/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* Copyright 1996-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC * * The flate stream implementation contained in this file is a JavaScript port * of XPDF's implementation, made available under the Apache 2.0 open source * license. */ /* eslint-disable no-var */ import { FormatError, stringToBytes, unreachable } from "../shared/util.js"; import { isDict } from "./primitives.js"; import { isWhiteSpace } from "./core_utils.js"; var Stream = (function StreamClosure() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow function Stream(arrayBuffer, start, length, dict) { this.bytes = arrayBuffer instanceof Uint8Array ? arrayBuffer : new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer); this.start = start || 0; this.pos = this.start; this.end = start + length || this.bytes.length; this.dict = dict; } // required methods for a stream. if a particular stream does not // implement these, an error should be thrown Stream.prototype = { get length() { return this.end - this.start; }, get isEmpty() { return this.length === 0; }, getByte: function Stream_getByte() { if (this.pos >= this.end) { return -1; } return this.bytes[this.pos++]; }, getUint16: function Stream_getUint16() { var b0 = this.getByte(); var b1 = this.getByte(); if (b0 === -1 || b1 === -1) { return -1; } return (b0 << 8) + b1; }, getInt32: function Stream_getInt32() { var b0 = this.getByte(); var b1 = this.getByte(); var b2 = this.getByte(); var b3 = this.getByte(); return (b0 << 24) + (b1 << 16) + (b2 << 8) + b3; }, // Returns subarray of original buffer, should only be read. getBytes(length, forceClamped = false) { var bytes = this.bytes; var pos = this.pos; var strEnd = this.end; if (!length) { const subarray = bytes.subarray(pos, strEnd); // `this.bytes` is always a `Uint8Array` here. return forceClamped ? new Uint8ClampedArray(subarray) : subarray; } var end = pos + length; if (end > strEnd) { end = strEnd; } this.pos = end; const subarray = bytes.subarray(pos, end); // `this.bytes` is always a `Uint8Array` here. return forceClamped ? new Uint8ClampedArray(subarray) : subarray; }, peekByte: function Stream_peekByte() { var peekedByte = this.getByte(); if (peekedByte !== -1) { this.pos--; } return peekedByte; }, peekBytes(length, forceClamped = false) { var bytes = this.getBytes(length, forceClamped); this.pos -= bytes.length; return bytes; }, getByteRange(begin, end) { if (begin < 0) { begin = 0; } if (end > this.end) { end = this.end; } return this.bytes.subarray(begin, end); }, skip: function Stream_skip(n) { if (!n) { n = 1; } this.pos += n; }, reset: function Stream_reset() { this.pos = this.start; }, moveStart: function Stream_moveStart() { this.start = this.pos; }, makeSubStream: function Stream_makeSubStream(start, length, dict) { return new Stream(this.bytes.buffer, start, length, dict); }, }; return Stream; })(); var StringStream = (function StringStreamClosure() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow function StringStream(str) { const bytes = stringToBytes(str); Stream.call(this, bytes); } StringStream.prototype = Stream.prototype; return StringStream; })(); // super class for the decoding streams var DecodeStream = (function DecodeStreamClosure() { // Lots of DecodeStreams are created whose buffers are never used. For these // we share a single empty buffer. This is (a) space-efficient and (b) avoids // having special cases that would be required if we used |null| for an empty // buffer. var emptyBuffer = new Uint8Array(0); // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow function DecodeStream(maybeMinBufferLength) { this._rawMinBufferLength = maybeMinBufferLength || 0; this.pos = 0; this.bufferLength = 0; this.eof = false; this.buffer = emptyBuffer; this.minBufferLength = 512; if (maybeMinBufferLength) { // Compute the first power of two that is as big