/* Copyright 2022 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { closePages, dragAndDropAnnotation, getEditors, getEditorSelector, getFirstSerialized, getSelectedEditors, getSerialized, hover, kbBigMoveDown, kbBigMoveLeft, kbBigMoveRight, kbBigMoveUp, kbCopy, kbGoToBegin, kbGoToEnd, kbModifierDown, kbModifierUp, kbPaste, kbRedo, kbSelectAll, kbUndo, loadAndWait, scrollIntoView, waitForEvent, waitForSelectedEditor, waitForSerialized, waitForStorageEntries, waitForUnselectedEditor, } from "./test_utils.mjs"; import { PNG } from "pngjs"; const copyPaste = async page => { let promise = waitForEvent(page, "copy"); await kbCopy(page); await promise; await page.waitForTimeout(10); promise = waitForEvent(page, "paste"); await kbPaste(page); await promise; }; const selectAll = async page => { await kbSelectAll(page); await page.waitForFunction( () => !document.querySelector(".freeTextEditor:not(.selectedEditor)") ); }; const clearAll = async page => { await selectAll(page); await page.keyboard.down("Control"); await page.keyboard.press("Backspace"); await page.keyboard.up("Control"); await waitForStorageEntries(page, 0); }; const switchToFreeText = async page => { await page.click("#editorFreeText"); await page.waitForSelector(".annotationEditorLayer.freetextEditing"); }; const getXY = (page, selector) => page.evaluate(sel => { const bbox = document.querySelector(sel).getBoundingClientRect(); return `${bbox.x}::${bbox.y}`; }, selector); const waitForPositionChange = (page, selector, xy) => page.waitForFunction( (sel, currentXY) => { const bbox = document.querySelector(sel).getBoundingClientRect(); return `${bbox.x}::${bbox.y}` !== currentXY; }, {}, selector, xy ); const cancelFocusIn = async (page, selector) => { page.evaluate(sel => { const el = document.querySelector(sel); el.addEventListener( "focusin", evt => { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); }, { capture: true, once: true } ); }, selector); }; describe("FreeText Editor", () => { describe("FreeText", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("aboutstacks.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must write a string in a FreeText editor", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); const rect = await page.$eval(".annotationEditorLayer", el => { // With Chrome something is wrong when serializing a DomRect, // hence we extract the values and just return them. const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); const data = "Hello PDF.js World !!"; await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 100, rect.y + 100); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(0), { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(0)} .internal`, data); const editorRect = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(0), el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height, }; }); // Commit. await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x, editorRect.y + 2 * editorRect.height ); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(0)} .overlay.enabled` ); await waitForSelectedEditor(page, getEditorSelector(0)); await waitForStorageEntries(page, 1); let content = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(0), el => el.innerText.trimEnd() ); expect(content).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(data); // Edit again. await page.keyboard.press("Enter"); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(0)} .overlay:not(.enabled)` ); // Commit. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(0)} .overlay.enabled` ); content = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(0), el => el.innerText.trimEnd() ); expect(content).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(data); }) ); }); it("must copy/paste", async () => { // Run sequentially to avoid clipboard issues. for (const [browserName, page] of pages) { const editorRect = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(0), el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height }; }); // Select the editor created previously. await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x + editorRect.width / 2, editorRect.y + editorRect.height / 2 ); await waitForSelectedEditor(page, getEditorSelector(0)); await copyPaste(page); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(1), { visible: true, }); await waitForStorageEntries(page, 2); const content = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(0), el => el.innerText.trimEnd() ); let pastedContent = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(1), el => el.innerText.trimEnd() ); expect(pastedContent).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(content); await copyPaste(page); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(2), { visible: true, }); await waitForStorageEntries(page, 3); pastedContent = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(2), el => el.innerText.trimEnd() ); expect(pastedContent).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(content); } }); it("must clear all", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await clearAll(page); for (const n of [0, 1, 2]) { const hasEditor = await page.evaluate(sel => { return !!document.querySelector(sel); }, getEditorSelector(n)); expect(hasEditor).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(false); } await waitForStorageEntries(page, 0); }) ); }); it("must check that a paste has been undone", async () => { // Run sequentially to avoid clipboard issues. for (const [, page] of pages) { const rect = await page.$eval(".annotationEditorLayer", el => { const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); const data = "Hello PDF.js World !!"; await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 100, rect.y + 100); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(3), { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(3)} .internal`, data); const editorRect = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(3), el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height }; }); // Commit. await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x, editorRect.y + 2 * editorRect.height ); await page.waitForSelector(`${getEditorSelector(3)} .overlay.enabled`); // And select it again. await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x + editorRect.width / 2, editorRect.y + editorRect.height / 2 ); await waitForSelectedEditor(page, getEditorSelector(3)); await copyPaste(page); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(4), { visible: true, }); await kbUndo(page); await page.waitForFunction( sel => !document.querySelector(sel), {}, getEditorSelector(4) ); for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { const promise = waitForEvent(page, "paste"); await kbPaste(page); await promise; await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(5 + i)); } for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { await kbUndo(page); await page.waitForFunction( sel => !document.querySelector(sel), {}, getEditorSelector(6 - i) ); } } }); it("must check that aria-owns is correct", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await page.$eval(".textLayer", el => { for (const span of el.querySelectorAll( `span[role="presentation"]` )) { if (span.innerText.includes("Stacks are simple to create")) { span.setAttribute("pdfjs", true); } } }); await scrollIntoView(page, `span[pdfjs="true"]`); const [stacksRect, oldAriaOwns] = await page.$eval( `span[pdfjs="true"]`, el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return [{ x, y, width, height }, el.getAttribute("aria-owns")]; } ); expect(oldAriaOwns).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(null); const data = "Hello PDF.js World !!"; await page.mouse.click( stacksRect.x + stacksRect.width + 1, stacksRect.y + stacksRect.height / 2 ); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(7), { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(7)} .internal`, data); // Commit. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(7)} .overlay.enabled` ); const ariaOwns = await page.$eval(".textLayer", el => { const span = el.querySelector(`span[pdfjs="true"]`); return span?.getAttribute("aria-owns") || null; }); expect(ariaOwns.endsWith("_7-editor")) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(true); await scrollIntoView(page, ".annotationEditorLayer"); }) ); }); it("must check that right click doesn't select", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { const rect = await page.$eval(".annotationEditorLayer", el => { const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); await clearAll(page); const data = "Hello PDF.js World !!"; await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 100, rect.y + 100); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(8), { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(8)} .internal`, data); const editorRect = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(8), el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height }; }); // Commit. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(8)} .overlay.enabled` ); expect(await getSelectedEditors(page)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([8]); await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForFunction( () => !document.querySelector(".selectedEditor") ); await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x + editorRect.width / 2, editorRect.y + editorRect.height / 2 ); await waitForSelectedEditor(page, getEditorSelector(8)); expect(await getSelectedEditors(page)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([8]); // Escape. