/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* globals PDFBug, Stats */ import { animationStarted, apiPageLayoutToSpreadMode, apiPageModeToSidebarView, AutoPrintRegExp, DEFAULT_SCALE_VALUE, EventBus, getActiveOrFocusedElement, isValidRotation, isValidScrollMode, isValidSpreadMode, MAX_SCALE, MIN_SCALE, noContextMenuHandler, normalizeWheelEventDirection, parseQueryString, ProgressBar, RendererType, ScrollMode, SidebarView, SpreadMode, TextLayerMode, } from "./ui_utils.js"; import { AppOptions, OptionKind } from "./app_options.js"; import { build, createPromiseCapability, getDocument, getFilenameFromUrl, getPdfFilenameFromUrl, GlobalWorkerOptions, InvalidPDFException, isPdfFile, LinkTarget, loadScript, MissingPDFException, OPS, PDFWorker, PermissionFlag, shadow, UnexpectedResponseException, UNSUPPORTED_FEATURES, version, } from "pdfjs-lib"; import { CursorTool, PDFCursorTools } from "./pdf_cursor_tools.js"; import { PDFRenderingQueue, RenderingStates } from "./pdf_rendering_queue.js"; import { OverlayManager } from "./overlay_manager.js"; import { PasswordPrompt } from "./password_prompt.js"; import { PDFAttachmentViewer } from "./pdf_attachment_viewer.js"; import { PDFDocumentProperties } from "./pdf_document_properties.js"; import { PDFFindBar } from "./pdf_find_bar.js"; import { PDFFindController } from "./pdf_find_controller.js"; import { PDFHistory } from "./pdf_history.js"; import { PDFLayerViewer } from "./pdf_layer_viewer.js"; import { PDFLinkService } from "./pdf_link_service.js"; import { PDFOutlineViewer } from "./pdf_outline_viewer.js"; import { PDFPresentationMode } from "./pdf_presentation_mode.js"; import { PDFScriptingManager } from "./pdf_scripting_manager.js"; import { PDFSidebar } from "./pdf_sidebar.js"; import { PDFSidebarResizer } from "./pdf_sidebar_resizer.js"; import { PDFThumbnailViewer } from "./pdf_thumbnail_viewer.js"; import { PDFViewer } from "./pdf_viewer.js"; import { SecondaryToolbar } from "./secondary_toolbar.js"; import { Toolbar } from "./toolbar.js"; import { viewerCompatibilityParams } from "./viewer_compatibility.js"; import { ViewHistory } from "./view_history.js"; const DEFAULT_SCALE_DELTA = 1.1; const DISABLE_AUTO_FETCH_LOADING_BAR_TIMEOUT = 5000; // ms const FORCE_PAGES_LOADED_TIMEOUT = 10000; // ms const WHEEL_ZOOM_DISABLED_TIMEOUT = 1000; // ms const ENABLE_PERMISSIONS_CLASS = "enablePermissions"; const ViewOnLoad = { UNKNOWN: -1, PREVIOUS: 0, // Default value. INITIAL: 1, }; const ViewerCssTheme = { AUTOMATIC: 0, // Default value. LIGHT: 1, DARK: 2, }; // Keep these in sync with mozilla-central's Histograms.json. const KNOWN_VERSIONS = [ "1.0", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8", "1.9", "2.0", "2.1", "2.2", "2.3", ]; // Keep these in sync with mozilla-central's Histograms.json. const KNOWN_GENERATORS = [ "acrobat distiller", "acrobat pdfwriter", "adobe livecycle", "adobe pdf library", "adobe photoshop", "ghostscript", "tcpdf", "cairo", "dvipdfm", "dvips", "pdftex", "pdfkit", "itext", "prince", "quarkxpress", "mac os x", "microsoft", "openoffice", "oracle", "luradocument", "pdf-xchange", "antenna house", "aspose.cells", "fpdf", ]; class DefaultExternalServices { constructor() { throw new Error("Cannot initialize DefaultExternalServices."); } static updateFindControlState(data) {} static updateFindMatchesCount(data) {} static initPassiveLoading(callbacks) {} static async fallback(data) {} static reportTelemetry(data) {} static createDownloadManager(options) { throw new Error("Not implemented: createDownloadManager"); } static createPreferences() { throw new Error("Not implemented: createPreferences"); } static createL10n(options) { throw new Error("Not implemented: createL10n"); } static createScripting(options) { throw new Error("Not implemented: createScripting"); } static get supportsIntegratedFind() { return shadow(this, "supportsIntegratedFind", false); } static get supportsDocumentFonts() { return shadow(this, "supportsDocumentFonts", true); } static get supportedMouseWheelZoomModifierKeys() { return shadow(this, "supportedMouseWheelZoomModifierKeys", { ctrlKey: true, metaKey: true, }); } static get isInAutomation() { return shadow(this, "isInAutomation", false); } } const PDFViewerApplication = { initialBookmark: document.location.hash.substring(1), _initializedCapability: createPromiseCapability(), _fellback: false, appConfig: null, pdfDocument: null, pdfLoadingTask: null, printService: null, /** @type {PDFViewer} */ pdfViewer: null, /** @type {PDFThumbnailViewer} */ pdfThumbnailViewer: null, /** @type {PDFRenderingQueue} */ pdfRenderingQueue: null, /** @type {PDFPresentationMode} */ pdfPresentationMode: null, /** @type {PDFDocumentProperties} */ pdfDocumentProperties: null, /** @type {PDFLinkService} */ pdfLinkService: null, /** @type {PDFHistory} */ pdfHistory: null, /** @type {PDFSidebar} */ pdfSidebar: null, /** @type {PDFSidebarResizer} */ pdfSidebarResizer: null, /** @type {PDFOutlineViewer} */ pdfOutlineViewer: null, /** @type {PDFAttachmentViewer} */ pdfAttachmentViewer: null, /** @type {PDFLayerViewer} */ pdfLayerViewer: null, /** @type {PDFCursorTools} */ pdfCursorTools: null, /** @type {PDFScriptingManager} */ pdfScriptingManager: null, /** @type {ViewHistory} */ store: null, /** @type {DownloadManager} */ downloadManager: null, /** @type {OverlayManager} */ overlayManager: null, /** @type {Preferences} */ preferences: null, /** @type {Toolbar} */ toolbar: null, /** @type {SecondaryToolbar} */ secondaryToolbar: null, /** @type {EventBus} */ eventBus: null, /** @type {IL10n} */ l10n: null, isInitialViewSet: false, downloadComplete: false, isViewerEmbedded: window.parent !== window, url: "", baseUrl: "", externalServices: DefaultExternalServices, _boundEvents: Object.create(null), documentInfo: null, metadata: null, _contentDispositionFilename: null, _contentLength: null, _saveInProgress: false, _wheelUnusedTicks: 0, _idleCallbacks: new Set(), // Called once when the document is loaded. async initialize(appConfig) { this.preferences = this.externalServices.createPreferences(); this.appConfig = appConfig; await this._readPreferences(); await this._parseHashParameters(); this._forceCssTheme(); await this._initializeL10n(); if ( this.isViewerEmbedded && AppOptions.get("externalLinkTarget") === LinkTarget.NONE ) { // Prevent external links from "replacing" the viewer, // when it's embedded in e.g. an <iframe> or an <object>. AppOptions.set("externalLinkTarget", LinkTarget.TOP); } await this._initializeViewerComponents(); // Bind the various event handlers *after* the viewer has been // initialized, to prevent errors if an event arrives too soon. this.bindEvents(); this.bindWindowEvents(); // We can start UI localization now. const appContainer = appConfig.appContainer || document.documentElement; this.l10n.translate(appContainer).then(() => { // Dispatch the 'localized' event on the `eventBus` once the viewer // has been fully initialized and translated. this.eventBus.dispatch("localized", { source: this }); }); this._initializedCapability.resolve(); }, /** * @private */ async _readPreferences() { if ( (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("!PRODUCTION || GENERIC")) && AppOptions.get("disablePreferences") ) { // Give custom implementations of the default viewer a simpler way to // opt-out of having the `Preferences` override existing `AppOptions`. return; } try { AppOptions.setAll(await this.preferences.getAll()); } catch (reason) { console.error(`_readPreferences: "${reason?.message}".`); } }, /** * Potentially parse special debugging flags in the hash section of the URL. * @private */ async _parseHashParameters() { if (!AppOptions.get("pdfBugEnabled")) { return undefined; } const hash = document.location.hash.substring(1); if (!hash) { return undefined; } const hashParams = parseQueryString(hash), waitOn = []; if ("disableworker" in hashParams && hashParams.disableworker === "true") { waitOn.push(loadFakeWorker()); } if ("disablerange" in hashParams) { AppOptions.set("disableRange", hashParams.disablerange === "true"); } if ("disablestream" in hashParams) { AppOptions.set("disableStream", hashParams.disablestream === "true"); } if ("disableautofetch" in hashParams) { AppOptions.set( "disableAutoFetch", hashParams.disableautofetch === "true" ); } if ("disablefontface" in hashParams) { AppOptions.set("disableFontFace", hashParams.disablefontface === "true"); } if ("disablehistory" in hashParams) { AppOptions.set("disableHistory", hashParams.disablehistory === "true"); } if ("verbosity" in hashParams) { AppOptions.set("verbosity", hashParams.verbosity | 0); } if ("textlayer" in hashParams) { switch (hashParams.textlayer) { case "off": AppOptions.set("textLayerMode", TextLayerMode.DISABLE); break; case "visible": case "shadow": case "hover": const viewer = this.appConfig.viewerContainer; viewer.classList.add("textLayer-" + hashParams.textlayer); break; } } if ("pdfbug" in hashParams) { AppOptions.set("pdfBug", true); AppOptions.set("fontExtraProperties", true); const enabled = hashParams.pdfbug.split(","); waitOn.push(loadAndEnablePDFBug(enabled)); } // It is not possible to change locale for the (various) extension builds. if ( (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("!PRODUCTION || GENERIC")) && "locale" in hashParams ) { AppOptions.set("locale", hashParams.locale); } if (waitOn.length === 0) { return undefined; } return Promise.all(waitOn).catch(reason => { console.error(`_parseHashParameters: "${reason.message}".`); }); }, /** * @private */ async _initializeL10n() { this.l10n = this.externalServices.createL10n( typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("!PRODUCTION || GENERIC") ? { locale: AppOptions.get("locale") } : null ); const dir = await this.l10n.getDirection(); document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].dir = dir; }, /** * @private */ _forceCssTheme() { const cssTheme = AppOptions.get("viewerCssTheme"); if ( cssTheme === ViewerCssTheme.AUTOMATIC || !Object.values(ViewerCssTheme).includes(cssTheme) ) { return; } try { const styleSheet = document.styleSheets[0]; const cssRules = styleSheet?.cssRules || []; const mediaMatcher = typeof PDFJSDev !== "undefined" && PDFJSDev.test("MOZCENTRAL") ? "-moz-toolbar-prefers-color-scheme" : "prefers-color-scheme"; const mediaRule = `(${mediaMatcher}: dark)`; const mediaRegex = new RegExp( `^@media \\(${mediaMatcher}: dark\\) {\\n\\s*([\\w\\s-.,:;/\\\\{}()]+)\\n}$` ); for (let i = 0, ii = cssRules.length; i < ii; i++) { const rule = cssRules[i]; if (rule instanceof CSSMediaRule && rule.media?.