/* Copyright 2014 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** @typedef {import("../src/display/api").PDFDocumentProxy} PDFDocumentProxy */ /** @typedef {import("../src/display/api").PDFPageProxy} PDFPageProxy */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-len /** @typedef {import("../src/display/display_utils").PageViewport} PageViewport */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-len /** @typedef {import("../src/display/optional_content_config").OptionalContentConfig} OptionalContentConfig */ /** @typedef {import("./event_utils").EventBus} EventBus */ /** @typedef {import("./interfaces").IDownloadManager} IDownloadManager */ /** @typedef {import("./interfaces").IL10n} IL10n */ /** @typedef {import("./interfaces").IPDFLinkService} IPDFLinkService */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-len /** @typedef {import("./pdf_find_controller").PDFFindController} PDFFindController */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-len /** @typedef {import("./pdf_scripting_manager").PDFScriptingManager} PDFScriptingManager */ import { AnnotationEditorType, AnnotationEditorUIManager, AnnotationMode, PermissionFlag, PixelsPerInch, PromiseCapability, shadow, version, } from "pdfjs-lib"; import { DEFAULT_SCALE, DEFAULT_SCALE_DELTA, DEFAULT_SCALE_VALUE, docStyle, getVisibleElements, isPortraitOrientation, isValidRotation, isValidScrollMode, isValidSpreadMode, MAX_AUTO_SCALE, MAX_SCALE, MIN_SCALE, PresentationModeState, removeNullCharacters, RenderingStates, SCROLLBAR_PADDING, scrollIntoView, ScrollMode, SpreadMode, TextLayerMode, UNKNOWN_SCALE, VERTICAL_PADDING, watchScroll, } from "./ui_utils.js"; import { NullL10n } from "web-l10n_utils"; import { PDFPageView } from "./pdf_page_view.js"; import { PDFRenderingQueue } from "./pdf_rendering_queue.js"; import { SimpleLinkService } from "./pdf_link_service.js"; const DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE = 10; const PagesCountLimit = { FORCE_SCROLL_MODE_PAGE: 15000, FORCE_LAZY_PAGE_INIT: 7500, PAUSE_EAGER_PAGE_INIT: 250, }; function isValidAnnotationEditorMode(mode) { return ( Object.values(AnnotationEditorType).includes(mode) && mode !== AnnotationEditorType.DISABLE ); } /** * @typedef {Object} PDFViewerOptions * @property {HTMLDivElement} container - The container for the viewer element. * @property {HTMLDivElement} [viewer] - The viewer element. * @property {EventBus} eventBus - The application event bus. * @property {IPDFLinkService} [linkService] - The navigation/linking service. * @property {IDownloadManager} [downloadManager] - The download manager * component. * @property {PDFFindController} [findController] - The find controller * component. * @property {PDFScriptingManager} [scriptingManager] - The scripting manager * component. * @property {PDFRenderingQueue} [renderingQueue] - The rendering queue object. * @property {boolean} [removePageBorders] - Removes the border shadow around * the pages. The default value is `false`. * @property {number} [textLayerMode] - Controls if the text layer used for * selection and searching is created. The constants from {TextLayerMode} * should be used. The default value is `TextLayerMode.ENABLE`. * @property {number} [annotationMode] - Controls if the annotation layer is * created, and if interactive form elements or `AnnotationStorage`-data are * being rendered. The constants from {@link AnnotationMode} should be used; * see also {@link RenderParameters} and {@link GetOperatorListParameters}. * The default value is `AnnotationMode.ENABLE_FORMS`. * @property {number} [annotationEditorMode] - Enables the creation and editing * of new Annotations. The constants from {@link AnnotationEditorType} should * be used. The default value is `AnnotationEditorType.NONE`. * @property {string} [imageResourcesPath] - Path for image resources, mainly * mainly for annotation icons. Include trailing slash. * @property {boolean} [enablePrintAutoRotate] - Enables automatic rotation of * landscape pages upon printing. The default is `false`. * @property {boolean} [isOffscreenCanvasSupported] - Allows to use an * OffscreenCanvas if needed. * @property {number} [maxCanvasPixels] - The maximum supported canvas size in * total pixels, i.e. width * height. Use `-1` for no limit, or `0` for * CSS-only zooming. The default value is 4096 * 4096 (16 mega-pixels). * @property {IL10n} [l10n] - Localization service. * @property {boolean} [enablePermissions] - Enables PDF document permissions, * when they exist. The default value is `false`. * @property {Object} [pageColors] - Overwrites background and foreground colors * with user defined ones in order to improve readability in high contrast * mode. */ class PDFPageViewBuffer { // Here we rely on the fact that `Set`s preserve the insertion order. #buf = new Set(); #size = 0; constructor(size) { this.#size = size; } push(view) { const buf = this.#buf; if (buf.has(view)) { buf.delete(view); // Move the view to the "end" of the buffer. } buf.add(view); if (buf.size > this.#size) { this.#destroyFirstView(); } } /** * After calling resize, the size of the buffer will be `newSize`. * The optional parameter `idsToKeep` is, if present, a Set of page-ids to * push to the back of the buffer, delaying their destruction. The size of * `idsToKeep` has no impact on the final size of the buffer; if `idsToKeep` * is larger than `newSize`, some of those pages will be destroyed anyway. */ resize(newSize, idsToKeep = null) { this.#size = newSize; const buf = this.#buf; if (idsToKeep) { const ii = buf.size; let i = 1; for (const view of buf) { if (idsToKeep.has(view.id)) { buf.delete(view); // Move the view to the "end" of the buffer. buf.add(view); } if (++i > ii) { break; } } } while (buf.size > this.#size) { this.#destroyFirstView(); } } has(view) { return this.#buf.has(view); } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this.#buf.keys(); } #destroyFirstView() { const firstView = this.#buf.keys().next().value; firstView?.destroy(); this.#buf.delete(firstView); } } /** * Simple viewer control to display PDF content/pages. */ class PDFViewer { #buffer = null; #altTextManager = null; #annotationEditorMode = AnnotationEditorType.NONE; #annotationEditorUIManager = null; #annotationMode = AnnotationMode.ENABLE_FORMS; #containerTopLeft = null; #copyCallbackBound = null; #enablePermissions = false; #getAllTextInProgress = false; #hiddenCopyElement = null; #interruptCopyCondition = false; #previousContainerHeight = 0; #resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(this.#resizeObserverCallback.bind(this)); #scrollModePageState = null; #onVisibilityChange = null; #scaleTimeoutId = null; #textLayerMode = TextLayerMode.ENABLE; /** * @param {PDFViewerOptions} options */ constructor(options) { const viewerVersion = typeof PDFJSDev !== "undefined" ? PDFJSDev.eval("BUNDLE_VERSION") : null; if (version !== viewerVersion) { throw new Error( `The API version "${version}" does not match the Viewer version "${viewerVersion}".` ); } this.container = options.container; this.viewer = options.viewer || options.container.firstElementChild; if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC")) { if (this.container?.tagName !