/* Copyright 2017 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ 'use strict'; (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('pdfjs-test/unit/annotation_layer_spec', ['exports', 'pdfjs/core/primitives', 'pdfjs/core/annotation', 'pdfjs/core/stream', 'pdfjs/core/parser', 'pdfjs/shared/util', 'pdfjs/display/global'], factory); } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { factory(exports, require('../../src/core/primitives.js'), require('../../src/core/annotation.js'), require('../../src/core/stream.js'), require('../../src/core/parser.js'), require('../../src/shared/util.js'), require('../../src/display/global.js')); } else { factory((root.pdfjsTestUnitAnnotationLayerSpec = {}), root.pdfjsCorePrimitives, root.pdfjsCoreAnnotation, root.pdfjsCoreStream, root.pdfjsCoreParser, root.pdfjsSharedUtil, root.pdfjsDisplayGlobal); } }(this, function (exports, corePrimitives, coreAnnotation, coreStream, coreParser, sharedUtil, displayGlobal) { var Annotation = coreAnnotation.Annotation; var AnnotationBorderStyle = coreAnnotation.AnnotationBorderStyle; var AnnotationFactory = coreAnnotation.AnnotationFactory; var Lexer = coreParser.Lexer; var Parser = coreParser.Parser; var isRef = corePrimitives.isRef; var Dict = corePrimitives.Dict; var Name = corePrimitives.Name; var Ref = corePrimitives.Ref; var StringStream = coreStream.StringStream; var PDFJS = displayGlobal.PDFJS; var AnnotationType = sharedUtil.AnnotationType; var AnnotationFlag = sharedUtil.AnnotationFlag; var AnnotationBorderStyleType = sharedUtil.AnnotationBorderStyleType; var AnnotationFieldFlag = sharedUtil.AnnotationFieldFlag; var stringToBytes = sharedUtil.stringToBytes; var stringToUTF8String = sharedUtil.stringToUTF8String; describe('Annotation layer', function() { function XRefMock(array) { this.map = Object.create(null); for (var elem in array) { var obj = array[elem]; var ref = obj.ref, data = obj.data; this.map[ref.toString()] = data; } } XRefMock.prototype = { fetch: function (ref) { return this.map[ref.toString()]; }, fetchIfRef: function (obj) { if (!isRef(obj)) { return obj; } return this.fetch(obj); }, }; function PDFManagerMock(params) { this.docBaseUrl = params.docBaseUrl || null; } PDFManagerMock.prototype = {}; function IdFactoryMock(params) { var uniquePrefix = params.prefix || 'p0_'; var idCounters = { obj: params.startObjId || 0, }; return { createObjId: function () { return uniquePrefix + (++idCounters.obj); }, }; } IdFactoryMock.prototype = {}; var annotationFactory, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock; beforeAll(function (done) { annotationFactory = new AnnotationFactory(); pdfManagerMock = new PDFManagerMock({ docBaseUrl: null, }); idFactoryMock = new IdFactoryMock({ }); done(); }); afterAll(function () { annotationFactory = null; pdfManagerMock = null; idFactoryMock = null; }); describe('AnnotationFactory', function () { it('should get id for annotation', function () { var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); var annotationRef = new Ref(10, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: annotationRef, data: annotationDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, annotationRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.id).toEqual('10R'); }); it('should handle, and get fallback id\'s for, annotations that are not ' + 'indirect objects (issue 7569)', function () { var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); var xref = new XRefMock(); var idFactory = new IdFactoryMock({ prefix: 'p0_', startObjId: 0, }); var annotation1 = annotationFactory.create(xref, annotationDict, pdfManagerMock, idFactory); var annotation2 = annotationFactory.create(xref, annotationDict, pdfManagerMock, idFactory); var data1 = annotation1.data, data2 = annotation2.data; expect(data1.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data2.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data1.id).toEqual('annot_p0_1'); expect(data2.id).toEqual('annot_p0_2'); }); it('should handle missing /Subtype', function () { var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); var annotationRef = new Ref(1, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: annotationRef, data: annotationDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, annotationRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('Annotation', function() { var dict, ref; beforeAll(function (done) { dict = new Dict(); ref = new Ref(1, 0); done(); }); afterAll(function () { dict = ref = null; }); it('should set and get flags', function() { var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: ref }); annotation.setFlags(13); expect(annotation.hasFlag(AnnotationFlag.INVISIBLE)).toEqual(true); expect(annotation.hasFlag(AnnotationFlag.NOZOOM)).toEqual(true); expect(annotation.hasFlag(AnnotationFlag.PRINT)).toEqual(true); expect(annotation.hasFlag(AnnotationFlag.READONLY)).toEqual(false); }); it('should