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForFunction( () => !document.querySelector(".selectedEditor") ); // TODO: uncomment that stuff once we've a way to dismiss // the context menu. /* await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x + editorRect.width / 2, editorRect.y + editorRect.height / 2, { button: "right" } ); */ }) ); }); it("must check that text change can be undone/redone", async () => { // Run sequentially to avoid clipboard issues. for (const [browserName, page] of pages) { const rect = await page.$eval(".annotationEditorLayer", el => { const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); await clearAll(page); await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 200, rect.y + 100); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(9), { visible: true, }); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(9)} .internal`, "A"); const editorRect = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(9), el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height }; }); // Commit. await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x + 1.5 * editorRect.width, editorRect.y ); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(9)} .overlay.enabled` ); if (i < 4) { // And select it again. await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x + editorRect.width / 2, editorRect.y + editorRect.height / 2, { clickCount: 2 } ); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(9)} .overlay:not(.enabled)` ); } } let prevText = await page.$eval( `${getEditorSelector(9)} .internal`, el => el.innerText ); const waitForTextChange = previous => page.waitForFunction( (prev, sel) => document.querySelector(sel).innerText !== prev, {}, previous, `${getEditorSelector(9)} .internal` ); const getText = () => page.$eval(`${getEditorSelector(9)} .internal`, el => el.innerText); // We're in the middle of the text. await kbUndo(page); await waitForTextChange(prevText); let text = (prevText = await getText()); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("AAAA"); await kbUndo(page); await waitForTextChange(prevText); text = prevText = await getText(); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("AAA"); await kbRedo(page); await waitForTextChange(prevText); text = prevText = await getText(); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("AAAA"); for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { await kbUndo(page); if (i < 3) { await waitForTextChange(prevText); prevText = await getText(); } } await page.waitForFunction( () => !document.querySelector(".selectedEditor") ); await kbRedo(page); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(9), { visible: true, }); text = await getText(); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("A"); // Add a new A. const editorRect = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(9), el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height }; }); await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x + editorRect.width / 2, editorRect.y + editorRect.height / 2, { clickCount: 2 } ); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(9)} .overlay:not(.enabled)` ); await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(9)} .internal`, "A"); // Commit. await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x + 1.5 * editorRect.width, editorRect.y ); await page.waitForSelector(`${getEditorSelector(9)} .overlay.enabled`); text = await getText(); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("AA"); } }); }); describe("FreeText (multiselection)", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("aboutstacks.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must select/unselect several editors and check copy, paste and delete operations", async () => { // Run sequentially to avoid clipboard issues. for (const [browserName, page] of pages) { await switchToFreeText(page); const rect = await page.$eval(".annotationEditorLayer", el => { // With Chrome something is wrong when serializing a DomRect, // hence we extract the values and just return them. const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height }; }); const editorCenters = []; let lastX = rect.x + rect.width / 10; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { const data = `FreeText ${i}`; await page.mouse.click(lastX, rect.y + rect.height / 10); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(i), { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(i)} .internal`, data); const editorRect = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(i), el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height, }; }); lastX = editorRect.x + editorRect.width + 10; editorCenters.push({ x: editorRect.x + editorRect.width / 2, y: editorRect.y + editorRect.height / 2, }); // Commit. await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x + 1.5 * editorRect.width, editorRect.y ); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(i)} .overlay.enabled` ); } await selectAll(page); expect(await getSelectedEditors(page)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([0, 1, 2, 3]); // Unselect the editor. await kbModifierDown(page); await page.mouse.click(editorCenters[1].x, editorCenters[1].y); await waitForUnselectedEditor(page, getEditorSelector(1)); expect(await getSelectedEditors(page)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([0, 2, 3]); await page.mouse.click(editorCenters[2].x, editorCenters[2].y); await waitForUnselectedEditor(page, getEditorSelector(2)); expect(await getSelectedEditors(page)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([0, 3]); await page.mouse.click(editorCenters[1].x, editorCenters[1].y); await kbModifierUp(page); await waitForSelectedEditor(page, getEditorSelector(1)); expect(await getSelectedEditors(page)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([0, 1, 3]); await copyPaste(page); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(6), { visible: true, }); // 0,1,3 are unselected and new pasted editors are selected. expect(await getSelectedEditors(page)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([4, 5, 6]); // No ctrl here, hence all are unselected and 2 is selected. await page.mouse.click(editorCenters[2].x, editorCenters[2].y); await waitForSelectedEditor(page, getEditorSelector(2)); expect(await getSelectedEditors(page)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([2]); await page.mouse.click(editorCenters[1].x, editorCenters[1].y); await waitForSelectedEditor(page, getEditorSelector(1)); expect(await getSelectedEditors(page)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([1]); await kbModifierDown(page); await page.mouse.click(editorCenters[3].x, editorCenters[3].y); await waitForSelectedEditor(page, getEditorSelector(3)); expect(await getSelectedEditors(page)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([1, 3]); await kbModifierUp(page); // Delete 1 and 3. await page.keyboard.press("Backspace"); await page.waitForFunction( sels => sels.every(sel => !document.querySelector(sel)), {}, [1, 3].map(getEditorSelector) ); await selectAll(page); expect(await getSelectedEditors(page)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([0, 2, 4, 5, 6]); // Create an empty editor. await page.mouse.click( rect.x + (rect.width / 10) * 7, rect.y + rect.height / 10 ); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(7), { visible: true, }); expect(await getSelectedEditors(page)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([7]); // Set the focus to 2 and check that only 2 is selected. await page.mouse.click(editorCenters[2].x, editorCenters[2].y); await waitForSelectedEditor(page, getEditorSelector(2)); expect(await getSelectedEditors(page)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([2]); // Create an empty editor. await page.mouse.click( rect.x + (rect.width / 10) * 8, rect.y + rect.height / 10 ); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(8), { visible: true, }); expect(await getSelectedEditors(page)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([8]); // Dismiss it. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForFunction( sel => !document.querySelector(sel), {}, getEditorSelector(8) ); await selectAll(page); // Check that all the editors are correctly selected (and the focus // didn't move to the body when the empty editor was removed). expect(await getSelectedEditors(page)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([0, 2, 4, 5, 6]); } }); }); describe("FreeText (bugs)", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("tracemonkey.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must serialize invisible annotations", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); let currentId = 0; const expected = []; const oneToFourteen = Array.from(new Array(14).keys(), x => x + 1); for (const pageNumber of oneToFourteen) { const pageSelector = `.page[data-page-number = "${pageNumber}"]`; await scrollIntoView(page, pageSelector); const annotationLayerSelector = `${pageSelector} > .annotationEditorLayer.freetextEditing`; await page.waitForSelector(annotationLayerSelector, { visible: true, timeout: 0, }); if (![1, 14].includes(pageNumber)) { continue; } const rect = await page.