/* Copyright 2016 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { docStyle, PresentationModeState, SidebarView, toggleCheckedBtn, toggleExpandedBtn, } from "./ui_utils.js"; const SIDEBAR_WIDTH_VAR = "--sidebar-width"; const SIDEBAR_MIN_WIDTH = 200; // pixels const SIDEBAR_RESIZING_CLASS = "sidebarResizing"; const UI_NOTIFICATION_CLASS = "pdfSidebarNotification"; /** * @typedef {Object} PDFSidebarOptions * @property {PDFSidebarElements} elements - The DOM elements. * @property {EventBus} eventBus - The application event bus. * @property {IL10n} l10n - The localization service. */ /** * @typedef {Object} PDFSidebarElements * @property {HTMLDivElement} outerContainer - The outer container * (encasing both the viewer and sidebar elements). * @property {HTMLDivElement} sidebarContainer - The sidebar container * (in which the views are placed). * @property {HTMLButtonElement} toggleButton - The button used for * opening/closing the sidebar. * @property {HTMLDivElement} resizer - The DOM element that can be dragged in * order to adjust the width of the sidebar. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} thumbnailButton - The button used to show * the thumbnail view. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} outlineButton - The button used to show * the outline view. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} attachmentsButton - The button used to show * the attachments view. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} layersButton - The button used to show * the layers view. * @property {HTMLDivElement} thumbnailView - The container in which * the thumbnails are placed. * @property {HTMLDivElement} outlineView - The container in which * the outline is placed. * @property {HTMLDivElement} attachmentsView - The container in which * the attachments are placed. * @property {HTMLDivElement} layersView - The container in which * the layers are placed. * @property {HTMLDivElement} outlineOptionsContainer - The container in which * the outline view-specific option button(s) are placed. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} currentOutlineItemButton - The button used to * find the current outline item. */ class PDFSidebar { #isRTL = false; #mouseMoveBound = this.#mouseMove.bind(this); #mouseUpBound = this.#mouseUp.bind(this); #outerContainerWidth = null; #width = null; /** * @param {PDFSidebarOptions} options */ constructor({ elements, eventBus, l10n }) { this.isOpen = false; this.active = SidebarView.THUMBS; this.isInitialViewSet = false; this.isInitialEventDispatched = false; /** * Callback used when the sidebar has been opened/closed, to ensure that * the viewers (PDFViewer/PDFThumbnailViewer) are updated correctly. */ this.onToggled = null; this.onUpdateThumbnails = null; this.outerContainer = elements.outerContainer; this.sidebarContainer = elements.sidebarContainer; this.toggleButton = elements.toggleButton; this.resizer = elements.resizer; this.thumbnailButton = elements.thumbnailButton; this.outlineButton = elements.outlineButton; this.attachmentsButton = elements.attachmentsButton; this.layersButton = elements.layersButton; this.thumbnailView = elements.thumbnailView; this.outlineView = elements.outlineView; this.attachmentsView = elements.attachmentsView; this.layersView = elements.layersView; this._outlineOptionsContainer = elements.outlineOptionsContainer; this._currentOutlineItemButton = elements.currentOutlineItemButton; this.eventBus = eventBus; this.#isRTL = l10n.getDirection() === "rtl"; this.#addEventListeners(); } reset() { this.isInitialViewSet = false; this.isInitialEventDispatched = false; this.#hideUINotification(/* reset = */ true); this.switchView(SidebarView.THUMBS); this.outlineButton.disabled = false; this.attachmentsButton.disabled = false; this.layersButton.disabled = false; this._currentOutlineItemButton.disabled = true; } /** * @type {number} One of the values in {SidebarView}. */ get visibleView() { return this.isOpen ? this.active : SidebarView.NONE; } /** * @param {number} view - The sidebar view that should become visible, * must be one of the values in {SidebarView}. */ setInitialView(view = SidebarView.NONE) { if (this.isInitialViewSet) { return; } this.isInitialViewSet = true; // If the user has already manually opened the sidebar, immediately closing // it would be bad UX; also ignore the "unknown" sidebar view value. if (view === SidebarView.NONE || view === SidebarView.UNKNOWN) { this.