/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */ /* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* globals ColorSpace, DeviceCmykCS, DeviceGrayCS, DeviceRgbCS, error, FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX, IDENTITY_MATRIX, ImageData, isArray, isNum, isString, Pattern, TilingPattern, TODO, Util, warn */ 'use strict'; // <canvas> contexts store most of the state we need natively. // However, PDF needs a bit more state, which we store here. var TextRenderingMode = { FILL: 0, STROKE: 1, FILL_STROKE: 2, INVISIBLE: 3, FILL_ADD_TO_PATH: 4, STROKE_ADD_TO_PATH: 5, FILL_STROKE_ADD_TO_PATH: 6, ADD_TO_PATH: 7, ADD_TO_PATH_FLAG: 4 }; // Minimal font size that would be used during canvas fillText operations. var MIN_FONT_SIZE = 1; function createScratchCanvas(width, height) { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; return canvas; } function addContextCurrentTransform(ctx) { // If the context doesn't expose a `mozCurrentTransform`, add a JS based on. if (!ctx.mozCurrentTransform) { // Store the original context ctx._scaleX = ctx._scaleX || 1.0; ctx._scaleY = ctx._scaleY || 1.0; ctx._originalSave = ctx.save; ctx._originalRestore = ctx.restore; ctx._originalRotate = ctx.rotate; ctx._originalScale = ctx.scale; ctx._originalTranslate = ctx.translate; ctx._originalTransform = ctx.transform; ctx._transformMatrix = [ctx._scaleX, 0, 0, ctx._scaleY, 0, 0]; ctx._transformStack = []; Object.defineProperty(ctx, 'mozCurrentTransform', { get: function getCurrentTransform() { return this._transformMatrix; } }); Object.defineProperty(ctx, 'mozCurrentTransformInverse', { get: function getCurrentTransformInverse() { // Calculation done using WolframAlpha: // http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/? // i=Inverse+{{a%2C+c%2C+e}%2C+{b%2C+d%2C+f}%2C+{0%2C+0%2C+1}} var m = this._transformMatrix; var a = m[0], b = m[1], c = m[2], d = m[3], e = m[4], f = m[5]; var ad_bc = a * d - b * c; var bc_ad = b * c - a * d; return [ d / ad_bc, b / bc_ad, c / bc_ad, a / ad_bc, (d * e - c * f) / bc_ad, (b * e - a * f) / ad_bc ]; } }); ctx.save = function ctxSave() { var old = this._transformMatrix; this._transformStack.push(old); this._transformMatrix = old.slice(0, 6); this._originalSave(); }; ctx.restore = function ctxRestore() { var prev = this._transformStack.pop(); if (prev) { this._transformMatrix = prev; this._originalRestore(); } }; ctx.translate = function ctxTranslate(x, y) { var m = this._transformMatrix; m[4] = m[0] * x + m[2] * y + m[4]; m[5] = m[1] * x + m[3] * y + m[5]; this._originalTranslate(x, y); }; ctx.scale = function ctxScale(x, y) { var m = this._transformMatrix; m[0] = m[0] * x; m[1] = m[1] * x; m[2] = m[2] * y; m[3] = m[3] * y; this._originalScale(x, y); }; ctx.transform = function ctxTransform(a, b, c, d, e, f) { var m = this._transformMatrix; this._transformMatrix = [ m[0] * a + m[2] * b, m[1] * a + m[3] * b, m[0] * c + m[2] * d, m[1] * c + m[3] * d, m[0] * e + m[2] * f + m[4], m[1] * e + m[3] * f + m[5] ]; ctx._originalTransform(a, b, c, d, e, f); }; ctx.rotate = function ctxRotate(angle) { var cosValue = Math.cos(angle); var sinValue = Math.sin(angle); var m = this._transformMatrix; this._transformMatrix = [ m[0] * cosValue + m[2] * sinValue, m[1] * cosValue + m[3] * sinValue, m[0] * (-sinValue) + m[2] * cosValue, m[1] * (-sinValue) + m[3] * cosValue, m[4], m[5] ]; this._originalRotate(angle); }; } } var CanvasExtraState = (function CanvasExtraStateClosure() { function CanvasExtraState(old) { // Are soft masks and alpha values shapes or opacities? this.alphaIsShape = false; this.fontSize = 0; this.fontSizeScale = 1; this.textMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX; this.fontMatrix = FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX; this.leading = 0; // Current point (in user coordinates) this.x = 0; this.y = 0; // Start of text line (in text coordinates) this.lineX = 0; this.lineY = 0; // Character and word spacing this.charSpacing = 0; this.wordSpacing = 0; this.textHScale = 1; this.textRenderingMode = TextRenderingMode.FILL; this.textRise = 0; // Color spaces this.fillColorSpace = new DeviceGrayCS(); this.fillColorSpaceObj = null; this.strokeColorSpace = new DeviceGrayCS(); this.strokeColorSpaceObj = null; this.fillColorObj = null; this.strokeColorObj = null; // Default fore and background colors this.fillColor = '#000000'; this.strokeColor = '#000000'; // Note: fill alpha applies to all non-stroking operations this.fillAlpha = 1; this.strokeAlpha = 1; this.lineWidth = 1; this.paintFormXObjectDepth = 0; this.old = old; } CanvasExtraState.prototype = { clone: function CanvasExtraState_clone() { return Object.create(this); }, setCurrentPoint: function CanvasExtraState_setCurrentPoint(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } }; return CanvasExtraState; })(); var CanvasGraphics = (function CanvasGraphicsClosure() { // Defines the time the executeOperatorList is going to be executing // before it stops and shedules a continue of execution. var EXECUTION_TIME = 15; function CanvasGraphics(canvasCtx, commonObjs, objs, textLayer, imageLayer) { this.ctx = canvasCtx; this.current = new CanvasExtraState(); this.stateStack = []; this.pendingClip = null; this.res = null; this.xobjs = null; this.commonObjs = commonObjs; this.objs = objs; this.textLayer = textLayer; this.imageLayer = imageLayer; if (canvasCtx) { addContextCurrentTransform(canvasCtx); } } function applyStencilMask(imgArray, width, height, inverseDecode, buffer) { var imgArrayPos = 0; var i, j, mask, buf; // removing making non-masked pixels transparent var bufferPos = 3; // alpha component offset for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { mask = 0; for (j = 0; j < width; j++) { if (!mask) { buf = imgArray[imgArrayPos++]; mask = 128; } if (!