be viewable and not printable by default', function() { var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: ref }); expect(annotation.viewable).toEqual(true); expect(annotation.printable).toEqual(false); }); it('should set and get a valid rectangle', function() { var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: ref }); annotation.setRectangle([117, 694, 164.298, 720]); expect(annotation.rectangle).toEqual([117, 694, 164.298, 720]); }); it('should not set and get an invalid rectangle', function() { var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: ref }); annotation.setRectangle([117, 694, 164.298]); expect(annotation.rectangle).toEqual([0, 0, 0, 0]); }); it('should reject a color if it is not an array', function() { var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: ref }); annotation.setColor('red'); expect(annotation.color).toEqual(new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0])); }); it('should set and get a transparent color', function() { var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: ref }); annotation.setColor([]); expect(annotation.color).toEqual(null); }); it('should set and get a grayscale color', function() { var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: ref }); annotation.setColor([0.4]); expect(annotation.color).toEqual(new Uint8Array([102, 102, 102])); }); it('should set and get an RGB color', function() { var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: ref }); annotation.setColor([0, 0, 1]); expect(annotation.color).toEqual(new Uint8Array([0, 0, 255])); }); it('should set and get a CMYK color', function() { var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: ref }); annotation.setColor([0.1, 0.92, 0.84, 0.02]); expect(annotation.color).toEqual(new Uint8Array([233, 59, 47])); }); it('should not set and get an invalid color', function() { var annotation = new Annotation({ dict: dict, ref: ref }); annotation.setColor([0.4, 0.6]); expect(annotation.color).toEqual(new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0])); }); }); describe('AnnotationBorderStyle', function() { it('should set and get a valid width', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setWidth(3); expect(borderStyle.width).toEqual(3); }); it('should not set and get an invalid width', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setWidth('three'); expect(borderStyle.width).toEqual(1); }); it('should set and get a valid style', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setStyle(Name.get('D')); expect(borderStyle.style).toEqual(AnnotationBorderStyleType.DASHED); }); it('should not set and get an invalid style', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setStyle('Dashed'); expect(borderStyle.style).toEqual(AnnotationBorderStyleType.SOLID); }); it('should set and get a valid dash array', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setDashArray([1, 2, 3]); expect(borderStyle.dashArray).toEqual([1, 2, 3]); }); it('should not set and get an invalid dash array', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setDashArray([0, 0]); expect(borderStyle.dashArray).toEqual([3]); }); it('should set and get a valid horizontal corner radius', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setHorizontalCornerRadius(3); expect(borderStyle.horizontalCornerRadius).toEqual(3); }); it('should not set and get an invalid horizontal corner radius', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setHorizontalCornerRadius('three'); expect(borderStyle.horizontalCornerRadius).toEqual(0); }); it('should set and get a valid vertical corner radius', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setVerticalCornerRadius(3); expect(borderStyle.verticalCornerRadius).toEqual(3); }); it('should not set and get an invalid horizontal corner radius', function() { var borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle(); borderStyle.setVerticalCornerRadius('three'); expect(borderStyle.verticalCornerRadius).toEqual(0); }); }); describe('LinkAnnotation', function() { it('should correctly parse a URI action', function() { var actionDict = new Dict(); actionDict.set('Type', Name.get('Action')); actionDict.set('S', Name.get('URI')); actionDict.set('URI', 'http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/lshort'); var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('A', actionDict); var annotationRef = new Ref(820, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: annotationRef, data: annotationDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, annotationRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toEqual('http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/lshort'); expect(data.unsafeUrl).toEqual( 'http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/lshort'); expect(data.dest).