/* Copyright 2014 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** @typedef {import("./api").PDFPageProxy} PDFPageProxy */ /** @typedef {import("./display_utils").PageViewport} PageViewport */ /** @typedef {import("./interfaces").IDownloadManager} IDownloadManager */ /** @typedef {import("../../web/interfaces").IPDFLinkService} IPDFLinkService */ import { AnnotationBorderStyleType, AnnotationEditorType, AnnotationType, FeatureTest, LINE_FACTOR, shadow, unreachable, Util, warn, } from "../shared/util.js"; import { AnnotationPrefix, DOMSVGFactory, getFilenameFromUrl, PDFDateString, setLayerDimensions, } from "./display_utils.js"; import { AnnotationStorage } from "./annotation_storage.js"; import { ColorConverters } from "../shared/scripting_utils.js"; import { NullL10n } from "display-l10n_utils"; import { XfaLayer } from "./xfa_layer.js"; const DEFAULT_TAB_INDEX = 1000; const DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 9; const GetElementsByNameSet = new WeakSet(); function getRectDims(rect) { return { width: rect[2] - rect[0], height: rect[3] - rect[1], }; } /** * @typedef {Object} AnnotationElementParameters * @property {Object} data * @property {HTMLDivElement} layer * @property {IPDFLinkService} linkService * @property {IDownloadManager} downloadManager * @property {AnnotationStorage} [annotationStorage] * @property {string} [imageResourcesPath] - Path for image resources, mainly * for annotation icons. Include trailing slash. * @property {boolean} renderForms * @property {Object} svgFactory * @property {boolean} [enableScripting] * @property {boolean} [hasJSActions] * @property {Object} [fieldObjects] */ class AnnotationElementFactory { /** * @param {AnnotationElementParameters} parameters * @returns {AnnotationElement} */ static create(parameters) { const subtype = parameters.data.annotationType; switch (subtype) { case AnnotationType.LINK: return new LinkAnnotationElement(parameters); case AnnotationType.TEXT: return new TextAnnotationElement(parameters); case AnnotationType.WIDGET: const fieldType = parameters.data.fieldType; switch (fieldType) { case "Tx": return new TextWidgetAnnotationElement(parameters); case "Btn": if (parameters.data.radioButton) { return new RadioButtonWidgetAnnotationElement(parameters); } else if (parameters.data.checkBox) { return new CheckboxWidgetAnnotationElement(parameters); } return new PushButtonWidgetAnnotationElement(parameters); case "Ch": return new ChoiceWidgetAnnotationElement(parameters); case "Sig": return new SignatureWidgetAnnotationElement(parameters); } return new WidgetAnnotationElement(parameters); case AnnotationType.POPUP: return new PopupAnnotationElement(parameters); case AnnotationType.FREETEXT: return new FreeTextAnnotationElement(parameters); case AnnotationType.LINE: return new LineAnnotationElement(parameters); case AnnotationType.SQUARE: return new SquareAnnotationElement(parameters); case AnnotationType.CIRCLE: return new CircleAnnotationElement(parameters); case AnnotationType.POLYLINE: return new PolylineAnnotationElement(parameters); case AnnotationType.CARET: return new CaretAnnotationElement(parameters); case AnnotationType.INK: return new InkAnnotationElement(parameters); case AnnotationType.POLYGON: return new PolygonAnnotationElement(parameters); case AnnotationType.HIGHLIGHT: return new HighlightAnnotationElement(parameters); case AnnotationType.UNDERLINE: return new UnderlineAnnotationElement(parameters); case AnnotationType.SQUIGGLY: return new SquigglyAnnotationElement(parameters); case AnnotationType.STRIKEOUT: return new StrikeOutAnnotationElement(parameters); case AnnotationType.STAMP: return new StampAnnotationElement(parameters); case AnnotationType.FILEATTACHMENT: return new FileAttachmentAnnotationElement(parameters); default: return new AnnotationElement(parameters); } } } class AnnotationElement { #hasBorder = false; constructor( parameters, { isRenderable = false, ignoreBorder = false, createQuadrilaterals = false, } = {} ) { this.isRenderable = isRenderable; this.data = parameters.data; this.layer = parameters.layer; this.linkService = parameters.linkService; this.downloadManager = parameters.downloadManager; this.imageResourcesPath = parameters.imageResourcesPath; this.renderForms = parameters.renderForms; this.svgFactory = parameters.svgFactory; this.annotationStorage = parameters.annotationStorage; this.enableScripting = parameters.enableScripting; this.hasJSActions = parameters.hasJSActions; this._fieldObjects = parameters.fieldObjects; this.parent = parameters.parent; if (isRenderable) { this.container = this._createContainer(ignoreBorder); } if (createQuadrilaterals) { this._createQuadrilaterals(); } } /** * Create an empty container for the annotation's HTML element. * * @private * @param {boolean} ignoreBorder * @memberof AnnotationElement * @returns {HTMLElement} A section element. */ _createContainer(ignoreBorder) { const { data, parent: { page, viewport }, } = this; const container = document.createElement("section"); container.setAttribute("data-annotation-id", data.id); // The accessibility manager will move the annotation in the DOM in // order to match the visual ordering. // But if an annotation is above an other one, then we must draw it // after the other one whatever the order is in the DOM, hence the // use of the z-index. container.style.zIndex = this.parent.zIndex++; if (this.data.popupRef) { container.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", "dialog"); } if (data.noRotate) { container.classList.add("norotate"); } const { pageWidth, pageHeight, pageX, pageY } = viewport.rawDims; if (!data.rect || this instanceof PopupAnnotationElement) { const { rotation } = data; if (!data.hasOwnCanvas && rotation !== 0) { this.setRotation(rotation, container); } return container; } const { width, height } = getRectDims(data.rect); // Do *not* modify `data.rect`, since that will corrupt the annotation // position on subsequent calls to `_createContainer` (see issue 6804). const rect = Util.normalizeRect([ data.rect[0], page.view[3] - data.rect[1] + page.view[1], data.rect[2], page.view[3] - data.rect[3] + page.view[1], ]); if (!ignoreBorder && data.borderStyle.width > 0) { container.style.borderWidth = `${data.borderStyle.width}px`; const horizontalRadius = data.borderStyle.horizontalCornerRadius; const verticalRadius = data.borderStyle.verticalCornerRadius; if (horizontalRadius > 0 || verticalRadius > 0) { const radius = `calc(${horizontalRadius}px * var(--scale-factor)) / calc(${verticalRadius}px * var(--scale-factor))`; container.style.borderRadius = radius; } else if (this instanceof RadioButtonWidgetAnnotationElement) { const radius = `calc(${width}px * var(--scale-factor)) / calc(${height}px * var(--scale-factor))`; container.style.borderRadius = radius; } switch (data.borderStyle.style) { case AnnotationBorderStyleType.SOLID: container.style.borderStyle = "solid"; break; case AnnotationBorderStyleType.DASHED: container.style.borderStyle = "dashed"; break; case AnnotationBorderStyleType.BEVELED: warn("Unimplemented border style: beveled"); break; case AnnotationBorderStyleType.INSET: warn("Unimplemented border style: inset"); break; case AnnotationBorderStyleType.UNDERLINE: container.style.borderBottomStyle = "solid"; break; default: break; } const borderColor = data.borderColor || null; if (borderColor) { this.#hasBorder = true; container.style.borderColor = Util.makeHexColor( borderColor[0] | 0, borderColor[1] | 0, borderColor[2] | 0 ); } else { // Transparent (invisible) border, so do not draw it at all. container.style.borderWidth = 0; } } container.style.left = `${(100 * (rect[0] - pageX)) / pageWidth}%`; container.style.top = `${(100 * (rect[1] - pageY)) / pageHeight}%`; const { rotation } = data; if (data.hasOwnCanvas || rotation === 0) { container.style.width = `${(100 * width) / pageWidth}%`; container.style.height = `${(100 * height) / pageHeight}%`; } else { this.setRotation(rotation, container); } return container; } setRotation(angle, container = this.container) { if (!this.data.rect) { return; } const { pageWidth, pageHeight } = this.parent.viewport.rawDims; const { width, height } = getRectDims(this.data.rect); let elementWidth, elementHeight; if (angle % 180 === 0) { elementWidth = (100 * width) / pageWidth; elementHeight = (100 * height) / pageHeight; } else { elementWidth = (100 * height) / pageWidth; elementHeight = (100 * width) / pageHeight; } container.style.width = `${elementWidth}%`; container.style.height = `${elementHeight}%`; container.setAttribute("data-main-rotation", (360 - angle) % 360); } get _commonActions() { const setColor = (jsName, styleName, event) => { const color = event.detail[jsName]; const colorType = color[0]; const colorArray = color.slice(1); event.target.style[styleName] = ColorConverters[`${colorType}_HTML`](colorArray); this.annotationStorage.setValue(this.data.id, { [styleName]: ColorConverters[`${colorType}_rgb`](colorArray), }); }; return shadow(this, "_commonActions", { display: event => { const hidden = event.detail.display % 2 === 1; this.container.style.visibility = hidden ? "hidden" : "visible"; this.annotationStorage.setValue(this.data.id, { hidden, print: event.detail.display === 0 || event.detail.display === 3, }); }, print: event => { this.annotationStorage.setValue(this.data.id, { print: event.detail.print, }); }, hidden: event => { this.container.style.visibility = event.detail.hidden ? "hidden" : "visible"; this.annotationStorage.setValue(this.data.id, { hidden: event.detail.hidden, }); }, focus: event => { setTimeout(() => event.target.focus({ preventScroll: false }), 0); }, userName: event => { // tooltip event.target.title = event.detail.userName; }, readonly: event => { if (event.detail.readonly) { event.target.setAttribute("readonly", ""); } else { event.target.removeAttribute("readonly"); } }, required: event => { this._setRequired(event.target, event.detail.required); }, bgColor: event => { setColor("bgColor", "backgroundColor", event); }, fillColor: event => { setColor("fillColor", "backgroundColor", event); }, fgColor: event => { setColor("fgColor", "color", event); }, textColor: event => { setColor("textColor", "color", event); }, borderColor: event => { setColor("borderColor", "borderColor", event); }, strokeColor: event => { setColor("strokeColor", "borderColor", event); }, rotation: event => { const angle = event.detail.rotation; this.setRotation(angle); this.annotationStorage.setValue(this.data.id, { rotation: angle, }); }, }); } _dispatchEventFromSandbox(actions, jsEvent) { const commonActions = this._commonActions; for (const name of Object.keys(jsEvent.detail)) { const action = actions[name] || commonActions[name]; action?.