/* Copyright 2022 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-len /** @typedef {import("./annotation_editor_layer.js").AnnotationEditorLayer} AnnotationEditorLayer */ import { AnnotationEditorUIManager, bindEvents, ColorManager, KeyboardManager, } from "./tools.js"; import { FeatureTest, shadow, unreachable } from "../../shared/util.js"; import { AltText } from "./alt_text.js"; import { EditorToolbar } from "./toolbar.js"; import { noContextMenu } from "../display_utils.js"; /** * @typedef {Object} AnnotationEditorParameters * @property {AnnotationEditorUIManager} uiManager - the global manager * @property {AnnotationEditorLayer} parent - the layer containing this editor * @property {string} id - editor id * @property {number} x - x-coordinate * @property {number} y - y-coordinate */ /** * Base class for editors. */ class AnnotationEditor { #allResizerDivs = null; #altText = null; #keepAspectRatio = false; #resizersDiv = null; #savedDimensions = null; #boundFocusin = this.focusin.bind(this); #boundFocusout = this.focusout.bind(this); #editToolbar = null; #focusedResizerName = ""; #hasBeenClicked = false; #isEditing = false; #isInEditMode = false; #isResizerEnabledForKeyboard = false; #moveInDOMTimeout = null; _initialOptions = Object.create(null); _uiManager = null; _focusEventsAllowed = true; _l10nPromise = null; #isDraggable = false; #zIndex = AnnotationEditor._zIndex++; static _borderLineWidth = -1; static _colorManager = new ColorManager(); static _zIndex = 1; static get _resizerKeyboardManager() { const resize = AnnotationEditor.prototype._resizeWithKeyboard; const small = AnnotationEditorUIManager.TRANSLATE_SMALL; const big = AnnotationEditorUIManager.TRANSLATE_BIG; return shadow( this, "_resizerKeyboardManager", new KeyboardManager([ [["ArrowLeft", "mac+ArrowLeft"], resize, { args: [-small, 0] }], [ ["ctrl+ArrowLeft", "mac+shift+ArrowLeft"], resize, { args: [-big, 0] }, ], [["ArrowRight", "mac+ArrowRight"], resize, { args: [small, 0] }], [ ["ctrl+ArrowRight", "mac+shift+ArrowRight"], resize, { args: [big, 0] }, ], [["ArrowUp", "mac+ArrowUp"], resize, { args: [0, -small] }], [["ctrl+ArrowUp", "mac+shift+ArrowUp"], resize, { args: [0, -big] }], [["ArrowDown", "mac+ArrowDown"], resize, { args: [0, small] }], [["ctrl+ArrowDown", "mac+shift+ArrowDown"], resize, { args: [0, big] }], [ ["Escape", "mac+Escape"], AnnotationEditor.prototype._stopResizingWithKeyboard, ], ]) ); } /** * @param {AnnotationEditorParameters} parameters */ constructor(parameters) { if (this.constructor === AnnotationEditor) { unreachable("Cannot initialize AnnotationEditor."); } this.parent = parameters.parent; this.id = parameters.id; this.width = this.height = null; this.pageIndex = parameters.parent.pageIndex; this.name = parameters.name; this.div = null; this._uiManager = parameters.uiManager; this.annotationElementId = null; this._willKeepAspectRatio = false; this._initialOptions.isCentered = parameters.isCentered; this._structTreeParentId = null; const { rotation, rawDims: { pageWidth, pageHeight, pageX, pageY }, } = this.parent.viewport; this.rotation = rotation; this.pageRotation = (360 + rotation - this._uiManager.viewParameters.rotation) % 360; this.pageDimensions = [pageWidth, pageHeight]; this.pageTranslation = [pageX, pageY]; const [width, height] = this.parentDimensions; this.x = parameters.x / width; this.y = parameters.y / height; this.isAttachedToDOM = false; this.deleted = false; } get editorType() { return Object.getPrototypeOf(this).constructor._type; } static get _defaultLineColor() { return shadow( this, "_defaultLineColor", this._colorManager.getHexCode("CanvasText") ); } static deleteAnnotationElement(editor) { const fakeEditor = new FakeEditor({ id: editor.parent.getNextId(), parent: editor.parent, uiManager: editor._uiManager, }); fakeEditor.annotationElementId = editor.annotationElementId; fakeEditor.deleted = true; fakeEditor._uiManager.addToAnnotationStorage(fakeEditor); } /** * Initialize the l10n stuff for this type of editor. * @param {Object} l10n */ static initialize(l10n, options = null) { AnnotationEditor._l10nPromise ||= new Map( [ "pdfjs-editor-alt-text-button-label", "pdfjs-editor-alt-text-edit-button-label", "pdfjs-editor-alt-text-decorative-tooltip", "pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-topLeft", "pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-topMiddle", "pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-topRight", "pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-middleRight", "pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-bottomRight", "pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-bottomMiddle", "pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-bottomLeft", "pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-middleLeft", ].map(str => [ str, l10n.get(str.replaceAll(/([A-Z])/g, c => `-${c.toLowerCase()}`)), ]) ); if (options?.strings) { for (const str of options.strings) { AnnotationEditor._l10nPromise.set(str, l10n.get(str)); } } if (AnnotationEditor._borderLineWidth !