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should correctly parse a URI action, where the URI entry ' + 'is missing a protocol', function() { var actionDict = new Dict(); actionDict.set('Type', Name.get('Action')); actionDict.set('S', Name.get('URI')); actionDict.set('URI', 'www.hmrc.gov.uk'); var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('A', actionDict); var annotationRef = new Ref(353, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: annotationRef, data: annotationDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, annotationRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toEqual('http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/'); expect(data.unsafeUrl).toEqual('http://www.hmrc.gov.uk'); expect(data.dest).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should correctly parse a URI action, where the URI entry ' + 'has an incorrect encoding (bug 1122280)', function () { var actionStream = new StringStream( '<<\n' + '/Type /Action\n' + '/S /URI\n' + '/URI (http://www.example.com/\\303\\274\\303\\266\\303\\244)\n' + '>>\n' ); var lexer = new Lexer(actionStream); var parser = new Parser(lexer); var actionDict = parser.getObj(); var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('A', actionDict); var annotationRef = new Ref(8, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: annotationRef, data: annotationDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, annotationRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toEqual( new URL(stringToUTF8String( 'http://www.example.com/\xC3\xBC\xC3\xB6\xC3\xA4')).href); expect(data.unsafeUrl).toEqual( stringToUTF8String( 'http://www.example.com/\xC3\xBC\xC3\xB6\xC3\xA4')); expect(data.dest).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should correctly parse a GoTo action', function() { var actionDict = new Dict(); actionDict.set('Type', Name.get('Action')); actionDict.set('S', Name.get('GoTo')); actionDict.set('D', 'page.157'); var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('A', actionDict); var annotationRef = new Ref(798, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: annotationRef, data: annotationDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, annotationRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.unsafeUrl).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.dest).toEqual('page.157'); }); it('should correctly parse a GoToR action, where the FileSpec entry ' + 'is a string containing a relative URL', function() { var actionDict = new Dict(); actionDict.set('Type', Name.get('Action')); actionDict.set('S', Name.get('GoToR')); actionDict.set('F', '../../0013/001346/134685E.pdf'); actionDict.set('D', '4.3'); actionDict.set('NewWindow', true); var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('A', actionDict); var annotationRef = new Ref(489, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: annotationRef, data: annotationDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, annotationRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.unsafeUrl).toEqual('../../0013/001346/134685E.pdf#4.3'); expect(data.dest).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.newWindow).toEqual(true); }); it('should correctly parse a GoToR action, containing a relative URL, ' + 'with the "docBaseUrl" parameter specified', function() { var actionDict = new Dict(); actionDict.set('Type', Name.get('Action')); actionDict.set('S', Name.get('GoToR')); actionDict.set('F', '../../0013/001346/134685E.pdf'); actionDict.set('D', '4.3'); var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('A', actionDict); var annotationRef = new Ref(489, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: annotationRef, data: annotationDict, } ]); var pdfManager = new PDFManagerMock({ docBaseUrl: 'http://www.example.com/test/pdfs/qwerty.pdf', }); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, annotationRef, pdfManager, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toEqual( 'http://www.example.com/0013/001346/134685E.pdf#4.3'); expect(data.unsafeUrl).toEqual('../../0013/001346/134685E.pdf#4.3'); expect(data.dest).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should correctly parse a GoToR action, with named destination', function() { var actionDict = new Dict(); actionDict.set('Type', Name.get('Action')); actionDict.set('S', Name.get('GoToR')); actionDict.set('F', 'http://www.example.com/test.pdf'); actionDict.set('D', '15'); var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('A', actionDict); var annotationRef = new Ref(495, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: annotationRef, data: annotationDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, annotationRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toEqual('http://www.example.com/test.pdf#nameddest=15'); expect(data.unsafeUrl).toEqual( 'http://www.example.com/test.pdf#nameddest=15'); expect(data.dest).