/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */ /* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* globals RenderingStates, PDFView, PDFHistory, PDFFindBar, PDFJS, mozL10n, CustomStyle, PresentationMode, scrollIntoView, SCROLLBAR_PADDING, CSS_UNITS, UNKNOWN_SCALE, DEFAULT_SCALE, getOutputScale, TextLayerBuilder, cache, Stats */ 'use strict'; var PageView = function pageView(container, id, scale, navigateTo, defaultViewport) { this.id = id; this.rotation = 0; this.scale = scale || 1.0; this.viewport = defaultViewport; this.pdfPageRotate = defaultViewport.rotate; this.renderingState = RenderingStates.INITIAL; this.resume = null; this.textContent = null; this.textLayer = null; this.annotationLayer = null; var anchor = document.createElement('a'); anchor.name = '' + this.id; var div = this.el = document.createElement('div'); div.id = 'pageContainer' + this.id; div.className = 'page'; div.style.width = Math.floor(this.viewport.width) + 'px'; div.style.height = Math.floor(this.viewport.height) + 'px'; container.appendChild(anchor); container.appendChild(div); this.setPdfPage = function pageViewSetPdfPage(pdfPage) { this.pdfPage = pdfPage; this.pdfPageRotate = pdfPage.rotate; this.viewport = pdfPage.getViewport(this.scale); this.stats = pdfPage.stats; this.update(); }; this.destroy = function pageViewDestroy() { this.update(); if (this.pdfPage) { this.pdfPage.destroy(); } }; this.update = function pageViewUpdate(scale, rotation) { if (this.renderTask) { this.renderTask.cancel(); } this.resume = null; this.renderingState = RenderingStates.INITIAL; if (typeof rotation !== 'undefined') { this.rotation = rotation; } this.scale = scale || this.scale; var totalRotation = (this.rotation + this.pdfPageRotate) % 360; this.viewport = this.viewport.clone({ scale: this.scale, rotation: totalRotation }); div.style.width = Math.floor(this.viewport.width) + 'px'; div.style.height = Math.floor(this.viewport.height) + 'px'; while (div.hasChildNodes()) { div.removeChild(div.lastChild); } div.removeAttribute('data-loaded'); this.annotationLayer = null; delete this.canvas; this.loadingIconDiv = document.createElement('div'); this.loadingIconDiv.className = 'loadingIcon'; div.appendChild(this.loadingIconDiv); }; Object.defineProperty(this, 'width', { get: function PageView_getWidth() { return this.viewport.width; }, enumerable: true }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'height', { get: function PageView_getHeight() { return this.viewport.height; }, enumerable: true }); var self = this; function setupAnnotations(pageDiv, pdfPage, viewport) { function bindLink(link, dest) { link.href = PDFView.getDestinationHash(dest); link.onclick = function pageViewSetupLinksOnclick() { if (dest) { PDFView.navigateTo(dest); } return false; }; if (dest) { link.className = 'internalLink'; } } function bindNamedAction(link, action) { link.href = PDFView.getAnchorUrl(''); link.onclick = function pageViewSetupNamedActionOnClick() { // See PDF reference, table 8.45 - Named action switch (action) { case 'GoToPage': document.getElementById('pageNumber').focus(); break; case 'GoBack': PDFHistory.back(); break; case 'GoForward': PDFHistory.forward(); break; case 'Find': if (!PDFView.supportsIntegratedFind) { PDFFindBar.toggle(); } break; case 'NextPage': PDFView.page++; break; case 'PrevPage': PDFView.page--; break; case 'LastPage': PDFView.page = PDFView.pages.length; break; case 'FirstPage': PDFView.page = 1; break; default: break; // No action according to spec } return false; }; link.className = 