/* Copyright 2016 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* eslint-env node */ /* eslint-disable object-shorthand */ /* globals target */ "use strict"; var autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer"); var calc = require("postcss-calc"); var cssvariables = require("postcss-css-variables"); var fs = require("fs"); var gulp = require("gulp"); var postcss = require("gulp-postcss"); var rename = require("gulp-rename"); var replace = require("gulp-replace"); var mkdirp = require("mkdirp"); var path = require("path"); var rimraf = require("rimraf"); var stream = require("stream"); var exec = require("child_process").exec; var spawn = require("child_process").spawn; var spawnSync = require("child_process").spawnSync; var streamqueue = require("streamqueue"); var merge = require("merge-stream"); var zip = require("gulp-zip"); var webpack2 = require("webpack"); var webpackStream = require("webpack-stream"); var Vinyl = require("vinyl"); var vfs = require("vinyl-fs"); var through = require("through2"); var BUILD_DIR = "build/"; var L10N_DIR = "l10n/"; var TEST_DIR = "test/"; var EXTENSION_SRC_DIR = "extensions/"; var BASELINE_DIR = BUILD_DIR + "baseline/"; var MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR = BUILD_DIR + "mozcentral.baseline/"; var GENERIC_DIR = BUILD_DIR + "generic/"; var GENERIC_ES5_DIR = BUILD_DIR + "generic-es5/"; var COMPONENTS_DIR = BUILD_DIR + "components/"; var COMPONENTS_ES5_DIR = BUILD_DIR + "components-es5/"; var IMAGE_DECODERS_DIR = BUILD_DIR + "image_decoders/"; var IMAGE_DECODERS_ES5_DIR = BUILD_DIR + "image_decoders-es5/"; var DEFAULT_PREFERENCES_DIR = BUILD_DIR + "default_preferences/"; var MINIFIED_DIR = BUILD_DIR + "minified/"; var MINIFIED_ES5_DIR = BUILD_DIR + "minified-es5/"; var JSDOC_BUILD_DIR = BUILD_DIR + "jsdoc/"; var GH_PAGES_DIR = BUILD_DIR + "gh-pages/"; var SRC_DIR = "src/"; var LIB_DIR = BUILD_DIR + "lib/"; var DIST_DIR = BUILD_DIR + "dist/"; var TYPES_DIR = BUILD_DIR + "types/"; var TYPESTEST_DIR = BUILD_DIR + "typestest/"; var COMMON_WEB_FILES = ["web/images/*.{png,svg,gif,cur}", "web/debugger.js"]; var MOZCENTRAL_DIFF_FILE = "mozcentral.diff"; var REPO = "git@github.com:mozilla/pdf.js.git"; var DIST_REPO_URL = "https://github.com/mozilla/pdfjs-dist"; var builder = require("./external/builder/builder.js"); var CONFIG_FILE = "pdfjs.config"; var config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(CONFIG_FILE).toString()); // Default Autoprefixer config used for generic, components, minified-pre var AUTOPREFIXER_CONFIG = { overrideBrowserslist: [ "last 2 versions", "Chrome >= 49", // Last supported on Windows XP "Firefox >= 52", // Last supported on Windows XP "Firefox ESR", "IE >= 11", "Safari >= 9", "> 0.5%", "not dead", ], }; var CSS_VARIABLES_CONFIG = { preserve: true, }; const DEFINES = Object.freeze({ PRODUCTION: true, SKIP_BABEL: true, TESTING: false, // The main build targets: GENERIC: false, MOZCENTRAL: false, CHROME: false, MINIFIED: false, COMPONENTS: false, LIB: false, IMAGE_DECODERS: false, }); function transform(charEncoding, transformFunction) { return through.obj(function (vinylFile, enc, done) { var transformedFile = vinylFile.clone(); transformedFile.contents = Buffer.from( transformFunction(transformedFile.contents), charEncoding ); done(null, transformedFile); }); } function safeSpawnSync(command, parameters, options) { // Execute all commands in a shell. options = options || {}; options.shell = true; // `options.shell = true` requires parameters to be quoted. parameters = parameters.map(param => { if (!/[\s`~!#$*(){\[|\\;'"<>?]/.test(param)) { return param; } return '"' + param.replace(/([$\\"`])/g, "\\$1") + '"'; }); var result = spawnSync(command, parameters, options); if (result.status !== 0) { console.log( 'Error: command "' + command + '" with parameters "' + parameters + '" exited with code ' + result.status ); process.exit(result.status); } return result; } function startNode(args, options) { // Node.js decreased the maximum header size from 80 KB to 8 KB in newer // releases, which is not sufficient for some of our reference test files // (such as `issue6360.pdf`), so we need to restore this value. Note that // this argument needs to be before all other arguments as it needs to be // passed to the Node.js process itself and not to the script that it runs. args.unshift("--max-http-header-size=80000"); return spawn("node", args, options); } function createStringSource(filename, content) { var source = stream.Readable({ objectMode: true }); source._read = function () { this.push( new Vinyl({ path: filename, contents: Buffer.from(content), }) ); this.push(null); }; return source; } function createWebpackConfig(defines, output) { var versionInfo = getVersionJSON(); var bundleDefines = builder.merge(defines, { BUNDLE_VERSION: versionInfo.version, BUNDLE_BUILD: versionInfo.commit, TESTING: defines.TESTING || process.env.TESTING === "true", }); var licenseHeaderLibre = fs .readFileSync("./src/license_header_libre.js") .toString(); var enableSourceMaps = !bundleDefines.MOZCENTRAL && !bundleDefines.CHROME && !bundleDefines.TESTING; var skipBabel = bundleDefines.SKIP_BABEL; // Required to expose e.g., the `window` object. output.globalObject = "this"; return { mode: "none", output: output, performance: { hints: false, // Disable messages about larger file sizes. }, plugins: [ new webpack2.BannerPlugin({ banner: licenseHeaderLibre, raw: true }), ], resolve: { alias: { pdfjs: path.join(__dirname, "src"), "pdfjs-web": path.join(__dirname, "web"), "pdfjs-lib": path.join(__dirname, "web/pdfjs"), }, }, devtool: enableSourceMaps ? "source-map" : undefined, module: { rules: [ { loader: "babel-loader", // `core-js` (see https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/514), // `web-streams-polyfill` (already using a transpiled file), and // `src/core/{glyphlist,unicode}.js` (Babel is too slow for those) // should be excluded from processing. exclude: /(node_modules[\\\/]core-js|node_modules[\\\/]web-streams-polyfill|src[\\\/]core[\\\/](glyphlist|unicode))/, options: { presets: skipBabel ? undefined : ["@babel/preset-env"], plugins: [ [ "@babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator", { loose: true, }, ], [ "@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining", { loose: true, }, ], "@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs", [ "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime", { helpers: false, regenerator: