/* Copyright 2021 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { $acceptWhitespace, $addHTML, $appendChild, $childrenToHTML, $clean, $cleanPage, $content, $data, $extra, $finalize, $flushHTML, $getAvailableSpace, $getChildren, $getContainedChildren, $getNextPage, $getParent, $getSubformParent, $getTemplateRoot, $globalData, $hasSettableValue, $ids, $isBindable, $isCDATAXml, $isSplittable, $isTransparent, $isUsable, $namespaceId, $nodeName, $onChild, $onText, $removeChild, $searchNode, $setSetAttributes, $setValue, $text, $toHTML, $toStyle, $uid, ContentObject, Option01, OptionObject, StringObject, XFAObject, XFAObjectArray, } from "./xfa_object.js"; import { $buildXFAObject, NamespaceIds } from "./namespaces.js"; import { addHTML, checkDimensions, flushHTML, getAvailableSpace, } from "./layout.js"; import { computeBbox, createWrapper, fixDimensions, fixTextIndent, isPrintOnly, layoutClass, layoutText, measureToString, setAccess, setFontFamily, setMinMaxDimensions, toStyle, } from "./html_utils.js"; import { getBBox, getColor, getFloat, getInteger, getKeyword, getMeasurement, getRatio, getRelevant, getStringOption, HTMLResult, } from "./utils.js"; import { stringToBytes, Util, warn } from "../../shared/util.js"; import { searchNode } from "./som.js"; const TEMPLATE_NS_ID = NamespaceIds.template.id; const SVG_NS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; // In case of lr-tb (and rl-tb) layouts, we try: // - to put the container at the end of a line // - and if it fails we try on the next line. // If both tries failed then it's up to the parent // to handle the situation. const MAX_ATTEMPTS_FOR_LRTB_LAYOUT = 2; // It's possible to have a bug in the layout and so as // a consequence we could loop for ever in Template::toHTML() // so in order to avoid that (and avoid a OOM crash) we break // the loop after having MAX_EMPTY_PAGES empty pages. const MAX_EMPTY_PAGES = 3; function _setValue(templateNode, value) { if (!templateNode.value) { const nodeValue = new Value({}); templateNode[$appendChild](nodeValue); templateNode.value = nodeValue; } templateNode.value[$setValue](value); } function* getContainedChildren(node) { for (const child of node[$getChildren]()) { if (child instanceof SubformSet) { yield* child[$getContainedChildren](); continue; } yield child; } } function valueToHtml(value) { return HTMLResult.success({ name: "span", attributes: { class: ["xfaRich"], style: Object.create(null), }, value, }); } class AppearanceFilter extends StringObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "appearanceFilter"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.type = getStringOption(attributes.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class Arc extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "arc", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.circular = getInteger({ data: attributes.circular, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1, }); this.hand = getStringOption(attributes.hand, ["even", "left", "right"]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.startAngle = getFloat({ data: attributes.startAngle, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => true, }); this.sweepAngle = getFloat({ data: attributes.sweepAngle, defaultValue: 360, validate: x => true, }); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.edge = null; this.fill = null; } [$toHTML]() { const edge = this.edge ? this.edge : new Edge({}); const edgeStyle = edge[$toStyle](); const style = Object.create(null); if (this.fill) { Object.assign(style, this.fill[$toStyle]()); } else { style.fill = "transparent"; } style.strokeWidth = measureToString( edge.presence === "visible" ? Math.round(edge.thickness) : 0 ); style.stroke = edgeStyle.color; let arc; const attributes = { xmlns: SVG_NS, style: { position: "absolute", width: "100%", height: "100%", }, }; if (this.startAngle === 0 && this.sweepAngle === 360) { arc = { name: "ellipse", attributes: { xmlns: SVG_NS, cx: "50%", cy: "50%", rx: "50%", ry: "50%", style, }, }; } else { const startAngle = (this.startAngle * Math.PI) / 180; const sweepAngle = (this.sweepAngle * Math.PI) / 180; const largeArc = this.sweepAngle - this.startAngle > 180 ? 1 : 0; const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = [ 50 * (1 + Math.cos(startAngle)), 50 * (1 - Math.sin(startAngle)), 50 * (1 + Math.cos(sweepAngle)), 50 * (1 - Math.sin(sweepAngle)), ]; arc = { name: "path", attributes: { xmlns: SVG_NS, d: `M ${x1} ${y1} A 50 50 0 ${largeArc} 0 ${x2} ${y2}`, vectorEffect: "non-scaling-stroke", style, }, }; Object.assign(attributes, { viewBox: "0 0 100 100", preserveAspectRatio: "none", }); } return HTMLResult.success({ name: "svg", children: [arc], attributes, }); } } class Area extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "area", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.colSpan = getInteger({ data: attributes.colSpan, defaultValue: 1, validate: n => n >= 1 || n === -1, }); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.relevant = getRelevant(attributes.relevant); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.x = getMeasurement(attributes.x, "0pt"); this.y = getMeasurement(attributes.y, "0pt"); this.desc = null; this.extras = null; this.area = new XFAObjectArray(); this.draw = new XFAObjectArray(); this.exObject = new XFAObjectArray(); this.exclGroup = new XFAObjectArray(); this.field = new XFAObjectArray(); this.subform = new XFAObjectArray(); this.subformSet = new XFAObjectArray(); } *[$getContainedChildren]() { // This function is overriden in order to fake that subforms under // this set are in fact under parent subform. yield* getContainedChildren(this); } [$isTransparent]() { return true; } [$addHTML](html, bbox) { const [x, y, w, h] = bbox; this[$extra].width = Math.max(this[$extra].width, x + w); this[$extra].height = Math.max(this[$extra].height, y + h); this[$extra].children.push(html); } [$getAvailableSpace]() { return this[$extra].availableSpace; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { // TODO: incomplete. const style = toStyle(this, "position"); const attributes = { style, id: this[$uid], class: ["xfaArea"], }; if (isPrintOnly(this)) { attributes.class.push("xfaPrintOnly"); } if (this.name) { attributes.xfaName = this.name; } const children = []; this[$extra] = { children, width: 0, height: 0, availableSpace, }; const result = this[$childrenToHTML]({ filter: new Set([ "area", "draw", "field", "exclGroup", "subform", "subformSet", ]), include: true, }); if (!result.success) { if (result.isBreak()) { return result; } // Nothing to propose for the element which doesn't fit the // available space. delete this[$extra]; return HTMLResult.FAILURE; } style.width = measureToString(this[$extra].width); style.height = measureToString(this[$extra].height); const html = { name: "div", attributes, children, }; const bbox = [this.x, this.y, this[$extra].width, this[$extra].height]; delete this[$extra]; return HTMLResult.success(html, bbox); } } class Assist extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "assist", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.role = attributes.role || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.speak = null; this.toolTip = null; } } class Barcode extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "barcode", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.charEncoding = getKeyword({ data: attributes.charEncoding ? attributes.charEncoding.toLowerCase() : "", defaultValue: "", validate: k => [ "utf-8", "big-five", "fontspecific", "gbk", "gb-18030", "gb-2312", "ksc-5601", "none", "shift-jis", "ucs-2", "utf-16", ].includes(k) || k.match(/iso-8859-[0-9]{2}/), }); this.checksum = getStringOption(attributes.checksum, [ "none", "1mod10", "1mod10_1mod11", "2mod10", "auto", ]); this.dataColumnCount = getInteger({ data: attributes.dataColumnCount, defaultValue: -1, validate: x => x >= 0, }); this.dataLength = getInteger({ data: attributes.dataLength, defaultValue: -1, validate: x => x >= 0, }); this.dataPrep = getStringOption(attributes.dataPrep, [ "none", "flateCompress", ]); this.dataRowCount = getInteger({ data: attributes.dataRowCount, defaultValue: -1, validate: x => x >= 0, }); this.endChar = attributes.endChar || ""; this.errorCorrectionLevel = getInteger({ data: attributes.errorCorrectionLevel, defaultValue: -1, validate: x => x >= 0 && x <= 8, }); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.moduleHeight = getMeasurement(attributes.moduleHeight, "5mm"); this.moduleWidth = getMeasurement(attributes.moduleWidth, "0.25mm"); this.printCheckDigit = getInteger({ data: attributes.printCheckDigit, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1, }); this.rowColumnRatio = getRatio(attributes.rowColumnRatio); this.startChar = attributes.startChar || ""; this.textLocation = getStringOption(attributes.textLocation, [ "below", "above", "aboveEmbedded", "belowEmbedded", "none", ]); this.truncate = getInteger({ data: attributes.truncate, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1, }); this.type = getStringOption( attributes.type ? attributes.type.toLowerCase() : "", [ "aztec", "codabar", "code2of5industrial", "code2of5interleaved", "code2of5matrix", "code2of5standard", "code3of9", "code3of9extended", "code11", "code49", "code93", "code128", "code128a", "code128b", "code128c", "code128sscc", "datamatrix", "ean8", "ean8add2", "ean8add5", "ean13", "ean13add2", "ean13add5", "ean13pwcd", "fim", "logmars", "maxicode", "msi", "pdf417", "pdf417macro", "plessey", "postauscust2", "postauscust3", "postausreplypaid", "postausstandard", "postukrm4scc", "postusdpbc", "postusimb", "postusstandard", "postus5zip", "qrcode", "rfid", "rss14", "rss14expanded", "rss14limited", "rss14stacked", "rss14stackedomni", "rss14truncated", "telepen", "ucc128", "ucc128random", "ucc128sscc", "upca", "upcaadd2", "upcaadd5", "upcapwcd", "upce", "upceadd2", "upceadd5", "upcean2", "upcean5", "upsmaxicode", ] ); this.upsMode = getStringOption(attributes.upsMode, [ "usCarrier", "internationalCarrier", "secureSymbol", "standardSymbol", ]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.wideNarrowRatio = getRatio(attributes.wideNarrowRatio); this.encrypt = null; this.extras = null; } } class Bind extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "bind", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.match = getStringOption(attributes.match, [ "once", "dataRef", "global", "none", ]); this.ref = attributes.ref || ""; this.picture = null; } } class BindItems extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "bindItems"); this.connection = attributes.connection || ""; this.labelRef = attributes.labelRef || ""; this.ref = attributes.ref || ""; this.valueRef = attributes.valueRef || ""; } } class Bookend extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "bookend"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.leader = attributes.leader || ""; this.trailer = attributes.trailer || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class BooleanElement extends Option01 { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "boolean"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { return valueToHtml(this[$content] === 1 ? "1" : "0"); } } class Border extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "border", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.break = getStringOption(attributes.break, ["close", "open"]); this.hand = getStringOption(attributes.hand, ["even", "left", "right"]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.presence = getStringOption(attributes.presence, [ "visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible", ]); this.relevant = getRelevant(attributes.relevant); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.corner = new XFAObjectArray(4); this.edge = new XFAObjectArray(4); this.extras = null; this.fill = null; this.margin = null; } [$toStyle]() { // TODO: incomplete. const edges = this.edge.children.slice(); if (edges.length < 4) { const defaultEdge = edges[edges.length - 1] || new Edge({}); for (let i = edges.length; i < 4; i++) { edges.push(defaultEdge); } } const edgeStyles = edges.map(node => { const style = node[$toStyle](); style.color = style.color || "#000000"; return style; }); const widths = edges.map(edge => edge.thickness); const insets = [0, 0, 0, 0]; if (this.margin) { insets[0] = this.margin.topInset; insets[1] = this.margin.rightInset; insets[2] = this.margin.bottomInset; insets[3] = this.margin.leftInset; } this[$extra] = { widths, insets }; // TODO: hand. const style = Object.create(null); if (this.margin) { Object.assign(style, this.margin[$toStyle]()); } if (this.fill) { Object.assign(style, this.fill[$toStyle]()); } if (this.corner.children.some(node => node.radius !