/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* globals __non_webpack_require__ */ import { AbortException, assert, MissingPDFException, PromiseCapability, } from "../shared/util.js"; import { extractFilenameFromHeader, validateRangeRequestCapabilities, } from "./network_utils.js"; if (typeof PDFJSDev !== "undefined" && PDFJSDev.test("MOZCENTRAL")) { throw new Error( 'Module "./node_stream.js" shall not be used with MOZCENTRAL builds.' ); } const fileUriRegex = /^file:\/\/\/[a-zA-Z]:\//; function parseUrl(sourceUrl) { const url = __non_webpack_require__("url"); const parsedUrl = url.parse(sourceUrl); if (parsedUrl.protocol === "file:" || parsedUrl.host) { return parsedUrl; } // Prepending 'file:///' to Windows absolute path. if (/^[a-z]:[/\\]/i.test(sourceUrl)) { return url.parse(`file:///${sourceUrl}`); } // Changes protocol to 'file:' if url refers to filesystem. if (!parsedUrl.host) { parsedUrl.protocol = "file:"; } return parsedUrl; } class PDFNodeStream { constructor(source) { this.source = source; this.url = parseUrl(source.url); this.isHttp = this.url.protocol === "http:" || this.url.protocol === "https:"; // Check if url refers to filesystem. this.isFsUrl = this.url.protocol === "file:"; this.httpHeaders = (this.isHttp && source.httpHeaders) || {}; this._fullRequestReader = null; this._rangeRequestReaders = []; } get _progressiveDataLength() { return this._fullRequestReader?._loaded ?? 0; } getFullReader() { assert( !this._fullRequestReader, "PDFNodeStream.getFullReader can only be called once." ); this._fullRequestReader = this.isFsUrl ? new PDFNodeStreamFsFullReader(this) : new PDFNodeStreamFullReader(this); return this._fullRequestReader; } getRangeReader(start, end) { if (end <= this._progressiveDataLength) { return null; } const rangeReader = this.isFsUrl ? new PDFNodeStreamFsRangeReader(this, start, end) : new PDFNodeStreamRangeReader(this, start, end); this._rangeRequestReaders.push(rangeReader); return rangeReader; } cancelAllRequests(reason) { this._fullRequestReader?.cancel(reason); for (const reader of this._rangeRequestReaders.slice(0)) { reader.cancel(reason); } } } class BaseFullReader { constructor(stream) { this._url = stream.url; this._done = false; this._storedError = null; this.onProgress = null; const source = stream.source; this._contentLength = source.length; // optional this._loaded = 0; this._filename = null; this._disableRange = source.disableRange || false; this._rangeChunkSize = source.rangeChunkSize; if (!this._rangeChunkSize && !this._disableRange) { this._disableRange = true; } this._isStreamingSupported = !source.disableStream; this._isRangeSupported = !source.disableRange; this._readableStream = null; this._readCapability = new PromiseCapability(); this._headersCapability = new PromiseCapability(); } get headersReady() { return this._headersCapability.promise; } get filename() { return this._filename; } get contentLength() { return this._contentLength; } get isRangeSupported() { return this._isRangeSupported; } get isStreamingSupported() { return this._isStreamingSupported; } async read() { await this._readCapability.promise; if (this._done) { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } if (this._storedError) { throw this._storedError; } const chunk = this._readableStream.read(); if (chunk === null) { this._readCapability = new PromiseCapability(); return this.read(); } this._loaded += chunk.length; this.onProgress?.({ loaded: this._loaded, total: this._contentLength, }); // Ensure that `read()` method returns ArrayBuffer. const buffer = new Uint8Array(chunk).buffer; return { value: buffer, done: false }; } cancel(reason) { // Call `this._error()` method when cancel is called // before _readableStream is set. if (!this._readableStream) { this._error(reason); return; } this._readableStream.destroy(reason); } _error(reason) { this._storedError = reason; this._readCapability.resolve(); } _setReadableStream(readableStream) { this._readableStream = readableStream; readableStream.on("readable", () => { this._readCapability.resolve(); }); readableStream.on("end", () => { // Destroy readable to minimize resource usage. readableStream.destroy(); this._done = true; this._readCapability.resolve(); }); readableStream.on("error", reason => { this._error(reason); }); // We need to stop reading when range is supported and streaming is // disabled. if (!this._isStreamingSupported && this._isRangeSupported) { this._error(new AbortException("streaming is disabled")); } // Destroy ReadableStream if already in errored state. if (this._storedError) { this._readableStream.destroy(this._storedError); } } } class BaseRangeReader { constructor(stream) { this._url = stream.url; this._done = false; this._storedError = null; this.onProgress = null; this._loaded = 0; this._readableStream = null; this._readCapability = new PromiseCapability(); const source = stream.source; this._isStreamingSupported = !source.disableStream; } get isStreamingSupported() { return this._isStreamingSupported; } async read() { await this._readCapability.promise; if (this._done) { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } if (this._storedError) { throw this._storedError; } const chunk = this._readableStream.read(); if (chunk === null) { this._readCapability = new PromiseCapability(); return this.read(); } this._loaded += chunk.length; this.onProgress?.