/* Copyright 2017 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* globals __non_webpack_require__ */ import { setStubs, unsetStubs } from "../../examples/node/domstubs.js"; import { buildGetDocumentParams } from "./test_utils.js"; import { getDocument } from "../../src/display/api.js"; import { isNodeJS } from "../../src/shared/is_node.js"; import { SVGGraphics } from "../../src/display/svg.js"; const XLINK_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; // withZlib(true, callback); = run test with require('zlib') if possible. // withZlib(false, callback); = run test without require('zlib').deflateSync. // The return value of callback is returned as-is. function withZlib(isZlibRequired, callback) { if (isZlibRequired) { // We could try to polyfill zlib in the browser, e.g. using pako. // For now, only support zlib functionality on Node.js if (!isNodeJS) { throw new Error("zlib test can only be run in Node.js"); } return callback(); } if (!isNodeJS) { // Assume that require('zlib') is unavailable in non-Node. return callback(); } const zlib = __non_webpack_require__("zlib"); const deflateSync = zlib.deflateSync; zlib.deflateSync = disabledDeflateSync; function disabledDeflateSync() { throw new Error("zlib.deflateSync is explicitly disabled for testing."); } function restoreDeflateSync() { if (zlib.deflateSync === disabledDeflateSync) { zlib.deflateSync = deflateSync; } } const promise = callback(); promise.then(restoreDeflateSync, restoreDeflateSync); return promise; } describe("SVGGraphics", function () { let loadingTask; let page; beforeAll(function (done) { loadingTask = getDocument(buildGetDocumentParams("xobject-image.pdf")); loadingTask.promise.then(function (doc) { doc.getPage(1).then(function (firstPage) { page = firstPage; done(); }); }); }); afterAll(function (done) { loadingTask.destroy().then(done); }); describe("paintImageXObject", function () { function getSVGImage() { let svgGfx; return page .getOperatorList() .then(function (opList) { const forceDataSchema = true; svgGfx = new SVGGraphics(page.commonObjs, page.objs, forceDataSchema); return svgGfx.loadDependencies(opList); }) .then(function () { let svgImg; // A mock to steal the svg:image element from paintInlineImageXObject. const elementContainer = { appendChild(element) { svgImg = element; }, }; // This points to the XObject image in xobject-image.pdf. const xobjectObjId = "img_p0_1"; if (isNodeJS) { setStubs(global); } try { const imgData = svgGfx.objs.get(xobjectObjId); svgGfx.paintInlineImageXObject(imgData, elementContainer); } finally { if (isNodeJS) { unsetStubs(global); } } return svgImg; }); } it('should fail require("zlib") unless in Node.js', function () { function testFunc() { __non_webpack_require__("zlib"); } // Verifies that the script loader replaces __non_webpack_require__ with // require. expect(testFunc.toString()).toMatch(/\srequire\(["']zlib["']\)/); if (isNodeJS) { expect(testFunc).not.toThrow(); } else { // require not defined, require('zlib') not a module, etc. expect(testFunc).toThrow(); } }); it("should produce a reasonably small svg:image", function (done) { if (!isNodeJS) { pending("zlib.deflateSync is not supported in non-Node environments."); } withZlib(true, getSVGImage) .then(function (svgImg) { expect(svgImg.nodeName).toBe("svg:image"); expect(svgImg.getAttributeNS(null, "width")).toBe("200px"); expect(svgImg.getAttributeNS(null, "height")).toBe("100px"); const imgUrl = svgImg.getAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, "href"); // forceDataSchema = true, so the generated URL should be a data:-URL. expect(imgUrl).toMatch(/^data:image\/png;base64,/); // Test whether the generated image has a reasonable file size. // I obtained a data URL of size 366 with Node 8.1.3 and zlib 1.2.11. // Without zlib (uncompressed), the size of the data URL was excessive // (80246). expect(imgUrl.length).toBeLessThan(367); }) .then(done, done.fail); }); it("should be able to produce a svg:image without zlib", function (done) { withZlib(false, getSVGImage) .then(function (svgImg) { expect(svgImg.nodeName).toBe("svg:image"); expect(svgImg.getAttributeNS(null, "width")).toBe("200px"); expect(svgImg.getAttributeNS(null, "height")).toBe("100px"); const imgUrl = svgImg.getAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, "href"); expect(imgUrl).toMatch(/^data:image\/png;base64,/); // The size of our naively generated PNG file is excessive :( expect(imgUrl.length).toBe(80246); }) .then(done, done.fail); }); }); });