(buf & mask) === inverseDecode) { buffer[bufferPos] = 0; } bufferPos += 4; mask >>= 1; } } } function putBinaryImageData(ctx, data, w, h) { var tmpImgData = 'createImageData' in ctx ? ctx.createImageData(w, h) : ctx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h); var tmpImgDataPixels = tmpImgData.data; if ('set' in tmpImgDataPixels) tmpImgDataPixels.set(data); else { // Copy over the imageData pixel by pixel. for (var i = 0, ii = tmpImgDataPixels.length; i < ii; i++) tmpImgDataPixels[i] = data[i]; } ctx.putImageData(tmpImgData, 0, 0); } function prescaleImage(pixels, width, height, widthScale, heightScale) { pixels = new Uint8Array(pixels); // creating a copy while (widthScale > 2 || heightScale > 2) { if (heightScale > 2) { // scaling image twice vertically var rowSize = width * 4; var k = 0, l = 0; for (var i = 0; i < height - 1; i += 2) { for (var j = 0; j < width; j++) { var alpha1 = pixels[k + 3], alpha2 = pixels[k + 3 + rowSize]; if (alpha1 === alpha2) { pixels[l] = (pixels[k] + pixels[k + rowSize]) >> 1; pixels[l + 1] = (pixels[k + 1] + pixels[k + 1 + rowSize]) >> 1; pixels[l + 2] = (pixels[k + 2] + pixels[k + 2 + rowSize]) >> 1; pixels[l + 3] = alpha1; } else if (alpha1 < alpha2) { var d = 256 - alpha2 + alpha1; pixels[l] = (pixels[k] * d + (pixels[k + rowSize] << 8)) >> 9; pixels[l + 1] = (pixels[k + 1] * d + (pixels[k + 1 + rowSize] << 8)) >> 9; pixels[l + 2] = (pixels[k + 2] * d + (pixels[k + 2 + rowSize] << 8)) >> 9; pixels[l + 3] = alpha2; } else { var d = 256 - alpha1 + alpha2; pixels[l] = ((pixels[k] << 8) + pixels[k + rowSize] * d) >> 9; pixels[l + 1] = ((pixels[k + 1] << 8) + pixels[k + 1 + rowSize] * d) >> 9; pixels[l + 2] = ((pixels[k + 2] << 8) + pixels[k + 2 + rowSize] * d) >> 9; pixels[l + 3] = alpha1; } k += 4; l += 4; } k += rowSize; } if (height & 1) { for (var i = 0; i < rowSize; i++) { pixels[l++] = pixels[k++]; } } height = (height + 1) >> 1; heightScale /= 2; } if (widthScale > 2) { // scaling image twice horizontally var k = 0, l = 0; for (var i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < width - 1; j += 2) { var alpha1 = pixels[k + 3], alpha2 = pixels[k + 7]; if (alpha1 === alpha2) { pixels[l] = (pixels[k] + pixels[k + 4]) >> 1; pixels[l + 1] = (pixels[k + 1] + pixels[k + 5]) >> 1; pixels[l + 2] = (pixels[k + 2] + pixels[k + 6]) >> 1; pixels[l + 3] = alpha1; } else if (alpha1 < alpha2) { var d = 256 - alpha2 + alpha1; pixels[l] = (pixels[k] * d + (pixels[k + 4] << 8)) >> 9; pixels[l + 1] = (pixels[k + 1] * d + (pixels[k + 5] << 8)) >> 9; pixels[l + 2] = (pixels[k + 2] * d + (pixels[k + 6] << 8)) >> 9; pixels[l + 3] = alpha2; } else { var d = 256 - alpha1 + alpha2; pixels[l] = ((pixels[k] << 8) + pixels[k + 4] * d) >> 9; pixels[l + 1] = ((pixels[k + 1] << 8) + pixels[k + 5] * d) >> 9; pixels[l + 2] = ((pixels[k + 2] << 8) + pixels[k + 6] * d) >> 9; pixels[l + 3] = alpha1; } k += 8; l += 4; } if (width & 1) { pixels[l++] = pixels[k++]; pixels[l++] = pixels[k++]; pixels[l++] = pixels[k++]; pixels[l++] = pixels[k++]; } } width = (width + 1) >> 1; widthScale /= 2; } } var tmpCanvas = createScratchCanvas(width, height); var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); putBinaryImageData(tmpCtx, pixels.subarray(0, width * height * 4), width, height); return tmpCanvas; } var LINE_CAP_STYLES = ['butt', 'round', 'square']; var LINE_JOIN_STYLES = ['miter', 'round', 'bevel']; var NORMAL_CLIP = {}; var EO_CLIP = {}; CanvasGraphics.prototype = { slowCommands: { 'stroke': true, 'closeStroke': true, 'fill': true, 'eoFill': true, 'fillStroke': true, 'eoFillStroke': true, 'closeFillStroke': true, 'closeEOFillStroke': true, 'showText': true, 'showSpacedText': true, 'setStrokeColorSpace': true, 'setFillColorSpace': true, 'setStrokeColor': true, 'setStrokeColorN': true, 'setFillColor': true, 'setFillColorN': true, 'setStrokeGray': true, 'setFillGray': true, 'setStrokeRGBColor': true, 'setFillRGBColor': true, 'setStrokeCMYKColor': true, 'setFillCMYKColor': true, 'paintJpegXObject': true, 'paintImageXObject': true, 'paintInlineImageXObject': true, 'paintInlineImageXObjectGroup': true, 'paintImageMaskXObject': true, 'paintImageMaskXObjectGroup': true, 'shadingFill': true }, beginDrawing: function CanvasGraphics_beginDrawing(viewport) { var transform = viewport.transform; this.ctx.save(); this.ctx.transform.apply(this.ctx, transform); if (this.textLayer) { this.textLayer.beginLayout(); } if (this.imageLayer) { this.imageLayer.beginLayout(); } }, executeOperatorList: function CanvasGraphics_executeOperatorList( operatorList, executionStartIdx, continueCallback, stepper) { var argsArray = operatorList.argsArray; var fnArray = operatorList.fnArray; var i = executionStartIdx || 0; var argsArrayLen = argsArray.length; // Sometimes the OperatorList to execute is empty. if (argsArrayLen == i) { return i; } var executionEndIdx; var endTime = Date.now() + EXECUTION_TIME; var commonObjs = this.commonObjs; var objs = this.objs; var fnName; var slowCommands = this.slowCommands; while (true) { if (stepper && i === stepper.nextBreakPoint) { stepper.breakIt(i, continueCallback); return i; } fnName = fnArray[i]; if (fnName !