[0] === mediaRule) { if (cssTheme === ViewerCssTheme.LIGHT) { styleSheet.deleteRule(i); return; } // cssTheme === ViewerCssTheme.DARK const darkRules = mediaRegex.exec(rule.cssText); if (darkRules?.[1]) { styleSheet.deleteRule(i); styleSheet.insertRule(darkRules[1], i); } return; } } } catch (reason) { console.error(`_forceCssTheme: "${reason?.message}".`); } }, /** * @private */ async _initializeViewerComponents() { const appConfig = this.appConfig; const eventBus = appConfig.eventBus || new EventBus({ isInAutomation: this.externalServices.isInAutomation }); this.eventBus = eventBus; this.overlayManager = new OverlayManager(); const pdfRenderingQueue = new PDFRenderingQueue(); pdfRenderingQueue.onIdle = this._cleanup.bind(this); this.pdfRenderingQueue = pdfRenderingQueue; const pdfLinkService = new PDFLinkService({ eventBus, externalLinkTarget: AppOptions.get("externalLinkTarget"), externalLinkRel: AppOptions.get("externalLinkRel"), ignoreDestinationZoom: AppOptions.get("ignoreDestinationZoom"), }); this.pdfLinkService = pdfLinkService; const downloadManager = this.externalServices.createDownloadManager(); this.downloadManager = downloadManager; const findController = new PDFFindController({ linkService: pdfLinkService, eventBus, }); this.findController = findController; const pdfScriptingManager = new PDFScriptingManager({ eventBus, sandboxBundleSrc: typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("!PRODUCTION || GENERIC || CHROME") ? AppOptions.get("sandboxBundleSrc") : null, scriptingFactory: this.externalServices, docPropertiesLookup: this._scriptingDocProperties.bind(this), }); this.pdfScriptingManager = pdfScriptingManager; const container = appConfig.mainContainer; const viewer = appConfig.viewerContainer; this.pdfViewer = new PDFViewer({ container, viewer, eventBus, renderingQueue: pdfRenderingQueue, linkService: pdfLinkService, downloadManager, findController, scriptingManager: pdfScriptingManager, renderer: AppOptions.get("renderer"), l10n: this.l10n, textLayerMode: AppOptions.get("textLayerMode"), imageResourcesPath: AppOptions.get("imageResourcesPath"), renderInteractiveForms: AppOptions.get("renderInteractiveForms"), enablePrintAutoRotate: AppOptions.get("enablePrintAutoRotate"), useOnlyCssZoom: AppOptions.get("useOnlyCssZoom"), maxCanvasPixels: AppOptions.get("maxCanvasPixels"), enableScripting: AppOptions.get("enableScripting"), }); pdfRenderingQueue.setViewer(this.pdfViewer); pdfLinkService.setViewer(this.pdfViewer); pdfScriptingManager.setViewer(this.pdfViewer); this.pdfThumbnailViewer = new PDFThumbnailViewer({ container: appConfig.sidebar.thumbnailView, eventBus, renderingQueue: pdfRenderingQueue, linkService: pdfLinkService, l10n: this.l10n, }); pdfRenderingQueue.setThumbnailViewer(this.pdfThumbnailViewer); this.pdfHistory = new PDFHistory({ linkService: pdfLinkService, eventBus, }); pdfLinkService.setHistory(this.pdfHistory); if (!this.supportsIntegratedFind) { this.findBar = new PDFFindBar(appConfig.findBar, eventBus, this.l10n); } this.pdfDocumentProperties = new PDFDocumentProperties( appConfig.documentProperties, this.overlayManager, eventBus, this.l10n ); this.pdfCursorTools = new PDFCursorTools({ container, eventBus, cursorToolOnLoad: AppOptions.get("cursorToolOnLoad"), }); this.toolbar = new Toolbar(appConfig.toolbar, eventBus, this.l10n); this.secondaryToolbar = new SecondaryToolbar( appConfig.secondaryToolbar, container, eventBus ); if (this.supportsFullscreen) { this.pdfPresentationMode = new PDFPresentationMode({ container, pdfViewer: this.pdfViewer, eventBus, }); } this.passwordPrompt = new PasswordPrompt( appConfig.passwordOverlay, this.overlayManager, this.l10n, this.isViewerEmbedded ); this.pdfOutlineViewer = new PDFOutlineViewer({ container: appConfig.sidebar.outlineView, eventBus, linkService: pdfLinkService, }); this.pdfAttachmentViewer = new PDFAttachmentViewer({ container: appConfig.sidebar.attachmentsView, eventBus, downloadManager, }); this.pdfLayerViewer = new PDFLayerViewer({ container: appConfig.sidebar.layersView, eventBus, l10n: this.l10n, }); this.pdfSidebar = new PDFSidebar({ elements: appConfig.sidebar, pdfViewer: this.pdfViewer, pdfThumbnailViewer: this.pdfThumbnailViewer, eventBus, l10n: this.l10n, }); this.pdfSidebar.onToggled = this.forceRendering.bind(this); this.pdfSidebarResizer = new PDFSidebarResizer( appConfig.sidebarResizer, eventBus, this.l10n ); }, run(config) { this.initialize(config).then(webViewerInitialized); }, get initialized() { return this._initializedCapability.settled; }, get initializedPromise() { return this._initializedCapability.promise; }, zoomIn(ticks) { if (this.pdfViewer.isInPresentationMode) { return; } let newScale = this.pdfViewer.currentScale; do { newScale = (newScale * DEFAULT_SCALE_DELTA).toFixed(2); newScale = Math.ceil(newScale * 10) / 10; newScale = Math.min(MAX_SCALE, newScale); } while (--ticks > 0 && newScale < MAX_SCALE); this.pdfViewer.currentScaleValue = newScale; }, zoomOut(ticks) { if (this.pdfViewer.isInPresentationMode) { return; } let newScale = this.pdfViewer.currentScale; do { newScale = (newScale / DEFAULT_SCALE_DELTA).toFixed(2); newScale = Math.floor(newScale * 10) / 10; newScale = Math.max(MIN_SCALE, newScale); } while (--ticks > 0 && newScale > MIN_SCALE); this.pdfViewer.currentScaleValue = newScale; }, zoomReset() { if (this.pdfViewer.isInPresentationMode) { return; } this.pdfViewer.currentScaleValue = DEFAULT_SCALE_VALUE; }, get pagesCount() { return this.pdfDocument ? this.pdfDocument.numPages : 0; }, get page() { return this.pdfViewer.currentPageNumber; }, set page(val) { this.pdfViewer.currentPageNumber = val; }, get supportsPrinting() { return PDFPrintServiceFactory.instance.supportsPrinting; }, get supportsFullscreen() { if (typeof PDFJSDev !== "undefined" && PDFJSDev.test("MOZCENTRAL")) { return shadow(this, "supportsFullscreen", document.fullscreenEnabled); } const doc = document.documentElement; let support = !!( doc.requestFullscreen || doc.mozRequestFullScreen || doc.webkitRequestFullScreen ); if ( document.fullscreenEnabled === false || document.mozFullScreenEnabled === false || document.webkitFullscreenEnabled === false ) { support = false; } return shadow(this, "supportsFullscreen", support); }, get supportsIntegratedFind() { return this.externalServices.supportsIntegratedFind; }, get supportsDocumentFonts() { return this.externalServices.supportsDocumentFonts; }, get loadingBar() { const bar = new ProgressBar("#loadingBar"); return shadow(this, "loadingBar", bar); }, get supportedMouseWheelZoomModifierKeys() { return this.externalServices.supportedMouseWheelZoomModifierKeys; }, initPassiveLoading() { if ( typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || !PDFJSDev.test("MOZCENTRAL || CHROME") ) { throw new Error("Not implemented: initPassiveLoading"); } this.externalServices.initPassiveLoading({ onOpenWithTransport: (url, length, transport) => { this.open(url, { length, range: transport }); }, onOpenWithData: (data, contentDispositionFilename) => { if (isPdfFile(contentDispositionFilename)) { this._contentDispositionFilename = contentDispositionFilename; } this.open(data); }, onOpenWithURL: (url, length, originalUrl) => { const file = originalUrl !== undefined ? { url, originalUrl } : url; const args = length !== undefined ? { length } : null; this.open(file, args); }, onError: err => { this.l10n.get("loading_error").then(msg => { this._documentError(msg, err); }); }, onProgress: (loaded, total) => { this.progress(loaded / total); }, }); }, setTitleUsingUrl(url = "") { this.url = url; this.baseUrl = url.split("#")[0]; let title = getPdfFilenameFromUrl(url, ""); if (!title) { try { title = decodeURIComponent(getFilenameFromUrl(url)) || url; } catch (ex) { // decodeURIComponent may throw URIError, // fall back to using the unprocessed url in that case title = url; } } this.setTitle(title); }, setTitle(title) { if (this.isViewerEmbedded) { // Embedded PDF viewers should not be changing their parent page's title. return; } document.title = title; }, get _docFilename() { // Use `this.url` instead of `this.baseUrl` to perform filename detection // based on the reference fragment as ultimate fallback if needed. return this._contentDispositionFilename || getPdfFilenameFromUrl(this.url); }, /** * @private */ _cancelIdleCallbacks() { if (!this._idleCallbacks.size) { return; } for (const callback of this._idleCallbacks) { window.cancelIdleCallback(callback); } this._idleCallbacks.clear(); }, /** * Closes opened PDF document. * @returns {Promise} - Returns the promise, which is resolved when all * destruction is completed. */ async close() { this._unblockDocumentLoadEvent(); if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || !PDFJSDev.test("MOZCENTRAL")) { const { container } = this.appConfig.errorWrapper; container.hidden = true; } if (!this.pdfLoadingTask) { return; } if ( (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC")) && this.pdfDocument?.annotationStorage.size > 0 && this._annotationStorageModified ) { try { // Trigger saving, to prevent data loss in forms; see issue 12257. await this.save({ sourceEventType: "save" }); } catch (reason) { // Ignoring errors, to ensure that document closing won't break. } } const promises = []; promises.push(this.pdfLoadingTask.destroy()); this.pdfLoadingTask = null; if (this.pdfDocument) { this.pdfDocument = null; this.pdfThumbnailViewer.setDocument(null); this.pdfViewer.setDocument(null); this.pdfLinkService.setDocument(null); this.pdfDocumentProperties.setDocument(null); } webViewerResetPermissions(); this._fellback = false; this.store = null; this.isInitialViewSet = false; this.downloadComplete = false; this.url = ""; this.baseUrl = ""; this.documentInfo = null; this.metadata = null; this._contentDispositionFilename = null; this._contentLength = null; this._saveInProgress = false; this._cancelIdleCallbacks(); promises.push(this.pdfScriptingManager.destroyPromise); this.pdfSidebar.reset(); this.pdfOutlineViewer.reset(); this.pdfAttachmentViewer.reset(); this.pdfLayerViewer.reset(); if (this.pdfHistory) { this.pdfHistory.reset(); } if (this.findBar) { this.findBar.reset(); } this.toolbar.reset(); this.secondaryToolbar.reset(); if (typeof PDFBug !