(jsEvent); } } _setDefaultPropertiesFromJS(element) { if (!this.enableScripting) { return; } // Some properties may have been updated thanks to JS. const storedData = this.annotationStorage.getRawValue(this.data.id); if (!storedData) { return; } const commonActions = this._commonActions; for (const [actionName, detail] of Object.entries(storedData)) { const action = commonActions[actionName]; if (action) { const eventProxy = { detail: { [actionName]: detail, }, target: element, }; action(eventProxy); // The action has been consumed: no need to keep it. delete storedData[actionName]; } } } /** * Create quadrilaterals from the annotation's quadpoints. * * @private * @memberof AnnotationElement */ _createQuadrilaterals() { if (!this.container) { return; } const { quadPoints } = this.data; if (!quadPoints) { return; } const [rectBlX, rectBlY, rectTrX, rectTrY] = this.data.rect; if (quadPoints.length === 1) { const [, { x: trX, y: trY }, { x: blX, y: blY }] = quadPoints[0]; if ( rectTrX === trX && rectTrY === trY && rectBlX === blX && rectBlY === blY ) { // The quadpoints cover the whole annotation rectangle, so no need to // create a quadrilateral. return; } } const { style } = this.container; let svgBuffer; if (this.#hasBorder) { const { borderColor, borderWidth } = style; style.borderWidth = 0; svgBuffer = [ "url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,", `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"`, ` preserveAspectRatio="none" viewBox="0 0 1 1">`, `<g fill="transparent" stroke="${borderColor}" stroke-width="${borderWidth}">`, ]; this.container.classList.add("hasBorder"); } if (typeof PDFJSDev !== "undefined" && PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) { this.container.classList.add("hasClipPath"); } const width = rectTrX - rectBlX; const height = rectTrY - rectBlY; const { svgFactory } = this; const svg = svgFactory.createElement("svg"); svg.classList.add("quadrilateralsContainer"); svg.setAttribute("width", 0); svg.setAttribute("height", 0); const defs = svgFactory.createElement("defs"); svg.append(defs); const clipPath = svgFactory.createElement("clipPath"); const id = `clippath_${this.data.id}`; clipPath.setAttribute("id", id); clipPath.setAttribute("clipPathUnits", "objectBoundingBox"); defs.append(clipPath); for (const [, { x: trX, y: trY }, { x: blX, y: blY }] of quadPoints) { const rect = svgFactory.createElement("rect"); const x = (blX - rectBlX) / width; const y = (rectTrY - trY) / height; const rectWidth = (trX - blX) / width; const rectHeight = (trY - blY) / height; rect.setAttribute("x", x); rect.setAttribute("y", y); rect.setAttribute("width", rectWidth); rect.setAttribute("height", rectHeight); clipPath.append(rect); svgBuffer?.push( `<rect vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" x="${x}" y="${y}" width="${rectWidth}" height="${rectHeight}"/>` ); } if (this.#hasBorder) { svgBuffer.push(`</g></svg>')`); style.backgroundImage = svgBuffer.join(""); } this.container.append(svg); this.container.style.clipPath = `url(#${id})`; } /** * Create a popup for the annotation's HTML element. This is used for * annotations that do not have a Popup entry in the dictionary, but * are of a type that works with popups (such as Highlight annotations). * * @private * @memberof AnnotationElement */ _createPopup() { const { container, data } = this; container.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", "dialog"); const popup = new PopupAnnotationElement({ data: { color: data.color, titleObj: data.titleObj, modificationDate: data.modificationDate, contentsObj: data.contentsObj, richText: data.richText, parentRect: data.rect, borderStyle: 0, id: `popup_${data.id}`, rotation: data.rotation, }, parent: this.parent, elements: [this], }); this.parent.div.append(popup.render()); } /** * Render the annotation's HTML element(s). * * @public * @memberof AnnotationElement */ render() { unreachable("Abstract method `AnnotationElement.render` called"); } /** * @private * @returns {Array} */ _getElementsByName(name, skipId = null) { const fields = []; if (this._fieldObjects) { const fieldObj = this._fieldObjects[name]; if (fieldObj) { for (const { page, id, exportValues } of fieldObj) { if (page === -1) { continue; } if (id === skipId) { continue; } const exportValue = typeof exportValues === "string" ? exportValues : null; const domElement = document.querySelector( `[data-element-id="${id}"]` ); if (domElement && !GetElementsByNameSet.has(domElement)) { warn(`_getElementsByName - element not allowed: ${id}`); continue; } fields.push({ id, exportValue, domElement }); } } return fields; } // Fallback to a regular DOM lookup, to ensure that the standalone // viewer components won't break. for (const domElement of document.getElementsByName(name)) { const { exportValue } = domElement; const id = domElement.getAttribute("data-element-id"); if (id === skipId) { continue; } if (!GetElementsByNameSet.has(domElement)) { continue; } fields.push({ id, exportValue, domElement }); } return fields; } show() { if (this.container) { this.container.hidden = false; } this.popup?.maybeShow(); } hide() { if (this.container) { this.container.hidden = true; } this.popup?.forceHide(); } /** * Get the HTML element(s) which can trigger a popup when clicked or hovered. * * @public * @memberof AnnotationElement * @returns {Array<HTMLElement>|HTMLElement} An array of elements or an * element. */ getElementsToTriggerPopup() { return this.container; } addHighlightArea() { const triggers = this.getElementsToTriggerPopup(); if (Array.isArray(triggers)) { for (const element of triggers) { element.classList.add("highlightArea"); } } else { triggers.classList.add("highlightArea"); } } _editOnDoubleClick() { const { annotationEditorType: mode, data: { id: editId }, } = this; this.container.addEventListener("dblclick", () => { this.linkService.eventBus?.dispatch("switchannotationeditormode", { source: this, mode, editId, }); }); } } class LinkAnnotationElement extends AnnotationElement { constructor(parameters, options = null) { super(parameters, { isRenderable: true, ignoreBorder: !!options?.ignoreBorder, createQuadrilaterals: true, }); this.isTooltipOnly = parameters.data.isTooltipOnly; } render() { const { data, linkService } = this; const link = document.createElement("a"); link.setAttribute("data-element-id", data.id); let isBound = false; if (data.url) { linkService.addLinkAttributes(link, data.url, data.newWindow); isBound = true; } else if (data.action) { this._bindNamedAction(link, data.action); isBound = true; } else if (data.attachment) { this._bindAttachment(link, data.attachment); isBound = true; } else if (data.setOCGState) { this.#bindSetOCGState(link, data.setOCGState); isBound = true; } else if (data.dest) { this._bindLink(link, data.dest); isBound = true; } else { if ( data.actions && (data.actions.Action || data.actions["Mouse Up"] || data.actions["Mouse Down"]) && this.enableScripting && this.hasJSActions ) { this._bindJSAction(link, data); isBound = true; } if (data.resetForm) { this._bindResetFormAction(link, data.resetForm); isBound = true; } else if (this.isTooltipOnly && !isBound) { this._bindLink(link, ""); isBound = true; } } this.container.classList.add("linkAnnotation"); if (isBound) { this.container.append(link); } return this.container; } #setInternalLink() { this.container.setAttribute("data-internal-link", ""); } /** * Bind internal links to the link element. * * @private * @param {Object} link * @param {Object} destination * @memberof LinkAnnotationElement */ _bindLink(link, destination) { link.href = this.linkService.getDestinationHash(destination); link.onclick = () => { if (destination) { this.linkService.goToDestination(destination); } return false; }; if (destination || destination === /* isTooltipOnly = */ "") { this.#setInternalLink(); } } /** * Bind named actions to the link element. * * @private * @param {Object} link * @param {Object} action * @memberof LinkAnnotationElement */ _bindNamedAction(link, action) { link.href = this.linkService.getAnchorUrl(""); link.onclick = () => { this.linkService.executeNamedAction(action); return false; }; this.