== 'dependency') { this[fnName].apply(this, argsArray[i]); } else { var deps = argsArray[i]; for (var n = 0, nn = deps.length; n < nn; n++) { var depObjId = deps[n]; var common = depObjId.substring(0, 2) == 'g_'; // If the promise isn't resolved yet, add the continueCallback // to the promise and bail out. if (!common && !objs.isResolved(depObjId)) { objs.get(depObjId, continueCallback); return i; } if (common && !commonObjs.isResolved(depObjId)) { commonObjs.get(depObjId, continueCallback); return i; } } } i++; // If the entire operatorList was executed, stop as were done. if (i == argsArrayLen) { return i; } // If the execution took longer then a certain amount of time, shedule // to continue exeution after a short delay. // However, this is only possible if a 'continueCallback' is passed in. if (continueCallback && slowCommands[fnName] && Date.now() > endTime) { setTimeout(continueCallback, 0); return i; } // If the operatorList isn't executed completely yet OR the execution // time was short enough, do another execution round. } }, endDrawing: function CanvasGraphics_endDrawing() { this.ctx.restore(); if (this.textLayer) { this.textLayer.endLayout(); } if (this.imageLayer) { this.imageLayer.endLayout(); } }, // Graphics state setLineWidth: function CanvasGraphics_setLineWidth(width) { this.current.lineWidth = width; this.ctx.lineWidth = width; }, setLineCap: function CanvasGraphics_setLineCap(style) { this.ctx.lineCap = LINE_CAP_STYLES[style]; }, setLineJoin: function CanvasGraphics_setLineJoin(style) { this.ctx.lineJoin = LINE_JOIN_STYLES[style]; }, setMiterLimit: function CanvasGraphics_setMiterLimit(limit) { this.ctx.miterLimit = limit; }, setDash: function CanvasGraphics_setDash(dashArray, dashPhase) { var ctx = this.ctx; if ('setLineDash' in ctx) { ctx.setLineDash(dashArray); ctx.lineDashOffset = dashPhase; } else { ctx.mozDash = dashArray; ctx.mozDashOffset = dashPhase; } }, setRenderingIntent: function CanvasGraphics_setRenderingIntent(intent) { // Maybe if we one day fully support color spaces this will be important // for now we can ignore. // TODO set rendering intent? }, setFlatness: function CanvasGraphics_setFlatness(flatness) { // There's no way to control this with canvas, but we can safely ignore. // TODO set flatness? }, setGState: function CanvasGraphics_setGState(states) { for (var i = 0, ii = states.length; i < ii; i++) { var state = states[i]; var key = state[0]; var value = state[1]; switch (key) { case 'LW': this.setLineWidth(value); break; case 'LC': this.setLineCap(value); break; case 'LJ': this.setLineJoin(value); break; case 'ML': this.setMiterLimit(value); break; case 'D': this.setDash(value[0], value[1]); break; case 'RI': this.setRenderingIntent(value); break; case 'FL': this.setFlatness(value); break; case 'Font': this.setFont(state[1], state[2]); break; case 'CA': this.current.strokeAlpha = state[1]; break; case 'ca': this.current.fillAlpha = state[1]; this.ctx.globalAlpha = state[1]; break; case 'BM': if (value && value.name && (value.name !== 'Normal')) { var mode = value.name.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function(c) { return '-' + c.toLowerCase(); } ).substring(1); this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = mode; if (this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation !== mode) { warn('globalCompositeOperation "' + mode + '" is not supported'); } } else { this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over'; } break; } } }, save: function CanvasGraphics_save() { this.ctx.save(); var old = this.current; this.stateStack.push(old); this.current = old.clone(); }, restore: function CanvasGraphics_restore() { if ('textClipLayers' in this) { this.completeTextClipping(); } var prev = this.stateStack.pop(); if (prev) { this.current = prev; this.ctx.restore(); } }, transform: function CanvasGraphics_transform(a, b, c, d, e, f) { this.ctx.transform(a, b, c, d, e, f); }, // Path moveTo: function CanvasGraphics_moveTo(x, y) { this.ctx.moveTo(x, y); this.current.setCurrentPoint(x, y); }, lineTo: function CanvasGraphics_lineTo(x, y) { this.ctx.lineTo(x, y); this.current.setCurrentPoint(x, y); }, curveTo: function CanvasGraphics_curveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) { this.ctx.bezierCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); this.current.setCurrentPoint(x3, y3); }, curveTo2: function CanvasGraphics_curveTo2(x2, y2, x3, y3) { var current = this.current; this.ctx.bezierCurveTo(current.x, current.y, x2, y2, x3, y3); current.setCurrentPoint(x3, y3); }, curveTo3: function CanvasGraphics_curveTo3(x1, y1, x3, y3) { this.curveTo(x1, y1, x3, y3, x3, y3); this.current.setCurrentPoint(x3, y3); }, closePath: function CanvasGraphics_closePath() { this.ctx.closePath(); }, rectangle: function CanvasGraphics_rectangle(x, y, width, height) { this.ctx.rect(x, y, width, height); }, stroke: function CanvasGraphics_stroke(consumePath) { consumePath = typeof consumePath !== 'undefined' ? consumePath : true; var ctx = this.ctx; var strokeColor = this.current.strokeColor; if (this.current.lineWidth === 0) ctx.lineWidth = this.getSinglePixelWidth(); // For stroke we want to temporarily change the global alpha to the // stroking alpha. ctx.globalAlpha = this.current.strokeAlpha; if (strokeColor && strokeColor.hasOwnProperty('type') && strokeColor.type === 'Pattern') { // for patterns, we transform to pattern space, calculate // the pattern, call stroke, and restore to user space ctx.save(); ctx.strokeStyle = strokeColor.getPattern(ctx); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } else { ctx.stroke(); } if (consumePath) this.consumePath(); // Restore the global alpha to the fill alpha ctx.globalAlpha = this.current.fillAlpha; }, closeStroke: function CanvasGraphics_closeStroke() { this.closePath(); this.stroke(); }, fill: function CanvasGraphics_fill(consumePath) { consumePath = typeof consumePath !