== -1) { return; } const style = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement); AnnotationEditor._borderLineWidth = parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue("--outline-width")) || 0; } /** * Update the default parameters for this type of editor. * @param {number} _type * @param {*} _value */ static updateDefaultParams(_type, _value) {} /** * Get the default properties to set in the UI for this type of editor. * @returns {Array} */ static get defaultPropertiesToUpdate() { return []; } /** * Check if this kind of editor is able to handle the given mime type for * pasting. * @param {string} mime * @returns {boolean} */ static isHandlingMimeForPasting(mime) { return false; } /** * Extract the data from the clipboard item and delegate the creation of the * editor to the parent. * @param {DataTransferItem} item * @param {AnnotationEditorLayer} parent */ static paste(item, parent) { unreachable("Not implemented"); } /** * Get the properties to update in the UI for this editor. * @returns {Array} */ get propertiesToUpdate() { return []; } get _isDraggable() { return this.#isDraggable; } set _isDraggable(value) { this.#isDraggable = value; this.div?.classList.toggle("draggable", value); } /** * @returns {boolean} true if the editor handles the Enter key itself. */ get isEnterHandled() { return true; } center() { const [pageWidth, pageHeight] = this.pageDimensions; switch (this.parentRotation) { case 90: this.x -= (this.height * pageHeight) / (pageWidth * 2); this.y += (this.width * pageWidth) / (pageHeight * 2); break; case 180: this.x += this.width / 2; this.y += this.height / 2; break; case 270: this.x += (this.height * pageHeight) / (pageWidth * 2); this.y -= (this.width * pageWidth) / (pageHeight * 2); break; default: this.x -= this.width / 2; this.y -= this.height / 2; break; } this.fixAndSetPosition(); } /** * Add some commands into the CommandManager (undo/redo stuff). * @param {Object} params */ addCommands(params) { this._uiManager.addCommands(params); } get currentLayer() { return this._uiManager.currentLayer; } /** * This editor will be behind the others. */ setInBackground() { this.div.style.zIndex = 0; } /** * This editor will be in the foreground. */ setInForeground() { this.div.style.zIndex = this.#zIndex; } setParent(parent) { if (parent !== null) { this.pageIndex = parent.pageIndex; this.pageDimensions = parent.pageDimensions; } else { // The editor is being removed from the DOM, so we need to stop resizing. this.#stopResizing(); } this.parent = parent; } /** * onfocus callback. */ focusin(event) { if (!this._focusEventsAllowed) { return; } if (!this.#hasBeenClicked) { this.parent.setSelected(this); } else { this.#hasBeenClicked = false; } } /** * onblur callback. * @param {FocusEvent} event */ focusout(event) { if (!this._focusEventsAllowed) { return; } if (!this.isAttachedToDOM) { return; } // In case of focusout, the relatedTarget is the element which // is grabbing the focus. // So if the related target is an element under the div for this // editor, then the editor isn't unactive. const target = event.relatedTarget; if (target?.closest(`#${this.id}`)) { return; } event.preventDefault(); if (!this.parent?.isMultipleSelection) { this.commitOrRemove(); } } commitOrRemove() { if (this.isEmpty()) { this.remove(); } else { this.commit(); } } /** * Commit the data contained in this editor. */ commit() { this.addToAnnotationStorage(); } addToAnnotationStorage() { this._uiManager.addToAnnotationStorage(this); } /** * Set the editor position within its parent. * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {number} tx - x-translation in screen coordinates. * @param {number} ty - y-translation in screen coordinates. */ setAt(x, y, tx, ty) { const [width, height] = this.parentDimensions; [tx, ty] = this.screenToPageTranslation(tx, ty); this.x = (x + tx) / width; this.y = (y + ty) / height; this.fixAndSetPosition(); } #translate([width, height], x, y) { [x, y] = this.screenToPageTranslation(x, y); this.x += x / width; this.y += y / height; this.fixAndSetPosition(); } /** * Translate the editor position within its parent. * @param {number} x - x-translation in screen coordinates. * @param {number} y - y-translation in screen coordinates. */ translate(x, y) { this.