#setInternalLink(); } /** * Bind attachments to the link element. * @param {Object} link * @param {Object} attachment */ _bindAttachment(link, attachment) { link.href = this.linkService.getAnchorUrl(""); link.onclick = () => { this.downloadManager?.openOrDownloadData( this.container, attachment.content, attachment.filename ); return false; }; this.#setInternalLink(); } /** * Bind SetOCGState actions to the link element. * @param {Object} link * @param {Object} action */ #bindSetOCGState(link, action) { link.href = this.linkService.getAnchorUrl(""); link.onclick = () => { this.linkService.executeSetOCGState(action); return false; }; this.#setInternalLink(); } /** * Bind JS actions to the link element. * * @private * @param {Object} link * @param {Object} data * @memberof LinkAnnotationElement */ _bindJSAction(link, data) { link.href = this.linkService.getAnchorUrl(""); const map = new Map([ ["Action", "onclick"], ["Mouse Up", "onmouseup"], ["Mouse Down", "onmousedown"], ]); for (const name of Object.keys(data.actions)) { const jsName = map.get(name); if (!jsName) { continue; } link[jsName] = () => { this.linkService.eventBus?.dispatch("dispatcheventinsandbox", { source: this, detail: { id: data.id, name, }, }); return false; }; } if (!link.onclick) { link.onclick = () => false; } this.#setInternalLink(); } _bindResetFormAction(link, resetForm) { const otherClickAction = link.onclick; if (!otherClickAction) { link.href = this.linkService.getAnchorUrl(""); } this.#setInternalLink(); if (!this._fieldObjects) { warn( `_bindResetFormAction - "resetForm" action not supported, ` + "ensure that the `fieldObjects` parameter is provided." ); if (!otherClickAction) { link.onclick = () => false; } return; } link.onclick = () => { otherClickAction?.(); const { fields: resetFormFields, refs: resetFormRefs, include, } = resetForm; const allFields = []; if (resetFormFields.length !== 0 || resetFormRefs.length !== 0) { const fieldIds = new Set(resetFormRefs); for (const fieldName of resetFormFields) { const fields = this._fieldObjects[fieldName] || []; for (const { id } of fields) { fieldIds.add(id); } } for (const fields of Object.values(this._fieldObjects)) { for (const field of fields) { if (fieldIds.has(field.id) === include) { allFields.push(field); } } } } else { for (const fields of Object.values(this._fieldObjects)) { allFields.push(...fields); } } const storage = this.annotationStorage; const allIds = []; for (const field of allFields) { const { id } = field; allIds.push(id); switch (field.type) { case "text": { const value = field.defaultValue || ""; storage.setValue(id, { value }); break; } case "checkbox": case "radiobutton": { const value = field.defaultValue === field.exportValues; storage.setValue(id, { value }); break; } case "combobox": case "listbox": { const value = field.defaultValue || ""; storage.setValue(id, { value }); break; } default: continue; } const domElement = document.querySelector(`[data-element-id="${id}"]`); if (!domElement) { continue; } else if (!GetElementsByNameSet.has(domElement)) { warn(`_bindResetFormAction - element not allowed: ${id}`); continue; } domElement.dispatchEvent(new Event("resetform")); } if (this.enableScripting) { // Update the values in the sandbox. this.linkService.eventBus?.dispatch("dispatcheventinsandbox", { source: this, detail: { id: "app", ids: allIds, name: "ResetForm", }, }); } return false; }; } } class TextAnnotationElement extends AnnotationElement { constructor(parameters) { const isRenderable = !!( parameters.data.popupRef || parameters.data.titleObj?.str || parameters.data.contentsObj?.str || parameters.data.richText?.str ); super(parameters, { isRenderable }); } render() { this.container.classList.add("textAnnotation"); const image = document.createElement("img"); image.src = this.imageResourcesPath + "annotation-" + this.data.name.toLowerCase() + ".svg"; image.alt = "[{{type}} Annotation]"; image.dataset.l10nId = "text_annotation_type"; image.dataset.l10nArgs = JSON.stringify({ type: this.data.name }); if (!this.data.popupRef) { this._createPopup(); } this.container.append(image); return this.container; } } class WidgetAnnotationElement extends AnnotationElement { render() { // Show only the container for unsupported field types. if (this.data.alternativeText) { this.container.title = this.data.alternativeText; } return this.container; } showElementAndHideCanvas(element) { if (this.data.hasOwnCanvas) { if (element.previousSibling?.nodeName === "CANVAS") { element.previousSibling.hidden = true; } element.hidden = false; } } _getKeyModifier(event) { const { isWin, isMac } = FeatureTest.platform; return (isWin && event.ctrlKey) || (isMac && event.metaKey); } _setEventListener(element, baseName, eventName, valueGetter) { if (baseName.includes("mouse")) { // Mouse events element.addEventListener(baseName, event => { this.linkService.eventBus?.dispatch("dispatcheventinsandbox", { source: this, detail: { id: this.data.id, name: eventName, value: valueGetter(event), shift: event.shiftKey, modifier: this._getKeyModifier(event), }, }); }); } else { // Non mouse event element.addEventListener(baseName, event => { this.linkService.eventBus?.dispatch("dispatcheventinsandbox", { source: this, detail: { id: this.data.id, name: eventName, value: valueGetter(event), }, }); }); } } _setEventListeners(element, names, getter) { for (const [baseName, eventName] of names) { if (eventName === "Action" || this.data.actions?.[eventName]) { this._setEventListener(element, baseName, eventName, getter); } } } _setBackgroundColor(element) { const color = this.data.backgroundColor || null; element.style.backgroundColor = color === null ? "transparent" : Util.makeHexColor(color[0], color[1], color[2]); } /** * Apply text styles to the text in the element. * * @private * @param {HTMLDivElement} element * @memberof TextWidgetAnnotationElement */ _setTextStyle(element) { const TEXT_ALIGNMENT = ["left", "center", "right"]; const { fontColor } = this.data.defaultAppearanceData; const fontSize = this.data.defaultAppearanceData.fontSize || DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE; const style = element.style; // TODO: If the font-size is zero, calculate it based on the height and // width of the element. // Not setting `style.fontSize` will use the default font-size for now. // We don't use the font, as specified in the PDF document, for the <input> // element. Hence using the original `fontSize` could look bad, which is why // it's instead based on the field height. // If the height is "big" then it could lead to a too big font size // so in this case use the one we've in the pdf (hence the min). let computedFontSize; const BORDER_SIZE = 2; const roundToOneDecimal = x => Math.round(10 * x) / 10; if (this.data.multiLine) { const height = Math.abs( this.data.rect[3] - this.data.rect[1] - BORDER_SIZE ); const numberOfLines = Math.round(height / (LINE_FACTOR * fontSize)) || 1; const lineHeight = height / numberOfLines; computedFontSize = Math.min( fontSize, roundToOneDecimal(lineHeight / LINE_FACTOR) ); } else { const height = Math.abs( this.data.rect[3] - this.data.rect[1] - BORDER_SIZE ); computedFontSize = Math.min( fontSize, roundToOneDecimal(height / LINE_FACTOR) ); } style.fontSize = `calc(${computedFontSize}px * var(--scale-factor))`; style.color = Util.makeHexColor(fontColor[0], fontColor[1], fontColor[2]); if (this.data.textAlignment !== null) { style.textAlign = TEXT_ALIGNMENT[this.data.textAlignment]; } } _setRequired(element, isRequired) { if (isRequired) { element.setAttribute("required", true); } else { element.removeAttribute("required"); } element.setAttribute("aria-required", isRequired); } } class TextWidgetAnnotationElement extends WidgetAnnotationElement { constructor(parameters) { const isRenderable = parameters.renderForms || (!parameters.data.hasAppearance && !!parameters.data.fieldValue); super(parameters, { isRenderable }); } setPropertyOnSiblings(base, key, value, keyInStorage) { const storage = this.annotationStorage; for (const element of this._getElementsByName( base.name, /* skipId = */ base.id )) { if (element.domElement) { element.domElement[key] = value; } storage.setValue(element.id, { [keyInStorage]: value }); } } render() { const storage = this.annotationStorage; const id = this.data.id; this.container.classList.add("textWidgetAnnotation"); let element = null; if (this.renderForms) { // NOTE: We cannot set the values using `element.value` below, since it // prevents the AnnotationLayer rasterizer in `test/driver.js` // from parsing the elements correctly for the reference tests. const storedData = storage.getValue(id, { value: this.data.fieldValue, }); let textContent = storedData.value || ""; const maxLen = storage.getValue(id, { charLimit: this.data.maxLen, }).charLimit; if (maxLen && textContent.length > maxLen) { textContent = textContent.slice(0, maxLen); } let fieldFormattedValues = storedData.formattedValue || this.data.textContent?.join("\n") || null; if (fieldFormattedValues && this.data.comb) { fieldFormattedValues = fieldFormattedValues.replaceAll(/\s+/g, ""); } const elementData = { userValue: textContent, formattedValue: fieldFormattedValues, lastCommittedValue: null, commitKey: 1, }; if (this.data.multiLine) { element = document.createElement("textarea"); element.textContent = fieldFormattedValues ?? textContent; if (this.data.doNotScroll) { element.style.overflowY = "hidden"; } } else { element = document.createElement("input"); element.type = "text"; element.setAttribute("value", fieldFormattedValues ?? textContent); if (this.data.doNotScroll) { element.style.overflowX = "hidden"; } } if (this.data.hasOwnCanvas) { element.hidden = true; } GetElementsByNameSet.add(element); element.setAttribute("data-element-id", id); element.disabled = this.data.readOnly; element.name = this.data.baseFieldName || this.data.fieldName; element.tabIndex = DEFAULT_TAB_INDEX; this._setRequired(element, this.data.required); if (maxLen) { element.maxLength = maxLen; } element.addEventListener("input", event => { storage.setValue(id, { value: event.target.value }); this.setPropertyOnSiblings( element, "value", event.target.value, "value" ); elementData.formattedValue = null; }); element.addEventListener("resetform", event => { const defaultValue = this.data.defaultFieldValue ?? ""; element.value = elementData.userValue = defaultValue; elementData.formattedValue = null; }); let blurListener = event => { const { formattedValue } = elementData; if (formattedValue !