== 'undefined' ? consumePath : true; var ctx = this.ctx; var fillColor = this.current.fillColor; if (fillColor && fillColor.hasOwnProperty('type') && fillColor.type === 'Pattern') { ctx.save(); ctx.fillStyle = fillColor.getPattern(ctx); ctx.fill(); ctx.restore(); } else { ctx.fill(); } if (consumePath) this.consumePath(); }, eoFill: function CanvasGraphics_eoFill() { var savedFillRule = this.setEOFillRule(); this.fill(); this.restoreFillRule(savedFillRule); }, fillStroke: function CanvasGraphics_fillStroke() { this.fill(false); this.stroke(false); this.consumePath(); }, eoFillStroke: function CanvasGraphics_eoFillStroke() { var savedFillRule = this.setEOFillRule(); this.fillStroke(); this.restoreFillRule(savedFillRule); }, closeFillStroke: function CanvasGraphics_closeFillStroke() { this.closePath(); this.fillStroke(); }, closeEOFillStroke: function CanvasGraphics_closeEOFillStroke() { var savedFillRule = this.setEOFillRule(); this.closePath(); this.fillStroke(); this.restoreFillRule(savedFillRule); }, endPath: function CanvasGraphics_endPath() { this.consumePath(); }, // Clipping clip: function CanvasGraphics_clip() { this.pendingClip = NORMAL_CLIP; }, eoClip: function CanvasGraphics_eoClip() { this.pendingClip = EO_CLIP; }, // Text beginText: function CanvasGraphics_beginText() { this.current.textMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX; this.current.x = this.current.lineX = 0; this.current.y = this.current.lineY = 0; }, endText: function CanvasGraphics_endText() { if ('textClipLayers' in this) { this.swapImageForTextClipping(); } }, getCurrentTextClipping: function CanvasGraphics_getCurrentTextClipping() { var ctx = this.ctx; var transform = ctx.mozCurrentTransform; if ('textClipLayers' in this) { // we need to reset only font and transform var maskCtx = this.textClipLayers.maskCtx; maskCtx.setTransform.apply(maskCtx, transform); maskCtx.font = ctx.font; return maskCtx; } var canvasWidth = ctx.canvas.width; var canvasHeight = ctx.canvas.height; // keeping track of the text clipping of the separate canvas var maskCanvas = createScratchCanvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight); var maskCtx = maskCanvas.getContext('2d'); maskCtx.setTransform.apply(maskCtx, transform); maskCtx.font = ctx.font; var textClipLayers = { maskCanvas: maskCanvas, maskCtx: maskCtx }; this.textClipLayers = textClipLayers; return maskCtx; }, swapImageForTextClipping: function CanvasGraphics_swapImageForTextClipping() { var ctx = this.ctx; var canvasWidth = ctx.canvas.width; var canvasHeight = ctx.canvas.height; // saving current image content and clearing whole canvas ctx.save(); ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight); this.textClipLayers.imageData = data; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight); ctx.restore(); }, completeTextClipping: function CanvasGraphics_completeTextClipping() { var ctx = this.ctx; // applying mask to the image (result is saved in maskCanvas) var maskCtx = this.textClipLayers.maskCtx; maskCtx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); maskCtx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-in'; maskCtx.drawImage(ctx.canvas, 0, 0); // restoring image data and applying the result of masked drawing ctx.save(); ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); ctx.putImageData(this.textClipLayers.imageData, 0, 0); ctx.drawImage(this.textClipLayers.maskCanvas, 0, 0); ctx.restore(); delete this.textClipLayers; }, setCharSpacing: function CanvasGraphics_setCharSpacing(spacing) { this.current.charSpacing = spacing; }, setWordSpacing: function CanvasGraphics_setWordSpacing(spacing) { this.current.wordSpacing = spacing; }, setHScale: function CanvasGraphics_setHScale(scale) { this.current.textHScale = scale / 100; }, setLeading: function CanvasGraphics_setLeading(leading) { this.current.leading = -leading; }, setFont: function CanvasGraphics_setFont(fontRefName, size) { var fontObj = this.commonObjs.get(fontRefName); var current = this.current; if (!fontObj) error('Can\'t find font for ' + fontRefName); current.fontMatrix = fontObj.fontMatrix ? fontObj.fontMatrix : FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX; // A valid matrix needs all main diagonal elements to be non-zero // This also ensures we bypass FF bugzilla bug #719844. if (current.fontMatrix[0] === 0 || current.fontMatrix[3] === 0) { warn('Invalid font matrix for font ' + fontRefName); } // The spec for Tf (setFont) says that 'size' specifies the font 'scale', // and in some docs this can be negative (inverted x-y axes). if (size < 0) { size = -size; current.fontDirection = -1; } else { current.fontDirection = 1; } this.current.font = fontObj; this.current.fontSize = size; if (fontObj.coded) return; // we don't need ctx.font for Type3 fonts var name = fontObj.loadedName || 'sans-serif'; var bold = fontObj.black ? (fontObj.bold ? 'bolder' : 'bold') : (fontObj.bold ? 'bold' : 'normal'); var italic = fontObj.italic ? 