/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */ 'use strict'; var ColorSpace = (function colorSpaceColorSpace() { // Constructor should define this.numComps, this.defaultColor, this.name function constructor() { error('should not call ColorSpace constructor'); } constructor.prototype = { // Input: array of size numComps representing color component values // Output: array of rgb values, each value ranging from [0.1] getRgb: function colorSpaceGetRgb(color) { error('Should not call ColorSpace.getRgb: ' + color); }, // Input: Uint8Array of component values, each value scaled to [0,255] // Output: Uint8Array of rgb values, each value scaled to [0,255] getRgbBuffer: function colorSpaceGetRgbBuffer(input) { error('Should not call ColorSpace.getRgbBuffer: ' + input); } }; constructor.parse = function colorSpaceParse(cs, xref, res) { var IR = constructor.parseToIR(cs, xref, res); if (IR instanceof SeparationCS) return IR; return constructor.fromIR(IR); }; constructor.fromIR = function colorSpaceFromIR(IR) { var name = isArray(IR) ? IR[0] : IR; switch (name) { case 'DeviceGrayCS': return new DeviceGrayCS(); case 'DeviceRgbCS': return new DeviceRgbCS(); case 'DeviceCmykCS': return new DeviceCmykCS(); case 'PatternCS': var basePatternCS = IR[1]; if (basePatternCS) basePatternCS = ColorSpace.fromIR(basePatternCS); return new PatternCS(basePatternCS); case 'IndexedCS': var baseIndexedCS = IR[1]; var hiVal = IR[2]; var lookup = IR[3]; return new IndexedCS(ColorSpace.fromIR(baseIndexedCS), hiVal, lookup); case 'SeparationCS': var alt = IR[1]; var tintFnIR = IR[2]; return new SeparationCS(ColorSpace.fromIR(alt), PDFFunction.fromIR(tintFnIR)); default: error('Unkown name ' + name); } return null; }; constructor.parseToIR = function colorSpaceParseToIR(cs, xref, res) { if (isName(cs)) { var colorSpaces = xref.fetchIfRef(res.get('ColorSpace')); if (isDict(colorSpaces)) { var refcs = colorSpaces.get(cs.name); if (refcs) cs = refcs; } } cs = xref.fetchIfRef(cs); var mode; if (isName(cs)) { mode = cs.name; this.mode = mode; switch (mode) { case 'DeviceGray': case 'G': return 'DeviceGrayCS'; case 'DeviceRGB': case 'RGB': return 'DeviceRgbCS'; case 'DeviceCMYK': case 'CMYK': return 'DeviceCmykCS'; case 'Pattern': return ['PatternCS', null]; default: error('unrecognized colorspace ' + mode); } } else if (isArray(cs)) { mode = cs[0].name; this.mode = mode; switch (mode) { case 'DeviceGray': case 'G': return 'DeviceGrayCS'; case 'DeviceRGB': case 'RGB': return 'DeviceRgbCS'; case 'DeviceCMYK': case 'CMYK': return 'DeviceCmykCS'; case 'CalGray': return 'DeviceGrayCS'; case 'CalRGB': return 'DeviceRgbCS'; case 'ICCBased': var stream = xref.fetchIfRef(cs[1]); var dict = stream.dict; var numComps = dict.get('N'); if (numComps == 1) return 'DeviceGrayCS'; if (numComps == 3) return 'DeviceRgbCS'; if (numComps == 4) return 'DeviceCmykCS'; break; case 'Pattern': var basePatternCS = cs[1]; if (basePatternCS) basePatternCS = ColorSpace.parseToIR(basePatternCS, xref, res); return ['PatternCS', basePatternCS]; case 'Indexed': var baseIndexedCS = ColorSpace.parseToIR(cs[1], xref, res); var hiVal = cs[2] + 1; var lookup = xref.fetchIfRef(cs[3]); return ['IndexedCS', baseIndexedCS, hiVal, lookup]; case 'Separation': var alt = ColorSpace.parseToIR(cs[2], xref, res); var tintFnIR = PDFFunction.getIR(xref, xref.fetchIfRef(cs[3])); return ['SeparationCS', alt, tintFnIR]; case 'Lab': case 'DeviceN': default: error('unimplemented color space object "' + mode + '"'); } } else { error('unrecognized color space object: "' + cs + '"'); } return null; }; return constructor; })(); var SeparationCS = (function separationCS() { function constructor(base, tintFn) { this.name = 'Separation'; this.numComps = 1; this.defaultColor = [1]; this.base = base; this.tintFn = tintFn; } constructor.prototype = { getRgb: function sepcs_getRgb(color) { var tinted = this.tintFn(color); return this.base.getRgb(tinted); }, getRgbBuffer: function sepcs_getRgbBuffer(input, bits) { var tintFn = this.tintFn; var base = this.base; var scale = 1 / ((1 << bits) - 1); var length = input.length; var pos = 0; var numComps = base.numComps; var baseBuf = new Uint8Array(numComps * length); for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var scaled = input[i] * scale; var tinted = tintFn([scaled]); for (var j = 0; j < numComps; ++j) baseBuf[pos++] = 255 * tinted[j]; } return base.getRgbBuffer(baseBuf, 8); } }; return constructor; })(); var PatternCS = (function patternCS() { function constructor(baseCS) { this.name = 