== "DIV" || this.viewer?.tagName !== "DIV") { throw new Error("Invalid `container` and/or `viewer` option."); } if ( this.container.offsetParent && getComputedStyle(this.container).position !== "absolute" ) { throw new Error("The `container` must be absolutely positioned."); } } this.#resizeObserver.observe(this.container); this.eventBus = options.eventBus; this.linkService = options.linkService || new SimpleLinkService(); this.downloadManager = options.downloadManager || null; this.findController = options.findController || null; this.#altTextManager = options.altTextManager || null; if (this.findController) { this.findController.onIsPageVisible = pageNumber => this._getVisiblePages().ids.has(pageNumber); } this._scriptingManager = options.scriptingManager || null; this.#textLayerMode = options.textLayerMode ?? TextLayerMode.ENABLE; this.#annotationMode = options.annotationMode ?? AnnotationMode.ENABLE_FORMS; this.#annotationEditorMode = options.annotationEditorMode ?? AnnotationEditorType.NONE; this.imageResourcesPath = options.imageResourcesPath || ""; this.enablePrintAutoRotate = options.enablePrintAutoRotate || false; if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC")) { this.removePageBorders = options.removePageBorders || false; } this.isOffscreenCanvasSupported = options.isOffscreenCanvasSupported ?? true; this.maxCanvasPixels = options.maxCanvasPixels; this.l10n = options.l10n || NullL10n; this.#enablePermissions = options.enablePermissions || false; this.pageColors = options.pageColors || null; this.defaultRenderingQueue = !options.renderingQueue; if ( (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC")) && this.defaultRenderingQueue ) { // Custom rendering queue is not specified, using default one this.renderingQueue = new PDFRenderingQueue(); this.renderingQueue.setViewer(this); } else { this.renderingQueue = options.renderingQueue; } this.scroll = watchScroll(this.container, this._scrollUpdate.bind(this)); this.presentationModeState = PresentationModeState.UNKNOWN; this._onBeforeDraw = this._onAfterDraw = null; this._resetView(); if ( (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC")) && this.removePageBorders ) { this.viewer.classList.add("removePageBorders"); } this.#updateContainerHeightCss(); // Trigger API-cleanup, once thumbnail rendering has finished, // if the relevant pageView is *not* cached in the buffer. this.eventBus._on("thumbnailrendered", ({ pageNumber, pdfPage }) => { const pageView = this._pages[pageNumber - 1]; if (!this.#buffer.has(pageView)) { pdfPage?.cleanup(); } }); if ( (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC")) && this.l10n === NullL10n ) { // Ensure that Fluent is connected in e.g. the COMPONENTS build. this.l10n.translate(this.container); } } get pagesCount() { return this._pages.length; } getPageView(index) { return this._pages[index]; } getCachedPageViews() { return new Set(this.#buffer); } /** * @type {boolean} - True if all {PDFPageView} objects are initialized. */ get pageViewsReady() { // Prevent printing errors when 'disableAutoFetch' is set, by ensuring // that *all* pages have in fact been completely loaded. return ( this._pagesCapability.settled && this._pages.every(pageView => pageView?.pdfPage) ); } /** * @type {boolean} */ get renderForms() { return this.#annotationMode === AnnotationMode.ENABLE_FORMS; } /** * @type {boolean} */ get enableScripting() { return !!this._scriptingManager; } /** * @type {number} */ get currentPageNumber() { return this._currentPageNumber; } /** * @param {number} val - The page number. */ set currentPageNumber(val) { if (!Number.isInteger(val)) { throw new Error("Invalid page number."); } if (!this.pdfDocument) { return; } // The intent can be to just reset a scroll position and/or scale. if (!this._setCurrentPageNumber(val, /* resetCurrentPageView = */ true)) { console.error(`currentPageNumber: "${val}" is not a valid page.`); } } /** * @returns {boolean} Whether the pageNumber is valid (within bounds). * @private */ _setCurrentPageNumber(val, resetCurrentPageView = false) { if (this._currentPageNumber === val) { if (resetCurrentPageView) { this.#resetCurrentPageView(); } return true; } if (!(0 < val && val <= this.pagesCount)) { return false; } const previous = this._currentPageNumber; this._currentPageNumber = val; this.eventBus.dispatch("pagechanging", { source: this, pageNumber: val, pageLabel: this._pageLabels?.[val - 1] ?? null, previous, }); if (resetCurrentPageView) { this.#resetCurrentPageView(); } return true; } /** * @type {string|null} Returns the current page label, or `null` if no page * labels exist. */ get currentPageLabel() { return this._pageLabels?.[this._currentPageNumber - 1] ?? null; } /** * @param {string} val - The page label. */ set currentPageLabel(val) { if (!this.pdfDocument) { return; } let page = val | 0; // Fallback page number. if (this._pageLabels) { const i = this._pageLabels.indexOf(val); if (i >= 0) { page = i + 1; } } // The intent can be to just reset a scroll position and/or scale. if (!this._setCurrentPageNumber(page, /* resetCurrentPageView = */ true)) { console.error(`currentPageLabel: "${val}" is not a valid page.`); } } /** * @type {number} */ get currentScale() { return this._currentScale !== UNKNOWN_SCALE ? this._currentScale : DEFAULT_SCALE; } /** * @param {number} val - Scale of the pages in percents. */ set currentScale(val) { if (isNaN(val)) { throw new Error("Invalid numeric scale."); } if (!this.pdfDocument) { return; } this.#setScale(val, { noScroll: false }); } /** * @type {string} */ get currentScaleValue() { return this._currentScaleValue; } /** * @param val - The scale of the pages (in percent or predefined value). */ set currentScaleValue(val) { if (!this.pdfDocument) { return; } this.#setScale(val, { noScroll: false }); } /** * @type {number} */ get pagesRotation() { return this._pagesRotation; } /** * @param {number} rotation - The rotation of the pages (0, 90, 180, 270). */ set pagesRotation(rotation) { if (!isValidRotation(rotation)) { throw new Error("Invalid pages rotation angle."); } if (!this.pdfDocument) { return; } // Normalize the rotation, by clamping it to the [0, 360) range. rotation %= 360; if (rotation < 0) { rotation += 360; } if (this._pagesRotation === rotation) { return; // The rotation didn't change. } this._pagesRotation = rotation; const pageNumber = this._currentPageNumber; this.refresh(true, { rotation }); // Prevent errors in case the rotation changes *before* the scale has been // set to a non-default value. if (this._currentScaleValue) { this.#setScale(this._currentScaleValue, { noScroll: true }); } this.eventBus.dispatch("rotationchanging", { source: this, pagesRotation: rotation, pageNumber, }); if (this.defaultRenderingQueue) { this.update(); } } get firstPagePromise() { return this.pdfDocument ? this._firstPageCapability.promise : null; } get onePageRendered() { return this.pdfDocument ? this._onePageRenderedCapability.promise : null; } get pagesPromise() { return this.pdfDocument ? this._pagesCapability.promise : null; } get _layerProperties() { const self = this; return shadow(this, "_layerProperties", { get annotationEditorUIManager() { return self.