# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ## Main toolbar buttons (tooltips and alt text for images) pdfjs-previous-button = .title = Tudalen Flaenorol pdfjs-previous-button-label = Blaenorol pdfjs-next-button = .title = Tudalen Nesaf pdfjs-next-button-label = Nesaf # .title: Tooltip for the pageNumber input. pdfjs-page-input = .title = Tudalen # Variables: # $pagesCount (Number) - the total number of pages in the document # This string follows an input field with the number of the page currently displayed. pdfjs-of-pages = o { $pagesCount } # Variables: # $pageNumber (Number) - the currently visible page # $pagesCount (Number) - the total number of pages in the document pdfjs-page-of-pages = ({ $pageNumber } o { $pagesCount }) pdfjs-zoom-out-button = .title = Lleihau pdfjs-zoom-out-button-label = Lleihau pdfjs-zoom-in-button = .title = Cynyddu pdfjs-zoom-in-button-label = Cynyddu pdfjs-zoom-select = .title = Chwyddo pdfjs-presentation-mode-button = .title = Newid i'r Modd Cyflwyno pdfjs-presentation-mode-button-label = Modd Cyflwyno pdfjs-open-file-button = .title = Agor Ffeil pdfjs-open-file-button-label = Agor pdfjs-print-button = .title = Argraffu pdfjs-print-button-label = Argraffu pdfjs-save-button = .title = Cadw pdfjs-save-button-label = Cadw # Used in Firefox for Android as a tooltip for the download button (“download” is a verb). pdfjs-download-button = .title = Llwytho i Lawr # Used in Firefox for Android as a label for the download button (“download” is a verb). # Length of the translation matters since we are in a mobile context, with limited screen estate. pdfjs-download-button-label = Llwytho i Lawr pdfjs-bookmark-button = .title = Tudalen Gyfredol (Gweld URL o'r Dudalen Gyfredol) pdfjs-bookmark-button-label = Tudalen Gyfredol # Used in Firefox for Android. pdfjs-open-in-app-button = .title = Agor yn yr ap # Used in Firefox for Android. # Length of the translation matters since we are in a mobile context, with limited screen estate. pdfjs-open-in-app-button-label = Agor yn yr ap ## Secondary toolbar and context menu pdfjs-tools-button = .title = Offer pdfjs-tools-button-label = Offer pdfjs-first-page-button = .title = Mynd i'r Dudalen Gyntaf pdfjs-first-page-button-label = Mynd i'r Dudalen Gyntaf pdfjs-last-page-button = .title = Mynd i'r Dudalen Olaf pdfjs-last-page-button-label = Mynd i'r Dudalen Olaf pdfjs-page-rotate-cw-button = .title = Cylchdroi Clocwedd pdfjs-page-rotate-cw-button-label = Cylchdroi Clocwedd pdfjs-page-rotate-ccw-button = .title = Cylchdroi Gwrthglocwedd pdfjs-page-rotate-ccw-button-label = Cylchdroi Gwrthglocwedd pdfjs-cursor-text-select-tool-button = .title = Galluogi Dewis Offeryn Testun pdfjs-cursor-text-select-tool-button-label = Offeryn Dewis Testun pdfjs-cursor-hand-tool-button = .title = Galluogi Offeryn Llaw pdfjs-cursor-hand-tool-button-label = Offeryn Llaw pdfjs-scroll-page-button = .title = Defnyddio Sgrolio Tudalen pdfjs-scroll-page-button-label = Sgrolio Tudalen pdfjs-scroll-vertical-button = .title = Defnyddio Sgrolio Fertigol pdfjs-scroll-vertical-button-label = Sgrolio Fertigol pdfjs-scroll-horizontal-button = .title = Defnyddio Sgrolio Llorweddol pdfjs-scroll-horizontal-button-label = Sgrolio Llorweddol pdfjs-scroll-wrapped-button = .title = Defnyddio Sgrolio Amlapio pdfjs-scroll-wrapped-button-label = Sgrolio Amlapio pdfjs-spread-none-button = .title = Peidio uno trawsdaleniadau pdfjs-spread-none-button-label = Dim Trawsdaleniadau pdfjs-spread-odd-button = .title = Uno trawsdaleniadau gan gychwyn gyda thudalennau odrif pdfjs-spread-odd-button-label = Trawsdaleniadau Odrif pdfjs-spread-even-button = .title = Uno trawsdaleniadau gan gychwyn gyda thudalennau eilrif pdfjs-spread-even-button-label = Trawsdaleniadau Eilrif ## Document properties dialog pdfjs-document-properties-button = .title = Priodweddau Dogfen… pdfjs-document-properties-button-label = Priodweddau Dogfen… pdfjs-document-properties-file-name = Enw ffeil: pdfjs-document-properties-file-size = Maint ffeil: # Variables: # $size_kb (Number) - the PDF file size in kilobytes # $size_b (Number) - the PDF file size in bytes pdfjs-document-properties-kb = { $size_kb } KB ({ $size_b } beit) # Variables: # $size_mb (Number) - the PDF file size in megabytes # $size_b (Number) - the PDF file size in bytes pdfjs-document-properties-mb = { $size_mb } MB ({ $size_b } beit) pdfjs-document-properties-title = Teitl: pdfjs-document-properties-author = Awdur: pdfjs-document-properties-subject = Pwnc: pdfjs-document-properties-keywords = Allweddair: pdfjs-document-properties-creation-date = Dyddiad Creu: pdfjs-document-properties-modification-date = Dyddiad Addasu: # Variables: # $date (Date) - the creation/modification date of the PDF file # $time (Time) - the creation/modification time of the PDF file pdfjs-document-properties-date-string = { $date }, { $time } pdfjs-document-properties-creator = Crewr: pdfjs-document-properties-producer = Cynhyrchydd PDF: pdfjs-document-properties-version = Fersiwn PDF: pdfjs-document-properties-page-count = Cyfrif Tudalen: pdfjs-document-properties-page-size = Maint Tudalen: pdfjs-document-properties-page-size-unit-inches = o fewn pdfjs-document-properties-page-size-unit-millimeters = mm pdfjs-document-properties-page-size-orientation-portrait = portread pdfjs-document-properties-page-size-orientation-landscape = tirlun pdfjs-document-properties-page-size-name-a-three = A3 pdfjs-document-properties-page-size-name-a-four = A4 pdfjs-document-properties-page-size-name-letter = Llythyr pdfjs-document-properties-page-size-name-legal = Cyfreithiol ## Variables: ## $width (Number) - the width of the (current) page ## $height (Number) - the height of the (current) page ## $unit (String) - the unit of measurement of the (current) page ## $name (String) - the name of the (current) page ## $orientation (String) - the orientation of the (current) page pdfjs-document-properties-page-size-dimension-string = { $width } × { $height } { $unit } ({ $orientation }) pdfjs-document-properties-page-size-dimension-name-string = { $width } × { $height } { $unit } ({ $name }, { $orientation }) ## # The linearization status of the document; usually called "Fast Web View" in # English locales of Adobe software. pdfjs-document-properties-linearized = Golwg Gwe Cyflym: pdfjs-document-properties-linearized-yes = Iawn pdfjs-document-properties-linearized-no = Na pdfjs-document-properties-close-button = Cau ## Print pdfjs-print-progress-message = Paratoi dogfen ar gyfer ei hargraffu… # Variables: # $progress (Number) - percent value pdfjs-print-progress-percent = { $progress }% pdfjs-print-progress-close-button = Diddymu pdfjs-printing-not-supported = Rhybudd: Nid yw argraffu yn cael ei gynnal yn llawn gan y porwr. pdfjs-printing-not-ready = Rhybudd: Nid yw'r PDF wedi ei lwytho'n llawn ar gyfer argraffu. ## Tooltips and alt text for side panel toolbar buttons pdfjs-toggle-sidebar-button = .title = Toglo'r Bar Ochr pdfjs-toggle-sidebar-notification-button = .title = Toglo'r Bar Ochr (mae'r ddogfen yn cynnwys amlinelliadau/atodiadau/haenau) pdfjs-toggle-sidebar-button-label = Toglo'r Bar Ochr pdfjs-document-outline-button = .title = Dangos Amlinell Dogfen (clic dwbl i ymestyn/cau pob eitem) pdfjs-document-outline-button-label = Amlinelliad Dogfen pdfjs-attachments-button = .title = Dangos Atodiadau pdfjs-attachments-button-label = Atodiadau pdfjs-layers-button = .title = Dangos Haenau (cliciwch ddwywaith i ailosod yr holl haenau i'r cyflwr rhagosodedig) pdfjs-layers-button-label = Haenau pdfjs-thumbs-button = .title = Dangos Lluniau Bach pdfjs-thumbs-button-label = Lluniau Bach