'italic' : 'normal'; var typeface = '"' + name + '", ' + fontObj.fallbackName; // Some font backends cannot handle fonts below certain size. // Keeping the font at minimal size and using the fontSizeScale to change // the current transformation matrix before the fillText/strokeText. // See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=726227 var browserFontSize = size >= MIN_FONT_SIZE ? size : MIN_FONT_SIZE; this.current.fontSizeScale = browserFontSize != MIN_FONT_SIZE ? 1.0 : size / MIN_FONT_SIZE; var rule = italic + ' ' + bold + ' ' + browserFontSize + 'px ' + typeface; this.ctx.font = rule; }, setTextRenderingMode: function CanvasGraphics_setTextRenderingMode(mode) { this.current.textRenderingMode = mode; }, setTextRise: function CanvasGraphics_setTextRise(rise) { this.current.textRise = rise; }, moveText: function CanvasGraphics_moveText(x, y) { this.current.x = this.current.lineX += x; this.current.y = this.current.lineY += y; }, setLeadingMoveText: function CanvasGraphics_setLeadingMoveText(x, y) { this.setLeading(-y); this.moveText(x, y); }, setTextMatrix: function CanvasGraphics_setTextMatrix(a, b, c, d, e, f) { this.current.textMatrix = [a, b, c, d, e, f]; this.current.x = this.current.lineX = 0; this.current.y = this.current.lineY = 0; }, nextLine: function CanvasGraphics_nextLine() { this.moveText(0, this.current.leading); }, applyTextTransforms: function CanvasGraphics_applyTextTransforms() { var ctx = this.ctx; var current = this.current; ctx.transform.apply(ctx, current.textMatrix); ctx.translate(current.x, current.y + current.textRise); if (current.fontDirection > 0) { ctx.scale(current.textHScale, -1); } else { ctx.scale(-current.textHScale, 1); } }, createTextGeometry: function CanvasGraphics_createTextGeometry() { var geometry = {}; var ctx = this.ctx; var font = this.current.font; var ctxMatrix = ctx.mozCurrentTransform; if (ctxMatrix) { var bl = Util.applyTransform([0, 0], ctxMatrix); var tr = Util.applyTransform([1, 1], ctxMatrix); geometry.x = bl[0]; geometry.y = bl[1]; geometry.hScale = tr[0] - bl[0]; geometry.vScale = tr[1] - bl[1]; } geometry.spaceWidth = font.spaceWidth; geometry.fontName = font.loadedName; geometry.fontFamily = font.fallbackName; geometry.fontSize = this.current.fontSize; return geometry; }, showText: function CanvasGraphics_showText(str, skipTextSelection) { var ctx = this.ctx; var current = this.current; var font = current.font; var glyphs = font.charsToGlyphs(str); var fontSize = current.fontSize; var fontSizeScale = current.fontSizeScale; var charSpacing = current.charSpacing; var wordSpacing = current.wordSpacing; var textHScale = current.textHScale * current.fontDirection; var fontMatrix = current.fontMatrix || FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX; var glyphsLength = glyphs.length; var textLayer = this.textLayer; var geom; var textSelection = textLayer && !skipTextSelection ? true : false; var textRenderingMode = current.textRenderingMode; var canvasWidth = 0.0; var vertical = font.vertical; var defaultVMetrics = font.defaultVMetrics; // Type3 fonts - each glyph is a "mini-PDF" if (font.coded) { ctx.save(); ctx.transform.apply(ctx, current.textMatrix); ctx.translate(current.x, current.y); ctx.scale(textHScale, 1); if (textSelection) { this.save(); ctx.scale(1, -1); geom = this.createTextGeometry(); this.restore(); } for (var i = 0; i < glyphsLength; ++i) { var glyph = glyphs[i]; if (glyph === null) { // word break this.ctx.translate(wordSpacing, 0); current.x += wordSpacing * textHScale; continue; } this.save(); ctx.scale(fontSize, fontSize); ctx.transform.apply(ctx, fontMatrix); this.executeOperatorList(glyph.operatorList); this.restore(); var transformed = Util.applyTransform([glyph.width, 0], fontMatrix); var width = (transformed[0] * fontSize + charSpacing) * current.fontDirection; ctx.translate(width, 0); current.x += width * textHScale; canvasWidth += width; } ctx.restore(); } else { ctx.save(); this.applyTextTransforms(); var lineWidth = current.lineWidth; var a1 = current.textMatrix[0], b1 = current.textMatrix[1]; var scale = Math.sqrt(a1 * a1 + b1 * b1); if (scale === 0 || lineWidth === 0) lineWidth = this.getSinglePixelWidth(); else lineWidth /= scale; if (textSelection) geom = this.createTextGeometry(); if (fontSizeScale != 1.0) { ctx.scale(fontSizeScale, fontSizeScale); lineWidth /= fontSizeScale; } ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth; var x = 0; for (var i = 0; i < glyphsLength; ++i) { var glyph = glyphs[i]; if (glyph === null) { // word break x += current.fontDirection * wordSpacing; continue; } var character = glyph.fontChar; var vmetric = glyph.vmetric || defaultVMetrics; if (vertical) { var vx = glyph.vmetric ? vmetric[1] : glyph.width * 0.5; vx = -vx * fontSize * current.fontMatrix[0]; var vy = vmetric[2] * fontSize * current.fontMatrix[0]; } var width = vmetric ? -vmetric[0] : glyph.width; var charWidth = width * fontSize * current.fontMatrix[0] + charSpacing * current.fontDirection; var accent = glyph.accent; var scaledX, scaledY, scaledAccentX, scaledAccentY; if (!glyph.disabled) { if (vertical) { scaledX = vx / fontSizeScale; scaledY = (x + vy) / fontSizeScale; } else { scaledX = x / fontSizeScale; scaledY = 0; } if (accent) { scaledAccentX = scaledX + accent.offset.x / fontSizeScale; scaledAccentY = scaledY - accent.offset.y / fontSizeScale; } switch (textRenderingMode) { default: // other unsupported rendering modes case TextRenderingMode.FILL: case TextRenderingMode.FILL_ADD_TO_PATH: ctx.fillText(character, scaledX, scaledY); if (accent) { ctx.fillText(accent.fontChar, scaledAccentX, scaledAccentY); } break; case TextRenderingMode.STROKE: case TextRenderingMode.STROKE_ADD_TO_PATH: ctx.strokeText(character, scaledX, scaledY); if (accent) { ctx.strokeText(accent.fontChar, scaledAccentX, scaledAccentY); } break; case TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE: case TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE_ADD_TO_PATH: ctx.fillText(character, scaledX, scaledY); ctx.strokeText(character, scaledX, scaledY); if (accent) { ctx.fillText(accent.fontChar, scaledAccentX, scaledAccentY); ctx.strokeText(accent.fontChar, scaledAccentX, scaledAccentY); } break; case TextRenderingMode.INVISIBLE: case TextRenderingMode.ADD_TO_PATH: break; } if (textRenderingMode & TextRenderingMode.ADD_TO_PATH_FLAG) { var clipCtx = this.getCurrentTextClipping(); clipCtx.fillText(character, scaledX, scaledY); if (accent) { clipCtx.fillText(accent.fontChar, scaledAccentX, scaledAccentY); } } } x += charWidth; canvasWidth += charWidth; } if (vertical) { current.y -= x * textHScale; } else { current.x += x * textHScale; } ctx.restore(); } if (textSelection) { geom.canvasWidth = canvasWidth; if (vertical) { var vmetric = font.defaultVMetrics; geom.x += vmetric[1] * fontSize * current.fontMatrix[0] / fontSizeScale * geom.hScale; geom.y += vmetric[2] * fontSize * current.fontMatrix[0] / fontSizeScale * geom.vScale; } this.textLayer.appendText(geom); } return canvasWidth; }, showSpacedText: function CanvasGraphics_showSpacedText(arr) { var ctx = this.ctx; var current = this.current; var font = current.font; var fontSize = current.fontSize; // TJ array's number is independent from fontMatrix var textHScale = current.textHScale * 0.001 * current.fontDirection; var arrLength = arr.length; var textLayer = this.textLayer; var geom; var canvasWidth = 0.0; var textSelection = textLayer ? true : false; var vertical = font.vertical; var spacingAccumulator = 0; if (textSelection) { ctx.save(); this.applyTextTransforms(); geom = this.createTextGeometry(); ctx.restore(); } for (var i = 0; i < arrLength; ++i) { var e = arr[i]; if (isNum(e)) { var spacingLength = -e * fontSize * textHScale; if (vertical) { current.y += spacingLength; } else { current.x += spacingLength; } if (textSelection) spacingAccumulator += spacingLength; } else if (isString(e)) { var shownCanvasWidth = this.showText(e, true); if (textSelection) { canvasWidth += spacingAccumulator + shownCanvasWidth; spacingAccumulator = 0; } } else { error('TJ array element ' + e + ' is not string or num'); } } if (textSelection) { geom.canvasWidth = canvasWidth; if (vertical) { var fontSizeScale = current.fontSizeScale; var vmetric = font.defaultVMetrics; geom.x += vmetric[1] * fontSize * current.fontMatrix[0] / fontSizeScale * geom.hScale; geom.y += vmetric[2] * fontSize * current.fontMatrix[0] / fontSizeScale * geom.vScale; } this.textLayer.appendText(geom); } }, nextLineShowText: function CanvasGraphics_nextLineShowText(text) { this.nextLine(); this.showText(text); }, nextLineSetSpacingShowText: function CanvasGraphics_nextLineSetSpacingShowText(wordSpacing, charSpacing, text) { this.setWordSpacing(wordSpacing); this.setCharSpacing(charSpacing); this.nextLineShowText(text); }, // Type3 fonts setCharWidth: function CanvasGraphics_setCharWidth(xWidth, yWidth) { // We can safely ignore this since the width should be the same // as the width in the Widths array. }, setCharWidthAndBounds: function CanvasGraphics_setCharWidthAndBounds(xWidth, yWidth, llx, lly, urx, ury) { // TODO According to the spec we're also suppose to ignore any operators // that set color or include images while processing this type3 font. this.rectangle(llx, lly, urx - llx, ury - lly); this.clip(); this.endPath(); }, // Color setStrokeColorSpace: function CanvasGraphics_setStrokeColorSpace(raw) { this.current.strokeColorSpace = ColorSpace.fromIR(raw); }, setFillColorSpace: function CanvasGraphics_setFillColorSpace(raw) { this.current.fillColorSpace = ColorSpace.fromIR(raw); }, setStrokeColor: function CanvasGraphics_setStrokeColor(/*...*/) { var cs = this.current.strokeColorSpace; var rgbColor = cs.getRgb(arguments, 0); var color = Util.makeCssRgb(rgbColor); this.ctx.strokeStyle = color; this.current.strokeColor = color; }, getColorN_Pattern: function CanvasGraphics_getColorN_Pattern(IR, cs) { if (IR[0] == 'TilingPattern') { var args = IR[1]; var base = cs.base; var color; if (base) { var baseComps = base.numComps; color = base.getRgb(args, 0); } var pattern = new TilingPattern(IR, color, this.ctx, this.objs, this.commonObjs); } else if (IR[0] == 'RadialAxial' || IR[0] == 'Dummy') { var pattern = Pattern.shadingFromIR(IR); } else { error('Unkown IR type ' + IR[0]); } return pattern; }, setStrokeColorN: function CanvasGraphics_setStrokeColorN(/*...*/) { var cs = this.current.strokeColorSpace; if (cs.name == 'Pattern') { this.current.strokeColor = this.getColorN_Pattern(arguments, cs); } else { this.setStrokeColor.apply(this, arguments); } }, setFillColor: function CanvasGraphics_setFillColor(/*...*/) { var cs = this.current.fillColorSpace; var rgbColor = cs.getRgb(arguments, 0); var color = Util.makeCssRgb(rgbColor); this.ctx.fillStyle = color; this.current.fillColor = color; }, setFillColorN: function CanvasGraphics_setFillColorN(/*...