/* Copyright 2016 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { animationStarted, DEFAULT_SCALE, DEFAULT_SCALE_VALUE, MAX_SCALE, MIN_SCALE, noContextMenuHandler, } from "./ui_utils.js"; const PAGE_NUMBER_LOADING_INDICATOR = "visiblePageIsLoading"; // Keep the two values below up-to-date with the values in `web/viewer.css`: const SCALE_SELECT_CONTAINER_WIDTH = 140; // px const SCALE_SELECT_WIDTH = 162; // px /** * @typedef {Object} ToolbarOptions * @property {HTMLDivElement} container - Container for the secondary toolbar. * @property {HTMLSpanElement} numPages - Label that contains number of pages. * @property {HTMLInputElement} pageNumber - Control for display and user input * of the current page number. * @property {HTMLSpanElement} scaleSelectContainer - Container where scale * controls are placed. The width is adjusted on UI initialization. * @property {HTMLSelectElement} scaleSelect - Scale selection control. * @property {HTMLOptionElement} customScaleOption - The item used to display * a non-predefined scale. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} previous - Button to go to the previous page. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} next - Button to go to the next page. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} zoomIn - Button to zoom in the pages. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} zoomOut - Button to zoom out the pages. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} viewFind - Button to open find bar. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} openFile - Button to open a new document. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} presentationModeButton - Button to switch to * presentation mode. * @property {HTMLButtonElement} download - Button to download the document. * @property {HTMLAElement} viewBookmark - Element to link current url of * the page view. */ class Toolbar { /** * @param {ToolbarOptions} options * @param {EventBus} eventBus * @param {IL10n} l10n - Localization service. */ constructor(options, eventBus, l10n) { this.toolbar = options.container; this.eventBus = eventBus; this.l10n = l10n; this.buttons = [ { element: options.previous, eventName: "previouspage" }, { element: options.next, eventName: "nextpage" }, { element: options.zoomIn, eventName: "zoomin" }, { element: options.zoomOut, eventName: "zoomout" }, { element: options.openFile, eventName: "openfile" }, { element: options.print, eventName: "print" }, { element: options.presentationModeButton, eventName: "presentationmode", }, { element: options.download, eventName: "download" }, { element: options.viewBookmark, eventName: null }, ]; this.items = { numPages: options.numPages, pageNumber: options.pageNumber, scaleSelectContainer: options.scaleSelectContainer, scaleSelect: options.scaleSelect, customScaleOption: options.customScaleOption, previous: options.previous, next: options.next, zoomIn: options.zoomIn, zoomOut: options.zoomOut, }; this._wasLocalized = false; this.reset(); // Bind the event listeners for click and various other actions. this._bindListeners(); } setPageNumber(pageNumber, pageLabel) { this.pageNumber = pageNumber; this.pageLabel = pageLabel; this._updateUIState(false); } setPagesCount(pagesCount, hasPageLabels) { this.pagesCount = pagesCount; this.hasPageLabels = hasPageLabels; this._updateUIState(true); } setPageScale(pageScaleValue, pageScale) { this.pageScaleValue = (pageScaleValue || pageScale).toString(); this.pageScale = pageScale; this._updateUIState(false); } reset() { this.pageNumber = 0; this.pageLabel = null; this.hasPageLabels = false; this.pagesCount = 0; this.pageScaleValue = DEFAULT_SCALE_VALUE; this.pageScale = DEFAULT_SCALE; this._updateUIState(true); this.updateLoadingIndicatorState(); } _bindListeners() { const { pageNumber, scaleSelect } = this.items; const self = this; // The buttons within the toolbar. for (const { element, eventName } of this.buttons) { element.addEventListener("click", evt => { if (eventName !