#annotationEditorUIManager; }, get annotationStorage() { return self.pdfDocument?.annotationStorage; }, get downloadManager() { return self.downloadManager; }, get enableScripting() { return !!self._scriptingManager; }, get fieldObjectsPromise() { return self.pdfDocument?.getFieldObjects(); }, get findController() { return self.findController; }, get hasJSActionsPromise() { return self.pdfDocument?.hasJSActions(); }, get linkService() { return self.linkService; }, }); } /** * Currently only *some* permissions are supported. * @returns {Object} */ #initializePermissions(permissions) { const params = { annotationEditorMode: this.#annotationEditorMode, annotationMode: this.#annotationMode, textLayerMode: this.#textLayerMode, }; if (!permissions) { return params; } if ( !permissions.includes(PermissionFlag.COPY) && this.#textLayerMode === TextLayerMode.ENABLE ) { params.textLayerMode = TextLayerMode.ENABLE_PERMISSIONS; } if (!permissions.includes(PermissionFlag.MODIFY_CONTENTS)) { params.annotationEditorMode = AnnotationEditorType.DISABLE; } if ( !permissions.includes(PermissionFlag.MODIFY_ANNOTATIONS) && !permissions.includes(PermissionFlag.FILL_INTERACTIVE_FORMS) && this.#annotationMode === AnnotationMode.ENABLE_FORMS ) { params.annotationMode = AnnotationMode.ENABLE; } return params; } #onePageRenderedOrForceFetch() { // Unless the viewer *and* its pages are visible, rendering won't start and // `this._onePageRenderedCapability` thus won't be resolved. // To ensure that automatic printing, on document load, still works even in // those cases we force-allow fetching of all pages when: // - The current window/tab is inactive, which will prevent rendering since // `requestAnimationFrame` is being used; fixes bug 1746213. // - The viewer is hidden in the DOM, e.g. in a `display: none` <iframe> // element; fixes bug 1618621. // - The viewer is visible, but none of the pages are (e.g. if the // viewer is very small); fixes bug 1618955. if ( document.visibilityState === "hidden" || !this.container.offsetParent || this._getVisiblePages().views.length === 0 ) { return Promise.resolve(); } // Handle the window/tab becoming inactive *after* rendering has started; // fixes (another part of) bug 1746213. const visibilityChangePromise = new Promise(resolve => { this.#onVisibilityChange = () => { if (document.visibilityState !== "hidden") { return; } resolve(); document.removeEventListener( "visibilitychange", this.#onVisibilityChange ); this.#onVisibilityChange = null; }; document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", this.#onVisibilityChange); }); return Promise.race([ this._onePageRenderedCapability.promise, visibilityChangePromise, ]); } async getAllText() { const texts = []; const buffer = []; for ( let pageNum = 1, pagesCount = this.pdfDocument.numPages; pageNum <= pagesCount; ++pageNum ) { if (this.#interruptCopyCondition) { return null; } buffer.length = 0; const page = await this.pdfDocument.getPage(pageNum); // By default getTextContent pass disableNormalization equals to false // which is fine because we want a normalized string. const { items } = await page.getTextContent(); for (const item of items) { if (item.str) { buffer.push(item.str); } if (item.hasEOL) { buffer.push("\n"); } } texts.push(removeNullCharacters(buffer.join(""))); } return texts.join("\n"); } #copyCallback(textLayerMode, event) { const selection = document.getSelection(); const { focusNode, anchorNode } = selection; if ( anchorNode && focusNode && selection.containsNode(this.#hiddenCopyElement) ) { // About the condition above: // - having non-null anchorNode and focusNode are here to guaranty that // we have at least a kind of selection. // - this.#hiddenCopyElement is an invisible element which is impossible // to select manually (its display is none) but ctrl+A will select all // including this element so having it in the selection means that all // has been selected. if ( this.#getAllTextInProgress || textLayerMode === TextLayerMode.ENABLE_PERMISSIONS ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } this.#getAllTextInProgress = true; // TODO: if all the pages are rendered we don't need to wait for // getAllText and we could just get text from the Selection object. // Select all the document. const savedCursor = this.container.style.cursor; this.container.style.cursor = "wait"; const interruptCopy = ev => (this.#interruptCopyCondition = ev.key === "Escape"); window.addEventListener("keydown", interruptCopy); this.getAllText() .then(async text => { if (text !== null) { await navigator.clipboard.writeText(text); } }) .catch(reason => { console.warn( `Something goes wrong when extracting the text: ${reason.message}` ); }) .finally(() => { this.#getAllTextInProgress = false; this.#interruptCopyCondition = false; window.removeEventListener("keydown", interruptCopy); this.container.style.cursor = savedCursor; }); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } } /** * @param {PDFDocumentProxy} pdfDocument */ setDocument(pdfDocument) { if (this.pdfDocument) { this.eventBus.dispatch("pagesdestroy", { source: this }); this._cancelRendering(); this._resetView(); this.findController?.setDocument(null); this._scriptingManager?.setDocument(null); if (this.#annotationEditorUIManager) { this.#annotationEditorUIManager.destroy(); this.#annotationEditorUIManager = null; } } this.pdfDocument = pdfDocument; if (!pdfDocument) { return; } const pagesCount = pdfDocument.numPages; const firstPagePromise = pdfDocument.getPage(1); // Rendering (potentially) depends on this, hence fetching it immediately. const optionalContentConfigPromise = pdfDocument.getOptionalContentConfig(); const permissionsPromise = this.#enablePermissions ? pdfDocument.getPermissions() : Promise.resolve(); // Given that browsers don't handle huge amounts of DOM-elements very well, // enforce usage of PAGE-scrolling when loading *very* long/large documents. if (pagesCount > PagesCountLimit.FORCE_SCROLL_MODE_PAGE) { console.warn( "Forcing PAGE-scrolling for performance reasons, given the length of the document." ); const mode = (this._scrollMode = ScrollMode.PAGE); this.eventBus.dispatch("scrollmodechanged", { source: this, mode }); } this._pagesCapability.promise.then( () => { this.eventBus.dispatch("pagesloaded", { source: this, pagesCount }); }, () => { /* Prevent "Uncaught (in promise)"-messages in the console. */ } ); this._onBeforeDraw = evt => { const pageView = this._pages[evt.pageNumber - 1]; if (!pageView) { return; } // Add the page to the buffer at the start of drawing. That way it can be // evicted from the buffer and destroyed even if we pause its rendering. this.#buffer.push(pageView); }; this.eventBus._on("pagerender", this._onBeforeDraw); this._onAfterDraw = evt => { if (evt.cssTransform || this._onePageRenderedCapability.settled) { return; } this._onePageRenderedCapability.resolve({ timestamp: evt.timestamp }); this.eventBus._off("pagerendered", this._onAfterDraw); this._onAfterDraw = null; if (this.#onVisibilityChange) { document.removeEventListener( "visibilitychange", this.#onVisibilityChange ); this.