/* Copyright 2021 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { getInteger, getKeyword } from "./utils.js"; import { shadow, warn } from "../../shared/util.js"; // We use these symbols to avoid name conflict between tags // and properties/methods names. const $clean = Symbol(); const $cleanup = Symbol(); const $content = Symbol("content"); const $dump = Symbol(); const $finalize = Symbol(); const $getChildren = Symbol(); const $isTransparent = Symbol(); const $lastAttribute = Symbol(); const $namespaceId = Symbol("namespaceId"); const $nodeName = Symbol("nodeName"); const $onChild = Symbol(); const $onChildCheck = Symbol(); const $onText = Symbol(); const $text = Symbol(); const _attributes = Symbol(); const _attributeNames = Symbol(); const _children = Symbol(); const _defaultValue = Symbol(); const _hasChildren = Symbol(); const _max = Symbol(); const _options = Symbol(); const _parent = Symbol(); const _validator = Symbol(); class XFAObject { constructor(nsId, name, hasChildren = false) { this[$namespaceId] = nsId; this[$nodeName] = name; this[_hasChildren] = hasChildren; this[_parent] = null; this[_children] = []; } [$onChild](child) { if (!this[_hasChildren] || !this[$onChildCheck](child)) { return; } const name = child[$nodeName]; const node = this[name]; if (node instanceof XFAObjectArray) { if (node.push(child)) { child[_parent] = this; this[_children].push(child); } } else if (node === null) { this[name] = child; child[_parent] = this; this[_children].push(child); } else { warn(`XFA - node "${this[$nodeName]}" accepts only one child: ${name}`); } } [$onChildCheck](child) { return ( this.hasOwnProperty(child[$nodeName]) && child[$namespaceId] === this[$namespaceId] ); } [$onText](_) {} [$finalize]() {} [$clean](builder) { delete this[_hasChildren]; if (this[$cleanup]) { builder.clean(this[$cleanup]); delete this[$cleanup]; } } [$isTransparent]() { return this.name === ""; } [$lastAttribute]() { return ""; } get [_attributeNames]() { // Lazily get attributes names const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(this); if (!proto._attributes) { const attributes = (proto._attributes = new Set()); for (const name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { if ( this[name] === null || this[name] instanceof XFAObject || this[name] instanceof XFAObjectArray ) { break; } attributes.add(name); } } return shadow(this, _attributeNames, proto._attributes); } [$getChildren](name = null) { if (!name) { return this[_children]; } return this[_children].filter(c => c[$nodeName] === name); } [$dump]() { const dumped = Object.create(null); if (this[$content]) { dumped.$content = this[$content]; } for (const name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { const value = this[name]; if (value === null) { continue; } if (value instanceof XFAObject) { dumped[name] = value[$dump](); } else if (value instanceof XFAObjectArray) { if (!value.isEmpty()) { dumped[name] = value.dump(); } } else { dumped[name] = value; } } return dumped; } } class XFAObjectArray { constructor(max = Infinity) { this[_max] = max; this[_children] = []; } push(child) { const len = this[_children].length; if (len <= this[_max]) { this[_children].push(child); return true; } warn( `XFA - node "${child[$nodeName]}" accepts no more than ${this[_max]} children` ); return false; } isEmpty() { return this[_children].length === 0; } dump() { return this[_children].length === 1 ? this[_children][0][$dump]() : this[_children].map(x => x[$dump]()); } } class XmlObject extends XFAObject { constructor(nsId, name, attributes = Object.create(null)) { super(nsId, name); this[$content] = ""; if (name !== "#text") { this[_attributes] = attributes; } } [$onChild](child) { if (this[$content]) { const node = new XmlObject(this[$namespaceId], "#text"); node[$content] = this[$content]; this[$content] = ""; this[_children].push(node); } this[_children].push(child); } [$onText](str) { this[$content] += str; } [$finalize]() { if (this[$content] && this[_children].length > 0) { const node = new XmlObject(this[$namespaceId], "#text"); node[$content] = this[$content]; this[_children].push(node); delete this[$content]; } } [$text]() { if (this[_children].length === 0) { return this[$content]; } return this[_children].map(c => c[$text]()).join(""); } } class ContentObject extends XFAObject { constructor(nsId, name) { super(nsId, name); this[$content] = ""; } [$onText](text) { this[$content] += text; } [$finalize]() {} } class OptionObject extends ContentObject { constructor(nsId, name, options) { super(nsId, name); this[_options] = options; } [$finalize]() { this[$content] = getKeyword({ data: this[$content], defaultValue: this[_options][0], validate: k => this[_options].includes(k), }); } [$clean](builder) { super[$clean](builder); delete this[_options]; } } class StringObject extends ContentObject { [$finalize]() { this[$content] = this[$content].trim(); } } class IntegerObject extends ContentObject { constructor(nsId, name, defaultValue, validator) { super(nsId, name); this[_defaultValue] = defaultValue; this[_validator] = validator; } [$finalize]() { this[$content] = getInteger({ data: this[$content], defaultValue: this[_defaultValue], validate: this[_validator], }); } [$clean](builder) { super[$clean](builder); delete this[_defaultValue]; delete this[_validator]; } } class Option01 extends IntegerObject { constructor(nsId, name) { super(nsId, name, 0, n => n === 1); } } class Option10 extends IntegerObject { constructor(nsId, name) { super(nsId, name, 1, n => n === 0); } } export { $clean, $cleanup, $content, $dump, $finalize, $getChildren, $isTransparent, $namespaceId, $nodeName, $onChild, $onChildCheck, $onText, $text, ContentObject, IntegerObject, Option01, Option10, OptionObject, StringObject, XFAObject, XFAObjectArray, XmlObject, };