#translate(this.parentDimensions, x, y); } /** * Translate the editor position within its page and adjust the scroll * in order to have the editor in the view. * @param {number} x - x-translation in page coordinates. * @param {number} y - y-translation in page coordinates. */ translateInPage(x, y) { this.#translate(this.pageDimensions, x, y); this.div.scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest" }); } drag(tx, ty) { const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = this.parentDimensions; this.x += tx / parentWidth; this.y += ty / parentHeight; if (this.parent && (this.x < 0 || this.x > 1 || this.y < 0 || this.y > 1)) { // It's possible to not have a parent: for example, when the user is // dragging all the selected editors but this one on a page which has been // destroyed. // It's why we need to check for it. In such a situation, it isn't really // a problem to not find a new parent: it's something which is related to // what the user is seeing, hence it depends on how pages are layed out. // The element will be outside of its parent so change the parent. const { x, y } = this.div.getBoundingClientRect(); if (this.parent.findNewParent(this, x, y)) { this.x -= Math.floor(this.x); this.y -= Math.floor(this.y); } } // The editor can be moved wherever the user wants, so we don't need to fix // the position: it'll be done when the user will release the mouse button. let { x, y } = this; const [bx, by] = this.#getBaseTranslation(); x += bx; y += by; this.div.style.left = `${(100 * x).toFixed(2)}%`; this.div.style.top = `${(100 * y).toFixed(2)}%`; this.div.scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest" }); } #getBaseTranslation() { const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = this.parentDimensions; const { _borderLineWidth } = AnnotationEditor; const x = _borderLineWidth / parentWidth; const y = _borderLineWidth / parentHeight; switch (this.rotation) { case 90: return [-x, y]; case 180: return [x, y]; case 270: return [x, -y]; default: return [-x, -y]; } } /** * Fix the position of the editor in order to keep it inside its parent page. * @param {number} [rotation] - the rotation of the page. */ fixAndSetPosition(rotation = this.rotation) { const [pageWidth, pageHeight] = this.pageDimensions; let { x, y, width, height } = this; width *= pageWidth; height *= pageHeight; x *= pageWidth; y *= pageHeight; switch (rotation) { case 0: x = Math.max(0, Math.min(pageWidth - width, x)); y = Math.max(0, Math.min(pageHeight - height, y)); break; case 90: x = Math.max(0, Math.min(pageWidth - height, x)); y = Math.min(pageHeight, Math.max(width, y)); break; case 180: x = Math.min(pageWidth, Math.max(width, x)); y = Math.min(pageHeight, Math.max(height, y)); break; case 270: x = Math.min(pageWidth, Math.max(height, x)); y = Math.max(0, Math.min(pageHeight - width, y)); break; } this.x = x /= pageWidth; this.y = y /= pageHeight; const [bx, by] = this.#getBaseTranslation(); x += bx; y += by; const { style } = this.div; style.left = `${(100 * x).toFixed(2)}%`; style.top = `${(100 * y).toFixed(2)}%`; this.moveInDOM(); } static #rotatePoint(x, y, angle) { switch (angle) { case 90: return [y, -x]; case 180: return [-x, -y]; case 270: return [-y, x]; default: return [x, y]; } } /** * Convert a screen translation into a page one. * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ screenToPageTranslation(x, y) { return AnnotationEditor.#rotatePoint(x, y, this.parentRotation); } /** * Convert a page translation into a screen one. * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ pageTranslationToScreen(x, y) { return AnnotationEditor.#rotatePoint(x, y, 360 - this.parentRotation); } #getRotationMatrix(rotation) { switch (rotation) { case 90: { const [pageWidth, pageHeight] = this.pageDimensions; return [0, -pageWidth / pageHeight, pageHeight / pageWidth, 0]; } case 180: return [-1, 0, 0, -1]; case 270: { const [pageWidth, pageHeight] = this.pageDimensions; return [0, pageWidth / pageHeight, -pageHeight / pageWidth, 0]; } default: return [1, 0, 0, 1]; } } get parentScale() { return this._uiManager.viewParameters.realScale; } get parentRotation() { return (this._uiManager.viewParameters.rotation + this.pageRotation) % 360; } get parentDimensions() { const { parentScale, pageDimensions: [pageWidth, pageHeight], } = this; const scaledWidth = pageWidth * parentScale; const scaledHeight = pageHeight * parentScale; return FeatureTest.isCSSRoundSupported ? [Math.round(scaledWidth), Math.round(scaledHeight)] : [scaledWidth, scaledHeight]; } /** * Set the dimensions of this editor. * @param {number} width * @param {number} height */ setDims(width, height) { const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = this.parentDimensions; this.div.style.width = `${((100 * width) / parentWidth).toFixed(2)}%`; if (!this.