== null && formattedValue !== undefined) { event.target.value = formattedValue; } // Reset the cursor position to the start of the field (issue 12359). event.target.scrollLeft = 0; }; if (this.enableScripting && this.hasJSActions) { element.addEventListener("focus", event => { const { target } = event; if (elementData.userValue) { target.value = elementData.userValue; } elementData.lastCommittedValue = target.value; elementData.commitKey = 1; }); element.addEventListener("updatefromsandbox", jsEvent => { this.showElementAndHideCanvas(jsEvent.target); const actions = { value(event) { elementData.userValue = event.detail.value ?? ""; storage.setValue(id, { value: elementData.userValue.toString() }); event.target.value = elementData.userValue; }, formattedValue(event) { const { formattedValue } = event.detail; elementData.formattedValue = formattedValue; if ( formattedValue !== null && formattedValue !== undefined && event.target !== document.activeElement ) { // Input hasn't the focus so display formatted string event.target.value = formattedValue; } storage.setValue(id, { formattedValue, }); }, selRange(event) { event.target.setSelectionRange(...event.detail.selRange); }, charLimit: event => { const { charLimit } = event.detail; const { target } = event; if (charLimit === 0) { target.removeAttribute("maxLength"); return; } target.setAttribute("maxLength", charLimit); let value = elementData.userValue; if (!value || value.length <= charLimit) { return; } value = value.slice(0, charLimit); target.value = elementData.userValue = value; storage.setValue(id, { value }); this.linkService.eventBus?.dispatch("dispatcheventinsandbox", { source: this, detail: { id, name: "Keystroke", value, willCommit: true, commitKey: 1, selStart: target.selectionStart, selEnd: target.selectionEnd, }, }); }, }; this._dispatchEventFromSandbox(actions, jsEvent); }); // Even if the field hasn't any actions // leaving it can still trigger some actions with Calculate element.addEventListener("keydown", event => { elementData.commitKey = 1; // If the key is one of Escape, Enter then the data are committed. // If we've a Tab then data will be committed on blur. let commitKey = -1; if (event.key === "Escape") { commitKey = 0; } else if (event.key === "Enter" && !this.data.multiLine) { // When we've a multiline field, "Enter" key is a key as the other // hence we don't commit the data (Acrobat behaves the same way) // (see issue #15627). commitKey = 2; } else if (event.key === "Tab") { elementData.commitKey = 3; } if (commitKey === -1) { return; } const { value } = event.target; if (elementData.lastCommittedValue === value) { return; } elementData.lastCommittedValue = value; // Save the entered value elementData.userValue = value; this.linkService.eventBus?.dispatch("dispatcheventinsandbox", { source: this, detail: { id, name: "Keystroke", value, willCommit: true, commitKey, selStart: event.target.selectionStart, selEnd: event.target.selectionEnd, }, }); }); const _blurListener = blurListener; blurListener = null; element.addEventListener("blur", event => { if (!event.relatedTarget) { return; } const { value } = event.target; elementData.userValue = value; if (elementData.lastCommittedValue !== value) { this.linkService.eventBus?.dispatch("dispatcheventinsandbox", { source: this, detail: { id, name: "Keystroke", value, willCommit: true, commitKey: elementData.commitKey, selStart: event.target.selectionStart, selEnd: event.target.selectionEnd, }, }); } _blurListener(event); }); if (this.data.actions?.Keystroke) { element.addEventListener("beforeinput", event => { elementData.lastCommittedValue = null; const { data, target } = event; const { value, selectionStart, selectionEnd } = target; let selStart = selectionStart, selEnd = selectionEnd; switch (event.inputType) { // https://rawgit.com/w3c/input-events/v1/index.html#interface-InputEvent-Attributes case "deleteWordBackward": { const match = value .substring(0, selectionStart) .match(/\w*[^\w]*$/); if (match) { selStart -= match[0].length; } break; } case "deleteWordForward": { const match = value .substring(selectionStart) .match(/^[^\w]*\w*/); if (match) { selEnd += match[0].length; } break; } case "deleteContentBackward": if (selectionStart === selectionEnd) { selStart -= 1; } break; case "deleteContentForward": if (selectionStart === selectionEnd) { selEnd += 1; } break; } // We handle the event ourselves. event.preventDefault(); this.linkService.eventBus?.dispatch("dispatcheventinsandbox", { source: this, detail: { id, name: "Keystroke", value, change: data || "", willCommit: false, selStart, selEnd, }, }); }); } this._setEventListeners( element, [ ["focus", "Focus"], ["blur", "Blur"], ["mousedown", "Mouse Down"], ["mouseenter", "Mouse Enter"], ["mouseleave", "Mouse Exit"], ["mouseup", "Mouse Up"], ], event => event.target.value ); } if (blurListener) { element.addEventListener("blur", blurListener); } if (this.data.comb) { const fieldWidth = this.data.rect[2] - this.data.rect[0]; const combWidth = fieldWidth / maxLen; element.classList.add("comb"); element.style.letterSpacing = `calc(${combWidth}px * var(--scale-factor) - 1ch)`; } } else { element = document.createElement("div"); element.textContent = this.data.fieldValue; element.style.verticalAlign = "middle"; element.style.display = "table-cell"; } this._setTextStyle(element); this._setBackgroundColor(element); this._setDefaultPropertiesFromJS(element); this.container.append(element); return this.container; } } class SignatureWidgetAnnotationElement extends WidgetAnnotationElement { constructor(parameters) { super(parameters, { isRenderable: !!parameters.data.hasOwnCanvas }); } } class CheckboxWidgetAnnotationElement extends WidgetAnnotationElement { constructor(parameters) { super(parameters, { isRenderable: parameters.renderForms }); } render() { const storage = this.annotationStorage; const data = this.data; const id = data.id; let value = storage.getValue(id, { value: data.exportValue === data.fieldValue, }).value; if (typeof value === "string") { // The value has been changed through js and set in annotationStorage. value = value !== "Off"; storage.setValue(id, { value }); } this.container.classList.add("buttonWidgetAnnotation", "checkBox"); const element = document.createElement("input"); GetElementsByNameSet.add(element); element.setAttribute("data-element-id", id); element.disabled = data.readOnly; this._setRequired(element, this.data.required); element.type = "checkbox"; element.name = data.baseFieldName || data.fieldName; if (value) { element.setAttribute("checked", true); } element.setAttribute("exportValue", data.exportValue); element.tabIndex = DEFAULT_TAB_INDEX; element.addEventListener("change", event => { const { name, checked } = event.target; for (const checkbox of this._getElementsByName(name, /* skipId = */ id)) { const curChecked = checked && checkbox.exportValue === data.exportValue; if (checkbox.domElement) { checkbox.domElement.checked = curChecked; } storage.setValue(checkbox.id, { value: curChecked }); } storage.setValue(id, { value: checked }); }); element.addEventListener("resetform", event => { const defaultValue = data.defaultFieldValue || "Off"; event.target.checked = defaultValue === data.exportValue; }); if (this.enableScripting && this.hasJSActions) { element.addEventListener("updatefromsandbox", jsEvent => { const actions = { value(event) { event.target.checked = event.detail.value !== "Off"; storage.setValue(id, { value: event.target.checked }); }, }; this._dispatchEventFromSandbox(actions, jsEvent); }); this._setEventListeners( element, [ ["change", "Validate"], ["change", "Action"], ["focus", "Focus"], ["blur", "Blur"], ["mousedown", "Mouse Down"], ["mouseenter", "Mouse Enter"], ["mouseleave", "Mouse Exit"], ["mouseup", "Mouse Up"], ], event => event.target.checked ); } this._setBackgroundColor(element); this._setDefaultPropertiesFromJS(element); this.container.append(element); return this.container; } } class RadioButtonWidgetAnnotationElement extends WidgetAnnotationElement { constructor(parameters) { super(parameters, { isRenderable: parameters.renderForms }); } render() { this.container.classList.add("buttonWidgetAnnotation", "radioButton"); const storage = this.annotationStorage; const data = this.data; const id = data.id; let value = storage.getValue(id, { value: data.fieldValue === data.buttonValue, }).value; if (typeof value === "string") { // The value has been changed through js and set in annotationStorage. value = value !