#dispatchEvent(); return; } this.switchView(view, /* forceOpen = */ true); // Prevent dispatching two back-to-back "sidebarviewchanged" events, // since `this.switchView` dispatched the event if the view changed. if (!this.isInitialEventDispatched) { this.#dispatchEvent(); } } /** * @param {number} view - The sidebar view that should be switched to, * must be one of the values in {SidebarView}. * @param {boolean} [forceOpen] - Ensure that the sidebar is open. * The default value is `false`. */ switchView(view, forceOpen = false) { const isViewChanged = view !== this.active; let forceRendering = false; switch (view) { case SidebarView.NONE: if (this.isOpen) { this.close(); } return; // Closing will trigger rendering and dispatch the event. case SidebarView.THUMBS: if (this.isOpen && isViewChanged) { forceRendering = true; } break; case SidebarView.OUTLINE: if (this.outlineButton.disabled) { return; } break; case SidebarView.ATTACHMENTS: if (this.attachmentsButton.disabled) { return; } break; case SidebarView.LAYERS: if (this.layersButton.disabled) { return; } break; default: console.error(`PDFSidebar.switchView: "${view}" is not a valid view.`); return; } // Update the active view *after* it has been validated above, // in order to prevent setting it to an invalid state. this.active = view; // Update the CSS classes (and aria attributes), for all buttons and views. toggleCheckedBtn( this.thumbnailButton, view === SidebarView.THUMBS, this.thumbnailView ); toggleCheckedBtn( this.outlineButton, view === SidebarView.OUTLINE, this.outlineView ); toggleCheckedBtn( this.attachmentsButton, view === SidebarView.ATTACHMENTS, this.attachmentsView ); toggleCheckedBtn( this.layersButton, view === SidebarView.LAYERS, this.layersView ); // Finally, update view-specific CSS classes. this._outlineOptionsContainer.classList.toggle( "hidden", view !== SidebarView.OUTLINE ); if (forceOpen && !this.isOpen) { this.open(); return; // Opening will trigger rendering and dispatch the event. } if (forceRendering) { this.onUpdateThumbnails(); this.onToggled(); } if (isViewChanged) { this.#dispatchEvent(); } } open() { if (this.isOpen) { return; } this.isOpen = true; toggleExpandedBtn(this.toggleButton, true); this.outerContainer.classList.add("sidebarMoving", "sidebarOpen"); if (this.active === SidebarView.THUMBS) { this.onUpdateThumbnails(); } this.onToggled(); this.#dispatchEvent(); this.#hideUINotification(); } close() { if (!this.isOpen) { return; } this.isOpen = false; toggleExpandedBtn(this.toggleButton, false); this.outerContainer.classList.add("sidebarMoving"); this.outerContainer.classList.remove("sidebarOpen"); this.onToggled(); this.#dispatchEvent(); } toggle() { if (this.isOpen) { this.close(); } else { this.open(); } } #dispatchEvent() { if (this.isInitialViewSet) { this.isInitialEventDispatched ||= true; } this.eventBus.dispatch("sidebarviewchanged", { source: this, view: this.visibleView, }); } #showUINotification() { this.toggleButton.setAttribute( "data-l10n-id", "pdfjs-toggle-sidebar-notification-button" ); if (!this.isOpen) { // Only show the notification on the `toggleButton` if the sidebar is // currently closed, to avoid unnecessarily bothering the user. this.toggleButton.classList.add(UI_NOTIFICATION_CLASS); } } #hideUINotification(reset = false) { if (this.isOpen || reset) { // Only hide the notification on the `toggleButton` if the sidebar is // currently open, or when the current PDF document is being closed. this.toggleButton.classList.remove(UI_NOTIFICATION_CLASS); } if (reset) { this.toggleButton.setAttribute( "data-l10n-id", "pdfjs-toggle-sidebar-button" ); } } #addEventListeners() { this.sidebarContainer.addEventListener("transitionend", evt => { if (evt.target === this.sidebarContainer) { this.outerContainer.classList.remove("sidebarMoving"); // Ensure that rendering is triggered after opening/closing the sidebar. this.eventBus.dispatch("resize", { source: this }); } }); this.toggleButton.addEventListener("click", () => { this.toggle(); }); // Buttons for switching views. this.thumbnailButton.addEventListener("click", () => { this.switchView(SidebarView.THUMBS); }); this.outlineButton.addEventListener("click", () => { this.switchView(SidebarView.OUTLINE); }); this.outlineButton.addEventListener("dblclick", () => { this.eventBus.dispatch("toggleoutlinetree", { source: this }); }); this.attachmentsButton.addEventListener("click", () => { this.switchView(SidebarView.ATTACHMENTS); }); this.layersButton.addEventListener("click", () => { this.switchView(SidebarView.LAYERS); }); this.layersButton.addEventListener("dblclick", () => { this.eventBus.dispatch("resetlayers", { source: this }); }); // Buttons for view-specific options. this._currentOutlineItemButton.addEventListener("click", () => { this.eventBus.dispatch("currentoutlineitem", { source: this }); }); // Disable/enable views. const onTreeLoaded = (count, button, view) => { button.disabled = !count; if (count) { this.