'internalLink'; } pdfPage.getAnnotations().then(function(annotationsData) { if (self.annotationLayer) { // If an annotationLayer already exists, delete it to avoid creating // duplicate annotations when rapidly re-zooming the document. pageDiv.removeChild(self.annotationLayer); self.annotationLayer = null; } viewport = viewport.clone({ dontFlip: true }); for (var i = 0; i < annotationsData.length; i++) { var data = annotationsData[i]; var annotation = PDFJS.Annotation.fromData(data); if (!annotation || !annotation.hasHtml()) { continue; } var element = annotation.getHtmlElement(pdfPage.commonObjs); mozL10n.translate(element); data = annotation.getData(); var rect = data.rect; var view = pdfPage.view; rect = PDFJS.Util.normalizeRect([ rect[0], view[3] - rect[1] + view[1], rect[2], view[3] - rect[3] + view[1] ]); element.style.left = rect[0] + 'px'; element.style.top = rect[1] + 'px'; element.style.position = 'absolute'; var transform = viewport.transform; var transformStr = 'matrix(' + transform.join(',') + ')'; CustomStyle.setProp('transform', element, transformStr); var transformOriginStr = -rect[0] + 'px ' + -rect[1] + 'px'; CustomStyle.setProp('transformOrigin', element, transformOriginStr); if (data.subtype === 'Link' && !data.url) { if (data.action) { bindNamedAction(element, data.action); } else { bindLink(element, ('dest' in data) ? data.dest : null); } } if (!self.annotationLayer) { var annotationLayerDiv = document.createElement('div'); annotationLayerDiv.className = 'annotationLayer'; pageDiv.appendChild(annotationLayerDiv); self.annotationLayer = annotationLayerDiv; } self.annotationLayer.appendChild(element); } }); } this.getPagePoint = function pageViewGetPagePoint(x, y) { return this.viewport.convertToPdfPoint(x, y); }; this.scrollIntoView = function pageViewScrollIntoView(dest) { if (PresentationMode.active) { // Avoid breaking presentation mode. dest = null; } if (!dest) { scrollIntoView(div); return; } var x = 0, y = 0; var width = 0, height = 0, widthScale, heightScale; var scale = 0; switch (dest[1].name) { case 'XYZ': x = dest[2]; y = dest[3]; scale = dest[4]; // If x and/or y coordinates are not supplied, default to // _top_ left of the page (not the obvious bottom left, // since aligning the bottom of the intended page with the // top of the window is rarely helpful). x = x !== null ? x : 0; y = y !== null ? y : this.height / this.scale; break; case 'Fit': case 'FitB': scale = 'page-fit'; break; case 'FitH': case 'FitBH': y = dest[2]; scale = 'page-width'; break; case 'FitV': case 'FitBV': x = dest[2]; scale = 'page-height'; break; case 'FitR': x = dest[2]; y = dest[3]; width = dest[4] - x; height = dest[5] - y; widthScale = (PDFView.container.clientWidth - SCROLLBAR_PADDING) / width / CSS_UNITS; heightScale = (PDFView.container.clientHeight - SCROLLBAR_PADDING) / height / CSS_UNITS; scale = Math.min(widthScale, heightScale); break; default: return; } if (scale && scale !== PDFView.currentScale) { PDFView.parseScale(scale, true, true); } else if (PDFView.currentScale === UNKNOWN_SCALE) { PDFView.parseScale(DEFAULT_SCALE, true, true); } if (scale === 'page-fit' && !dest[4]) { scrollIntoView(div); return; } var boundingRect = [ this.viewport.convertToViewportPoint(x, y), this.viewport.convertToViewportPoint(x + width, y + height) ]; setTimeout(function pageViewScrollIntoViewRelayout() { // letting page to re-layout before scrolling var scale = PDFView.currentScale; var x = Math.min(boundingRect[0][0], boundingRect[1][0]); var y = Math.min(boundingRect[0][1], boundingRect[1][1]); var width = Math.abs(boundingRect[0][0] - boundingRect[1][0]); var