== "undefined") { PDFBug.cleanup(); } await Promise.all(promises); }, /** * Opens PDF document specified by URL or array with additional arguments. * @param {string|TypedArray|ArrayBuffer} file - PDF location or binary data. * @param {Object} [args] - Additional arguments for the getDocument call, * e.g. HTTP headers ('httpHeaders') or alternative * data transport ('range'). * @returns {Promise} - Returns the promise, which is resolved when document * is opened. */ async open(file, args) { if (this.pdfLoadingTask) { // We need to destroy already opened document. await this.close(); } // Set the necessary global worker parameters, using the available options. const workerParameters = AppOptions.getAll(OptionKind.WORKER); for (const key in workerParameters) { GlobalWorkerOptions[key] = workerParameters[key]; } const parameters = Object.create(null); if (typeof file === "string") { // URL this.setTitleUsingUrl(file); parameters.url = file; } else if (file && "byteLength" in file) { // ArrayBuffer parameters.data = file; } else if (file.url && file.originalUrl) { this.setTitleUsingUrl(file.originalUrl); parameters.url = file.url; } // Set the necessary API parameters, using the available options. const apiParameters = AppOptions.getAll(OptionKind.API); for (const key in apiParameters) { let value = apiParameters[key]; if (key === "docBaseUrl" && !value) { if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || !PDFJSDev.test("PRODUCTION")) { value = document.URL.split("#")[0]; } else if (PDFJSDev.test("MOZCENTRAL || CHROME")) { value = this.baseUrl; } } parameters[key] = value; } // Finally, update the API parameters with the arguments (if they exist). if (args) { for (const key in args) { parameters[key] = args[key]; } } const loadingTask = getDocument(parameters); this.pdfLoadingTask = loadingTask; loadingTask.onPassword = (updateCallback, reason) => { this.pdfLinkService.externalLinkEnabled = false; this.passwordPrompt.setUpdateCallback(updateCallback, reason); this.passwordPrompt.open(); }; loadingTask.onProgress = ({ loaded, total }) => { this.progress(loaded / total); }; // Listen for unsupported features to trigger the fallback UI. loadingTask.onUnsupportedFeature = this.fallback.bind(this); return loadingTask.promise.then( pdfDocument => { this.load(pdfDocument); }, exception => { if (loadingTask !== this.pdfLoadingTask) { return undefined; // Ignore errors for previously opened PDF files. } let key = "loading_error"; if (exception instanceof InvalidPDFException) { key = "invalid_file_error"; } else if (exception instanceof MissingPDFException) { key = "missing_file_error"; } else if (exception instanceof UnexpectedResponseException) { key = "unexpected_response_error"; } return this.l10n.get(key).then(msg => { this._documentError(msg, { message: exception?.message }); throw exception; }); } ); }, /** * @private */ _ensureDownloadComplete() { if (this.pdfDocument && this.downloadComplete) { return; } throw new Error("PDF document not downloaded."); }, async download({ sourceEventType = "download" } = {}) { const url = this.baseUrl, filename = this._docFilename; try { this._ensureDownloadComplete(); const data = await this.pdfDocument.getData(); const blob = new Blob([data], { type: "application/pdf" }); await this.downloadManager.download(blob, url, filename, sourceEventType); } catch (reason) { // When the PDF document isn't ready, or the PDF file is still // downloading, simply download using the URL. await this.downloadManager.downloadUrl(url, filename); } }, async save({ sourceEventType = "download" } = {}) { if (this._saveInProgress) { return; } this._saveInProgress = true; await this.pdfScriptingManager.dispatchWillSave(); const url = this.baseUrl, filename = this._docFilename; try { this._ensureDownloadComplete(); const data = await this.pdfDocument.saveDocument(); const blob = new Blob([data], { type: "application/pdf" }); await this.downloadManager.download(blob, url, filename, sourceEventType); } catch (reason) { // When the PDF document isn't ready, or the PDF file is still // downloading, simply fallback to a "regular" download. await this.download({ sourceEventType }); } finally { await this.pdfScriptingManager.dispatchDidSave(); this._saveInProgress = false; } }, downloadOrSave(options) { if (this.pdfDocument?.annotationStorage.size > 0) { this.save(options); } else { this.download(options); } }, fallback(featureId) { this.externalServices.reportTelemetry({ type: "unsupportedFeature", featureId, }); // Only trigger the fallback once so we don't spam the user with messages // for one PDF. if (this._fellback) { return; } this._fellback = true; this.externalServices .fallback({ featureId, url: this.baseUrl, }) .then(download => { if (!download) { return; } this.download({ sourceEventType: "download" }); }); }, /** * Show the error box; used for errors affecting loading and/or parsing of * the entire PDF document. */ _documentError(message, moreInfo = null) { this._unblockDocumentLoadEvent(); this._otherError(message, moreInfo); }, /** * Show the error box; used for errors affecting e.g. only a single page. * * @param {string} message - A message that is human readable. * @param {Object} [moreInfo] - Further information about the error that is * more technical. Should have a 'message' and * optionally a 'stack' property. */ _otherError(message, moreInfo = null) { const moreInfoText = [ this.l10n.get("error_version_info", { version: version || "?", build: build || "?", }), ]; if (moreInfo) { moreInfoText.push( this.l10n.get("error_message", { message: moreInfo.message }) ); if (moreInfo.stack) { moreInfoText.push( this.l10n.get("error_stack", { stack: moreInfo.stack }) ); } else { if (moreInfo.filename) { moreInfoText.push( this.l10n.get("error_file", { file: moreInfo.filename }) ); } if (moreInfo.lineNumber) { moreInfoText.push( this.l10n.get("error_line", { line: moreInfo.lineNumber }) ); } } } if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || !PDFJSDev.test("MOZCENTRAL")) { const errorWrapperConfig = this.appConfig.errorWrapper; const errorWrapper = errorWrapperConfig.container; errorWrapper.hidden = false; const errorMessage = errorWrapperConfig.errorMessage; errorMessage.textContent = message; const closeButton = errorWrapperConfig.closeButton; closeButton.onclick = function () { errorWrapper.hidden = true; }; const errorMoreInfo = errorWrapperConfig.errorMoreInfo; const moreInfoButton = errorWrapperConfig.moreInfoButton; const lessInfoButton = errorWrapperConfig.lessInfoButton; moreInfoButton.onclick = function () { errorMoreInfo.hidden = false; moreInfoButton.hidden = true; lessInfoButton.hidden = false; errorMoreInfo.style.height = errorMoreInfo.scrollHeight + "px"; }; lessInfoButton.onclick = function () { errorMoreInfo.hidden = true; moreInfoButton.hidden = false; lessInfoButton.hidden = true; }; moreInfoButton.oncontextmenu = noContextMenuHandler; lessInfoButton.oncontextmenu = noContextMenuHandler; closeButton.oncontextmenu = noContextMenuHandler; moreInfoButton.hidden = false; lessInfoButton.hidden = true; Promise.all(moreInfoText).then(parts => { errorMoreInfo.value = parts.join("\n"); }); } else { Promise.all(moreInfoText).then(parts => { console.error(message + "\n" + parts.join("\n")); }); this.fallback(); } }, progress(level) { if (this.downloadComplete) { // Don't accidentally show the loading bar again when the entire file has // already been fetched (only an issue when disableAutoFetch is enabled). return; } const percent = Math.round(level * 100); // When we transition from full request to range requests, it's possible // that we discard some of the loaded data. This can cause the loading // bar to move backwards. So prevent this by only updating the bar if it // increases. if (percent > this.loadingBar.percent || isNaN(percent)) { this.loadingBar.percent = percent; // When disableAutoFetch is enabled, it's not uncommon for the entire file // to never be fetched (depends on e.g. the file structure). In this case // the loading bar will not be completely filled, nor will it be hidden. // To prevent displaying a partially filled loading bar permanently, we // hide it when no data has been loaded during a certain amount of time. const disableAutoFetch = this.pdfDocument ? this.pdfDocument.loadingParams.disableAutoFetch : AppOptions.get("disableAutoFetch"); if (disableAutoFetch && percent) { if (this.disableAutoFetchLoadingBarTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.disableAutoFetchLoadingBarTimeout); this.disableAutoFetchLoadingBarTimeout = null; } this.loadingBar.show(); this.disableAutoFetchLoadingBarTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.loadingBar.hide(); this.disableAutoFetchLoadingBarTimeout = null; }, DISABLE_AUTO_FETCH_LOADING_BAR_TIMEOUT); } } }, load(pdfDocument) { this.pdfDocument = pdfDocument; pdfDocument.getDownloadInfo().then(({ length }) => { this._contentLength = length; // Ensure that the correct length is used. this.downloadComplete = true; this.loadingBar.hide(); firstPagePromise.then(() => { this.eventBus.dispatch("documentloaded", { source: this }); }); }); // Since the `setInitialView` call below depends on this being resolved, // fetch it early to avoid delaying initial rendering of the PDF document. const pageLayoutPromise = pdfDocument.getPageLayout().catch(function () { /* Avoid breaking initial rendering; ignoring errors. */ }); const pageModePromise = pdfDocument.getPageMode().catch(function () { /* Avoid breaking initial rendering; ignoring errors. */ }); const openActionPromise = pdfDocument.getOpenAction().catch(function () { /* Avoid breaking initial rendering; ignoring errors. */ }); this.toolbar.setPagesCount(pdfDocument.numPages, false); this.secondaryToolbar.setPagesCount(pdfDocument.numPages); let baseDocumentUrl; if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC")) { baseDocumentUrl = null; } else if (PDFJSDev.test("MOZCENTRAL")) { baseDocumentUrl = this.baseUrl; } else if (PDFJSDev.test("CHROME")) { baseDocumentUrl = location.href.split("#")[0]; } this.pdfLinkService.setDocument(pdfDocument, baseDocumentUrl); this.pdfDocumentProperties.setDocument(pdfDocument, this.url); const pdfViewer = this.pdfViewer; pdfViewer.setDocument(pdfDocument); const { firstPagePromise, onePageRendered, pagesPromise } = pdfViewer; const pdfThumbnailViewer = this.pdfThumbnailViewer; pdfThumbnailViewer.setDocument(pdfDocument); const storedPromise = (this.store = new ViewHistory( pdfDocument.fingerprint )) .getMultiple({ page: null, zoom: DEFAULT_SCALE_VALUE, scrollLeft: "0", scrollTop: "0", rotation: null, sidebarView: SidebarView.UNKNOWN, scrollMode: ScrollMode.UNKNOWN, spreadMode: SpreadMode.UNKNOWN, }) .catch(() => { /* Unable to read from storage; ignoring errors. */ return Object.create(null); }); firstPagePromise.then(pdfPage => { this.loadingBar.setWidth(this.appConfig.viewerContainer); this._initializeAnnotationStorageCallbacks(pdfDocument); Promise.all([ animationStarted, storedPromise, pageLayoutPromise, pageModePromise, openActionPromise, ]) .then(async ([timeStamp, stored, pageLayout, pageMode, openAction]) => { const viewOnLoad = AppOptions.get("viewOnLoad"); this._initializePdfHistory({ fingerprint: pdfDocument.fingerprint, viewOnLoad, initialDest: openAction?.dest, }); const initialBookmark = this.initialBookmark; // Initialize the default values, from user preferences. const zoom = AppOptions.get("defaultZoomValue"); let hash = zoom ? `zoom=${zoom}` : null; let rotation = null; let sidebarView = AppOptions.get("sidebarViewOnLoad"); let scrollMode = AppOptions.get("scrollModeOnLoad"); let spreadMode = AppOptions.get("spreadModeOnLoad"); if (stored.page && viewOnLoad !