== 0)) { const cornerStyles = this.corner.children.map(node => node[$toStyle]()); if (cornerStyles.length === 2 || cornerStyles.length === 3) { const last = cornerStyles[cornerStyles.length - 1]; for (let i = cornerStyles.length; i < 4; i++) { cornerStyles.push(last); } } style.borderRadius = cornerStyles.map(s => s.radius).join(" "); } switch (this.presence) { case "invisible": case "hidden": style.borderStyle = ""; break; case "inactive": style.borderStyle = "none"; break; default: style.borderStyle = edgeStyles.map(s => s.style).join(" "); break; } style.borderWidth = edgeStyles.map(s => s.width).join(" "); style.borderColor = edgeStyles.map(s => s.color).join(" "); return style; } } class Break extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "break", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.after = getStringOption(attributes.after, [ "auto", "contentArea", "pageArea", "pageEven", "pageOdd", ]); this.afterTarget = attributes.afterTarget || ""; this.before = getStringOption(attributes.before, [ "auto", "contentArea", "pageArea", "pageEven", "pageOdd", ]); this.beforeTarget = attributes.beforeTarget || ""; this.bookendLeader = attributes.bookendLeader || ""; this.bookendTrailer = attributes.bookendTrailer || ""; this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.overflowLeader = attributes.overflowLeader || ""; this.overflowTarget = attributes.overflowTarget || ""; this.overflowTrailer = attributes.overflowTrailer || ""; this.startNew = getInteger({ data: attributes.startNew, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1, }); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; } } class BreakAfter extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "breakAfter", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.leader = attributes.leader || ""; this.startNew = getInteger({ data: attributes.startNew, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1, }); this.target = attributes.target || ""; this.targetType = getStringOption(attributes.targetType, [ "auto", "contentArea", "pageArea", "pageEven", "pageOdd", ]); this.trailer = attributes.trailer || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.script = null; } } class BreakBefore extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "breakBefore", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.leader = attributes.leader || ""; this.startNew = getInteger({ data: attributes.startNew, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1, }); this.target = attributes.target || ""; this.targetType = getStringOption(attributes.targetType, [ "auto", "contentArea", "pageArea", "pageEven", "pageOdd", ]); this.trailer = attributes.trailer || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.script = null; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { this[$extra] = {}; return HTMLResult.FAILURE; } } class Button extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "button", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.highlight = getStringOption(attributes.highlight, [ "inverted", "none", "outline", "push", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { // TODO: highlight. return HTMLResult.success({ name: "button", attributes: { id: this[$uid], class: ["xfaButton"], style: {}, }, children: [], }); } } class Calculate extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "calculate", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.override = getStringOption(attributes.override, [ "disabled", "error", "ignore", "warning", ]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.message = null; this.script = null; } } class Caption extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "caption", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.placement = getStringOption(attributes.placement, [ "left", "bottom", "inline", "right", "top", ]); this.presence = getStringOption(attributes.presence, [ "visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible", ]); this.reserve = getMeasurement(attributes.reserve); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.font = null; this.margin = null; this.para = null; this.value = null; } [$setValue](value) { _setValue(this, value); } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { // TODO: incomplete. if (!this.value) { return HTMLResult.EMPTY; } const value = this.value[$toHTML](availableSpace).html; if (!value) { return HTMLResult.EMPTY; } const children = []; if (typeof value === "string") { children.push({ name: "#text", value, }); } else { children.push(value); } const style = toStyle(this, "font", "margin", "para", "visibility"); switch (this.placement) { case "left": case "right": if (this.reserve > 0) { style.width = measureToString(this.reserve); } else { style.minWidth = measureToString(this.reserve); } break; case "top": case "bottom": if (this.reserve > 0) { style.height = measureToString(this.reserve); } else { style.minHeight = measureToString(this.reserve); } break; } return HTMLResult.success({ name: "div", attributes: { style, class: ["xfaCaption"], }, children, }); } } class Certificate extends StringObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "certificate"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class Certificates extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "certificates", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.credentialServerPolicy = getStringOption( attributes.credentialServerPolicy, ["optional", "required"] ); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.url = attributes.url || ""; this.urlPolicy = attributes.urlPolicy || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.encryption = null; this.issuers = null; this.keyUsage = null; this.oids = null; this.signing = null; this.subjectDNs = null; } } class CheckButton extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "checkButton", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.mark = getStringOption(attributes.mark, [ "default", "check", "circle", "cross", "diamond", "square", "star", ]); this.shape = getStringOption(attributes.shape, ["square", "round"]); this.size = getMeasurement(attributes.size, "10pt"); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.border = null; this.extras = null; this.margin = null; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { // TODO: border, shape and mark. const style = toStyle("margin"); const size = measureToString(this.size); style.width = style.height = size; let type; let className; let groupId; const field = this[$getParent]()[$getParent](); const items = (field.items.children.length && field.items.children[0][$toHTML]().html) || []; const exportedValue = { on: (items[0] || "on").toString(), off: (items[1] || "off").toString(), }; const value = (field.value && field.value[$text]()) || "off"; const checked = value === exportedValue.on || undefined; const container = field[$getParent](); const fieldId = field[$uid]; let dataId; if (container instanceof ExclGroup) { groupId = container[$uid]; type = "radio"; className = "xfaRadio"; dataId = container[$data] && container[$data][$uid]; } else { type = "checkbox"; className = "xfaCheckbox"; dataId = field[$data] && field[$data][$uid]; } const input = { name: "input", attributes: { class: [className], style, fieldId, dataId, type, checked, xfaOn: exportedValue.on, }, }; if (groupId) { input.attributes.name = groupId; } return HTMLResult.success({ name: "label", attributes: { class: ["xfaLabel"], }, children: [input], }); } } class ChoiceList extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "choiceList", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.commitOn = getStringOption(attributes.commitOn, ["select", "exit"]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.open = getStringOption(attributes.open, [ "userControl", "always", "multiSelect", "onEntry", ]); this.textEntry = getInteger({ data: attributes.textEntry, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1, }); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.border = null; this.extras = null; this.margin = null; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { // TODO: incomplete. const style = toStyle(this, "border", "margin"); const ui = this[$getParent](); const field = ui[$getParent](); const children = []; if (field.items.children.length > 0) { const items = field.items; let displayedIndex = 0; let saveIndex = 0; if (items.children.length === 2) { displayedIndex = items.children[0].save; saveIndex = 1 - displayedIndex; } const displayed = items.children[displayedIndex][$toHTML]().html; const values = items.children[saveIndex][$toHTML]().html; const value = (field.value && field.value[$text]()) || ""; for (let i = 0, ii = displayed.length; i < ii; i++) { const option = { name: "option", attributes: { value: values[i] || displayed[i], }, value: displayed[i], }; if (values[i] === value) { option.attributes.selected = true; } children.push(option); } } const selectAttributes = { class: ["xfaSelect"], fieldId: field[$uid], dataId: field[$data] && field[$data][$uid], style, }; if (this.open === "multiSelect") { selectAttributes.multiple = true; } return HTMLResult.success({ name: "label", attributes: { class: ["xfaLabel"], }, children: [ { name: "select", children, attributes: selectAttributes, }, ], }); } } class Color extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "color", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.cSpace = getStringOption(attributes.cSpace, ["SRGB"]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.value = attributes.value ? getColor(attributes.value) : ""; this.extras = null; } [$hasSettableValue]() { return false; } [$toStyle]() { return this.value ? Util.makeHexColor(this.value.r, this.value.g, this.value.b) : null; } } class Comb extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "comb"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.numberOfCells = getInteger({ data: attributes.numberOfCells, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x >= 0, }); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class Connect extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "connect", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.connection = attributes.connection || ""; this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.ref = attributes.ref || ""; this.usage = getStringOption(attributes.usage, [ "exportAndImport", "exportOnly", "importOnly", ]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.picture = null; } } class ContentArea extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "contentArea", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.h = getMeasurement(attributes.h); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.relevant = getRelevant(attributes.relevant); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.w = getMeasurement(attributes.w); this.x = getMeasurement(attributes.x, "0pt"); this.y = getMeasurement(attributes.y, "0pt"); this.desc = null; this.extras = null; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { // TODO: incomplete. const left = measureToString(this.x); const top = measureToString(this.y); const style = { position: "absolute", left, top, width: measureToString(this.w), height: measureToString(this.h), }; const classNames = ["xfaContentarea"]; if (isPrintOnly(this)) { classNames.push("xfaPrintOnly"); } return HTMLResult.success({ name: "div", children: [], attributes: { style, class: classNames, id: this[$uid], }, }); } } class Corner extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "corner", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.inverted = getInteger({ data: attributes.inverted, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1, }); this.join = getStringOption(attributes.join, ["square", "round"]); this.presence = getStringOption(attributes.presence, [ "visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible", ]); this.radius = getMeasurement(attributes.radius); this.stroke = getStringOption(attributes.stroke, [ "solid", "dashDot", "dashDotDot", "dashed", "dotted", "embossed", "etched", "lowered", "raised", ]); this.thickness = getMeasurement(attributes.thickness, "0.5pt"); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.color = null; this.extras = null; } [$toStyle]() { // In using CSS it's only possible to handle radius // (at least with basic css). // Is there a real use (interest ?) of all these properties ? // Maybe it's possible to implement them using svg and border-image... // TODO: implement all the missing properties. const style = toStyle(this, "visibility"); style.radius = measureToString(this.join === "square" ? 0 : this.radius); return style; } } class DateElement extends ContentObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "date"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } [$finalize]() { const date = this[$content].trim(); this[$content] = date ? new Date(date) : null; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { return valueToHtml(this[$content] ? this[$content].toString() : ""); } } class DateTime extends ContentObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "dateTime"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } [$finalize]() { const date = this[$content].trim(); this[$content] = date ? new Date(date) : null; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { return valueToHtml(this[$content] ? this[$content].toString() : ""); } } class DateTimeEdit extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "dateTimeEdit", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.hScrollPolicy = getStringOption(attributes.hScrollPolicy, [ "auto", "off", "on", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.picker = getStringOption(attributes.picker, ["host", "none"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.border = null; this.comb = null; this.extras = null; this.margin = null; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { // TODO: incomplete. // When the picker is host we should use type=date for the input // but we need to put the buttons outside the text-field. const style = toStyle(this, "border", "font", "margin"); const field = this[$getParent]()[$getParent](); const html = { name: "input", attributes: { type: "text", fieldId: field[$uid], dataId: field[$data] && field[$data][$uid], class: ["xfaTextfield"], style, }, }; return HTMLResult.success({ name: "label", attributes: { class: ["xfaLabel"], }, children: [html], }); } } class Decimal extends ContentObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "decimal"); this.fracDigits = getInteger({ data: attributes.fracDigits, defaultValue: 2, validate: x => true, }); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.leadDigits = getInteger({ data: attributes.leadDigits, defaultValue: -1, validate: x => true, }); this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } [$finalize]() { const number = parseFloat(this[$content].trim()); this[$content] = isNaN(number) ? null : number; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { return valueToHtml( this[$content] !== null ? this[$content].toString() : "" ); } } class DefaultUi extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "defaultUi", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; } } class Desc extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "desc", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.boolean = new XFAObjectArray(); this.date = new XFAObjectArray(); this.dateTime = new XFAObjectArray(); this.decimal = new XFAObjectArray(); this.exData = new XFAObjectArray(); this.float = new XFAObjectArray(); this.image = new XFAObjectArray(); this.integer = new XFAObjectArray(); this.text = new XFAObjectArray(); this.time = new XFAObjectArray(); } } class DigestMethod extends OptionObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "digestMethod", [ "", "SHA1", "SHA256", "SHA512", "RIPEMD160", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class DigestMethods extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "digestMethods", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.type = getStringOption(attributes.