/* Copyright 2021 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const { closePages, loadAndWait } = require("./test_utils.js"); describe("accessibility", () => { describe("structure tree", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("structure_simple.pdf", ".structTree"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must build structure that maps to text layer", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await page.waitForSelector(".structTree"); // Check the headings match up. const head1 = await page.$eval( ".structTree [role='heading'][aria-level='1'] span", el => document.getElementById(el.getAttribute("aria-owns")).textContent ); expect(head1).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("Heading 1"); const head2 = await page.$eval( ".structTree [role='heading'][aria-level='2'] span", el => document.getElementById(el.getAttribute("aria-owns")).textContent ); expect(head2).withContext(`In ${browserName}`).toEqual("Heading 2"); // Check the order of the content. const texts = await page.$$eval(".structTree [aria-owns]", nodes => nodes.map( el => document.getElementById(el.getAttribute("aria-owns")) .textContent ) ); expect(texts) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual([ "Heading 1", "This paragraph 1.", "Heading 2", "This paragraph 2.", ]); }) ); }); }); describe("Annotation", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait( "tracemonkey_a11y.pdf", ".textLayer .endOfContent" ); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); function getSpans(page) { return page.evaluate(() => { const elements = document.querySelectorAll( `.textLayer span[aria-owns]:not([role="presentation"])` ); const results = []; for (const element of elements) { results.push(element.innerText); } return results; }); } it("must check that some spans are linked to some annotations thanks to aria-owns", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { const spanContents = await getSpans(page); expect(spanContents) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(["Languages", "@intel.com", "Abstract", "Introduction"]); }) ); }); }); describe("Annotations order", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("fields_order.pdf", ".annotationLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must check that the text fields are in the visual order", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { const ids = await page.evaluate(() => { const elements = document.querySelectorAll( ".annotationLayer .textWidgetAnnotation" ); const results = []; for (const element of elements) { results.push(element.getAttribute("data-annotation-id")); } return results; }); expect(ids) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(["32R", "30R", "31R", "34R", "29R", "33R"]); }) ); }); }); describe("Stamp annotation accessibility", () => { let pages; beforeAll(async () => { pages = await loadAndWait("tagged_stamp.pdf", ".annotationLayer"); }); afterAll(async () => { await closePages(pages); }); it("must check that the stamp annotation is linked to the struct tree", async () => { await Promise.all( pages.map(async ([browserName, page]) => { await page.waitForSelector(".structTree"); const isLinkedToStampAnnotation = await page.$eval( ".structTree [role='figure']", el => document .getElementById(el.getAttribute("aria-owns")) .classList.contains("stampAnnotation") ); expect(isLinkedToStampAnnotation) .withContext(`In ${browserName}`) .toEqual(true); }) ); }); }); });