import { types as t, transformSync } from "@babel/core"; import fs from "fs"; import { join as joinPaths } from "path"; import vm from "vm"; const PDFJS_PREPROCESSOR_NAME = "PDFJSDev"; const ROOT_PREFIX = "$ROOT/"; function isPDFJSPreprocessor(obj) { return obj.type === "Identifier" && === PDFJS_PREPROCESSOR_NAME; } function evalWithDefines(code, defines) { if (!code || !code.trim()) { throw new Error("No JavaScript expression given"); } return vm.runInNewContext(code, defines, { displayErrors: false }); } function handlePreprocessorAction(ctx, actionName, args, path) { try { const arg = args[0]; switch (actionName) { case "test": if (!t.isStringLiteral(arg)) { throw new Error("No code for testing is given"); } return !!evalWithDefines(arg.value, ctx.defines); case "eval": if (!t.isStringLiteral(arg)) { throw new Error("No code for eval is given"); } const result = evalWithDefines(arg.value, ctx.defines); if ( typeof result === "boolean" || typeof result === "string" || typeof result === "number" || typeof result === "object" ) { return result; } break; case "json": if (!t.isStringLiteral(arg)) { throw new Error("Path to JSON is not provided"); } let jsonPath = arg.value; if (jsonPath.startsWith(ROOT_PREFIX)) { jsonPath = joinPaths( ctx.rootPath, jsonPath.substring(ROOT_PREFIX.length) ); } return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(jsonPath, "utf8")); } throw new Error("Unsupported action"); } catch (e) { throw path.buildCodeFrameError( "Could not process " + PDFJS_PREPROCESSOR_NAME + "." + actionName + ": " + e.message ); } } function babelPluginPDFJSPreprocessor(babel, ctx) { return { name: "babel-plugin-pdfjs-preprocessor", manipulateOptions({ parserOpts }) { parserOpts.attachComment = false; }, visitor: { "ExportNamedDeclaration|ImportDeclaration": ({ node }) => { if (node.source &&[node.source.value]) { node.source.value =[node.source.value]; } }, "IfStatement|ConditionalExpression": { exit(path) { const { node } = path; if (t.isBooleanLiteral(node.test)) { // if (true) stmt1; => stmt1 // if (false) stmt1; else stmt2; => stmt2 if (node.test.value === true) { path.replaceWith(node.consequent); } else if (node.alternate) { path.replaceWith(node.alternate); } else { path.remove(node); } } }, }, UnaryExpression: { exit(path) { const { node } = path; if ( node.operator === "typeof" && isPDFJSPreprocessor(node.argument) ) { // typeof PDFJSDev => 'object' path.replaceWith(t.stringLiteral("object")); return; } if (node.operator === "!" && t.isBooleanLiteral(node.argument)) { // !true => false, !false => true path.replaceWith(t.booleanLiteral(!node.argument.value)); } }, }, LogicalExpression: { exit(path) { const { node } = path; if (!t.isBooleanLiteral(node.left)) { return; } switch (node.operator) { case "&&": // true && expr => expr // false && expr => false path.replaceWith( node.left.value === true ? node.right : node.left ); break; case "||": // true || expr => true // false || expr => expr path.replaceWith( node.left.value === true ? node.left : node.right ); break; } }, }, BinaryExpression: { exit(path) { const { node } = path; switch (node.operator) { case "==": case "===": case "!=": case "!==": if (t.isLiteral(node.left) && t.isLiteral(node.right)) { // folding == and != check that can be statically evaluated const { confident, value } = path.evaluate(); if (confident) { path.replaceWith(t.booleanLiteral(value)); } } } }, }, CallExpression(path) { const { node } = path; if ( t.isMemberExpression(node.callee) && isPDFJSPreprocessor(node.callee.object) && t.isIdentifier( && !node.callee.computed ) { // PDFJSDev.xxxx(arg1, arg2, ...) => transform const action =; const result = handlePreprocessorAction( ctx, action, node.arguments, path ); path.replaceWith(t.inherits(t.valueToNode(result), path.node)); } }, BlockStatement: { // Visit node in post-order so that recursive flattening // of blocks works correctly. exit(path) { const { node } = path; let subExpressionIndex = 0; while (subExpressionIndex < node.body.length) { switch (node.body[subExpressionIndex].type) { case "EmptyStatement": // Removing empty statements from the blocks. node.body.splice(subExpressionIndex, 1); continue; case "BlockStatement": // Block statements inside a block are flattened // into the parent one. const subChildren = node.body[subExpressionIndex].body; node.body.splice(subExpressionIndex, 1, ...subChildren); subExpressionIndex += Math.max(subChildren.length - 1, 0); continue; case "ReturnStatement": case "ThrowStatement": // Removing dead code after return or throw. node.body.splice( subExpressionIndex + 1, node.body.length - subExpressionIndex - 1 ); break; } subExpressionIndex++; } }, }, Function: { exit(path) { if (!t.isBlockStatement(path.node.body)) { // Arrow function with expression body return; } const { body } = path.node.body; if ( body.length > 0 && t.isReturnStatement(, { argument: null }) ) { // Function body ends with return without arg -- removing it. body.pop(); } }, }, }, }; } function preprocessPDFJSCode(ctx, content) { return transformSync(content, { configFile: false, plugins: [[babelPluginPDFJSPreprocessor, ctx]], }).code; } export { babelPluginPDFJSPreprocessor, preprocessPDFJSCode };