true, }, ], ], }, }, { loader: path.join(__dirname, "external/webpack/pdfjsdev-loader.js"), options: { rootPath: __dirname, saveComments: false, defines: bundleDefines, }, }, ], }, // Avoid shadowing actual Node.js variables with polyfills, by disabling // polyfills/mocks - https://webpack.js.org/configuration/node/ node: false, }; } function webpack2Stream(webpackConfig) { // Replacing webpack1 to webpack2 in the webpack-stream. return webpackStream(webpackConfig, webpack2); } function getVersionJSON() { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(BUILD_DIR + "version.json").toString()); } function checkChromePreferencesFile(chromePrefsPath, webPrefsPath) { var chromePrefs = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(chromePrefsPath).toString()); var chromePrefsKeys = Object.keys(chromePrefs.properties); chromePrefsKeys = chromePrefsKeys.filter(function (key) { var description = chromePrefs.properties[key].description; // Deprecated keys are allowed in the managed preferences file. // The code maintained is responsible for adding migration logic to // extensions/chromium/options/migration.js and web/chromecom.js . return !description || !description.startsWith("DEPRECATED."); }); chromePrefsKeys.sort(); var webPrefs = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(webPrefsPath).toString()); var webPrefsKeys = Object.keys(webPrefs); webPrefsKeys.sort(); var telemetryIndex = chromePrefsKeys.indexOf("disableTelemetry"); if (telemetryIndex >= 0) { chromePrefsKeys.splice(telemetryIndex, 1); } else { console.log("Warning: disableTelemetry key not found in chrome prefs!"); return false; } if (webPrefsKeys.length !== chromePrefsKeys.length) { return false; } return webPrefsKeys.every(function (value, index) { return ( chromePrefsKeys[index] === value && chromePrefs.properties[value].default === webPrefs[value] ); }); } function replaceWebpackRequire() { // Produced bundles can be rebundled again, avoid collisions (e.g. in api.js) // by renaming __webpack_require__ to something else. return replace("__webpack_require__", "__w_pdfjs_require__"); } function replaceJSRootName(amdName, jsName) { // Saving old-style JS module name. return replace( 'root["' + amdName + '"] = factory()', 'root["' + amdName + '"] = root.' + jsName + " = factory()" ); } function createMainBundle(defines) { var mainAMDName = "pdfjs-dist/build/pdf"; var mainOutputName = "pdf.js"; var mainFileConfig = createWebpackConfig(defines, { filename: mainOutputName, library: mainAMDName, libraryTarget: "umd", umdNamedDefine: true, }); return gulp .src("./src/pdf.js") .pipe(webpack2Stream(mainFileConfig)) .pipe(replaceWebpackRequire()) .pipe(replaceJSRootName(mainAMDName, "pdfjsLib")); } function createWorkerBundle(defines) { var workerAMDName = "pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker"; var workerOutputName = "pdf.worker.js"; var workerFileConfig = createWebpackConfig(defines, { filename: workerOutputName, library: workerAMDName, libraryTarget: "umd", umdNamedDefine: true, }); return gulp .src("./src/pdf.worker.js") .pipe(webpack2Stream(workerFileConfig)) .pipe(replaceWebpackRequire()) .pipe(replaceJSRootName(workerAMDName, "pdfjsWorker")); } function createWebBundle(defines) { var viewerOutputName = "viewer.js"; var viewerFileConfig = createWebpackConfig(defines, { filename: viewerOutputName, }); return gulp.src("./web/viewer.js").pipe(webpack2Stream(viewerFileConfig)); } function createComponentsBundle(defines) { var componentsAMDName = "pdfjs-dist/web/pdf_viewer"; var componentsOutputName = "pdf_viewer.js"; var componentsFileConfig = createWebpackConfig(defines, { filename: componentsOutputName, library: componentsAMDName, libraryTarget: "umd", umdNamedDefine: true, }); return gulp .src("./web/pdf_viewer.component.js") .pipe(webpack2Stream(componentsFileConfig)) .pipe(replaceWebpackRequire()) .pipe(replaceJSRootName(componentsAMDName, "pdfjsViewer")); } function createImageDecodersBundle(defines) { var imageDecodersAMDName = "pdfjs-dist/image_decoders/pdf.image_decoders"; var imageDecodersOutputName = "pdf.image_decoders.js"; var componentsFileConfig = createWebpackConfig(defines, { filename: imageDecodersOutputName, library: imageDecodersAMDName, libraryTarget: "umd", umdNamedDefine: true, }); return gulp .src("./src/pdf.image_decoders.js") .pipe(webpack2Stream(componentsFileConfig)) .pipe(replaceWebpackRequire()) .pipe(replaceJSRootName(imageDecodersAMDName, "pdfjsImageDecoders")); } function checkFile(filePath) { try { var stat = fs.lstatSync(filePath); return stat.isFile(); } catch (e) { return false; } } function checkDir(dirPath) { try { var stat = fs.lstatSync(dirPath); return stat.isDirectory(); } catch (e) { return false; } } function replaceInFile(filePath, find, replacement) { var content = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString(); content = content.replace(find, replacement); fs.writeFileSync(filePath, content); } function getTempFile(prefix, suffix) { mkdirp.sync(BUILD_DIR + "tmp/"); var bytes = require("crypto").randomBytes(6).toString("hex"); var filePath = BUILD_DIR + "tmp/" + prefix + bytes + suffix; fs.writeFileSync(filePath, ""); return filePath; } function createTestSource(testsName, bot) { var source = stream.Readable({ objectMode: true }); source._read = function () { console.log(); console.log("### Running " + testsName + " tests"); var PDF_TEST = process.env.PDF_TEST || "test_manifest.json"; var args = ["test.js"]; switch (testsName) { case "browser": args.push("--reftest", "--manifestFile=" + PDF_TEST); break; case "browser (no reftest)": args.push("--manifestFile=" + PDF_TEST); break; case "unit": args.push("--unitTest"); break; case "font": args.push("--fontTest"); break; default: this.emit("error", new Error("Unknown name: " + testsName)); return null; } if (bot) { args.push("--strictVerify"); } if (process.argv.includes("--noChrome")) { args.push("--noChrome"); } var testProcess = startNode(args, { cwd: TEST_DIR, stdio: "inherit" }); testProcess.on("close", function (code) { source.push(null); }); return undefined; }; return source; } function makeRef(done, bot) { console.log(); console.log("### Creating reference images"); var args = ["test.js", "--masterMode"]; if (bot) { args.push("--noPrompts", "--strictVerify"); } if (process.argv.includes("--noChrome")) { args.push("--noChrome"); } var testProcess = startNode(args, { cwd: TEST_DIR, stdio: "inherit" }); testProcess.on("close", function (code) { done(); }); } gulp.task("default", function (done) { console.log("Available tasks:"); var tasks = Object.keys(gulp.registry().tasks()); tasks.sort(); tasks.forEach(function (taskName) { console.log(" " + taskName); }); done(); }); gulp.task("buildnumber", function (done) { console.log(); console.log("### Getting extension build number"); exec("git log --format=oneline " + config.baseVersion + "..", function ( err, stdout, stderr ) { var buildNumber = 0; if (!err) { // Build number is the number of commits since base version buildNumber = stdout ? stdout.match(/\n/g).length : 0; } else { console.log("This is not a Git repository; using default build number."); } console.log("Extension build number: " + buildNumber); var version = config.versionPrefix + buildNumber; exec('git log --format="%h" -n 1', function (err2, stdout2, stderr2) { var buildCommit = ""; if (!err2) { buildCommit = stdout2.replace("\n", ""); } createStringSource( "version.json", JSON.stringify( { version: version, build: buildNumber, commit: buildCommit, }, null, 2 ) ) .pipe(gulp.dest(BUILD_DIR)) .on("end", done); }); }); }); gulp.task("default_preferences-pre", function () { console.log(); console.log("### Building `default_preferences.json`"); // Refer to the comment in the 'lib' task below. function babelPluginReplaceNonWebPackRequire(babel) { return { visitor: { Identifier(curPath, state) { if (curPath.node.name === "__non_webpack_require__") { curPath.replaceWith(babel.types.identifier("require")); } }, }, }; } function preprocess(content) { content = preprocessor2.preprocessPDFJSCode(ctx, content); return babel.transform(content, { sourceType: "module", presets: undefined, // SKIP_BABEL plugins: [ "@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs", babelPluginReplaceNonWebPackRequire, ], }).code; } var babel = require("@babel/core"); var ctx = { rootPath: __dirname, saveComments: false, defines: builder.merge(DEFINES, { GENERIC: true, LIB: true, BUNDLE_VERSION: 0, // Dummy version BUNDLE_BUILD: 0, // Dummy build }), map: { "pdfjs-lib": "../pdf", }, }; var preprocessor2 = require("./external/builder/preprocessor2.js"); return merge([ gulp.src(["web/{app_options,viewer_compatibility}.js"], { base: ".", }), ]) .pipe(transform("utf8", preprocess)) .pipe(gulp.dest(DEFAULT_PREFERENCES_DIR + "lib/")); }); gulp.task( "default_preferences", gulp.series("default_preferences-pre", function (done) { var AppOptionsLib = require("./" + DEFAULT_PREFERENCES_DIR + "lib/web/app_options.js"); var AppOptions = AppOptionsLib.AppOptions; var OptionKind = AppOptionsLib.OptionKind; createStringSource( "default_preferences.json", JSON.stringify(AppOptions.getAll(OptionKind.PREFERENCE), null, 2) ) .pipe(gulp.dest(BUILD_DIR)) .on("end", done); }) ); gulp.task("locale", function () { var VIEWER_LOCALE_OUTPUT = "web/locale/"; console.log(); console.log("### Building localization files"); rimraf.sync(VIEWER_LOCALE_OUTPUT); mkdirp.sync(VIEWER_LOCALE_OUTPUT); var subfolders = fs.readdirSync(L10N_DIR); subfolders.sort(); var viewerOutput = ""; var locales = []; for (var i = 0; i < subfolders.length; i++) { var locale = subfolders[i]; var dirPath = L10N_DIR + locale; if (!checkDir(dirPath)) { continue; } if (!/^[a-z][a-z]([a-z])?(-[A-Z][A-Z])?$/.test(locale)) { console.log("Skipping invalid locale: " + locale); continue; } mkdirp.sync(VIEWER_LOCALE_OUTPUT + "/" + locale); locales.push(locale); if (checkFile(dirPath + "/viewer.properties")) { viewerOutput += "[" + locale + "]\n" + "@import url(" + locale + "/viewer.properties)\n\n"; } } return merge([ createStringSource("locale.properties", viewerOutput).pipe( gulp.dest(VIEWER_LOCALE_OUTPUT) ), gulp .src(L10N_DIR + "/{" + locales.join(",") + "}/viewer.properties", { base: L10N_DIR, }) .pipe(gulp.dest(VIEWER_LOCALE_OUTPUT)), ]); }); gulp.task("cmaps", function (done) { var CMAP_INPUT = "external/cmaps"; var VIEWER_CMAP_OUTPUT = "external/bcmaps"; console.log(); console.log("### Building cmaps"); // Testing a file that usually present. if (!checkFile(CMAP_INPUT + "/UniJIS-UCS2-H")) { console.log("./external/cmaps has no cmap files, download them from:"); console.log(" https://github.com/adobe-type-tools/cmap-resources"); throw new Error("cmap files were not found"); } // Remove old bcmap files. fs.readdirSync(VIEWER_CMAP_OUTPUT).forEach(function (file) { if (/\.bcmap$/i.test(file)) { fs.unlinkSync(VIEWER_CMAP_OUTPUT + "/" + file); } }); var compressCmaps = require("./external/cmapscompress/compress.js") .compressCmaps; compressCmaps(CMAP_INPUT, VIEWER_CMAP_OUTPUT, true); done(); }); function preprocessCSS(source, mode, defines, cleanup) { var outName = getTempFile("~preprocess", ".css"); builder.preprocessCSS(mode, source, outName); var out = fs.readFileSync(outName).toString(); fs.unlinkSync(outName); if (cleanup) { // Strip out all license headers in the middle. var reg = /\n\/\* Copyright(.|\n)*?Mozilla Foundation(.|\n)*?\*\//g; out = out.replace(reg, ""); } var i = source.lastIndexOf("/"); return createStringSource(source.substr(i + 1), out); } function preprocessHTML(source, defines) { var outName = getTempFile("~preprocess", ".html"); builder.preprocess(source, outName, defines); var out = fs.readFileSync(outName).toString(); fs.unlinkSync(outName); var i = source.lastIndexOf("/"); return createStringSource(source.substr(i + 1), out); } function buildGeneric(defines, dir) { rimraf.sync(dir); return merge([ createMainBundle(defines).pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "build")), createWorkerBundle(defines).pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "build")), createWebBundle(defines).pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "web")), gulp.src(COMMON_WEB_FILES, { base: "web/" }).pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "web")), gulp.src("LICENSE").pipe(gulp.dest(dir)), gulp .src(["web/locale/*/viewer.properties", "web/locale/locale.properties"], { base: "web/", }) .pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "web")), gulp .src(["external/bcmaps/*.bcmap", "external/bcmaps/LICENSE"], { base: "external/bcmaps", }) .pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "web/cmaps")), preprocessHTML("web/viewer.html", defines).pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "web")), preprocessCSS("web/viewer.css", "generic", defines, true) .pipe( postcss([ cssvariables(CSS_VARIABLES_CONFIG), calc(), autoprefixer(AUTOPREFIXER_CONFIG), ]) ) .pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "web")), gulp .src("web/compressed.tracemonkey-pldi-09.pdf") .pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "web")), ]); } // Builds the generic production viewer that is only compatible with up-to-date // HTML5 browsers, which implement modern ECMAScript features. gulp.task( "generic", gulp.series("buildnumber", "default_preferences", "locale", function () { console.log(); console.log("### Creating generic viewer"); var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, { GENERIC: true }); return buildGeneric(defines, GENERIC_DIR); }) ); // Builds the generic production viewer that should be compatible with most // older HTML5 browsers. gulp.task( "generic-es5", gulp.series("buildnumber", "default_preferences", "locale", function () { console.log(); console.log("### Creating generic (ES5) viewer"); var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, { GENERIC: true, SKIP_BABEL: false }); return buildGeneric(defines, GENERIC_ES5_DIR); }) ); function buildComponents(defines, dir) { rimraf.sync(dir); var COMPONENTS_IMAGES = [ "web/images/annotation-*.svg", "web/images/loading-icon.gif", "web/images/shadow.png", ]; return merge([ createComponentsBundle(defines).pipe(gulp.dest(dir)), gulp.src(COMPONENTS_IMAGES).pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "images")), preprocessCSS("web/pdf_viewer.css", "components", defines, true) .pipe( postcss([ cssvariables(CSS_VARIABLES_CONFIG), calc(), autoprefixer(AUTOPREFIXER_CONFIG), ]) ) .pipe(gulp.dest(dir)), ]); } gulp.task( "components", gulp.series("buildnumber", function () { console.log(); console.log("### Creating generic components"); var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, { COMPONENTS: true, GENERIC: true }); return buildComponents(defines, COMPONENTS_DIR); }) ); gulp.task( "components-es5", gulp.series("buildnumber", function () { console.log(); console.log("### Creating generic (ES5) components"); var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, { COMPONENTS: true, GENERIC: true, SKIP_BABEL: false, }); return buildComponents(defines, COMPONENTS_ES5_DIR); }) ); gulp.task( "image_decoders", gulp.series("buildnumber", function () { console.log(); console.log("### Creating image decoders"); var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, { GENERIC: true, IMAGE_DECODERS: true, }); return createImageDecodersBundle(defines).pipe( gulp.dest(IMAGE_DECODERS_DIR) ); }) ); gulp.task( "image_decoders-es5", gulp.series("buildnumber", function () { console.log(); console.log("### Creating (ES5) image decoders"); var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, { GENERIC: true, IMAGE_DECODERS: true, SKIP_BABEL: false, }); return createImageDecodersBundle(defines).pipe( gulp.dest(IMAGE_DECODERS_ES5_DIR) ); }) ); function buildMinified(defines, dir) { rimraf.sync(dir); return merge([ createMainBundle(defines).pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "build")), createWorkerBundle(defines).pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "build")), createWebBundle(defines).pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "web")), createImageDecodersBundle( builder.merge(defines, { IMAGE_DECODERS: true }) ).pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "image_decoders")), gulp.src(COMMON_WEB_FILES, { base: "web/" }).pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "web")), gulp .src(["web/locale/*/viewer.properties", "web/locale/locale.properties"], { base: "web/", }) .pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "web")), gulp .src(["external/bcmaps/*.bcmap", "external/bcmaps/LICENSE"], { base: "external/bcmaps", }) .pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "web/cmaps")), preprocessHTML("web/viewer.html", defines).pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "web")), preprocessCSS("web/viewer.css", "minified", defines, true) .pipe( postcss([ cssvariables(CSS_VARIABLES_CONFIG), calc(), autoprefixer(AUTOPREFIXER_CONFIG), ]) ) .pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "web")), gulp .src("web/compressed.tracemonkey-pldi-09.pdf") .pipe(gulp.dest(dir + "web")), ]); } gulp.task( "minified-pre", gulp.series("buildnumber", "default_preferences", "locale", function () { console.log(); console.log("### Creating minified viewer"); var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, { MINIFIED: true, GENERIC: true }); return buildMinified(defines, MINIFIED_DIR); }) ); gulp.task( "minified-es5-pre", gulp.series("buildnumber", "default_preferences", "locale", function () { console.log(); console.log("### Creating minified (ES5) viewer"); var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, { MINIFIED: true, GENERIC: true, SKIP_BABEL: false, }); return buildMinified(defines, MINIFIED_ES5_DIR); }) ); function parseMinified(dir) { var pdfFile = fs.readFileSync(dir + "/build/pdf.js").toString(); var pdfWorkerFile = fs.readFileSync(dir + "/build/pdf.worker.js").toString(); var pdfImageDecodersFile = fs .readFileSync(dir + "/image_decoders/pdf.image_decoders.js") .toString(); var viewerFiles = { "pdf.js": pdfFile, "viewer.js": fs.readFileSync(dir + "/web/viewer.js").toString(), }; console.log(); console.log("### Minifying js files"); var Terser = require("terser"); var options = { compress: { // V8 chokes on very long sequences, work around that. sequences: false, }, keep_classnames: true, keep_fnames: true, }; fs.writeFileSync( dir + "/web/pdf.viewer.js", Terser.minify(viewerFiles, options).code ); fs.writeFileSync( dir + "/build/pdf.min.js", Terser.minify(pdfFile, options).code ); fs.writeFileSync( dir + "/build/pdf.worker.min.js", Terser.minify(pdfWorkerFile, options).code ); fs.writeFileSync( dir + "image_decoders/pdf.image_decoders.min.js", Terser.minify(pdfImageDecodersFile, options).code ); console.log(); console.log("### Cleaning js files"); fs.unlinkSync(dir + "/web/viewer.js"); fs.unlinkSync(dir + "/web/debugger.js"); fs.unlinkSync(dir + "/build/pdf.js"); fs.unlinkSync(dir + "/build/pdf.worker.js"); fs.renameSync(dir + "/build/pdf.min.js", dir + "/build/pdf.js"); fs.renameSync(dir + "/build/pdf.worker.min.js", dir + "/build/pdf.worker.js"); fs.renameSync( dir + "/image_decoders/pdf.image_decoders.min.js", dir + "/image_decoders/pdf.image_decoders.js" ); } gulp.task( "minified", gulp.series("minified-pre", function (done) { parseMinified(MINIFIED_DIR); done(); }) ); gulp.task( "minified-es5", gulp.series("minified-es5-pre", function (done) { parseMinified(MINIFIED_ES5_DIR); done(); }) ); function preprocessDefaultPreferences(content) { var preprocessor2 = require("./external/builder/preprocessor2.js"); var licenseHeader = fs.readFileSync("./src/license_header.js").toString(); var GLOBALS = "/* eslint-disable */\n"; var MODIFICATION_WARNING = "//\n// THIS FILE IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY, DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY!\n//\n"; content = preprocessor2.preprocessPDFJSCode( { rootPath: __dirname, defines: DEFINES, }, content ); return ( licenseHeader + "\n" + GLOBALS + "\n" + MODIFICATION_WARNING + "\n" + content + "\n" ); } gulp.task( "mozcentral-pre", gulp.series("buildnumber", "default_preferences", function () { console.log(); console.log("### Building mozilla-central extension"); var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, { MOZCENTRAL: true }); var MOZCENTRAL_DIR = BUILD_DIR + "mozcentral/", MOZCENTRAL_EXTENSION_DIR = MOZCENTRAL_DIR + "browser/extensions/pdfjs/", MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR = MOZCENTRAL_EXTENSION_DIR + "content/", FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR = "extensions/firefox/", MOZCENTRAL_L10N_DIR = MOZCENTRAL_DIR + "browser/locales/en-US/pdfviewer/", FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR = EXTENSION_SRC_DIR + "/firefox/content/"; // Clear out everything in the firefox extension build directory rimraf.sync(MOZCENTRAL_DIR); var versionJSON = getVersionJSON(); var version = versionJSON.version, commit = versionJSON.commit; // Ignore the fallback cursor images, since they're unnecessary in Firefox. const MOZCENTRAL_COMMON_WEB_FILES = [ ...COMMON_WEB_FILES, "!web/images/*.cur", ]; return merge([ createMainBundle(defines).pipe( gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + "build") ), createWorkerBundle(defines).pipe( gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + "build") ), createWebBundle(defines).pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + "web")), gulp .src(MOZCENTRAL_COMMON_WEB_FILES, { base: "web/" }) .pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + "web")), gulp .src(["external/bcmaps/*.bcmap", "external/bcmaps/LICENSE"], { base: "external/bcmaps", }) .pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + "web/cmaps")), preprocessHTML("web/viewer.html", defines).pipe( gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + "web") ), preprocessCSS("web/viewer.css", "mozcentral", defines, true) .pipe( postcss([ autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["last 1 firefox versions"] }), ]) ) .pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR + "web")), gulp.src("l10n/en-US/*.properties").pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_L10N_DIR)), gulp .src(FIREFOX_EXTENSION_DIR + "README.mozilla") .pipe(replace(/\bPDFJSSCRIPT_VERSION\b/g, version)) .pipe(replace(/\bPDFJSSCRIPT_COMMIT\b/g, commit)) .pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_EXTENSION_DIR)), gulp.src("LICENSE").pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_EXTENSION_DIR)), gulp .src(FIREFOX_CONTENT_DIR + "PdfJsDefaultPreferences.jsm") .pipe(transform("utf8", preprocessDefaultPreferences)) .pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_CONTENT_DIR)), ]); }) ); gulp.task("mozcentral", gulp.series("mozcentral-pre")); gulp.task( "chromium-pre", gulp.series("buildnumber", "default_preferences", "locale", function () { console.log(); console.log("### Building Chromium extension"); var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, { CHROME: true, SKIP_BABEL: false }); var CHROME_BUILD_DIR = BUILD_DIR + "/chromium/", CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR = CHROME_BUILD_DIR + "/content/"; // Clear out everything in the chrome extension build directory rimraf.sync(CHROME_BUILD_DIR); var version = getVersionJSON().version; return merge([ createMainBundle(defines).pipe( gulp.dest(CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + "build") ), createWorkerBundle(defines).pipe( gulp.dest(CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + "build") ), createWebBundle(defines).pipe( gulp.dest(CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + "web") ), gulp .src(COMMON_WEB_FILES, { base: "web/" }) .pipe(gulp.dest(CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + "web")), gulp .src( ["web/locale/*/viewer.properties", "web/locale/locale.properties"], { base: "web/" } ) .pipe(gulp.dest(CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + "web")), gulp .src(["external/bcmaps/*.bcmap", "external/bcmaps/LICENSE"], { base: "external/bcmaps", }) .pipe(gulp.dest(CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + "web/cmaps")), preprocessHTML("web/viewer.html", defines).pipe( gulp.dest(CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + "web") ), preprocessCSS("web/viewer.css", "chrome", defines, true) .pipe( postcss([autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: ["chrome >= 49"] })]) ) .pipe(gulp.dest(CHROME_BUILD_CONTENT_DIR + "web")), gulp.src("LICENSE").pipe(gulp.dest(CHROME_BUILD_DIR)), gulp .src("extensions/chromium/manifest.json") .pipe(replace(/\bPDFJSSCRIPT_VERSION\b/g, version)) .pipe(gulp.dest(CHROME_BUILD_DIR)), gulp .src( [ "extensions/chromium/**/*.{html,js,css,png}", "extensions/chromium/preferences_schema.json", ], { base: "extensions/chromium/" } ) .pipe(gulp.dest(CHROME_BUILD_DIR)), ]); }) ); gulp.task("chromium", gulp.series("chromium-pre")); gulp.task("jsdoc", function (done) { console.log(); console.log("### Generating documentation (JSDoc)"); var JSDOC_FILES = ["src/doc_helper.js", "src/display/api.js"]; rimraf(JSDOC_BUILD_DIR, function () { mkdirp(JSDOC_BUILD_DIR).then(function () { var command = '"node_modules/.bin/jsdoc" -d ' + JSDOC_BUILD_DIR + " " + JSDOC_FILES.join(" "); exec(command, done); }); }); }); gulp.task("types", function (done) { console.log("### Generating TypeScript definitions using `tsc`"); const args = [ "target ES2020", "allowJS", "declaration", `outDir ${TYPES_DIR}`, "strict", "esModuleInterop", "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames", "emitDeclarationOnly", ].join(" --"); exec(`"node_modules/.bin/tsc" --${args} src/pdf.js`, done); }); function buildLib(defines, dir) { // When we create a bundle, webpack is run on the source and it will replace // require with __webpack_require__. When we want to use the real require, // __non_webpack_require__ has to be used. // In this target, we don't create a bundle, so we have to replace the // occurrences of __non_webpack_require__ ourselves. function babelPluginReplaceNonWebPackRequire(babel) { return { visitor: { Identifier(curPath, state) { if (curPath.node.name === "__non_webpack_require__") { curPath.replaceWith(babel.types.identifier("require")); } }, }, }; } function preprocess(content) { var skipBabel = bundleDefines.SKIP_BABEL || /\/\*\s*no-babel-preset\s*\*\//.test(content); content = preprocessor2.preprocessPDFJSCode(ctx, content); content = babel.transform(content, { sourceType: "module", presets: skipBabel ? undefined : ["@babel/preset-env"], plugins: [ "@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs", [ "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime", { helpers: false, regenerator: true, }, ], babelPluginReplaceNonWebPackRequire, ], }).code; var removeCjsSrc = /^(var\s+\w+\s*=\s*(_interopRequireDefault\()?require\(".