pdfjs-current-outline-item-button = .title = Canfod yr Eitem Amlinellol Gyfredol pdfjs-current-outline-item-button-label = Yr Eitem Amlinellol Gyfredol pdfjs-findbar-button = .title = Canfod yn y Ddogfen pdfjs-findbar-button-label = Canfod pdfjs-additional-layers = Haenau Ychwanegol ## Thumbnails panel item (tooltip and alt text for images) # Variables: # $page (Number) - the page number pdfjs-thumb-page-title = .title = Tudalen { $page } # Variables: # $page (Number) - the page number pdfjs-thumb-page-canvas = .aria-label = Llun Bach Tudalen { $page } ## Find panel button title and messages pdfjs-find-input = .title = Canfod .placeholder = Canfod yn y ddogfen… pdfjs-find-previous-button = .title = Canfod enghraifft flaenorol o'r ymadrodd pdfjs-find-previous-button-label = Blaenorol pdfjs-find-next-button = .title = Canfod enghraifft nesaf yr ymadrodd pdfjs-find-next-button-label = Nesaf pdfjs-find-highlight-checkbox = Amlygu Popeth pdfjs-find-match-case-checkbox-label = Cydweddu Maint pdfjs-find-match-diacritics-checkbox-label = Diacritigau Cyfatebol pdfjs-find-entire-word-checkbox-label = Geiriau Cyfan pdfjs-find-reached-top = Wedi cyrraedd brig y dudalen, parhau o'r gwaelod pdfjs-find-reached-bottom = Wedi cyrraedd diwedd y dudalen, parhau o'r brig # Variables: # $current (Number) - the index of the currently active find result # $total (Number) - the total number of matches in the document pdfjs-find-match-count = { $total -> [zero] { $current } o { $total } cydweddiadau [one] { $current } o { $total } cydweddiad [two] { $current } o { $total } gydweddiad [few] { $current } o { $total } cydweddiad [many] { $current } o { $total } chydweddiad *[other] { $current } o { $total } cydweddiad } # Variables: # $limit (Number) - the maximum number of matches pdfjs-find-match-count-limit = { $limit -> [zero] Mwy nag { $limit } cydweddiadau [one] Mwy nag { $limit } cydweddiad [two] Mwy nag { $limit } gydweddiad [few] Mwy nag { $limit } cydweddiad [many] Mwy nag { $limit } chydweddiad *[other] Mwy nag { $limit } cydweddiad } pdfjs-find-not-found = Heb ganfod ymadrodd ## Predefined zoom values pdfjs-page-scale-width = Lled Tudalen pdfjs-page-scale-fit = Ffit Tudalen pdfjs-page-scale-auto = Chwyddo Awtomatig pdfjs-page-scale-actual = Maint Gwirioneddol # Variables: # $scale (Number) - percent value for page scale pdfjs-page-scale-percent = { $scale }% ## PDF page # Variables: # $page (Number) - the page number pdfjs-page-landmark = .aria-label = Tudalen { $page } ## Loading indicator messages pdfjs-loading-error = Digwyddodd gwall wrth lwytho'r PDF. pdfjs-invalid-file-error = Ffeil PDF annilys neu llwgr. pdfjs-missing-file-error = Ffeil PDF coll. pdfjs-unexpected-response-error = Ymateb annisgwyl gan y gweinydd. pdfjs-rendering-error = Digwyddodd gwall wrth adeiladu'r dudalen. ## Annotations # Variables: # $date (Date) - the modification date of the annotation # $time (Time) - the modification time of the annotation pdfjs-annotation-date-string = { $date }, { $time } # .alt: This is used as a tooltip. # Variables: # $type (String) - an annotation type from a list defined in the PDF spec # (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types). # Some common types are e.g.: "Check", "Text", "Comment", "Note" pdfjs-text-annotation-type = .alt = [Anodiad { $type } ] ## Password pdfjs-password-label = Rhowch gyfrinair i agor y PDF. pdfjs-password-invalid = Cyfrinair annilys. Ceisiwch eto. pdfjs-password-ok-button = Iawn pdfjs-password-cancel-button = Diddymu pdfjs-web-fonts-disabled = Ffontiau gwe wedi eu hanalluogi: methu defnyddio ffontiau PDF mewnblanedig. ## Editing pdfjs-editor-free-text-button = .title = Testun pdfjs-editor-free-text-button-label = Testun pdfjs-editor-ink-button = .title = Lluniadu pdfjs-editor-ink-button-label = Lluniadu pdfjs-editor-stamp-button = .title = Ychwanegu neu olygu delweddau pdfjs-editor-stamp-button-label = Ychwanegu neu olygu delweddau pdfjs-editor-highlight-button = .title = Amlygu pdfjs-editor-highlight-button-label = Amlygu ## Remove button for the various kind of editor. pdfjs-editor-remove-ink-button = .title = Dileu lluniad pdfjs-editor-remove-freetext-button = .title = Dileu testun pdfjs-editor-remove-stamp-button = .title = Dileu delwedd pdfjs-editor-remove-highlight-button = .title = Tynnu amlygiad ## # Editor Parameters pdfjs-editor-free-text-color-input = Lliw pdfjs-editor-free-text-size-input = Maint pdfjs-editor-ink-color-input = Lliw pdfjs-editor-ink-thickness-input = Trwch pdfjs-editor-ink-opacity-input = Didreiddedd pdfjs-editor-stamp-add-image-button = .title = Ychwanegu delwedd pdfjs-editor-stamp-add-image-button-label = Ychwanegu delwedd # This refers to the thickness of the line used for free highlighting (not bound to text) pdfjs-editor-free-highlight-thickness-input = Trwch pdfjs-editor-free-highlight-thickness-title = .title = Newid trwch wrth amlygu eitemau heblaw testun pdfjs-free-text = .aria-label = Golygydd Testun pdfjs-free-text-default-content = Cychwyn teipio… pdfjs-ink = .aria-label = Golygydd Lluniadu pdfjs-ink-canvas = .aria-label = Delwedd wedi'i chreu gan ddefnyddwyr ## Alt-text dialog # Alternative text (alt text) helps when people can't see the image. pdfjs-editor-alt-text-button-label = Testun amgen (alt) pdfjs-editor-alt-text-edit-button-label = Golygu testun amgen pdfjs-editor-alt-text-dialog-label = Dewisiadau pdfjs-editor-alt-text-dialog-description = Mae testun amgen (testun alt) yn helpu pan na all pobl weld y ddelwedd neu pan nad yw'n llwytho. pdfjs-editor-alt-text-add-description-label = Ychwanegu disgrifiad pdfjs-editor-alt-text-add-description-description = Anelwch at 1-2 frawddeg sy'n disgrifio'r pwnc, y cefndir neu'r gweithredoedd. pdfjs-editor-alt-text-mark-decorative-label = Marcio fel addurniadol pdfjs-editor-alt-text-mark-decorative-description = Mae'n cael ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer delweddau addurniadol, fel borderi neu farciau dŵr. pdfjs-editor-alt-text-cancel-button = Diddymu pdfjs-editor-alt-text-save-button = Cadw pdfjs-editor-alt-text-decorative-tooltip = Marcio fel addurniadol # .placeholder: This is a placeholder for the alt text input area pdfjs-editor-alt-text-textarea = .placeholder = Er enghraifft, “Mae dyn ifanc yn eistedd wrth fwrdd i fwyta pryd bwyd” ## Editor resizers ## This is used in an aria label to help to understand the role of the resizer. pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-top-left = Y gornel chwith uchaf — newid maint pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-top-middle = Canol uchaf - newid maint pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-top-right = Y gornel dde uchaf - newid maint pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-middle-right = De canol - newid maint pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-bottom-right = Y gornel dde isaf — newid maint pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-bottom-middle = Canol gwaelod — newid maint pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-bottom-left = Y gornel chwith isaf — newid maint pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-middle-left = Chwith canol — newid maint ## Color picker # This means "Color used to highlight text" pdfjs-editor-highlight-colorpicker-label = Lliw amlygu pdfjs-editor-colorpicker-button = .title = Newid lliw pdfjs-editor-colorpicker-dropdown = .aria-label = Dewisiadau lliw pdfjs-editor-colorpicker-yellow = .title = Melyn pdfjs-editor-colorpicker-green = .title = Gwyrdd pdfjs-editor-colorpicker-blue = .title = Glas pdfjs-editor-colorpicker-pink = .title = Pinc pdfjs-editor-colorpicker-red = .title = Coch