$eval(annotationLayerSelector, el => { // With Chrome something is wrong when serializing a DomRect, // hence we extract the values and just return them. const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); const data = `Hello PDF.js World !! on page ${pageNumber}`; expected.push(data); await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 100, rect.y + 100); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(currentId), { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(currentId)} .internal`, data); // Commit. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(currentId)} .overlay.enabled` ); await waitForSelectedEditor(page, getEditorSelector(currentId)); await waitForStorageEntries(page, currentId + 1); const content = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(currentId), el => el.innerText.trimEnd() ); expect(content).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(data); currentId += 1; } const serialize = proprName => page.evaluate(name => { const { map } = window.PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument.annotationStorage .serializable; return map ? Array.from(map.values(), x => x[name]) : []; }, proprName); expect(await serialize("value")) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(expected); expect(await serialize("fontSize")) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([10, 10]); expect(await serialize("color")) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([ [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], ]); // Increase the font size for all the annotations. await selectAll(page); const [prevFontSize, prevColor] = await page.$eval( ".selectedEditor .internal", el => { const style = getComputedStyle(el); return [style.fontSize, style.color]; } ); page.evaluate(() => { window.PDFViewerApplication.eventBus.dispatch( "switchannotationeditorparams", { source: null, type: window.pdfjsLib.AnnotationEditorParamsType.FREETEXT_SIZE, value: 13, } ); }); await page.waitForFunction( prev => getComputedStyle( document.querySelector(".selectedEditor .internal") ).fontSize !== prev, {}, prevFontSize ); expect(await serialize("fontSize")) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([13, 13]); // Change the colors for all the annotations. page.evaluate(() => { window.PDFViewerApplication.eventBus.dispatch( "switchannotationeditorparams", { source: null, type: window.pdfjsLib.AnnotationEditorParamsType.FREETEXT_COLOR, value: "#FF0000", } ); }); await page.waitForFunction( prev => getComputedStyle( document.querySelector(".selectedEditor .internal") ).color !== prev, {}, prevColor ); expect(await serialize("color")) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([ [255, 0, 0], [255, 0, 0], ]); }) ); }); }); describe("issue 15789", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("issue15789.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); pages = await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await page.select("#scaleSelect", "1"); return [browserName, page]; }) ); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must take the media box into account", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); let currentId = 0; for (let step = 0; step < 3; step++) { const rect = await page.$eval(".annotationEditorLayer", el => { // With Chrome something is wrong when serializing a DomRect, // hence we extract the values and just return them. const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height }; }); const data = `Hello ${step}`; const x = rect.x + 0.1 * rect.width; const y = rect.y + 0.1 * rect.height; await page.mouse.click(x, y); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(currentId), { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(currentId)} .internal`, data); // Commit. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(currentId)} .overlay.enabled` ); await page.evaluate(() => { document.getElementById("pageRotateCw").click(); }); currentId += 1; await page.waitForSelector( ".page[data-page-number='1'] .canvasWrapper", { timeout: 0, } ); await page.waitForSelector( ".page[data-page-number='1'] .annotationEditorLayer:not([hidden])", { timeout: 0, } ); } const serialize = proprName => page.evaluate(name => { const { map } = window.PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument.annotationStorage .serializable; return map ? Array.from(map.values(), x => x[name]) : []; }, proprName); const rects = (await serialize("rect")).map(rect => rect.slice(0, 2).map(x => Math.floor(x)) ); const expected = [ [-28, 695], [-38, -10], [501, -20], ]; // Dimensions aren't exactly the same from a platform to an other // so we're a bit tolerant here with the numbers. // Anyway the goal is to check that the bottom left corner of the // media box is taken into account. // The pdf has a media box equals to [-99 -99 612.0 792.0]. const diffs = rects.map( (rect, i) => Math.abs(rect[0] - expected[i][0]) < 10 && Math.abs(rect[1] - expected[i][1]) < 10 ); expect(diffs) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([true, true, true]); }) ); }); }); describe("FreeText (move existing)", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("freetexts.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must move an annotation", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); const editorIds = await getEditors(page, "freeText"); expect(editorIds.length).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(6); // All the current annotations should be serialized as null objects // because they haven't been edited yet. const serialized = await getSerialized(page); expect(serialized).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual([]); const editorRect = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(0), el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height }; }); // Select the annotation we want to move. await page.mouse.click(editorRect.x + 2, editorRect.y + 2); await waitForSelectedEditor(page, getEditorSelector(0)); await dragAndDropAnnotation( page, editorRect.x + editorRect.width / 2, editorRect.y + editorRect.height / 2, 100, 100 ); await waitForSerialized(page, 1); }) ); }); }); describe("FreeText (update existing)", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("freetexts.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must update an existing annotation", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); let editorIds = await getEditors(page, "freeText"); expect(editorIds.length).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(6); const editorRect = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(0), el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height }; }); await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x + editorRect.width / 2, editorRect.y + editorRect.height / 2, { clickCount: 2 } ); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(0)} .overlay:not(.enabled)` ); await kbGoToEnd(page); await page.waitForFunction( sel => document.getSelection().anchorOffset === document.querySelector(sel).innerText.length, {}, `${getEditorSelector(0)} .internal` ); await page.type( `${getEditorSelector(0)} .internal`, " and edited in Firefox" ); // Commit. await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x, editorRect.y + 2 * editorRect.height ); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(0)} .overlay.enabled` ); const serialized = await getSerialized(page); expect(serialized.length).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(1); expect(serialized[0]).toEqual( jasmine.objectContaining({ color: [107, 217, 41], fontSize: 14, value: "Hello World from Acrobat and edited in Firefox", id: "26R", }) ); // Disable editing mode. await page.click("#editorFreeText"); await page.waitForSelector( `.annotationEditorLayer:not(.freetextEditing)` ); // We want to check that the editor is displayed but not the original // annotation. editorIds = await getEditors(page, "freeText"); expect(editorIds.length).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(1); const hidden = await page.$eval( "[data-annotation-id='26R']", el => el.hidden ); expect(hidden).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toBeTrue(); // Re-enable editing mode. await switchToFreeText(page); await page.focus(".annotationEditorLayer"); await kbUndo(page); await waitForSerialized(page, 0); editorIds = await getEditors(page, "freeText"); expect(editorIds.length).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(6); // Undo again. await kbUndo(page); // Nothing should happen, it's why we can't wait for something // specific! await page.waitForTimeout(200); // We check that the editor hasn't been removed. editorIds = await getEditors(page, "freeText"); expect(editorIds.length).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(6); }) ); }); }); describe("FreeText (update existing but not empty ones)", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("issue14438.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must update an existing annotation but not an empty one", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); const editorIds = await getEditors(page, "freeText"); expect(editorIds.length).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(1); }) ); }); }); describe("FreeText (delete existing)", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("freetexts.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must delete an existing annotation", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); let editorIds = await getEditors(page, "freeText"); expect(editorIds.length).