#keepAspectRatio) { this.div.style.height = `${((100 * height) / parentHeight).toFixed(2)}%`; } } fixDims() { const { style } = this.div; const { height, width } = style; const widthPercent = width.endsWith("%"); const heightPercent = !this.#keepAspectRatio && height.endsWith("%"); if (widthPercent && heightPercent) { return; } const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = this.parentDimensions; if (!widthPercent) { style.width = `${((100 * parseFloat(width)) / parentWidth).toFixed(2)}%`; } if (!this.#keepAspectRatio && !heightPercent) { style.height = `${((100 * parseFloat(height)) / parentHeight).toFixed( 2 )}%`; } } /** * Get the translation used to position this editor when it's created. * @returns {Array} */ getInitialTranslation() { return [0, 0]; } #createResizers() { if (this.#resizersDiv) { return; } this.#resizersDiv = document.createElement("div"); this.#resizersDiv.classList.add("resizers"); // When the resizers are used with the keyboard, they're focusable, hence // we want to have them in this order (top left, top middle, top right, ...) // in the DOM to have the focus order correct. const classes = this._willKeepAspectRatio ? ["topLeft", "topRight", "bottomRight", "bottomLeft"] : [ "topLeft", "topMiddle", "topRight", "middleRight", "bottomRight", "bottomMiddle", "bottomLeft", "middleLeft", ]; for (const name of classes) { const div = document.createElement("div"); this.#resizersDiv.append(div); div.classList.add("resizer", name); div.setAttribute("data-resizer-name", name); div.addEventListener( "pointerdown", this.#resizerPointerdown.bind(this, name) ); div.addEventListener("contextmenu", noContextMenu); div.tabIndex = -1; } this.div.prepend(this.#resizersDiv); } #resizerPointerdown(name, event) { event.preventDefault(); const { isMac } = FeatureTest.platform; if (event.button !== 0 || (event.ctrlKey && isMac)) { return; } this.#altText?.toggle(false); const boundResizerPointermove = this.#resizerPointermove.bind(this, name); const savedDraggable = this._isDraggable; this._isDraggable = false; const pointerMoveOptions = { passive: true, capture: true }; this.parent.togglePointerEvents(false); window.addEventListener( "pointermove", boundResizerPointermove, pointerMoveOptions ); const savedX = this.x; const savedY = this.y; const savedWidth = this.width; const savedHeight = this.height; const savedParentCursor = this.parent.div.style.cursor; const savedCursor = this.div.style.cursor; this.div.style.cursor = this.parent.div.style.cursor = window.getComputedStyle(event.target).cursor; const pointerUpCallback = () => { this.parent.togglePointerEvents(true); this.#altText?.toggle(true); this._isDraggable = savedDraggable; window.removeEventListener("pointerup", pointerUpCallback); window.removeEventListener("blur", pointerUpCallback); window.removeEventListener( "pointermove", boundResizerPointermove, pointerMoveOptions ); this.parent.div.style.cursor = savedParentCursor; this.div.style.cursor = savedCursor; this.#addResizeToUndoStack(savedX, savedY, savedWidth, savedHeight); }; window.addEventListener("pointerup", pointerUpCallback); // If the user switches to another window (with alt+tab), then we end the // resize session. window.addEventListener("blur", pointerUpCallback); } #addResizeToUndoStack(savedX, savedY, savedWidth, savedHeight) { const newX = this.x; const newY = this.y; const newWidth = this.width; const newHeight = this.height; if ( newX === savedX && newY === savedY && newWidth === savedWidth && newHeight === savedHeight ) { return; } this.addCommands({ cmd: () => { this.width = newWidth; this.height = newHeight; this.x = newX; this.y = newY; const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = this.parentDimensions; this.setDims(parentWidth * newWidth, parentHeight * newHeight); this.fixAndSetPosition(); }, undo: () => { this.width = savedWidth; this.height = savedHeight; this.x = savedX; this.y = savedY; const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = this.parentDimensions; this.setDims(parentWidth * savedWidth, parentHeight * savedHeight); this.fixAndSetPosition(); }, mustExec: true, }); } #resizerPointermove(name, event) { const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = this.parentDimensions; const savedX = this.x; const savedY = this.y; const savedWidth = this.width; const savedHeight = this.height; const minWidth = AnnotationEditor.MIN_SIZE / parentWidth; const minHeight = AnnotationEditor.MIN_SIZE / parentHeight; // 10000 because we multiply by 100 and use toFixed(2) in fixAndSetPosition. // Without rounding, the positions of the corners other than the top left // one can be slightly wrong. const round = x => Math.round(x * 10000) / 10000; const rotationMatrix = this.