*?)(?:\/src)(\/[^"]*"\)\)?;)$/gm; content = content.replace(removeCjsSrc, (all, prefix, interop, suffix) => { return prefix + suffix; }); return licenseHeaderLibre + content; } var babel = require("@babel/core"); var versionInfo = getVersionJSON(); var bundleDefines = builder.merge(defines, { BUNDLE_VERSION: versionInfo.version, BUNDLE_BUILD: versionInfo.commit, TESTING: process.env.TESTING === "true", }); var ctx = { rootPath: __dirname, saveComments: false, defines: bundleDefines, map: { "pdfjs-lib": "../pdf", }, }; var licenseHeaderLibre = fs .readFileSync("./src/license_header_libre.js") .toString(); var preprocessor2 = require("./external/builder/preprocessor2.js"); return merge([ gulp.src( [ "src/{core,display,shared}/*.js", "!src/shared/{cffStandardStrings,fonts_utils}.js", "src/{pdf,pdf.worker}.js", ], { base: "src/" } ), gulp.src( ["examples/node/domstubs.js", "web/*.js", "!web/{pdfjs,viewer}.js"], { base: "." } ), gulp.src("test/unit/*.js", { base: "." }), ]) .pipe(transform("utf8", preprocess)) .pipe(gulp.dest(dir)); } gulp.task( "lib", gulp.series("buildnumber", "default_preferences", function () { var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, { GENERIC: true, LIB: true }); return buildLib(defines, "build/lib/"); }) ); gulp.task( "lib-es5", gulp.series("buildnumber", "default_preferences", function () { var defines = builder.merge(DEFINES, { GENERIC: true, LIB: true, SKIP_BABEL: false, }); return buildLib(defines, "build/lib-es5/"); }) ); function compressPublish(targetName, dir) { return gulp .src(dir + "**") .pipe(zip(targetName)) .pipe(gulp.dest(BUILD_DIR)) .on("end", function () { console.log("Built distribution file: " + targetName); }); } gulp.task( "publish", gulp.series("generic", "generic-es5", function (done) { var version = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(BUILD_DIR + "version.json").toString() ).version; config.stableVersion = config.betaVersion; config.betaVersion = version; return merge([ createStringSource(CONFIG_FILE, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)).pipe( gulp.dest(".") ), compressPublish("pdfjs-" + version + "-dist.zip", GENERIC_DIR), compressPublish("pdfjs-" + version + "-es5-dist.zip", GENERIC_ES5_DIR), ]); }) ); gulp.task("testing-pre", function (done) { process.env.TESTING = "true"; done(); }); gulp.task( "test", gulp.series("testing-pre", "generic", "components", function () { return streamqueue( { objectMode: true }, createTestSource("unit"), createTestSource("browser") ); }) ); gulp.task( "bottest", gulp.series("testing-pre", "generic", "components", function () { return streamqueue( { objectMode: true }, createTestSource("unit", true), createTestSource("font", true), createTestSource("browser (no reftest)", true) ); }) ); gulp.task( "browsertest", gulp.series("testing-pre", "generic", "components", function () { return createTestSource("browser"); }) ); gulp.task( "unittest", gulp.series("testing-pre", "generic", "components", function () { return createTestSource("unit"); }) ); gulp.task( "fonttest", gulp.series("testing-pre", function () { return createTestSource("font"); }) ); gulp.task( "makeref", gulp.series("testing-pre", "generic", "components", function (done) { makeRef(done); }) ); gulp.task( "botmakeref", gulp.series("testing-pre", "generic", "components", function (done) { makeRef(done, true); }) ); gulp.task( "typestest-pre", gulp.series("testing-pre", "generic", "types", function () { const [packageJsonSrc] = packageBowerJson(); return merge([ packageJsonSrc.pipe(gulp.dest(TYPESTEST_DIR)), gulp .src([ GENERIC_DIR + "build/pdf.js", GENERIC_DIR + "build/pdf.worker.js", SRC_DIR + "pdf.worker.entry.js", ]) .pipe(gulp.dest(TYPESTEST_DIR + "build/")), gulp .src(TYPES_DIR + "**/*", { base: TYPES_DIR }) .pipe(gulp.dest(TYPESTEST_DIR + "types/")), ]); }) ); gulp.task( "typestest", gulp.series("typestest-pre", function (done) { exec('"node_modules/.bin/tsc" -p test/types', function (err, stdout) { if (err) { console.log(`Couldn't compile TypeScript test: ${stdout}`); } done(err); }); }) ); gulp.task("baseline", function (done) { console.log(); console.log("### Creating baseline environment"); var baselineCommit = process.env.BASELINE; if (!baselineCommit) { done(new Error("Missing baseline commit. Specify the BASELINE variable.")); return; } var initializeCommand = "git fetch origin"; if (!checkDir(BASELINE_DIR)) { mkdirp.sync(BASELINE_DIR); initializeCommand = "git clone ../../ ."; } var workingDirectory = path.resolve(process.cwd(), BASELINE_DIR); exec(initializeCommand, { cwd: workingDirectory }, function (error) { if (error) { done(new Error("Baseline clone/fetch failed.")); return; } exec("git checkout " + baselineCommit, { cwd: workingDirectory }, function ( error2 ) { if (error2) { done(new Error("Baseline commit checkout failed.")); return; } console.log('Baseline commit "' + baselineCommit + '" checked out.'); done(); }); }); }); gulp.task( "unittestcli", gulp.series("testing-pre", "lib-es5", function (done) { var options = [ "node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine", "JASMINE_CONFIG_PATH=test/unit/clitests.json", ]; var jasmineProcess = startNode(options, { stdio: "inherit" }); jasmineProcess.on("close", function (code) { if (code !