/* Copyright 2022 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { AnnotationEditorType, shadow } from "../../shared/util.js"; import { AnnotationEditor } from "./editor.js"; import { PixelsPerInch } from "../display_utils.js"; import { StampAnnotationElement } from "../annotation_layer.js"; /** * Basic text editor in order to create a FreeTex annotation. */ class StampEditor extends AnnotationEditor { #bitmap = null; #bitmapId = null; #bitmapPromise = null; #bitmapUrl = null; #canvas = null; #observer = null; #resizeTimeoutId = null; #isSvg = false; #hasBeenAddedInUndoStack = false; static _type = "stamp"; constructor(params) { super({ ...params, name: "stampEditor" }); this.#bitmapUrl = params.bitmapUrl; } static get supportedTypes() { // See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Media/Formats/Image_types // to know which types are supported by the browser. const types = [ "apng", "avif", "bmp", "gif", "jpeg", "png", "svg+xml", "webp", "x-icon", ]; return shadow( this, "supportedTypes", types.map(type => `image/${type}`).join(",") ); } #getBitmap() { if (this.#bitmapId) { this._uiManager.imageManager.getFromId(this.#bitmapId).then(data => { if (!data) { this.remove(); return; } this.#bitmap = data.bitmap; this.#createCanvas(); }); return; } if (this.#bitmapUrl) { const url = this.#bitmapUrl; this.#bitmapUrl = null; this.#bitmapPromise = this._uiManager.imageManager .getFromUrl(url) .then(data => { this.#bitmapPromise = null; if (!data) { this.remove(); return; } ({ bitmap: this.#bitmap, id: this.#bitmapId, isSvg: this.#isSvg, } = data); this.#createCanvas(); }); return; } const input = document.createElement("input"); if (typeof PDFJSDev !== "undefined" && PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) { input.hidden = true; input.id = "stampEditorFileInput"; document.body.append(input); } input.type = "file"; input.accept = StampEditor.supportedTypes; this.#bitmapPromise = new Promise(resolve => { input.addEventListener("change", async () => { this.#bitmapPromise = null; if (!input.files || input.files.length === 0) { this.remove(); } else { const data = await this._uiManager.imageManager.getFromFile( input.files[0] ); if (!data) { this.remove(); return; } ({ bitmap: this.#bitmap, id: this.#bitmapId, isSvg: this.#isSvg, } = data); this.#createCanvas(); } if (typeof PDFJSDev !== "undefined" && PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) { input.remove(); } resolve(); }); input.addEventListener("cancel", () => { this.#bitmapPromise = null; this.remove(); resolve(); }); }); if (typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || !PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) { input.click(); } } /** @inheritdoc */ remove() { if (this.#bitmapId) { this.#bitmap = null; this._uiManager.imageManager.deleteId(this.#bitmapId); this.#canvas?.remove(); this.#canvas = null; this.#observer?.disconnect(); this.#observer = null; } super.remove(); } /** @inheritdoc */ rebuild() { if (!this.parent) { // It's possible to have to rebuild an editor which is not on a visible // page. if (this.#bitmapId) { this.#getBitmap(); } return; } super.rebuild(); if (this.div === null) { return; } if (this.#bitmapId) { this.#getBitmap(); } if (!this.isAttachedToDOM) { // At some point this editor was removed and we're rebuilting it, // hence we must add it to its parent. this.parent.add(this); } } /** @inheritdoc */ onceAdded() { this._isDraggable = true; this.div.focus(); } /** @inheritdoc */ isEmpty() { return ( this.#bitmapPromise === null && this.#bitmap === null && this.#bitmapUrl === null ); } /** @inheritdoc */ get isResizable() { return true; } /** @inheritdoc */ render() { if (this.div) { return this.div; } let baseX, baseY; if (this.width) { baseX = this.x; baseY = this.y; } super.render(); if (this.#bitmap) { this.#createCanvas(); } else { this.div.classList.add("loading"); this.#getBitmap(); } if (this.width) { // This editor was created in using copy (ctrl+c). const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = this.parentDimensions; this.setAt( baseX * parentWidth, baseY * parentHeight, this.width * parentWidth, this.height * parentHeight ); } return this.div; } #createCanvas() { const { div } = this; let { width, height } = this.#bitmap; const [pageWidth, pageHeight] = this.pageDimensions; const MAX_RATIO = 0.75; if (this.width) { width = this.width * pageWidth; height = this.height * pageHeight; } else if ( width > MAX_RATIO * pageWidth || height > MAX_RATIO * pageHeight ) { // If the the image is too big compared to the page dimensions // (more than MAX_RATIO) then we scale it down. const factor = Math.min( (MAX_RATIO * pageWidth) / width, (MAX_RATIO * pageHeight) / height ); width *= factor; height *= factor; } const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = this.parentDimensions; this.setDims( (width * parentWidth) / pageWidth, (height * parentHeight) / pageHeight ); const canvas = (this.#canvas = document.createElement("canvas")); div.append(canvas); this.#drawBitmap(width, height); this.#createObserver(); div.classList.remove("loading"); if (!this.#hasBeenAddedInUndoStack) { this.parent.addUndoableEditor(this); this.#hasBeenAddedInUndoStack = true; } } /** * When the dimensions of the div change the inner canvas must * renew its dimensions, hence it must redraw its own contents. * @param {number} width - the new width of the div * @param {number} height - the new height of the div * @returns */ #setDimensions(width, height) { const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = this.parentDimensions; this.width = width / parentWidth; this.height = height / parentHeight; this.setDims(width, height); if (this._initialOptions?.isCentered) { this.center(); } else { this.fixAndSetPosition(); } this._initialOptions = null; if (this.