/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import {
  arrayByteLength, arraysToBytes, assert, createPromiseCapability, isEmptyObj,
  isInt, MissingDataException
} from '../shared/util';

var ChunkedStream = (function ChunkedStreamClosure() {
  function ChunkedStream(length, chunkSize, manager) {
    this.bytes = new Uint8Array(length);
    this.start = 0;
    this.pos = 0;
    this.end = length;
    this.chunkSize = chunkSize;
    this.loadedChunks = [];
    this.numChunksLoaded = 0;
    this.numChunks = Math.ceil(length / chunkSize);
    this.manager = manager;
    this.progressiveDataLength = 0;
    this.lastSuccessfulEnsureByteChunk = -1;  // a single-entry cache

  // required methods for a stream. if a particular stream does not
  // implement these, an error should be thrown
  ChunkedStream.prototype = {

    getMissingChunks: function ChunkedStream_getMissingChunks() {
      var chunks = [];
      for (var chunk = 0, n = this.numChunks; chunk < n; ++chunk) {
        if (!this.loadedChunks[chunk]) {
      return chunks;

    getBaseStreams: function ChunkedStream_getBaseStreams() {
      return [this];

    allChunksLoaded: function ChunkedStream_allChunksLoaded() {
      return this.numChunksLoaded === this.numChunks;

    onReceiveData: function ChunkedStream_onReceiveData(begin, chunk) {
      var end = begin + chunk.byteLength;

      assert(begin % this.chunkSize === 0, 'Bad begin offset: ' + begin);
      // Using this.length is inaccurate here since this.start can be moved
      // See ChunkedStream.moveStart()
      var length = this.bytes.length;
      assert(end % this.chunkSize === 0 || end === length,
             'Bad end offset: ' + end);

      this.bytes.set(new Uint8Array(chunk), begin);
      var chunkSize = this.chunkSize;
      var beginChunk = Math.floor(begin / chunkSize);
      var endChunk = Math.floor((end - 1) / chunkSize) + 1;
      var curChunk;

      for (curChunk = beginChunk; curChunk < endChunk; ++curChunk) {
        if (!this.loadedChunks[curChunk]) {
          this.loadedChunks[curChunk] = true;

        function ChunkedStream_onReceiveProgressiveData(data) {
      var position = this.progressiveDataLength;
      var beginChunk = Math.floor(position / this.chunkSize);

      this.bytes.set(new Uint8Array(data), position);
      position += data.byteLength;
      this.progressiveDataLength = position;
      var endChunk = position >= this.end ? this.numChunks :
                     Math.floor(position / this.chunkSize);
      var curChunk;
      for (curChunk = beginChunk; curChunk < endChunk; ++curChunk) {
        if (!this.loadedChunks[curChunk]) {
          this.loadedChunks[curChunk] = true;

    ensureByte: function ChunkedStream_ensureByte(pos) {
      var chunk = Math.floor(pos / this.chunkSize);
      if (chunk === this.lastSuccessfulEnsureByteChunk) {

      if (!this.loadedChunks[chunk]) {
        throw new MissingDataException(pos, pos + 1);
      this.lastSuccessfulEnsureByteChunk = chunk;

    ensureRange: function ChunkedStream_ensureRange(begin, end) {
      if (begin >= end) {

      if (end <= this.progressiveDataLength) {

      var chunkSize = this.chunkSize;
      var beginChunk = Math.floor(begin / chunkSize);
      var endChunk = Math.floor((end - 1) / chunkSize) + 1;
      for (var chunk = beginChunk; chunk < endChunk; ++chunk) {
        if (!this.loadedChunks[chunk]) {
          throw new MissingDataException(begin, end);

    nextEmptyChunk: function ChunkedStream_nextEmptyChunk(beginChunk) {
      var chunk, numChunks = this.numChunks;
      for (var i = 0; i < numChunks; ++i) {
        chunk = (beginChunk + i) % numChunks; // Wrap around to beginning
        if (!this.loadedChunks[chunk]) {
          return chunk;
      return null;

