/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* eslint-env node, shelljs */ 'use strict'; try { require('shelljs/make'); } catch (e) { throw new Error('ShellJS is not installed. Run "npm install" to install ' + 'all dependencies.'); } var ROOT_DIR = __dirname + '/', // absolute path to project's root BUILD_DIR = 'build/'; function execGulp(cmd) { var result = exec('gulp ' + cmd); if (result.code) { echo('ERROR: gulp exited with ' + result.code); exit(result.code); } } // // make all // target.all = function() { execGulp('default'); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Production stuff // // // make generic // Builds the generic production viewer that should be compatible with most // modern HTML5 browsers. // target.generic = function() { execGulp('generic'); }; target.components = function() { execGulp('components'); }; target.jsdoc = function() { execGulp('jsdoc'); }; // // make web // Generates the website for the project, by checking out the gh-pages branch // underneath the build directory, and then moving the various viewer files // into place. // target.web = function() { execGulp('web'); }; target.dist = function() { execGulp('dist'); }; target.publish = function() { execGulp('publish'); }; // // make locale // Creates localized resources for the viewer and extension. // target.locale = function() { execGulp('locale'); }; // // make cmaps // Compresses cmap files. Ensure that Adobe cmap download and uncompressed at // ./external/cmaps location. // target.cmaps = function () { execGulp('cmaps'); }; // // make bundle // Bundles all source files into one wrapper 'pdf.js' file, in the given order. // target.bundle = function(args) { execGulp('bundle'); }; // // make singlefile // Concatenates pdf.js and pdf.worker.js into one big pdf.combined.js, and // flags the script loader to not attempt to load the separate worker JS file. // target.singlefile = function() { execGulp('singlefile'); }; // // make minified // Builds the minified production viewer that should be compatible with most // modern HTML5 browsers. // target.minified = function() { execGulp('minified'); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Extension stuff // // // make extension // target.extension = function() { execGulp('extension'); }; target.buildnumber = function() { execGulp('buildnumber'); }; // // make firefox // target.firefox = function() { execGulp('firefox'); }; // // make mozcentral // target.mozcentral = function() { execGulp('mozcentral'); }; // // make chrome // target.chromium = function() { execGulp('chromium'); }; target.signchromium = function () { cd(ROOT_DIR); var CHROME_BUILD_DIR = BUILD_DIR + '/chromium/'; // Bundle the files to a Chrome extension file .crx if path to key is set var pem = env['PDFJS_CHROME_KEY']; if (!pem) { echo('The PDFJS_CHROME_KEY must be specified.'); exit(1); } echo(); echo('### Bundling .crx extension into ' + CHROME_BUILD_DIR); if (!test('-f', pem)) { echo('Incorrect PDFJS_CHROME_KEY path'); exit(1); } var browserManifest = env['PDF_BROWSERS'] || 'test/resources/browser_manifests/browser_manifest.json'; if (!test('-f', browserManifest)) { echo('Browser manifest file ' + browserManifest + ' does not exist.'); echo('Copy and adjust the example in test/resources/browser_manifests.'); exit(1); } var manifest; try { manifest = JSON.parse(cat(browserManifest)); } catch (e) { echo('Malformed browser manifest file'); echo(e.message); exit(1); } var executable; manifest.forEach(function(browser) { if (browser.name === 'chrome') { executable = browser.path; } }); // If there was no chrome entry in the browser manifest, exit if (!executable) { echo('There was no \'chrome\' entry in the browser manifest'); exit(1); } // If we're on a Darwin (Mac) OS, then let's check for an .app path if (process.platform === 'darwin' && executable.indexOf('.app') !== -1) { executable = executable + '/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome'; } // If the chrome executable doesn't exist if (!test('-f', executable)) { echo('Incorrect executable path to chrome'); exit(1); } // Let chrome pack the extension for us exec('"' + executable + '"' + ' --no-message-box' + ' "--pack-extension=' + ROOT_DIR + CHROME_BUILD_DIR + '"' + ' "--pack-extension-key=' + pem + '"'); // Rename to pdf.js.crx mv(BUILD_DIR + 'chrome.crx', CHROME_BUILD_DIR + 'pdf.js.crx'); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Test stuff // // // make test // target.test = function() { execGulp('test'); }; // // make bottest // (Special tests for the Github bot) // target.bottest = function() { execGulp('bottest'); }; // // make browsertest // target.browsertest = function(options) { if (options && options.noreftest) { execGulp('browsertest-noreftest'); } else { execGulp('browsertest'); } }; // // make