as maybeMinBufferLength. while (this.minBufferLength < maybeMinBufferLength) { this.minBufferLength *= 2; } } } DecodeStream.prototype = { // eslint-disable-next-line getter-return get length() { unreachable("Should not access DecodeStream.length"); }, get isEmpty() { while (!this.eof && this.bufferLength === 0) { this.readBlock(); } return this.bufferLength === 0; }, ensureBuffer: function DecodeStream_ensureBuffer(requested) { var buffer = this.buffer; if (requested <= buffer.byteLength) { return buffer; } var size = this.minBufferLength; while (size < requested) { size *= 2; } var buffer2 = new Uint8Array(size); buffer2.set(buffer); return (this.buffer = buffer2); }, getByte: function DecodeStream_getByte() { var pos = this.pos; while (this.bufferLength <= pos) { if (this.eof) { return -1; } this.readBlock(); } return this.buffer[this.pos++]; }, getUint16: function DecodeStream_getUint16() { var b0 = this.getByte(); var b1 = this.getByte(); if (b0 === -1 || b1 === -1) { return -1; } return (b0 << 8) + b1; }, getInt32: function DecodeStream_getInt32() { var b0 = this.getByte(); var b1 = this.getByte(); var b2 = this.getByte(); var b3 = this.getByte(); return (b0 << 24) + (b1 << 16) + (b2 << 8) + b3; }, getBytes(length, forceClamped = false) { var end, pos = this.pos; if (length) { this.ensureBuffer(pos + length); end = pos + length; while (!this.eof && this.bufferLength < end) { this.readBlock(); } var bufEnd = this.bufferLength; if (end > bufEnd) { end = bufEnd; } } else { while (!this.eof) { this.readBlock(); } end = this.bufferLength; } this.pos = end; const subarray = this.buffer.subarray(pos, end); // `this.buffer` is either a `Uint8Array` or `Uint8ClampedArray` here. return forceClamped && !(subarray instanceof Uint8ClampedArray) ? new Uint8ClampedArray(subarray) : subarray; }, peekByte: function DecodeStream_peekByte() { var peekedByte = this.getByte(); if (peekedByte !== -1) { this.pos--; } return peekedByte; }, peekBytes(length, forceClamped = false) { var bytes = this.getBytes(length, forceClamped); this.pos -= bytes.length; return bytes; }, makeSubStream: function DecodeStream_makeSubStream(start, length, dict) { if (length === undefined) { while (!this.eof) { this.readBlock(); } } else { var end = start + length; while (this.bufferLength <= end && !this.eof) { this.readBlock(); } } return new Stream(this.buffer, start, length, dict); }, getByteRange(begin, end) { unreachable("Should not call DecodeStream.getByteRange"); }, skip: function DecodeStream_skip(n) { if (!n) { n = 1; } this.pos += n; }, reset: function DecodeStream_reset() { this.pos = 0; }, getBaseStreams: function DecodeStream_getBaseStreams() { if (this.str && this.str.getBaseStreams) { return this.str.getBaseStreams(); } return []; }, }; return DecodeStream; })(); var StreamsSequenceStream = (function StreamsSequenceStreamClosure() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow function StreamsSequenceStream(streams) { this.streams = streams; let maybeLength = 0; for (let i = 0, ii = streams.length; i < ii; i++) { const stream = streams[i]; if (stream instanceof DecodeStream) { maybeLength += stream._rawMinBufferLength; } else { maybeLength += stream.length; } } DecodeStream.call(this, maybeLength); } StreamsSequenceStream.prototype = Object.create(DecodeStream.prototype); StreamsSequenceStream.prototype.readBlock = function streamSequenceStreamReadBlock() { var streams = this.streams; if (streams.length === 0) { this.eof = true; return; } var stream = streams.shift(); var chunk = stream.getBytes(); var bufferLength = this.bufferLength; var newLength = bufferLength + chunk.length; var buffer = this.ensureBuffer(newLength); buffer.set(chunk, bufferLength); this.bufferLength = newLength; }; StreamsSequenceStream.prototype.getBaseStreams = function StreamsSequenceStream_getBaseStreams() { var baseStreams = []; for (var i = 0, ii = this.streams.length; i < ii; i++) { var stream = this.streams[i]; if (stream.getBaseStreams) { baseStreams.push(...stream.getBaseStreams()); } } return baseStreams; }; return StreamsSequenceStream; })(); var FlateStream = (function FlateStreamClosure() { // prettier-ignore var codeLenCodeMap = new Int32Array([ 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15 ]); // prettier-ignore var lengthDecode = new Int32Array([ 0x00003, 0x00004, 0x00005, 0x00006, 0x00007, 0x00008, 0x00009, 0x0000a, 0x1000b, 0x1000d, 0x1000f, 0x10011, 0x20013, 0x20017, 0x2001b, 0x2001f, 0x30023, 0x3002b, 0x30033, 0x3003b, 0x40043, 0x40053, 0x40063, 0x40073, 0x50083, 0x500a3, 0x500c3, 0x500e3, 0x00102, 0x00102, 0x00102 ]); // prettier-ignore var distDecode = new Int32Array([ 0x00001, 0x00002, 0x00003, 0x00004, 0x10005, 0x10007, 0x20009, 0x2000d, 0x30011, 0x30019, 0x40021, 0x40031, 0x50041, 0x50061, 0x60081, 0x600c1, 0x70101, 0x70181, 0x80201, 0x80301, 0x90401, 0x90601, 0xa0801, 0xa0c01, 0xb1001, 0xb1801, 0xc2001, 0xc3001, 0xd4001, 0xd6001 ]); // prettier-ignore var fixedLitCodeTab = [new Int32Array([ 0x70100, 0x80050, 0x80010, 0x80118, 0x70110, 0x80070, 0x80030, 0x900c0, 0x70108, 0x80060, 0x80020, 0x900a0, 0x80000, 0x80080, 0x80040, 0x900e0, 0x70104, 0x80058, 0x80018, 0x90090, 0x70114, 0x80078, 0x80038, 0x900d0, 0x7010c, 0x80068, 0x80028, 0x900b0, 0x80008, 0x80088, 0x80048, 0x900f0, 0x70102, 0x80054, 0x80014, 0x8011c, 0x70112, 0x80074, 0x80034, 0x900c8, 0x7010a, 0x80064, 0x80024, 0x900a8, 0x80004, 0x80084, 0x80044, 0x900e8, 0x70106, 0x8005c, 0x8001c, 0x90098, 0x70116, 0x8007c, 0x8003c, 0x900d8, 0x7010e, 0x8006c, 0x8002c, 0x900b8, 0x8000c, 0x8008c, 0x8004c, 0x900f8, 0x70101, 0x80052, 0x80012, 0x8011a, 0x70111, 0x80072, 0x80032, 0x900c4, 0x70109, 0x80062, 0x80022, 0x900a4, 0x80002, 0x80082, 0x80042, 0x900e4, 0x70105, 0x8005a, 0x8001a, 0x90094, 0x70115, 0x8007a, 0x8003a, 0x900d4, 0x7010d, 0x8006a, 0x8002a, 0x900b4, 0x8000a, 0x8008a, 0x8004a, 0x900f4, 0x70103, 0x80056, 0x80016, 0x8011e, 0x70113, 0x80076, 0x80036, 0x900cc, 0x7010b, 0x80066, 0x80026, 0x900ac, 0x80006, 0x80086, 0x80046, 0x900ec, 0x70107, 0x8005e, 0x8001e, 0x9009c, 0x70117, 0x8007e, 0x8003e, 0x900dc, 0x7010f, 0x8006e, 0x8002e, 0x900bc, 0x8000e, 0x8008e, 0x8004e, 0x900fc, 0x70100, 0x80051, 0x80011, 0x80119, 0x70110, 0x80071, 0x80031, 0x900c2, 0x70108, 0x80061, 0x80021, 0x900a2, 0x80001, 0x80081, 0x80041, 0x900e2, 0x70104, 0x80059, 0x80019, 0x90092, 0x70114, 0x80079, 0x80039, 0x900d2, 0x7010c, 0x80069, 0x80029, 0x900b2, 0x80009, 0x80089, 0x80049, 0x900f2, 0x70102, 0x80055, 0x80015, 0x8011d, 0x70112, 0x80075, 0x80035, 0x900ca, 0x7010a, 0x80065, 0x80025, 0x900aa, 0x80005, 0x80085, 0x80045, 0x900ea, 0x70106, 0x8005d, 0x8001d, 0x9009a, 0x70116, 0x8007d, 0x8003d, 0x900da, 0x7010e, 0x8006d, 0x8002d, 0x900ba, 0x8000d, 0x8008d, 0x8004d, 0x900fa, 0x70101, 0x80053, 0x80013, 0x8011b, 0x70111, 0x80073, 0x80033, 0x900c6, 0x70109, 0x80063, 0x80023, 0x900a6, 0x80003, 0x80083, 0x80043, 0x900e6, 0x70105, 0x8005b, 0x8001b, 0x90096, 0x70115, 0x8007b, 0x8003b, 0x900d6, 0x7010d, 0x8006b, 0x8002b, 0x900b6, 0x8000b, 0x8008b, 0x8004b, 0x900f6, 0x70103, 0x80057, 0x80017, 0x8011f, 0x70113, 0x80077, 0x80037, 0x900ce, 0x7010b, 0x80067, 0x80027, 0x900ae, 0x80007, 0x80087, 0x80047, 0x900ee, 0x70107, 0x8005f, 0x8001f, 0x9009e, 0x70117, 0x8007f, 0x8003f, 0x900de, 0x7010f, 0x8006f, 0x8002f, 0x900be, 0x8000f, 0x8008f, 0x8004f, 0x900fe, 0x70100, 0x80050, 0x80010, 0x80118, 0x70110, 0x80070, 0x80030, 0x900c1, 0x70108, 0x80060, 0x80020, 0x900a1, 0x80000, 0x80080, 0x80040, 0x900e1, 0x70104, 0x80058, 0x80018, 0x90091, 0x70114, 0x80078, 0x80038, 0x900d1, 0x7010c, 0x80068, 0x80028, 0x900b1, 0x80008, 0x80088, 0x80048, 0x900f1, 0x70102, 0x80054, 0x80014, 0x8011c, 0x70112, 0x80074, 0x80034, 0x900c9, 0x7010a, 0x80064, 0x80024, 0x900a9, 0x80004, 0x80084, 0x80044, 0x900e9, 0x70106, 0x8005c, 0x8001c, 0x90099, 0x70116, 0x8007c, 0x8003c, 