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.digestMethod = new XFAObjectArray(); } } class Draw extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "draw", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.anchorType = getStringOption(attributes.anchorType, [ "topLeft", "bottomCenter", "bottomLeft", "bottomRight", "middleCenter", "middleLeft", "middleRight", "topCenter", "topRight", ]); this.colSpan = getInteger({ data: attributes.colSpan, defaultValue: 1, validate: n => n >= 1 || n === -1, }); this.h = attributes.h ? getMeasurement(attributes.h) : ""; this.hAlign = getStringOption(attributes.hAlign, [ "left", "center", "justify", "justifyAll", "radix", "right", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.locale = attributes.locale || ""; this.maxH = getMeasurement(attributes.maxH, "0pt"); this.maxW = getMeasurement(attributes.maxW, "0pt"); this.minH = getMeasurement(attributes.minH, "0pt"); this.minW = getMeasurement(attributes.minW, "0pt"); this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.presence = getStringOption(attributes.presence, [ "visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible", ]); this.relevant = getRelevant(attributes.relevant); this.rotate = getInteger({ data: attributes.rotate, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x % 90 === 0, }); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.w = attributes.w ? getMeasurement(attributes.w) : ""; this.x = getMeasurement(attributes.x, "0pt"); this.y = getMeasurement(attributes.y, "0pt"); this.assist = null; this.border = null; this.caption = null; this.desc = null; this.extras = null; this.font = null; this.keep = null; this.margin = null; this.para = null; this.traversal = null; this.ui = null; this.value = null; this.setProperty = new XFAObjectArray(); } [$setValue](value) { _setValue(this, value); } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { if (this.presence === "hidden" || this.presence === "inactive") { return HTMLResult.EMPTY; } fixDimensions(this); if ((this.w === "" || this.h === "") && this.value) { let marginH = 0; let marginV = 0; if (this.margin) { marginH = this.margin.leftInset + this.margin.rightInset; marginV = this.margin.topInset + this.margin.bottomInset; } const maxWidth = this.w === "" ? availableSpace.width : this.w; const fontFinder = this[$globalData].fontFinder; let font = this.font; if (!font) { let parent = this[$getParent](); while (!(parent instanceof Template)) { if (parent.font) { font = parent.font; break; } parent = parent[$getParent](); } } let height = null; let width = null; if ( this.value.exData && this.value.exData[$content] && this.value.exData.contentType === "text/html" ) { const res = layoutText( this.value.exData[$content], font, fontFinder, maxWidth ); width = res.width; height = res.height; } else { const text = this.value[$text](); if (text) { const res = layoutText(text, font, fontFinder, maxWidth); width = res.width; height = res.height; } } if (width !== null && this.w === "") { this.w = width + marginH; } if (height !== null && this.h === "") { this.h = height + marginV; } } if (!checkDimensions(this, availableSpace)) { return HTMLResult.FAILURE; } const style = toStyle( this, "font", "hAlign", "dimensions", "position", "presence", "rotate", "anchorType", "border", "margin" ); setMinMaxDimensions(this, style); const classNames = ["xfaDraw"]; if (this.font) { classNames.push("xfaFont"); } if (isPrintOnly(this)) { classNames.push("xfaPrintOnly"); } const attributes = { style, id: this[$uid], class: classNames, }; if (this.name) { attributes.xfaName = this.name; } const html = { name: "div", attributes, children: [], }; const bbox = computeBbox(this, html, availableSpace); const value = this.value ? this.value[$toHTML](availableSpace).html : null; if (value === null) { return HTMLResult.success(createWrapper(this, html), bbox); } html.children.push(value); if (value.attributes.class && value.attributes.class.includes("xfaRich")) { if (this.h === "") { style.height = "auto"; } if (this.w === "") { style.width = "auto"; } if (this.para) { // By definition exData are external data so para // has no effect on it. attributes.style.display = "flex"; attributes.style.flexDirection = "column"; switch (this.para.vAlign) { case "top": attributes.style.justifyContent = "start"; break; case "bottom": attributes.style.justifyContent = "end"; break; case "middle": attributes.style.justifyContent = "center"; break; } const paraStyle = this.para[$toStyle](); if (!value.attributes.style) { value.attributes.style = paraStyle; } else { for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(paraStyle)) { if (!(key in value.attributes.style)) { value.attributes.style[key] = val; } } } } } return HTMLResult.success(createWrapper(this, html), bbox); } } class Edge extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "edge", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.cap = getStringOption(attributes.cap, ["square", "butt", "round"]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.presence = getStringOption(attributes.presence, [ "visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible", ]); this.stroke = getStringOption(attributes.stroke, [ "solid", "dashDot", "dashDotDot", "dashed", "dotted", "embossed", "etched", "lowered", "raised", ]); this.thickness = getMeasurement(attributes.thickness, "0.5pt"); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.color = null; this.extras = null; } [$toStyle]() { // TODO: dashDot & dashDotDot. const style = toStyle(this, "visibility"); Object.assign(style, { linecap: this.cap, width: measureToString(this.thickness), color: this.color ? this.color[$toStyle]() : "#000000", style: "", }); if (this.presence !== "visible") { style.style = "none"; } else { switch (this.stroke) { case "solid": style.style = "solid"; break; case "dashDot": style.style = "dashed"; break; case "dashDotDot": style.style = "dashed"; break; case "dashed": style.style = "dashed"; break; case "dotted": style.style = "dotted"; break; case "embossed": style.style = "ridge"; break; case "etched": style.style = "groove"; break; case "lowered": style.style = "inset"; break; case "raised": style.style = "outset"; break; } } return style; } } class Encoding extends OptionObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "encoding", [ "adbe.x509.rsa_sha1", "adbe.pkcs7.detached", "adbe.pkcs7.sha1", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class Encodings extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "encodings", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.type = getStringOption(attributes.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.encoding = new XFAObjectArray(); } } class Encrypt extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "encrypt", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.certificate = null; } } class EncryptData extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "encryptData", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.operation = getStringOption(attributes.operation, [ "encrypt", "decrypt", ]); this.target = attributes.target || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.filter = null; this.manifest = null; } } class Encryption extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "encryption", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.type = getStringOption(attributes.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.certificate = new XFAObjectArray(); } } class EncryptionMethod extends OptionObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "encryptionMethod", [ "", "AES256-CBC", "TRIPLEDES-CBC", "AES128-CBC", "AES192-CBC", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class EncryptionMethods extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "encryptionMethods", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.type = getStringOption(attributes.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.encryptionMethod = new XFAObjectArray(); } } class Event extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "event", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.activity = getStringOption(attributes.activity, [ "click", "change", "docClose", "docReady", "enter", "exit", "full", "indexChange", "initialize", "mouseDown", "mouseEnter", "mouseExit", "mouseUp", "postExecute", "postOpen", "postPrint", "postSave", "postSign", "postSubmit", "preExecute", "preOpen", "prePrint", "preSave", "preSign", "preSubmit", "ready", "validationState", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.listen = getStringOption(attributes.listen, [ "refOnly", "refAndDescendents", ]); this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.ref = attributes.ref || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; // One-of properties this.encryptData = null; this.execute = null; this.script = null; this.signData = null; this.submit = null; } } class ExData extends ContentObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "exData"); this.contentType = attributes.contentType || ""; this.href = attributes.href || ""; this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.maxLength = getInteger({ data: attributes.maxLength, defaultValue: -1, validate: x => x >= -1, }); this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.rid = attributes.rid || ""; this.transferEncoding = getStringOption(attributes.transferEncoding, [ "none", "base64", "package", ]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } [$isCDATAXml]() { return this.contentType === "text/html"; } [$onChild](child) { if ( this.contentType === "text/html" && child[$namespaceId] === NamespaceIds.xhtml.id ) { this[$content] = child; return true; } if (this.contentType === "text/xml") { this[$content] = child; return true; } return false; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { if (this.contentType !== "text/html" || !this[$content]) { // TODO: fix other cases. return HTMLResult.EMPTY; } return this[$content][$toHTML](availableSpace); } } class ExObject extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "exObject", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.archive = attributes.archive || ""; this.classId = attributes.classId || ""; this.codeBase = attributes.codeBase || ""; this.codeType = attributes.codeType || ""; this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.boolean = new XFAObjectArray(); this.date = new XFAObjectArray(); this.dateTime = new XFAObjectArray(); this.decimal = new XFAObjectArray(); this.exData = new XFAObjectArray(); this.exObject = new XFAObjectArray(); this.float = new XFAObjectArray(); this.image = new XFAObjectArray(); this.integer = new XFAObjectArray(); this.text = new XFAObjectArray(); this.time = new XFAObjectArray(); } } class ExclGroup extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "exclGroup", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.access = getStringOption(attributes.access, [ "open", "nonInteractive", "protected", "readOnly", ]); this.accessKey = attributes.accessKey || ""; this.anchorType = getStringOption(attributes.anchorType, [ "topLeft", "bottomCenter", "bottomLeft", "bottomRight", "middleCenter", "middleLeft", "middleRight", "topCenter", "topRight", ]); this.colSpan = getInteger({ data: attributes.colSpan, defaultValue: 1, validate: n => n >= 1 || n === -1, }); this.h = attributes.h ? getMeasurement(attributes.h) : ""; this.hAlign = getStringOption(attributes.hAlign, [ "left", "center", "justify", "justifyAll", "radix", "right", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.layout = getStringOption(attributes.layout, [ "position", "lr-tb", "rl-row", "rl-tb", "row", "table", "tb", ]); this.maxH = getMeasurement(attributes.maxH, "0pt"); this.maxW = getMeasurement(attributes.maxW, "0pt"); this.minH = getMeasurement(attributes.minH, "0pt"); this.minW = getMeasurement(attributes.minW, "0pt"); this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.presence = getStringOption(attributes.presence, [ "visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible", ]); this.relevant = getRelevant(attributes.relevant); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.w = attributes.w ? getMeasurement(attributes.w) : ""; this.x = getMeasurement(attributes.x, "0pt"); this.y = getMeasurement(attributes.y, "0pt"); this.assist = null; this.bind = null; this.border = null; this.calculate = null; this.caption = null; this.desc = null; this.extras = null; this.margin = null; this.para = null; this.traversal = null; this.validate = null; this.connect = new XFAObjectArray(); this.event = new XFAObjectArray(); this.field = new XFAObjectArray(); this.setProperty = new XFAObjectArray(); } [$isBindable]() { return true; } [$hasSettableValue]() { return true; } [$setValue](value) { for (const field of this.field.children) { if (!field.value) { const nodeValue = new Value({}); field[$appendChild](nodeValue); field.value = nodeValue; } field.value[$setValue](value); } } [$isSplittable]() { // We cannot cache the result here because the contentArea // can change. const root = this[$getTemplateRoot](); const contentArea = root[$extra].currentContentArea; if (contentArea && Math.max(this.minH, this.h || 0) >= contentArea.h) { return true; } if (this.layout === "position") { return false; } const parentLayout = this[$getParent]().layout; if (parentLayout && parentLayout.includes("row")) { return false; } return true; } [$flushHTML]() { return flushHTML(this); } [$addHTML](html, bbox) { addHTML(this, html, bbox); } [$getAvailableSpace]() { return getAvailableSpace(this); } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { if ( this.presence === "hidden" || this.presence === "inactive" || this.h === 0 || this.w === 0 ) { return HTMLResult.EMPTY; } fixDimensions(this); const children = []; const attributes = { id: this[$uid], class: [], }; setAccess(this, attributes.class); if (!this[$extra]) { this[$extra] = Object.create(null); } Object.assign(this[$extra], { children, attributes, attempt: 0, availableSpace, width: 0, height: 0, prevHeight: 0, currentWidth: 0, }); if (!checkDimensions(this, availableSpace)) { return HTMLResult.FAILURE; } availableSpace = { width: this.w === "" ? availableSpace.width : this.w, height: this.h === "" ? availableSpace.height : this.h, }; const filter = new Set(["field"]); if (this.layout === "row") { const columnWidths = this[$getParent]().columnWidths; if (Array.isArray(columnWidths) && columnWidths.length > 0) { this[$extra].columnWidths = columnWidths; this[$extra].currentColumn = 0; } } const style = toStyle( this, "anchorType", "dimensions", "position", "presence", "border", "margin", "hAlign" ); const classNames = ["xfaExclgroup"]; const cl = layoutClass(this); if (cl) { classNames.push(cl); } if (isPrintOnly(this)) { classNames.push("xfaPrintOnly"); } attributes.style = style; attributes.class = classNames; if (this.name) { attributes.xfaName = this.name; } let failure; if (this.layout === "lr-tb" || this.layout === "rl-tb") { for ( ; this[$extra].attempt < MAX_ATTEMPTS_FOR_LRTB_LAYOUT; this[$extra].attempt++ ) { const result = this[$childrenToHTML]({ filter, include: true, }); if (result.success) { break; } if (result.isBreak()) { return result; } } failure = this[$extra].attempt === MAX_ATTEMPTS_FOR_LRTB_LAYOUT; } else { const result = this[$childrenToHTML]({ filter, include: true, }); failure = !result.success; if (failure && result.isBreak()) { return result; } } if (failure) { if (this[$isSplittable]()) { delete this[$extra]; } return HTMLResult.FAILURE; } let marginH = 0; let marginV = 0; if (this.margin) { marginH = this.margin.leftInset + this.margin.rightInset; marginV = this.margin.topInset + this.margin.bottomInset; } const width = Math.max(this[$extra].width + marginH, this.w || 0); const height = Math.max(this[$extra].height + marginV, this.h || 0); const bbox = [this.x, this.y, width, height]; if (this.w === "") { style.width = measureToString(width); } if (this.h === "") { style.height = measureToString(height); } const html = { name: "div", attributes, children, }; delete this[$extra]; return