== ViewOnLoad.INITIAL) { hash = `page=${stored.page}&zoom=${zoom || stored.zoom},` + `${stored.scrollLeft},${stored.scrollTop}`; rotation = parseInt(stored.rotation, 10); // Always let user preference take precedence over the view history. if (sidebarView === SidebarView.UNKNOWN) { sidebarView = stored.sidebarView | 0; } if (scrollMode === ScrollMode.UNKNOWN) { scrollMode = stored.scrollMode | 0; } if (spreadMode === SpreadMode.UNKNOWN) { spreadMode = stored.spreadMode | 0; } } // Always let the user preference/view history take precedence. if (pageMode && sidebarView === SidebarView.UNKNOWN) { sidebarView = apiPageModeToSidebarView(pageMode); } if (pageLayout && spreadMode === SpreadMode.UNKNOWN) { spreadMode = apiPageLayoutToSpreadMode(pageLayout); } this.setInitialView(hash, { rotation, sidebarView, scrollMode, spreadMode, }); this.eventBus.dispatch("documentinit", { source: this }); // Make all navigation keys work on document load, // unless the viewer is embedded in a web page. if (!this.isViewerEmbedded) { pdfViewer.focus(); } // Currently only the "copy"-permission is supported, hence we delay // the `getPermissions` API call until *after* rendering has started. this._initializePermissions(pdfDocument); // For documents with different page sizes, once all pages are // resolved, ensure that the correct location becomes visible on load. // (To reduce the risk, in very large and/or slow loading documents, // that the location changes *after* the user has started interacting // with the viewer, wait for either `pagesPromise` or a timeout.) await Promise.race([ pagesPromise, new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, FORCE_PAGES_LOADED_TIMEOUT); }), ]); if (!initialBookmark && !hash) { return; } if (pdfViewer.hasEqualPageSizes) { return; } this.initialBookmark = initialBookmark; // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-assign pdfViewer.currentScaleValue = pdfViewer.currentScaleValue; // Re-apply the initial document location. this.setInitialView(hash); }) .catch(() => { // Ensure that the document is always completely initialized, // even if there are any errors thrown above. this.setInitialView(); }) .then(function () { // At this point, rendering of the initial page(s) should always have // started (and may even have completed). // To prevent any future issues, e.g. the document being completely // blank on load, always trigger rendering here. pdfViewer.update(); }); }); pagesPromise.then(() => { this._unblockDocumentLoadEvent(); this._initializeAutoPrint(pdfDocument, openActionPromise); }); onePageRendered.then(() => { pdfDocument.getOutline().then(outline => { if (pdfDocument !== this.pdfDocument) { return; // The document was closed while the outline resolved. } this.pdfOutlineViewer.render({ outline, pdfDocument }); }); pdfDocument.getAttachments().then(attachments => { if (pdfDocument !== this.pdfDocument) { return; // The document was closed while the attachments resolved. } this.pdfAttachmentViewer.render({ attachments }); }); // Ensure that the layers accurately reflects the current state in the // viewer itself, rather than the default state provided by the API. pdfViewer.optionalContentConfigPromise.then(optionalContentConfig => { if (pdfDocument !== this.pdfDocument) { return; // The document was closed while the layers resolved. } this.pdfLayerViewer.render({ optionalContentConfig, pdfDocument }); }); if ( (typeof PDFJSDev !== "undefined" && PDFJSDev.test("MOZCENTRAL")) || "requestIdleCallback" in window ) { const callback = window.requestIdleCallback( () => { this._collectTelemetry(pdfDocument); this._idleCallbacks.delete(callback); }, { timeout: 1000 } ); this._idleCallbacks.add(callback); } }); this._initializePageLabels(pdfDocument); this._initializeMetadata(pdfDocument); }, /** * @private */ async _scriptingDocProperties(pdfDocument) { if (!this.documentInfo) { // It should be *extremely* rare for metadata to not have been resolved // when this code runs, but ensure that we handle that case here. await new Promise(resolve => { this.eventBus._on("metadataloaded", resolve, { once: true }); }); if (pdfDocument !== this.pdfDocument) { return null; // The document was closed while the metadata resolved. } } if (!this._contentLength) { // Always waiting for the entire PDF document to be loaded will, most // likely, delay sandbox-creation too much in the general case for all // PDF documents which are not provided as binary data to the API. // Hence we'll simply have to trust that the `contentLength` (as provided // by the server), when it exists, is accurate enough here. await new Promise(resolve => { this.eventBus._on("documentloaded", resolve, { once: true }); }); if (pdfDocument !== this.pdfDocument) { return null; // The document was closed while the downloadInfo resolved. } } return { ...this.documentInfo, baseURL: this.baseUrl, filesize: this._contentLength, filename: this._docFilename, metadata: this.metadata?.getRaw(), authors: this.metadata?.get("dc:creator"), numPages: this.pagesCount, URL: this.url, }; }, /** * A place to fetch data for telemetry after one page is rendered and the * viewer is idle. * @private */ async _collectTelemetry(pdfDocument) { const markInfo = await this.pdfDocument.getMarkInfo(); if (pdfDocument !== this.pdfDocument) { return; // Document was closed while waiting for mark info. } const tagged = markInfo?.Marked || false; this.externalServices.reportTelemetry({ type: "tagged", tagged, }); }, /** * @private */ async _initializeAutoPrint(pdfDocument, openActionPromise) { const [openAction, javaScript] = await Promise.all([ openActionPromise, !this.pdfViewer.enableScripting ? pdfDocument.getJavaScript() : null, ]); if (pdfDocument !== this.pdfDocument) { return; // The document was closed while the auto print data resolved. } let triggerAutoPrint = false; if (openAction?.action === "Print") { triggerAutoPrint = true; } if (javaScript) { javaScript.some(js => { if (!js) { // Don't warn/fallback for empty JavaScript actions. return false; } console.warn("Warning: JavaScript support is not enabled"); this.fallback(UNSUPPORTED_FEATURES.javaScript); return true; }); if (!triggerAutoPrint) { // Hack to support auto printing. for (const js of javaScript) { if (js && AutoPrintRegExp.test(js)) { triggerAutoPrint = true; break; } } } } if (triggerAutoPrint) { this.triggerPrinting(); } }, /** * @private */ async _initializeMetadata(pdfDocument) { const { info, metadata, contentDispositionFilename, contentLength } = await pdfDocument.getMetadata(); if (pdfDocument !== this.pdfDocument) { return; // The document was closed while the metadata resolved. } this.documentInfo = info; this.metadata = metadata; this._contentDispositionFilename ??= contentDispositionFilename; this._contentLength ??= contentLength; // See `getDownloadInfo`-call above. // Provides some basic debug information console.log( `PDF ${pdfDocument.fingerprint} [${info.PDFFormatVersion} ` + `${(info.Producer || "-").trim()} / ${(info.Creator || "-").trim()}] ` + `(PDF.js: ${version || "-"})` ); let pdfTitle = info?.Title; const metadataTitle = metadata?.get("dc:title"); if (metadataTitle) { // Ghostscript can produce invalid 'dc:title' Metadata entries: // - The title may be "Untitled" (fixes bug 1031612). // - The title may contain incorrectly encoded characters, which thus // looks broken, hence we ignore the Metadata entry when it // contains characters from the Specials Unicode block // (fixes bug 1605526). if ( metadataTitle !== "Untitled" && !/[\uFFF0-\uFFFF]/g.test(metadataTitle) ) { pdfTitle = metadataTitle; } } if (pdfTitle) { this.setTitle( `${pdfTitle} - ${contentDispositionFilename || document.title}` ); } else if (contentDispositionFilename) { this.setTitle(contentDispositionFilename); } if ( info.IsXFAPresent && !info.IsAcroFormPresent && // Note: `isPureXfa === true` implies that `enableXfa = true` was set. !pdfDocument.isPureXfa ) { console.warn("Warning: XFA is not enabled"); this.fallback(UNSUPPORTED_FEATURES.forms); } else if ( (info.IsAcroFormPresent || info.IsXFAPresent) && !this.pdfViewer.renderInteractiveForms ) { console.warn("Warning: Interactive form support is not enabled"); this.fallback(UNSUPPORTED_FEATURES.forms); } if (info.IsSignaturesPresent) { console.warn("Warning: Digital signatures validation is not supported"); this.fallback(UNSUPPORTED_FEATURES.signatures); } // Telemetry labels must be C++ variable friendly. let versionId = "other"; if (KNOWN_VERSIONS.includes(info.PDFFormatVersion)) { versionId = `v${info.PDFFormatVersion.replace(".", "_")}`; } let generatorId = "other"; if (info.Producer) { const producer = info.Producer.toLowerCase(); KNOWN_GENERATORS.some(function (generator) { if (!producer.includes(generator)) { return false; } generatorId = generator.replace(/[ .-]/g, "_"); return true; }); } let formType = null; if (info.IsXFAPresent) { formType = "xfa"; } else if (info.IsAcroFormPresent) { formType = "acroform"; } this.externalServices.reportTelemetry({ type: "documentInfo", version: versionId, generator: generatorId, formType, }); this.eventBus.dispatch("metadataloaded", { source: this }); }, /** * @private */ async _initializePageLabels(pdfDocument) { const labels = await pdfDocument.getPageLabels(); if (pdfDocument !== this.pdfDocument) { return; // The document was closed while the page labels resolved. } if (!labels || AppOptions.get("disablePageLabels")) { return; } const numLabels = labels.length; if (numLabels !