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(6); const editorRect = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(3), el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height }; }); await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x + editorRect.width / 2, editorRect.y + editorRect.height / 2 ); await waitForSelectedEditor(page, getEditorSelector(3)); await page.keyboard.press("Backspace"); await page.waitForFunction( sel => !document.querySelector(sel), {}, getEditorSelector(3) ); const serialized = await getSerialized(page); expect(serialized).toEqual([ { pageIndex: 0, id: "51R", deleted: true, }, ]); // Disable editing mode. await page.click("#editorFreeText"); await page.waitForSelector( `.annotationEditorLayer:not(.freetextEditing)` ); // We want to check that nothing is displayed. editorIds = await getEditors(page, "freeText"); expect(editorIds.length).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(0); const hidden = await page.$eval( "[data-annotation-id='51R']", el => el.hidden ); expect(hidden).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toBeTrue(); // Re-enable editing mode. await switchToFreeText(page); await page.focus(".annotationEditorLayer"); await kbUndo(page); await waitForSerialized(page, 0); }) ); }); }); describe("FreeText (copy/paste existing)", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("freetexts.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must copy and paste an existing annotation", async () => { // Run sequentially to avoid clipboard issues. for (const [browserName, page] of pages) { await switchToFreeText(page); const editorIds = await getEditors(page, "freeText"); expect(editorIds.length).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(6); const editorRect = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(1), el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height }; }); await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x + editorRect.width / 2, editorRect.y + editorRect.height / 2 ); await waitForSelectedEditor(page, getEditorSelector(1)); await copyPaste(page); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(6), { visible: true, }); await waitForStorageEntries(page, 7); } }); }); describe("FreeText (edit existing in double clicking on it)", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("freetexts.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must move an annotation", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await page.click("[data-annotation-id='26R']", { clickCount: 2 }); await page.waitForSelector(`${getEditorSelector(0)}-editor`); const [focusedId, editable] = await page.evaluate(() => { const el = document.activeElement; return [el.id, el.contentEditable]; }); expect(focusedId) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual("pdfjs_internal_editor_0-editor"); expect(editable).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("true"); const editorIds = await getEditors(page, "freeText"); expect(editorIds.length).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(6); }) ); }); }); describe("FreeText with popup", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait( "annotation-freetext.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer" ); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must not remove an empty annotation", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await page.waitForSelector("[data-annotation-id='23R']"); // Cannot use page.hover with Firefox on Mac because of a bug. // TODO: remove this when we switch to BiDi. await hover(page, "[data-annotation-id='23R']"); // Wait for the popup to be displayed. await page.waitForFunction( () => document.querySelector("[data-annotation-id='popup_23R']") .hidden === false ); // Enter in editing mode. await switchToFreeText(page); await page.waitForTimeout(200); // Disable editing mode. await page.click("#editorFreeText"); await page.waitForSelector( `.annotationEditorLayer:not(.freetextEditing)` ); // TODO: remove this when we switch to BiDi. await hover(page, "[data-annotation-id='23R']"); // Wait for the popup to be displayed. await page.waitForFunction( () => document.querySelector("[data-annotation-id='popup_23R']") .hidden === false ); }) ); }); it("must hide the popup when editing", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await page.click("[data-annotation-id='20R']"); // Wait for the popup to be displayed. await page.waitForFunction( () => document.querySelector("[data-annotation-id='popup_20R']") .hidden === false ); // Enter in editing mode. await switchToFreeText(page); // Wait for the popup to be hidden. await page.waitForFunction( () => document.querySelector("[data-annotation-id='popup_20R']") .hidden === true ); // Exit editing mode. await page.click("#editorFreeText"); await page.waitForSelector( `.annotationEditorLayer:not(.freetextEditing)` ); // Wait for the popup to be visible. await page.waitForFunction( () => document.querySelector("[data-annotation-id='popup_20R']") .hidden === false ); }) ); }); }); describe("FreeText rotation", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("empty.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must check that the dimensions of a rotated annotations are correct after a font size change", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await page.evaluate(() => { window.PDFViewerApplication.rotatePages(90); }); await page.waitForSelector( ".annotationEditorLayer[data-main-rotation='90']" ); await switchToFreeText(page); const rect = await page.$eval(".annotationEditorLayer", el => { const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); const data = "Hello PDF.js World !!"; await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 100, rect.y + 100); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(0), { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(0)} .internal`, data); const editorRect = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(0), el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height, }; }); // Commit. await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x, editorRect.y + 2 * editorRect.height ); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(0)} .overlay.enabled` ); // Make Chrome happy. await page.waitForFunction(() => { const box = [ ...window.PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument.annotationStorage.serializable.map.values(), ][0].rect; return box[2] !== box[0]; }, {}); let serialized = await getSerialized(page); let bbox = serialized[0].rect; let width = bbox[2] - bbox[0]; let height = bbox[3] - bbox[1]; expect(width < height) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(true); await page.evaluate(() => { window.PDFViewerApplication.rotatePages(270); }); await page.waitForSelector( ".annotationEditorLayer[data-main-rotation='0']" ); await selectAll(page); const prevWidth = await page.$eval( ".selectedEditor .internal", el => el.getBoundingClientRect().width ); page.evaluate(() => { window.PDFViewerApplication.eventBus.dispatch( "switchannotationeditorparams", { source: null, type: window.pdfjsLib.AnnotationEditorParamsType.FREETEXT_SIZE, value: 50, } ); }); await page.waitForFunction( prev => document .querySelector(".selectedEditor .internal") .getBoundingClientRect().width !== prev, {}, prevWidth ); // Make Chrome happy. await page.waitForFunction(() => { const box = [ ...window.PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument.annotationStorage.serializable.map.values(), ][0].rect; return box[2] !== box[0]; }, {}); serialized = await getSerialized(page); bbox = serialized[0].rect; width = bbox[2] - bbox[0]; height = bbox[3] - bbox[1]; expect(width < height) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(true); }) ); }); }); describe("FreeText (remove)", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("tracemonkey.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must delete invisible annotations", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); let currentId = 0; const oneToFourteen = Array.from(new Array(14).keys(), x => x + 1); for (const pageNumber of oneToFourteen) { const pageSelector = `.page[data-page-number = "${pageNumber}"]`; await scrollIntoView(page, pageSelector); const annotationLayerSelector = `${pageSelector} > .annotationEditorLayer.freetextEditing`; await page.waitForSelector(annotationLayerSelector, { visible: true, timeout: 0, }); if (![1, 14].includes(pageNumber)) { continue; } const rect = await page.$eval(annotationLayerSelector, el => { // With Chrome something is wrong when serializing a DomRect, // hence we extract the values and just return them. const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); const data = `Hello PDF.js World !! on page ${pageNumber}`; await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 100, rect.y + 100); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(currentId), { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(currentId)} .internal`, data); // Commit. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(currentId)} .overlay.enabled` ); currentId += 1; } await selectAll(page); const serialize = () => page.evaluate(() => { const { map } = window.PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument.annotationStorage .serializable; return map ? Array.from(map.values(), x => x.pageIndex) : []; }); expect(await serialize()) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([0, 13]); // Delete await page.keyboard.press("Backspace"); await waitForSerialized(page, 0); }) ); }); }); describe("FreeText (open existing)", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("issue16633.