    hasChunk: function ChunkedStream_hasChunk(chunk) {
      return !!this.loadedChunks[chunk];

    get length() {
      return this.end - this.start;

    get isEmpty() {
      return this.length === 0;

    getByte: function ChunkedStream_getByte() {
      var pos = this.pos;
      if (pos >= this.end) {
        return -1;
      return this.bytes[this.pos++];

    getUint16: function ChunkedStream_getUint16() {
      var b0 = this.getByte();
      var b1 = this.getByte();
      if (b0 === -1 || b1 === -1) {
        return -1;
      return (b0 << 8) + b1;

    getInt32: function ChunkedStream_getInt32() {
      var b0 = this.getByte();
      var b1 = this.getByte();
      var b2 = this.getByte();
      var b3 = this.getByte();
      return (b0 << 24) + (b1 << 16) + (b2 << 8) + b3;

    // returns subarray of original buffer
    // should only be read
    getBytes: function ChunkedStream_getBytes(length) {
      var bytes = this.bytes;
      var pos = this.pos;
      var strEnd = this.end;

      if (!length) {
        this.ensureRange(pos, strEnd);
        return bytes.subarray(pos, strEnd);

      var end = pos + length;
      if (end > strEnd) {
        end = strEnd;
      this.ensureRange(pos, end);

      this.pos = end;
      return bytes.subarray(pos, end);

    peekByte: function ChunkedStream_peekByte() {
      var peekedByte = this.getByte();
      return peekedByte;

    peekBytes: function ChunkedStream_peekBytes(length) {
      var bytes = this.getBytes(length);
      this.pos -= bytes.length;
      return bytes;

    getByteRange: function ChunkedStream_getBytes(begin, end) {
      this.ensureRange(begin, end);
      return this.bytes.subarray(begin, end);

    skip: function ChunkedStream_skip(n) {
      if (!n) {
        n = 1;
      this.pos += n;

    reset: function ChunkedStream_reset() {
      this.pos = this.start;

    moveStart: function ChunkedStream_moveStart() {
      this.start = this.pos;

    makeSubStream: function ChunkedStream_makeSubStream(start, length, dict) {
      this.ensureRange(start, start + length);

      function ChunkedStreamSubstream() {}
      ChunkedStreamSubstream.prototype = Object.create(this);
      ChunkedStreamSubstream.prototype.getMissingChunks = function() {
        var chunkSize = this.chunkSize;
        var beginChunk = Math.floor(this.start / chunkSize);
        var endChunk = Math.floor((this.end - 1) / chunkSize) + 1;
        var missingChunks = [];
        for (var chunk = beginChunk; chunk < endChunk; ++chunk) {
          if (!this.loadedChunks[chunk]) {
        return missingChunks;
      var subStream = new ChunkedStreamSubstream();
      subStream.pos = subStream.start = start;
      subStream.end = start + length || this.end;
      subStream.dict = dict;
      return subStream;

  return ChunkedStream;

var ChunkedStreamManager = (function ChunkedStreamManagerClosure() {

  function ChunkedStreamManager(pdfNetworkStream, args) {
    var chunkSize = args.rangeChunkSize;
    var length = args.length;
    this.stream = new ChunkedStream(length, chunkSize, this);
    this.length = length;
    this.chunkSize = chunkSize;
    this.pdfNetworkStream = pdfNetworkStream;
    this.url = args.url;
    this.disableAutoFetch = args.disableAutoFetch;
    this.msgHandler = args.msgHandler;

    this.currRequestId = 0;

    this.chunksNeededByRequest = Object.create(null);
    this.requestsByChunk = Object.create(null);
    this.promisesByRequest = Object.create(null);
    this.progressiveDataLength = 0;
    this.aborted = false;

    this._loadedStreamCapability = createPromiseCapability();