*/) { var cs = this.current.fillColorSpace; if (cs.name == 'Pattern') { this.current.fillColor = this.getColorN_Pattern(arguments, cs); } else { this.setFillColor.apply(this, arguments); } }, setStrokeGray: function CanvasGraphics_setStrokeGray(gray) { if (!(this.current.strokeColorSpace instanceof DeviceGrayCS)) this.current.strokeColorSpace = new DeviceGrayCS(); var rgbColor = this.current.strokeColorSpace.getRgb(arguments, 0); var color = Util.makeCssRgb(rgbColor); this.ctx.strokeStyle = color; this.current.strokeColor = color; }, setFillGray: function CanvasGraphics_setFillGray(gray) { if (!(this.current.fillColorSpace instanceof DeviceGrayCS)) this.current.fillColorSpace = new DeviceGrayCS(); var rgbColor = this.current.fillColorSpace.getRgb(arguments, 0); var color = Util.makeCssRgb(rgbColor); this.ctx.fillStyle = color; this.current.fillColor = color; }, setStrokeRGBColor: function CanvasGraphics_setStrokeRGBColor(r, g, b) { if (!(this.current.strokeColorSpace instanceof DeviceRgbCS)) this.current.strokeColorSpace = new DeviceRgbCS(); var rgbColor = this.current.strokeColorSpace.getRgb(arguments, 0); var color = Util.makeCssRgb(rgbColor); this.ctx.strokeStyle = color; this.current.strokeColor = color; }, setFillRGBColor: function CanvasGraphics_setFillRGBColor(r, g, b) { if (!(this.current.fillColorSpace instanceof DeviceRgbCS)) this.current.fillColorSpace = new DeviceRgbCS(); var rgbColor = this.current.fillColorSpace.getRgb(arguments, 0); var color = Util.makeCssRgb(rgbColor); this.ctx.fillStyle = color; this.current.fillColor = color; }, setStrokeCMYKColor: function CanvasGraphics_setStrokeCMYKColor(c, m, y, k) { if (!(this.current.strokeColorSpace instanceof DeviceCmykCS)) this.current.strokeColorSpace = new DeviceCmykCS(); var color = Util.makeCssCmyk(arguments); this.ctx.strokeStyle = color; this.current.strokeColor = color; }, setFillCMYKColor: function CanvasGraphics_setFillCMYKColor(c, m, y, k) { if (!(this.current.fillColorSpace instanceof DeviceCmykCS)) this.current.fillColorSpace = new DeviceCmykCS(); var color = Util.makeCssCmyk(arguments); this.ctx.fillStyle = color; this.current.fillColor = color; }, shadingFill: function CanvasGraphics_shadingFill(patternIR) { var ctx = this.ctx; this.save(); var pattern = Pattern.shadingFromIR(patternIR); ctx.fillStyle = pattern.getPattern(ctx); var inv = ctx.mozCurrentTransformInverse; if (inv) { var canvas = ctx.canvas; var width = canvas.width; var height = canvas.height; var bl = Util.applyTransform([0, 0], inv); var br = Util.applyTransform([0, height], inv); var ul = Util.applyTransform([width, 0], inv); var ur = Util.applyTransform([width, height], inv); var x0 = Math.min(bl[0], br[0], ul[0], ur[0]); var y0 = Math.min(bl[1], br[1], ul[1], ur[1]); var x1 = Math.max(bl[0], br[0], ul[0], ur[0]); var y1 = Math.max(bl[1], br[1], ul[1], ur[1]); this.ctx.fillRect(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0); } else { // HACK to draw the gradient onto an infinite rectangle. // PDF gradients are drawn across the entire image while // Canvas only allows gradients to be drawn in a rectangle // The following bug should allow us to remove this. // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=664884 this.ctx.fillRect(-1e10, -1e10, 2e10, 2e10); } this.restore(); }, // Images beginInlineImage: function CanvasGraphics_beginInlineImage() { error('Should not call beginInlineImage'); }, beginImageData: function CanvasGraphics_beginImageData() { error('Should not call beginImageData'); }, paintFormXObjectBegin: function CanvasGraphics_paintFormXObjectBegin(matrix, bbox) { this.save(); this.current.paintFormXObjectDepth++; if (matrix && isArray(matrix) && 6 == matrix.length) this.transform.apply(this, matrix); if (bbox && isArray(bbox) && 4 == bbox.length) { var width = bbox[2] - bbox[0]; var height = bbox[3] - bbox[1]; this.rectangle(bbox[0], bbox[1], width, height); this.clip(); this.endPath(); } }, paintFormXObjectEnd: function CanvasGraphics_paintFormXObjectEnd() { var depth = this.current.paintFormXObjectDepth; do { this.restore(); // some pdf don't close all restores inside object // closing those for them } while (this.current.paintFormXObjectDepth >= depth); }, paintJpegXObject: function CanvasGraphics_paintJpegXObject(objId, w, h) { var domImage = this.objs.get(objId); if (!domImage) { error('Dependent image isn\'t ready yet'); } this.save(); var ctx = this.ctx; // scale the image to the unit square ctx.scale(1 / w, -1 / h); ctx.drawImage(domImage, 0, 0, domImage.width, domImage.height, 0, -h, w, h); if (this.imageLayer) { var currentTransform = ctx.mozCurrentTransformInverse; var position = this.getCanvasPosition(0, 0); this.imageLayer.appendImage({ objId: objId, left: position[0], top: position[1], width: w / currentTransform[0], height: h / currentTransform[3] }); } this.restore(); }, paintImageMaskXObject: function CanvasGraphics_paintImageMaskXObject( imgArray, inverseDecode, width, height) { var ctx = this.ctx; var tmpCanvas = createScratchCanvas(width, height); var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); var fillColor = this.current.fillColor; tmpCtx.fillStyle = (fillColor && fillColor.hasOwnProperty('type') && fillColor.type === 'Pattern') ? fillColor.getPattern(tmpCtx) : fillColor; tmpCtx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); var imgData = tmpCtx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); var pixels = imgData.data; applyStencilMask(imgArray, width, height, inverseDecode, pixels); this.paintInlineImageXObject(imgData); }, paintImageMaskXObjectGroup: function CanvasGraphics_paintImageMaskXObjectGroup(images) { var ctx = this.ctx; var tmpCanvasWidth = 0, tmpCanvasHeight = 0, tmpCanvas, tmpCtx; for (var i = 0, ii = images.length; i < ii; i++) { var image = images[i]; var w = image.width, h = image.height; if (w > tmpCanvasWidth || h > tmpCanvasHeight) { tmpCanvasWidth = Math.max(w, tmpCanvasWidth); tmpCanvasHeight = Math.max(h, tmpCanvasHeight); tmpCanvas = createScratchCanvas(tmpCanvasWidth, tmpCanvasHeight); tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); var fillColor = this.current.fillColor; tmpCtx.fillStyle = (fillColor && fillColor.hasOwnProperty('type') && fillColor.type === 'Pattern') ? fillColor.getPattern(tmpCtx) : fillColor; } tmpCtx.