== this.pagesCount) { console.error( "The number of Page Labels does not match the number of pages in the document." ); return; } let i = 0; // Ignore page labels that correspond to standard page numbering. while (i < numLabels && labels[i] === (i + 1).toString()) { i++; } if (i === numLabels) { return; } const { pdfViewer, pdfThumbnailViewer, toolbar } = this; pdfViewer.setPageLabels(labels); pdfThumbnailViewer.setPageLabels(labels); // Changing toolbar page display to use labels and we need to set // the label of the current page. toolbar.setPagesCount(numLabels, true); toolbar.setPageNumber( pdfViewer.currentPageNumber, pdfViewer.currentPageLabel ); }, /** * @private */ _initializePdfHistory({ fingerprint, viewOnLoad, initialDest = null }) { if (this.isViewerEmbedded || AppOptions.get("disableHistory")) { // The browsing history is only enabled when the viewer is standalone, // i.e. not when it is embedded in a web page. return; } this.pdfHistory.initialize({ fingerprint, resetHistory: viewOnLoad === ViewOnLoad.INITIAL, updateUrl: AppOptions.get("historyUpdateUrl"), }); if (this.pdfHistory.initialBookmark) { this.initialBookmark = this.pdfHistory.initialBookmark; this.initialRotation = this.pdfHistory.initialRotation; } // Always let the browser history/document hash take precedence. if ( initialDest && !this.initialBookmark && viewOnLoad === ViewOnLoad.UNKNOWN ) { this.initialBookmark = JSON.stringify(initialDest); // TODO: Re-factor the `PDFHistory` initialization to remove this hack // that's currently necessary to prevent weird initial history state. this.pdfHistory.push({ explicitDest: initialDest, pageNumber: null }); } }, /** * @private */ async _initializePermissions(pdfDocument) { const permissions = await pdfDocument.getPermissions(); if (pdfDocument !== this.pdfDocument) { return; // The document was closed while the permissions resolved. } if (!permissions || !AppOptions.get("enablePermissions")) { return; } // Currently only the "copy"-permission is supported. if (!permissions.includes(PermissionFlag.COPY)) { this.appConfig.viewerContainer.classList.add(ENABLE_PERMISSIONS_CLASS); } }, /** * @private */ _initializeAnnotationStorageCallbacks(pdfDocument) { if (pdfDocument !== this.pdfDocument) { return; } const { annotationStorage } = pdfDocument; annotationStorage.onSetModified = () => { window.addEventListener("beforeunload", beforeUnload); if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC")) { this._annotationStorageModified = true; } }; annotationStorage.onResetModified = () => { window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", beforeUnload); if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC")) { delete this._annotationStorageModified; } }; }, setInitialView( storedHash, { rotation, sidebarView, scrollMode, spreadMode } = {} ) { const setRotation = angle => { if (isValidRotation(angle)) { this.pdfViewer.pagesRotation = angle; } }; const setViewerModes = (scroll, spread) => { if (isValidScrollMode(scroll)) { this.pdfViewer.scrollMode = scroll; } if (isValidSpreadMode(spread)) { this.pdfViewer.spreadMode = spread; } }; this.isInitialViewSet = true; this.pdfSidebar.setInitialView(sidebarView); setViewerModes(scrollMode, spreadMode); if (this.initialBookmark) { setRotation(this.initialRotation); delete this.initialRotation; this.pdfLinkService.setHash(this.initialBookmark); this.initialBookmark = null; } else if (storedHash) { setRotation(rotation); this.pdfLinkService.setHash(storedHash); } // Ensure that the correct page number is displayed in the UI, // even if the active page didn't change during document load. this.toolbar.setPageNumber( this.pdfViewer.currentPageNumber, this.pdfViewer.currentPageLabel ); this.secondaryToolbar.setPageNumber(this.pdfViewer.currentPageNumber); if (!this.pdfViewer.currentScaleValue) { // Scale was not initialized: invalid bookmark or scale was not specified. // Setting the default one. this.pdfViewer.currentScaleValue = DEFAULT_SCALE_VALUE; } }, /** * @private */ _cleanup() { if (!this.pdfDocument) { return; // run cleanup when document is loaded } this.pdfViewer.cleanup(); this.pdfThumbnailViewer.cleanup(); // We don't want to remove fonts used by active page SVGs. this.pdfDocument.cleanup( /* keepLoadedFonts = */ this.pdfViewer.renderer === RendererType.SVG ); }, forceRendering() { this.pdfRenderingQueue.printing = !!this.printService; this.pdfRenderingQueue.isThumbnailViewEnabled = this.pdfSidebar.isThumbnailViewVisible; this.pdfRenderingQueue.renderHighestPriority(); }, beforePrint() { // Given that the "beforeprint" browser event is synchronous, we // unfortunately cannot await the scripting event dispatching here. this.pdfScriptingManager.dispatchWillPrint(); if (this.printService) { // There is no way to suppress beforePrint/afterPrint events, // but PDFPrintService may generate double events -- this will ignore // the second event that will be coming from native window.print(). return; } if (!this.supportsPrinting) { this.l10n.get("printing_not_supported").then(msg => { this._otherError(msg); }); return; } // The beforePrint is a sync method and we need to know layout before // returning from this method. Ensure that we can get sizes of the pages. if (!this.pdfViewer.pageViewsReady) { this.l10n.get("printing_not_ready").then(msg => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert window.alert(msg); }); return; } const pagesOverview = this.pdfViewer.getPagesOverview(); const printContainer = this.appConfig.printContainer; const printResolution = AppOptions.get("printResolution"); const optionalContentConfigPromise = this.pdfViewer.optionalContentConfigPromise; const printService = PDFPrintServiceFactory.instance.createPrintService( this.pdfDocument, pagesOverview, printContainer, printResolution, optionalContentConfigPromise, this.l10n ); this.printService = printService; this.forceRendering(); printService.layout(); this.externalServices.reportTelemetry({ type: "print", }); }, afterPrint() { // Given that the "afterprint" browser event is synchronous, we // unfortunately cannot await the scripting event dispatching here. this.pdfScriptingManager.dispatchDidPrint(); if (this.printService) { this.printService.destroy(); this.printService = null; if (this.pdfDocument) { this.pdfDocument.annotationStorage.resetModified(); } } this.forceRendering(); }, rotatePages(delta) { this.pdfViewer.pagesRotation += delta; // Note that the thumbnail viewer is updated, and rendering is triggered, // in the 'rotationchanging' event handler. }, requestPresentationMode() { if (!this.pdfPresentationMode) { return; } this.pdfPresentationMode.request(); }, triggerPrinting() { if (!this.supportsPrinting) { return; } window.print(); }, bindEvents() { const { eventBus, _boundEvents } = this; _boundEvents.beforePrint = this.beforePrint.bind(this); _boundEvents.afterPrint = this.afterPrint.bind(this); eventBus._on("resize", webViewerResize); eventBus._on("hashchange", webViewerHashchange); eventBus._on("beforeprint", _boundEvents.beforePrint); eventBus._on("afterprint", _boundEvents.afterPrint); eventBus._on("pagerendered", webViewerPageRendered); eventBus._on("updateviewarea", webViewerUpdateViewarea); eventBus._on("pagechanging", webViewerPageChanging); eventBus._on("scalechanging", webViewerScaleChanging); eventBus._on("rotationchanging", webViewerRotationChanging); eventBus._on("sidebarviewchanged", webViewerSidebarViewChanged); eventBus._on("pagemode", webViewerPageMode); eventBus._on("namedaction", webViewerNamedAction); eventBus._on("presentationmodechanged", webViewerPresentationModeChanged); eventBus._on("presentationmode", webViewerPresentationMode); eventBus._on("print", webViewerPrint); eventBus._on("download", webViewerDownload); eventBus._on("save", webViewerSave); eventBus._on("firstpage", webViewerFirstPage); eventBus._on("lastpage", webViewerLastPage); eventBus._on("nextpage", webViewerNextPage); eventBus._on("previouspage", webViewerPreviousPage); eventBus._on("zoomin", webViewerZoomIn); eventBus._on("zoomout", webViewerZoomOut); eventBus._on("zoomreset", webViewerZoomReset); eventBus._on("pagenumberchanged", webViewerPageNumberChanged); eventBus._on("scalechanged", webViewerScaleChanged); eventBus._on("rotatecw", webViewerRotateCw); eventBus._on("rotateccw", webViewerRotateCcw); eventBus._on("optionalcontentconfig", webViewerOptionalContentConfig); eventBus._on("switchscrollmode", webViewerSwitchScrollMode); eventBus._on("scrollmodechanged", webViewerScrollModeChanged); eventBus._on("switchspreadmode", webViewerSwitchSpreadMode); eventBus._on("spreadmodechanged", webViewerSpreadModeChanged); eventBus._on("documentproperties", webViewerDocumentProperties); eventBus._on("find", webViewerFind); eventBus._on("findfromurlhash", webViewerFindFromUrlHash); eventBus._on("updatefindmatchescount", webViewerUpdateFindMatchesCount); eventBus._on("updatefindcontrolstate", webViewerUpdateFindControlState); if (AppOptions.get("pdfBug")) { _boundEvents.reportPageStatsPDFBug = reportPageStatsPDFBug; eventBus._on("pagerendered", _boundEvents.reportPageStatsPDFBug); eventBus._on("pagechanging", _boundEvents.reportPageStatsPDFBug); } if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC")) { eventBus._on("fileinputchange", webViewerFileInputChange); eventBus._on("openfile", webViewerOpenFile); } }, bindWindowEvents() { const { eventBus, _boundEvents } = this; _boundEvents.windowResize = () => { eventBus.dispatch("resize", { source: window }); }; _boundEvents.windowHashChange = () => { eventBus.dispatch("hashchange", { source: window, hash: document.location.hash.substring(1), }); }; _boundEvents.windowBeforePrint = () => { eventBus.dispatch("beforeprint", { source: window }); }; _boundEvents.windowAfterPrint = () => { eventBus.dispatch("afterprint", { source: window }); }; _boundEvents.windowUpdateFromSandbox = event => { eventBus.dispatch("updatefromsandbox", { source: window, detail: event.detail, }); }; window.addEventListener("visibilitychange", webViewerVisibilityChange); window.addEventListener("wheel", webViewerWheel, { passive: false }); window.addEventListener("touchstart", webViewerTouchStart, { passive: false, }); window.addEventListener("click", webViewerClick); window.addEventListener("keydown", webViewerKeyDown); window.addEventListener("resize", _boundEvents.windowResize); window.addEventListener("hashchange", _boundEvents.windowHashChange); window.addEventListener("beforeprint", _boundEvents.windowBeforePrint); window.addEventListener("afterprint", _boundEvents.windowAfterPrint); window.addEventListener( "updatefromsandbox", _boundEvents.windowUpdateFromSandbox ); }, unbindEvents() { const { eventBus, _boundEvents } = this; eventBus._off("resize", webViewerResize); eventBus._off("hashchange", webViewerHashchange); eventBus._off("beforeprint", _boundEvents.beforePrint); eventBus._off("afterprint", _boundEvents.afterPrint); eventBus._off("pagerendered", webViewerPageRendered); eventBus._off("updateviewarea", webViewerUpdateViewarea); eventBus._off("pagechanging", webViewerPageChanging); eventBus._off("scalechanging", webViewerScaleChanging); eventBus._off("rotationchanging", webViewerRotationChanging); eventBus._off("sidebarviewchanged", webViewerSidebarViewChanged); eventBus._off("pagemode", webViewerPageMode); eventBus._off("namedaction", webViewerNamedAction); eventBus._off("presentationmodechanged", webViewerPresentationModeChanged); eventBus._off("presentationmode", webViewerPresentationMode); eventBus._off("print", webViewerPrint); eventBus._off("download", webViewerDownload); eventBus._off("save", webViewerSave); eventBus._off("firstpage", webViewerFirstPage); eventBus._off("lastpage", webViewerLastPage); eventBus._off("nextpage", webViewerNextPage); eventBus._off("previouspage", webViewerPreviousPage); eventBus._off("zoomin", webViewerZoomIn); eventBus._off("zoomout", webViewerZoomOut); eventBus._off("zoomreset", webViewerZoomReset); eventBus._off("pagenumberchanged", webViewerPageNumberChanged); eventBus._off("scalechanged", webViewerScaleChanged); eventBus._off("rotatecw", webViewerRotateCw); eventBus._off("rotateccw", webViewerRotateCcw); eventBus._off("optionalcontentconfig", webViewerOptionalContentConfig); eventBus._off("switchscrollmode", webViewerSwitchScrollMode); eventBus._off("scrollmodechanged", webViewerScrollModeChanged); eventBus._off("switchspreadmode", webViewerSwitchSpreadMode); eventBus._off("spreadmodechanged", webViewerSpreadModeChanged); eventBus._off("documentproperties", webViewerDocumentProperties); eventBus._off("find", webViewerFind); eventBus._off("findfromurlhash", webViewerFindFromUrlHash); eventBus._off("updatefindmatchescount", webViewerUpdateFindMatchesCount); eventBus._off("updatefindcontrolstate", webViewerUpdateFindControlState); if (_boundEvents.reportPageStatsPDFBug) { eventBus._off("pagerendered", _boundEvents.reportPageStatsPDFBug); eventBus._off("pagechanging", _boundEvents.reportPageStatsPDFBug); _boundEvents.reportPageStatsPDFBug = null; } if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC")) { eventBus._off("fileinputchange", webViewerFileInputChange); eventBus._off("openfile", webViewerOpenFile); } _boundEvents.beforePrint = null; _boundEvents.afterPrint = null; }, unbindWindowEvents() { const { _boundEvents } = this; window.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", webViewerVisibilityChange); window.removeEventListener("wheel", webViewerWheel, { passive: false }); window.removeEventListener("touchstart", webViewerTouchStart, { passive: false, }); window.removeEventListener("click", webViewerClick); window.removeEventListener("keydown", webViewerKeyDown); window.removeEventListener("resize", _boundEvents.windowResize); window.removeEventListener("hashchange", _boundEvents.windowHashChange); window.removeEventListener("beforeprint", _boundEvents.windowBeforePrint); window.removeEventListener("afterprint", _boundEvents.windowAfterPrint); window.removeEventListener( "updatefromsandbox", _boundEvents.windowUpdateFromSandbox ); _boundEvents.windowResize = null; _boundEvents.windowHashChange = null; _boundEvents.windowBeforePrint = null; _boundEvents.windowAfterPrint = null; _boundEvents.windowUpdateFromSandbox = null; }, accumulateWheelTicks(ticks) { // If the scroll direction changed, reset the accumulated wheel ticks. if ( (this._wheelUnusedTicks > 0 && ticks < 0) || (this._wheelUnusedTicks < 0 && ticks > 0) ) { this._wheelUnusedTicks = 0; } this._wheelUnusedTicks += ticks; const wholeTicks = Math.sign(this._wheelUnusedTicks) * Math.floor(Math.abs(this._wheelUnusedTicks)); this._wheelUnusedTicks -= wholeTicks; return wholeTicks; }, /** * Should be called *after* all pages have loaded, or if an error occurred, * to unblock the "load" event; see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1618553 * @private */ _unblockDocumentLoadEvent() { if (document.blockUnblockOnload) { document.blockUnblockOnload(false); } // Ensure that this method is only ever run once. this._unblockDocumentLoadEvent = () => {}; }, /** * Used together with the integration-tests, to enable awaiting full * initialization of the scripting/sandbox. */ get scriptingReady() { return this.pdfScriptingManager.ready; }, }; let validateFileURL; if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC")) { const HOSTED_VIEWER_ORIGINS = [ "null", "http://mozilla.github.io", "https://mozilla.github.io", ]; validateFileURL = function (file) { if (file === undefined) { return; } try { const viewerOrigin = new URL(window.location.href).origin || "null"; if (HOSTED_VIEWER_ORIGINS.includes(viewerOrigin)) { // Hosted or local viewer, allow for any file locations return; } const { origin, protocol } = new URL(file, window.location.href); // Removing of the following line will not guarantee that the viewer will // start accepting URLs from foreign origin -- CORS headers on the remote // server must be properly configured. // IE10 / IE11 does not include an origin in `blob:`-URLs. So don't block // any blob:-URL. The browser's same-origin policy will block requests to // blob:-URLs from other origins, so this is safe. if (origin !== viewerOrigin && protocol !== "blob:") { throw new Error("file origin does not match viewer's"); } } catch (ex) { PDFViewerApplication.l10n.get("loading_error").then(msg => { PDFViewerApplication._documentError(msg, { message: ex?.message }); }); throw ex; } }; } async function loadFakeWorker() { if (!GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc) { GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = AppOptions.get("workerSrc"); } if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || !PDFJSDev.test("PRODUCTION")) { window.pdfjsWorker = await import("pdfjs/core/worker.js"); return undefined; } return loadScript(PDFWorker.getWorkerSrc()); } function loadAndEnablePDFBug(enabledTabs) { const appConfig = PDFViewerApplication.appConfig; return loadScript(appConfig.debuggerScriptPath).then(function () { PDFBug.enable(enabledTabs); PDFBug.init({ OPS }, appConfig.mainContainer); }); } function reportPageStatsPDFBug({ pageNumber }) { if (typeof Stats === "undefined" || !Stats.enabled) { return; } const pageView = PDFViewerApplication.pdfViewer.getPageView( /* index = */ pageNumber - 1 ); const pageStats = pageView?.pdfPage?.stats; if (!pageStats) { return; } Stats.add(pageNumber, pageStats); } function webViewerInitialized() { const appConfig = PDFViewerApplication.appConfig; let file; if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC")) { const queryString = document.location.search.substring(1); const params = parseQueryString(queryString); file = "file" in params ? params.file : AppOptions.get("defaultUrl"); validateFileURL(file); } else if (PDFJSDev.test("MOZCENTRAL")) { file = window.location.href; } else if (PDFJSDev.test("CHROME")) { file = AppOptions.get("defaultUrl"); } if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC")) { const fileInput = document.createElement("input"); fileInput.id = appConfig.openFileInputName; fileInput.className = "fileInput"; fileInput.setAttribute("type", "file"); fileInput.oncontextmenu = noContextMenuHandler; document.body.appendChild(fileInput); if ( !window.File || !window.FileReader || !window.FileList || !window.Blob ) { appConfig.toolbar.openFile.hidden = true; appConfig.secondaryToolbar.openFileButton.hidden = true; } else { fileInput.value = null; } fileInput.addEventListener("change", function (evt) { const files = evt.target.files; if (!files || files.length === 0) { return; } PDFViewerApplication.eventBus.dispatch("fileinputchange", { source: this, fileInput: evt.target, }); }); // Enable dragging-and-dropping a new PDF file onto the viewerContainer. appConfig.mainContainer.addEventListener("dragover", function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "move"; }); appConfig.mainContainer.addEventListener("drop", function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); const files = evt.dataTransfer.files; if (!files || files.length === 0) { return; } PDFViewerApplication.eventBus.dispatch("fileinputchange", { source: this, fileInput: evt.dataTransfer, }); }); } else { appConfig.toolbar.openFile.hidden = true; appConfig.secondaryToolbar.openFileButton.hidden = true; } if (!PDFViewerApplication.supportsDocumentFonts) { AppOptions.set("disableFontFace", true); PDFViewerApplication.l10n.get("web_fonts_disabled").then(msg => { console.warn(msg); }); } if (!PDFViewerApplication.supportsPrinting) { appConfig.toolbar.print.classList.add("hidden"); appConfig.secondaryToolbar.printButton.classList.add("hidden"); } if (!PDFViewerApplication.supportsFullscreen) { appConfig.toolbar.presentationModeButton.classList.add("hidden"); appConfig.secondaryToolbar.presentationModeButton.classList.add("hidden"); } if (PDFViewerApplication.supportsIntegratedFind) { appConfig.toolbar.viewFind.classList.add("hidden"); } appConfig.mainContainer.addEventListener( "transitionend", function (evt) { if (evt.target === /* mainContainer */ this) { PDFViewerApplication.eventBus.dispatch("resize", { source: this }); } }, true ); try { webViewerOpenFileViaURL(file); } catch (reason) { PDFViewerApplication.l10n.get("loading_error").then(msg => { PDFViewerApplication._documentError(msg, reason); }); } } function webViewerOpenFileViaURL(file) { if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC")) { if (file) { PDFViewerApplication.open(file); } } else if (PDFJSDev.test("MOZCENTRAL || CHROME")) { PDFViewerApplication.setTitleUsingUrl(file); PDFViewerApplication.initPassiveLoading(); } else { if (file) { throw new Error("Not implemented: webViewerOpenFileViaURL"); } } } function webViewerResetPermissions() { const { appConfig } = PDFViewerApplication; if (!appConfig) { return; } // Currently only the "copy"-permission is supported. appConfig.viewerContainer.classList.remove(ENABLE_PERMISSIONS_CLASS); } function webViewerPageRendered({ pageNumber, timestamp, error }) { // If the page is still visible when it has finished rendering, // ensure that the page number input loading indicator is hidden. if (pageNumber === PDFViewerApplication.page) { PDFViewerApplication.toolbar.updateLoadingIndicatorState(false); } // Use the rendered page to set the corresponding thumbnail image. if (PDFViewerApplication.pdfSidebar.isThumbnailViewVisible) { const