== data.buttonValue; storage.setValue(id, { value }); } const element = document.createElement("input"); GetElementsByNameSet.add(element); element.setAttribute("data-element-id", id); element.disabled = data.readOnly; this._setRequired(element, this.data.required); element.type = "radio"; element.name = data.baseFieldName || data.fieldName; if (value) { element.setAttribute("checked", true); } element.tabIndex = DEFAULT_TAB_INDEX; element.addEventListener("change", event => { const { name, checked } = event.target; for (const radio of this._getElementsByName(name, /* skipId = */ id)) { storage.setValue(radio.id, { value: false }); } storage.setValue(id, { value: checked }); }); element.addEventListener("resetform", event => { const defaultValue = data.defaultFieldValue; event.target.checked = defaultValue !== null && defaultValue !== undefined && defaultValue === data.buttonValue; }); if (this.enableScripting && this.hasJSActions) { const pdfButtonValue = data.buttonValue; element.addEventListener("updatefromsandbox", jsEvent => { const actions = { value: event => { const checked = pdfButtonValue === event.detail.value; for (const radio of this._getElementsByName(event.target.name)) { const curChecked = checked && radio.id === id; if (radio.domElement) { radio.domElement.checked = curChecked; } storage.setValue(radio.id, { value: curChecked }); } }, }; this._dispatchEventFromSandbox(actions, jsEvent); }); this._setEventListeners( element, [ ["change", "Validate"], ["change", "Action"], ["focus", "Focus"], ["blur", "Blur"], ["mousedown", "Mouse Down"], ["mouseenter", "Mouse Enter"], ["mouseleave", "Mouse Exit"], ["mouseup", "Mouse Up"], ], event => event.target.checked ); } this._setBackgroundColor(element); this._setDefaultPropertiesFromJS(element); this.container.append(element); return this.container; } } class PushButtonWidgetAnnotationElement extends LinkAnnotationElement { constructor(parameters) { super(parameters, { ignoreBorder: parameters.data.hasAppearance }); } render() { // The rendering and functionality of a push button widget annotation is // equal to that of a link annotation, but may have more functionality, such // as performing actions on form fields (resetting, submitting, et cetera). const container = super.render(); container.classList.add("buttonWidgetAnnotation", "pushButton"); if (this.data.alternativeText) { container.title = this.data.alternativeText; } const linkElement = container.lastChild; if (this.enableScripting && this.hasJSActions && linkElement) { this._setDefaultPropertiesFromJS(linkElement); linkElement.addEventListener("updatefromsandbox", jsEvent => { this._dispatchEventFromSandbox({}, jsEvent); }); } return container; } } class ChoiceWidgetAnnotationElement extends WidgetAnnotationElement { constructor(parameters) { super(parameters, { isRenderable: parameters.renderForms }); } render() { this.container.classList.add("choiceWidgetAnnotation"); const storage = this.annotationStorage; const id = this.data.id; const storedData = storage.getValue(id, { value: this.data.fieldValue, }); const selectElement = document.createElement("select"); GetElementsByNameSet.add(selectElement); selectElement.setAttribute("data-element-id", id); selectElement.disabled = this.data.readOnly; this._setRequired(selectElement, this.data.required); selectElement.name = this.data.baseFieldName || this.data.fieldName; selectElement.tabIndex = DEFAULT_TAB_INDEX; let addAnEmptyEntry = this.data.combo && this.data.options.length > 0; if (!this.data.combo) { // List boxes have a size and (optionally) multiple selection. selectElement.size = this.data.options.length; if (this.data.multiSelect) { selectElement.multiple = true; } } selectElement.addEventListener("resetform", event => { const defaultValue = this.data.defaultFieldValue; for (const option of selectElement.options) { option.selected = option.value === defaultValue; } }); // Insert the options into the choice field. for (const option of this.data.options) { const optionElement = document.createElement("option"); optionElement.textContent = option.displayValue; optionElement.value = option.exportValue; if (storedData.value.includes(option.exportValue)) { optionElement.setAttribute("selected", true); addAnEmptyEntry = false; } selectElement.append(optionElement); } let removeEmptyEntry = null; if (addAnEmptyEntry) { const noneOptionElement = document.createElement("option"); noneOptionElement.value = " "; noneOptionElement.setAttribute("hidden", true); noneOptionElement.setAttribute("selected", true); selectElement.prepend(noneOptionElement); removeEmptyEntry = () => { noneOptionElement.remove(); selectElement.removeEventListener("input", removeEmptyEntry); removeEmptyEntry = null; }; selectElement.addEventListener("input", removeEmptyEntry); } const getValue = isExport => { const name = isExport ? "value" : "textContent"; const { options, multiple } = selectElement; if (!multiple) { return options.selectedIndex === -1 ? null : options[options.selectedIndex][name]; } return Array.prototype.filter .call(options, option => option.selected) .map(option => option[name]); }; let selectedValues = getValue(/* isExport */ false); const getItems = event => { const options = event.target.options; return Array.prototype.map.call(options, option => { return { displayValue: option.textContent, exportValue: option.value }; }); }; if (this.enableScripting && this.hasJSActions) { selectElement.addEventListener("updatefromsandbox", jsEvent => { const actions = { value(event) { removeEmptyEntry?.(); const value = event.detail.value; const values = new Set(Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]); for (const option of selectElement.options) { option.selected = values.has(option.value); } storage.setValue(id, { value: getValue(/* isExport */ true), }); selectedValues = getValue(/* isExport */ false); }, multipleSelection(event) { selectElement.multiple = true; }, remove(event) { const options = selectElement.options; const index = event.detail.remove; options[index].selected = false; selectElement.remove(index); if (options.length > 0) { const i = Array.prototype.findIndex.call( options, option => option.selected ); if (i === -1) { options[0].selected = true; } } storage.setValue(id, { value: getValue(/* isExport */ true), items: getItems(event), }); selectedValues = getValue(/* isExport */ false); }, clear(event) { while (selectElement.length !== 0) { selectElement.remove(0); } storage.setValue(id, { value: null, items: [] }); selectedValues = getValue(/* isExport */ false); }, insert(event) { const { index, displayValue, exportValue } = event.detail.insert; const selectChild = selectElement.children[index]; const optionElement = document.createElement("option"); optionElement.textContent = displayValue; optionElement.value = exportValue; if (selectChild) { selectChild.before(optionElement); } else { selectElement.append(optionElement); } storage.setValue(id, { value: getValue(/* isExport */ true), items: getItems(event), }); selectedValues = getValue(/* isExport */ false); }, items(event) { const { items } = event.detail; while (selectElement.length !== 0) { selectElement.remove(0); } for (const item of items) { const { displayValue, exportValue } = item; const optionElement = document.createElement("option"); optionElement.textContent = displayValue; optionElement.value = exportValue; selectElement.append(optionElement); } if (selectElement.options.length > 0) { selectElement.options[0].selected = true; } storage.setValue(id, { value: getValue(/* isExport */ true), items: getItems(event), }); selectedValues = getValue(/* isExport */ false); }, indices(event) { const indices = new Set(event.detail.indices); for (const option of event.target.options) { option.selected = indices.has(option.index); } storage.setValue(id, { value: getValue(/* isExport */ true), }); selectedValues = getValue(/* isExport */ false); }, editable(event) { event.target.disabled = !event.detail.editable; }, }; this._dispatchEventFromSandbox(actions, jsEvent); }); selectElement.addEventListener("input", event => { const exportValue = getValue(/* isExport */ true); storage.setValue(id, { value: exportValue }); event.preventDefault(); this.linkService.eventBus?.dispatch("dispatcheventinsandbox", { source: this, detail: { id, name: "Keystroke", value: selectedValues, changeEx: exportValue, willCommit: false, commitKey: 1, keyDown: false, }, }); }); this._setEventListeners( selectElement, [ ["focus", "Focus"], ["blur", "Blur"], ["mousedown", "Mouse Down"], ["mouseenter", "Mouse Enter"], ["mouseleave", "Mouse Exit"], ["mouseup", "Mouse Up"], ["input", "Action"], ["input", "Validate"], ], event => event.target.value ); } else { selectElement.addEventListener("input", function (event) { storage.setValue(id, { value: getValue(/* isExport */ true) }); }); } if (this.data.combo) { this._setTextStyle(selectElement); } else { // Just use the default font size... // it's a bit hard to guess what is a good size. } this._setBackgroundColor(selectElement); this._setDefaultPropertiesFromJS(selectElement); this.container.append(selectElement); return this.container; } } class PopupAnnotationElement extends AnnotationElement { constructor(parameters) { const { data, elements } = parameters; const isRenderable = !!