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must open an existing annotation and check that the position are good", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); await page.evaluate(() => { document.getElementById("editorFreeTextParamsToolbar").remove(); }); const toBinary = buf => { for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; i += 4) { const gray = (0.2126 * buf[i] + 0.7152 * buf[i + 1] + 0.0722 * buf[i + 2]) / 255; buf[i] = buf[i + 1] = buf[i + 2] = gray <= 0.5 ? 0 : 255; } }; // We want to detect the first non-white pixel in the image. // But we can have some antialiasing... // The idea to just try to detect the beginning of the vertical bar // of the "H" letter. // Hence we just take the first non-white pixel in the image which is // the most repeated one. const getFirstPixel = (buf, width, height) => { toBinary(buf); const firsts = []; const stats = {}; // Get the position of the first pixels. // The position of char depends on a lot of different parameters, // hence it's possible to not have a pixel where we expect to have // it. So we just collect the positions of the first black pixel and // take the first one where its abscissa is the most frequent. for (let i = height - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (let j = 0; j < width; j++) { const idx = (width * i + j) << 2; if (buf[idx] === 0) { firsts.push([j, i]); stats[j] = (stats[j] || 0) + 1; break; } } } let maxValue = -Infinity; let maxJ = 0; for (const [j, count] of Object.entries(stats)) { if (count > maxValue) { maxValue = count; maxJ = j; } } maxJ = parseInt(maxJ, 10); for (const [j, i] of firsts) { if (j === maxJ) { return [j, i]; } } return null; }; for (const n of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) { const rect = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(n), el => { // With Chrome something is wrong when serializing a DomRect, // hence we extract the values and just return them. const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height }; }); const editorPng = await page.screenshot({ clip: rect, type: "png", }); const editorImage = PNG.sync.read(editorPng); const editorFirstPix = getFirstPixel( editorImage.data, editorImage.width, editorImage.height ); const annotationId = await page.evaluate(N => { const editor = document.getElementById( `pdfjs_internal_editor_${N}` ); const annId = editor.getAttribute("annotation-id"); const annotation = document.querySelector( `[data-annotation-id="${annId}"]` ); editor.hidden = true; annotation.hidden = false; return annId; }, n); await page.waitForSelector(`${getEditorSelector(n)}[hidden]`); await page.waitForSelector( `[data-annotation-id="${annotationId}"]:not([hidden])` ); const annotationPng = await page.screenshot({ clip: rect, type: "png", }); const annotationImage = PNG.sync.read(annotationPng); const annotationFirstPix = getFirstPixel( annotationImage.data, annotationImage.width, annotationImage.height ); expect( Math.abs(editorFirstPix[0] - annotationFirstPix[0]) <= 3 && Math.abs(editorFirstPix[1] - annotationFirstPix[1]) <= 3 ) .withContext( `In ${browserName}, first pix coords in editor: ${editorFirstPix} and in annotation: ${annotationFirstPix}` ) .toEqual(true); } }) ); }); }); describe("FreeText (open existing and rotated)", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait( "rotated_freetexts.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer", 100 ); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must open an existing rotated annotation and check that the position are good", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); await page.evaluate(() => { document.getElementById("editorFreeTextParamsToolbar").remove(); }); const toBinary = buf => { for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; i += 4) { const gray = (0.2126 * buf[i] + 0.7152 * buf[i + 1] + 0.0722 * buf[i + 2]) / 255; buf[i] = buf[i + 1] = buf[i + 2] = gray >= 0.5 ? 255 : 0; } }; const getFirstPixel = (buf, width, height, start) => { toBinary(buf); const firsts = []; const stats = {}; switch (start) { case "TL": for (let j = 0; j < width; j++) { for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) { const idx = (width * i + j) << 2; if (buf[idx] === 0) { firsts.push([j, i]); stats[j] = (stats[j] || 0) + 1; break; } } } break; case "TR": for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (let j = width - 1; j >= 0; j--) { const idx = (width * i + j) << 2; if (buf[idx] === 0) { firsts.push([j, i]); stats[j] = (stats[j] || 0) + 1; break; } } } break; case "BR": for (let j = width - 1; j >= 0; j--) { for (let i = height - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const idx = (width * i + j) << 2; if (buf[idx] === 0) { firsts.push([j, i]); stats[j] = (stats[j] || 0) + 1; break; } } } break; case "BL": for (let i = height - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (let j = 0; j < width; j++) { const idx = (width * i + j) << 2; if (buf[idx] === 0) { firsts.push([j, i]); stats[j] = (stats[j] || 0) + 1; break; } } } break; } let maxValue = -Infinity; let maxJ = 0; for (const [j, count] of Object.entries(stats)) { if (count > maxValue) { maxValue = count; maxJ = j; } } maxJ = parseInt(maxJ, 10); for (const [j, i] of firsts) { if (j === maxJ) { return [j, i]; } } return null; }; for (const [n, start] of [ [0, "BL"], [1, "BR"], [2, "TR"], [3, "TL"], ]) { const rect = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(n), el => { // With Chrome something is wrong when serializing a DomRect, // hence we extract the values and just return them. const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height }; }); const editorPng = await page.screenshot({ clip: rect, type: "png", }); const editorImage = PNG.sync.read(editorPng); const editorFirstPix = getFirstPixel( editorImage.data, editorImage.width, editorImage.height, start ); const annotationId = await page.evaluate(N => { const editor = document.getElementById( `pdfjs_internal_editor_${N}` ); const annId = editor.getAttribute("annotation-id"); const annotation = document.querySelector( `[data-annotation-id="${annId}"]` ); editor.hidden = true; annotation.hidden = false; return annId; }, n); await page.waitForSelector(`${getEditorSelector(n)}[hidden]`); await page.waitForSelector( `[data-annotation-id="${annotationId}"]:not([hidden])` ); const annotationPng = await page.screenshot({ clip: rect, type: "png", }); const annotationImage = PNG.sync.read(annotationPng); const annotationFirstPix = getFirstPixel( annotationImage.data, annotationImage.width, annotationImage.height, start ); expect( Math.abs(editorFirstPix[0] - annotationFirstPix[0]) <= 3 && Math.abs(editorFirstPix[1] - annotationFirstPix[1]) <= 3 ) .withContext( `In ${browserName}, first pix coords in editor: ${editorFirstPix} and in annotation: ${annotationFirstPix}` ) .toEqual(true); } }) ); }); }); describe("Keyboard shortcuts when the editor layer isn't focused", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("empty.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must check that the shortcuts are working correctly", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); const rect = await page.$eval(".annotationEditorLayer", el => { const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); const data = "Hello PDF.js World !!"; await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 100, rect.y + 100); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(0), { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(0)} .internal`, data); const editorRect = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(0), el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height, }; }); // Commit. await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x, editorRect.y + 2 * editorRect.height ); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(0)} .overlay.enabled` ); await page.focus("#editorFreeTextColor"); await kbUndo(page); await page.waitForFunction( sel => !document.querySelector(sel), {}, getEditorSelector(0) ); await kbRedo(page); await page.waitForFunction( sel => !!document.querySelector(sel), {}, getEditorSelector(0) ); }) ); }); }); describe("Move editor with arrows", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("empty.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must check the position of moved editor", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); const rect = await page.$eval(".annotationEditorLayer", el => { const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); const data = "Hello PDF.js World !!"; const selectorEditor = getEditorSelector(0); await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 200, rect.y + 200); await page.waitForSelector(selectorEditor, { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${selectorEditor} .internal`, data); const editorRect = await page.