeof outFilename !== 'function') { fs.writeFileSync(outFilename, out); } } exports.preprocess = preprocess; var deprecatedInMozcentral = new RegExp('(^|\\W)(' + [ '-moz-box-sizing', '-moz-grab', '-moz-grabbing' ].join('|') + ')'); function preprocessCSS(mode, source, destination) { function hasPrefixedFirefox(line) { return (/(^|\W)-(ms|o|webkit)-\w/.test(line)); } function hasPrefixedMozcentral(line) { return (/(^|\W)-(ms|o|webkit)-\w/.test(line) || deprecatedInMozcentral.test(line)); } function expandImports(content, baseUrl) { return content.replace(/^\s*@import\s+url\(([^\)]+)\);\s*$/gm, function(all, url) { var file = path.join(path.dirname(baseUrl), url); var imported = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8').toString(); return expandImports(imported, file); }); } function removePrefixed(content, hasPrefixedFilter) { var lines = content.split(/\r?\n/g); var i = 0; while (i < lines.length) { var line = lines[i]; if (!hasPrefixedFilter(line)) { i++; continue; } if (/\{\s*$/.test(line)) { var bracketLevel = 1; var j = i + 1; while (j < lines.length && bracketLevel > 0) { var checkBracket = /([{}])\s*$/.exec(lines[j]); if (checkBracket) { if (checkBracket[1] === '{') { bracketLevel++; } else if (lines[j].indexOf('{') < 0) { bracketLevel--; } } j++; } lines.splice(i, j - i); } else if (/[};]\s*$/.test(line)) { lines.splice(i, 1); } else { // multiline? skipping until next directive or bracket do { lines.splice(i, 1); } while (i < lines.length && !/\}\s*$/.test(lines[i]) && lines[i].indexOf(':') < 0); if (i < lines.length && /\S\s*}\s*$/.test(lines[i])) { lines[i] = lines[i].substr(lines[i].indexOf('}')); } } // collapse whitespaces while (lines[i] === '' && lines[i - 1] === '') { lines.splice(i, 1); } } return lines.join('\n'); } if (!mode) { throw new Error('Invalid CSS preprocessor mode'); } var content = fs.readFileSync(source, 'utf8').toString(); content = expandImports(content, source); if (mode === 'mozcentral' || mode === 'firefox') { content = removePrefixed(content, mode === 'mozcentral' ? hasPrefixedMozcentral : hasPrefixedFirefox); } fs.writeFileSync(destination, content); } exports.preprocessCSS = preprocessCSS; /** * Simplifies common build steps. * @param {object} setup * .defines defines for preprocessors * .copy array of arrays of source and destination pairs of files to copy * .preprocess array of arrays of source and destination pairs of files * run through preprocessor. */ function build(setup) { var defines = setup.defines; setup.copy.forEach(function(option) { var source = option[0]; var destination = option[1]; cp('-R', source, destination); }); setup.preprocess.forEach(function(option) { var sources = option[0]; var destination = option[1]; sources = ls('-R', sources); sources.forEach(function(source) { // ??? Warn if the source is wildcard and dest is file? var destWithFolder = destination; if (test('-d', destination)) { destWithFolder += '/' + path.basename(source); } preprocess(source, destWithFolder, defines); }); }); (setup.preprocessCSS || []).forEach(function(option) { var mode = option[0]; var source = option[1]; var destination = option[2]; preprocessCSS(mode, source, destination); }); } exports.build = build; /** * Merge two defines arrays. Values in the second param will override values in * the first. */ function merge(defaults, defines) { var ret = {}; for (var key in defaults) { ret[key] = defaults[key]; } for (key in defines) { ret[key] = defines[key]; } return ret; } exports.merge = merge;