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); var imgData = tmpCtx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h); var pixels = imgData.data; applyStencilMask(image.data, w, h, image.inverseDecode, pixels); tmpCtx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0); ctx.save(); ctx.transform.apply(ctx, image.transform); ctx.scale(1, -1); ctx.drawImage(tmpCanvas, 0, 0, w, h, 0, -1, 1, 1); ctx.restore(); } }, paintImageXObject: function CanvasGraphics_paintImageXObject(objId) { var imgData = this.objs.get(objId); if (!imgData) error('Dependent image isn\'t ready yet'); this.paintInlineImageXObject(imgData); }, paintInlineImageXObject: function CanvasGraphics_paintInlineImageXObject(imgData) { var width = imgData.width; var height = imgData.height; var ctx = this.ctx; this.save(); // scale the image to the unit square ctx.scale(1 / width, -1 / height); var currentTransform = ctx.mozCurrentTransformInverse; var widthScale = Math.max(Math.abs(currentTransform[0]), 1); var heightScale = Math.max(Math.abs(currentTransform[3]), 1); var tmpCanvas = createScratchCanvas(width, height); var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); if (widthScale > 2 || heightScale > 2) { // canvas does not resize well large images to small -- using simple // algorithm to perform pre-scaling tmpCanvas = prescaleImage(imgData.data, width, height, widthScale, heightScale); ctx.drawImage(tmpCanvas, 0, 0, tmpCanvas.width, tmpCanvas.height, 0, -height, width, height); } else { if (typeof ImageData !== 'undefined' && imgData instanceof ImageData) { tmpCtx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0); } else { putBinaryImageData(tmpCtx, imgData.data, width, height); } ctx.drawImage(tmpCanvas, 0, -height); } if (this.imageLayer) { var position = this.getCanvasPosition(0, -height); this.imageLayer.appendImage({ imgData: imgData, left: position[0], top: position[1], width: width / currentTransform[0], height: height / currentTransform[3] }); } this.restore(); }, paintInlineImageXObjectGroup: function CanvasGraphics_paintInlineImageXObjectGroup(imgData, map) { var ctx = this.ctx; var w = imgData.width; var h = imgData.height; var tmpCanvas = createScratchCanvas(w, h); var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); putBinaryImageData(tmpCtx, imgData.data, w, h); for (var i = 0, ii = map.length; i < ii; i++) { var entry = map[i]; ctx.save(); ctx.transform.apply(ctx, entry.transform); ctx.scale(1, -1); ctx.drawImage(tmpCanvas, entry.x, entry.y, entry.w, entry.h, 0, -1, 1, 1); if (this.imageLayer) { var position = this.getCanvasPosition(entry.x, entry.y); this.imageLayer.appendImage({ imgData: imgData, left: position[0], top: position[1], width: w, height: h }); } ctx.restore(); } }, // Marked content markPoint: function CanvasGraphics_markPoint(tag) { // TODO Marked content. }, markPointProps: function CanvasGraphics_markPointProps(tag, properties) { // TODO Marked content. }, beginMarkedContent: function CanvasGraphics_beginMarkedContent(tag) { // TODO Marked content. }, beginMarkedContentProps: function CanvasGraphics_beginMarkedContentProps( tag, properties) { // TODO Marked content. }, endMarkedContent: function CanvasGraphics_endMarkedContent() { // TODO Marked content. }, // Compatibility beginCompat: function CanvasGraphics_beginCompat() { // TODO ignore undefined operators (should we do that anyway?) }, endCompat: function CanvasGraphics_endCompat() { // TODO stop ignoring undefined operators }, // Helper functions consumePath: function CanvasGraphics_consumePath() { if (this.pendingClip) { var savedFillRule = null; if (this.pendingClip == EO_CLIP) savedFillRule = this.setEOFillRule(); this.ctx.clip(); this.pendingClip = null; if (savedFillRule !== null) this.restoreFillRule(savedFillRule); } this.ctx.beginPath(); }, // We generally keep the canvas context set for // nonzero-winding, and just set evenodd for the operations // that need them. setEOFillRule: function CanvasGraphics_setEOFillRule() { var savedFillRule = this.ctx.mozFillRule; this.ctx.mozFillRule = 'evenodd'; return savedFillRule; }, restoreFillRule: function CanvasGraphics_restoreFillRule(rule) { this.ctx.mozFillRule = rule; }, getSinglePixelWidth: function CanvasGraphics_getSinglePixelWidth(scale) { var inverse = this.ctx.mozCurrentTransformInverse; // max of the current horizontal and vertical scale return Math.sqrt(Math.max( (inverse[0] * inverse[0] + inverse[1] * inverse[1]), (inverse[2] * inverse[2] + inverse[3] * inverse[3]))); }, getCanvasPosition: function CanvasGraphics_getCanvasPosition(x, y) { var transform = this.ctx.mozCurrentTransform; return [ transform[0] * x + transform[2] * y + transform[4], transform[1] * x + transform[3] * y + transform[5] ]; } }; return CanvasGraphics; })();