$eval(selectorEditor, el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height, }; }); // Commit. await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x, editorRect.y + 2 * editorRect.height ); await page.waitForSelector(`${selectorEditor} .overlay.enabled`); const [pageX, pageY] = await getFirstSerialized(page, x => x.rect); let xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { await page.keyboard.press("ArrowRight"); await waitForPositionChange(page, selectorEditor, xy); xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); } let [newX, newY] = await getFirstSerialized(page, x => x.rect); expect(Math.round(newX)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(Math.round(pageX + 20)); expect(Math.round(newY)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(Math.round(pageY)); for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { await page.keyboard.press("ArrowDown"); await waitForPositionChange(page, selectorEditor, xy); xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); } [newX, newY] = await getFirstSerialized(page, x => x.rect); expect(Math.round(newX)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(Math.round(pageX + 20)); expect(Math.round(newY)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(Math.round(pageY - 20)); for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { await kbBigMoveLeft(page); await waitForPositionChange(page, selectorEditor, xy); xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); } [newX, newY] = await getFirstSerialized(page, x => x.rect); expect(Math.round(newX)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(Math.round(pageX)); expect(Math.round(newY)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(Math.round(pageY - 20)); for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { await kbBigMoveUp(page); await waitForPositionChange(page, selectorEditor, xy); xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); } [newX, newY] = await getFirstSerialized(page, x => x.rect); expect(Math.round(newX)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(Math.round(pageX)); expect(Math.round(newY)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(Math.round(pageY)); }) ); }); it("must check arrow doesn't move an editor when a slider is focused", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await selectAll(page); await page.focus("#editorFreeTextFontSize"); const [page1X, , page2X] = await getFirstSerialized( page, x => x.rect ); const pageWidth = page2X - page1X; const selectorEditor = getEditorSelector(0); let xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { await page.keyboard.press("ArrowRight"); await waitForPositionChange(page, selectorEditor, xy); xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); } const [new1X, , new2X] = await getFirstSerialized(page, x => x.rect); const newWidth = new2X - new1X; expect(Math.round(new1X)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .not.toEqual(Math.round(page1X + 5)); expect(newWidth) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .not.toEqual(pageWidth); }) ); }); it("must check the position of an empty freetext", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await clearAll(page); const rect = await page.$eval(".annotationEditorLayer", el => { const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); const data = "Hello PDF.js World !!"; let selectorEditor = getEditorSelector(1); await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 100, rect.y + 100); await page.waitForSelector(selectorEditor, { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${selectorEditor} .internal`, data); const editorRect = await page.$eval(selectorEditor, el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height, }; }); // Commit. await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x, editorRect.y + 2 * editorRect.height ); await page.waitForSelector(`${selectorEditor} .overlay.enabled`); const [pageX, pageY] = await getFirstSerialized(page, x => x.rect); await clearAll(page); selectorEditor = getEditorSelector(2); await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 100, rect.y + 100); await page.waitForSelector(selectorEditor, { visible: true, }); let xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { await page.keyboard.press("ArrowRight"); await waitForPositionChange(page, selectorEditor, xy); xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); } for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { await kbBigMoveDown(page); await waitForPositionChange(page, selectorEditor, xy); xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); } for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { await page.keyboard.press("ArrowLeft"); await waitForPositionChange(page, selectorEditor, xy); xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); } for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { await kbBigMoveUp(page); await waitForPositionChange(page, selectorEditor, xy); xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); } for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { await kbBigMoveRight(page); await waitForPositionChange(page, selectorEditor, xy); xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); } for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { await kbBigMoveLeft(page); await waitForPositionChange(page, selectorEditor, xy); xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); } await page.type(`${selectorEditor} .internal`, data); await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector(`${selectorEditor} .overlay.enabled`); const [newX, newY] = await getFirstSerialized(page, x => x.rect); expect(Math.round(newX)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(Math.round(pageX)); expect(Math.round(newY)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(Math.round(pageY)); }) ); }); }); describe("Focus must go on the current page", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait( "tracemonkey.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer", 100, async page => { await page.waitForFunction(async () => { await window.PDFViewerApplication.initializedPromise; return true; }); await page.evaluate(() => { window.visitedPages = []; window.PDFViewerApplication.eventBus.on( "pagechanging", ({ pageNumber }) => { window.visitedPages.push(pageNumber); } ); }); } ); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must check that the focus is on the right page", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); const rect = await page.$eval(".annotationEditorLayer", el => { const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); const data = "Hello PDF.js World !!"; await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 100, rect.y + 100); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(0), { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(0)} .internal`, data); // Commit. await cancelFocusIn(page, getEditorSelector(0)); await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(0)} .overlay.enabled` ); const oneToFourteen = Array.from(new Array(14).keys(), x => x + 1); for (const pageNumber of oneToFourteen) { const pageSelector = `.page[data-page-number = "${pageNumber}"]`; await scrollIntoView(page, pageSelector); const annotationLayerSelector = `${pageSelector} > .annotationEditorLayer:not([hidden]).freetextEditing`; await page.waitForSelector(annotationLayerSelector, { visible: true, timeout: 0, }); } const visitedPages = await page.evaluate(() => { const p = window.visitedPages; delete window.visitedPages; return p; }); const sorted = visitedPages.slice().sort((a, b) => a - b); expect(visitedPages.length) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .not.toEqual(0); expect(visitedPages).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(sorted); }) ); }); }); describe("Freetext must stay focused after having been moved", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("empty.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must keep the focus", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); const rect = await page.$eval(".annotationEditorLayer", el => { const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 100, rect.y + 100); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(0), { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(0)} .internal`, "A"); // Commit. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(0)} .overlay.enabled` ); await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 110, rect.y + 150); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(1), { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(1)} .internal`, "B"); // Commit. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(1)} .overlay.enabled` ); await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 111, rect.y + 151); await waitForSelectedEditor(page, getEditorSelector(1)); const pos = n => page.evaluate(sel => { const editor = document.querySelector(sel); return Array.prototype.indexOf.call( editor.parentNode.childNodes, editor ); }, getEditorSelector(n)); expect(await pos(0)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(0); expect(await pos(1)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(1); const getY = selector => page.evaluate( sel => document.querySelector(sel).getBoundingClientRect().y, selector ); const height = await page.evaluate( sel => document.querySelector(sel).getBoundingClientRect().height, getEditorSelector(0) ); const y0 = await getY(getEditorSelector(0)); const selectorEditor = getEditorSelector(1); let xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); while ((await getY(selectorEditor)) > y0 - height) { await kbBigMoveUp(page); await waitForPositionChange(page, selectorEditor, xy); xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); } // The editor must be moved in the DOM and potentially the focus // will be lost, hence there's a callback will get back the focus. await page.waitForTimeout(200); const focused = await page.evaluate(sel => { const editor = document.querySelector(sel); return editor === document.activeElement; }, getEditorSelector(1)); expect(focused).