/* Copyright 2021 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { $buildXFAObject, NamespaceIds } from "./namespaces.js"; import { $cleanup, $finalize, $ids, $isNsAgnostic, $nsAttributes, $onChild, $resolvePrototypes, $root, XFAObject, } from "./xfa_object.js"; import { NamespaceSetUp } from "./setup.js"; import { Template } from "./template.js"; import { UnknownNamespace } from "./unknown.js"; import { warn } from "../../shared/util.js"; class Root extends XFAObject { constructor(ids) { super(-1, "root", Object.create(null)); this.element = null; this[$ids] = ids; } [$onChild](child) { this.element = child; return true; } [$finalize]() { super[$finalize](); if (this.element.template instanceof Template) { // Set the root element in $ids using a symbol in order // to avoid conflict with real IDs. this[$ids].set($root, this.element); this.element.template[$resolvePrototypes](this[$ids]); this.element.template[$ids] = this[$ids]; } } } class Empty extends XFAObject { constructor() { super(-1, "", Object.create(null)); } [$onChild](_) { return false; } } class Builder { constructor() { this._namespaceStack = []; this._nsAgnosticLevel = 0; // Each prefix has its own stack this._namespacePrefixes = new Map(); this._namespaces = new Map(); this._nextNsId = Math.max( ...Object.values(NamespaceIds).map(({ id }) => id) ); this._currentNamespace = new UnknownNamespace(++this._nextNsId); } buildRoot(ids) { return new Root(ids); } build({ nsPrefix, name, attributes, namespace, prefixes }) { const hasNamespaceDef = namespace !== null; if (hasNamespaceDef) { // Define the current namespace to use. this._namespaceStack.push(this._currentNamespace); this._currentNamespace = this._searchNamespace(namespace); } if (prefixes) { // The xml node may have namespace prefix definitions this._addNamespacePrefix(prefixes); } if (attributes.hasOwnProperty($nsAttributes)) { // Only support xfa-data namespace. const dataTemplate = NamespaceSetUp.datasets; const nsAttrs = attributes[$nsAttributes]; let xfaAttrs = null; for (const [ns, attrs] of Object.entries(nsAttrs)) { const nsToUse = this._getNamespaceToUse(ns); if (nsToUse === dataTemplate) { xfaAttrs = { xfa: attrs }; break; } } if (xfaAttrs) { attributes[$nsAttributes] = xfaAttrs; } else { delete attributes[$nsAttributes]; } } const namespaceToUse = this._getNamespaceToUse(nsPrefix); const node = (namespaceToUse && namespaceToUse[$buildXFAObject](name, attributes)) || new Empty(); if (node[$isNsAgnostic]()) { this._nsAgnosticLevel++; } // In case the node has some namespace things, // we must pop the different stacks. if (hasNamespaceDef || prefixes || node[$isNsAgnostic]()) { node[$cleanup] = { hasNamespace: hasNamespaceDef, prefixes, nsAgnostic: node[$isNsAgnostic](), }; } return node; } isNsAgnostic() { return this._nsAgnosticLevel > 0; } _searchNamespace(nsName) { let ns = this._namespaces.get(nsName); if (ns) { return ns; } for (const [name, { check }] of Object.entries(NamespaceIds)) { if (check(nsName)) { ns = NamespaceSetUp[name]; if (ns) { this._namespaces.set(nsName, ns); return ns; } // The namespace is known but not handled. break; } } ns = new UnknownNamespace(++this._nextNsId); this._namespaces.set(nsName, ns); return ns; } _addNamespacePrefix(prefixes) { for (const { prefix, value } of prefixes) { const namespace = this._searchNamespace(value); let prefixStack = this._namespacePrefixes.get(prefix); if (!prefixStack) { prefixStack = []; this._namespacePrefixes.set(prefix, prefixStack); } prefixStack.push(namespace); } } _getNamespaceToUse(prefix) { if (!prefix) { return this._currentNamespace; } const prefixStack = this._namespacePrefixes.get(prefix); if (prefixStack && prefixStack.length > 0) { return prefixStack[prefixStack.length - 1]; } warn(`Unknown namespace prefix: ${prefix}.`); return null; } clean(data) { const { hasNamespace, prefixes, nsAgnostic } = data; if (hasNamespace) { this._currentNamespace = this._namespaceStack.pop(); } if (prefixes) { prefixes.forEach(({ prefix }) => { this._namespacePrefixes.get(prefix).pop(); }); } if (nsAgnostic) { this._nsAgnosticLevel--; } } } export { Builder };