({ loaded: this._loaded }); // Ensure that `read()` method returns ArrayBuffer. const buffer = new Uint8Array(chunk).buffer; return { value: buffer, done: false }; } cancel(reason) { // Call `this._error()` method when cancel is called // before _readableStream is set. if (!this._readableStream) { this._error(reason); return; } this._readableStream.destroy(reason); } _error(reason) { this._storedError = reason; this._readCapability.resolve(); } _setReadableStream(readableStream) { this._readableStream = readableStream; readableStream.on("readable", () => { this._readCapability.resolve(); }); readableStream.on("end", () => { // Destroy readableStream to minimize resource usage. readableStream.destroy(); this._done = true; this._readCapability.resolve(); }); readableStream.on("error", reason => { this._error(reason); }); // Destroy readableStream if already in errored state. if (this._storedError) { this._readableStream.destroy(this._storedError); } } } function createRequestOptions(parsedUrl, headers) { return { protocol: parsedUrl.protocol, auth: parsedUrl.auth, host: parsedUrl.hostname, port: parsedUrl.port, path: parsedUrl.path, method: "GET", headers, }; } class PDFNodeStreamFullReader extends BaseFullReader { constructor(stream) { super(stream); const handleResponse = response => { if (response.statusCode === 404) { const error = new MissingPDFException(`Missing PDF "${this._url}".`); this._storedError = error; this._headersCapability.reject(error); return; } this._headersCapability.resolve(); this._setReadableStream(response); const getResponseHeader = name => { // Make sure that headers name are in lower case, as mentioned // here: https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_message_headers. return this._readableStream.headers[name.toLowerCase()]; }; const { allowRangeRequests, suggestedLength } = validateRangeRequestCapabilities({ getResponseHeader, isHttp: stream.isHttp, rangeChunkSize: this._rangeChunkSize, disableRange: this._disableRange, }); this._isRangeSupported = allowRangeRequests; // Setting right content length. this._contentLength = suggestedLength || this._contentLength; this._filename = extractFilenameFromHeader(getResponseHeader); }; this._request = null; if (this._url.protocol === "http:") { const http = __non_webpack_require__("http"); this._request = http.request( createRequestOptions(this._url, stream.httpHeaders), handleResponse ); } else { const https = __non_webpack_require__("https"); this._request = https.request( createRequestOptions(this._url, stream.httpHeaders), handleResponse ); } this._request.on("error", reason => { this._storedError = reason; this._headersCapability.reject(reason); }); // Note: `request.end(data)` is used to write `data` to request body // and notify end of request. But one should always call `request.end()` // even if there is no data to write -- (to notify the end of request). this._request.end(); } } class PDFNodeStreamRangeReader extends BaseRangeReader { constructor(stream, start, end) { super(stream); this._httpHeaders = {}; for (const property in stream.httpHeaders) { const value = stream.httpHeaders[property]; if (value === undefined) { continue; } this._httpHeaders[property] = value; } this._httpHeaders.Range = `bytes=${start}-${end - 1}`; const handleResponse = response => { if (response.statusCode === 404) { const error = new MissingPDFException(`Missing PDF "${this._url}".`); this._storedError = error; return; } this._setReadableStream(response); }; this._request = null; if (this._url.protocol === "http:") { const http = __non_webpack_require__("http"); this._request = http.request( createRequestOptions(this._url, this._httpHeaders), handleResponse ); } else { const https = __non_webpack_require__("https"); this._request = https.request( createRequestOptions(this._url, this._httpHeaders), handleResponse ); } this._request.on("error", reason => { this._storedError = reason; }); this._request.end(); } } class PDFNodeStreamFsFullReader extends BaseFullReader { constructor(stream) { super(stream); let path = decodeURIComponent(this._url.path); // Remove the extra slash to get right path from url like `file:///C:/` if (fileUriRegex.test(this._url.href)) { path = path.replace(/^\//, ""); } const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs"); fs.lstat(path, (error, stat) => { if (error) { if (error.code === "ENOENT") { error = new MissingPDFException(`Missing PDF "${path}".`); } this._storedError = error; this._headersCapability.reject(error); return; } // Setting right content length. this._contentLength = stat.size; this._setReadableStream(fs.createReadStream(path)); this._headersCapability.resolve(); }); } } class PDFNodeStreamFsRangeReader extends BaseRangeReader { constructor(stream, start, end) { super(stream); let path = decodeURIComponent(this._url.path); // Remove the extra slash to get right path from url like `file:///C:/` if (fileUriRegex.test(this._url.href)) { path = path.replace(/^\//, ""); } const fs = __non_webpack_require__("fs"); this._setReadableStream(fs.createReadStream(path, { start, end: end - 1 })); } } export { PDFNodeStream };