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.newWindow).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should correctly parse a GoToR action, with explicit destination array', function() { var actionDict = new Dict(); actionDict.set('Type', Name.get('Action')); actionDict.set('S', Name.get('GoToR')); actionDict.set('F', 'http://www.example.com/test.pdf'); actionDict.set('D', [14, Name.get('XYZ'), null, 298.043, null]); var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('A', actionDict); var annotationRef = new Ref(489, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: annotationRef, data: annotationDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, annotationRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toEqual(new URL('http://www.example.com/test.pdf#' + '[14,{"name":"XYZ"},null,298.043,null]').href); expect(data.unsafeUrl).toEqual('http://www.example.com/test.pdf#' + '[14,{"name":"XYZ"},null,298.043,null]'); expect(data.dest).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.newWindow).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should correctly parse a Launch action, where the FileSpec dict ' + 'contains a relative URL, with the "docBaseUrl" parameter specified', function() { var fileSpecDict = new Dict(); fileSpecDict.set('Type', Name.get('FileSpec')); fileSpecDict.set('F', 'Part II/Part II.pdf'); fileSpecDict.set('UF', 'Part II/Part II.pdf'); var actionDict = new Dict(); actionDict.set('Type', Name.get('Action')); actionDict.set('S', Name.get('Launch')); actionDict.set('F', fileSpecDict); actionDict.set('NewWindow', true); var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('A', actionDict); var annotationRef = new Ref(88, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: annotationRef, data: annotationDict, } ]); var pdfManager = new PDFManagerMock({ docBaseUrl: 'http://www.example.com/test/pdfs/qwerty.pdf', }); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, annotationRef, pdfManager, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toEqual( new URL('http://www.example.com/test/pdfs/Part II/Part II.pdf').href); expect(data.unsafeUrl).toEqual('Part II/Part II.pdf'); expect(data.dest).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.newWindow).toEqual(true); }); it('should recover valid URLs from JavaScript actions having certain ' + 'white-listed formats', function () { function checkJsAction(params) { var jsEntry = params.jsEntry; var expectedUrl = params.expectedUrl; var expectedUnsafeUrl = params.expectedUnsafeUrl; var actionDict = new Dict(); actionDict.set('Type', Name.get('Action')); actionDict.set('S', Name.get('JavaScript')); actionDict.set('JS', jsEntry); var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('A', actionDict); var annotationRef = new Ref(46, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: annotationRef, data: annotationDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, annotationRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toEqual(expectedUrl); expect(data.unsafeUrl).toEqual(expectedUnsafeUrl); expect(data.dest).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.newWindow).toBeFalsy(); } // Check that we reject a 'JS' entry containing arbitrary JavaScript. checkJsAction({ jsEntry: 'function someFun() { return "qwerty"; } someFun();', expectedUrl: undefined, expectedUnsafeUrl: undefined, }); // Check that we accept a white-listed {string} 'JS' entry. checkJsAction({ jsEntry: 'window.open(\'http://www.example.com/test.pdf\')', expectedUrl: new URL('http://www.example.com/test.pdf').href, expectedUnsafeUrl: 'http://www.example.com/test.pdf', }); // Check that we accept a white-listed {Stream} 'JS' entry. checkJsAction({ jsEntry: new StringStream( 'app.launchURL("http://www.example.com/test.pdf", true)'), expectedUrl: new URL('http://www.example.com/test.pdf').href, expectedUnsafeUrl: 'http://www.example.com/test.pdf', }); }); it('should correctly parse a Named action', function() { var actionDict = new Dict(); actionDict.set('Type', Name.get('Action')); actionDict.set('S', Name.get('Named')); actionDict.set('N', Name.get('GoToPage')); var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('A', actionDict); var annotationRef = new Ref(12, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: annotationRef, data: annotationDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, annotationRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.unsafeUrl).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.action).toEqual('GoToPage'); }); it('should correctly parse a simple Dest', function() { var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('Dest', Name.get('LI0')); var annotationRef = new Ref(583, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: annotationRef, data: annotationDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, annotationRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.unsafeUrl).