#getRotationMatrix(this.rotation); const transf = (x, y) => [ rotationMatrix[0] * x + rotationMatrix[2] * y, rotationMatrix[1] * x + rotationMatrix[3] * y, ]; const invRotationMatrix = this.#getRotationMatrix(360 - this.rotation); const invTransf = (x, y) => [ invRotationMatrix[0] * x + invRotationMatrix[2] * y, invRotationMatrix[1] * x + invRotationMatrix[3] * y, ]; let getPoint; let getOpposite; let isDiagonal = false; let isHorizontal = false; switch (name) { case "topLeft": isDiagonal = true; getPoint = (w, h) => [0, 0]; getOpposite = (w, h) => [w, h]; break; case "topMiddle": getPoint = (w, h) => [w / 2, 0]; getOpposite = (w, h) => [w / 2, h]; break; case "topRight": isDiagonal = true; getPoint = (w, h) => [w, 0]; getOpposite = (w, h) => [0, h]; break; case "middleRight": isHorizontal = true; getPoint = (w, h) => [w, h / 2]; getOpposite = (w, h) => [0, h / 2]; break; case "bottomRight": isDiagonal = true; getPoint = (w, h) => [w, h]; getOpposite = (w, h) => [0, 0]; break; case "bottomMiddle": getPoint = (w, h) => [w / 2, h]; getOpposite = (w, h) => [w / 2, 0]; break; case "bottomLeft": isDiagonal = true; getPoint = (w, h) => [0, h]; getOpposite = (w, h) => [w, 0]; break; case "middleLeft": isHorizontal = true; getPoint = (w, h) => [0, h / 2]; getOpposite = (w, h) => [w, h / 2]; break; } const point = getPoint(savedWidth, savedHeight); const oppositePoint = getOpposite(savedWidth, savedHeight); let transfOppositePoint = transf(...oppositePoint); const oppositeX = round(savedX + transfOppositePoint[0]); const oppositeY = round(savedY + transfOppositePoint[1]); let ratioX = 1; let ratioY = 1; let [deltaX, deltaY] = this.screenToPageTranslation( event.movementX, event.movementY ); [deltaX, deltaY] = invTransf(deltaX / parentWidth, deltaY / parentHeight); if (isDiagonal) { const oldDiag = Math.hypot(savedWidth, savedHeight); ratioX = ratioY = Math.max( Math.min( Math.hypot( oppositePoint[0] - point[0] - deltaX, oppositePoint[1] - point[1] - deltaY ) / oldDiag, // Avoid the editor to be larger than the page. 1 / savedWidth, 1 / savedHeight ), // Avoid the editor to be smaller than the minimum size. minWidth / savedWidth, minHeight / savedHeight ); } else if (isHorizontal) { ratioX = Math.max( minWidth, Math.min(1, Math.abs(oppositePoint[0] - point[0] - deltaX)) ) / savedWidth; } else { ratioY = Math.max( minHeight, Math.min(1, Math.abs(oppositePoint[1] - point[1] - deltaY)) ) / savedHeight; } const newWidth = round(savedWidth * ratioX); const newHeight = round(savedHeight * ratioY); transfOppositePoint = transf(...getOpposite(newWidth, newHeight)); const newX = oppositeX - transfOppositePoint[0]; const newY = oppositeY - transfOppositePoint[1]; this.width = newWidth; this.height = newHeight; this.x = newX; this.y = newY; this.setDims(parentWidth * newWidth, parentHeight * newHeight); this.fixAndSetPosition(); } altTextFinish() { this.#altText?.finish(); } async addEditToolbar() { if (this.#editToolbar || this.#isInEditMode) { return; } this.#editToolbar = new EditorToolbar(this); this.div.append(this.#editToolbar.render()); if (this.#altText) { this.#editToolbar.addAltTextButton(await this.#altText.render()); } } removeEditToolbar() { if (!this.#editToolbar) { return; } this.#editToolbar.remove(); this.#editToolbar = null; // We destroy the alt text but we don't null it because we want to be able // to restore it in case the user undoes the deletion. this.#altText?.destroy(); } getClientDimensions() { return this.div.getBoundingClientRect(); } async addAltTextButton() { if (this.#altText) { return; } AltText.initialize(AnnotationEditor._l10nPromise); this.#altText = new AltText(this); await this.addEditToolbar(); } get altTextData() { return this.#altText?.data; } /** * Set the alt text data. */ set altTextData(data) { if (!this.#altText) { return; } this.#altText.data = data; } /** * Render this editor in a div. * @returns {HTMLDivElement | null} */ render() { this.div = document.createElement("div"); this.div.setAttribute("data-editor-rotation", (360 - this.rotation) % 360); this.div.className = this.name; this.div.setAttribute("id", this.id); this.div.setAttribute("tabIndex", 0); this.setInForeground(); this.div.addEventListener("focusin", this.