/* * Copyright 2014 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* eslint-disable object-shorthand */ 'use strict'; var os = require('os'); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var testUtils = require('./testutils.js'); var shelljs = require('shelljs'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var tempDirPrefix = 'pdfjs_'; function WebBrowser(name, path) { this.name = name; this.path = path; this.tmpDir = null; this.profileDir = null; this.process = null; this.requestedExit = false; this.finished = false; this.callback = null; // Used to identify processes whose pid is lost. This string is directly used // as a command-line argument, so it only consists of letters. this.uniqStringId = 'webbrowser' + crypto.randomBytes(32).toString('hex'); } WebBrowser.prototype = { start: function (url) { this.tmpDir = path.join(os.tmpdir(), tempDirPrefix + this.name); if (!fs.existsSync(this.tmpDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(this.tmpDir); } this.startProcess(url); }, getProfileDir: function () { if (!this.profileDir) { var profileDir = path.join(this.tmpDir, 'profile'); if (fs.existsSync(profileDir)) { testUtils.removeDirSync(profileDir); } fs.mkdirSync(profileDir); this.profileDir = profileDir; this.setupProfileDir(profileDir); } return this.profileDir; }, buildArguments: function (url) { return [url]; }, setupProfileDir: function (dir) { }, startProcess: function (url) { console.assert(!this.process, 'startProcess may be called only once'); var args = this.buildArguments(url); args = args.concat('--' + this.uniqStringId); this.process = spawn(this.path, args); this.process.on('exit', function (code, signal) { this.process = null; var exitInfo = code !== null ? ' with status ' + code : ' in response to signal ' + signal; if (this.requestedExit) { this.log('Browser process exited' + exitInfo); } else { // This was observed on Windows bots with Firefox. Apparently the // Firefox Maintenance Service restarts Firefox shortly after starting // up. When this happens, we no longer know the pid of the process. this.log('Browser process unexpectedly exited' + exitInfo); } }.bind(this)); }, cleanup: function () { console.assert(this.requestedExit, 'cleanup should only be called after an explicit stop() request'); try { testUtils.removeDirSync(this.tmpDir); } catch (e) { if (e.code !== 'ENOENT') { this.log('Failed to remove profile directory: ' + e); if (!this.cleanupFailStart) { this.cleanupFailStart = Date.now(); } else if (Date.now() - this.cleanupFailStart > 10000) { throw new Error('Failed to remove profile dir within 10 seconds'); } this.log('Retrying in a second...'); setTimeout(this.cleanup.bind(this), 1000); return; } // This should not happen, but we just warn instead of failing loudly // because the post-condition of cleanup is that the profile directory is // gone. If the directory does not exists, then this post-condition is // satisfied. this.log('Cannot remove non-existent directory: ' + e); } this.finished = true; this.log('Clean-up finished. Going to call callback...'); this.callback(); }, stop: function (callback) { console.assert(this.tmpDir, '.start() must be called before stop()'); // Require the callback to ensure that callers do not make any assumptions // on the state of this browser instance until the callback is called. console.assert(typeof callback === 'function', 'callback is required'); console.assert(!this.requestedExit, '.stop() may be called only once'); this.requestedExit = true; if (this.finished) { this.log('Browser already stopped, invoking callback...'); callback(); } else if (this.process) { this.log('Going to wait until the browser process has exited.'); this.callback = callback; this.process.once('exit', this.cleanup.bind(this)); this.process.kill('SIGTERM'); } else { this.log('Process already exited, checking if the process restarted...'); this.callback = callback; this.killProcessUnknownPid(this.cleanup.bind(this)); } }, killProcessUnknownPid: function(callback) { this.log('pid unknown, killing processes matching ' + this.uniqStringId); var cmdKillAll, cmdCheckAllKilled, isAllKilled; if (process.platform === 'win32') { var wmicPrefix = 'wmic process where "not Name = \'cmd.exe\' ' + 'and not Name like \'%wmic%\' ' + 'and CommandLine like \'%' + this.uniqStringId + '%\'" '; cmdKillAll = wmicPrefix + 'call terminate'; cmdCheckAllKilled = wmicPrefix + 'get CommandLine'; isAllKilled = function(exitCode, stdout) { return stdout.indexOf(this.uniqStringId) === -1; }.bind(this); } else { cmdKillAll = 'pkill -f ' + this.uniqStringId; cmdCheckAllKilled = 'pgrep -f ' + this.uniqStringId; isAllKilled = function(pgrepStatus) { return pgrepStatus === 1; // "No process matched.", per man pgrep. }; } function execAsyncNoStdin(cmd, onExit) { var proc = shelljs.exec(cmd, { async: true, silent: true, }, onExit); // Close stdin, otherwise wmic won't run. proc.stdin.end(); } var killDateStart = Date.now(); // Note: First process' output it shown, the later outputs are suppressed. execAsyncNoStdin(cmdKillAll, function checkAlive(exitCode, firstStdout) { execAsyncNoStdin(cmdCheckAllKilled, function(exitCode, stdout) { if (isAllKilled(exitCode, stdout)) { callback(); } else if (Date.now() - killDateStart > 10000) { // Should finish termination within 10 (generous) seconds. if (firstStdout) { this.log('Output of first command:\n' + firstStdout); } if (stdout) { this.log('Output of last command:\n' + stdout); } throw new Error('Failed to kill process of ' + this.name); } else { setTimeout(checkAlive.bind(this), 500); } }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); }, log: function(msg) { console.log('[' + this.name + '] ' + msg); }, }; var firefoxResourceDir = path.join(__dirname, 'resources', 'firefox'); function FirefoxBrowser(name, path) { if (os.platform() === 'darwin') { var m = /([^.\/]+)\.app(\/?)$/.exec(path); if (m) { path += (m[2] ? '' : '/') + 'Contents/MacOS/firefox'; } } WebBrowser.call(this, name, path); } FirefoxBrowser.prototype = Object.create(WebBrowser.prototype); FirefoxBrowser.prototype.buildArguments = function (url) { var profileDir = this.getProfileDir(); var args = []; if (os.platform() === 'darwin') { args.push('-foreground'); } args.push('-no-remote', '-profile', profileDir, url); return args; }; FirefoxBrowser.prototype.setupProfileDir = function (dir) { testUtils.copySubtreeSync(firefoxResourceDir, dir); }; function ChromiumBrowser(name, path) { if (os.platform() === 'darwin') { var m = /([^.\/]+)\.app(\/?)$/.exec(path); if (m) { path += (m[2] ? '' : '/') + 'Contents/MacOS/' + m[1]; console.log(path); } } WebBrowser.call(this, name, path); } ChromiumBrowser.prototype = Object.create(WebBrowser.prototype); ChromiumBrowser.prototype.buildArguments = function (url) { var profileDir = this.getProfileDir(); return ['--user-data-dir=' + profileDir, '--no-first-run', '--disable-sync', url]; }; WebBrowser.create = function (desc) { var name = desc.name; var path = shelljs.which(desc.path); if (!path) { throw new Error('Browser executable not found: ' + desc.path); } if (/firefox/i.test(name)) { return new FirefoxBrowser(name, path); } if (/(chrome|chromium|opera)/i.test(name)) { return new ChromiumBrowser(name, path); } return new WebBrowser(name, path); }; exports.WebBrowser = WebBrowser;