#showUINotification(); } else if (this.active === view) { // If the `view` was opened by the user during document load, // switch away from it if it turns out to be empty. this.switchView(SidebarView.THUMBS); } }; this.eventBus._on("outlineloaded", evt => { onTreeLoaded(evt.outlineCount, this.outlineButton, SidebarView.OUTLINE); evt.currentOutlineItemPromise.then(enabled => { if (!this.isInitialViewSet) { return; } this._currentOutlineItemButton.disabled = !enabled; }); }); this.eventBus._on("attachmentsloaded", evt => { onTreeLoaded( evt.attachmentsCount, this.attachmentsButton, SidebarView.ATTACHMENTS ); }); this.eventBus._on("layersloaded", evt => { onTreeLoaded(evt.layersCount, this.layersButton, SidebarView.LAYERS); }); // Update the thumbnailViewer, if visible, when exiting presentation mode. this.eventBus._on("presentationmodechanged", evt => { if ( evt.state === PresentationModeState.NORMAL && this.visibleView === SidebarView.THUMBS ) { this.onUpdateThumbnails(); } }); // Handle resizing of the sidebar. this.resizer.addEventListener("mousedown", evt => { if (evt.button !== 0) { return; } // Disable the `transition-duration` rules when sidebar resizing begins, // in order to improve responsiveness and to avoid visual glitches. this.outerContainer.classList.add(SIDEBAR_RESIZING_CLASS); window.addEventListener("mousemove", this.#mouseMoveBound); window.addEventListener("mouseup", this.#mouseUpBound); }); this.eventBus._on("resize", evt => { // When the *entire* viewer is resized, such that it becomes narrower, // ensure that the sidebar doesn't end up being too wide. if (evt.source !== window) { return; } // Always reset the cached width when the viewer is resized. this.#outerContainerWidth = null; if (!this.#width) { // The sidebar hasn't been resized, hence no need to adjust its width. return; } // NOTE: If the sidebar is closed, we don't need to worry about // visual glitches nor ensure that rendering is triggered. if (!this.isOpen) { this.#updateWidth(this.#width); return; } this.outerContainer.classList.add(SIDEBAR_RESIZING_CLASS); const updated = this.#updateWidth(this.#width); Promise.resolve().then(() => { this.outerContainer.classList.remove(SIDEBAR_RESIZING_CLASS); // Trigger rendering if the sidebar width changed, to avoid // depending on the order in which 'resize' events are handled. if (updated) { this.eventBus.dispatch("resize", { source: this }); } }); }); } /** * @type {number} */ get outerContainerWidth() { return (this.#outerContainerWidth ||= this.outerContainer.clientWidth); } /** * returns {boolean} Indicating if the sidebar width was updated. */ #updateWidth(width = 0) { // Prevent the sidebar from becoming too narrow, or from occupying more // than half of the available viewer width. const maxWidth = Math.floor(this.outerContainerWidth / 2); if (width > maxWidth) { width = maxWidth; } if (width < SIDEBAR_MIN_WIDTH) { width = SIDEBAR_MIN_WIDTH; } // Only update the UI when the sidebar width did in fact change. if (width === this.#width) { return false; } this.#width = width; docStyle.setProperty(SIDEBAR_WIDTH_VAR, `${width}px`); return true; } #mouseMove(evt) { let width = evt.clientX; // For sidebar resizing to work correctly in RTL mode, invert the width. if (this.#isRTL) { width = this.outerContainerWidth - width; } this.#updateWidth(width); } #mouseUp(evt) { // Re-enable the `transition-duration` rules when sidebar resizing ends... this.outerContainer.classList.remove(SIDEBAR_RESIZING_CLASS); // ... and ensure that rendering will always be triggered. this.eventBus.dispatch("resize", { source: this }); window.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.#mouseMoveBound); window.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.#mouseUpBound); } } export { PDFSidebar };