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.dest).toEqual('LI0'); }); it('should correctly parse a simple Dest, with explicit destination array', function() { var annotationDict = new Dict(); annotationDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); annotationDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Link')); annotationDict.set('Dest', [new Ref(17, 0), Name.get('XYZ'), 0, 841.89, null]); var annotationRef = new Ref(10, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: annotationRef, data: annotationDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, annotationRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.LINK); expect(data.url).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.unsafeUrl).toBeUndefined(); expect(data.dest).toEqual([{ num: 17, gen: 0, }, { name: 'XYZ' }, 0, 841.89, null]); }); }); describe('WidgetAnnotation', function() { var widgetDict; beforeEach(function (done) { widgetDict = new Dict(); widgetDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); widgetDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Widget')); done(); }); afterEach(function () { widgetDict = null; }); it('should handle unknown field names', function() { var widgetRef = new Ref(20, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: widgetRef, data: widgetDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, widgetRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.WIDGET); expect(data.fieldName).toEqual(''); }); it('should construct the field name when there are no ancestors', function() { widgetDict.set('T', 'foo'); var widgetRef = new Ref(21, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: widgetRef, data: widgetDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, widgetRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.WIDGET); expect(data.fieldName).toEqual('foo'); }); it('should construct the field name when there are ancestors', function() { var firstParent = new Dict(); firstParent.set('T', 'foo'); var secondParent = new Dict(); secondParent.set('Parent', firstParent); secondParent.set('T', 'bar'); widgetDict.set('Parent', secondParent); widgetDict.set('T', 'baz'); var widgetRef = new Ref(22, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: widgetRef, data: widgetDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, widgetRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.WIDGET); expect(data.fieldName).toEqual('foo.bar.baz'); }); }); describe('TextWidgetAnnotation', function() { var textWidgetDict; beforeEach(function (done) { textWidgetDict = new Dict(); textWidgetDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); textWidgetDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Widget')); textWidgetDict.set('FT', Name.get('Tx')); done(); }); afterEach(function () { textWidgetDict = null; }); it('should handle unknown text alignment, maximum length and flags', function() { var textWidgetRef = new Ref(124, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: textWidgetRef, data: textWidgetDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, textWidgetRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.WIDGET); expect(data.textAlignment).toEqual(null); expect(data.maxLen).toEqual(null); expect(data.readOnly).toEqual(false); expect(data.multiLine).toEqual(false); expect(data.comb).toEqual(false); }); it('should not set invalid text alignment, maximum length and flags', function() { textWidgetDict.set('Q', 'center'); textWidgetDict.set('MaxLen', 'five'); textWidgetDict.set('Ff', 'readonly'); var textWidgetRef = new Ref(43, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: textWidgetRef, data: textWidgetDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, textWidgetRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.WIDGET); expect(data.textAlignment).toEqual(null); expect(data.maxLen).toEqual(null); expect(data.readOnly).toEqual(false); expect(data.multiLine).toEqual(false); expect(data.comb).toEqual(false); }); it('should set valid text alignment, maximum length and flags', function() { textWidgetDict.set('Q', 1); textWidgetDict.set('MaxLen', 20); textWidgetDict.set('Ff', AnnotationFieldFlag.READONLY + AnnotationFieldFlag.MULTILINE); var textWidgetRef = new Ref(84, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: textWidgetRef, data: textWidgetDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, textWidgetRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.WIDGET); expect(data.textAlignment).toEqual(1); expect(data.maxLen).toEqual(20); expect(data.readOnly).toEqual(true); expect(data.multiLine).toEqual(true); }); it('should reject comb fields without a maximum length', function() { textWidgetDict.set('Ff', AnnotationFieldFlag.COMB); var textWidgetRef = new Ref(46, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: textWidgetRef, data: textWidgetDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, textWidgetRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.WIDGET); expect(data.comb).toEqual(false); }); it('should accept comb fields with a maximum length', function() { textWidgetDict.set('MaxLen', 20); textWidgetDict.set('Ff', AnnotationFieldFlag.COMB); var textWidgetRef = new Ref(46, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: textWidgetRef, data: textWidgetDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, textWidgetRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.WIDGET); expect(data.comb).toEqual(true); }); it('should only accept comb fields when the flags are valid', function() { var invalidFieldFlags = [ AnnotationFieldFlag.MULTILINE, AnnotationFieldFlag.PASSWORD, AnnotationFieldFlag.FILESELECT ]; // Start with all invalid flags set and remove them one by one. // The field may only use combs when all invalid flags are unset. var flags = AnnotationFieldFlag.COMB + AnnotationFieldFlag.MULTILINE + AnnotationFieldFlag.PASSWORD + AnnotationFieldFlag.FILESELECT; for (var i = 0, ii = invalidFieldFlags.length; i <= ii; i++) { textWidgetDict.set('MaxLen', 20); textWidgetDict.set('Ff', flags); var textWidgetRef = new Ref(93, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: textWidgetRef, data: textWidgetDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, textWidgetRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.WIDGET); var valid = (invalidFieldFlags.length === 0); expect(data.comb).toEqual(valid); // Remove the last invalid flag for the next iteration. if (!valid) { flags -= invalidFieldFlags.splice(-1, 1); } } }); }); describe('ButtonWidgetAnnotation', function() { var buttonWidgetDict; beforeEach(function (done) { buttonWidgetDict = new Dict(); buttonWidgetDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); buttonWidgetDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Widget')); buttonWidgetDict.set('FT', Name.get('Btn')); done(); }); afterEach(function () { buttonWidgetDict = null; }); it('should handle checkboxes', function() { buttonWidgetDict.set('V', Name.get('1')); var buttonWidgetRef = new Ref(124, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: buttonWidgetRef, data: buttonWidgetDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, buttonWidgetRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.WIDGET); expect(data.checkBox).toEqual(true); expect(data.fieldValue).toEqual('1'); expect(data.radioButton).toEqual(false); }); it('should handle radio buttons', function() { var parentDict = new Dict(); parentDict.set('V', Name.get('1')); var normalAppearanceStateDict = new Dict(); normalAppearanceStateDict.set('2', null); var appearanceStatesDict = new Dict(); appearanceStatesDict.set('N', normalAppearanceStateDict); buttonWidgetDict.set('Ff', AnnotationFieldFlag.RADIO); buttonWidgetDict.set('Parent', parentDict); buttonWidgetDict.set('AP', appearanceStatesDict); var buttonWidgetRef = new Ref(124, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: buttonWidgetRef, data: buttonWidgetDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, buttonWidgetRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.WIDGET); expect(data.checkBox).toEqual(false); expect(data.radioButton).toEqual(true); expect(data.fieldValue).toEqual('1'); expect(data.buttonValue).toEqual('2'); }); }); describe('ChoiceWidgetAnnotation', function() { var choiceWidgetDict; beforeEach(function (done) { choiceWidgetDict = new Dict(); choiceWidgetDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); choiceWidgetDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Widget')); choiceWidgetDict.set('FT', Name.get('Ch')); done(); }); afterEach(function () { choiceWidgetDict = null; }); it('should handle missing option arrays', function() { var choiceWidgetRef = new Ref(122, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: choiceWidgetRef, data: choiceWidgetDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, choiceWidgetRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.WIDGET); expect(data.options).toEqual([]); }); it('should handle option arrays with array elements', function() { var optionBarRef = new Ref(20, 0); var optionBarStr = 'Bar'; var optionOneRef = new Ref(10, 0); var optionOneArr = ['bar_export', optionBarRef]; var options = [['foo_export', 'Foo'], optionOneRef]; var expected = [ { exportValue: 'foo_export', displayValue: 'Foo' }, { exportValue: 'bar_export', displayValue: 'Bar' } ]; choiceWidgetDict.set('Opt', options); var choiceWidgetRef = new Ref(123, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: choiceWidgetRef, data: choiceWidgetDict, }, { ref: optionBarRef, data: optionBarStr, }, { ref: optionOneRef, data: optionOneArr, }, ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, choiceWidgetRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.WIDGET); expect(data.options).toEqual(expected); }); it('should