#onVisibilityChange = null; } }; this.eventBus._on("pagerendered", this._onAfterDraw); // Fetch a single page so we can get a viewport that will be the default // viewport for all pages Promise.all([firstPagePromise, permissionsPromise]) .then(([firstPdfPage, permissions]) => { if (pdfDocument !== this.pdfDocument) { return; // The document was closed while the first page resolved. } this._firstPageCapability.resolve(firstPdfPage); this._optionalContentConfigPromise = optionalContentConfigPromise; const { annotationEditorMode, annotationMode, textLayerMode } = this.#initializePermissions(permissions); if (textLayerMode !== TextLayerMode.DISABLE) { const element = (this.#hiddenCopyElement = document.createElement("div")); element.id = "hiddenCopyElement"; this.viewer.before(element); } if (annotationEditorMode !== AnnotationEditorType.DISABLE) { const mode = annotationEditorMode; if (pdfDocument.isPureXfa) { console.warn("Warning: XFA-editing is not implemented."); } else if (isValidAnnotationEditorMode(mode)) { this.#annotationEditorUIManager = new AnnotationEditorUIManager( this.container, this.viewer, this.#altTextManager, this.eventBus, pdfDocument, this.pageColors ); if (mode !== AnnotationEditorType.NONE) { this.#annotationEditorUIManager.updateMode(mode); } } else { console.error(`Invalid AnnotationEditor mode: ${mode}`); } } const viewerElement = this._scrollMode === ScrollMode.PAGE ? null : this.viewer; const scale = this.currentScale; const viewport = firstPdfPage.getViewport({ scale: scale * PixelsPerInch.PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS, }); // Ensure that the various layers always get the correct initial size, // see issue 15795. this.viewer.style.setProperty("--scale-factor", viewport.scale); if ( this.pageColors?.foreground === "CanvasText" || this.pageColors?.background === "Canvas" ) { this.viewer.style.setProperty( "--hcm-highligh-filter", pdfDocument.filterFactory.addHighlightHCMFilter( "CanvasText", "Canvas", "HighlightText", "Highlight" ) ); } for (let pageNum = 1; pageNum <= pagesCount; ++pageNum) { const pageView = new PDFPageView({ container: viewerElement, eventBus: this.eventBus, id: pageNum, scale, defaultViewport: viewport.clone(), optionalContentConfigPromise, renderingQueue: this.renderingQueue, textLayerMode, annotationMode, imageResourcesPath: this.imageResourcesPath, isOffscreenCanvasSupported: this.isOffscreenCanvasSupported, maxCanvasPixels: this.maxCanvasPixels, pageColors: this.pageColors, l10n: this.l10n, layerProperties: this._layerProperties, }); this._pages.push(pageView); } // Set the first `pdfPage` immediately, since it's already loaded, // rather than having to repeat the `PDFDocumentProxy.getPage` call in // the `this.#ensurePdfPageLoaded` method before rendering can start. const firstPageView = this._pages[0]; if (firstPageView) { firstPageView.setPdfPage(firstPdfPage); this.linkService.cachePageRef(1, firstPdfPage.ref); } if (this._scrollMode === ScrollMode.PAGE) { // Ensure that the current page becomes visible on document load. this.#ensurePageViewVisible(); } else if (this._spreadMode !== SpreadMode.NONE) { this._updateSpreadMode(); } // Fetch all the pages since the viewport is needed before printing // starts to create the correct size canvas. Wait until one page is // rendered so we don't tie up too many resources early on. this.#onePageRenderedOrForceFetch().then(async () => { this.findController?.setDocument(pdfDocument); // Enable searching. this._scriptingManager?.setDocument(pdfDocument); // Enable scripting. if (this.#hiddenCopyElement) { this.#copyCallbackBound = this.#copyCallback.bind( this, textLayerMode ); document.addEventListener("copy", this.#copyCallbackBound); } if (this.#annotationEditorUIManager) { // Ensure that the Editor buttons, in the toolbar, are updated. this.eventBus.dispatch("annotationeditormodechanged", { source: this, mode: this.#annotationEditorMode, }); } // In addition to 'disableAutoFetch' being set, also attempt to reduce // resource usage when loading *very* long/large documents. if ( pdfDocument.loadingParams.disableAutoFetch || pagesCount > PagesCountLimit.FORCE_LAZY_PAGE_INIT ) { // XXX: Printing is semi-broken with auto fetch disabled. this._pagesCapability.resolve(); return; } let getPagesLeft = pagesCount - 1; // The first page was already loaded. if (getPagesLeft <= 0) { this._pagesCapability.resolve(); return; } for (let pageNum = 2; pageNum <= pagesCount; ++pageNum) { const promise = pdfDocument.getPage(pageNum).then( pdfPage => { const pageView = this._pages[pageNum - 1]; if (!pageView.pdfPage) { pageView.setPdfPage(pdfPage); } this.linkService.cachePageRef(pageNum, pdfPage.ref); if (--getPagesLeft === 0) { this._pagesCapability.resolve(); } }, reason => { console.error( `Unable to get page ${pageNum} to initialize viewer`, reason ); if (--getPagesLeft === 0) { this._pagesCapability.resolve(); } } ); if (pageNum % PagesCountLimit.PAUSE_EAGER_PAGE_INIT === 0) { await promise; } } }); this.eventBus.dispatch("pagesinit", { source: this }); pdfDocument.getMetadata().then(({ info }) => { if (pdfDocument !== this.pdfDocument) { return; // The document was closed while the metadata resolved. } if (info.Language) { this.viewer.lang = info.Language; } }); if (this.defaultRenderingQueue) { this.update(); } }) .catch(reason => { console.error("Unable to initialize viewer", reason); this._pagesCapability.reject(reason); }); } /** * @param {Array|null} labels */ setPageLabels(labels) { if (!this.pdfDocument) { return; } if (!labels) { this._pageLabels = null; } else if ( !(Array.isArray(labels) && this.pdfDocument.numPages === labels.length) ) { this._pageLabels = null; console.error(`setPageLabels: Invalid page labels.`); } else { this._pageLabels = labels; } // Update all the `PDFPageView` instances. for (let i = 0, ii = this._pages.length; i < ii; i++) { this._pages[i].setPageLabel(this._pageLabels?.[i] ?? null); } } _resetView() { this._pages = []; this._currentPageNumber = 1; this._currentScale = UNKNOWN_SCALE; this._currentScaleValue = null; this._pageLabels = null; this.#buffer = new PDFPageViewBuffer(DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE); this._location = null; this._pagesRotation = 0; this._optionalContentConfigPromise = null; this._firstPageCapability = new PromiseCapability(); this._onePageRenderedCapability = new PromiseCapability(); this._pagesCapability = new PromiseCapability(); this._scrollMode = ScrollMode.VERTICAL; this._previousScrollMode = ScrollMode.UNKNOWN; this._spreadMode = SpreadMode.NONE; this.#scrollModePageState = { previousPageNumber: 1, scrollDown: true, pages: [], }; if (this._onBeforeDraw) { this.eventBus._off("pagerender", this._onBeforeDraw); this._onBeforeDraw = null; } if (this._onAfterDraw) { this.eventBus._off("pagerendered", this._onAfterDraw); this._onAfterDraw = null; } if (this.#onVisibilityChange) { document.removeEventListener( "visibilitychange", this.#onVisibilityChange ); this.#onVisibilityChange = null; } // Remove the pages from the DOM... this.viewer.textContent = ""; // ... and reset the Scroll mode CSS class(es) afterwards. this._updateScrollMode(); this.viewer.removeAttribute("lang"); if (this.#hiddenCopyElement) { document.removeEventListener("copy", this.#copyCallbackBound); this.#copyCallbackBound = null; this.