( data.titleObj?.str || data.contentsObj?.str || data.richText?.str ); super(parameters, { isRenderable }); this.elements = elements; } render() { this.container.classList.add("popupAnnotation"); const popup = new PopupElement({ container: this.container, color: this.data.color, titleObj: this.data.titleObj, modificationDate: this.data.modificationDate, contentsObj: this.data.contentsObj, richText: this.data.richText, rect: this.data.rect, parentRect: this.data.parentRect || null, parent: this.parent, elements: this.elements, open: this.data.open, }); const elementIds = []; for (const element of this.elements) { element.popup = popup; elementIds.push(element.data.id); element.addHighlightArea(); } this.container.setAttribute("aria-controls", elementIds.join(",")); return this.container; } } class PopupElement { #dateTimePromise = null; #boundHide = this.#hide.bind(this); #boundShow = this.#show.bind(this); #boundToggle = this.#toggle.bind(this); #color = null; #container = null; #contentsObj = null; #elements = null; #parent = null; #parentRect = null; #pinned = false; #popup = null; #rect = null; #richText = null; #titleObj = null; #wasVisible = false; constructor({ container, color, elements, titleObj, modificationDate, contentsObj, richText, parent, rect, parentRect, open, }) { this.#container = container; this.#titleObj = titleObj; this.#contentsObj = contentsObj; this.#richText = richText; this.#parent = parent; this.#color = color; this.#rect = rect; this.#parentRect = parentRect; this.#elements = elements; const dateObject = PDFDateString.toDateObject(modificationDate); if (dateObject) { // The modification date is shown in the popup instead of the creation // date if it is available and can be parsed correctly, which is // consistent with other viewers such as Adobe Acrobat. this.#dateTimePromise = parent.l10n.get("annotation_date_string", { date: dateObject.toLocaleDateString(), time: dateObject.toLocaleTimeString(), }); } this.trigger = elements.flatMap(e => e.getElementsToTriggerPopup()); // Attach the event listeners to the trigger element. for (const element of this.trigger) { element.addEventListener("click", this.#boundToggle); element.addEventListener("mouseenter", this.#boundShow); element.addEventListener("mouseleave", this.#boundHide); if (typeof PDFJSDev !== "undefined" && PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) { element.classList.add("popupTriggerArea"); } } this.#container.hidden = true; if (open) { this.#toggle(); } if (typeof PDFJSDev !== "undefined" && PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) { // Since the popup is lazily created, we need to ensure that it'll be // created and displayed during reference tests. this.#parent.popupShow.push(async () => { if (this.#container.hidden) { this.#show(); } if (this.#dateTimePromise) { await this.#dateTimePromise; } }); } } render() { if (this.#popup) { return; } const { page: { view }, viewport: { rawDims: { pageWidth, pageHeight, pageX, pageY }, }, } = this.#parent; const popup = (this.#popup = document.createElement("div")); popup.className = "popup"; if (this.#color) { const baseColor = (popup.style.outlineColor = Util.makeHexColor( ...this.#color )); if ( (typeof PDFJSDev !== "undefined" && PDFJSDev.test("MOZCENTRAL")) || CSS.supports("background-color", "color-mix(in srgb, red 30%, white)") ) { popup.style.backgroundColor = `color-mix(in srgb, ${baseColor} 30%, white)`; } else { // color-mix isn't supported in some browsers hence this version. // See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/color-mix#browser_compatibility // TODO: Use color-mix when it's supported everywhere. // Enlighten the color. const BACKGROUND_ENLIGHT = 0.7; popup.style.backgroundColor = Util.makeHexColor( ...this.#color.map(c => Math.floor(BACKGROUND_ENLIGHT * (255 - c) + c) ) ); } } const header = document.createElement("span"); header.className = "header"; const title = document.createElement("h1"); header.append(title); ({ dir: title.dir, str: title.textContent } = this.#titleObj); popup.append(header); if (this.#dateTimePromise) { const modificationDate = document.createElement("span"); modificationDate.classList.add("popupDate"); this.#dateTimePromise.then(localized => { modificationDate.textContent = localized; }); header.append(modificationDate); } const contentsObj = this.#contentsObj; const richText = this.#richText; if ( richText?.str && (!contentsObj?.str || contentsObj.str === richText.str) ) { XfaLayer.render({ xfaHtml: richText.html, intent: "richText", div: popup, }); popup.lastChild.classList.add("richText", "popupContent"); } else { const contents = this._formatContents(contentsObj); popup.append(contents); } let useParentRect = !!this.#parentRect; let rect = useParentRect ? this.#parentRect : this.#rect; for (const element of this.#elements) { if (!rect || Util.intersect(element.data.rect, rect) !== null) { rect = element.data.rect; useParentRect = true; break; } } const normalizedRect = Util.normalizeRect([ rect[0], view[3] - rect[1] + view[1], rect[2], view[3] - rect[3] + view[1], ]); const HORIZONTAL_SPACE_AFTER_ANNOTATION = 5; const parentWidth = useParentRect ? rect[2] - rect[0] + HORIZONTAL_SPACE_AFTER_ANNOTATION : 0; const popupLeft = normalizedRect[0] + parentWidth; const popupTop = normalizedRect[1]; const { style } = this.#container; style.left = `${(100 * (popupLeft - pageX)) / pageWidth}%`; style.top = `${(100 * (popupTop - pageY)) / pageHeight}%`; this.#container.append(popup); } /** * Format the contents of the popup by adding newlines where necessary. * * @private * @param {Object<string, string>} contentsObj * @memberof PopupElement * @returns {HTMLParagraphElement} */ _formatContents({ str, dir }) { const p = document.createElement("p"); p.classList.add("popupContent"); p.dir = dir; const lines = str.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/); for (let i = 0, ii = lines.length; i < ii; ++i) { const line = lines[i]; p.append(document.createTextNode(line)); if (i < ii - 1) { p.append(document.createElement("br")); } } return p; } /** * Toggle the visibility of the popup. */ #toggle() { this.#pinned = !this.#pinned; if (this.#pinned) { this.#show(); this.#container.addEventListener("click", this.#boundToggle); } else { this.#hide(); this.#container.removeEventListener("click", this.#boundToggle); } } /** * Show the popup. */ #show() { if (!this.#popup) { this.render(); } if (!this.isVisible) { this.#container.hidden = false; this.#container.style.zIndex = parseInt(this.#container.style.zIndex) + 1000; } else if (this.#pinned) { this.#container.classList.add("focused"); } } /** * Hide the popup. */ #hide() { this.#container.classList.remove("focused"); if (this.#pinned || !this.isVisible) { return; } this.#container.hidden = true; this.#container.style.zIndex = parseInt(this.#container.style.zIndex) - 1000; } forceHide() { this.#wasVisible = this.isVisible; if (!this.#wasVisible) { return; } this.#container.hidden = true; } maybeShow() { if (!this.#wasVisible) { return; } this.#wasVisible = false; this.#container.hidden = false; } get isVisible() { return this.#container.hidden === false; } } class FreeTextAnnotationElement extends AnnotationElement { constructor(parameters) { const isRenderable = !!( parameters.data.popupRef || parameters.data.titleObj?.str || parameters.data.contentsObj?.str || parameters.data.richText?.str ); super(parameters, { isRenderable, ignoreBorder: true }); this.textContent = parameters.data.textContent; this.textPosition = parameters.data.textPosition; this.annotationEditorType = AnnotationEditorType.FREETEXT; } render() { this.container.classList.add("freeTextAnnotation"); if (this.textContent) { const content = document.createElement("div"); content.classList.add("annotationTextContent"); content.setAttribute("role", "comment"); for (const line of this.textContent) { const lineSpan = document.createElement("span"); lineSpan.textContent = line; content.append(lineSpan); } this.container.append(content); } if (!this.data.popupRef) { this._createPopup(); } this._editOnDoubleClick(); return this.container; } } class LineAnnotationElement extends AnnotationElement { #line = null; constructor(parameters) { const isRenderable = !!( parameters.data.popupRef || parameters.data.titleObj?.str || parameters.data.contentsObj?.str || parameters.data.richText?.str ); super(parameters, { isRenderable, ignoreBorder: true }); } render() { this.container.classList.add("lineAnnotation"); // Create an invisible line with the same starting and ending coordinates // that acts as the trigger for the popup. Only the line itself should // trigger the popup, not the entire container. const data = this.data; const { width, height } = getRectDims(data.rect); const svg = this.svgFactory.create( width, height, /* skipDimensions = */ true ); // PDF coordinates are calculated from a bottom left origin, so transform // the line coordinates to a top left origin for the SVG element. const line = (this.