/* Copyright 2020 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const { clearInput, closePages, loadAndWait } = require("./test_utils.js"); describe("Interaction", () => { async function actAndWaitForInput(page, selector, action, clear = true) { if (clear) { await clearInput(page, selector); } await action(); await page.waitForFunction( `document.querySelector("${selector.replace("\\", "\\\\")}").value !== ""` ); return page.$eval(selector, el => el.value); } describe("in 160F-2019.pdf", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("160F-2019.pdf", "#\\34 16R"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must check that first text field has focus", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await page.waitForFunction( "window.PDFViewerApplication.scriptingReady === true" ); // The document has an open action in order to give // the focus to 401R. const id = await page.evaluate( () => window.document.activeElement.id ); expect(id).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("401R"); }) ); }); it("must show a text field and then make in invisible when content is removed", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { let visibility = await page.$eval( "#\\34 27R", el => getComputedStyle(el).visibility ); expect(visibility).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("hidden"); await page.type("#\\34 16R", "3.14159", { delay: 200 }); await page.click("#\\34 19R"); visibility = await page.$eval( "#\\34 27R", el => getComputedStyle(el).visibility ); expect(visibility) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual("visible"); // Clear the textfield await clearInput(page, "#\\34 16R"); // and leave it await page.click("#\\34 19R"); visibility = await page.$eval( "#\\34 27R", el => getComputedStyle(el).visibility ); expect(visibility).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("hidden"); }) ); }); it("must format the field with 2 digits and leave field with a click", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await page.type("#\\34 16R", "3.14159", { delay: 200 }); await page.click("#\\34 19R"); const text = await page.$eval("#\\34 16R", el => el.value); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("3,14"); const sum = await page.$eval("#\\34 27R", el => el.value); expect(sum).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("3,14"); }) ); }); it("must format the field with 2 digits, leave field with a click and again", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await page.type("#\\34 48R", "61803", { delay: 200 }); await page.click("#\\34 19R"); let text = await page.$eval("#\\34 48R", el => el.value); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("61.803,00"); await page.click("#\\34 48R"); text = await page.$eval("#\\34 48R", el => el.value); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("61803"); // Clear the textfield await clearInput(page, "#\\34 48R"); await page.type("#\\34 48R", "1.61803", { delay: 200 }); await page.click("#\\34 19R"); text = await page.$eval("#\\34 48R", el => el.value); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("1,62"); }) ); }); it("must format the field with 2 digits and leave field with a TAB", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await page.type("#\\34 22R", "2.7182818", { delay: 200 }); await page.keyboard.press("Tab"); const text = await page.$eval("#\\34 22R", el => el.value); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("2,72"); const sum = await page.$eval("#\\34 27R", el => el.value); expect(sum).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("5,86"); }) ); }); it("must format the field with 2 digits and hit ESC", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { let sum = await page.$eval("#\\34 71R", el => el.value); expect(sum).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("4,24"); await page.type("#\\34 36R", "0.69314", { delay: 200 }); await page.keyboard.press("Escape"); const text = await page.$eval("#\\34 36R", el => el.value); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("0.69314"); sum = await page.$eval("#\\34 71R", el => el.value); expect(sum).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("3,55"); }) ); }); it("must format the field with 2 digits on key ENTER", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await page.type("#\\34 19R", "0.577215", { delay: 200 }); await page.keyboard.press("Enter"); const text = await page.$eval("#\\34 19R", el => el.value); expect(text).toEqual("0.577215"); const sum = await page.$eval("#\\34 27R", el => el.value); expect(sum).toEqual("6,44"); }) ); }); it("must reset all", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { // this field has no actions but it must be cleared on reset await page.type("#\\34 05R", "employee", { delay: 200 }); // click on reset button await page.click("[data-annotation-id='402R']"); let text = await page.$eval("#\\34 16R", el => el.value); expect(text).toEqual(""); text = await page.$eval("#\\34 22R", el => el.value); expect(text).toEqual(""); text = await page.$eval("#\\34 19R", el => el.value); expect(text).toEqual(""); text = await page.$eval("#\\34 05R", el => el.value); expect(text).toEqual(""); const sum = await page.