#hiddenCopyElement.remove(); this.#hiddenCopyElement = null; } } #ensurePageViewVisible() { if (this._scrollMode !== ScrollMode.PAGE) { throw new Error("#ensurePageViewVisible: Invalid scrollMode value."); } const pageNumber = this._currentPageNumber, state = this.#scrollModePageState, viewer = this.viewer; // Temporarily remove all the pages from the DOM... viewer.textContent = ""; // ... and clear out the active ones. state.pages.length = 0; if (this._spreadMode === SpreadMode.NONE && !this.isInPresentationMode) { // Finally, append the new page to the viewer. const pageView = this._pages[pageNumber - 1]; viewer.append(pageView.div); state.pages.push(pageView); } else { const pageIndexSet = new Set(), parity = this._spreadMode - 1; // Determine the pageIndices in the new spread. if (parity === -1) { // PresentationMode is active, with `SpreadMode.NONE` set. pageIndexSet.add(pageNumber - 1); } else if (pageNumber % 2 !== parity) { // Left-hand side page. pageIndexSet.add(pageNumber - 1); pageIndexSet.add(pageNumber); } else { // Right-hand side page. pageIndexSet.add(pageNumber - 2); pageIndexSet.add(pageNumber - 1); } // Finally, append the new pages to the viewer and apply the spreadMode. const spread = document.createElement("div"); spread.className = "spread"; if (this.isInPresentationMode) { const dummyPage = document.createElement("div"); dummyPage.className = "dummyPage"; spread.append(dummyPage); } for (const i of pageIndexSet) { const pageView = this._pages[i]; if (!pageView) { continue; } spread.append(pageView.div); state.pages.push(pageView); } viewer.append(spread); } state.scrollDown = pageNumber >= state.previousPageNumber; state.previousPageNumber = pageNumber; } _scrollUpdate() { if (this.pagesCount === 0) { return; } this.update(); } #scrollIntoView(pageView, pageSpot = null) { const { div, id } = pageView; // Ensure that `this._currentPageNumber` is correct, when `#scrollIntoView` // is called directly (and not from `#resetCurrentPageView`). if (this._currentPageNumber !== id) { this._setCurrentPageNumber(id); } if (this._scrollMode === ScrollMode.PAGE) { this.#ensurePageViewVisible(); // Ensure that rendering always occurs, to avoid showing a blank page, // even if the current position doesn't change when the page is scrolled. this.update(); } if (!pageSpot && !this.isInPresentationMode) { const left = div.offsetLeft + div.clientLeft, right = left + div.clientWidth; const { scrollLeft, clientWidth } = this.container; if ( this._scrollMode === ScrollMode.HORIZONTAL || left < scrollLeft || right > scrollLeft + clientWidth ) { pageSpot = { left: 0, top: 0 }; } } scrollIntoView(div, pageSpot); // Ensure that the correct *initial* document position is set, when any // OpenParameters are used, for documents with non-default Scroll/Spread // modes (fixes issue 15695). This is necessary since the scroll-handler // invokes the `update`-method asynchronously, and `this._location` could // thus be wrong when the initial zooming occurs in the default viewer. if (!this._currentScaleValue && this._location) { this._location = null; } } /** * Prevent unnecessary re-rendering of all pages when the scale changes * only because of limited numerical precision. */ #isSameScale(newScale) { return ( newScale === this._currentScale || Math.abs(newScale - this._currentScale) < 1e-15 ); } #setScaleUpdatePages( newScale, newValue, { noScroll = false, preset = false, drawingDelay = -1 } ) { this._currentScaleValue = newValue.toString(); if (this.#isSameScale(newScale)) { if (preset) { this.eventBus.dispatch("scalechanging", { source: this, scale: newScale, presetValue: newValue, }); } return; } this.viewer.style.setProperty( "--scale-factor", newScale * PixelsPerInch.PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS ); const postponeDrawing = drawingDelay >= 0 && drawingDelay < 1000; this.refresh(true, { scale: newScale, drawingDelay: postponeDrawing ? drawingDelay : -1, }); if (postponeDrawing) { this.#scaleTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => { this.#scaleTimeoutId = null; this.refresh(); }, drawingDelay); } this._currentScale = newScale; if (!noScroll) { let page = this._currentPageNumber, dest; if ( this._location && !(this.isInPresentationMode || this.isChangingPresentationMode) ) { page = this._location.pageNumber; dest = [ null, { name: "XYZ" }, this._location.left, this._location.top, null, ]; } this.scrollPageIntoView({ pageNumber: page, destArray: dest, allowNegativeOffset: true, }); } this.eventBus.dispatch("scalechanging", { source: this, scale: newScale, presetValue: preset ? newValue : undefined, }); if (this.defaultRenderingQueue) { this.update(); } } get #pageWidthScaleFactor() { if ( this._spreadMode !== SpreadMode.NONE && this._scrollMode !== ScrollMode.HORIZONTAL ) { return 2; } return 1; } #setScale(value, options) { let scale = parseFloat(value); if (scale > 0) { options.preset = false; this.#setScaleUpdatePages(scale, value, options); } else { const currentPage = this._pages[this._currentPageNumber - 1]; if (!currentPage) { return; } let hPadding = SCROLLBAR_PADDING, vPadding = VERTICAL_PADDING; if (this.isInPresentationMode) { // Pages have a 2px (transparent) border in PresentationMode, see // the `web/pdf_viewer.css` file. hPadding = vPadding = 4; // 2 * 2px if (this._spreadMode !== SpreadMode.NONE) { // Account for two pages being visible in PresentationMode, thus // "doubling" the total border width. hPadding *= 2; } } else if ( (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC")) && this.removePageBorders ) { hPadding = vPadding = 0; } else if (this._scrollMode === ScrollMode.HORIZONTAL) { [hPadding, vPadding] = [vPadding, hPadding]; // Swap the padding values. } const pageWidthScale = (((this.container.clientWidth - hPadding) / currentPage.width) * currentPage.scale) / this.#pageWidthScaleFactor; const pageHeightScale = ((this.container.clientHeight - vPadding) / currentPage.height) * currentPage.scale; switch (value) { case "page-actual": scale = 1; break; case "page-width": scale = pageWidthScale; break; case "page-height": scale = pageHeightScale; break; case "page-fit": scale = Math.min(pageWidthScale, pageHeightScale); break; case "auto": // For pages in landscape mode, fit the page height to the viewer // *unless* the page would thus become too wide to fit horizontally. const horizontalScale = isPortraitOrientation(currentPage) ? pageWidthScale : Math.min(pageHeightScale, pageWidthScale); scale = Math.min(MAX_AUTO_SCALE, horizontalScale); break; default: console.error(`#setScale: "${value}" is an unknown zoom value.`); return; } options.preset = true; this.#setScaleUpdatePages(scale, value, options); } } /** * Refreshes page view: scrolls to the current page and updates the scale. */ #resetCurrentPageView() { const pageView = this._pages[this._currentPageNumber - 1]; if (this.isInPresentationMode) { // Fixes the case when PDF has different page sizes. this.#setScale(this._currentScaleValue, { noScroll: true }); } this.