/* Copyright 2020 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import os from "os"; const isMac = os.platform() === "darwin"; function loadAndWait(filename, selector, zoom, pageSetup) { return Promise.all( global.integrationSessions.map(async session => { const page = await session.browser.newPage(); // In order to avoid errors because of checks which depend on // a locale. await page.evaluateOnNewDocument(() => { Object.defineProperty(navigator, "language", { get() { return "en-US"; }, }); Object.defineProperty(navigator, "languages", { get() { return ["en-US", "en"]; }, }); }); const url = `${ global.integrationBaseUrl }?file=/test/pdfs/${filename}#zoom=${zoom ?? "page-fit"}`; await page.goto(url); if (pageSetup) { await pageSetup(page); } await page.bringToFront(); await page.waitForSelector(selector, { timeout: 0, }); return [session.name, page]; }) ); } function closePages(pages) { return Promise.all( pages.map(async ([_, page]) => { // Avoid to keep something from a previous test. await page.evaluate(() => window.localStorage.clear()); await page.close(); }) ); } async function clearInput(page, selector) { await page.click(selector); await kbSelectAll(page); await page.keyboard.press("Backspace"); await page.waitForTimeout(10); } function getSelector(id) { return `[data-element-id="${id}"]`; } function getQuerySelector(id) { return `document.querySelector('${getSelector(id)}')`; } function getComputedStyleSelector(id) { return `getComputedStyle(${getQuerySelector(id)})`; } function getEditorSelector(n) { return `#pdfjs_internal_editor_${n}`; } function getSelectedEditors(page) { return page.evaluate(() => { const elements = document.querySelectorAll(".selectedEditor"); const results = []; for (const { id } of elements) { results.push(parseInt(id.split("_").at(-1))); } results.sort(); return results; }); } async function waitForEvent(page, eventName, timeout = 5000) { const hasTimedout = await Promise.race([ // add event listener and wait for event to fire before returning page.evaluate( name => new Promise(resolve => { document.addEventListener(name, () => resolve(false), { once: true }); }), eventName ), page.evaluate( timeOut => new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => resolve(true), timeOut); }), timeout ), ]); if (hasTimedout === true) { console.log(`waitForEvent: timeout waiting for ${eventName}`); } } async function waitForStorageEntries(page, nEntries) { return page.waitForFunction( n => window.PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument.annotationStorage.size === n, {}, nEntries ); } async function waitForSerialized(page, nEntries) { return page.waitForFunction( n => (window.PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument.annotationStorage.serializable .map?.size ?? 0) === n, {}, nEntries ); } async function waitForSelectedEditor(page, selector) { return page.waitForSelector(`${selector}.selectedEditor`); } async function waitForUnselectedEditor(page, selector) { return page.waitForSelector(`${selector}:not(.selectedEditor)`); } async function mockClipboard(pages) { return Promise.all( pages.map(async ([_, page]) => { await page.evaluate(() => { let data = null; const clipboard = { writeText: async text => (data = text), readText: async () => data, }; Object.defineProperty(navigator, "clipboard", { value: clipboard }); }); }) ); } async function getSerialized(page, filter = undefined) { const values = await page.evaluate(() => { const { map } = window.PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument.annotationStorage.serializable; return map ? [...map.values()] : []; }); return filter ? values.map(filter) : values; } async function getFirstSerialized(page, filter = undefined) { return (await getSerialized(page, filter))[0]; } function getEditors(page, kind) { return page.evaluate(aKind => { const elements = document.querySelectorAll(`.${aKind}Editor`); const results = []; for (const { id } of elements) { results.push(id); } return results; }, kind); } function getEditorDimensions(page, id) { return page.evaluate(n => { const element = document.getElementById(`pdfjs_internal_editor_${n}`); const { style } = element; return { left: style.left, top: style.top, width: style.width, height: style.height, }; }, id); } async function serializeBitmapDimensions(page) { await page.waitForFunction(() => { try { const map = window.PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument.annotationStorage.serializable .map; return !!map; } catch { return false; } }); return page.evaluate(() => { const { map } = window.PDFViewerApplication.pdfDocument.annotationStorage.serializable; return map ? Array.from(map.values(), x => { return { width: x.bitmap.width, height: x.bitmap.height }; }) : []; }); } async function dragAndDropAnnotation(page, startX, startY, tX, tY) { await page.mouse.move(startX, startY); await page.mouse.down(); await page.waitForTimeout(10); await page.mouse.move(startX + tX, startY + tY); await page.mouse.up(); await page.waitForSelector("#viewer:not(.noUserSelect)"); } async function waitForAnnotationEditorLayer(page) { return page.evaluate(() => { return new Promise(resolve => { window.PDFViewerApplication.eventBus.on( "annotationeditorlayerrendered", resolve ); }); }); } async function waitForTextLayer(page) { return page.evaluate(() => { return new Promise(resolve => { window.PDFViewerApplication.eventBus.on("textlayerrendered", resolve); }); }); } async function scrollIntoView(page, selector) { const promise = page.evaluate( sel => new Promise(resolve => { const el = document.querySelector(sel); const observer = new IntersectionObserver( () => { observer.disconnect(); resolve(); }, { root: document.querySelector("#viewerContainer"), threshold: 0.1, } ); observer.observe(el); }), selector ); await page.evaluate(sel => { const element = document.querySelector(sel); element.