handle option arrays with string elements', function() { var optionBarRef = new Ref(10, 0); var optionBarStr = 'Bar'; var options = ['Foo', optionBarRef]; var expected = [ { exportValue: 'Foo', displayValue: 'Foo' }, { exportValue: 'Bar', displayValue: 'Bar' } ]; choiceWidgetDict.set('Opt', options); var choiceWidgetRef = new Ref(981, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: choiceWidgetRef, data: choiceWidgetDict, }, { ref: optionBarRef, data: optionBarStr, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, choiceWidgetRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.WIDGET); expect(data.options).toEqual(expected); }); it('should handle array field values', function() { var fieldValue = ['Foo', 'Bar']; choiceWidgetDict.set('V', fieldValue); var choiceWidgetRef = new Ref(968, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: choiceWidgetRef, data: choiceWidgetDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, choiceWidgetRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.WIDGET); expect(data.fieldValue).toEqual(fieldValue); }); it('should handle string field values', function() { var fieldValue = 'Foo'; choiceWidgetDict.set('V', fieldValue); var choiceWidgetRef = new Ref(978, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: choiceWidgetRef, data: choiceWidgetDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, choiceWidgetRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.WIDGET); expect(data.fieldValue).toEqual([fieldValue]); }); it('should handle unknown flags', function() { var choiceWidgetRef = new Ref(166, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: choiceWidgetRef, data: choiceWidgetDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, choiceWidgetRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.WIDGET); expect(data.readOnly).toEqual(false); expect(data.combo).toEqual(false); expect(data.multiSelect).toEqual(false); }); it('should not set invalid flags', function() { choiceWidgetDict.set('Ff', 'readonly'); var choiceWidgetRef = new Ref(165, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: choiceWidgetRef, data: choiceWidgetDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, choiceWidgetRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.WIDGET); expect(data.readOnly).toEqual(false); expect(data.combo).toEqual(false); expect(data.multiSelect).toEqual(false); }); it('should set valid flags', function() { choiceWidgetDict.set('Ff', AnnotationFieldFlag.READONLY + AnnotationFieldFlag.COMBO + AnnotationFieldFlag.MULTISELECT); var choiceWidgetRef = new Ref(512, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: choiceWidgetRef, data: choiceWidgetDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, choiceWidgetRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.WIDGET); expect(data.readOnly).toEqual(true); expect(data.combo).toEqual(true); expect(data.multiSelect).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('FileAttachmentAnnotation', function() { var loadingTask; var annotations; beforeEach(function(done) { var pdfUrl = new URL('../pdfs/annotation-fileattachment.pdf', window.location).href; loadingTask = PDFJS.getDocument(pdfUrl); loadingTask.promise.then(function(pdfDocument) { return pdfDocument.getPage(1).then(function(pdfPage) { return pdfPage.getAnnotations().then(function (pdfAnnotations) { annotations = pdfAnnotations; done(); }); }); }).catch(function (reason) { done.fail(reason); }); }); afterEach(function() { loadingTask.destroy(); }); it('should correctly parse a file attachment', function() { var annotation = annotations[0]; expect(annotation.file.filename).toEqual('Test.txt'); expect(annotation.file.content).toEqual(stringToBytes('Test attachment')); }); }); describe('PopupAnnotation', function() { it('should inherit the parent flags when the Popup is not viewable, ' + 'but the parent is (PR 7352)', function () { var parentDict = new Dict(); parentDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); parentDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Text')); parentDict.set('F', 28); // viewable var popupDict = new Dict(); popupDict.set('Type', Name.get('Annot')); popupDict.set('Subtype', Name.get('Popup')); popupDict.set('F', 25); // not viewable popupDict.set('Parent', parentDict); var popupRef = new Ref(13, 0); var xref = new XRefMock([ { ref: popupRef, data: popupDict, } ]); var annotation = annotationFactory.create(xref, popupRef, pdfManagerMock, idFactoryMock); var data = annotation.data; expect(data.annotationType).toEqual(AnnotationType.POPUP); // Should not modify the `annotationFlags` returned e.g. through the API. expect(data.annotationFlags).toEqual(25); // The Popup should inherit the `viewable` property of the parent. expect(annotation.viewable).toEqual(true); }); }); }); }));