HTMLResult.success(createWrapper(this, html), bbox); } } class Execute extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "execute"); this.connection = attributes.connection || ""; this.executeType = getStringOption(attributes.executeType, [ "import", "remerge", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.runAt = getStringOption(attributes.runAt, [ "client", "both", "server", ]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class Extras extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "extras", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.boolean = new XFAObjectArray(); this.date = new XFAObjectArray(); this.dateTime = new XFAObjectArray(); this.decimal = new XFAObjectArray(); this.exData = new XFAObjectArray(); this.extras = new XFAObjectArray(); this.float = new XFAObjectArray(); this.image = new XFAObjectArray(); this.integer = new XFAObjectArray(); this.text = new XFAObjectArray(); this.time = new XFAObjectArray(); } // (Spec) The XFA template grammar defines the extras and desc elements, // which can be used to add human-readable or machine-readable // data to a template. } class Field extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "field", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.access = getStringOption(attributes.access, [ "open", "nonInteractive", "protected", "readOnly", ]); this.accessKey = attributes.accessKey || ""; this.anchorType = getStringOption(attributes.anchorType, [ "topLeft", "bottomCenter", "bottomLeft", "bottomRight", "middleCenter", "middleLeft", "middleRight", "topCenter", "topRight", ]); this.colSpan = getInteger({ data: attributes.colSpan, defaultValue: 1, validate: n => n >= 1 || n === -1, }); this.h = attributes.h ? getMeasurement(attributes.h) : ""; this.hAlign = getStringOption(attributes.hAlign, [ "left", "center", "justify", "justifyAll", "radix", "right", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.locale = attributes.locale || ""; this.maxH = getMeasurement(attributes.maxH, "0pt"); this.maxW = getMeasurement(attributes.maxW, "0pt"); this.minH = getMeasurement(attributes.minH, "0pt"); this.minW = getMeasurement(attributes.minW, "0pt"); this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.presence = getStringOption(attributes.presence, [ "visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible", ]); this.relevant = getRelevant(attributes.relevant); this.rotate = getInteger({ data: attributes.rotate, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x % 90 === 0, }); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.w = attributes.w ? getMeasurement(attributes.w) : ""; this.x = getMeasurement(attributes.x, "0pt"); this.y = getMeasurement(attributes.y, "0pt"); this.assist = null; this.bind = null; this.border = null; this.calculate = null; this.caption = null; this.desc = null; this.extras = null; this.font = null; this.format = null; // For a choice list, one list is used to have display entries // and the other for the exported values this.items = new XFAObjectArray(2); this.keep = null; this.margin = null; this.para = null; this.traversal = null; this.ui = null; this.validate = null; this.value = null; this.bindItems = new XFAObjectArray(); this.connect = new XFAObjectArray(); this.event = new XFAObjectArray(); this.setProperty = new XFAObjectArray(); } [$isBindable]() { return true; } [$setValue](value) { _setValue(this, value); } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { if ( !this.ui || this.presence === "hidden" || this.presence === "inactive" || this.h === 0 || this.w === 0 ) { return HTMLResult.EMPTY; } fixDimensions(this); if (!checkDimensions(this, availableSpace)) { return HTMLResult.FAILURE; } const style = toStyle( this, "font", "dimensions", "position", "rotate", "anchorType", "presence", "margin", "hAlign" ); setMinMaxDimensions(this, style); const classNames = ["xfaField"]; // If no font, font properties are inherited. if (this.font) { classNames.push("xfaFont"); } if (isPrintOnly(this)) { classNames.push("xfaPrintOnly"); } const attributes = { style, id: this[$uid], class: classNames, }; setAccess(this, classNames); if (this.name) { attributes.xfaName = this.name; } const children = []; const html = { name: "div", attributes, children, }; const borderStyle = this.border ? this.border[$toStyle]() : null; const bbox = computeBbox(this, html, availableSpace); const ui = this.ui ? this.ui[$toHTML]().html : null; if (!ui) { Object.assign(style, borderStyle); return HTMLResult.success(createWrapper(this, html), bbox); } if (!ui.attributes.style) { ui.attributes.style = Object.create(null); } if (this.ui.button) { Object.assign(ui.attributes.style, borderStyle); } else { Object.assign(style, borderStyle); } children.push(ui); if (this.value) { if (this.ui.imageEdit) { ui.children.push(this.value[$toHTML]().html); } else if (!this.ui.button) { let value = ""; if (this.value.exData) { value = this.value.exData[$text](); } else { const htmlValue = this.value[$toHTML]().html; if (htmlValue !== null) { value = htmlValue.value; } } if (this.ui.textEdit && this.value.text && this.value.text.maxChars) { ui.children[0].attributes.maxLength = this.value.text.maxChars; } if (value) { if (ui.children[0].name === "textarea") { ui.children[0].attributes.textContent = value; } else { ui.children[0].attributes.value = value; } } } } const caption = this.caption ? this.caption[$toHTML]().html : null; if (!caption) { if (ui.attributes.class) { // Even if no caption this class will help to center the ui. ui.attributes.class.push("xfaLeft"); } return HTMLResult.success(createWrapper(this, html), bbox); } if (this.ui.button) { if (caption.name === "div") { caption.name = "span"; } ui.children.push(caption); return HTMLResult.success(html, bbox); } else if (this.ui.checkButton) { caption.attributes.class[0] = "xfaCaptionForCheckButton"; } if (!ui.attributes.class) { ui.attributes.class = []; } switch (this.caption.placement) { case "left": ui.children.splice(0, 0, caption); ui.attributes.class.push("xfaLeft"); break; case "right": ui.children.push(caption); ui.attributes.class.push("xfaLeft"); break; case "top": ui.children.splice(0, 0, caption); ui.attributes.class.push("xfaTop"); break; case "bottom": ui.children.push(caption); ui.attributes.class.push("xfaTop"); break; case "inline": // TODO; ui.attributes.class.push("xfaLeft"); break; } return HTMLResult.success(createWrapper(this, html), bbox); } } class Fill extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "fill", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.presence = getStringOption(attributes.presence, [ "visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible", ]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.color = null; this.extras = null; // One-of properties or none this.linear = null; this.pattern = null; this.radial = null; this.solid = null; this.stipple = null; } [$toStyle]() { const parent = this[$getParent](); const style = Object.create(null); let propName = "color"; if (parent instanceof Border) { propName = "background"; } if (parent instanceof Rectangle || parent instanceof Arc) { propName = "fill"; style.fill = "transparent"; } for (const name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { if (name === "extras" || name === "color") { continue; } const obj = this[name]; if (!(obj instanceof XFAObject)) { continue; } style[propName] = obj[$toStyle](this.color); return style; } if (this.color) { style[propName] = this.color[$toStyle](); } return style; } } class Filter extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "filter", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.addRevocationInfo = getStringOption(attributes.addRevocationInfo, [ "", "required", "optional", "none", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.version = getInteger({ data: this.version, defaultValue: 5, validate: x => x >= 1 && x <= 5, }); this.appearanceFilter = null; this.certificates = null; this.digestMethods = null; this.encodings = null; this.encryptionMethods = null; this.handler = null; this.lockDocument = null; this.mdp = null; this.reasons = null; this.timeStamp = null; } } class Float extends ContentObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "float"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } [$finalize]() { const number = parseFloat(this[$content].trim()); this[$content] = isNaN(number) ? null : number; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { return valueToHtml( this[$content] !== null ? this[$content].toString() : "" ); } } class Font extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "font", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.baselineShift = getMeasurement(attributes.baselineShift); this.fontHorizontalScale = getFloat({ data: attributes.fontHorizontalScale, defaultValue: 100, validate: x => x >= 0, }); this.fontVerticalScale = getFloat({ data: attributes.fontVerticalScale, defaultValue: 100, validate: x => x >= 0, }); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.kerningMode = getStringOption(attributes.kerningMode, [ "none", "pair", ]); this.letterSpacing = getMeasurement(attributes.letterSpacing, "0"); this.lineThrough = getInteger({ data: attributes.lineThrough, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1 || x === 2, }); this.lineThroughPeriod = getStringOption(attributes.lineThroughPeriod, [ "all", "word", ]); this.overline = getInteger({ data: attributes.overline, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1 || x === 2, }); this.overlinePeriod = getStringOption(attributes.overlinePeriod, [ "all", "word", ]); this.posture = getStringOption(attributes.posture, ["normal", "italic"]); this.size = getMeasurement(attributes.size, "10pt"); this.typeface = attributes.typeface || "Courier"; this.underline = getInteger({ data: attributes.underline, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1 || x === 2, }); this.underlinePeriod = getStringOption(attributes.underlinePeriod, [ "all", "word", ]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.weight = getStringOption(attributes.weight, ["normal", "bold"]); this.extras = null; this.fill = null; } [$toStyle]() { const style = toStyle(this, "fill"); const color = style.color; if (color) { if (color === "#000000") { // Default font color. delete style.color; } else if (!color.startsWith("#")) { // We've a gradient which is not possible for a font color // so use a workaround. style.background = color; style.backgroundClip = "text"; style.color = "transparent"; } } if (this.baselineShift) { style.verticalAlign = measureToString(this.baselineShift); } // TODO: fontHorizontalScale // TODO: fontVerticalScale style.fontKerning = this.kerningMode === "none" ? "none" : "normal"; style.letterSpacing = measureToString(this.letterSpacing); if (this.lineThrough !== 0) { style.textDecoration = "line-through"; if (this.lineThrough === 2) { style.textDecorationStyle = "double"; } } // TODO: lineThroughPeriod if (this.overline !== 0) { style.textDecoration = "overline"; if (this.overline === 2) { style.textDecorationStyle = "double"; } } // TODO: overlinePeriod style.fontStyle = this.posture; const fontSize = measureToString(0.99 * this.size); if (fontSize !== "10px") { style.fontSize = fontSize; } setFontFamily(this, this[$globalData].fontFinder, style); if (this.underline !== 0) { style.textDecoration = "underline"; if (this.underline === 2) { style.textDecorationStyle = "double"; } } // TODO: underlinePeriod style.fontWeight = this.weight; return style; } } class Format extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "format", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.picture = null; } } class Handler extends StringObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "handler"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.type = getStringOption(attributes.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class Hyphenation extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "hyphenation"); this.excludeAllCaps = getInteger({ data: attributes.excludeAllCaps, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1, }); this.excludeInitialCap = getInteger({ data: attributes.excludeInitialCap, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1, }); this.hyphenate = getInteger({ data: attributes.hyphenate, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1, }); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.pushCharacterCount = getInteger({ data: attributes.pushCharacterCount, defaultValue: 3, validate: x => x >= 0, }); this.remainCharacterCount = getInteger({ data: attributes.remainCharacterCount, defaultValue: 3, validate: x => x >= 0, }); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.wordCharacterCount = getInteger({ data: attributes.wordCharacterCount, defaultValue: 7, validate: x => x >= 0, }); } } class Image extends StringObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "image"); this.aspect = getStringOption(attributes.aspect, [ "fit", "actual", "height", "none", "width", ]); this.contentType = attributes.contentType || ""; this.href = attributes.href || ""; this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.transferEncoding = getStringOption(attributes.transferEncoding, [ "base64", "none", "package", ]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } [$toHTML]() { if (this.href || !this[$content]) { // TODO: href can be a Name referring to an internal stream // containing a picture. // In general, we don't get remote data and use what we have // in the pdf itself, so no picture for non null href. return HTMLResult.EMPTY; } // TODO: Firefox doesn't support natively tiff (and tif) format. if (this.transferEncoding === "base64") { const buffer = stringToBytes(atob(this[$content])); const blob = new Blob([buffer], { type: this.contentType }); let style; switch (this.aspect) { case "fit": case "actual": // TODO: check what to do with actual. // Normally we should return {auto, auto} for it but // it implies some wrong rendering (see xfa_bug1716816.pdf). break; case "height": style = { width: "auto", height: "100%", }; break; case "none": style = { width: "100%", height: "100%", }; break; case "width": style = { width: "100%", height: "auto", }; break; } return HTMLResult.success({ name: "img", attributes: { class: ["xfaImage"], style, src: URL.createObjectURL(blob), }, }); } return HTMLResult.EMPTY; } } class ImageEdit extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "imageEdit", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.data = getStringOption(attributes.data, ["link", "embed"]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.border = null; this.extras = null; this.margin = null; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { if (this.data === "embed") { return HTMLResult.success({ name: "div", children: [], attributes: {}, }); } return HTMLResult.EMPTY; } } class Integer extends ContentObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "integer"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } [$finalize]() { const number = parseInt(this[$content].trim(), 10); this[$content] = isNaN(number) ? null : number; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { return valueToHtml( this[$content] !