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "instant", block: "start" }); }, selector); await promise; await page.waitForFunction( sel => { const element = document.querySelector(sel); const { top, bottom } = element.getBoundingClientRect(); return Math.abs(top) < 100 || Math.abs(bottom - window.innerHeight) < 100; }, {}, selector ); } async function hover(page, selector) { const rect = await page.$eval(selector, el => { const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x, y, width, height }; }); await page.mouse.move(rect.x + rect.width / 2, rect.y + rect.height / 2); } const modifier = isMac ? "Meta" : "Control"; async function kbCopy(page) { await page.keyboard.down(modifier); await page.keyboard.press("c", { commands: ["Copy"] }); await page.keyboard.up(modifier); } async function kbPaste(page) { await page.keyboard.down(modifier); await page.keyboard.press("v", { commands: ["Paste"] }); await page.keyboard.up(modifier); } async function kbUndo(page) { await page.keyboard.down(modifier); await page.keyboard.press("z"); await page.keyboard.up(modifier); } async function kbRedo(page) { if (isMac) { await page.keyboard.down("Meta"); await page.keyboard.down("Shift"); await page.keyboard.press("z"); await page.keyboard.up("Shift"); await page.keyboard.up("Meta"); } else { await page.keyboard.down("Control"); await page.keyboard.press("y"); await page.keyboard.up("Control"); } } async function kbSelectAll(page) { await page.keyboard.down(modifier); await page.keyboard.press("a", { commands: ["SelectAll"] }); await page.keyboard.up(modifier); } async function kbModifierDown(page) { await page.keyboard.down(modifier); } async function kbModifierUp(page) { await page.keyboard.up(modifier); } async function kbGoToEnd(page) { if (isMac) { await page.keyboard.down("Meta"); await page.keyboard.press("ArrowDown", { commands: ["MoveToEndOfDocument"], }); await page.keyboard.up("Meta"); } else { await page.keyboard.down("Control"); await page.keyboard.press("End"); await page.keyboard.up("Control"); } } async function kbGoToBegin(page) { if (isMac) { await page.keyboard.down("Meta"); await page.keyboard.press("ArrowUp", { commands: ["MoveToBeginningOfDocument"], }); await page.keyboard.up("Meta"); } else { await page.keyboard.down("Control"); await page.keyboard.press("Home"); await page.keyboard.up("Control"); } } async function kbBigMoveLeft(page) { if (isMac) { await page.keyboard.down("Shift"); await page.keyboard.press("ArrowLeft"); await page.keyboard.up("Shift"); } else { await page.keyboard.down("Control"); await page.keyboard.press("ArrowLeft"); await page.keyboard.up("Control"); } } async function kbBigMoveRight(page) { if (isMac) { await page.keyboard.down("Shift"); await page.keyboard.press("ArrowRight"); await page.keyboard.up("Shift"); } else { await page.keyboard.down("Control"); await page.keyboard.press("ArrowRight"); await page.keyboard.up("Control"); } } async function kbBigMoveUp(page) { if (isMac) { await page.keyboard.down("Shift"); await page.keyboard.press("ArrowUp"); await page.keyboard.up("Shift"); } else { await page.keyboard.down("Control"); await page.keyboard.press("ArrowUp"); await page.keyboard.up("Control"); } } async function kbBigMoveDown(page) { if (isMac) { await page.keyboard.down("Shift"); await page.keyboard.press("ArrowDown"); await page.keyboard.up("Shift"); } else { await page.keyboard.down("Control"); await page.keyboard.press("ArrowDown"); await page.keyboard.up("Control"); } } async function kbDeleteLastWord(page) { if (isMac) { await page.keyboard.down("Alt"); await page.keyboard.press("Backspace"); await page.keyboard.up("Alt"); } else { await page.keyboard.down("Control"); await page.keyboard.press("Backspace"); await page.keyboard.up("Control"); } } export { clearInput, closePages, dragAndDropAnnotation, getComputedStyleSelector, getEditorDimensions, getEditors, getEditorSelector, getFirstSerialized, getQuerySelector, getSelectedEditors, getSelector, getSerialized, hover, kbBigMoveDown, kbBigMoveLeft, kbBigMoveRight, kbBigMoveUp, kbCopy, kbDeleteLastWord, kbGoToBegin, kbGoToEnd, kbModifierDown, kbModifierUp, kbPaste, kbRedo, kbSelectAll, kbUndo, loadAndWait, mockClipboard, scrollIntoView, serializeBitmapDimensions, waitForAnnotationEditorLayer, waitForEvent, waitForSelectedEditor, waitForSerialized, waitForStorageEntries, waitForTextLayer, waitForUnselectedEditor, };