'Pattern'; this.base = baseCS; } constructor.prototype = {}; return constructor; })(); var IndexedCS = (function indexedCS() { function constructor(base, highVal, lookup) { this.name = 'Indexed'; this.numComps = 1; this.defaultColor = [0]; this.base = base; this.highVal = highVal; var baseNumComps = base.numComps; var length = baseNumComps * highVal; var lookupArray = new Uint8Array(length); if (isStream(lookup)) { var bytes = lookup.getBytes(length); lookupArray.set(bytes); } else if (isString(lookup)) { for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) lookupArray[i] = lookup.charCodeAt(i); } else { error('Unrecognized lookup table: ' + lookup); } this.lookup = lookupArray; } constructor.prototype = { getRgb: function indexcs_getRgb(color) { var numComps = this.base.numComps; var start = color[0] * numComps; var c = []; for (var i = start, ii = start + numComps; i < ii; ++i) c.push(this.lookup[i]); return this.base.getRgb(c); }, getRgbBuffer: function indexcs_getRgbBuffer(input) { var base = this.base; var numComps = base.numComps; var lookup = this.lookup; var length = input.length; var baseBuf = new Uint8Array(length * numComps); var baseBufPos = 0; for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var lookupPos = input[i] * numComps; for (var j = 0; j < numComps; ++j) { baseBuf[baseBufPos++] = lookup[lookupPos + j]; } } return base.getRgbBuffer(baseBuf, 8); } }; return constructor; })(); var DeviceGrayCS = (function deviceGrayCS() { function constructor() { this.name = 'DeviceGray'; this.numComps = 1; this.defaultColor = [0]; } constructor.prototype = { getRgb: function graycs_getRgb(color) { var c = color[0]; return [c, c, c]; }, getRgbBuffer: function graycs_getRgbBuffer(input, bits) { var scale = 255 / ((1 << bits) - 1); var length = input.length; var rgbBuf = new Uint8Array(length * 3); for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < length; ++i) { var c = (scale * input[i]) | 0; rgbBuf[j++] = c; rgbBuf[j++] = c; rgbBuf[j++] = c; } return rgbBuf; } }; return constructor; })(); var DeviceRgbCS = (function deviceRgbCS() { function constructor() { this.name = 'DeviceRGB'; this.numComps = 3; this.defaultColor = [0, 0, 0]; } constructor.prototype = { getRgb: function rgbcs_getRgb(color) { return color; }, getRgbBuffer: function rgbcs_getRgbBuffer(input, bits) { if (bits == 8) return input; var scale = 255 / ((1 << bits) - 1); var i, length = input.length; var rgbBuf = new Uint8Array(length); for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) rgbBuf[i] = (scale * input[i]) | 0; return rgbBuf; } }; return constructor; })(); var DeviceCmykCS = (function deviceCmykCS() { function constructor() { this.name = 'DeviceCMYK'; this.numComps = 4; this.defaultColor = [0, 0, 0, 1]; } constructor.prototype = { getRgb: function cmykcs_getRgb(color) { var c = color[0], m = color[1], y = color[2], k = color[3]; var c1 = 1 - c, m1 = 1 - m, y1 = 1 - y, k1 = 1 - k; var x, r, g, b; // this is a matrix multiplication, unrolled for performance // code is taken from the poppler implementation x = c1 * m1 * y1 * k1; // 0 0 0 0 r = g = b = x; x = c1 * m1 * y1 * k; // 0 0 0 1 r += 0.1373 * x; g += 0.1216 * x; b += 0.1255 * x; x = c1 * m1 * y * k1; // 0 0 1 0 r += x; g += 0.9490 * x; x = c1 * m1 * y * k; // 0 0 1 1 r += 0.1098 * x; g += 0.1020 * x; x = c1 * m * y1 * k1; // 0 1 0 0 r += 0.9255 * x; b += 0.5490 * x; x = c1 * m * y1 * k; // 0 1 0 1 r += 0.1412 * x; x = c1 * m * y * k1; // 0 1 1 0 r += 0.9294 * x; g += 0.1098 * x; b += 0.1412 * x; x = c1 * m * y * k; // 0 1 1 1 r += 0.1333 * x; x = c * m1 * y1 * k1; // 1 0 0 0 g += 0.6784 * x; b += 0.9373 * x; x = c * m1 * y1 * k; // 1 0 0 1 g += 0.0588 * x; b += 0.1412 * x; x = c * m1 * y * k1; // 1 0 1 0 g += 0.6510 * x; b += 0.3137 * x; x = c * m1 * y * k; // 1 0 1 1 g += 0.0745 * x; x = c * m * y1 * k1; // 1 1 0 0 r += 0.1804 * x; g += 0.1922 * x; b += 0.5725 * x; x = c * m * y1 * k; // 1 1 0 1 b += 0.0078 * x; x = c * m * y * k1; // 1 1 1 0 r += 0.2118 * x; g += 0.2119 * x; b += 0.2235 * x; return [r, g, b]; }, getRgbBuffer: function cmykcs_getRgbBuffer(colorBuf, bits) { var scale = 1 / ((1 << bits) - 1); var length = colorBuf.length / 4; var rgbBuf = new Uint8Array(length * 3); var rgbBufPos = 0; var colorBufPos = 0; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var cmyk = []; for (var j = 0; j < 4; ++j) cmyk.push(scale * colorBuf[colorBufPos++]); var rgb = this.getRgb(cmyk); for (var j = 0; j < 3; ++j) rgbBuf[rgbBufPos++] = Math.round(rgb[j] * 255); } return rgbBuf; } }; return constructor; })();