== null ? this[$content].toString() : "" ); } } class Issuers extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "issuers", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.type = getStringOption(attributes.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.certificate = new XFAObjectArray(); } } class Items extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "items", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.presence = getStringOption(attributes.presence, [ "visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible", ]); this.ref = attributes.ref || ""; this.save = getInteger({ data: attributes.save, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1, }); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.boolean = new XFAObjectArray(); this.date = new XFAObjectArray(); this.dateTime = new XFAObjectArray(); this.decimal = new XFAObjectArray(); this.exData = new XFAObjectArray(); this.float = new XFAObjectArray(); this.image = new XFAObjectArray(); this.integer = new XFAObjectArray(); this.text = new XFAObjectArray(); this.time = new XFAObjectArray(); } [$toHTML]() { const output = []; for (const child of this[$getChildren]()) { output.push(child[$text]()); } return HTMLResult.success(output); } } class Keep extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "keep", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; const options = ["none", "contentArea", "pageArea"]; this.intact = getStringOption(attributes.intact, options); this.next = getStringOption(attributes.next, options); this.previous = getStringOption(attributes.previous, options); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; } } class KeyUsage extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "keyUsage"); const options = ["", "yes", "no"]; this.crlSign = getStringOption(attributes.crlSign, options); this.dataEncipherment = getStringOption( attributes.dataEncipherment, options ); this.decipherOnly = getStringOption(attributes.decipherOnly, options); this.digitalSignature = getStringOption( attributes.digitalSignature, options ); this.encipherOnly = getStringOption(attributes.encipherOnly, options); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.keyAgreement = getStringOption(attributes.keyAgreement, options); this.keyCertSign = getStringOption(attributes.keyCertSign, options); this.keyEncipherment = getStringOption(attributes.keyEncipherment, options); this.nonRepudiation = getStringOption(attributes.nonRepudiation, options); this.type = getStringOption(attributes.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class Line extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "line", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.hand = getStringOption(attributes.hand, ["even", "left", "right"]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.slope = getStringOption(attributes.slope, ["\\", "/"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.edge = null; } [$toHTML]() { const parent = this[$getParent]()[$getParent](); const edge = this.edge ? this.edge : new Edge({}); const edgeStyle = edge[$toStyle](); const style = Object.create(null); const thickness = edge.presence === "visible" ? Math.round(edge.thickness) : 0; style.strokeWidth = measureToString(thickness); style.stroke = edgeStyle.color; let x1, y1, x2, y2; let width = "100%"; let height = "100%"; if (parent.w <= thickness) { [x1, y1, x2, y2] = ["50%", 0, "50%", "100%"]; width = style.strokeWidth; } else if (parent.h <= thickness) { [x1, y1, x2, y2] = [0, "50%", "100%", "50%"]; height = style.strokeWidth; } else { if (this.slope === "\\") { [x1, y1, x2, y2] = [0, 0, "100%", "100%"]; } else { [x1, y1, x2, y2] = [0, "100%", "100%", 0]; } } const line = { name: "line", attributes: { xmlns: SVG_NS, x1, y1, x2, y2, style, }, }; return HTMLResult.success({ name: "svg", children: [line], attributes: { xmlns: SVG_NS, width, height, style: { position: "absolute", }, }, }); } } class Linear extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "linear", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.type = getStringOption(attributes.type, [ "toRight", "toBottom", "toLeft", "toTop", ]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.color = null; this.extras = null; } [$toStyle](startColor) { startColor = startColor ? startColor[$toStyle]() : "#FFFFFF"; const transf = this.type.replace(/([RBLT])/, " $1").toLowerCase(); const endColor = this.color ? this.color[$toStyle]() : "#000000"; return `linear-gradient(${transf}, ${startColor}, ${endColor})`; } } class LockDocument extends ContentObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "lockDocument"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.type = getStringOption(attributes.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } [$finalize]() { this[$content] = getStringOption(this[$content], ["auto", "0", "1"]); } } class Manifest extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "manifest", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.action = getStringOption(attributes.action, [ "include", "all", "exclude", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.ref = new XFAObjectArray(); } } class Margin extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "margin", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.bottomInset = getMeasurement(attributes.bottomInset, "0"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.leftInset = getMeasurement(attributes.leftInset, "0"); this.rightInset = getMeasurement(attributes.rightInset, "0"); this.topInset = getMeasurement(attributes.topInset, "0"); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; } [$toStyle]() { return { margin: measureToString(this.topInset) + " " + measureToString(this.rightInset) + " " + measureToString(this.bottomInset) + " " + measureToString(this.leftInset), }; } } class Mdp extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "mdp"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.permissions = getInteger({ data: attributes.permissions, defaultValue: 2, validate: x => x === 1 || x === 3, }); this.signatureType = getStringOption(attributes.signatureType, [ "filler", "author", ]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class Medium extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "medium"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.imagingBBox = getBBox(attributes.imagingBBox); this.long = getMeasurement(attributes.long); this.orientation = getStringOption(attributes.orientation, [ "portrait", "landscape", ]); this.short = getMeasurement(attributes.short); this.stock = attributes.stock || ""; this.trayIn = getStringOption(attributes.trayIn, [ "auto", "delegate", "pageFront", ]); this.trayOut = getStringOption(attributes.trayOut, ["auto", "delegate"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class Message extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "message", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.text = new XFAObjectArray(); } } class NumericEdit extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "numericEdit", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.hScrollPolicy = getStringOption(attributes.hScrollPolicy, [ "auto", "off", "on", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.border = null; this.comb = null; this.extras = null; this.margin = null; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { // TODO: incomplete. const style = toStyle(this, "border", "font", "margin"); const field = this[$getParent]()[$getParent](); const html = { name: "input", attributes: { type: "text", fieldId: field[$uid], dataId: field[$data] && field[$data][$uid], class: ["xfaTextfield"], style, }, }; return HTMLResult.success({ name: "label", attributes: { class: ["xfaLabel"], }, children: [html], }); } } class Occur extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "occur", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.initial = getInteger({ data: attributes.initial, defaultValue: 1, validate: x => true, }); this.max = getInteger({ data: attributes.max, defaultValue: 1, validate: x => true, }); this.min = getInteger({ data: attributes.min, defaultValue: 1, validate: x => true, }); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; } } class Oid extends StringObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "oid"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class Oids extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "oids", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.type = getStringOption(attributes.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.oid = new XFAObjectArray(); } } class Overflow extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "overflow"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.leader = attributes.leader || ""; this.target = attributes.target || ""; this.trailer = attributes.trailer || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class PageArea extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "pageArea", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.blankOrNotBlank = getStringOption(attributes.blankOrNotBlank, [ "any", "blank", "notBlank", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.initialNumber = getInteger({ data: attributes.initialNumber, defaultValue: 1, validate: x => true, }); this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.numbered = getInteger({ data: attributes.numbered, defaultValue: 1, validate: x => true, }); this.oddOrEven = getStringOption(attributes.oddOrEven, [ "any", "even", "odd", ]); this.pagePosition = getStringOption(attributes.pagePosition, [ "any", "first", "last", "only", "rest", ]); this.relevant = getRelevant(attributes.relevant); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.desc = null; this.extras = null; this.medium = null; this.occur = null; this.area = new XFAObjectArray(); this.contentArea = new XFAObjectArray(); this.draw = new XFAObjectArray(); this.exclGroup = new XFAObjectArray(); this.field = new XFAObjectArray(); this.subform = new XFAObjectArray(); } [$isUsable]() { if (!this[$extra]) { this[$extra] = { numberOfUse: 0, }; return true; } return ( !this.occur || this.occur.max === -1 || this[$extra].numberOfUse < this.occur.max ); } [$cleanPage]() { delete this[$extra]; } [$getNextPage]() { if (!this[$extra]) { this[$extra] = { numberOfUse: 0, }; } const parent = this[$getParent](); if (parent.relation === "orderedOccurrence") { if (this[$isUsable]()) { this[$extra].numberOfUse += 1; return this; } } return parent[$getNextPage](); } [$getAvailableSpace]() { return this[$extra].space || { width: 0, height: 0 }; } [$toHTML]() { // TODO: incomplete. if (!this[$extra]) { this[$extra] = { numberOfUse: 1, }; } const children = []; this[$extra].children = children; const style = Object.create(null); if (this.medium && this.medium.short && this.medium.long) { style.width = measureToString(this.medium.short); style.height = measureToString(this.medium.long); this[$extra].space = { width: this.medium.short, height: this.medium.long, }; if (this.medium.orientation === "landscape") { const x = style.width; style.width = style.height; style.height = x; this[$extra].space = { width: this.medium.long, height: this.medium.short, }; } } else { warn("XFA - No medium specified in pageArea: please file a bug."); } this[$childrenToHTML]({ filter: new Set(["area", "draw", "field", "subform"]), include: true, }); // contentarea must be the last container to be sure it is // on top of the others. this[$childrenToHTML]({ filter: new Set(["contentArea"]), include: true, }); return HTMLResult.success({ name: "div", children, attributes: { id: this[$uid], style, }, }); } } class PageSet extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "pageSet", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.duplexImposition = getStringOption(attributes.duplexImposition, [ "longEdge", "shortEdge", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.relation = getStringOption(attributes.relation, [ "orderedOccurrence", "duplexPaginated", "simplexPaginated", ]); this.relevant = getRelevant(attributes.relevant); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.occur = null; this.pageArea = new XFAObjectArray(); this.pageSet = new XFAObjectArray(); } [$cleanPage]() { for (const page of this.pageArea.children) { page[$cleanPage](); } for (const page of this.pageSet.children) { page[$cleanPage](); } } [$isUsable]() { return ( !this.occur || this.occur.max === -1 || this[$extra].numberOfUse < this.occur.max ); } [$getNextPage]() { if (!this[$extra]) { this[$extra] = { numberOfUse: 1, pageIndex: -1, pageSetIndex: -1, }; } if (this.relation === "orderedOccurrence") { if (this[$extra].pageIndex + 1 < this.pageArea.children.length) { this[$extra].pageIndex += 1; const pageArea = this.pageArea.children[this[$extra].pageIndex]; return pageArea[$getNextPage](); } if (this[$extra].pageSetIndex + 1 < this.pageSet.children.length) { this[$extra].pageSetIndex += 1; return this.pageSet.children[this[$extra].pageSetIndex][$getNextPage](); } if (this[$isUsable]()) { this[$extra].numberOfUse += 1; this[$extra].pageIndex = -1; this[$extra].pageSetIndex = -1; return this[$getNextPage](); } const parent = this[$getParent](); if (parent instanceof PageSet) { return parent[$getNextPage](); } this[$cleanPage](); return this[$getNextPage](); } const pageNumber = this[$getTemplateRoot]()[$extra].pageNumber; const parity = pageNumber % 2 === 0 ? "even" : "odd"; const position = pageNumber === 0 ? "first" : "rest"; let page = this.pageArea.children.find( p => p.oddOrEven === parity && p.pagePosition === position ); if (page) { return page; } page = this.pageArea.children.find( p => p.oddOrEven === "any" && p.pagePosition === position ); if (page) { return page; } page = this.pageArea.children.find( p => p.oddOrEven === "any" && p.pagePosition === "any" ); if (page) { return page; } return this.pageArea.children[0]; } } class Para extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "para", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.hAlign = getStringOption(attributes.hAlign, [ "left", "center", "justify", "justifyAll", "radix", "right", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.lineHeight = attributes.lineHeight ? getMeasurement(attributes.lineHeight, "0pt") : ""; this.marginLeft = attributes.marginLeft ? getMeasurement(attributes.marginLeft, "0pt") : ""; this.marginRight = attributes.marginRight ? getMeasurement(attributes.marginRight, "0pt") : ""; this.orphans = getInteger({ data: attributes.orphans, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x >= 0, }); this.preserve = attributes.preserve || ""; this.radixOffset = attributes.radixOffset ? getMeasurement(attributes.radixOffset, "0pt") : ""; this.spaceAbove = attributes.spaceAbove ? getMeasurement(attributes.spaceAbove, "0pt") : ""; this.spaceBelow = attributes.spaceBelow ? getMeasurement(attributes.spaceBelow, "0pt") : ""; this.tabDefault = attributes.tabDefault ? getMeasurement(this.tabDefault) : ""; this.tabStops = (attributes.tabStops || "") .trim() .split(/\s+/) .map((x, i) => (i % 2 === 1 ? getMeasurement(x) : x)); this.textIndent = attributes.textIndent ? getMeasurement(attributes.textIndent, "0pt") : ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.vAlign = getStringOption(attributes.vAlign, [ "top", "bottom", "middle", ]); this.widows = getInteger({ data: attributes.widows, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x >= 0, }); this.hyphenation = null; } [$toStyle]() { const style = toStyle(this, "hAlign"); if (this.marginLeft !