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(true); expect(await pos(0)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(1); expect(await pos(1)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(0); }) ); }); }); describe("Move several FreeTexts", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("empty.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must move several annotations", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); const rect = await page.$eval(".annotationEditorLayer", el => { const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); const allPositions = []; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 10 + 30 * i, rect.y + 100 + 5 * i); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(i), { visible: true, }); await page.type( `${getEditorSelector(i)} .internal`, String.fromCharCode(65 + i) ); // Commit. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(i)} .overlay.enabled` ); allPositions.push( await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(i), el => { const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }) ); } await selectAll(page); await dragAndDropAnnotation(page, rect.x + 161, rect.y + 126, 39, 74); for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { const pos = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(i), el => { const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); const oldPos = allPositions[i]; expect(Math.abs(Math.round(pos.x - oldPos.x) - 39)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toBeLessThanOrEqual(1); expect(Math.abs(Math.round(pos.y - oldPos.y) - 74)) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toBeLessThanOrEqual(1); } }) ); }); }); describe("Don't unselect all when scrolling", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait( "tracemonkey.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer", 100, async page => { await page.waitForFunction(async () => { await window.PDFViewerApplication.initializedPromise; return true; }); await page.evaluate(() => { window.PDFViewerApplication.eventBus.on( "annotationeditorstateschanged", ({ details }) => { window.editingEvents?.push(details); } ); }); } ); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must check that selected editor stay selected", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); const rect = await page.$eval(".annotationEditorLayer", el => { const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); const data = "Hello PDF.js World !!"; await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 100, rect.y + 100); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(0), { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(0)} .internal`, data); // Commit. await cancelFocusIn(page, getEditorSelector(0)); await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(0)} .overlay.enabled` ); await page.evaluate(() => { window.editingEvents = []; }); for (let pageNumber = 1; pageNumber <= 4; pageNumber++) { const pageSelector = `.page[data-page-number = "${pageNumber}"]`; await scrollIntoView(page, pageSelector); const annotationLayerSelector = `${pageSelector} > .annotationEditorLayer.freetextEditing`; await page.waitForSelector(annotationLayerSelector, { visible: true, timeout: 0, }); } const editingEvents = await page.evaluate(() => { const e = window.editingEvents; delete window.editingEvents; return e; }); expect(editingEvents.length) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(0); }) ); }); }); describe("FreeText on several pages", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("tracemonkey.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must check that first annotation is selected without errors", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); const page1Selector = `.page[data-page-number = "1"] > .annotationEditorLayer.freetextEditing`; let rect = await page.$eval(page1Selector, el => { const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); const selectorEditor = getEditorSelector(0); await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 10, rect.y + 10); await page.waitForSelector(selectorEditor, { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${selectorEditor} .internal`, "Hello"); // Commit. await cancelFocusIn(page, selectorEditor); await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector(`${selectorEditor} .overlay.enabled`); // Unselect. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await waitForUnselectedEditor(page, selectorEditor); const editorRect = await page.$eval(selectorEditor, el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height }; }); // Select the editor created previously. await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x + editorRect.width / 2, editorRect.y + editorRect.height / 2 ); // Go to the last page. await scrollIntoView(page, `.page[data-page-number = "14"]`); const page14Selector = `.page[data-page-number = "14"] > .annotationEditorLayer.freetextEditing`; await page.waitForSelector(page14Selector, { visible: true, timeout: 0, }); rect = await page.$eval(page14Selector, el => { const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 10, rect.y + 10); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(1), { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(1)} .internal`, "World"); await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(0)} .overlay.enabled` ); for (let i = 0; i < 13; i++) { await page.keyboard.press("P"); const pageSelector = `.page[data-page-number = "${ 13 - i }"] > .annotationEditorLayer.freetextEditing`; await page.waitForSelector(pageSelector, { visible: true, timeout: 0, }); } await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(0), { visible: true, }); rect = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(0), el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height, }; }); await page.mouse.click( rect.x + rect.width / 2, rect.y + rect.height / 2 ); await waitForSelectedEditor(page, getEditorSelector(0)); const content = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(0), el => el.innerText.trimEnd() ); expect(content).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("Hello"); }) ); }); }); describe("Deleted FreeText", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("tracemonkey.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must check that a deleted freetext can be restored", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); const page1Selector = `.page[data-page-number = "1"] > .annotationEditorLayer.freetextEditing`; const rect = await page.$eval(page1Selector, el => { const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); const selectorEditor = getEditorSelector(0); await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 10, rect.y + 10); await page.waitForSelector(selectorEditor, { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${selectorEditor} .internal`, "Hello"); // Commit. await cancelFocusIn(page, selectorEditor); await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector(`${selectorEditor} .overlay.enabled`); // Unselect. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await waitForUnselectedEditor(page, selectorEditor); const editorRect = await page.$eval(selectorEditor, el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height }; }); // Select the editor created previously. await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x + editorRect.width / 2, editorRect.y + editorRect.height / 2 ); // Go to the last page. await scrollIntoView(page, `.page[data-page-number = "14"]`); await page.waitForSelector( `.page[data-page-number = "14"] > .annotationEditorLayer.freetextEditing`, { visible: true, timeout: 0, } ); await clearAll(page); // Go to the first page. await kbGoToBegin(page); await page.waitForSelector(page1Selector, { visible: true, timeout: 0, }); // Make sure that nothing has be added. await waitForStorageEntries(page, 0); await kbUndo(page); await waitForSerialized(page, 1); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(0), { visible: true, }); }) ); }); }); describe("FreeText accessibility", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("bug1823296.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must check that the parent structTree id is correct", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); const parentId = "p3R_mc8"; const rect = await page.evaluate(id => { const parent = document.getElementById(id); let span = null; for (const child of parent.childNodes) { if (child.innerText === "000.[5]") { span = child; break; } } const { x, y, width, height } = span.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height }; }, parentId); await page.mouse.click( rect.x + rect.width + 5, rect.y + rect.height / 2 ); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(0), { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(0)} .internal`, "Hello Wolrd"); // Commit. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(0)} .overlay.enabled` ); await waitForStorageEntries(page, 1); const id = await getFirstSerialized(page, x => x.structTreeParentId); expect(id).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(parentId); }) ); }); }); describe("Bug 1854818: mouse events in a selected FreeText editor", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("empty.