#scrollIntoView(pageView); } /** * @param {string} label - The page label. * @returns {number|null} The page number corresponding to the page label, * or `null` when no page labels exist and/or the input is invalid. */ pageLabelToPageNumber(label) { if (!this._pageLabels) { return null; } const i = this._pageLabels.indexOf(label); if (i < 0) { return null; } return i + 1; } /** * @typedef {Object} ScrollPageIntoViewParameters * @property {number} pageNumber - The page number. * @property {Array} [destArray] - The original PDF destination array, in the * format: <page-ref> </XYZ|/FitXXX> <args..> * @property {boolean} [allowNegativeOffset] - Allow negative page offsets. * The default value is `false`. * @property {boolean} [ignoreDestinationZoom] - Ignore the zoom argument in * the destination array. The default value is `false`. */ /** * Scrolls page into view. * @param {ScrollPageIntoViewParameters} params */ scrollPageIntoView({ pageNumber, destArray = null, allowNegativeOffset = false, ignoreDestinationZoom = false, }) { if (!this.pdfDocument) { return; } const pageView = Number.isInteger(pageNumber) && this._pages[pageNumber - 1]; if (!pageView) { console.error( `scrollPageIntoView: "${pageNumber}" is not a valid pageNumber parameter.` ); return; } if (this.isInPresentationMode || !destArray) { this._setCurrentPageNumber(pageNumber, /* resetCurrentPageView = */ true); return; } let x = 0, y = 0; let width = 0, height = 0, widthScale, heightScale; const changeOrientation = pageView.rotation % 180 !== 0; const pageWidth = (changeOrientation ? pageView.height : pageView.width) / pageView.scale / PixelsPerInch.PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS; const pageHeight = (changeOrientation ? pageView.width : pageView.height) / pageView.scale / PixelsPerInch.PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS; let scale = 0; switch (destArray[1].name) { case "XYZ": x = destArray[2]; y = destArray[3]; scale = destArray[4]; // If x and/or y coordinates are not supplied, default to // _top_ left of the page (not the obvious bottom left, // since aligning the bottom of the intended page with the // top of the window is rarely helpful). x = x !== null ? x : 0; y = y !== null ? y : pageHeight; break; case "Fit": case "FitB": scale = "page-fit"; break; case "FitH": case "FitBH": y = destArray[2]; scale = "page-width"; // According to the PDF spec, section, a `null` value in the // parameter should maintain the position relative to the new page. if (y === null && this._location) { x = this._location.left; y = this._location.top; } else if (typeof y !== "number" || y < 0) { // The "top" value isn't optional, according to the spec, however some // bad PDF generators will pretend that it is (fixes bug 1663390). y = pageHeight; } break; case "FitV": case "FitBV": x = destArray[2]; width = pageWidth; height = pageHeight; scale = "page-height"; break; case "FitR": x = destArray[2]; y = destArray[3]; width = destArray[4] - x; height = destArray[5] - y; let hPadding = SCROLLBAR_PADDING, vPadding = VERTICAL_PADDING; if ( (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC")) && this.removePageBorders ) { hPadding = vPadding = 0; } widthScale = (this.container.clientWidth - hPadding) / width / PixelsPerInch.PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS; heightScale = (this.container.clientHeight - vPadding) / height / PixelsPerInch.PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS; scale = Math.min(Math.abs(widthScale), Math.abs(heightScale)); break; default: console.error( `scrollPageIntoView: "${destArray[1].name}" is not a valid destination type.` ); return; } if (!ignoreDestinationZoom) { if (scale && scale !== this._currentScale) { this.currentScaleValue = scale; } else if (this._currentScale === UNKNOWN_SCALE) { this.currentScaleValue = DEFAULT_SCALE_VALUE; } } if (scale === "page-fit" && !destArray[4]) { this.#scrollIntoView(pageView); return; } const boundingRect = [ pageView.viewport.convertToViewportPoint(x, y), pageView.viewport.convertToViewportPoint(x + width, y + height), ]; let left = Math.min(boundingRect[0][0], boundingRect[1][0]); let top = Math.min(boundingRect[0][1], boundingRect[1][1]); if (!allowNegativeOffset) { // Some bad PDF generators will create destinations with e.g. top values // that exceeds the page height. Ensure that offsets are not negative, // to prevent a previous page from becoming visible (fixes bug 874482). left = Math.max(left, 0); top = Math.max(top, 0); } this.#scrollIntoView(pageView, /* pageSpot = */ { left, top }); } _updateLocation(firstPage) { const currentScale = this._currentScale; const currentScaleValue = this._currentScaleValue; const normalizedScaleValue = parseFloat(currentScaleValue) === currentScale ? Math.round(currentScale * 10000) / 100 : currentScaleValue; const pageNumber = firstPage.id; const currentPageView = this._pages[pageNumber - 1]; const container = this.container; const topLeft = currentPageView.getPagePoint( container.scrollLeft - firstPage.x, container.scrollTop - firstPage.y ); const intLeft = Math.round(topLeft[0]); const intTop = Math.round(topLeft[1]); let pdfOpenParams = `#page=${pageNumber}`; if (!this.isInPresentationMode) { pdfOpenParams += `&zoom=${normalizedScaleValue},${intLeft},${intTop}`; } this._location = { pageNumber, scale: normalizedScaleValue, top: intTop, left: intLeft, rotation: this._pagesRotation, pdfOpenParams, }; } update() { const visible = this._getVisiblePages(); const visiblePages = visible.views, numVisiblePages = visiblePages.length; if (numVisiblePages === 0) { return; } const newCacheSize = Math.max(DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, 2 * numVisiblePages + 1); this.#buffer.resize(newCacheSize, visible.ids); this.renderingQueue.renderHighestPriority(visible); const isSimpleLayout = this._spreadMode === SpreadMode.NONE && (this._scrollMode === ScrollMode.PAGE || this._scrollMode === ScrollMode.VERTICAL); const currentId = this._currentPageNumber; let stillFullyVisible = false; for (const page of visiblePages) { if (page.percent < 100) { break; } if (page.id === currentId && isSimpleLayout) { stillFullyVisible = true; break; } } this._setCurrentPageNumber( stillFullyVisible ? currentId : visiblePages[0].id ); this._updateLocation(visible.first); this.eventBus.dispatch("updateviewarea", { source: this, location: this._location, }); } containsElement(element) { return this.container.contains(element); } focus() { this.container.focus(); } get _isContainerRtl() { return getComputedStyle(this.container).direction === "rtl"; } get isInPresentationMode() { return this.presentationModeState === PresentationModeState.FULLSCREEN; } get isChangingPresentationMode() { return this.presentationModeState === PresentationModeState.CHANGING; } get isHorizontalScrollbarEnabled() { return this.isInPresentationMode ? false : this.container.scrollWidth > this.container.clientWidth; } get isVerticalScrollbarEnabled() { return this.isInPresentationMode ? false : this.container.scrollHeight > this.container.clientHeight; } _getVisiblePages() { const views = this._scrollMode === ScrollMode.PAGE ? this.#scrollModePageState.pages : this._pages, horizontal = this._scrollMode === ScrollMode.HORIZONTAL, rtl = horizontal && this._isContainerRtl; return getVisibleElements({ scrollEl: this.container, views, sortByVisibility: true, horizontal, rtl, }); } cleanup() { for (const pageView of this._pages) { if (pageView.renderingState !