== 0) { done(new Error("Unit tests failed.")); return; } done(); }); }) ); gulp.task("lint", function (done) { console.log(); console.log("### Linting JS/CSS files"); // Ensure that we lint the Firefox specific *.jsm files too. const esLintOptions = [ "node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint", "--ext", ".js,.jsm", ".", "--report-unused-disable-directives", ]; if (process.argv.includes("--fix")) { esLintOptions.push("--fix"); } const styleLintOptions = [ "node_modules/stylelint/bin/stylelint", "**/*.css", "--report-needless-disables", ]; if (process.argv.includes("--fix")) { styleLintOptions.push("--fix"); } const esLintProcess = startNode(esLintOptions, { stdio: "inherit" }); esLintProcess.on("close", function (esLintCode) { if (esLintCode !== 0) { done(new Error("ESLint failed.")); return; } const styleLintProcess = startNode(styleLintOptions, { stdio: "inherit" }); styleLintProcess.on("close", function (styleLintCode) { if (styleLintCode !== 0) { done(new Error("Stylelint failed.")); return; } console.log("files checked, no errors found"); done(); }); }); }); gulp.task( "lint-chromium", gulp.series("default_preferences", function (done) { console.log(); console.log("### Checking supplemental Chromium files"); if ( !checkChromePreferencesFile( "extensions/chromium/preferences_schema.json", "build/default_preferences.json" ) ) { done(new Error("chromium/preferences_schema is not in sync.")); return; } done(); }) ); gulp.task("server", function () { console.log(); console.log("### Starting local server"); var WebServer = require("./test/webserver.js").WebServer; var server = new WebServer(); server.port = 8888; server.start(); }); gulp.task("clean", function (done) { console.log(); console.log("### Cleaning up project builds"); rimraf(BUILD_DIR, done); }); gulp.task("makefile", function () { var makefileContent = "help:\n\tgulp\n\n"; var targetsNames = []; for (var i in target) { makefileContent += i + ":\n\tgulp " + i + "\n\n"; targetsNames.push(i); } makefileContent += ".PHONY: " + targetsNames.join(" ") + "\n"; return createStringSource("Makefile", makefileContent).pipe(gulp.dest(".")); }); gulp.task("importl10n", function (done) { var locales = require("./external/importL10n/locales.js"); console.log(); console.log("### Importing translations from mozilla-central"); if (!fs.existsSync(L10N_DIR)) { fs.mkdirSync(L10N_DIR); } locales.downloadL10n(L10N_DIR, done); }); gulp.task("gh-pages-prepare", function () { console.log(); console.log("### Creating web site"); rimraf.sync(GH_PAGES_DIR); // 'vfs' because web/viewer.html needs its BOM. return merge([ vfs .src(GENERIC_DIR + "**/*", { base: GENERIC_DIR, stripBOM: false }) .pipe(gulp.dest(GH_PAGES_DIR)), vfs .src(GENERIC_ES5_DIR + "**/*", { base: GENERIC_ES5_DIR, stripBOM: false }) .pipe(gulp.dest(GH_PAGES_DIR + "es5/")), gulp .src("test/features/**/*", { base: "test/" }) .pipe(gulp.dest(GH_PAGES_DIR)), gulp .src(JSDOC_BUILD_DIR + "**/*", { base: JSDOC_BUILD_DIR }) .pipe(gulp.dest(GH_PAGES_DIR + "api/draft/")), ]); }); gulp.task("wintersmith", function (done) { var wintersmith = require("wintersmith"); var env = wintersmith("docs/config.json"); env.build(GH_PAGES_DIR, function (error) { if (error) { done(error); return; } replaceInFile( GH_PAGES_DIR + "/getting_started/index.html", /STABLE_VERSION/g, config.stableVersion ); replaceInFile( GH_PAGES_DIR + "/getting_started/index.html", /BETA_VERSION/g, config.betaVersion ); // Hide the beta version button if there is only a stable version. const groupClass = config.betaVersion ? "btn-group-vertical centered" : ""; const hiddenClass = config.betaVersion ? "" : "hidden"; replaceInFile( GH_PAGES_DIR + "/getting_started/index.html", /GROUP_CLASS/g, groupClass ); replaceInFile( GH_PAGES_DIR + "/getting_started/index.html", /HIDDEN_CLASS/g, hiddenClass ); console.log("Done building with wintersmith."); done(); }); }); gulp.task("gh-pages-git", function (done) { var VERSION = getVersionJSON().version; var reason = process.env.PDFJS_UPDATE_REASON; safeSpawnSync("git", ["init"], { cwd: GH_PAGES_DIR }); safeSpawnSync("git", ["remote", "add", "origin", REPO], { cwd: GH_PAGES_DIR, }); safeSpawnSync("git", ["add", "-A"], { cwd: GH_PAGES_DIR }); safeSpawnSync( "git", [ "commit", "-am", "gh-pages site created via gulpfile.js script", "-m", "PDF.js version " + VERSION + (reason ? " - " + reason : ""), ], { cwd: GH_PAGES_DIR } ); safeSpawnSync("git", ["branch", "-m", "gh-pages"], { cwd: GH_PAGES_DIR }); console.log(); console.log("Website built in " + GH_PAGES_DIR); done(); }); gulp.task( "web", gulp.series( "generic", "generic-es5", "jsdoc", "gh-pages-prepare", "wintersmith", "gh-pages-git" ) ); function packageBowerJson() { var VERSION = getVersionJSON().version; var DIST_NAME = "pdfjs-dist"; var DIST_DESCRIPTION = "Generic build of Mozilla's PDF.js library."; var DIST_KEYWORDS = ["Mozilla", "pdf", "pdf.js"]; var DIST_HOMEPAGE = "http://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/"; var DIST_BUGS_URL = "https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/issues"; var DIST_LICENSE = "Apache-2.0"; var npmManifest = { name: DIST_NAME, version: VERSION, main: "build/pdf.js", types: "types/pdf.d.ts", description: DIST_DESCRIPTION, keywords: DIST_KEYWORDS, homepage: DIST_HOMEPAGE, bugs: DIST_BUGS_URL, license: DIST_LICENSE, browser: { canvas: false, fs: false, http: false, https: false, url: false, zlib: false, }, format: "amd", // to not allow system.js to choose 'cjs' repository: { type: "git", url: DIST_REPO_URL, }, }; var bowerManifest = { name: DIST_NAME, version: VERSION, main: ["build/pdf.js", "build/pdf.worker.js"], ignore: [], keywords: DIST_KEYWORDS, }; return [ createStringSource("package.json", JSON.stringify(npmManifest, null, 2)), createStringSource("bower.json", JSON.stringify(bowerManifest, null, 2)), ]; } gulp.task( "dist-pre", gulp.series( "generic", "generic-es5", "components", "components-es5", "image_decoders", "image_decoders-es5", "lib", "minified", "minified-es5", "types", function () { console.log(); console.log("### Cloning baseline distribution"); rimraf.sync(DIST_DIR); mkdirp.sync(DIST_DIR); safeSpawnSync("git", ["clone", "--depth", "1", DIST_REPO_URL, DIST_DIR]); console.log(); console.log("### Overwriting all files"); rimraf.sync(path.join(DIST_DIR, "*")); // Rebuilding manifests var [packageJsonSrc, bowerJsonSrc] = packageBowerJson(); return merge([ packageJsonSrc.pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR)), bowerJsonSrc.pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR)), vfs .src("external/dist/**/*", { base: "external/dist", stripBOM: false }) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR)), gulp.src(GENERIC_DIR + "LICENSE").pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR)), gulp .src(GENERIC_DIR + "web/cmaps/**/*", { base: GENERIC_DIR + "web" }) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR)), gulp .src([ GENERIC_DIR + "build/pdf.js", GENERIC_DIR + "build/pdf.js.map", GENERIC_DIR + "build/pdf.worker.js", GENERIC_DIR + "build/pdf.worker.js.map", SRC_DIR + "pdf.worker.entry.js", ]) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + "build/")), gulp .src([ GENERIC_ES5_DIR + "build/pdf.js", GENERIC_ES5_DIR + "build/pdf.js.map", GENERIC_ES5_DIR + "build/pdf.worker.js", GENERIC_ES5_DIR + "build/pdf.worker.js.map", SRC_DIR + "pdf.worker.entry.js", ]) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + "es5/build/")), gulp .src(MINIFIED_DIR + "build/pdf.js") .pipe(rename("pdf.min.js")) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + "build/")), gulp .src(MINIFIED_DIR + "build/pdf.worker.js") .pipe(rename("pdf.worker.min.js")) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + "build/")), gulp .src(MINIFIED_DIR + "image_decoders/pdf.image_decoders.js") .pipe(rename("pdf.image_decoders.min.js")) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + "image_decoders/")), gulp .src(MINIFIED_ES5_DIR + "build/pdf.js") .pipe(rename("pdf.min.js")) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + "es5/build/")), gulp .src(MINIFIED_ES5_DIR + "build/pdf.worker.js") .pipe(rename("pdf.worker.min.js")) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + "es5/build/")), gulp .src(MINIFIED_ES5_DIR + "image_decoders/pdf.image_decoders.js") .pipe(rename("pdf.image_decoders.min.js")) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + "es5/image_decoders/")), gulp .src(COMPONENTS_DIR + "**/*", { base: COMPONENTS_DIR }) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + "web/")), gulp .src(COMPONENTS_ES5_DIR + "**/*", { base: COMPONENTS_ES5_DIR }) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + "es5/web/")), gulp .src(IMAGE_DECODERS_DIR + "**/*", { base: IMAGE_DECODERS_DIR }) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + "image_decoders/")), gulp .src(IMAGE_DECODERS_ES5_DIR + "**/*", { base: IMAGE_DECODERS_ES5_DIR, }) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + "es5/image_decoders/")), gulp .src(LIB_DIR + "**/*", { base: LIB_DIR }) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + "lib/")), gulp .src(TYPES_DIR + "**/*", { base: TYPES_DIR }) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_DIR + "types/")), ]); } ) ); gulp.task( "dist-install", gulp.series("dist-pre", function (done) { var distPath = DIST_DIR; var opts = {}; var installPath = process.env.PDFJS_INSTALL_PATH; if (installPath) { opts.cwd = installPath; distPath = path.relative(installPath, distPath); } safeSpawnSync("npm", ["install", distPath], opts); done(); }) ); gulp.task( "dist-repo-git", gulp.series("dist-pre", function (done) { var VERSION = getVersionJSON().version; console.log(); console.log("### Committing changes"); var reason = process.env.PDFJS_UPDATE_REASON; // Attempt to work-around the broken link, see https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/issues/10391 if (typeof reason === "string") { var reasonParts = /^(See )(mozilla\/pdf\.js)@tags\/(v\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s*$/.exec( reason ); if (reasonParts) { reason = reasonParts[1] + "https://github.com/" + reasonParts[2] + "/releases/tag/" + reasonParts[3]; } } var message = "PDF.js version " + VERSION + (reason ? " - " + reason : ""); safeSpawnSync("git", ["add", "*"], { cwd: DIST_DIR }); safeSpawnSync("git", ["commit", "-am", message], { cwd: DIST_DIR }); safeSpawnSync("git", ["tag", "-a", "v" + VERSION, "-m", message], { cwd: DIST_DIR, }); console.log(); console.log("Done. Push with"); console.log( " cd " + DIST_DIR + "; git push --tags " + DIST_REPO_URL + " master" ); console.log(); done(); }) ); gulp.task("dist", gulp.series("dist-repo-git")); gulp.task( "mozcentralbaseline", gulp.series("baseline", function (done) { console.log(); console.log("### Creating mozcentral baseline environment"); // Create a mozcentral build. rimraf.sync(BASELINE_DIR + BUILD_DIR); var workingDirectory = path.resolve(process.cwd(), BASELINE_DIR); safeSpawnSync("gulp", ["mozcentral"], { env: process.env, cwd: workingDirectory, stdio: "inherit", }); // Copy the mozcentral build to the mozcentral baseline directory. rimraf.sync(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR); mkdirp.sync(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR); gulp .src([BASELINE_DIR + BUILD_DIR + "mozcentral/**/*"]) .pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR)) .on("end", function () { // Commit the mozcentral baseline. safeSpawnSync("git", ["init"], { cwd: MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR }); safeSpawnSync("git", ["add", "."], { cwd: MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR }); safeSpawnSync("git", ["commit", "-m", '"mozcentral baseline"'], { cwd: MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR, }); done(); }); }) ); gulp.task( "mozcentraldiff", gulp.series("mozcentral", "mozcentralbaseline", function (done) { console.log(); console.log("### Creating mozcentral diff"); // Create the diff between the current mozcentral build and the // baseline mozcentral build, which both exist at this point. // The mozcentral baseline directory is a Git repository, so we // remove all files and copy the current mozcentral build files // into it to create the diff. rimraf.sync(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR + "*"); gulp .src([BUILD_DIR + "mozcentral/**/*"]) .pipe(gulp.dest(MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR)) .on("end", function () { safeSpawnSync("git", ["add", "-A"], { cwd: MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR }); var diff = safeSpawnSync( "git", ["diff", "--binary", "--cached", "--unified=8"], { cwd: MOZCENTRAL_BASELINE_DIR } ).stdout; createStringSource(MOZCENTRAL_DIFF_FILE, diff) .pipe(gulp.dest(BUILD_DIR)) .on("end", function () { console.log( "Result diff can be found at " + BUILD_DIR + MOZCENTRAL_DIFF_FILE ); done(); }); }); }) ); gulp.task("externaltest", function (done) { console.log(); console.log("### Running test-fixtures.js"); safeSpawnSync("node", ["external/builder/test-fixtures.js"], { stdio: "inherit", }); console.log(); console.log("### Running test-fixtures_esprima.js"); safeSpawnSync("node", ["external/builder/test-fixtures_esprima.js"], { stdio: "inherit", }); done(); }); gulp.task( "npm-test", gulp.series( gulp.parallel("lint", "externaltest", "unittestcli", "typestest"), "lint-chromium" ) );