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must check the text can be selected with the mouse", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); const rect = await page.$eval(".annotationEditorLayer", el => { // With Chrome something is wrong when serializing a DomRect, // hence we extract the values and just return them. const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); const data = "Hello PDF.js World !!"; await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 100, rect.y + 100); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(0), { visible: true, }); const internalEditorSelector = `${getEditorSelector(0)} .internal`; await page.type(internalEditorSelector, data); await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(0)} .overlay.enabled` ); await page.click(getEditorSelector(0), { clickCount: 2 }); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(0)} .overlay:not(.enabled)` ); await page.click(internalEditorSelector, { clickCount: 3, }); const selection = await page.evaluate(() => window.getSelection().toString() ); expect(selection).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(data); }) ); }); }); describe("Create editor with keyboard", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("empty.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must create an editor from the toolbar", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await page.focus("#editorFreeText"); await page.keyboard.press("Enter"); let selectorEditor = getEditorSelector(0); await page.waitForSelector(selectorEditor, { visible: true, }); let xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { await kbBigMoveUp(page); await waitForPositionChange(page, selectorEditor, xy); xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); } const data = "Hello PDF.js World !!"; await page.type(`${selectorEditor} .internal`, data); // Commit. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector(`${selectorEditor} .overlay.enabled`); let content = await page.$eval(selectorEditor, el => el.innerText.trimEnd() ); expect(content).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(data); // Disable editing mode. await page.click("#editorFreeText"); await page.waitForSelector( `.annotationEditorLayer:not(.freetextEditing)` ); await page.focus("#editorFreeText"); await page.keyboard.press(" "); selectorEditor = getEditorSelector(1); await page.waitForSelector(selectorEditor, { visible: true, }); xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { await kbBigMoveDown(page); await waitForPositionChange(page, selectorEditor, xy); xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); } await page.type(`${selectorEditor} .internal`, data); // Commit. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector(`${selectorEditor} .overlay.enabled`); // Unselect. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await waitForUnselectedEditor(page, selectorEditor); content = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(1), el => el.innerText.trimEnd() ); expect(content).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(data); }) ); }); it("must create an editor with keyboard", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await page.keyboard.press("Enter"); let selectorEditor = getEditorSelector(2); await page.waitForSelector(selectorEditor, { visible: true, }); let xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { await kbBigMoveLeft(page); await waitForPositionChange(page, selectorEditor, xy); xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); } const data = "Hello PDF.js World !!"; await page.type(`${selectorEditor} .internal`, data); // Commit. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector(`${selectorEditor} .overlay.enabled`); // Unselect. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await waitForUnselectedEditor(page, selectorEditor); let content = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(2), el => el.innerText.trimEnd() ); expect(content).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(data); await page.keyboard.press(" "); selectorEditor = getEditorSelector(3); await page.waitForSelector(selectorEditor, { visible: true, }); xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { await kbBigMoveRight(page); await waitForPositionChange(page, selectorEditor, xy); xy = await getXY(page, selectorEditor); } await page.type(`${selectorEditor} .internal`, data); // Commit. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector(`${selectorEditor} .overlay.enabled`); // Unselect. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await waitForUnselectedEditor(page, selectorEditor); content = await page.$eval(selectorEditor, el => el.innerText.trimEnd() ); expect(content).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(data); }) ); }); }); describe("Avoid to steal keyboard events", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("empty.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must check the keyboard event is limited to the input", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); const rect = await page.$eval(".annotationEditorLayer", el => { // With Chrome something is wrong when serializing a DomRect, // hence we extract the values and just return them. const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); const data = "Hello PDF.js World !!"; await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 100, rect.y + 100); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(0), { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(0)} .internal`, data); // Commit. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(0)} .overlay.enabled` ); let promise = page.evaluate( () => new Promise(resolve => { document.addEventListener("selectionchange", resolve, { once: true, }); }) ); await page.click("#pageNumber"); await promise; promise = page.evaluate( () => new Promise(resolve => { document .getElementById("pageNumber") .addEventListener("keyup", resolve, { once: true }); }) ); await page.keyboard.press("Backspace"); await promise; let content = await page.$eval("#pageNumber", el => el.innerText.trimEnd() ); expect(content).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(""); content = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(0), el => el.innerText.trimEnd() ); expect(content).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(data); }) ); }); }); describe("Delete a freetext in using the delete button", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("empty.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must check that a freetext is deleted", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); const rect = await page.$eval(".annotationEditorLayer", el => { // With Chrome something is wrong when serializing a DomRect, // hence we extract the values and just return them. const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); const data = "Hello PDF.js World !!"; await page.mouse.click(rect.x + 100, rect.y + 100); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(0), { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${getEditorSelector(0)} .internal`, data); // Commit. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector( `${getEditorSelector(0)} .overlay.enabled` ); // Delete it in using the button. await page.click(`${getEditorSelector(0)} button.delete`); await page.waitForFunction( sel => !document.querySelector(sel), {}, getEditorSelector(0) ); await waitForStorageEntries(page, 0); // Undo. await kbUndo(page); await waitForSerialized(page, 1); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(0), { visible: true, }); }) ); }); }); describe("Delete two freetexts in using the delete button and the keyboard", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("empty.pdf", ".annotationEditorLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must check that freetexts are deleted", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await switchToFreeText(page); const rect = await page.$eval(".annotationEditorLayer", el => { // With Chrome something is wrong when serializing a DomRect, // hence we extract the values and just return them. const { x, y } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y }; }); const data = "Hello PDF.js World !!"; for (let i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { const editorSelector = getEditorSelector(i - 1); await page.mouse.click(rect.x + i * 100, rect.y + i * 100); await page.waitForSelector(editorSelector, { visible: true, }); await page.type(`${editorSelector} .internal`, data); // Commit. await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); await page.waitForSelector(`${editorSelector} .overlay.enabled`); } // Select the editor created previously. const editorRect = await page.$eval(getEditorSelector(0), el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height }; }); await page.mouse.click( editorRect.x + editorRect.width / 2, editorRect.y + editorRect.height / 2 ); await waitForSelectedEditor(page, getEditorSelector(0)); await selectAll(page); // Delete it in using the button. await page.focus(`${getEditorSelector(0)} button.delete`); await page.keyboard.press("Enter"); await page.waitForFunction( sel => !document.querySelector(sel), {}, getEditorSelector(0) ); await waitForStorageEntries(page, 0); // Undo. await kbUndo(page); await waitForSerialized(page, 2); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(0), { visible: true, }); await page.waitForSelector(getEditorSelector(1), { visible: true, }); }) ); }); }); });