  ChunkedStreamManager.prototype = {
    onLoadedStream: function ChunkedStreamManager_getLoadedStream() {
      return this._loadedStreamCapability.promise;

    sendRequest: function ChunkedStreamManager_sendRequest(begin, end) {
      var rangeReader = this.pdfNetworkStream.getRangeReader(begin, end);
      if (!rangeReader.isStreamingSupported) {
        rangeReader.onProgress = this.onProgress.bind(this);
      var chunks = [], loaded = 0;
      var manager = this;
      var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        var readChunk = function (chunk) {
          try {
            if (!chunk.done) {
              var data = chunk.value;
              loaded += arrayByteLength(data);
              if (rangeReader.isStreamingSupported) {
                manager.onProgress({ loaded, });
              rangeReader.read().then(readChunk, reject);
            var chunkData = arraysToBytes(chunks);
            chunks = null;
          } catch (e) {
        rangeReader.read().then(readChunk, reject);
      promise.then((data) => {
        if (this.aborted) {
          return; // ignoring any data after abort
        this.onReceiveData({ chunk: data, begin, });
      // TODO check errors

    // Get all the chunks that are not yet loaded and groups them into
    // contiguous ranges to load in as few requests as possible
    requestAllChunks: function ChunkedStreamManager_requestAllChunks() {
      var missingChunks = this.stream.getMissingChunks();
      return this._loadedStreamCapability.promise;

    _requestChunks: function ChunkedStreamManager_requestChunks(chunks) {
      var requestId = this.currRequestId++;

      var i, ii;
      var chunksNeeded = Object.create(null);
      this.chunksNeededByRequest[requestId] = chunksNeeded;
      for (i = 0, ii = chunks.length; i < ii; i++) {
        if (!this.stream.hasChunk(chunks[i])) {
          chunksNeeded[chunks[i]] = true;

      if (isEmptyObj(chunksNeeded)) {
        return Promise.resolve();

      var capability = createPromiseCapability();
      this.promisesByRequest[requestId] = capability;

      var chunksToRequest = [];
      for (var chunk in chunksNeeded) {
        chunk = chunk | 0;
        if (!(chunk in this.requestsByChunk)) {
          this.requestsByChunk[chunk] = [];

      if (!chunksToRequest.length) {
        return capability.promise;

      var groupedChunksToRequest = this.groupChunks(chunksToRequest);

      for (i = 0; i < groupedChunksToRequest.length; ++i) {
        var groupedChunk = groupedChunksToRequest[i];
        var begin = groupedChunk.beginChunk * this.chunkSize;
        var end = Math.min(groupedChunk.endChunk * this.chunkSize, this.length);
        this.sendRequest(begin, end);

      return capability.promise;

    getStream: function ChunkedStreamManager_getStream() {
      return this.stream;

    // Loads any chunks in the requested range that are not yet loaded
    requestRange: function ChunkedStreamManager_requestRange(begin, end) {

      end = Math.min(end, this.length);

      var beginChunk = this.getBeginChunk(begin);
      var endChunk = this.getEndChunk(end);

      var chunks = [];
      for (var chunk = beginChunk; chunk < endChunk; ++chunk) {

      return this._requestChunks(chunks);

    requestRanges: function ChunkedStreamManager_requestRanges(ranges) {
      ranges = ranges || [];
      var chunksToRequest = [];

      for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
        var beginChunk = this.getBeginChunk(ranges[i].begin);
        var endChunk = this.getEndChunk(ranges[i].end);
        for (var chunk = beginChunk; chunk < endChunk; ++chunk) {
          if (chunksToRequest.indexOf(chunk) < 0) {

      chunksToRequest.sort(function(a, b) {
        return a - b;
      return this._requestChunks(chunksToRequest);