height = Math.abs(boundingRect[0][1] - boundingRect[1][1]); scrollIntoView(div, {left: x, top: y, width: width, height: height}); }, 0); }; this.getTextContent = function pageviewGetTextContent() { if (!this.textContent) { this.textContent = this.pdfPage.getTextContent(); } return this.textContent; }; this.draw = function pageviewDraw(callback) { var pdfPage = this.pdfPage; if (!pdfPage) { var promise = PDFView.getPage(this.id); promise.then(function(pdfPage) { this.setPdfPage(pdfPage); this.draw(callback); }.bind(this)); return; } if (this.renderingState !== RenderingStates.INITIAL) { console.error('Must be in new state before drawing'); } this.renderingState = RenderingStates.RUNNING; var viewport = this.viewport; // Wrap the canvas so if it has a css transform for highdpi the overflow // will be hidden in FF. var canvasWrapper = document.createElement('div'); canvasWrapper.style.width = div.style.width; canvasWrapper.style.height = div.style.height; canvasWrapper.classList.add('canvasWrapper'); var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.id = 'page' + this.id; canvasWrapper.appendChild(canvas); div.appendChild(canvasWrapper); this.canvas = canvas; var scale = this.scale; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var outputScale = getOutputScale(ctx); canvas.width = Math.floor(viewport.width) * outputScale.sx; canvas.height = Math.floor(viewport.height) * outputScale.sy; canvas.style.width = Math.floor(viewport.width) + 'px'; canvas.style.height = Math.floor(viewport.height) + 'px'; var textLayerDiv = null; if (!PDFJS.disableTextLayer) { textLayerDiv = document.createElement('div'); textLayerDiv.className = 'textLayer'; textLayerDiv.style.width = canvas.width + 'px'; textLayerDiv.style.height = canvas.height + 'px'; div.appendChild(textLayerDiv); } var textLayer = this.textLayer = textLayerDiv ? new TextLayerBuilder({ textLayerDiv: textLayerDiv, pageIndex: this.id - 1, lastScrollSource: PDFView, viewport: this.viewport, isViewerInPresentationMode: PresentationMode.active }) : null; // TODO(mack): use data attributes to store these ctx._scaleX = outputScale.sx; ctx._scaleY = outputScale.sy; if (outputScale.scaled) { ctx.scale(outputScale.sx, outputScale.sy); } if (outputScale.scaled && textLayerDiv) { var cssScale = 'scale(' + (1 / outputScale.sx) + ', ' + (1 / outputScale.sy) + ')'; CustomStyle.setProp('transform' , textLayerDiv, cssScale); CustomStyle.setProp('transformOrigin' , textLayerDiv, '0% 0%'); } //#if (FIREFOX || MOZCENTRAL) // // Checking if document fonts are used only once // var checkIfDocumentFontsUsed = !PDFView.pdfDocument.embeddedFontsUsed; //#endif // Rendering area var self = this; function pageViewDrawCallback(error) { // The renderTask may have been replaced by a new one, so only remove the // reference to the renderTask if it matches the one that is triggering // this callback. if (renderTask === self.renderTask) { self.renderTask = null; } if (error === 'cancelled') { return; } self.renderingState = RenderingStates.FINISHED; if (self.loadingIconDiv) { div.removeChild(self.loadingIconDiv); delete self.loadingIconDiv; } //#if (FIREFOX || MOZCENTRAL) // if (checkIfDocumentFontsUsed && PDFView.pdfDocument.embeddedFontsUsed && // PDFJS.disableFontFace) { // console.error(mozL10n.get('web_fonts_disabled', null, // 'Web fonts are disabled: unable to use embedded PDF fonts.')); // PDFView.fallback(); // } // if (self.textLayer && self.textLayer.textDivs && // self.textLayer.textDivs.length > 0 && // !PDFView.supportsDocumentColors) { // console.error(mozL10n.get('document_colors_disabled', null, // 