== "") { style.marginLeft = measureToString(this.marginLeft); } if (this.marginRight !== "") { style.marginRight = measureToString(this.marginRight); } if (this.spaceAbove !== "") { style.marginTop = measureToString(this.spaceAbove); } if (this.spaceBelow !== "") { style.marginBottom = measureToString(this.spaceBelow); } if (this.textIndent !== "") { style.textIndent = measureToString(this.textIndent); fixTextIndent(style); } if (this.lineHeight > 0) { style.lineHeight = measureToString(this.lineHeight); } if (this.tabDefault !== "") { style.tabSize = measureToString(this.tabDefault); } if (this.tabStops.length > 0) { // TODO } if (this.hyphenatation) { Object.assign(style, this.hyphenatation[$toStyle]()); } return style; } } class PasswordEdit extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "passwordEdit", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.hScrollPolicy = getStringOption(attributes.hScrollPolicy, [ "auto", "off", "on", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.passwordChar = attributes.passwordChar || "*"; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.border = null; this.extras = null; this.margin = null; } } class Pattern extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "pattern", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.type = getStringOption(attributes.type, [ "crossHatch", "crossDiagonal", "diagonalLeft", "diagonalRight", "horizontal", "vertical", ]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.color = null; this.extras = null; } [$toStyle](startColor) { startColor = startColor ? startColor[$toStyle]() : "#FFFFFF"; const endColor = this.color ? this.color[$toStyle]() : "#000000"; const width = 5; const cmd = "repeating-linear-gradient"; const colors = `${startColor},${startColor} ${width}px,${endColor} ${width}px,${endColor} ${ 2 * width }px`; switch (this.type) { case "crossHatch": return `${cmd}(to top,${colors}) ${cmd}(to right,${colors})`; case "crossDiagonal": return `${cmd}(45deg,${colors}) ${cmd}(-45deg,${colors})`; case "diagonalLeft": return `${cmd}(45deg,${colors})`; case "diagonalRight": return `${cmd}(-45deg,${colors})`; case "horizontal": return `${cmd}(to top,${colors})`; case "vertical": return `${cmd}(to right,${colors})`; } return ""; } } class Picture extends StringObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "picture"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class Proto extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "proto", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.appearanceFilter = new XFAObjectArray(); this.arc = new XFAObjectArray(); this.area = new XFAObjectArray(); this.assist = new XFAObjectArray(); this.barcode = new XFAObjectArray(); this.bindItems = new XFAObjectArray(); this.bookend = new XFAObjectArray(); this.boolean = new XFAObjectArray(); this.border = new XFAObjectArray(); this.break = new XFAObjectArray(); this.breakAfter = new XFAObjectArray(); this.breakBefore = new XFAObjectArray(); this.button = new XFAObjectArray(); this.calculate = new XFAObjectArray(); this.caption = new XFAObjectArray(); this.certificate = new XFAObjectArray(); this.certificates = new XFAObjectArray(); this.checkButton = new XFAObjectArray(); this.choiceList = new XFAObjectArray(); this.color = new XFAObjectArray(); this.comb = new XFAObjectArray(); this.connect = new XFAObjectArray(); this.contentArea = new XFAObjectArray(); this.corner = new XFAObjectArray(); this.date = new XFAObjectArray(); this.dateTime = new XFAObjectArray(); this.dateTimeEdit = new XFAObjectArray(); this.decimal = new XFAObjectArray(); this.defaultUi = new XFAObjectArray(); this.desc = new XFAObjectArray(); this.digestMethod = new XFAObjectArray(); this.digestMethods = new XFAObjectArray(); this.draw = new XFAObjectArray(); this.edge = new XFAObjectArray(); this.encoding = new XFAObjectArray(); this.encodings = new XFAObjectArray(); this.encrypt = new XFAObjectArray(); this.encryptData = new XFAObjectArray(); this.encryption = new XFAObjectArray(); this.encryptionMethod = new XFAObjectArray(); this.encryptionMethods = new XFAObjectArray(); this.event = new XFAObjectArray(); this.exData = new XFAObjectArray(); this.exObject = new XFAObjectArray(); this.exclGroup = new XFAObjectArray(); this.execute = new XFAObjectArray(); this.extras = new XFAObjectArray(); this.field = new XFAObjectArray(); this.fill = new XFAObjectArray(); this.filter = new XFAObjectArray(); this.float = new XFAObjectArray(); this.font = new XFAObjectArray(); this.format = new XFAObjectArray(); this.handler = new XFAObjectArray(); this.hyphenation = new XFAObjectArray(); this.image = new XFAObjectArray(); this.imageEdit = new XFAObjectArray(); this.integer = new XFAObjectArray(); this.issuers = new XFAObjectArray(); this.items = new XFAObjectArray(); this.keep = new XFAObjectArray(); this.keyUsage = new XFAObjectArray(); this.line = new XFAObjectArray(); this.linear = new XFAObjectArray(); this.lockDocument = new XFAObjectArray(); this.manifest = new XFAObjectArray(); this.margin = new XFAObjectArray(); this.mdp = new XFAObjectArray(); this.medium = new XFAObjectArray(); this.message = new XFAObjectArray(); this.numericEdit = new XFAObjectArray(); this.occur = new XFAObjectArray(); this.oid = new XFAObjectArray(); this.oids = new XFAObjectArray(); this.overflow = new XFAObjectArray(); this.pageArea = new XFAObjectArray(); this.pageSet = new XFAObjectArray(); this.para = new XFAObjectArray(); this.passwordEdit = new XFAObjectArray(); this.pattern = new XFAObjectArray(); this.picture = new XFAObjectArray(); this.radial = new XFAObjectArray(); this.reason = new XFAObjectArray(); this.reasons = new XFAObjectArray(); this.rectangle = new XFAObjectArray(); this.ref = new XFAObjectArray(); this.script = new XFAObjectArray(); this.setProperty = new XFAObjectArray(); this.signData = new XFAObjectArray(); this.signature = new XFAObjectArray(); this.signing = new XFAObjectArray(); this.solid = new XFAObjectArray(); this.speak = new XFAObjectArray(); this.stipple = new XFAObjectArray(); this.subform = new XFAObjectArray(); this.subformSet = new XFAObjectArray(); this.subjectDN = new XFAObjectArray(); this.subjectDNs = new XFAObjectArray(); this.submit = new XFAObjectArray(); this.text = new XFAObjectArray(); this.textEdit = new XFAObjectArray(); this.time = new XFAObjectArray(); this.timeStamp = new XFAObjectArray(); this.toolTip = new XFAObjectArray(); this.traversal = new XFAObjectArray(); this.traverse = new XFAObjectArray(); this.ui = new XFAObjectArray(); this.validate = new XFAObjectArray(); this.value = new XFAObjectArray(); this.variables = new XFAObjectArray(); } } class Radial extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "radial", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.type = getStringOption(attributes.type, ["toEdge", "toCenter"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.color = null; this.extras = null; } [$toStyle](startColor) { startColor = startColor ? startColor[$toStyle]() : "#FFFFFF"; const endColor = this.color ? this.color[$toStyle]() : "#000000"; const colors = this.type === "toEdge" ? `${startColor},${endColor}` : `${endColor},${startColor}`; return `radial-gradient(circle to center, ${colors})`; } } class Reason extends StringObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "reason"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class Reasons extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "reasons", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.type = getStringOption(attributes.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.reason = new XFAObjectArray(); } } class Rectangle extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "rectangle", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.hand = getStringOption(attributes.hand, ["even", "left", "right"]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.corner = new XFAObjectArray(4); this.edge = new XFAObjectArray(4); this.fill = null; } [$toHTML]() { const edge = this.edge.children.length ? this.edge.children[0] : new Edge({}); const edgeStyle = edge[$toStyle](); const style = Object.create(null); if (this.fill) { Object.assign(style, this.fill[$toStyle]()); } else { style.fill = "transparent"; } style.strokeWidth = measureToString( edge.presence === "visible" ? 2 * edge.thickness : 0 ); style.stroke = edgeStyle.color; const corner = this.corner.children.length ? this.corner.children[0] : new Corner({}); const cornerStyle = corner[$toStyle](); const rect = { name: "rect", attributes: { xmlns: SVG_NS, width: "100%", height: "100%", x: 0, y: 0, rx: cornerStyle.radius, ry: cornerStyle.radius, style, }, }; return HTMLResult.success({ name: "svg", children: [rect], attributes: { xmlns: SVG_NS, style: { position: "absolute", }, width: "100%", height: "100%", }, }); } } class RefElement extends StringObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "ref"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class Script extends StringObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "script"); this.binding = attributes.binding || ""; this.contentType = attributes.contentType || ""; this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.runAt = getStringOption(attributes.runAt, [ "client", "both", "server", ]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class SetProperty extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "setProperty"); this.connection = attributes.connection || ""; this.ref = attributes.ref || ""; this.target = attributes.target || ""; } } class SignData extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "signData", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.operation = getStringOption(attributes.operation, [ "sign", "clear", "verify", ]); this.ref = attributes.ref || ""; this.target = attributes.target || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.filter = null; this.manifest = null; } } class Signature extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "signature", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.type = getStringOption(attributes.type, ["PDF1.3", "PDF1.6"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.border = null; this.extras = null; this.filter = null; this.manifest = null; this.margin = null; } } class Signing extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "signing", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.type = getStringOption(attributes.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.certificate = new XFAObjectArray(); } } class Solid extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "solid", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; } [$toStyle](startColor) { return startColor ? startColor[$toStyle]() : "#FFFFFF"; } } class Speak extends StringObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "speak"); this.disable = getInteger({ data: attributes.disable, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1, }); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.priority = getStringOption(attributes.priority, [ "custom", "caption", "name", "toolTip", ]); this.rid = attributes.rid || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class Stipple extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "stipple", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.rate = getInteger({ data: attributes.rate, defaultValue: 50, validate: x => x >= 0 && x <= 100, }); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.color = null; this.extras = null; } [$toStyle](bgColor) { const alpha = this.rate / 100; return Util.makeHexColor( Math.round(bgColor.value.r * (1 - alpha) + this.value.r * alpha), Math.round(bgColor.value.g * (1 - alpha) + this.value.g * alpha), Math.round(bgColor.value.b * (1 - alpha) + this.value.b * alpha) ); } } class Subform extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "subform", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.access = getStringOption(attributes.access, [ "open", "nonInteractive", "protected", "readOnly", ]); this.allowMacro = getInteger({ data: attributes.allowMacro, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1, }); this.anchorType = getStringOption(attributes.anchorType, [ "topLeft", "bottomCenter", "bottomLeft", "bottomRight", "middleCenter", "middleLeft", "middleRight", "topCenter", "topRight", ]); this.colSpan = getInteger({ data: attributes.colSpan, defaultValue: 1, validate: n => n >= 1 || n === -1, }); this.columnWidths = (attributes.columnWidths || "") .trim() .split(/\s+/) .map(x => (x === "-1" ? -1 : getMeasurement(x))); this.h = attributes.h ? getMeasurement(attributes.h) : ""; this.hAlign = getStringOption(attributes.hAlign, [ "left", "center", "justify", "justifyAll", "radix", "right", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.layout = getStringOption(attributes.layout, [ "position", "lr-tb", "rl-row", "rl-tb", "row", "table", "tb", ]); this.locale = attributes.locale || ""; this.maxH = getMeasurement(attributes.maxH, "0pt"); this.maxW = getMeasurement(attributes.maxW, "0pt"); this.mergeMode = getStringOption(attributes.mergeMode, [ "consumeData", "matchTemplate", ]); this.minH = getMeasurement(attributes.minH, "0pt"); this.minW = getMeasurement(attributes.minW, "0pt"); this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.presence = getStringOption(attributes.presence, [ "visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible", ]); this.relevant = getRelevant(attributes.relevant); this.restoreState = getStringOption(attributes.restoreState, [ "manual", "auto", ]); this.scope = getStringOption(attributes.scope, ["name", "none"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.w = attributes.w ? getMeasurement(attributes.w) : ""; this.x = getMeasurement(attributes.x, "0pt"); this.y = getMeasurement(attributes.y, "0pt"); this.assist = null; this.bind = null; this.bookend = null; this.border = null; this.break = null; this.calculate = null; this.desc = null; this.extras = null; this.keep = null; this.margin = null; this.occur = null; this.overflow = null; this.pageSet = null; this.para = null; this.traversal = null; this.validate = null; this.variables = null; this.area = new XFAObjectArray(); this.breakAfter = new XFAObjectArray(); this.breakBefore = new XFAObjectArray(); this.connect = new XFAObjectArray(); this.draw = new XFAObjectArray(); this.event = new XFAObjectArray(); this.exObject = new XFAObjectArray(); this.exclGroup = new XFAObjectArray(); this.field = new XFAObjectArray(); this.proto = new XFAObjectArray(); this.setProperty = new XFAObjectArray(); this.subform = new XFAObjectArray(); this.subformSet = new XFAObjectArray(); } [$isBindable]() { return true; } *[$getContainedChildren]() { // This function is overriden in order to fake that subforms under // this set are in fact under parent subform. yield* getContainedChildren(this); } [$flushHTML]() { return flushHTML(this); } [$addHTML](html, bbox) { addHTML(this, html, bbox); } [$getAvailableSpace]() { return getAvailableSpace(this); } [$isSplittable](x) { // We cannot cache the result here because the contentArea // can change. const root = this[$getTemplateRoot](); const contentArea = root[$extra].currentContentArea; if (contentArea && Math.max(this.minH, this.h || 0) >= contentArea.h) { return true; } if (this.layout === "position") { return false; } if (this.keep && this.keep.intact !