unittest // target.unittest = function(options, callback) { execGulp('unittest'); }; // // make fonttest // target.fonttest = function(options, callback) { execGulp('fonttest'); }; // // make botmakeref // target.botmakeref = function() { execGulp('botmakeref'); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Baseline operation // target.baseline = function() { execGulp('baseline'); }; target.mozcentralbaseline = function() { target.baseline(); cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Creating mozcentral baseline environment'); var BASELINE_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'baseline'; var MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'mozcentral.baseline'; if (test('-d', MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR)) { rm('-rf', MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR); } cd(BASELINE_DIR); if (test('-d', 'build')) { rm('-rf', 'build'); } exec('node make mozcentral'); cd(ROOT_DIR); mkdir(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR); cp('-Rf', BASELINE_DIR + '/build/mozcentral/*', MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR); // fixing baseline if (test('-f', MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR + '/browser/extensions/pdfjs/PdfStreamConverter.js')) { rm(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR + '/browser/extensions/pdfjs/PdfStreamConverter.js'); } cd(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR); exec('git init'); exec('git add .'); exec('git commit -m "mozcentral baseline"'); }; target.mozcentraldiff = function() { target.mozcentral(); cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Creating mozcentral diff'); var MOZCENTRAL_DIFF = BUILD_DIR + 'mozcentral.diff'; if (test('-f', MOZCENTRAL_DIFF)) { rm(MOZCENTRAL_DIFF); } var MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'mozcentral.baseline'; if (!test('-d', MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR)) { echo('mozcentral baseline was not found'); echo('Please build one using "gulp mozcentralbaseline"'); exit(1); } cd(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR); exec('git reset --hard'); cd(ROOT_DIR); rm('-rf', MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR + '/*'); // trying to be safe cd(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR); cp('-Rf', '../mozcentral/*', '.'); exec('git add -A'); exec('git diff --binary --cached --unified=8', {silent: true}).output. to('../mozcentral.diff'); echo('Result diff can be found at ' + MOZCENTRAL_DIFF); }; target.mozcentralcheck = function() { cd(ROOT_DIR); echo(); echo('### Checking mozcentral changes'); var mcPath = env['MC_PATH']; if (!mcPath) { echo('mozilla-central path is not provided.'); echo('Please specify MC_PATH variable'); exit(1); } if ((mcPath[0] !== '/' && mcPath[0] !== '~' && mcPath[1] !== ':') || !test('-d', mcPath)) { echo('mozilla-central path is not in absolute form or does not exist.'); exit(1); } var MOZCENTRAL_DIFF = BUILD_DIR + 'mozcentral_changes.diff'; if (test('-f', MOZCENTRAL_DIFF)) { rm(MOZCENTRAL_DIFF); } var MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR = BUILD_DIR + 'mozcentral.baseline'; if (!test('-d', MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR)) { echo('mozcentral baseline was not found'); echo('Please build one using "gulp mozcentralbaseline"'); exit(1); } cd(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR); exec('git reset --hard'); cd(ROOT_DIR); rm('-rf', MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR + '/*'); // trying to be safe cd(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR); mkdir('browser'); cd('browser'); mkdir('-p', 'extensions/pdfjs'); cp('-Rf', mcPath + '/browser/extensions/pdfjs/*', 'extensions/pdfjs'); mkdir('-p', 'locales/en-US/pdfviewer'); cp('-Rf', mcPath + '/browser/locales/en-US/pdfviewer/*', 'locales/en-US/pdfviewer'); // Remove '.DS_Store' and other hidden files find('.').forEach(function(file) { if (file.match(/^\.\w|~$/)) { rm('-f', file); } }); cd('..'); exec('git add -A'); var diff = exec('git diff --binary --cached --unified=8', {silent: true}).output; if (diff) { echo('There were changes found at mozilla-central.'); diff.to('../mozcentral_changes.diff'); echo('Result diff can be found at ' + MOZCENTRAL_DIFF); exit(1); } echo('Success: there are no changes at mozilla-central'); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Other // // // make server // target.server = function () { execGulp('server'); }; // // make lint // target.lint = function() { execGulp('lint'); }; // // make clean // target.clean = function() { execGulp('clean'); }; // // make makefile // target.makefile = function () { execGulp('makefile'); }; // // make importl10n // target.importl10n = function() { execGulp('importl10n'); };