'PDF documents are not allowed to use their own colors: ' + // '\'Allow pages to choose their own colors\' ' + // 'is deactivated in the browser.')); // PDFView.fallback(); // } //#endif if (error) { PDFView.error(mozL10n.get('rendering_error', null, 'An error occurred while rendering the page.'), error); } self.stats = pdfPage.stats; self.updateStats(); if (self.onAfterDraw) { self.onAfterDraw(); } cache.push(self); var event = document.createEvent('CustomEvent'); event.initCustomEvent('pagerender', true, true, { pageNumber: pdfPage.pageNumber }); div.dispatchEvent(event); //#if (FIREFOX || MOZCENTRAL) // FirefoxCom.request('reportTelemetry', JSON.stringify({ // type: 'pageInfo' // })); // // TODO add stream types report here //#endif callback(); } var renderContext = { canvasContext: ctx, viewport: this.viewport, textLayer: textLayer, continueCallback: function pdfViewcContinueCallback(cont) { if (PDFView.highestPriorityPage !== 'page' + self.id) { self.renderingState = RenderingStates.PAUSED; self.resume = function resumeCallback() { self.renderingState = RenderingStates.RUNNING; cont(); }; return; } cont(); } }; var renderTask = this.renderTask = this.pdfPage.render(renderContext); this.renderTask.then( function pdfPageRenderCallback() { pageViewDrawCallback(null); }, function pdfPageRenderError(error) { pageViewDrawCallback(error); } ); if (textLayer) { this.getTextContent().then( function textContentResolved(textContent) { textLayer.setTextContent(textContent); } ); } setupAnnotations(div, pdfPage, this.viewport); div.setAttribute('data-loaded', true); }; this.beforePrint = function pageViewBeforePrint() { var pdfPage = this.pdfPage; var viewport = pdfPage.getViewport(1); // Use the same hack we use for high dpi displays for printing to get better // output until bug 811002 is fixed in FF. var PRINT_OUTPUT_SCALE = 2; var canvas = this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = Math.floor(viewport.width) * PRINT_OUTPUT_SCALE; canvas.height = Math.floor(viewport.height) * PRINT_OUTPUT_SCALE; canvas.style.width = (PRINT_OUTPUT_SCALE * viewport.width) + 'pt'; canvas.style.height = (PRINT_OUTPUT_SCALE * viewport.height) + 'pt'; var cssScale = 'scale(' + (1 / PRINT_OUTPUT_SCALE) + ', ' + (1 / PRINT_OUTPUT_SCALE) + ')'; CustomStyle.setProp('transform' , canvas, cssScale); CustomStyle.setProp('transformOrigin' , canvas, '0% 0%'); var printContainer = document.getElementById('printContainer'); var canvasWrapper = document.createElement('div'); canvasWrapper.style.width = viewport.width + 'pt'; canvasWrapper.style.height = viewport.height + 'pt'; canvasWrapper.appendChild(canvas); printContainer.appendChild(canvasWrapper); var self = this; canvas.mozPrintCallback = function(obj) { var ctx = obj.context; ctx.save(); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.restore(); ctx.scale(PRINT_OUTPUT_SCALE, PRINT_OUTPUT_SCALE); var renderContext = { canvasContext: ctx, viewport: viewport }; pdfPage.render(renderContext).then(function() { // Tell the printEngine that rendering this canvas/page has finished. obj.done(); self.pdfPage.destroy(); }, function(error) { console.error(error); // Tell the printEngine that rendering this canvas/page has failed. // This will make the print proces stop. if ('abort' in obj) { obj.abort(); } else { obj.done(); } self.pdfPage.destroy(); }); }; }; this.updateStats = function pageViewUpdateStats() { if (!this.stats) { return; } if (PDFJS.pdfBug && Stats.enabled) { var stats = this.stats; Stats.add(this.id, stats); } }; };