#resizeTimeoutId !== null) { clearTimeout(this.#resizeTimeoutId); } // When the user is resizing the editor we just use CSS to scale the image // to avoid redrawing it too often. // And once the user stops resizing the editor we redraw the image in // rescaling it correctly (see this.#scaleBitmap). const TIME_TO_WAIT = 200; this.#resizeTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => { this.#resizeTimeoutId = null; this.#drawBitmap(width, height); }, TIME_TO_WAIT); } #scaleBitmap(width, height) { const { width: bitmapWidth, height: bitmapHeight } = this.#bitmap; let newWidth = bitmapWidth; let newHeight = bitmapHeight; let bitmap = this.#bitmap; while (newWidth > 2 * width || newHeight > 2 * height) { const prevWidth = newWidth; const prevHeight = newHeight; if (newWidth > 2 * width) { // See bug 1820511 (Windows specific bug). // TODO: once the above bug is fixed we could revert to: // newWidth = Math.ceil(newWidth / 2); newWidth = newWidth >= 16384 ? Math.floor(newWidth / 2) - 1 : Math.ceil(newWidth / 2); } if (newHeight > 2 * height) { newHeight = newHeight >= 16384 ? Math.floor(newHeight / 2) - 1 : Math.ceil(newHeight / 2); } const offscreen = new OffscreenCanvas(newWidth, newHeight); const ctx = offscreen.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage( bitmap, 0, 0, prevWidth, prevHeight, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight ); bitmap = offscreen.transferToImageBitmap(); } return bitmap; } #drawBitmap(width, height) { width = Math.ceil(width); height = Math.ceil(height); const canvas = this.#canvas; if (!canvas || (canvas.width === width && canvas.height === height)) { return; } canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; const bitmap = this.#isSvg ? this.#bitmap : this.#scaleBitmap(width, height); const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.filter = this._uiManager.hcmFilter; ctx.drawImage( bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.width, bitmap.height, 0, 0, width, height ); } #serializeBitmap(toUrl) { if (toUrl) { if (this.#isSvg) { const url = this._uiManager.imageManager.getSvgUrl(this.#bitmapId); if (url) { return url; } } // We convert to a data url because it's sync and the url can live in the // clipboard. const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); ({ width: canvas.width, height: canvas.height } = this.#bitmap); const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(this.#bitmap, 0, 0); return canvas.toDataURL(); } if (this.#isSvg) { const [pageWidth, pageHeight] = this.pageDimensions; // Multiply by PixelsPerInch.PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS in order to increase the // image resolution when rasterizing it. const width = Math.round( this.width * pageWidth * PixelsPerInch.PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS ); const height = Math.round( this.height * pageHeight * PixelsPerInch.PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS ); const offscreen = new OffscreenCanvas(width, height); const ctx = offscreen.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage( this.#bitmap, 0, 0, this.#bitmap.width, this.#bitmap.height, 0, 0, width, height ); return offscreen.transferToImageBitmap(); } return structuredClone(this.#bitmap); } /** * Create the resize observer. */ #createObserver() { this.#observer = new ResizeObserver(entries => { const rect = entries[0].contentRect; if (rect.width && rect.height) { this.#setDimensions(rect.width, rect.height); } }); this.#observer.observe(this.div); } /** @inheritdoc */ static deserialize(data, parent, uiManager) { if (data instanceof StampAnnotationElement) { return null; } const editor = super.deserialize(data, parent, uiManager); const { rect, bitmapUrl, bitmapId, isSvg } = data; if (bitmapId && uiManager.imageManager.isValidId(bitmapId)) { editor.#bitmapId = bitmapId; } else { editor.#bitmapUrl = bitmapUrl; } editor.#isSvg = isSvg; const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = editor.pageDimensions; editor.width = (rect[2] - rect[0]) / parentWidth; editor.height = (rect[3] - rect[1]) / parentHeight; return editor; } /** @inheritdoc */ serialize(isForCopying = false, context = null) { if (this.isEmpty()) { return null; } const serialized = { annotationType: AnnotationEditorType.STAMP, bitmapId: this.#bitmapId, pageIndex: this.pageIndex, rect: this.getRect(0, 0), rotation: this.rotation, isSvg: this.#isSvg, }; if (isForCopying) { // We don't know what's the final destination (this pdf or another one) // of this annotation and the clipboard doesn't support ImageBitmaps, // hence we serialize the bitmap to a data url. serialized.bitmapUrl = this.#serializeBitmap(/* toUrl = */ true); return serialized; } if (context === null) { return serialized; } context.stamps ||= new Map(); const area = this.#isSvg ? (serialized.rect[2] - serialized.rect[0]) * (serialized.rect[3] - serialized.rect[1]) : null; if (!context.stamps.has(this.#bitmapId)) { // We don't want to have multiple copies of the same bitmap in the // annotationMap, hence we only add the bitmap the first time we meet it. context.stamps.set(this.#bitmapId, { area, serialized }); serialized.bitmap = this.#serializeBitmap(/* toUrl = */ false); } else if (this.#isSvg) { // If we have multiple copies of the same svg but with different sizes, // then we want to keep the biggest one. const prevData = context.stamps.get(this.#bitmapId); if (area > prevData.area) { prevData.area = area; prevData.serialized.bitmap.close(); prevData.serialized.bitmap = this.#serializeBitmap(/* toUrl = */ false); } } return serialized; } } export { StampEditor };