#line = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:line")); line.setAttribute("x1", data.rect[2] - data.lineCoordinates[0]); line.setAttribute("y1", data.rect[3] - data.lineCoordinates[1]); line.setAttribute("x2", data.rect[2] - data.lineCoordinates[2]); line.setAttribute("y2", data.rect[3] - data.lineCoordinates[3]); // Ensure that the 'stroke-width' is always non-zero, since otherwise it // won't be possible to open/close the popup (note e.g. issue 11122). line.setAttribute("stroke-width", data.borderStyle.width || 1); line.setAttribute("stroke", "transparent"); line.setAttribute("fill", "transparent"); svg.append(line); this.container.append(svg); // Create the popup ourselves so that we can bind it to the line instead // of to the entire container (which is the default). if (!data.popupRef) { this._createPopup(); } return this.container; } getElementsToTriggerPopup() { return this.#line; } addHighlightArea() { this.container.classList.add("highlightArea"); } } class SquareAnnotationElement extends AnnotationElement { #square = null; constructor(parameters) { const isRenderable = !!( parameters.data.popupRef || parameters.data.titleObj?.str || parameters.data.contentsObj?.str || parameters.data.richText?.str ); super(parameters, { isRenderable, ignoreBorder: true }); } render() { this.container.classList.add("squareAnnotation"); // Create an invisible square with the same rectangle that acts as the // trigger for the popup. Only the square itself should trigger the // popup, not the entire container. const data = this.data; const { width, height } = getRectDims(data.rect); const svg = this.svgFactory.create( width, height, /* skipDimensions = */ true ); // The browser draws half of the borders inside the square and half of // the borders outside the square by default. This behavior cannot be // changed programmatically, so correct for that here. const borderWidth = data.borderStyle.width; const square = (this.#square = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:rect")); square.setAttribute("x", borderWidth / 2); square.setAttribute("y", borderWidth / 2); square.setAttribute("width", width - borderWidth); square.setAttribute("height", height - borderWidth); // Ensure that the 'stroke-width' is always non-zero, since otherwise it // won't be possible to open/close the popup (note e.g. issue 11122). square.setAttribute("stroke-width", borderWidth || 1); square.setAttribute("stroke", "transparent"); square.setAttribute("fill", "transparent"); svg.append(square); this.container.append(svg); // Create the popup ourselves so that we can bind it to the square instead // of to the entire container (which is the default). if (!data.popupRef) { this._createPopup(); } return this.container; } getElementsToTriggerPopup() { return this.#square; } addHighlightArea() { this.container.classList.add("highlightArea"); } } class CircleAnnotationElement extends AnnotationElement { #circle = null; constructor(parameters) { const isRenderable = !!( parameters.data.popupRef || parameters.data.titleObj?.str || parameters.data.contentsObj?.str || parameters.data.richText?.str ); super(parameters, { isRenderable, ignoreBorder: true }); } render() { this.container.classList.add("circleAnnotation"); // Create an invisible circle with the same ellipse that acts as the // trigger for the popup. Only the circle itself should trigger the // popup, not the entire container. const data = this.data; const { width, height } = getRectDims(data.rect); const svg = this.svgFactory.create( width, height, /* skipDimensions = */ true ); // The browser draws half of the borders inside the circle and half of // the borders outside the circle by default. This behavior cannot be // changed programmatically, so correct for that here. const borderWidth = data.borderStyle.width; const circle = (this.#circle = this.svgFactory.createElement("svg:ellipse")); circle.setAttribute("cx", width / 2); circle.setAttribute("cy", height / 2); circle.setAttribute("rx", width / 2 - borderWidth / 2); circle.setAttribute("ry", height / 2 - borderWidth / 2); // Ensure that the 'stroke-width' is always non-zero, since otherwise it // won't be possible to open/close the popup (note e.g. issue 11122). circle.setAttribute("stroke-width", borderWidth || 1); circle.setAttribute("stroke", "transparent"); circle.setAttribute("fill", "transparent"); svg.append(circle); this.container.append(svg); // Create the popup ourselves so that we can bind it to the circle instead // of to the entire container (which is the default). if (!data.popupRef) { this._createPopup(); } return this.container; } getElementsToTriggerPopup() { return this.#circle; } addHighlightArea() { this.container.classList.add("highlightArea"); } } class PolylineAnnotationElement extends AnnotationElement { #polyline = null; constructor(parameters) { const isRenderable = !!( parameters.data.popupRef || parameters.data.titleObj?.str || parameters.data.contentsObj?.str || parameters.data.richText?.str ); super(parameters, { isRenderable, ignoreBorder: true }); this.containerClassName = "polylineAnnotation"; this.svgElementName = "svg:polyline"; } render() { this.container.classList.add(this.containerClassName); // Create an invisible polyline with the same points that acts as the // trigger for the popup. Only the polyline itself should trigger the // popup, not the entire container. const data = this.data; const { width, height } = getRectDims(data.rect); const svg = this.svgFactory.create( width, height, /* skipDimensions = */ true ); // Convert the vertices array to a single points string that the SVG // polyline element expects ("x1,y1 x2,y2 ..."). PDF coordinates are // calculated from a bottom left origin, so transform the polyline // coordinates to a top left origin for the SVG element. let points = []; for (const coordinate of data.vertices) { const x = coordinate.x - data.rect[0]; const y = data.rect[3] - coordinate.y; points.push(x + "," + y); } points = points.join(" "); const polyline = (this.#polyline = this.svgFactory.createElement( this.svgElementName )); polyline.setAttribute("points", points); // Ensure that the 'stroke-width' is always non-zero, since otherwise it // won't be possible to open/close the popup (note e.g. issue 11122). polyline.setAttribute("stroke-width", data.borderStyle.width || 1); polyline.setAttribute("stroke", "transparent"); polyline.setAttribute("fill", "transparent"); svg.append(polyline); this.container.append(svg); // Create the popup ourselves so that we can bind it to the polyline // instead of to the entire container (which is the default). if (!data.popupRef) { this._createPopup(polyline, data); } return this.container; } getElementsToTriggerPopup() { return this.#polyline; } addHighlightArea() { this.container.classList.add("highlightArea"); } } class PolygonAnnotationElement extends PolylineAnnotationElement { constructor(parameters) { // Polygons are specific forms of polylines, so reuse their logic. super(parameters); this.containerClassName = "polygonAnnotation"; this.svgElementName = "svg:polygon"; } } class CaretAnnotationElement extends AnnotationElement { constructor(parameters) { const isRenderable = !!( parameters.data.popupRef || parameters.data.titleObj?.str || parameters.data.contentsObj?.str || parameters.data.richText?.str ); super(parameters, { isRenderable, ignoreBorder: true }); } render() { this.container.classList.add("caretAnnotation"); if (!this.data.popupRef) { this._createPopup(); } return this.container; } } class InkAnnotationElement extends AnnotationElement { #polylines = []; constructor(parameters) { const isRenderable = !!( parameters.data.popupRef || parameters.data.titleObj?.str || parameters.data.contentsObj?.str || parameters.data.richText?.str ); super(parameters, { isRenderable, ignoreBorder: true }); this.containerClassName = "inkAnnotation"; // Use the polyline SVG element since it allows us to use coordinates // directly and to draw both straight lines and curves. this.svgElementName = "svg:polyline"; this.annotationEditorType = AnnotationEditorType.INK; } render() { this.container.classList.add(this.containerClassName); // Create an invisible polyline with the same points that acts as the // trigger for the popup. const data = this.data; const { width, height } = getRectDims(data.rect); const svg = this.svgFactory.create( width, height, /* skipDimensions = */ true ); for (const inkList of data.inkLists) { // Convert the ink list to a single points string that the SVG // polyline element expects ("x1,y1 x2,y2 ..."). PDF coordinates are // calculated from a bottom left origin, so transform the polyline // coordinates to a top left origin for the SVG element. let points = []; for (const coordinate of inkList) { const x = coordinate.x - data.rect[0]; const y = data.rect[3] - coordinate.y; points.push(`${x},${y}`); } points = points.join(" "); const polyline = this.svgFactory.createElement(this.svgElementName); this.#polylines.push(polyline); polyline.setAttribute("points", points); // Ensure that the 'stroke-width' is always non-zero, since otherwise it // won't be possible to open/close the popup (note e.g. issue 11122). polyline.setAttribute("stroke-width", data.borderStyle.width || 1); polyline.setAttribute("stroke", "transparent"); polyline.setAttribute("fill", "transparent"); // Create the popup ourselves so that we can bind it to the polyline // instead of to the entire container (which is the default). if (!data.popupRef) { this._createPopup(polyline, data); } svg.append(polyline); } this.container.append(svg); return this.container; } getElementsToTriggerPopup() { return this.