#boundFocusin); this.div.addEventListener("focusout", this.#boundFocusout); const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = this.parentDimensions; if (this.parentRotation % 180 !== 0) { this.div.style.maxWidth = `${((100 * parentHeight) / parentWidth).toFixed( 2 )}%`; this.div.style.maxHeight = `${( (100 * parentWidth) / parentHeight ).toFixed(2)}%`; } const [tx, ty] = this.getInitialTranslation(); this.translate(tx, ty); bindEvents(this, this.div, ["pointerdown"]); return this.div; } /** * Onpointerdown callback. * @param {PointerEvent} event */ pointerdown(event) { const { isMac } = FeatureTest.platform; if (event.button !== 0 || (event.ctrlKey && isMac)) { // Avoid to focus this editor because of a non-left click. event.preventDefault(); return; } this.#hasBeenClicked = true; if (this._isDraggable) { this.#setUpDragSession(event); return; } this.#selectOnPointerEvent(event); } #selectOnPointerEvent(event) { const { isMac } = FeatureTest.platform; if ( (event.ctrlKey && !isMac) || event.shiftKey || (event.metaKey && isMac) ) { this.parent.toggleSelected(this); } else { this.parent.setSelected(this); } } #setUpDragSession(event) { const isSelected = this._uiManager.isSelected(this); this._uiManager.setUpDragSession(); let pointerMoveOptions, pointerMoveCallback; if (isSelected) { pointerMoveOptions = { passive: true, capture: true }; pointerMoveCallback = e => { const [tx, ty] = this.screenToPageTranslation(e.movementX, e.movementY); this._uiManager.dragSelectedEditors(tx, ty); }; window.addEventListener( "pointermove", pointerMoveCallback, pointerMoveOptions ); } const pointerUpCallback = () => { window.removeEventListener("pointerup", pointerUpCallback); window.removeEventListener("blur", pointerUpCallback); if (isSelected) { window.removeEventListener( "pointermove", pointerMoveCallback, pointerMoveOptions ); } this.#hasBeenClicked = false; if (!this._uiManager.endDragSession()) { this.#selectOnPointerEvent(event); } }; window.addEventListener("pointerup", pointerUpCallback); // If the user is using alt+tab during the dragging session, the pointerup // event could be not fired, but a blur event is fired so we can use it in // order to interrupt the dragging session. window.addEventListener("blur", pointerUpCallback); } moveInDOM() { // Moving the editor in the DOM can be expensive, so we wait a bit before. // It's important to not block the UI (for example when changing the font // size in a FreeText). if (this.#moveInDOMTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.#moveInDOMTimeout); } this.#moveInDOMTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.#moveInDOMTimeout = null; this.parent?.moveEditorInDOM(this); }, 0); } _setParentAndPosition(parent, x, y) { parent.changeParent(this); this.x = x; this.y = y; this.fixAndSetPosition(); } /** * Convert the current rect into a page one. * @param {number} tx - x-translation in screen coordinates. * @param {number} ty - y-translation in screen coordinates. * @param {number} [rotation] - the rotation of the page. */ getRect(tx, ty, rotation = this.rotation) { const scale = this.parentScale; const [pageWidth, pageHeight] = this.pageDimensions; const [pageX, pageY] = this.pageTranslation; const shiftX = tx / scale; const shiftY = ty / scale; const x = this.x * pageWidth; const y = this.y * pageHeight; const width = this.width * pageWidth; const height = this.height * pageHeight; switch (rotation) { case 0: return [ x + shiftX + pageX, pageHeight - y - shiftY - height + pageY, x + shiftX + width + pageX, pageHeight - y - shiftY + pageY, ]; case 90: return [ x + shiftY + pageX, pageHeight - y + shiftX + pageY, x + shiftY + height + pageX, pageHeight - y + shiftX + width + pageY, ]; case 180: return [ x - shiftX - width + pageX, pageHeight - y + shiftY + pageY, x - shiftX + pageX, pageHeight - y + shiftY + height + pageY, ]; case 270: return [ x - shiftY - height + pageX, pageHeight - y - shiftX - width + pageY, x - shiftY + pageX, pageHeight - y - shiftX + pageY, ]; default: throw new Error("Invalid rotation"); } } getRectInCurrentCoords(rect, pageHeight) { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = rect; const width = x2 - x1; const height = y2 - y1; switch (this.rotation) { case 0: return [x1, pageHeight - y2, width, height]; case 90: return [x1, pageHeight - y1, height, width]; case 180: return [x2, pageHeight - y1, width, height]; case 270: return [x2, pageHeight - y2, height, width]; default: throw new Error("Invalid rotation"); } } /** * Executed once this editor has been rendered. */ onceAdded() {} /** * Check if the editor contains something. * @returns {boolean} */ isEmpty() { return false; } /** * Enable edit mode. */ enableEditMode() { this.