    // Groups a sorted array of chunks into as few contiguous larger
    // chunks as possible
    groupChunks: function ChunkedStreamManager_groupChunks(chunks) {
      var groupedChunks = [];
      var beginChunk = -1;
      var prevChunk = -1;
      for (var i = 0; i < chunks.length; ++i) {
        var chunk = chunks[i];

        if (beginChunk < 0) {
          beginChunk = chunk;

        if (prevChunk >= 0 && prevChunk + 1 !== chunk) {
          groupedChunks.push({ beginChunk,
                               endChunk: prevChunk + 1 });
          beginChunk = chunk;
        if (i + 1 === chunks.length) {
          groupedChunks.push({ beginChunk,
                               endChunk: chunk + 1 });

        prevChunk = chunk;
      return groupedChunks;

    onProgress: function ChunkedStreamManager_onProgress(args) {
      var bytesLoaded = (this.stream.numChunksLoaded * this.chunkSize +
      this.msgHandler.send('DocProgress', {
        loaded: bytesLoaded,
        total: this.length

    onReceiveData: function ChunkedStreamManager_onReceiveData(args) {
      var chunk = args.chunk;
      var isProgressive = args.begin === undefined;
      var begin = isProgressive ? this.progressiveDataLength : args.begin;
      var end = begin + chunk.byteLength;

      var beginChunk = Math.floor(begin / this.chunkSize);
      var endChunk = end < this.length ? Math.floor(end / this.chunkSize) :
                                         Math.ceil(end / this.chunkSize);

      if (isProgressive) {
        this.progressiveDataLength = end;
      } else {
        this.stream.onReceiveData(begin, chunk);

      if (this.stream.allChunksLoaded()) {

      var loadedRequests = [];
      var i, requestId;
      for (chunk = beginChunk; chunk < endChunk; ++chunk) {
        // The server might return more chunks than requested
        var requestIds = this.requestsByChunk[chunk] || [];
        delete this.requestsByChunk[chunk];

        for (i = 0; i < requestIds.length; ++i) {
          requestId = requestIds[i];
          var chunksNeeded = this.chunksNeededByRequest[requestId];
          if (chunk in chunksNeeded) {
            delete chunksNeeded[chunk];

          if (!isEmptyObj(chunksNeeded)) {


      // If there are no pending requests, automatically fetch the next
      // unfetched chunk of the PDF
      if (!this.disableAutoFetch && isEmptyObj(this.requestsByChunk)) {
        var nextEmptyChunk;
        if (this.stream.numChunksLoaded === 1) {
          // This is a special optimization so that after fetching the first
          // chunk, rather than fetching the second chunk, we fetch the last
          // chunk.
          var lastChunk = this.stream.numChunks - 1;
          if (!this.stream.hasChunk(lastChunk)) {
            nextEmptyChunk = lastChunk;
        } else {
          nextEmptyChunk = this.stream.nextEmptyChunk(endChunk);
        if (isInt(nextEmptyChunk)) {

      for (i = 0; i < loadedRequests.length; ++i) {
        requestId = loadedRequests[i];
        var capability = this.promisesByRequest[requestId];
        delete this.promisesByRequest[requestId];

      this.msgHandler.send('DocProgress', {
        loaded: this.stream.numChunksLoaded * this.chunkSize,
        total: this.length

    onError: function ChunkedStreamManager_onError(err) {

    getBeginChunk: function ChunkedStreamManager_getBeginChunk(begin) {
      var chunk = Math.floor(begin / this.chunkSize);
      return chunk;

    getEndChunk: function ChunkedStreamManager_getEndChunk(end) {
      var chunk = Math.floor((end - 1) / this.chunkSize) + 1;
      return chunk;

    abort: function ChunkedStreamManager_abort() {
      this.aborted = true;
      if (this.pdfNetworkStream) {
      for (var requestId in this.promisesByRequest) {
        var capability = this.promisesByRequest[requestId];
        capability.reject(new Error('Request was aborted'));

  return ChunkedStreamManager;

export {