/* Copyright 2020 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const Border = Object.freeze({ s: "solid", d: "dashed", b: "beveled", i: "inset", u: "underline", }); const Cursor = Object.freeze({ visible: 0, hidden: 1, delay: 2, }); const Display = Object.freeze({ visible: 0, hidden: 1, noPrint: 2, noView: 3, }); const Font = Object.freeze({ Times: "Times-Roman", TimesB: "Times-Bold", TimesI: "Times-Italic", TimesBI: "Times-BoldItalic", Helv: "Helvetica", HelvB: "Helvetica-Bold", HelvI: "Helvetica-Oblique", HelvBI: "Helvetica-BoldOblique", Cour: "Courier", CourB: "Courier-Bold", CourI: "Courier-Oblique", CourBI: "Courier-BoldOblique", Symbol: "Symbol", ZapfD: "ZapfDingbats", KaGo: "HeiseiKakuGo-W5-UniJIS-UCS2-H", KaMi: "HeiseiMin-W3-UniJIS-UCS2-H", }); const Highlight = Object.freeze({ n: "none", i: "invert", p: "push", o: "outline", }); const Position = Object.freeze({ textOnly: 0, iconOnly: 1, iconTextV: 2, textIconV: 3, iconTextH: 4, textIconH: 5, overlay: 6, }); const ScaleHow = Object.freeze({ proportional: 0, anamorphic: 1, }); const ScaleWhen = Object.freeze({ always: 0, never: 1, tooBig: 2, tooSmall: 3, }); const Style = Object.freeze({ ch: "check", cr: "cross", di: "diamond", ci: "circle", st: "star", sq: "square", }); const Trans = Object.freeze({ blindsH: "BlindsHorizontal", blindsV: "BlindsVertical", boxI: "BoxIn", boxO: "BoxOut", dissolve: "Dissolve", glitterD: "GlitterDown", glitterR: "GlitterRight", glitterRD: "GlitterRightDown", random: "Random", replace: "Replace", splitHI: "SplitHorizontalIn", splitHO: "SplitHorizontalOut", splitVI: "SplitVerticalIn", splitVO: "SplitVerticalOut", wipeD: "WipeDown", wipeL: "WipeLeft", wipeR: "WipeRight", wipeU: "WipeUp", }); const ZoomType = Object.freeze({ none: "NoVary", fitP: "FitPage", fitW: "FitWidth", fitH: "FitHeight", fitV: "FitVisibleWidth", pref: "Preferred", refW: "ReflowWidth", }); export { Border, Cursor, Display, Font, Highlight, Position, ScaleHow, ScaleWhen, Style, Trans, ZoomType, };