#polylines; } addHighlightArea() { this.container.classList.add("highlightArea"); } } class HighlightAnnotationElement extends AnnotationElement { constructor(parameters) { const isRenderable = !!( parameters.data.popupRef || parameters.data.titleObj?.str || parameters.data.contentsObj?.str || parameters.data.richText?.str ); super(parameters, { isRenderable, ignoreBorder: true, createQuadrilaterals: true, }); } render() { if (!this.data.popupRef) { this._createPopup(); } this.container.classList.add("highlightAnnotation"); return this.container; } } class UnderlineAnnotationElement extends AnnotationElement { constructor(parameters) { const isRenderable = !!( parameters.data.popupRef || parameters.data.titleObj?.str || parameters.data.contentsObj?.str || parameters.data.richText?.str ); super(parameters, { isRenderable, ignoreBorder: true, createQuadrilaterals: true, }); } render() { if (!this.data.popupRef) { this._createPopup(); } this.container.classList.add("underlineAnnotation"); return this.container; } } class SquigglyAnnotationElement extends AnnotationElement { constructor(parameters) { const isRenderable = !!( parameters.data.popupRef || parameters.data.titleObj?.str || parameters.data.contentsObj?.str || parameters.data.richText?.str ); super(parameters, { isRenderable, ignoreBorder: true, createQuadrilaterals: true, }); } render() { if (!this.data.popupRef) { this._createPopup(); } this.container.classList.add("squigglyAnnotation"); return this.container; } } class StrikeOutAnnotationElement extends AnnotationElement { constructor(parameters) { const isRenderable = !!( parameters.data.popupRef || parameters.data.titleObj?.str || parameters.data.contentsObj?.str || parameters.data.richText?.str ); super(parameters, { isRenderable, ignoreBorder: true, createQuadrilaterals: true, }); } render() { if (!this.data.popupRef) { this._createPopup(); } this.container.classList.add("strikeoutAnnotation"); return this.container; } } class StampAnnotationElement extends AnnotationElement { constructor(parameters) { const isRenderable = !!( parameters.data.popupRef || parameters.data.titleObj?.str || parameters.data.contentsObj?.str || parameters.data.richText?.str ); super(parameters, { isRenderable, ignoreBorder: true }); } render() { this.container.classList.add("stampAnnotation"); if (!this.data.popupRef) { this._createPopup(); } return this.container; } } class FileAttachmentAnnotationElement extends AnnotationElement { #trigger = null; constructor(parameters) { super(parameters, { isRenderable: true }); const { filename, content } = this.data.file; this.filename = getFilenameFromUrl(filename, /* onlyStripPath = */ true); this.content = content; this.linkService.eventBus?.dispatch("fileattachmentannotation", { source: this, filename, content, }); } render() { this.container.classList.add("fileAttachmentAnnotation"); let trigger; if (this.data.hasAppearance) { trigger = document.createElement("div"); } else { // Unfortunately it seems that it's not clearly specified exactly what // names are actually valid, since Table 184 contains: // Conforming readers shall provide predefined icon appearances for at // least the following standard names: GraphPushPin, PaperclipTag. // Additional names may be supported as well. Default value: PushPin. trigger = document.createElement("img"); trigger.src = `${this.imageResourcesPath}annotation-${ /paperclip/i.test(this.data.name) ? "paperclip" : "pushpin" }.svg`; } trigger.classList.add("popupTriggerArea"); trigger.addEventListener("dblclick", this._download.bind(this)); this.#trigger = trigger; if ( !this.data.popupRef && (this.data.titleObj?.str || this.data.contentsObj?.str || this.data.richText) ) { this._createPopup(); } this.container.append(trigger); return this.container; } getElementsToTriggerPopup() { return this.#trigger; } addHighlightArea() { this.container.classList.add("highlightArea"); } /** * Download the file attachment associated with this annotation. * * @private * @memberof FileAttachmentAnnotationElement */ _download() { this.downloadManager?.openOrDownloadData( this.container, this.content, this.filename ); } } /** * @typedef {Object} AnnotationLayerParameters * @property {PageViewport} viewport * @property {HTMLDivElement} div * @property {Array} annotations * @property {PDFPageProxy} page * @property {IPDFLinkService} linkService * @property {IDownloadManager} downloadManager * @property {AnnotationStorage} [annotationStorage] * @property {string} [imageResourcesPath] - Path for image resources, mainly * for annotation icons. Include trailing slash. * @property {boolean} renderForms * @property {boolean} [enableScripting] - Enable embedded script execution. * @property {boolean} [hasJSActions] - Some fields have JS actions. * The default value is `false`. * @property {Object<string, Array<Object>> | null} [fieldObjects] * @property {Map<string, HTMLCanvasElement>} [annotationCanvasMap] * @property {TextAccessibilityManager} [accessibilityManager] */ /** * Manage the layer containing all the annotations. */ class AnnotationLayer { #accessibilityManager = null; #annotationCanvasMap = null; #editableAnnotations = new Map(); constructor({ div, accessibilityManager, annotationCanvasMap, l10n, page, viewport, }) { this.div = div; this.#accessibilityManager = accessibilityManager; this.#annotationCanvasMap = annotationCanvasMap; this.l10n = l10n; this.page = page; this.viewport = viewport; this.zIndex = 0; if ( typeof PDFJSDev !== "undefined" && PDFJSDev.test("GENERIC && !TESTING") ) { this.l10n ||= NullL10n; } if (typeof PDFJSDev !== "undefined" && PDFJSDev.test("TESTING")) { // For testing purposes. Object.defineProperty(this, "showPopups", { value: async () => { for (const show of this.popupShow) { await show(); } }, }); this.popupShow = []; } } #appendElement(element, id) { const contentElement = element.firstChild || element; contentElement.id = `${AnnotationPrefix}${id}`; this.div.append(element); this.#accessibilityManager?.moveElementInDOM( this.div, element, contentElement, /* isRemovable = */ false ); } /** * Render a new annotation layer with all annotation elements. * * @param {AnnotationLayerParameters} params * @memberof AnnotationLayer */ async render(params) { const { annotations } = params; const layer = this.div; setLayerDimensions(layer, this.viewport); const popupToElements = new Map(); const elementParams = { data: null, layer, linkService: params.linkService, downloadManager: params.downloadManager, imageResourcesPath: params.imageResourcesPath || "", renderForms: params.renderForms !== false, svgFactory: new DOMSVGFactory(), annotationStorage: params.annotationStorage || new AnnotationStorage(), enableScripting: params.enableScripting === true, hasJSActions: params.hasJSActions, fieldObjects: params.fieldObjects, parent: this, elements: null, }; for (const data of annotations) { if (data.noHTML) { continue; } const isPopupAnnotation = data.annotationType === AnnotationType.POPUP; if (!isPopupAnnotation) { const { width, height } = getRectDims(data.rect); if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) { continue; // Ignore empty annotations. } } else { const elements = popupToElements.get(data.id); if (!elements) { // Ignore popup annotations without a corresponding annotation. continue; } elementParams.elements = elements; } elementParams.data = data; const element = AnnotationElementFactory.create(elementParams); if (!element.isRenderable) { continue; } if (!isPopupAnnotation && data.popupRef) { const elements = popupToElements.get(data.popupRef); if (!elements) { popupToElements.set(data.popupRef, [element]); } else { elements.push(element); } } if (element.annotationEditorType > 0) { this.#editableAnnotations.set(element.data.id, element); } const rendered = element.render(); if (data.hidden) { rendered.style.visibility = "hidden"; } this.#appendElement(rendered, data.id); } this.#setAnnotationCanvasMap(); await this.l10n.translate(layer); } /** * Update the annotation elements on existing annotation layer. * * @param {AnnotationLayerParameters} viewport * @memberof AnnotationLayer */ update({ viewport }) { const layer = this.div; this.viewport = viewport; setLayerDimensions(layer, { rotation: viewport.rotation }); this.#setAnnotationCanvasMap(); layer.hidden = false; } #setAnnotationCanvasMap() { if (!this.#annotationCanvasMap) { return; } const layer = this.div; for (const [id, canvas] of this.#annotationCanvasMap) { const element = layer.querySelector(`[data-annotation-id="${id}"]`); if (!element) { continue; } const { firstChild } = element; if (!firstChild) { element.append(canvas); } else if (firstChild.nodeName === "CANVAS") { firstChild.replaceWith(canvas); } else { firstChild.before(canvas); } } this.#annotationCanvasMap.clear(); } getEditableAnnotations() { return Array.from(this.#editableAnnotations.values()); } getEditableAnnotation(id) { return this.#editableAnnotations.get(id); } } export { AnnotationLayer, FreeTextAnnotationElement, InkAnnotationElement, StampAnnotationElement, };