== null) { this.eventBus.dispatch(eventName, { source: this }); } }); } // The non-button elements within the toolbar. pageNumber.addEventListener("click", function () { this.select(); }); pageNumber.addEventListener("change", function () { self.eventBus.dispatch("pagenumberchanged", { source: self, value: this.value, }); }); scaleSelect.addEventListener("change", function () { if (this.value === "custom") { return; } self.eventBus.dispatch("scalechanged", { source: self, value: this.value, }); }); // Here we depend on browsers dispatching the "click" event *after* the // "change" event, when the <select>-element changes. scaleSelect.addEventListener("click", function (evt) { const target = evt.target; // Remove focus when an <option>-element was *clicked*, to improve the UX // for mouse users (fixes bug 1300525 and issue 4923). if ( this.value === self.pageScaleValue && target.tagName.toUpperCase() === "OPTION" ) { this.blur(); } }); // Suppress context menus for some controls. scaleSelect.oncontextmenu = noContextMenuHandler; this.eventBus._on("localized", () => { this._wasLocalized = true; this._adjustScaleWidth(); this._updateUIState(true); }); } _updateUIState(resetNumPages = false) { if (!this._wasLocalized) { // Don't update the UI state until we localize the toolbar. return; } const { pageNumber, pagesCount, pageScaleValue, pageScale, items } = this; if (resetNumPages) { if (this.hasPageLabels) { items.pageNumber.type = "text"; } else { items.pageNumber.type = "number"; this.l10n.get("of_pages", { pagesCount }).then(msg => { items.numPages.textContent = msg; }); } items.pageNumber.max = pagesCount; } if (this.hasPageLabels) { items.pageNumber.value = this.pageLabel; this.l10n.get("page_of_pages", { pageNumber, pagesCount }).then(msg => { items.numPages.textContent = msg; }); } else { items.pageNumber.value = pageNumber; } items.previous.disabled = pageNumber <= 1; items.next.disabled = pageNumber >= pagesCount; items.zoomOut.disabled = pageScale <= MIN_SCALE; items.zoomIn.disabled = pageScale >= MAX_SCALE; this.l10n .get("page_scale_percent", { scale: Math.round(pageScale * 10000) / 100 }) .then(msg => { let predefinedValueFound = false; for (const option of items.scaleSelect.options) { if (option.value !== pageScaleValue) { option.selected = false; continue; } option.selected = true; predefinedValueFound = true; } if (!predefinedValueFound) { items.customScaleOption.textContent = msg; items.customScaleOption.selected = true; } }); } updateLoadingIndicatorState(loading = false) { const pageNumberInput = this.items.pageNumber; pageNumberInput.classList.toggle(PAGE_NUMBER_LOADING_INDICATOR, loading); } /** * Increase the width of the zoom dropdown DOM element if, and only if, it's * too narrow to fit the *longest* of the localized strings. * @private */ async _adjustScaleWidth() { const { items, l10n } = this; const predefinedValuesPromise = Promise.all([ l10n.get("page_scale_auto"), l10n.get("page_scale_actual"), l10n.get("page_scale_fit"), l10n.get("page_scale_width"), ]); // The temporary canvas is used to measure text length in the DOM. let canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); if ( typeof PDFJSDev === "undefined" || PDFJSDev.test("MOZCENTRAL || GENERIC") ) { canvas.mozOpaque = true; } let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d", { alpha: false }); await animationStarted; const { fontSize, fontFamily } = getComputedStyle(items.scaleSelect); ctx.font = `${fontSize} ${fontFamily}`; let maxWidth = 0; for (const predefinedValue of await predefinedValuesPromise) { const { width } = ctx.measureText(predefinedValue); if (width > maxWidth) { maxWidth = width; } } const overflow = SCALE_SELECT_WIDTH - SCALE_SELECT_CONTAINER_WIDTH; maxWidth += 2 * overflow; if (maxWidth > SCALE_SELECT_CONTAINER_WIDTH) { items.scaleSelect.style.width = `${maxWidth + overflow}px`; items.scaleSelectContainer.style.width = `${maxWidth}px`; } // Zeroing the width and height cause Firefox to release graphics resources // immediately, which can greatly reduce memory consumption. canvas.width = 0; canvas.height = 0; canvas = ctx = null; } } export { Toolbar };