0x900d9, 0x7010e, 0x8006c, 0x8002c, 0x900b9, 0x8000c, 0x8008c, 0x8004c, 0x900f9, 0x70101, 0x80052, 0x80012, 0x8011a, 0x70111, 0x80072, 0x80032, 0x900c5, 0x70109, 0x80062, 0x80022, 0x900a5, 0x80002, 0x80082, 0x80042, 0x900e5, 0x70105, 0x8005a, 0x8001a, 0x90095, 0x70115, 0x8007a, 0x8003a, 0x900d5, 0x7010d, 0x8006a, 0x8002a, 0x900b5, 0x8000a, 0x8008a, 0x8004a, 0x900f5, 0x70103, 0x80056, 0x80016, 0x8011e, 0x70113, 0x80076, 0x80036, 0x900cd, 0x7010b, 0x80066, 0x80026, 0x900ad, 0x80006, 0x80086, 0x80046, 0x900ed, 0x70107, 0x8005e, 0x8001e, 0x9009d, 0x70117, 0x8007e, 0x8003e, 0x900dd, 0x7010f, 0x8006e, 0x8002e, 0x900bd, 0x8000e, 0x8008e, 0x8004e, 0x900fd, 0x70100, 0x80051, 0x80011, 0x80119, 0x70110, 0x80071, 0x80031, 0x900c3, 0x70108, 0x80061, 0x80021, 0x900a3, 0x80001, 0x80081, 0x80041, 0x900e3, 0x70104, 0x80059, 0x80019, 0x90093, 0x70114, 0x80079, 0x80039, 0x900d3, 0x7010c, 0x80069, 0x80029, 0x900b3, 0x80009, 0x80089, 0x80049, 0x900f3, 0x70102, 0x80055, 0x80015, 0x8011d, 0x70112, 0x80075, 0x80035, 0x900cb, 0x7010a, 0x80065, 0x80025, 0x900ab, 0x80005, 0x80085, 0x80045, 0x900eb, 0x70106, 0x8005d, 0x8001d, 0x9009b, 0x70116, 0x8007d, 0x8003d, 0x900db, 0x7010e, 0x8006d, 0x8002d, 0x900bb, 0x8000d, 0x8008d, 0x8004d, 0x900fb, 0x70101, 0x80053, 0x80013, 0x8011b, 0x70111, 0x80073, 0x80033, 0x900c7, 0x70109, 0x80063, 0x80023, 0x900a7, 0x80003, 0x80083, 0x80043, 0x900e7, 0x70105, 0x8005b, 0x8001b, 0x90097, 0x70115, 0x8007b, 0x8003b, 0x900d7, 0x7010d, 0x8006b, 0x8002b, 0x900b7, 0x8000b, 0x8008b, 0x8004b, 0x900f7, 0x70103, 0x80057, 0x80017, 0x8011f, 0x70113, 0x80077, 0x80037, 0x900cf, 0x7010b, 0x80067, 0x80027, 0x900af, 0x80007, 0x80087, 0x80047, 0x900ef, 0x70107, 0x8005f, 0x8001f, 0x9009f, 0x70117, 0x8007f, 0x8003f, 0x900df, 0x7010f, 0x8006f, 0x8002f, 0x900bf, 0x8000f, 0x8008f, 0x8004f, 0x900ff ]), 9]; // prettier-ignore var fixedDistCodeTab = [new Int32Array([ 0x50000, 0x50010, 0x50008, 0x50018, 0x50004, 0x50014, 0x5000c, 0x5001c, 0x50002, 0x50012, 0x5000a, 0x5001a, 0x50006, 0x50016, 0x5000e, 0x00000, 0x50001, 0x50011, 0x50009, 0x50019, 0x50005, 0x50015, 0x5000d, 0x5001d, 0x50003, 0x50013, 0x5000b, 0x5001b, 0x50007, 0x50017, 0x5000f, 0x00000 ]), 5]; // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow function FlateStream(str, maybeLength) { this.str = str; this.dict = str.dict; var cmf = str.getByte(); var flg = str.getByte(); if (cmf === -1 || flg === -1) { throw new FormatError(`Invalid header in flate stream: ${cmf}, ${flg}`); } if ((cmf & 0x0f) !== 0x08) { throw new FormatError( `Unknown compression method in flate stream: ${cmf}, ${flg}` ); } if (((cmf << 8) + flg) % 31 !== 0) { throw new FormatError(`Bad FCHECK in flate stream: ${cmf}, ${flg}`); } if (flg & 0x20) { throw new FormatError(`FDICT bit set in flate stream: ${cmf}, ${flg}`); } this.codeSize = 0; this.codeBuf = 0; DecodeStream.call(this, maybeLength); } FlateStream.prototype = Object.create(DecodeStream.prototype); FlateStream.prototype.getBits = function FlateStream_getBits(bits) { var str = this.str; var codeSize = this.codeSize; var codeBuf = this.codeBuf; var b; while (codeSize < bits) { if ((b = str.getByte()) === -1) { throw new FormatError("Bad encoding in flate stream"); } codeBuf |= b << codeSize; codeSize += 8; } b = codeBuf & ((1 << bits) - 1); this.codeBuf = codeBuf >> bits; this.codeSize = codeSize -= bits; return b; }; FlateStream.prototype.getCode = function FlateStream_getCode(table) { var str = this.str; var codes = table[0]; var maxLen = table[1]; var codeSize = this.codeSize; var codeBuf = this.codeBuf; var b; while (codeSize < maxLen) { if ((b = str.getByte()) === -1) { // premature end of stream. code might however still be valid. // codeSize < codeLen check below guards against incomplete codeVal. break; } codeBuf |= b << codeSize; codeSize += 8; } var code = codes[codeBuf & ((1 << maxLen) - 1)]; var codeLen = code >> 16; var codeVal = code & 0xffff; if (codeLen < 1 || codeSize < codeLen) { throw new FormatError("Bad encoding in flate stream"); } this.codeBuf = codeBuf >> codeLen; this.codeSize = codeSize - codeLen; return codeVal; }; FlateStream.prototype.generateHuffmanTable = function flateStreamGenerateHuffmanTable( lengths ) { var n = lengths.length; // find max code length var maxLen = 0; var i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (lengths[i] > maxLen) { maxLen = lengths[i]; } } // build the table var size = 1 << maxLen; var codes = new Int32Array(size); for ( var len = 1, code = 0, skip = 2; len <= maxLen; ++len, code <<= 1, skip <<= 1 ) { for (var val = 0; val < n; ++val) { if (lengths[val] === len) { // bit-reverse the code var code2 = 0; var t = code; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { code2 = (code2 << 1) | (t & 1); t >>= 1; } // fill the table entries for (i = code2; i < size; i += skip) { codes[i] = (len << 16) | val; } ++code; } } } return [codes, maxLen]; }; FlateStream.prototype.readBlock = function FlateStream_readBlock() { var buffer, len; var str = this.str; // read block header var hdr = this.getBits(3); if (hdr & 1) { this.eof = true; } hdr >>= 1; if (hdr === 0) { // uncompressed block var b; if ((b = str.getByte()) === -1) { throw new FormatError("Bad block header in flate stream"); } var blockLen = b; if ((b = str.getByte()) === -1) { throw new FormatError("Bad block header in flate stream"); } blockLen |= b << 8; if ((b = str.getByte()) === -1) { throw new FormatError("Bad block header in flate stream"); } var check = b; if ((b = str.getByte()) === -1) { throw new FormatError("Bad block header in flate stream"); } check |= b << 8; if (check !== (~blockLen & 0xffff) && (blockLen !== 0 || check !== 0)) { // Ignoring error for bad "empty" block (see issue 1277) throw new FormatError("Bad uncompressed block length in flate stream"); } this.codeBuf = 0; this.codeSize = 0; const bufferLength = this.bufferLength, end = bufferLength + blockLen; buffer = this.ensureBuffer(end); this.bufferLength = end; if (blockLen === 0) { if (str.peekByte() === -1) { this.eof = true; } } else { const block = str.getBytes(blockLen); buffer.set(block, bufferLength); if (block.length < blockLen) { this.eof = true; } } return; } var litCodeTable; var distCodeTable; if (hdr === 1) { // compressed block, fixed codes litCodeTable = fixedLitCodeTab; distCodeTable = fixedDistCodeTab; } else if (hdr === 2) { // compressed block, dynamic codes var numLitCodes = this.getBits(5) + 257; var numDistCodes = this.getBits(5) + 1; var numCodeLenCodes = this.getBits(4) + 4; // build the code lengths code table var codeLenCodeLengths = new Uint8Array(codeLenCodeMap.length); var i; for (i = 0; i < numCodeLenCodes; ++i) { codeLenCodeLengths[codeLenCodeMap[i]] = this.getBits(3); } var codeLenCodeTab = this.generateHuffmanTable(codeLenCodeLengths); // build the literal and distance code tables len = 0; i = 0; var codes = numLitCodes + numDistCodes; var codeLengths = new Uint8Array(codes); var bitsLength, bitsOffset, what; while (i < codes) { var code = this.getCode(codeLenCodeTab); if (code === 16) { bitsLength = 2; bitsOffset = 3; what = len; } else if (code === 17) { bitsLength = 3; bitsOffset = 3; what = len = 0; } else if (code === 18) { bitsLength = 7; bitsOffset = 11; what = len = 0; } else { codeLengths[i++] = len = code; continue; } var repeatLength = this.getBits(bitsLength) + bitsOffset; while (repeatLength-- > 0) { codeLengths[i++] = what; } } litCodeTable = this.generateHuffmanTable( codeLengths.subarray(0, numLitCodes) ); distCodeTable = this.generateHuffmanTable( codeLengths.subarray(numLitCodes, codes) ); } else { throw new FormatError("Unknown block type in flate stream"); } buffer = this.buffer; var limit = buffer ? buffer.length : 0; var pos = this.bufferLength; while (true) { var code1 = this.getCode(litCodeTable); if (code1 < 256) { if (pos + 1 >= limit) { buffer = this.ensureBuffer(pos + 1); limit = buffer.length; } buffer[pos++] = code1; continue; } if (code1 === 256) { this.bufferLength = pos; return; } code1 -= 257; code1 = lengthDecode[code1]; var code2 = code1 >> 16; if (code2 > 0) { code2 = this.getBits(code2); } len = (code1 & 0xffff) + code2; code1 = this.getCode(distCodeTable); code1 = distDecode[code1]; code2 = code1 >> 16; if (code2 > 0) { code2 = this.getBits(code2); } var dist = (code1 & 0xffff) + code2; if (pos + len >= limit) { buffer = this.ensureBuffer(pos + len); limit = buffer.length; } for (var k = 0; k < len; ++k, ++pos) { buffer[pos] = buffer[pos - dist]; } } }; return FlateStream; })(); var PredictorStream = (function PredictorStreamClosure() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow function PredictorStream(str, maybeLength, params) { if (!isDict(params)) { return str; // no prediction } var predictor = (this.predictor = params.get("Predictor") || 1); if (predictor <= 1) { return str; // no prediction } if (predictor !== 2 && (predictor < 10 || predictor > 15)) { throw new FormatError(`Unsupported predictor: ${predictor}`); } if (predictor === 2) { this.readBlock = this.readBlockTiff; } else { this.readBlock = this.readBlockPng; } this.str = str; this.dict = str.dict; var colors = (this.colors = params.get("Colors") || 1); var bits = (this.bits = params.get("BitsPerComponent") || 8); var columns = (this.columns = params.get("Columns") || 1); this.pixBytes = (colors * bits + 7) >> 3; this.rowBytes = (columns * colors * bits + 7) >> 3; DecodeStream.call(this, maybeLength); return this; } PredictorStream.prototype = Object.create(DecodeStream.prototype); PredictorStream.prototype.readBlockTiff = function predictorStreamReadBlockTiff() { var rowBytes = this.rowBytes; var bufferLength = this.bufferLength; var buffer = this.ensureBuffer(bufferLength + rowBytes); var bits = this.bits; var colors = this.colors; var rawBytes = this.str.getBytes(rowBytes); this.eof = !rawBytes.length; if (this.eof) { return; } var inbuf = 0, outbuf = 0; var inbits = 0, outbits = 0; var pos = bufferLength; var i; if (bits === 1 && colors === 1) { // Optimized version of the loop in the "else"-branch // for 1 bit-per-component and 1 color TIFF images. for (i = 0; i < rowBytes; ++i) { var c = rawBytes[i] ^ inbuf; c ^= c >> 1; c ^= c >> 2; c ^= c >> 4; inbuf = (c & 1) << 7; buffer[pos++] = c; } } else if (bits === 8) { for (i = 0; i < colors; ++i) { buffer[pos++] = rawBytes[i]; } for (; i < rowBytes; ++i) { buffer[pos] = buffer[pos - colors] + rawBytes[i]; pos++; } } else if (bits === 16) { var bytesPerPixel = colors * 2; for (i = 0; i < bytesPerPixel; ++i) { buffer[pos++] = rawBytes[i]; } for (; i < rowBytes; i += 2) { var sum = ((rawBytes[i] & 0xff) << 8) + (rawBytes[i + 1] & 0xff) + ((buffer[pos - bytesPerPixel] & 0xff) << 8) + (buffer[pos - bytesPerPixel + 1] & 0xff); buffer[pos++] = (sum >> 8) & 0xff; buffer[pos++] = sum & 0xff; } } else { var compArray = new Uint8Array(colors + 1); var bitMask = (1 << bits) - 1; var j = 0, k = bufferLength; var columns = this.columns; for (i = 0; i < columns; ++i) { for (var kk = 0; kk < colors; ++kk) { if (inbits < bits) { inbuf = (inbuf << 8) | (rawBytes[j++] & 0xff); inbits += 8; } compArray[kk] = (compArray[kk] + (inbuf >> (inbits - bits))) & bitMask; inbits -= bits; outbuf = (outbuf << bits) | compArray[kk]; outbits += bits; if (outbits >= 8) { buffer[k++] = (outbuf >> (outbits - 8)) & 0xff; outbits -= 8; } } } if (outbits > 0) { buffer[k++] = (outbuf << (8 - outbits)) + (inbuf & ((1 << (8 - outbits)) - 1)); } } this.bufferLength += rowBytes; }; PredictorStream.prototype.readBlockPng = function predictorStreamReadBlockPng() { var rowBytes = this.rowBytes; var pixBytes = this.pixBytes; var predictor = this.str.getByte(); var rawBytes = this.str.getBytes(rowBytes); this.eof = !rawBytes.length; if (this.eof) { return; } var bufferLength = this.bufferLength; var buffer = this.ensureBuffer(bufferLength + rowBytes); var prevRow = buffer.subarray(bufferLength - rowBytes, bufferLength); if (prevRow.length === 0) { prevRow = new Uint8Array(rowBytes); } var i, j = bufferLength, up, c; switch (predictor) { case 0: for (i = 0; i < rowBytes; ++i) { buffer[j++] = rawBytes[i]; } break; case 1: for (i = 0; i < pixBytes; ++i) { buffer[j++] = rawBytes[i]; } for (; i < rowBytes; ++i) { buffer[j] = (buffer[j - pixBytes] + rawBytes[i]) & 0xff; j++; } break; case 2: for (i = 0; i < rowBytes; ++i) { buffer[j++] = (prevRow[i] + rawBytes[i]) & 0xff; } break; case 3: for (i = 0; i < pixBytes; ++i) { buffer[j++] = (prevRow[i] >> 1) + rawBytes[i]; } for (; i < rowBytes; ++i) { buffer[j] = (((prevRow[i] + buffer[j - pixBytes]) >> 1) + rawBytes[i]) & 0xff; j++; } break; case 4: // we need to save the up left pixels values. the simplest way // is to create a new buffer for (i = 0; i < pixBytes; ++i) { up = prevRow[i]; c = rawBytes[i]; buffer[j++] = up + c; } for (; i < rowBytes; ++i) { up = prevRow[i]; var upLeft = prevRow[i - pixBytes]; var left = buffer[j - pixBytes]; var p = left + up - upLeft; var pa = p - left; if (pa < 0) { pa = -pa; } var pb = p - up; if (pb < 0) { pb = -pb; } var pc = p - upLeft; if (pc < 0) { pc = -pc; } c = rawBytes[i]; if (pa <= pb && pa <= pc) { buffer[j++] = left + c; } else if (pb <= pc) { buffer[j++] = up + c; } else { buffer[j++] = upLeft + c; } } break; default: throw new FormatError(`Unsupported predictor: ${predictor}`); } this.bufferLength += rowBytes; }; return PredictorStream; })(); var DecryptStream = (function DecryptStreamClosure() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow function DecryptStream(str, maybeLength, decrypt) { this.str = str; this.dict = str.dict; this.decrypt = decrypt; this.nextChunk = null; this.initialized = false; DecodeStream.call(this, maybeLength); } var chunkSize = 512; DecryptStream.prototype = Object.create(DecodeStream.prototype); DecryptStream.prototype.readBlock = function DecryptStream_readBlock() { var chunk; if (this.initialized) { chunk = this.nextChunk; } else { chunk = this.str.getBytes(chunkSize); this.initialized = true; } if (!chunk || chunk.length === 0) { this.eof = true; return; } this.nextChunk = this.str.getBytes(chunkSize); var hasMoreData = this.nextChunk && this.nextChunk.length > 0; var decrypt = this.decrypt; chunk = decrypt(chunk, !hasMoreData); var bufferLength = this.bufferLength; var i, n = chunk.length; var buffer = this.ensureBuffer(bufferLength + n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { buffer[bufferLength++] = chunk[i]; } this.bufferLength = bufferLength; }; return DecryptStream; })(); var Ascii85Stream = (function Ascii85StreamClosure() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow function Ascii85Stream(str, maybeLength) { this.str = str; this.dict = str.dict; this.input = new Uint8Array(5); // Most streams increase in size when decoded, but Ascii85 streams // typically shrink by ~20%. if (maybeLength) { maybeLength = 0.8 * maybeLength; } DecodeStream.call(this, maybeLength); } Ascii85Stream.prototype = Object.create(DecodeStream.prototype); Ascii85Stream.prototype.readBlock = function Ascii85Stream_readBlock() { var TILDA_CHAR = 0x7e; // '~' var Z_LOWER_CHAR = 0x7a; // 'z' var EOF = -1; var str = this.str; var c = str.getByte(); while (isWhiteSpace(c)) { c = str.getByte(); } if (c === EOF || c === TILDA_CHAR) { this.eof = true; return; } var bufferLength = this.bufferLength, buffer; var i; // special code for z if (c === Z_LOWER_CHAR) { buffer = this.ensureBuffer(bufferLength + 4); for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { buffer[bufferLength + i] = 0; } this.bufferLength += 4; } else { var input = this.input; input[0] = c; for (i = 1; i < 5; ++i) { c = str.getByte(); while (isWhiteSpace(c)) { c = str.getByte(); } input[i] = c; if (c === EOF || c === TILDA_CHAR) { break; } } buffer = this.ensureBuffer(bufferLength + i - 1); this.bufferLength += i - 1; // partial ending; if (i < 5) { for (; i < 5; ++i) { input[i] = 0x21 + 84; } this.eof = true; } var t = 0; for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { t = t * 85 + (input[i] - 0x21); } for (i = 3; i >= 0; --i) { buffer[bufferLength + i] = t & 0xff; t >>= 8; } } }; return Ascii85Stream; })(); var AsciiHexStream = (function AsciiHexStreamClosure() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow function AsciiHexStream(str, maybeLength) { this.str = str; this.dict = str.dict; this.firstDigit = -1; // Most streams increase in size when decoded, but AsciiHex streams shrink // by 50%. if (maybeLength) { maybeLength = 0.5 * maybeLength; } DecodeStream.call(this, maybeLength); } AsciiHexStream.prototype = Object.create(DecodeStream.prototype); AsciiHexStream.prototype.readBlock = function AsciiHexStream_readBlock() { var UPSTREAM_BLOCK_SIZE = 8000; var bytes = this.str.getBytes(UPSTREAM_BLOCK_SIZE); if (!bytes.length) { this.eof = true; return; } var maxDecodeLength = (bytes.length + 1) >> 1; var buffer = this.ensureBuffer(this.bufferLength + maxDecodeLength); var bufferLength = this.bufferLength; var firstDigit = this.firstDigit; for (var i = 0, ii = bytes.length; i < ii; i++) { var ch = bytes[i], digit; if (ch >= /* '0' = */ 0x30 && ch <= /* '9' = */ 0x39) { digit = ch & 0x0f; } else if ( (ch >= /* 'A' = */ 0x41 && ch <= /* 'Z' = */ 0x46) || (ch >= /* 'a' = */ 0x61 && ch <= /* 'z' = */ 0x66) ) { digit = (ch & 0x0f) + 9; } else if (ch === /* '>' = */ 0x3e) { this.eof = true; break; } else { // Probably whitespace, ignoring. continue; } if (firstDigit < 0) { firstDigit = digit; } else { buffer[bufferLength++] = (firstDigit << 4) | digit; firstDigit = -1; } } if (firstDigit >= 0 && this.eof) { // incomplete byte buffer[bufferLength++] = firstDigit << 4; firstDigit = -1; } this.firstDigit = firstDigit; this.bufferLength = bufferLength; }; return AsciiHexStream; })(); var RunLengthStream = (function RunLengthStreamClosure() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow function RunLengthStream(str, maybeLength) { this.str = str; this.dict = str.dict; DecodeStream.call(this, maybeLength); } RunLengthStream.prototype = Object.create(DecodeStream.prototype); RunLengthStream.prototype.readBlock = function RunLengthStream_readBlock() { // The repeatHeader has following format. The first byte defines type of run // and amount of bytes to repeat/copy: n = 0 through 127 - copy next n bytes // (in addition to the second byte from the header), n = 129 through 255 - // duplicate the second byte from the header (257 - n) times, n = 128 - end. var repeatHeader = this.str.getBytes(2); if (!repeatHeader || repeatHeader.length < 2 || repeatHeader[0] === 128) { this.eof = true; return; } var buffer; var bufferLength = this.bufferLength; var n = repeatHeader[0]; if (n < 128) { // copy n bytes buffer = this.ensureBuffer(bufferLength + n + 1); buffer[bufferLength++] = repeatHeader[1]; if (n > 0) { var source = this.str.getBytes(n); buffer.set(source, bufferLength); bufferLength += n; } } else { n = 257 - n; var b = repeatHeader[1]; buffer = this.ensureBuffer(bufferLength + n + 1); for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { buffer[bufferLength++] = b; } } this.bufferLength = bufferLength; }; return RunLengthStream; })(); var NullStream = (function NullStreamClosure() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow function NullStream() { Stream.call(this, new Uint8Array(0)); } NullStream.prototype = Stream.prototype; return NullStream; })(); export { Ascii85Stream, AsciiHexStream, DecodeStream, DecryptStream, FlateStream, NullStream, PredictorStream, RunLengthStream, Stream, StreamsSequenceStream, StringStream, };