$eval("#\\34 27R", el => el.value); expect(sum).toEqual(""); }) ); }); }); describe("in js-buttons.pdf", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("js-buttons.pdf", "#\\38 0R"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must show values in a text input when clicking on radio buttons", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await page.waitForFunction( "window.PDFViewerApplication.scriptingReady === true" ); const expected = [ ["#\\38 1R", "Group1=Choice1::1"], ["#\\38 2R", "Group1=Choice2::2"], ["#\\38 3R", "Group1=Choice3::3"], ["#\\38 4R", "Group1=Choice4::4"], ]; for (const [selector, expectedText] of expected) { // Clear the textfield await clearInput(page, "#\\38 0R"); await page.click(selector); await page.waitForFunction( `document.querySelector("#\\\\38 0R").value !== ""` ); const text = await page.$eval("#\\38 0R", el => el.value); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(expectedText); } }) ); }); it("must show values in a text input when clicking on checkboxes", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { const expected = [ ["#\\38 5R", "Check1=Yes::5"], ["#\\38 7R", "Check2=Yes::6"], ["#\\38 8R", "Check3=Yes::7"], ["#\\38 9R", "Check4=Yes::8"], ["#\\38 5R", "Check1=Off::5"], ["#\\38 7R", "Check2=Off::6"], ["#\\38 8R", "Check3=Off::7"], ["#\\38 9R", "Check4=Off::8"], ]; for (const [selector, expectedText] of expected) { // Clear the textfield await clearInput(page, "#\\38 0R"); await page.click(selector); await page.waitForFunction( `document.querySelector("#\\\\38 0R").value !== ""` ); const text = await page.$eval("#\\38 0R", el => el.value); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(expectedText); } }) ); }); it("must show values in a text input when clicking on checkboxes in a group", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { const expected = [ ["#\\39 0R", "Check5=Yes1::9"], ["#\\39 1R", "Check5=Yes2::10"], ["#\\39 2R", "Check5=Yes3::11"], ["#\\39 3R", "Check5=Yes4::12"], ["#\\39 3R", "Check5=Off::12"], ]; for (const [selector, expectedText] of expected) { // Clear the textfield await clearInput(page, "#\\38 0R"); await page.click(selector); await page.waitForFunction( `document.querySelector("#\\\\38 0R").value !== ""` ); const text = await page.$eval("#\\38 0R", el => el.value); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(expectedText); } }) ); }); it("must show values in a text input when clicking on checkboxes or radio with no actions", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { const expected = [ ["", "Off;Off"], ["#\\39 4R", "Yes;Off"], ["#\\39 5R", "Yes;NoAct2"], ["#\\39 6R", "Yes;NoAct3"], ["#\\39 4R", "Off;NoAct3"], ["#\\39 5R", "Off;NoAct2"], ]; for (const [selector, expectedText] of expected) { // Clear the textfield await clearInput(page, "#\\38 0R"); if (selector) { await page.click(selector); } await page.click("[data-annotation-id='97R']"); await page.waitForFunction( `document.querySelector("#\\\\38 0R").value !== ""` ); const text = await page.$eval("#\\38 0R", el => el.value); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual(expectedText); } }) ); }); }); describe("in doc_actions.pdf for printing", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("doc_actions.pdf", "#\\34 7R"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must execute WillPrint and DidPrint actions", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { if (process.platform === "win32" && browserName === "firefox") { pending("Disabled in Firefox on Windows, because of bug 1662471."); } await page.waitForFunction( "window.PDFViewerApplication.scriptingReady === true" ); await clearInput(page, "#\\34 7R"); await page.evaluate(_ => { window.document.activeElement.blur(); }); await page.waitForFunction( `document.querySelector("#\\\\34 7R").value === ""` ); let text = await actAndWaitForInput(page, "#\\34 7R", async () => { await page.click("#print"); }); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("WillPrint"); await page.waitForFunction( `document.querySelector("#\\\\35 0R").value !== ""` ); text = await page.$eval("#\\35 0R", el => el.value); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("DidPrint"); }) ); }); }); describe("in doc_actions.pdf for saving", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("doc_actions.pdf", "#\\34 7R"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must execute WillSave and DidSave actions", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await page.waitForFunction( "window.PDFViewerApplication.scriptingReady === true" ); try { // Disable download in chrome // (it leads to an error in firefox so the try...) await page._client.send("Page.setDownloadBehavior", { behavior: "deny", }); } catch (_) {} await clearInput(page, "#\\34 7R"); await page.evaluate(_ => { window.document.activeElement.blur(); }); await page.waitForFunction( `document.querySelector("#\\\\34 7R").value === ""` ); let text = await actAndWaitForInput(page, "#\\34 7R", async () => { await page.click("#download"); }); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("WillSave"); await page.waitForFunction( `document.querySelector("#\\\\35 0R").value !== ""` ); text = await page.$eval("#\\35 0R", el => el.value); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("DidSave"); }) ); }); }); describe("in doc_actions.pdf for page actions", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("doc_actions.pdf", "#\\34 7R"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must execute PageOpen and PageClose actions", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await page.waitForFunction( "window.PDFViewerApplication.scriptingReady === true" ); let text = await page.$eval("#\\34 7R", el => el.value); expect(text).