== "none") { return false; } const parentLayout = this[$getParent]().layout; if (parentLayout && parentLayout.includes("row")) { return false; } if (this.overflow && this.overflow.target) { const target = root[$searchNode](this.overflow.target, this); return target && target[0] === contentArea; } return true; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { if (this.break) { // break element is deprecated so plug it on one of its replacement // breakBefore or breakAfter. if (this.break.after !== "auto" || this.break.afterTarget !== "") { const node = new BreakAfter({ targetType: this.break.after, target: this.break.afterTarget, startNew: this.break.startNew.toString(), }); node[$globalData] = this[$globalData]; this[$appendChild](node); this.breakAfter.push(node); } if (this.break.before !== "auto" || this.break.beforeTarget !== "") { const node = new BreakBefore({ targetType: this.break.before, target: this.break.beforeTarget, startNew: this.break.startNew.toString(), }); node[$globalData] = this[$globalData]; this[$appendChild](node); this.breakBefore.push(node); } if (this.break.overflowTarget !== "") { const node = new Overflow({ target: this.break.overflowTarget, leader: this.break.overflowLeader, trailer: this.break.overflowTrailer, }); node[$globalData] = this[$globalData]; this[$appendChild](node); this.overflow.push(node); } this[$removeChild](this.break); this.break = null; } if (this.presence === "hidden" || this.presence === "inactive") { return HTMLResult.EMPTY; } if ( this.breakBefore.children.length > 1 || this.breakAfter.children.length > 1 ) { // Specs are always talking about the breakBefore element // and it doesn't really make sense to have several ones. warn( "XFA - Several breakBefore or breakAfter in subforms: please file a bug." ); } if (this.breakBefore.children.length >= 1) { const breakBefore = this.breakBefore.children[0]; if (!breakBefore[$extra]) { // Set $extra to true to consume it. breakBefore[$extra] = true; return HTMLResult.breakNode(breakBefore); } } if (this[$extra] && this[$extra].afterBreakAfter) { return HTMLResult.EMPTY; } // TODO: incomplete. fixDimensions(this); const children = []; const attributes = { id: this[$uid], class: [], }; setAccess(this, attributes.class); if (!this[$extra]) { this[$extra] = Object.create(null); } Object.assign(this[$extra], { children, attributes, attempt: 0, availableSpace, width: 0, height: 0, prevHeight: 0, currentWidth: 0, }); if (!checkDimensions(this, availableSpace)) { return HTMLResult.FAILURE; } const filter = new Set([ "area", "draw", "exclGroup", "field", "subform", "subformSet", ]); if (this.layout.includes("row")) { const columnWidths = this[$getSubformParent]().columnWidths; if (Array.isArray(columnWidths) && columnWidths.length > 0) { this[$extra].columnWidths = columnWidths; this[$extra].currentColumn = 0; } } const style = toStyle( this, "anchorType", "dimensions", "position", "presence", "border", "margin", "hAlign" ); const classNames = ["xfaSubform"]; const cl = layoutClass(this); if (cl) { classNames.push(cl); } attributes.style = style; attributes.class = classNames; if (this.name) { attributes.xfaName = this.name; } const isSplittable = this[$isSplittable](); // If the container overflows into itself we add an extra // layout step to accept finally the element which caused // the overflow. let maxRun = this.layout === "lr-tb" || this.layout === "rl-tb" ? MAX_ATTEMPTS_FOR_LRTB_LAYOUT : 1; maxRun += !isSplittable && this.layout !== "position" ? 1 : 0; for (; this[$extra].attempt < maxRun; this[$extra].attempt++) { const result = this[$childrenToHTML]({ filter, include: true, }); if (result.success) { break; } if (result.isBreak()) { return result; } } if (this[$extra].attempt === maxRun) { if (this.overflow) { this[$getTemplateRoot]()[$extra].overflowNode = this.overflow; } if (!isSplittable) { // Since a new try will happen in a new container with maybe // new dimensions, we invalidate already layed out components. delete this[$extra]; } return HTMLResult.FAILURE; } let marginH = 0; let marginV = 0; if (this.margin) { marginH = this.margin.leftInset + this.margin.rightInset; marginV = this.margin.topInset + this.margin.bottomInset; } const width = Math.max(this[$extra].width + marginH, this.w || 0); const height = Math.max(this[$extra].height + marginV, this.h || 0); const bbox = [this.x, this.y, width, height]; if (this.w === "") { style.width = measureToString(width); } if (this.h === "") { style.height = measureToString(height); } const html = { name: "div", attributes, children, }; const result = HTMLResult.success(createWrapper(this, html), bbox); if (this.breakAfter.children.length >= 1) { const breakAfter = this.breakAfter.children[0]; this[$extra].afterBreakAfter = result; return HTMLResult.breakNode(breakAfter); } delete this[$extra]; return result; } } class SubformSet extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "subformSet", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.relation = getStringOption(attributes.relation, [ "ordered", "choice", "unordered", ]); this.relevant = getRelevant(attributes.relevant); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.bookend = null; this.break = null; this.desc = null; this.extras = null; this.occur = null; this.overflow = null; this.breakAfter = new XFAObjectArray(); this.breakBefore = new XFAObjectArray(); this.subform = new XFAObjectArray(); this.subformSet = new XFAObjectArray(); // TODO: need to handle break stuff and relation. } *[$getContainedChildren]() { // This function is overriden in order to fake that subforms under // this set are in fact under parent subform. yield* getContainedChildren(this); } [$getSubformParent]() { let parent = this[$getParent](); while (!(parent instanceof Subform)) { parent = parent[$getParent](); } return parent; } } class SubjectDN extends ContentObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "subjectDN"); this.delimiter = attributes.delimiter || ","; this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } [$finalize]() { this[$content] = new Map( this[$content].split(this.delimiter).map(kv => { kv = kv.split("=", 2); kv[0] = kv[0].trim(); return kv; }) ); } } class SubjectDNs extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "subjectDNs", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.type = getStringOption(attributes.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.subjectDN = new XFAObjectArray(); } } class Submit extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "submit", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.embedPDF = getInteger({ data: attributes.embedPDF, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1, }); this.format = getStringOption(attributes.format, [ "xdp", "formdata", "pdf", "urlencoded", "xfd", "xml", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.target = attributes.target || ""; this.textEncoding = getKeyword({ data: attributes.textEncoding ? attributes.textEncoding.toLowerCase() : "", defaultValue: "", validate: k => [ "utf-8", "big-five", "fontspecific", "gbk", "gb-18030", "gb-2312", "ksc-5601", "none", "shift-jis", "ucs-2", "utf-16", ].includes(k) || k.match(/iso-8859-[0-9]{2}/), }); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.xdpContent = attributes.xdpContent || ""; this.encrypt = null; this.encryptData = new XFAObjectArray(); this.signData = new XFAObjectArray(); } } class Template extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "template", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.baseProfile = getStringOption(attributes.baseProfile, [ "full", "interactiveForms", ]); this.extras = null; // Spec is unclear: // A container element that describes a single subform capable of // enclosing other containers. // Can we have more than one subform ? this.subform = new XFAObjectArray(); } [$finalize]() { if (this.subform.children.length === 0) { warn("XFA - No subforms in template node."); } if (this.subform.children.length >= 2) { warn("XFA - Several subforms in template node: please file a bug."); } } [$searchNode](expr, container) { if (expr.startsWith("#")) { // This is an id. return [this[$ids].get(expr.slice(1))]; } return searchNode(this, container, expr, true, true); } [$toHTML]() { if (!this.subform.children.length) { return HTMLResult.success({ name: "div", children: [], }); } this[$extra] = { overflowNode: null, pageNumber: 1, pagePosition: "first", oddOrEven: "odd", blankOrNotBlank: "nonBlank", }; const root = this.subform.children[0]; root.pageSet[$cleanPage](); const pageAreas = root.pageSet.pageArea.children; const mainHtml = { name: "div", children: [], }; let pageArea = null; let breakBefore = null; let breakBeforeTarget = null; if (root.breakBefore.children.length >= 1) { breakBefore = root.breakBefore.children[0]; breakBeforeTarget = breakBefore.target; } else if ( root.subform.children.length >= 1 && root.subform.children[0].breakBefore.children.length >= 1 ) { breakBefore = root.subform.children[0].breakBefore.children[0]; breakBeforeTarget = breakBefore.target; } else if (root.break && root.break.beforeTarget) { breakBefore = root.break; breakBeforeTarget = breakBefore.beforeTarget; } else if ( root.subform.children.length >= 1 && root.subform.children[0].break && root.subform.children[0].break.beforeTarget ) { breakBefore = root.subform.children[0].break; breakBeforeTarget = breakBefore.beforeTarget; } if (breakBefore) { const target = this[$searchNode]( breakBeforeTarget, breakBefore[$getParent]() ); if (target instanceof PageArea) { pageArea = target; // Consume breakBefore. breakBefore[$extra] = {}; } } if (!pageArea) { pageArea = pageAreas[0]; } pageArea[$extra] = { numberOfUse: 1, }; const pageAreaParent = pageArea[$getParent](); pageAreaParent[$extra] = { numberOfUse: 1, pageIndex: pageAreaParent.pageArea.children.indexOf(pageArea), pageSetIndex: 0, }; let targetPageArea; let leader = null; let trailer = null; let hasSomething = true; let hasSomethingCounter = 0; while (true) { if (!hasSomething) { // Nothing has been added in the previous page if (++hasSomethingCounter === MAX_EMPTY_PAGES) { warn("XFA - Something goes wrong: please file a bug."); return mainHtml; } } else { hasSomethingCounter = 0; } targetPageArea = null; const page = pageArea[$toHTML]().html; mainHtml.children.push(page); if (leader) { page.children.push(leader[$toHTML](pageArea[$extra].space).html); leader = null; } if (trailer) { page.children.push(trailer[$toHTML](pageArea[$extra].space).html); trailer = null; } const contentAreas = pageArea.contentArea.children; const htmlContentAreas = page.children.filter(node => node.attributes.class.includes("xfaContentarea") ); hasSomething = false; const flush = index => { const html = root[$flushHTML](); if (html) { hasSomething = hasSomething || (html.children && html.children.length !== 0); htmlContentAreas[index].children.push(html); } }; for (let i = 0, ii = contentAreas.length; i < ii; i++) { const contentArea = (this[$extra].currentContentArea = contentAreas[i]); const space = { width: contentArea.w, height: contentArea.h }; if (leader) { htmlContentAreas[i].children.push(leader[$toHTML](space).html); leader = null; } if (trailer) { htmlContentAreas[i].children.push(trailer[$toHTML](space).html); trailer = null; } const html = root[$toHTML](space); if (html.success) { if (html.html) { hasSomething = hasSomething || (html.html.children && html.html.children.length !== 0); htmlContentAreas[i].children.push(html.html); } else if (!hasSomething) { mainHtml.children.pop(); } return mainHtml; } if (html.isBreak()) { const node = html.breakNode; if (node.targetType === "auto") { flush(i); continue; } const startNew = node.startNew === 1; if (node.leader) { leader = this[$searchNode](node.leader, node[$getParent]()); leader = leader ? leader[0] : null; } if (node.trailer) { trailer = this[$searchNode](node.trailer, node[$getParent]()); trailer = trailer ? trailer[0] : null; } let target = null; if (node.target) { target = this[$searchNode](node.target, node[$getParent]()); target = target ? target[0] : target; } if (node.targetType === "pageArea") { if (!(target instanceof PageArea)) { target = null; } if (startNew) { targetPageArea = target || pageArea; flush(i); i = Infinity; } else if (target && target !== pageArea) { targetPageArea = target; flush(i); i = Infinity; } else { i--; } } else if (node.targetType === "contentArea") { if (!(target instanceof ContentArea)) { target = null; } const index = contentAreas.findIndex(e => e === target); if (index !== -1) { flush(i); i = index - 1; } else { i--; } } continue; } if (this[$extra].overflowNode) { const node = this[$extra].overflowNode; this[$extra].overflowNode = null; flush(i); if (node.leader) { leader = this[$searchNode](node.leader, node[$getParent]()); leader = leader ? leader[0] : null; } if (node.trailer) { trailer = this[$searchNode](node.trailer, node[$getParent]()); trailer = trailer ? trailer[0] : null; } let target = null; if (node.target) { target = this[$searchNode](node.target, node[$getParent]()); target = target ? target[0] : target; } if (target instanceof PageArea) { // We must stop the contentAreas filling and go to the next page. targetPageArea = target; i = Infinity; continue; } else if (target instanceof ContentArea) { const index = contentAreas.findIndex(e => e === target); if (index !== -1) { i = index - 1; } else { i--; } } continue; } flush(i); } this[$extra].pageNumber += 1; if (targetPageArea) { if (targetPageArea[$isUsable]()) { targetPageArea[$extra].numberOfUse += 1; } else { targetPageArea = null; } } pageArea = targetPageArea || pageArea[$getNextPage](); } } } class Text extends ContentObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "text"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.maxChars = getInteger({ data: attributes.maxChars, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x >= 0, }); this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.rid = attributes.rid || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } [$acceptWhitespace]() { return true; } [$onChild](child) { if (child[$namespaceId] === NamespaceIds.xhtml.id) { this[$content] = child; return true; } warn(`XFA - Invalid content in Text: ${child[$nodeName]}.`); return false; } [$onText](str) { if (this[$content] instanceof XFAObject) { return; } super[$onText](str); } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { if (typeof this[$content] === "string") { // \u2028 is a line separator. // \u2029 is a paragraph separator. const html = valueToHtml(this[$content]).html; if (this[$content].includes("\u2029")) { // We've plain text containing a paragraph separator // so convert it into a set of