#isInEditMode = true; } /** * Disable edit mode. */ disableEditMode() { this.#isInEditMode = false; } /** * Check if the editor is edited. * @returns {boolean} */ isInEditMode() { return this.#isInEditMode; } /** * If it returns true, then this editor handles the keyboard * events itself. * @returns {boolean} */ shouldGetKeyboardEvents() { return this.#isResizerEnabledForKeyboard; } /** * Check if this editor needs to be rebuilt or not. * @returns {boolean} */ needsToBeRebuilt() { return this.div && !this.isAttachedToDOM; } /** * Rebuild the editor in case it has been removed on undo. * * To implement in subclasses. */ rebuild() { this.div?.addEventListener("focusin", this.#boundFocusin); this.div?.addEventListener("focusout", this.#boundFocusout); } /** * Rotate the editor. * @param {number} angle */ rotate(_angle) {} /** * Serialize the editor. * The result of the serialization will be used to construct a * new annotation to add to the pdf document. * * To implement in subclasses. * @param {boolean} [isForCopying] * @param {Object | null} [context] * @returns {Object | null} */ serialize(isForCopying = false, context = null) { unreachable("An editor must be serializable"); } /** * Deserialize the editor. * The result of the deserialization is a new editor. * * @param {Object} data * @param {AnnotationEditorLayer} parent * @param {AnnotationEditorUIManager} uiManager * @returns {AnnotationEditor | null} */ static deserialize(data, parent, uiManager) { const editor = new this.prototype.constructor({ parent, id: parent.getNextId(), uiManager, }); editor.rotation = data.rotation; const [pageWidth, pageHeight] = editor.pageDimensions; const [x, y, width, height] = editor.getRectInCurrentCoords( data.rect, pageHeight ); editor.x = x / pageWidth; editor.y = y / pageHeight; editor.width = width / pageWidth; editor.height = height / pageHeight; return editor; } /** * Remove this editor. * It's used on ctrl+backspace action. */ remove() { this.div.removeEventListener("focusin", this.#boundFocusin); this.div.removeEventListener("focusout", this.#boundFocusout); if (!this.isEmpty()) { // The editor is removed but it can be back at some point thanks to // undo/redo so we must commit it before. this.commit(); } if (this.parent) { this.parent.remove(this); } else { this._uiManager.removeEditor(this); } if (this.#moveInDOMTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.#moveInDOMTimeout); this.#moveInDOMTimeout = null; } this.#stopResizing(); this.removeEditToolbar(); } /** * @returns {boolean} true if this editor can be resized. */ get isResizable() { return false; } /** * Add the resizers to this editor. */ makeResizable() { if (this.isResizable) { this.#createResizers(); this.#resizersDiv.classList.remove("hidden"); bindEvents(this, this.div, ["keydown"]); } } get toolbarPosition() { return null; } /** * onkeydown callback. * @param {KeyboardEvent} event */ keydown(event) { if ( !this.isResizable || event.target !== this.div || event.key !== "Enter" ) { return; } this._uiManager.setSelected(this); this.#savedDimensions = { savedX: this.x, savedY: this.y, savedWidth: this.width, savedHeight: this.height, }; const children = this.#resizersDiv.children; if (!this.#allResizerDivs) { this.#allResizerDivs = Array.from(children); const boundResizerKeydown = this.#resizerKeydown.bind(this); const boundResizerBlur = this.#resizerBlur.bind(this); for (const div of this.#allResizerDivs) { const name = div.getAttribute("data-resizer-name"); div.setAttribute("role", "spinbutton"); div.addEventListener("keydown", boundResizerKeydown); div.addEventListener("blur", boundResizerBlur); div.addEventListener("focus", this.#resizerFocus.bind(this, name)); AnnotationEditor._l10nPromise .get(`pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-${name}`) .then(msg => div.setAttribute("aria-label", msg)); } } // We want to have the resizers in the visual order, so we move the first // (top-left) to the right place. const first = this.#allResizerDivs[0]; let firstPosition = 0; for (const div of children) { if (div === first) { break; } firstPosition++; } const nextFirstPosition = (((360 - this.rotation + this.parentRotation) % 360) / 90) * (this.#allResizerDivs.length / 4); if (nextFirstPosition !