== RenderingStates.FINISHED) { pageView.reset(); } } } /** * @private */ _cancelRendering() { for (const pageView of this._pages) { pageView.cancelRendering(); } } /** * @param {PDFPageView} pageView * @returns {Promise<PDFPageProxy | null>} */ async #ensurePdfPageLoaded(pageView) { if (pageView.pdfPage) { return pageView.pdfPage; } try { const pdfPage = await this.pdfDocument.getPage(pageView.id); if (!pageView.pdfPage) { pageView.setPdfPage(pdfPage); } if (!this.linkService._cachedPageNumber?.(pdfPage.ref)) { this.linkService.cachePageRef(pageView.id, pdfPage.ref); } return pdfPage; } catch (reason) { console.error("Unable to get page for page view", reason); return null; // Page error -- there is nothing that can be done. } } #getScrollAhead(visible) { if (visible.first?.id === 1) { return true; } else if (visible.last?.id === this.pagesCount) { return false; } switch (this._scrollMode) { case ScrollMode.PAGE: return this.#scrollModePageState.scrollDown; case ScrollMode.HORIZONTAL: return this.scroll.right; } return this.scroll.down; } forceRendering(currentlyVisiblePages) { const visiblePages = currentlyVisiblePages || this._getVisiblePages(); const scrollAhead = this.#getScrollAhead(visiblePages); const preRenderExtra = this._spreadMode !== SpreadMode.NONE && this._scrollMode !== ScrollMode.HORIZONTAL; const pageView = this.renderingQueue.getHighestPriority( visiblePages, this._pages, scrollAhead, preRenderExtra ); if (pageView) { this.#ensurePdfPageLoaded(pageView).then(() => { this.renderingQueue.renderView(pageView); }); return true; } return false; } /** * @type {boolean} Whether all pages of the PDF document have identical * widths and heights. */ get hasEqualPageSizes() { const firstPageView = this._pages[0]; for (let i = 1, ii = this._pages.length; i < ii; ++i) { const pageView = this._pages[i]; if ( pageView.width !== firstPageView.width || pageView.height !== firstPageView.height ) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns sizes of the pages. * @returns {Array} Array of objects with width/height/rotation fields. */ getPagesOverview() { let initialOrientation; return this._pages.map(pageView => { const viewport = pageView.pdfPage.getViewport({ scale: 1 }); const orientation = isPortraitOrientation(viewport); if (initialOrientation === undefined) { initialOrientation = orientation; } else if ( this.enablePrintAutoRotate && orientation !== initialOrientation ) { // Rotate to fit the initial orientation. return { width: viewport.height, height: viewport.width, rotation: (viewport.rotation - 90) % 360, }; } return { width: viewport.width, height: viewport.height, rotation: viewport.rotation, }; }); } /** * @type {Promise<OptionalContentConfig | null>} */ get optionalContentConfigPromise() { if (!this.pdfDocument) { return Promise.resolve(null); } if (!this._optionalContentConfigPromise) { console.error("optionalContentConfigPromise: Not initialized yet."); // Prevent issues if the getter is accessed *before* the `onePageRendered` // promise has resolved; won't (normally) happen in the default viewer. return this.pdfDocument.getOptionalContentConfig(); } return this._optionalContentConfigPromise; } /** * @param {Promise<OptionalContentConfig>} promise - A promise that is * resolved with an {@link OptionalContentConfig} instance. */ set optionalContentConfigPromise(promise) { if (!(promise instanceof Promise)) { throw new Error(`Invalid optionalContentConfigPromise: ${promise}`); } if (!this.pdfDocument) { return; } if (!this._optionalContentConfigPromise) { // Ignore the setter *before* the `onePageRendered` promise has resolved, // since it'll be overwritten anyway; won't happen in the default viewer. return; } this._optionalContentConfigPromise = promise; this.refresh(false, { optionalContentConfigPromise: promise }); this.eventBus.dispatch("optionalcontentconfigchanged", { source: this, promise, }); } /** * @type {number} One of the values in {ScrollMode}. */ get scrollMode() { return this._scrollMode; } /** * @param {number} mode - The direction in which the document pages should be * laid out within the scrolling container. * The constants from {ScrollMode} should be used. */ set scrollMode(mode) { if ( typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" ? window.isGECKOVIEW : PDFJSDev.test("GECKOVIEW") ) { // NOTE: Always ignore the pageLayout in GeckoView since there's // no UI available to change Scroll/Spread modes for the user. return; } if (this._scrollMode === mode) { return; // The Scroll mode didn't change. } if (!isValidScrollMode(mode)) { throw new Error(`Invalid scroll mode: ${mode}`); } if (this.pagesCount > PagesCountLimit.FORCE_SCROLL_MODE_PAGE) { return; // Disabled for performance reasons. } this._previousScrollMode = this._scrollMode; this._scrollMode = mode; this.eventBus.dispatch("scrollmodechanged", { source: this, mode }); this._updateScrollMode(/* pageNumber = */ this._currentPageNumber); } _updateScrollMode(pageNumber = null) { const scrollMode = this._scrollMode, viewer = this.viewer; viewer.classList.toggle( "scrollHorizontal", scrollMode === ScrollMode.HORIZONTAL ); viewer.classList.toggle("scrollWrapped", scrollMode === ScrollMode.WRAPPED); if (!this.pdfDocument || !pageNumber) { return; } if (scrollMode === ScrollMode.PAGE) { this.#ensurePageViewVisible(); } else if (this._previousScrollMode === ScrollMode.PAGE) { // Ensure that the current spreadMode is still applied correctly when // the *previous* scrollMode was `ScrollMode.PAGE`. this._updateSpreadMode(); } // Non-numeric scale values can be sensitive to the scroll orientation. // Call this before re-scrolling to the current page, to ensure that any // changes in scale don't move the current page. if (this._currentScaleValue && isNaN(this._currentScaleValue)) { this.#setScale(this._currentScaleValue, { noScroll: true }); } this._setCurrentPageNumber(pageNumber, /* resetCurrentPageView = */ true); this.update(); } /** * @type {number} One of the values in {SpreadMode}. */ get spreadMode() { return this._spreadMode; } /** * @param {number} mode - Group the pages in spreads, starting with odd- or * even-number pages (unless `SpreadMode.NONE` is used). * The constants from {SpreadMode} should be used. */ set spreadMode(mode) { if ( typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" ? window.isGECKOVIEW : PDFJSDev.test("GECKOVIEW") ) { // NOTE: Always ignore the pageLayout in GeckoView since there's // no UI available to change Scroll/Spread modes for the user. return; } if (this._spreadMode === mode) { return; // The Spread mode didn't change. } if (!isValidSpreadMode(mode)) { throw new Error(`Invalid spread mode: ${mode}`); } this._spreadMode = mode; this.eventBus.dispatch("spreadmodechanged", { source: this, mode }); this._updateSpreadMode(/* pageNumber = */ this._currentPageNumber); } _updateSpreadMode(pageNumber = null) { if (!this.pdfDocument) { return; } const viewer = this.viewer, pages = this._pages; if (this._scrollMode === ScrollMode.PAGE) { this.