/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */ /* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // simple and incomplete implementation of promises function Promise() {} Promise.prototype = { then: function (callback) { this.callback = callback; if ('result' in this) callback(this.result); }, resolve: function (result) { if ('result' in this) return; this.result = result; if ('callback' in this) this.callback(result); } }; var isCanvasSupported = (function () { try { document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d').fillStyle = '#FFFFFF'; return true; } catch (e) { return false; } })(); var tests = [ { id: 'canvas', name: 'CANVAS element is present', run: function () { if (isCanvasSupported) { return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; } else { return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'No' }; } }, impact: 'Critical', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'get-literal', name: 'get-literal properties', run: function () { try { var Test = eval('var Test = { get t() { return {}; } }; Test'); Test.t.test = true; return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; } catch (e) { return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'No' }; } }, impact: 'Critical', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'addEventListener', name: 'addEventListener() is present', run: function () { var div = document.createElement('div'); if (div.addEventListener) return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'No' }; }, impact: 'Critical', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'Uint8Array', name: 'Uint8Array is present', run: function () { if (typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined') return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; }, impact: 'Critical', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'Uint16Array', name: 'Uint16Array is present', run: function () { if (typeof Uint16Array !== 'undefined') return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; }, impact: 'Critical', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'Int32Array', name: 'Int32Array is present', run: function () { if (typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined') return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; }, impact: 'Critical', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'Float32Array', name: 'Float32Array is present', run: function () { if (typeof Float32Array !== 'undefined') return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; }, impact: 'Critical', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'Float64Array', name: 'Float64Array is present', run: function () { if (typeof Float64Array !== 'undefined') return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; }, impact: 'Critical', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'Object-create', name: 'Object.create() is present', run: function () { if (Object.create instanceof Function) return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; }, impact: 'Critical', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'Object-defineProperty', name: 'Object.defineProperty() is present', run: function () { if (Object.defineProperty instanceof Function) return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; }, impact: 'Critical', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'Object-defineProperty-DOM', name: 'Object.defineProperty() can be used on DOM objects', run: function () { if (!(Object.defineProperty instanceof Function)) return { output: 'Skipped', emulated: '' }; try { // some browsers (e.g. safari) cannot use defineProperty() on DOM objects // and thus the native version is not sufficient Object.defineProperty(new Image(), 'id', { value: 'test' }); return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; } catch (e) { return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; } }, impact: 'Important', area: 'Viewer' }, { id: 'get-literal-redefine', name: 'Defined via get-literal properties can be redefined', run: function () { if (!(Object.defineProperty instanceof Function)) return { output: 'Skipped', emulated: '' }; try { var TestGetter = eval('var Test = function () {}; Test.prototype = { get id() { } }; Test'); Object.defineProperty(new TestGetter(), 'id', { value: '', configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: false }); return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; } catch (e) { return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; } }, impact: 'Critical', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'Object-keys', name: 'Object.keys() is present', run: function () { if (Object.keys instanceof Function) return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; }, impact: 'Critical', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'FileReader', name: 'FileReader is present', run: function () { if (typeof FileReader !== 'undefined') return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'No' }; }, impact: 'Normal', area: 'Demo' }, { id: 'FileReader-readAsArrayBuffer', name: 'FileReader.prototype.readAsArrayBuffer() is present', run: function () { if (typeof FileReader === 'undefined') return { output: 'Skipped', emulated: '' }; if (FileReader.prototype.readAsArrayBuffer instanceof Function) return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; }, impact: 'Normal', area: 'Demo' }, { id: 'XMLHttpRequest-overrideMimeType', name: 'XMLHttpRequest.prototype.overrideMimeType() is present', run: function () { if (XMLHttpRequest.prototype.overrideMimeType instanceof Function) return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; }, impact: 'Important', area: 'Viewer' }, { id: 'XMLHttpRequest-response', name: 'XMLHttpRequest.prototype.response is present', run: function () { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); if ('response' in xhr) return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; }, impact: 'Critical', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'bota', name: 'btoa() is present', run: function () { if ('btoa' in window) return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; }, impact: 'Critical', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'Function-bind', name: 'Function.prototype.bind is present', run: function () { if (Function.prototype.bind instanceof Function) return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; }, impact: 'Critical', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'dataset', name: 'dataset is present for HTML element', run: function () { var div = document.createElement('div'); if ('dataset' in div) return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; }, impact: 'Important', area: 'Viewer' }, { id: 'classList', name: 'classList is present for HTML element', run: function () { var div = document.createElement('div'); if ('classList' in div) return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; }, impact: 'Important', area: 'Viewer' }, { id: 'console', name: 'console object is present', run: function () { if ('console' in window) return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; }, impact: 'Critical', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'console-log-bind', name: 'console.log is a bind-able function', run: function () { if (!