== firstPosition) { // We need to reorder the resizers in the DOM in order to have the focus // on the top-left one. if (nextFirstPosition < firstPosition) { for (let i = 0; i < firstPosition - nextFirstPosition; i++) { this.#resizersDiv.append(this.#resizersDiv.firstChild); } } else if (nextFirstPosition > firstPosition) { for (let i = 0; i < nextFirstPosition - firstPosition; i++) { this.#resizersDiv.firstChild.before(this.#resizersDiv.lastChild); } } let i = 0; for (const child of children) { const div = this.#allResizerDivs[i++]; const name = div.getAttribute("data-resizer-name"); AnnotationEditor._l10nPromise .get(`pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-${name}`) .then(msg => child.setAttribute("aria-label", msg)); } } this.#setResizerTabIndex(0); this.#isResizerEnabledForKeyboard = true; this.#resizersDiv.firstChild.focus({ focusVisible: true }); event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } #resizerKeydown(event) { AnnotationEditor._resizerKeyboardManager.exec(this, event); } #resizerBlur(event) { if ( this.#isResizerEnabledForKeyboard && event.relatedTarget?.parentNode !== this.#resizersDiv ) { this.#stopResizing(); } } #resizerFocus(name) { this.#focusedResizerName = this.#isResizerEnabledForKeyboard ? name : ""; } #setResizerTabIndex(value) { if (!this.#allResizerDivs) { return; } for (const div of this.#allResizerDivs) { div.tabIndex = value; } } _resizeWithKeyboard(x, y) { if (!this.#isResizerEnabledForKeyboard) { return; } this.#resizerPointermove(this.#focusedResizerName, { movementX: x, movementY: y, }); } #stopResizing() { this.#isResizerEnabledForKeyboard = false; this.#setResizerTabIndex(-1); if (this.#savedDimensions) { const { savedX, savedY, savedWidth, savedHeight } = this.#savedDimensions; this.#addResizeToUndoStack(savedX, savedY, savedWidth, savedHeight); this.#savedDimensions = null; } } _stopResizingWithKeyboard() { this.#stopResizing(); this.div.focus(); } /** * Select this editor. */ select() { this.makeResizable(); this.div?.classList.add("selectedEditor"); if (!this.#editToolbar) { this.addEditToolbar().then(() => { if (this.div?.classList.contains("selectedEditor")) { // The editor can have been unselected while we were waiting for the // edit toolbar to be created, hence we want to be sure that this // editor is still selected. this.#editToolbar?.show(); } }); return; } this.#editToolbar?.show(); } /** * Unselect this editor. */ unselect() { this.#resizersDiv?.classList.add("hidden"); this.div?.classList.remove("selectedEditor"); if (this.div?.contains(document.activeElement)) { // Don't use this.div.blur() because we don't know where the focus will // go. this._uiManager.currentLayer.div.focus(); } this.#editToolbar?.hide(); } /** * Update some parameters which have been changed through the UI. * @param {number} type * @param {*} value */ updateParams(type, value) {} /** * When the user disables the editing mode some editors can change some of * their properties. */ disableEditing() {} /** * When the user enables the editing mode some editors can change some of * their properties. */ enableEditing() {} /** * The editor is about to be edited. */ enterInEditMode() {} /** * @returns {HTMLElement | null} the element requiring an alt text. */ getImageForAltText() { return null; } /** * Get the div which really contains the displayed content. * @returns {HTMLDivElement | undefined} */ get contentDiv() { return this.div; } /** * If true then the editor is currently edited. * @type {boolean} */ get isEditing() { return this.#isEditing; } /** * When set to true, it means that this editor is currently edited. * @param {boolean} value */ set isEditing(value) { this.#isEditing = value; if (!this.parent) { return; } if (value) { this.parent.setSelected(this); this.parent.setActiveEditor(this); } else { this.parent.setActiveEditor(null); } } /** * Set the aspect ratio to use when resizing. * @param {number} width * @param {number} height */ setAspectRatio(width, height) { this.#keepAspectRatio = true; const aspectRatio = width / height; const { style } = this.div; style.aspectRatio = aspectRatio; style.height = "auto"; } static get MIN_SIZE() { return 16; } static canCreateNewEmptyEditor() { return true; } } // This class is used to fake an editor which has been deleted. class FakeEditor extends AnnotationEditor { constructor(params) { super(params); this.annotationElementId = params.annotationElementId; this.deleted = true; } serialize() { return { id: this.annotationElementId, deleted: true, pageIndex: this.pageIndex, }; } } export { AnnotationEditor };