#ensurePageViewVisible(); } else { // Temporarily remove all the pages from the DOM. viewer.textContent = ""; if (this._spreadMode === SpreadMode.NONE) { for (const pageView of this._pages) { viewer.append(pageView.div); } } else { const parity = this._spreadMode - 1; let spread = null; for (let i = 0, ii = pages.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (spread === null) { spread = document.createElement("div"); spread.className = "spread"; viewer.append(spread); } else if (i % 2 === parity) { spread = spread.cloneNode(false); viewer.append(spread); } spread.append(pages[i].div); } } } if (!pageNumber) { return; } // Non-numeric scale values can be sensitive to the scroll orientation. // Call this before re-scrolling to the current page, to ensure that any // changes in scale don't move the current page. if (this._currentScaleValue && isNaN(this._currentScaleValue)) { this.#setScale(this._currentScaleValue, { noScroll: true }); } this._setCurrentPageNumber(pageNumber, /* resetCurrentPageView = */ true); this.update(); } /** * @private */ _getPageAdvance(currentPageNumber, previous = false) { switch (this._scrollMode) { case ScrollMode.WRAPPED: { const { views } = this._getVisiblePages(), pageLayout = new Map(); // Determine the current (visible) page layout. for (const { id, y, percent, widthPercent } of views) { if (percent === 0 || widthPercent < 100) { continue; } let yArray = pageLayout.get(y); if (!yArray) { pageLayout.set(y, (yArray ||= [])); } yArray.push(id); } // Find the row of the current page. for (const yArray of pageLayout.values()) { const currentIndex = yArray.indexOf(currentPageNumber); if (currentIndex === -1) { continue; } const numPages = yArray.length; if (numPages === 1) { break; } // Handle documents with varying page sizes. if (previous) { for (let i = currentIndex - 1, ii = 0; i >= ii; i--) { const currentId = yArray[i], expectedId = yArray[i + 1] - 1; if (currentId < expectedId) { return currentPageNumber - expectedId; } } } else { for (let i = currentIndex + 1, ii = numPages; i < ii; i++) { const currentId = yArray[i], expectedId = yArray[i - 1] + 1; if (currentId > expectedId) { return expectedId - currentPageNumber; } } } // The current row is "complete", advance to the previous/next one. if (previous) { const firstId = yArray[0]; if (firstId < currentPageNumber) { return currentPageNumber - firstId + 1; } } else { const lastId = yArray[numPages - 1]; if (lastId > currentPageNumber) { return lastId - currentPageNumber + 1; } } break; } break; } case ScrollMode.HORIZONTAL: { break; } case ScrollMode.PAGE: case ScrollMode.VERTICAL: { if (this._spreadMode === SpreadMode.NONE) { break; // Normal vertical scrolling. } const parity = this._spreadMode - 1; if (previous && currentPageNumber % 2 !== parity) { break; // Left-hand side page. } else if (!previous && currentPageNumber % 2 === parity) { break; // Right-hand side page. } const { views } = this._getVisiblePages(), expectedId = previous ? currentPageNumber - 1 : currentPageNumber + 1; for (const { id, percent, widthPercent } of views) { if (id !== expectedId) { continue; } if (percent > 0 && widthPercent === 100) { return 2; } break; } break; } } return 1; } /** * Go to the next page, taking scroll/spread-modes into account. * @returns {boolean} Whether navigation occurred. */ nextPage() { const currentPageNumber = this._currentPageNumber, pagesCount = this.pagesCount; if (currentPageNumber >= pagesCount) { return false; } const advance = this._getPageAdvance(currentPageNumber, /* previous = */ false) || 1; this.currentPageNumber = Math.min(currentPageNumber + advance, pagesCount); return true; } /** * Go to the previous page, taking scroll/spread-modes into account. * @returns {boolean} Whether navigation occurred. */ previousPage() { const currentPageNumber = this._currentPageNumber; if (currentPageNumber <= 1) { return false; } const advance = this._getPageAdvance(currentPageNumber, /* previous = */ true) || 1; this.currentPageNumber = Math.max(currentPageNumber - advance, 1); return true; } /** * @typedef {Object} ChangeScaleOptions * @property {number} [drawingDelay] * @property {number} [scaleFactor] * @property {number} [steps] */ /** * Increase the current zoom level one, or more, times. * @param {ChangeScaleOptions} [options] */ increaseScale({ drawingDelay, scaleFactor, steps } = {}) { if (!this.pdfDocument) { return; } let newScale = this._currentScale; if (scaleFactor > 1) { newScale = Math.round(newScale * scaleFactor * 100) / 100; } else { steps ??= 1; do { newScale = Math.ceil((newScale * DEFAULT_SCALE_DELTA).toFixed(2) * 10) / 10; } while (--steps > 0 && newScale < MAX_SCALE); } this.#setScale(Math.min(MAX_SCALE, newScale), { noScroll: false, drawingDelay, }); } /** * Decrease the current zoom level one, or more, times. * @param {ChangeScaleOptions} [options] */ decreaseScale({ drawingDelay, scaleFactor, steps } = {}) { if (!this.pdfDocument) { return; } let newScale = this._currentScale; if (scaleFactor > 0 && scaleFactor < 1) { newScale = Math.round(newScale * scaleFactor * 100) / 100; } else { steps ??= 1; do { newScale = Math.floor((newScale / DEFAULT_SCALE_DELTA).toFixed(2) * 10) / 10; } while (--steps > 0 && newScale > MIN_SCALE); } this.#setScale(Math.max(MIN_SCALE, newScale), { noScroll: false, drawingDelay, }); } #updateContainerHeightCss(height = this.container.clientHeight) { if (height !== this.#previousContainerHeight) { this.#previousContainerHeight = height; docStyle.setProperty("--viewer-container-height", `${height}px`); } } #resizeObserverCallback(entries) { for (const entry of entries) { if (entry.target === this.container) { this.#updateContainerHeightCss( Math.floor(entry.borderBoxSize[0].blockSize) ); this.#containerTopLeft = null; break; } } } get containerTopLeft() { return (this.#containerTopLeft ||= [ this.container.offsetTop, this.container.offsetLeft, ]); } /** * @type {number} */ get annotationEditorMode() { return this.#annotationEditorUIManager ? this.#annotationEditorMode : AnnotationEditorType.DISABLE; } /** * @param {number} mode - AnnotationEditor mode (None, FreeText, Ink, ...) */ set annotationEditorMode({ mode, editId = null, isFromKeyboard = false }) { if (!this.#annotationEditorUIManager) { throw new Error(`The AnnotationEditor is not enabled.`); } if (this.#annotationEditorMode === mode) { return; // The AnnotationEditor mode didn't change. } if (!isValidAnnotationEditorMode(mode)) { throw new Error(`Invalid AnnotationEditor mode: ${mode}`); } if (!this.pdfDocument) { return; } this.#annotationEditorMode = mode; this.eventBus.dispatch("annotationeditormodechanged", { source: this, mode, }); this.#annotationEditorUIManager.updateMode(mode, editId, isFromKeyboard); } // eslint-disable-next-line accessor-pairs set annotationEditorParams({ type, value }) { if (!this.#annotationEditorUIManager) { throw new Error(`The AnnotationEditor is not enabled.`); } this.#annotationEditorUIManager.updateParams(type, value); } refresh(noUpdate = false, updateArgs = Object.create(null)) { if (!this.pdfDocument) { return; } for (const pageView of this._pages) { pageView.update(updateArgs); } if (this.#scaleTimeoutId !== null) { clearTimeout(this.#scaleTimeoutId); this.#scaleTimeoutId = null; } if (!noUpdate) { this.update(); } } } export { PagesCountLimit, PDFPageViewBuffer, PDFViewer };