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("PageOpen 1"); for (let run = 0; run < 5; run++) { for (const ref of [18, 19, 20, 21, 47, 50]) { await page.evaluate(refElem => { const element = window.document.getElementById(`${refElem}R`); if (element) { element.value = ""; } }, ref); } for (const [refOpen, refClose, pageNumOpen, pageNumClose] of [ [18, 50, 2, 1], [21, 19, 3, 2], [47, 20, 1, 3], ]) { text = await actAndWaitForInput( page, `#\\3${Math.floor(refOpen / 10)} ${refOpen % 10}R`, async () => { await page.evaluate(refElem => { window.document .getElementById(`${refElem}R`) .scrollIntoView(); }, refOpen); }, false ); expect(text) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(`PageOpen ${pageNumOpen}`); text = await page.$eval( `#\\3${Math.floor(refClose / 10)} ${refClose % 10}R`, el => el.value ); expect(text) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(`PageClose ${pageNumClose}`); } } }) ); }); }); describe("in js-authors.pdf", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("js-authors.pdf", "#\\32 5R"); }); it("must print authors in a text field", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { const text = await actAndWaitForInput(page, "#\\32 5R", async () => { await page.click("[data-annotation-id='26R']"); }); expect(text) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual("author1::author2::author3::author4::author5"); }) ); }); }); describe("in listbox_actions.pdf", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("listbox_actions.pdf", "#\\33 3R"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must print selected value in a text field", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { for (const num of [7, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1]) { await page.click(`option[value=Export${num}]`); await page.waitForFunction( `document.querySelector("#\\\\33 3R").value !== ""` ); const text = await page.$eval("#\\33 3R", el => el.value); expect(text) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(`Item${num},Export${num}`); } }) ); }); it("must clear and restore list elements", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { // Click on ClearItems button. await page.click("[data-annotation-id='34R']"); await page.waitForFunction( `document.querySelector("#\\\\33 0R").children.length === 0` ); // Click on Restore button. await page.click("[data-annotation-id='37R']"); await page.waitForFunction( `document.querySelector("#\\\\33 0R").children.length !== 0` ); for (const num of [7, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1]) { await page.click(`option[value=Export${num}]`); await page.waitForFunction( `document.querySelector("#\\\\33 3R").value !== ""` ); const text = await page.$eval("#\\33 3R", el => el.value); expect(text) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(`Item${num},Export${num}`); } }) ); }); it("must insert new elements", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { let len = 6; for (const num of [1, 3, 5, 6, 431, -1, 0]) { ++len; await clearInput(page, "#\\33 9R"); await page.type("#\\33 9R", `${num},Insert${num},Tresni${num}`, { delay: 10, }); // Click on AddItem button. await page.click("[data-annotation-id='38R']"); await page.waitForFunction( `document.querySelector("#\\\\33 0R").children.length === ${len}` ); // Click on newly added option. await page.select("#\\33 0R", `Tresni${num}`); await page.waitForFunction( `document.querySelector("#\\\\33 3R").value !== ""` ); const text = await page.$eval("#\\33 3R", el => el.value); expect(text) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(`Insert${num},Tresni${num}`); } }) ); }); it("must delete some element", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { let len = 6; // Click on Restore button. await page.click("[data-annotation-id='37R']"); await page.waitForFunction( `document.querySelector("#\\\\33 0R").children.length === ${len}` ); for (const num of [2, 5]) { --len; await clearInput(page, "#\\33 9R"); await page.type("#\\33 9R", `${num}`); // Click on DeleteItem button. await page.click("[data-annotation-id='36R']"); await page.waitForFunction( `document.querySelector("#\\\\33 0R").children.length === ${len}` ); } for (const num of [6, 4, 2, 1]) { await page.click(`option[value=Export${num}]`); await page.waitForFunction( `document.querySelector("#\\\\33 3R").value !== ""` ); const text = await page.$eval("#\\33 3R", el => el.value); expect(text) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(`Item${num},Export${num}`); } }) ); }); }); describe("in js-colors.pdf", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("js-colors.pdf", "#\\33 4R"); }); it("must changes colors", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { for (const [name, ref] of [ ["Text1", "#\\33 4R"], ["Check1", "#\\33 5R"], ["Radio1", "#\\33 7R"], ["Choice1", "#\\33 8R"], ]) { await clearInput(page, "#\\33 4R"); await page.type("#\\33 4R", `${name}`, { delay: 10, }); await page.click("[data-annotation-id='41R']"); let color = await page.$eval( ref, el => getComputedStyle(el).backgroundColor ); expect(color) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual("rgb(255, 0, 0)"); await page.click("[data-annotation-id='43R']"); color = await page.$eval(ref, el => getComputedStyle(el).color); expect(color) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual("rgb(0, 255, 0)"); await page.click("[data-annotation-id='44R']"); color = await page.$eval( ref, el => getComputedStyle(el)["border-top-color"] ); expect(color) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual("rgb(0, 0, 255)"); } }) ); }); }); });