/* Copyright 2020 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { objectFromMap, unreachable } from "../shared/util.js"; import { AnnotationEditor } from "./editor/editor.js"; import { MurmurHash3_64 } from "../shared/murmurhash3.js"; const SerializableEmpty = Object.freeze({ map: null, hash: "", transfers: undefined, }); /** * Key/value storage for annotation data in forms. */ class AnnotationStorage { #modified = false; #storage = new Map(); constructor() { // Callbacks to signal when the modification state is set or reset. // This is used by the viewer to only bind on `beforeunload` if forms // are actually edited to prevent doing so unconditionally since that // can have undesirable effects. this.onSetModified = null; this.onResetModified = null; this.onAnnotationEditor = null; } /** * Get the value for a given key if it exists, or return the default value. * @param {string} key * @param {Object} defaultValue * @returns {Object} */ getValue(key, defaultValue) { const value = this.#storage.get(key); if (value === undefined) { return defaultValue; } return Object.assign(defaultValue, value); } /** * Get the value for a given key. * @param {string} key * @returns {Object} */ getRawValue(key) { return this.#storage.get(key); } /** * Remove a value from the storage. * @param {string} key */ remove(key) { this.#storage.delete(key); if (this.#storage.size === 0) { this.resetModified(); } if (typeof this.onAnnotationEditor === "function") { for (const value of this.#storage.values()) { if (value instanceof AnnotationEditor) { return; } } this.onAnnotationEditor(null); } } /** * Set the value for a given key * @param {string} key * @param {Object} value */ setValue(key, value) { const obj = this.#storage.get(key); let modified = false; if (obj !== undefined) { for (const [entry, val] of Object.entries(value)) { if (obj[entry] !== val) { modified = true; obj[entry] = val; } } } else { modified = true; this.#storage.set(key, value); } if (modified) { this.#setModified(); } if ( value instanceof AnnotationEditor && typeof this.onAnnotationEditor === "function" ) { this.onAnnotationEditor(value.constructor._type); } } /** * Check if the storage contains the given key. * @param {string} key * @returns {boolean} */ has(key) { return this.#storage.has(key); } /** * @returns {Object | null} */ getAll() { return this.#storage.size > 0 ? objectFromMap(this.#storage) : null; } /** * @param {Object} obj */ setAll(obj) { for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(obj)) { this.setValue(key, val); } } get size() { return this.#storage.size; } #setModified() { if (!this.#modified) { this.#modified = true; if (typeof this.onSetModified === "function") { this.onSetModified(); } } } resetModified() { if (this.#modified) { this.#modified = false; if (typeof this.onResetModified === "function") { this.onResetModified(); } } } /** * @returns {PrintAnnotationStorage} */ get print() { return new PrintAnnotationStorage(this); } /** * PLEASE NOTE: Only intended for usage within the API itself. * @ignore */ get serializable() { if (this.#storage.size === 0) { return SerializableEmpty; } const map = new Map(), hash = new MurmurHash3_64(), transfers = []; const context = Object.create(null); let hasBitmap = false; for (const [key, val] of this.#storage) { const serialized = val instanceof AnnotationEditor ? val.serialize(/* isForCopying = */ false, context) : val; if (serialized) { map.set(key, serialized); hash.update(`${key}:${JSON.stringify(serialized)}`); hasBitmap ||= !!serialized.bitmap; } } if (hasBitmap) { // We must transfer the bitmap data separately, since it can be changed // during serialization with SVG images. for (const value of map.values()) { if (value.bitmap) { transfers.push(value.bitmap); } } } return map.size > 0 ? { map, hash: hash.hexdigest(), transfers } : SerializableEmpty; } } /** * A special `AnnotationStorage` for use during printing, where the serializable * data is *frozen* upon initialization, to prevent scripting from modifying its * contents. (Necessary since printing is triggered synchronously in browsers.) */ class PrintAnnotationStorage extends AnnotationStorage { #serializable; constructor(parent) { super(); const { map, hash, transfers } = parent.serializable; // Create a *copy* of the data, since Objects are passed by reference in JS. const clone = structuredClone( map, (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("SKIP_BABEL || TESTING")) && transfers ? { transfer: transfers } : null ); this.#serializable = { map: clone, hash, transfers }; } /** * @returns {PrintAnnotationStorage} */ // eslint-disable-next-line getter-return get print() { unreachable("Should not call PrintAnnotationStorage.print"); } /** * PLEASE NOTE: Only intended for usage within the API itself. * @ignore */ get serializable() { return this.#serializable; } } export { AnnotationStorage, PrintAnnotationStorage, SerializableEmpty };