. html.name = "div"; html.children = []; this[$content] .split("\u2029") .map(para => // Convert a paragraph into a set of (for lines) // separated by
. para.split(/[\u2028\n]/).reduce((acc, line) => { acc.push( { name: "span", value: line, }, { name: "br", } ); return acc; }, []) ) .forEach(lines => { html.children.push({ name: "p", children: lines, }); }); } else if (/[\u2028\n]/.test(this[$content])) { html.name = "div"; html.children = []; // Convert plain text into a set of (for lines) // separated by
. this[$content].split(/[\u2028\n]/).forEach(line => { html.children.push( { name: "span", value: line, }, { name: "br", } ); }); } return HTMLResult.success(html); } return this[$content][$toHTML](availableSpace); } } class TextEdit extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "textEdit", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.allowRichText = getInteger({ data: attributes.allowRichText, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1, }); this.hScrollPolicy = getStringOption(attributes.hScrollPolicy, [ "auto", "off", "on", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.multiLine = attributes.multiLine || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.vScrollPolicy = getStringOption(attributes.vScrollPolicy, [ "auto", "off", "on", ]); this.border = null; this.comb = null; this.extras = null; this.margin = null; } [$clean](builder) { super[$clean](builder); const parent = this[$getParent](); const defaultValue = parent instanceof Draw ? 1 : 0; this.multiLine = getInteger({ data: this.multiLine, defaultValue, validate: x => x === 0 || x === 1, }); } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { // TODO: incomplete. const style = toStyle(this, "border", "font", "margin"); let html; const field = this[$getParent]()[$getParent](); if (this.multiLine === 1) { html = { name: "textarea", attributes: { dataId: field[$data] && field[$data][$uid], fieldId: field[$uid], class: ["xfaTextfield"], style, }, }; } else { html = { name: "input", attributes: { type: "text", dataId: field[$data] && field[$data][$uid], fieldId: field[$uid], class: ["xfaTextfield"], style, }, }; } return HTMLResult.success({ name: "label", attributes: { class: ["xfaLabel"], }, children: [html], }); } } class Time extends StringObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "time"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.name = attributes.name || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } [$finalize]() { // TODO: need to handle the string as a time and not as a date. const date = this[$content].trim(); this[$content] = date ? new Date(date) : null; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { return valueToHtml(this[$content] ? this[$content].toString() : ""); } } class TimeStamp extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "timeStamp"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.server = attributes.server || ""; this.type = getStringOption(attributes.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class ToolTip extends StringObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "toolTip"); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.rid = attributes.rid || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; } } class Traversal extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "traversal", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.traverse = new XFAObjectArray(); } } class Traverse extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "traverse", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.operation = getStringOption(attributes.operation, [ "next", "back", "down", "first", "left", "right", "up", ]); this.ref = attributes.ref || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.script = null; } get name() { // SOM expression: see page 94 return this.operation; } [$isTransparent]() { return false; } } class Ui extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "ui", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.picture = null; // One-of properties this.barcode = null; this.button = null; this.checkButton = null; this.choiceList = null; this.dateTimeEdit = null; this.defaultUi = null; this.imageEdit = null; this.numericEdit = null; this.passwordEdit = null; this.signature = null; this.textEdit = null; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { // TODO: picture. for (const name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { if (name === "extras" || name === "picture") { continue; } const obj = this[name]; if (!(obj instanceof XFAObject)) { continue; } return obj[$toHTML](availableSpace); } return HTMLResult.EMPTY; } } class Validate extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "validate", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.formatTest = getStringOption(attributes.formatTest, [ "warning", "disabled", "error", ]); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.nullTest = getStringOption(attributes.nullTest, [ "disabled", "error", "warning", ]); this.scriptTest = getStringOption(attributes.scriptTest, [ "error", "disabled", "warning", ]); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.message = null; this.picture = null; this.script = null; } } class Value extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "value", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.override = getInteger({ data: attributes.override, defaultValue: 0, validate: x => x === 1, }); this.relevant = getRelevant(attributes.relevant); this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; // One-of properties this.arc = null; this.boolean = null; this.date = null; this.dateTime = null; this.decimal = null; this.exData = null; this.float = null; this.image = null; this.integer = null; this.line = null; this.rectangle = null; this.text = null; this.time = null; } [$setValue](value) { const parent = this[$getParent](); if (parent instanceof Field) { if (parent.ui && parent.ui.imageEdit) { if (!this.image) { this.image = new Image({}); } this.image[$content] = value[$content]; return; } } const valueName = value[$nodeName]; if (this[valueName] !== null) { this[valueName][$content] = value[$content]; return; } // Reset all the properties. for (const name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { const obj = this[name]; if (obj instanceof XFAObject) { this[name] = null; this[$removeChild](obj); } } this[value[$nodeName]] = value; this[$appendChild](value); } [$text]() { if (this.exData) { return this.exData[$content][$text]().trim(); } for (const name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { if (name === "image") { continue; } const obj = this[name]; if (obj instanceof XFAObject) { return (obj[$content] || "").toString().trim(); } } return null; } [$toHTML](availableSpace) { for (const name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { const obj = this[name]; if (!(obj instanceof XFAObject)) { continue; } return obj[$toHTML](availableSpace); } return HTMLResult.EMPTY; } } class Variables extends XFAObject { constructor(attributes) { super(TEMPLATE_NS_ID, "variables", /* hasChildren = */ true); this.id = attributes.id || ""; this.use = attributes.use || ""; this.usehref = attributes.usehref || ""; this.boolean = new XFAObjectArray(); this.date = new XFAObjectArray(); this.dateTime = new XFAObjectArray(); this.decimal = new XFAObjectArray(); this.exData = new XFAObjectArray(); this.float = new XFAObjectArray(); this.image = new XFAObjectArray(); this.integer = new XFAObjectArray(); this.manifest = new XFAObjectArray(); this.script = new XFAObjectArray(); this.text = new XFAObjectArray(); this.time = new XFAObjectArray(); } [$isTransparent]() { return true; } } class TemplateNamespace { static [$buildXFAObject](name, attributes) { if (TemplateNamespace.hasOwnProperty(name)) { const node = TemplateNamespace[name](attributes); node[$setSetAttributes](attributes); return node; } return undefined; } static appearanceFilter(attrs) { return new AppearanceFilter(attrs); } static arc(attrs) { return new Arc(attrs); } static area(attrs) { return new Area(attrs); } static assist(attrs) { return new Assist(attrs); } static barcode(attrs) { return new Barcode(attrs); } static bind(attrs) { return new Bind(attrs); } static bindItems(attrs) { return new BindItems(attrs); } static bookend(attrs) { return new Bookend(attrs); } static boolean(attrs) { return new BooleanElement(attrs); } static border(attrs) { return new Border(attrs); } static break(attrs) { return new Break(attrs); } static breakAfter(attrs) { return new BreakAfter(attrs); } static breakBefore(attrs) { return new BreakBefore(attrs); } static button(attrs) { return new Button(attrs); } static calculate(attrs) { return new Calculate(attrs); } static caption(attrs) { return new Caption(attrs); } static certificate(attrs) { return new Certificate(attrs); } static certificates(attrs) { return new Certificates(attrs); } static checkButton(attrs) { return new CheckButton(attrs); } static choiceList(attrs) { return new ChoiceList(attrs); } static color(attrs) { return new Color(attrs); } static comb(attrs) { return new Comb(attrs); } static connect(attrs) { return new Connect(attrs); } static contentArea(attrs) { return new ContentArea(attrs); } static corner(attrs) { return new Corner(attrs); } static date(attrs) { return new DateElement(attrs); } static dateTime(attrs) { return new DateTime(attrs); } static dateTimeEdit(attrs) { return new DateTimeEdit(attrs); } static decimal(attrs) { return new Decimal(attrs); } static defaultUi(attrs) { return new DefaultUi(attrs); } static desc(attrs) { return new Desc(attrs); } static digestMethod(attrs) { return new DigestMethod(attrs); } static digestMethods(attrs) { return new DigestMethods(attrs); } static draw(attrs) { return new Draw(attrs); } static edge(attrs) { return new Edge(attrs); } static encoding(attrs) { return new Encoding(attrs); } static encodings(attrs) { return new Encodings(attrs); } static encrypt(attrs) { return new Encrypt(attrs); } static encryptData(attrs) { return new EncryptData(attrs); } static encryption(attrs) { return new Encryption(attrs); } static encryptionMethod(attrs) { return new EncryptionMethod(attrs); } static encryptionMethods(attrs) { return new EncryptionMethods(attrs); } static event(attrs) { return new Event(attrs); } static exData(attrs) { return new ExData(attrs); } static exObject(attrs) { return new ExObject(attrs); } static exclGroup(attrs) { return new ExclGroup(attrs); } static execute(attrs) { return new Execute(attrs); } static extras(attrs) { return new Extras(attrs); } static field(attrs) { return new Field(attrs); } static fill(attrs) { return new Fill(attrs); } static filter(attrs) { return new Filter(attrs); } static float(attrs) { return new Float(attrs); } static font(attrs) { return new Font(attrs); } static format(attrs) { return new Format(attrs); } static handler(attrs) { return new Handler(attrs); } static hyphenation(attrs) { return new Hyphenation(attrs); } static image(attrs) { return new Image(attrs); } static imageEdit(attrs) { return new ImageEdit(attrs); } static integer(attrs) { return new Integer(attrs); } static issuers(attrs) { return new Issuers(attrs); } static items(attrs) { return new Items(attrs); } static keep(attrs) { return new Keep(attrs); } static keyUsage(attrs) { return new KeyUsage(attrs); } static line(attrs) { return new Line(attrs); } static linear(attrs) { return new Linear(attrs); } static lockDocument(attrs) { return new LockDocument(attrs); } static manifest(attrs) { return new Manifest(attrs); } static margin(attrs) { return new Margin(attrs); } static mdp(attrs) { return new Mdp(attrs); } static medium(attrs) { return new Medium(attrs); } static message(attrs) { return new Message(attrs); } static numericEdit(attrs) { return new NumericEdit(attrs); } static occur(attrs) { return new Occur(attrs); } static oid(attrs) { return new Oid(attrs); } static oids(attrs) { return new Oids(attrs); } static overflow(attrs) { return new Overflow(attrs); } static pageArea(attrs) { return new PageArea(attrs); } static pageSet(attrs) { return new PageSet(attrs); } static para(attrs) { return new Para(attrs); } static passwordEdit(attrs) { return new PasswordEdit(attrs); } static pattern(attrs) { return new Pattern(attrs); } static picture(attrs) { return new Picture(attrs); } static proto(attrs) { return new Proto(attrs); } static radial(attrs) { return new Radial(attrs); } static reason(attrs) { return new Reason(attrs); } static reasons(attrs) { return new Reasons(attrs); } static rectangle(attrs) { return new Rectangle(attrs); } static ref(attrs) { return new RefElement(attrs); } static script(attrs) { return new Script(attrs); } static setProperty(attrs) { return new SetProperty(attrs); } static signData(attrs) { return new SignData(attrs); } static signature(attrs) { return new Signature(attrs); } static signing(attrs) { return new Signing(attrs); } static solid(attrs) { return new Solid(attrs); } static speak(attrs) { return new Speak(attrs); } static stipple(attrs) { return new Stipple(attrs); } static subform(attrs) { return new Subform(attrs); } static subformSet(attrs) { return new SubformSet(attrs); } static subjectDN(attrs) { return new SubjectDN(attrs); } static subjectDNs(attrs) { return new SubjectDNs(attrs); } static submit(attrs) { return new Submit(attrs); } static template(attrs) { return new Template(attrs); } static text(attrs) { return new Text(attrs); } static textEdit(attrs) { return new TextEdit(attrs); } static time(attrs) { return new Time(attrs); } static timeStamp(attrs) { return new TimeStamp(attrs); } static toolTip(attrs) { return new ToolTip(attrs); } static traversal(attrs) { return new Traversal(attrs); } static traverse(attrs) { return new Traverse(attrs); } static ui(attrs) { return new Ui(attrs); } static validate(attrs) { return new Validate(attrs); } static value(attrs) { return new Value(attrs); } static variables(attrs) { return new Variables(attrs); } } export { BindItems, Field, Items, SetProperty, Template, TemplateNamespace, Text, Value, };