('console' in window)) return { output: 'Skipped', emulated: '' }; if ('bind' in console.log) return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; }, impact: 'Critical', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'navigator-language', name: 'navigator.language is present', run: function () { if ('language' in navigator) return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; }, impact: 'Important', area: 'Viewer' }, { id: 'fillRule-evenodd', name: 'evenodd fill rule is supported', run: function () { if (!isCanvasSupported) return { output: 'Skipped', emulated: '' }; var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.rect(1, 1, 50, 50); ctx.rect(5, 5, 41, 41); ['fillRule', 'mozFillRule', 'webkitFillRule'].forEach(function (name) { if (name in ctx) ctx[name] = 'evenodd'; }); ctx.fill(); var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 50, 50).data; var isEvenOddFill = data[20 * 4 + 20 * 200 + 3] == 0 && data[2 * 4 + 2 * 200 + 3] != 0; if (isEvenOddFill) return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'No' }; }, impact: 'Important', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'dash-array', name: 'dashed line style is supported', run: function () { if (!isCanvasSupported) return { output: 'Skipped', emulated: '' }; var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.moveTo(0,5); ctx.lineTo(50, 5); ctx.lineWidth = 10; ctx.mozDash = [10, 10]; ctx.mozDashOffset = 0; ctx.webkitLineDash = [10, 10]; ctx.webkitLineDashOffset = 0; ctx.stroke(); var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 50, 50).data; var isDashed = data[5 * 4 + 5 * 200 + 3] != 0 && data[15 * 4 + 5 * 200 + 3] == 0; if (isDashed) return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'No' }; }, impact: 'Important', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'font-face', name: '@font-face is supported/enabled', run: function () { if (!isCanvasSupported) return { output: 'Skipped', emulated: '' }; var promise = new Promise(); setTimeout(function() { if (checkCanvas('plus')) promise.resolve({ output: 'Success', emulated: '' }); else promise.resolve({ output: 'Failed', emulated: 'No' }); }, 2000); return promise; }, impact: 'Important', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'font-face-sync', name: '@font-face loading completion detection', run: function () { if (!isCanvasSupported) return { output: 'Skipped', emulated: '' }; // Add the font-face rule to the document var rule = '@font-face { font-family: \'plus-loaded\'; src: url(data:font/opentype;base64,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); }'; var styleElement = document.getElementById('fontFaces'); var styleSheet = styleElement.sheet; styleSheet.insertRule(rule, styleSheet.cssRules.length); // checking if data urls are loaded synchronously if (checkCanvas('plus-loaded')) return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; // TODO checking if data urls are loaded asynchronously var usageElement = document.createElement('div'); usageElement.setAttribute('style', 'font-family: plus-loaded; visibility: hidden;'); usageElement.textContent = '`'; document.body.appendChild(usageElement); // verify is font is loaded var promise = new Promise(); setTimeout(function() { if (checkCanvas('plus-loaded')) promise.resolve({ output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }); else promise.resolve({ output: 'Failed', emulated: 'No' }); }, 2000); return promise; }, impact: 'Important', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'Worker', name: 'Worker is present', run: function () { if (typeof Worker != 'undefined') return { output: 'Success', emulated: '' }; else return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'No' }; }, impact: 'Important', area: 'Core' }, { id: 'Worker-Uint8Array', name: 'Worker can receive/send typed arrays', run: function () { if (typeof Worker == 'undefined') return { output: 'Skipped', emulated: '' }; try { var worker = new Worker('worker-stub.js'); var promise = new Promise(); var timeout = setTimeout(function () { promise.resolve({ output: 'Failed', emulated: '?' }); }, 5000); worker.addEventListener('message', function (e) { var data = e.data; if (data.action == 'test' && data.result) promise.resolve({ output: 'Success', emulated: '' }); else promise.resolve({ output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }); }); worker.postMessage({action: 'test', data: new Uint8Array(60000000)}); // 60MB return promise; } catch (e) { return { output: 'Failed', emulated: 'Yes' }; } }, impact: 'Important', area: 'Core' } ]; function checkCanvas(font) { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var canvasHolder = document.getElementById('canvasHolder'); canvasHolder.appendChild(canvas); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.font = '40px \'' + font + '\''; ctx.fillText('\u0060', 0, 40); var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 40, 40).data; canvasHolder.removeChild(canvas); // detects plus figure var minx = 40, maxx = 0, miny = 40, maxy = 0; for (var y = 0; y < 40; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < 40; x++) { if (data[x * 4 + y * 160 + 3] == 0) continue; // no color minx = Math.min(minx, x); miny = Math.min(miny, y); maxx = Math.max(maxx, x); maxy = Math.max(maxy, y); } } var colors = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]; var counts = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]; for (var y = miny; y <= maxy; y++) { for (var x = minx; x <= maxx; x++) { var i = Math.floor((x - minx) * 3 / (maxx - minx + 1)); var j = Math.floor((y - miny) * 3 / (maxy - miny + 1)); counts[i][j]++; if (data[x * 4 + y * 160 + 3] != 0) colors[i][j]++; } } var isPlus = colors[0][0] * 3 < counts[0][0] && colors[0][1] * 3 > counts[0][1] && colors[0][2] * 3 < counts[0][2] && colors[1][0] * 3 > counts[1][0] && colors[1][1] * 3 > counts[1][1] && colors[1][2] * 3 > counts[1][2] && colors[2][0] * 3 < counts[2][0] && colors[2][1] * 3 > counts[2][1] && colors[2][2] * 3 < counts[2][2]; return isPlus; }