pageView = PDFViewerApplication.pdfViewer.getPageView( /* index = */ pageNumber - 1 ); const thumbnailView = PDFViewerApplication.pdfThumbnailViewer.getThumbnail( /* index = */ pageNumber - 1 ); if (pageView && thumbnailView) { thumbnailView.setImage(pageView); } } if (error) { PDFViewerApplication.l10n.get("rendering_error").then(msg => { PDFViewerApplication._otherError(msg, error); }); } PDFViewerApplication.externalServices.reportTelemetry({ type: "pageInfo", timestamp, }); // It is a good time to report stream and font types. PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument.getStats().then(function (stats) { PDFViewerApplication.externalServices.reportTelemetry({ type: "documentStats", stats, }); }); } function webViewerPageMode({ mode }) { // Handle the 'pagemode' hash parameter, see also `PDFLinkService_setHash`. let view; switch (mode) { case "thumbs": view = SidebarView.THUMBS; break; case "bookmarks": case "outline": // non-standard view = SidebarView.OUTLINE; break; case "attachments": // non-standard view = SidebarView.ATTACHMENTS; break; case "layers": // non-standard view = SidebarView.LAYERS; break; case "none": view = SidebarView.NONE; break; default: console.error('Invalid "pagemode" hash parameter: ' + mode); return; } PDFViewerApplication.pdfSidebar.switchView(view, /* forceOpen = */ true); } function webViewerNamedAction(evt) { // Processing a couple of named actions that might be useful, see also // `PDFLinkService.executeNamedAction`. switch (evt.action) { case "GoToPage": PDFViewerApplication.appConfig.toolbar.pageNumber.select(); break; case "Find": if (!PDFViewerApplication.supportsIntegratedFind) { PDFViewerApplication.findBar.toggle(); } break; case "Print": PDFViewerApplication.triggerPrinting(); break; case "SaveAs": webViewerSave(); break; } } function webViewerPresentationModeChanged(evt) { PDFViewerApplication.pdfViewer.presentationModeState = evt.state; } function webViewerSidebarViewChanged(evt) { PDFViewerApplication.pdfRenderingQueue.isThumbnailViewEnabled = PDFViewerApplication.pdfSidebar.isThumbnailViewVisible; const store = PDFViewerApplication.store; if (store && PDFViewerApplication.isInitialViewSet) { // Only update the storage when the document has been loaded *and* rendered. store.set("sidebarView", evt.view).catch(function () {}); } } function webViewerUpdateViewarea(evt) { const location = evt.location, store = PDFViewerApplication.store; if (store && PDFViewerApplication.isInitialViewSet) { store .setMultiple({ page: location.pageNumber, zoom: location.scale, scrollLeft: location.left, scrollTop: location.top, rotation: location.rotation, }) .catch(function () { /* unable to write to storage */ }); } const href = PDFViewerApplication.pdfLinkService.getAnchorUrl( location.pdfOpenParams ); PDFViewerApplication.appConfig.toolbar.viewBookmark.href = href; PDFViewerApplication.appConfig.secondaryToolbar.viewBookmarkButton.href = href; // Show/hide the loading indicator in the page number input element. const currentPage = PDFViewerApplication.pdfViewer.getPageView( /* index = */ PDFViewerApplication.page - 1 ); const loading = currentPage?.renderingState !== RenderingStates.FINISHED; PDFViewerApplication.toolbar.updateLoadingIndicatorState(loading); } function webViewerScrollModeChanged(evt) { const store = PDFViewerApplication.store; if (store && PDFViewerApplication.isInitialViewSet) { // Only update the storage when the document has been loaded *and* rendered. store.set("scrollMode", evt.mode).catch(function () {}); } } function webViewerSpreadModeChanged(evt) { const store = PDFViewerApplication.store; if (store && PDFViewerApplication.isInitialViewSet) { // Only update the storage when the document has been loaded *and* rendered. store.set("spreadMode", evt.mode).catch(function () {}); } } function webViewerResize() { const { pdfDocument, pdfViewer } = PDFViewerApplication; if (!pdfDocument) { return; } const currentScaleValue = pdfViewer.currentScaleValue; if ( currentScaleValue === "auto" || currentScaleValue === "page-fit" || currentScaleValue === "page-width" ) { // Note: the scale is constant for 'page-actual'. pdfViewer.currentScaleValue = currentScaleValue; } pdfViewer.update(); } function webViewerHashchange(evt) { const hash = evt.hash; if (!hash) { return; } if (!PDFViewerApplication.isInitialViewSet) { PDFViewerApplication.initialBookmark = hash; } else if (!PDFViewerApplication.pdfHistory.popStateInProgress) { PDFViewerApplication.pdfLinkService.setHash(hash); } } let webViewerFileInputChange, webViewerOpenFile; if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC")) { webViewerFileInputChange = function (evt) { if (PDFViewerApplication.pdfViewer?.isInPresentationMode) { return; // Opening a new PDF file isn't supported in Presentation Mode. } const file = evt.fileInput.files[0]; if (!viewerCompatibilityParams.disableCreateObjectURL) { let url = URL.createObjectURL(file); if (file.name) { url = { url, originalUrl: file.name }; } PDFViewerApplication.open(url); } else { PDFViewerApplication.setTitleUsingUrl(file.name); // Read the local file into a Uint8Array. const fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = function webViewerChangeFileReaderOnload(event) { const buffer = event.target.result; PDFViewerApplication.open(new Uint8Array(buffer)); }; fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); } // URL does not reflect proper document location - hiding some icons. const appConfig = PDFViewerApplication.appConfig; appConfig.toolbar.viewBookmark.hidden = true; appConfig.secondaryToolbar.viewBookmarkButton.hidden = true; appConfig.toolbar.download.hidden = true; appConfig.secondaryToolbar.downloadButton.hidden = true; }; webViewerOpenFile = function (evt) { const openFileInputName = PDFViewerApplication.appConfig.openFileInputName; document.getElementById(openFileInputName).click(); }; } function webViewerPresentationMode() { PDFViewerApplication.requestPresentationMode(); } function webViewerPrint() { PDFViewerApplication.triggerPrinting(); } function webViewerDownload() { PDFViewerApplication.downloadOrSave({ sourceEventType: "download" }); } function webViewerSave() { PDFViewerApplication.downloadOrSave({ sourceEventType: "save" }); } function webViewerFirstPage() { if (PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument) { PDFViewerApplication.page = 1; } } function webViewerLastPage() { if (PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument) { PDFViewerApplication.page = PDFViewerApplication.pagesCount; } } function webViewerNextPage() { PDFViewerApplication.pdfViewer.nextPage(); } function webViewerPreviousPage() { PDFViewerApplication.pdfViewer.previousPage(); } function webViewerZoomIn() { PDFViewerApplication.zoomIn(); } function webViewerZoomOut() { PDFViewerApplication.zoomOut(); } function webViewerZoomReset() { PDFViewerApplication.zoomReset(); } function webViewerPageNumberChanged(evt) { const pdfViewer = PDFViewerApplication.pdfViewer; // Note that for `<input type="number">` HTML elements, an empty string will // be returned for non-number inputs; hence we simply do nothing in that case. if (evt.value !== "") { PDFViewerApplication.pdfLinkService.goToPage(evt.value); } // Ensure that the page number input displays the correct value, even if the // value entered by the user was invalid (e.g. a floating point number). if ( evt.value !== pdfViewer.currentPageNumber.toString() && evt.value !== pdfViewer.currentPageLabel ) { PDFViewerApplication.toolbar.setPageNumber( pdfViewer.currentPageNumber, pdfViewer.currentPageLabel ); } } function webViewerScaleChanged(evt) { PDFViewerApplication.pdfViewer.currentScaleValue = evt.value; } function webViewerRotateCw() { PDFViewerApplication.rotatePages(90); } function webViewerRotateCcw() { PDFViewerApplication.rotatePages(-90); } function webViewerOptionalContentConfig(evt) { PDFViewerApplication.pdfViewer.optionalContentConfigPromise = evt.promise; } function webViewerSwitchScrollMode(evt) { PDFViewerApplication.pdfViewer.scrollMode = evt.mode; } function webViewerSwitchSpreadMode(evt) { PDFViewerApplication.pdfViewer.spreadMode = evt.mode; } function webViewerDocumentProperties() { PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocumentProperties.open(); } function webViewerFind(evt) { PDFViewerApplication.findController.executeCommand("find" + evt.type, { query: evt.query, phraseSearch: evt.phraseSearch, caseSensitive: evt.caseSensitive, entireWord: evt.entireWord, highlightAll: evt.highlightAll, findPrevious: evt.findPrevious, }); } function webViewerFindFromUrlHash(evt) { PDFViewerApplication.findController.executeCommand("find", { query: evt.query, phraseSearch: evt.phraseSearch, caseSensitive: false, entireWord: false, highlightAll: true, findPrevious: false, }); } function webViewerUpdateFindMatchesCount({ matchesCount }) { if (PDFViewerApplication.supportsIntegratedFind) { PDFViewerApplication.externalServices.updateFindMatchesCount(matchesCount); } else { PDFViewerApplication.findBar.updateResultsCount(matchesCount); } } function webViewerUpdateFindControlState({ state, previous, matchesCount, rawQuery, }) { if (PDFViewerApplication.supportsIntegratedFind) { PDFViewerApplication.externalServices.updateFindControlState({ result: state, findPrevious: previous, matchesCount, rawQuery, }); } else { PDFViewerApplication.findBar.updateUIState(state, previous, matchesCount); } } function webViewerScaleChanging(evt) { PDFViewerApplication.toolbar.setPageScale(evt.presetValue, evt.scale); PDFViewerApplication.pdfViewer.update(); } function webViewerRotationChanging(evt) { PDFViewerApplication.pdfThumbnailViewer.pagesRotation = evt.pagesRotation; PDFViewerApplication.forceRendering(); // Ensure that the active page doesn't change during rotation. PDFViewerApplication.pdfViewer.currentPageNumber = evt.pageNumber; } function webViewerPageChanging({ pageNumber, pageLabel }) { PDFViewerApplication.toolbar.setPageNumber(pageNumber, pageLabel); PDFViewerApplication.secondaryToolbar.setPageNumber(pageNumber); if (PDFViewerApplication.pdfSidebar.isThumbnailViewVisible) { PDFViewerApplication.pdfThumbnailViewer.scrollThumbnailIntoView(pageNumber); } } function webViewerVisibilityChange(evt) { if (document.visibilityState === "visible") { // Ignore mouse wheel zooming during tab switches (bug 1503412). setZoomDisabledTimeout(); } } let zoomDisabledTimeout = null; function setZoomDisabledTimeout() { if (zoomDisabledTimeout) { clearTimeout(zoomDisabledTimeout); } zoomDisabledTimeout = setTimeout(function () { zoomDisabledTimeout = null; }, WHEEL_ZOOM_DISABLED_TIMEOUT); } function webViewerWheel(evt) { const { pdfViewer, supportedMouseWheelZoomModifierKeys } = PDFViewerApplication; if (pdfViewer.isInPresentationMode) { return; } if ( (evt.ctrlKey && supportedMouseWheelZoomModifierKeys.ctrlKey) || (evt.metaKey && supportedMouseWheelZoomModifierKeys.metaKey) ) { // Only zoom the pages, not the entire viewer. evt.preventDefault(); // NOTE: this check must be placed *after* preventDefault. if (zoomDisabledTimeout || document.visibilityState === "hidden") { return; } const previousScale = pdfViewer.currentScale; const delta = normalizeWheelEventDirection(evt); let ticks = 0; if ( evt.deltaMode === WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_LINE || evt.deltaMode === WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PAGE ) { // For line-based devices, use one tick per event, because different // OSs have different defaults for the number lines. But we generally // want one "clicky" roll of the wheel (which produces one event) to // adjust the zoom by one step. if (Math.abs(delta) >= 1) { ticks = Math.sign(delta); } else { // If we're getting fractional lines (I can't think of a scenario // this might actually happen), be safe and use the accumulator. ticks = PDFViewerApplication.accumulateWheelTicks(delta); } } else { // pixel-based devices const PIXELS_PER_LINE_SCALE = 30; ticks = PDFViewerApplication.accumulateWheelTicks( delta / PIXELS_PER_LINE_SCALE ); } if (ticks < 0) { PDFViewerApplication.zoomOut(-ticks); } else if (ticks > 0) { PDFViewerApplication.zoomIn(ticks); } const currentScale = pdfViewer.currentScale; if (previousScale !== currentScale) { // After scaling the page via zoomIn/zoomOut, the position of the upper- // left corner is restored. When the mouse wheel is used, the position // under the cursor should be restored instead. const scaleCorrectionFactor = currentScale / previousScale - 1; const rect = pdfViewer.container.getBoundingClientRect(); const dx = evt.clientX - rect.left; const dy = evt.clientY - rect.top; pdfViewer.container.scrollLeft += dx * scaleCorrectionFactor; pdfViewer.container.scrollTop += dy * scaleCorrectionFactor; } } else { setZoomDisabledTimeout(); } } function webViewerTouchStart(evt) { if (evt.touches.length > 1) { // Disable touch-based zooming, because the entire UI bits gets zoomed and // that doesn't look great. If we do want to have a good touch-based // zooming experience, we need to implement smooth zoom capability (probably // using a CSS transform for faster visual response, followed by async // re-rendering at the final zoom level) and do gesture detection on the // touchmove events to drive it. Or if we want to settle for a less good // experience we can make the touchmove events drive the existing step-zoom // behaviour that the ctrl+mousewheel path takes. evt.preventDefault(); } } function webViewerClick(evt) { if (!PDFViewerApplication.secondaryToolbar.isOpen) { return; } const appConfig = PDFViewerApplication.appConfig; if ( PDFViewerApplication.pdfViewer.containsElement(evt.target) || (appConfig.toolbar.container.contains(evt.target) && evt.target !== appConfig.secondaryToolbar.toggleButton) ) { PDFViewerApplication.secondaryToolbar.close(); } } function webViewerKeyDown(evt) { if (PDFViewerApplication.overlayManager.active) { return; } let handled = false, ensureViewerFocused = false; const cmd = (evt.ctrlKey ? 1 : 0) | (evt.altKey ? 2 : 0) | (evt.shiftKey ? 4 : 0) | (evt.metaKey ? 8 : 0); const pdfViewer = PDFViewerApplication.pdfViewer; const isViewerInPresentationMode = pdfViewer?.isInPresentationMode; // First, handle the key bindings that are independent whether an input // control is selected or not. if (cmd === 1 || cmd === 8 || cmd === 5 || cmd === 12) { // either CTRL or META key with optional SHIFT. switch (evt.keyCode) { case 70: // f if (!PDFViewerApplication.supportsIntegratedFind && !evt.shiftKey) { PDFViewerApplication.findBar.open(); handled = true; } break; case 71: // g if (!PDFViewerApplication.supportsIntegratedFind) { const findState = PDFViewerApplication.findController.state; if (findState) { PDFViewerApplication.findController.executeCommand("findagain", { query: findState.query, phraseSearch: findState.phraseSearch, caseSensitive: findState.caseSensitive, entireWord: findState.entireWord, highlightAll: findState.highlightAll, findPrevious: cmd === 5 || cmd === 12, }); } handled = true; } break; case 61: // FF/Mac '=' case 107: // FF '+' and '=' case 187: // Chrome '+' case 171: // FF with German keyboard if (!isViewerInPresentationMode) { PDFViewerApplication.zoomIn(); } handled = true; break; case 173: // FF/Mac '-' case 109: // FF '-' case 189: // Chrome '-' if (!isViewerInPresentationMode) { PDFViewerApplication.zoomOut(); } handled = true; break; case 48: // '0' case 96: // '0' on Numpad of Swedish keyboard if (!isViewerInPresentationMode) { // keeping it unhandled (to restore page zoom to 100%) setTimeout(function () { // ... and resetting the scale after browser adjusts its scale PDFViewerApplication.zoomReset(); }); handled = false; } break; case 38: // up arrow if (isViewerInPresentationMode || PDFViewerApplication.page > 1) { PDFViewerApplication.page = 1; handled = true; ensureViewerFocused = true; } break; case 40: // down arrow if ( isViewerInPresentationMode || PDFViewerApplication.page < PDFViewerApplication.pagesCount ) { PDFViewerApplication.page = PDFViewerApplication.pagesCount; handled = true; ensureViewerFocused = true; } break; } } if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC || CHROME")) { const { eventBus } = PDFViewerApplication; // CTRL or META without shift if (cmd === 1 || cmd === 8) { switch (evt.keyCode) { case 83: // s eventBus.dispatch("download", { source: window }); handled = true; break; case 79: // o if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC")) { eventBus.dispatch("openfile", { source: window }); handled = true; } break; } } } // CTRL+ALT or Option+Command if (cmd === 3 || cmd === 10) { switch (evt.keyCode) { case 80: // p PDFViewerApplication.requestPresentationMode(); handled = true; break; case 71: // g // focuses input#pageNumber field PDFViewerApplication.appConfig.toolbar.pageNumber.select(); handled = true; break; } } if (handled) { if (ensureViewerFocused && !isViewerInPresentationMode) { pdfViewer.focus(); } evt.preventDefault(); return; } // Some shortcuts should not get handled if a control/input element // is selected. const curElement = getActiveOrFocusedElement(); const curElementTagName = curElement?.tagName.toUpperCase(); if ( curElementTagName === "INPUT" || curElementTagName === "TEXTAREA" || curElementTagName === "SELECT" || curElement?.isContentEditable ) { // Make sure that the secondary toolbar is closed when Escape is pressed. if (evt.keyCode !== /* Esc = */ 27) { return; } } // No control key pressed at all. if (cmd === 0) { let turnPage = 0, turnOnlyIfPageFit = false; switch (evt.keyCode) { case 38: // up arrow case 33: // pg up // vertical scrolling using arrow/pg keys if (pdfViewer.isVerticalScrollbarEnabled) { turnOnlyIfPageFit = true; } turnPage = -1; break; case 8: // backspace if (!isViewerInPresentationMode) { turnOnlyIfPageFit = true; } turnPage = -1; break; case 37: // left arrow // horizontal scrolling using arrow keys if (pdfViewer.isHorizontalScrollbarEnabled) { turnOnlyIfPageFit = true; } /* falls through */ case 75: // 'k' case 80: // 'p' turnPage = -1; break; case 27: // esc key if (PDFViewerApplication.secondaryToolbar.isOpen) { PDFViewerApplication.secondaryToolbar.close(); handled = true; } if ( !PDFViewerApplication.supportsIntegratedFind && PDFViewerApplication.findBar.opened ) { PDFViewerApplication.findBar.close(); handled = true; } break; case 40: // down arrow case 34: // pg down // vertical scrolling using arrow/pg keys if (pdfViewer.isVerticalScrollbarEnabled) { turnOnlyIfPageFit = true; } turnPage = 1; break; case 13: // enter key case 32: // spacebar if (!isViewerInPresentationMode) { turnOnlyIfPageFit = true; } turnPage = 1; break; case 39: // right arrow // horizontal scrolling using arrow keys if (pdfViewer.isHorizontalScrollbarEnabled) { turnOnlyIfPageFit = true; } /* falls through */ case 74: // 'j' case 78: // 'n' turnPage = 1; break; case 36: // home if (isViewerInPresentationMode || PDFViewerApplication.page > 1) { PDFViewerApplication.page = 1; handled = true; ensureViewerFocused = true; } break; case 35: // end if ( isViewerInPresentationMode || PDFViewerApplication.page < PDFViewerApplication.pagesCount ) { PDFViewerApplication.page = PDFViewerApplication.pagesCount; handled = true; ensureViewerFocused = true; } break; case 83: // 's' PDFViewerApplication.pdfCursorTools.switchTool(CursorTool.SELECT); break; case 72: // 'h' PDFViewerApplication.pdfCursorTools.switchTool(CursorTool.HAND); break; case 82: // 'r' PDFViewerApplication.rotatePages(90); break; case 115: // F4 PDFViewerApplication.pdfSidebar.toggle(); break; } if ( turnPage !== 0 && (!turnOnlyIfPageFit || pdfViewer.currentScaleValue === "page-fit") ) { if (turnPage > 0) { pdfViewer.nextPage(); } else { pdfViewer.previousPage(); } handled = true; } } // shift-key if (cmd === 4) { switch (evt.keyCode) { case 13: // enter key case 32: // spacebar if ( !isViewerInPresentationMode && pdfViewer.currentScaleValue !== "page-fit" ) { break; } if (PDFViewerApplication.page > 1) { PDFViewerApplication.page--; } handled = true; break; case 82: // 'r' PDFViewerApplication.rotatePages(-90); break; } } if (!handled && !isViewerInPresentationMode) { // 33=Page Up 34=Page Down 35=End 36=Home // 37=Left 38=Up 39=Right 40=Down // 32=Spacebar if ( (evt.keyCode >= 33 && evt.keyCode <= 40) || (evt.keyCode === 32 && curElementTagName !== "BUTTON") ) { ensureViewerFocused = true; } } if (ensureViewerFocused && !pdfViewer.containsElement(curElement)) { // The page container is not focused, but a page navigation key has been // pressed. Change the focus to the viewer container to make sure that // navigation by keyboard works as expected. pdfViewer.focus(); } if (handled) { evt.preventDefault(); } } function beforeUnload(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.returnValue = ""; return false; } /* Abstract factory for the print service. */ const PDFPrintServiceFactory = { instance: { supportsPrinting: false, createPrintService() { throw new Error("Not implemented: createPrintService"); }, }, }; export { DefaultExternalServices, PDFPrintServiceFactory, PDFViewerApplication, };