/* Copyright 2023 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { DOMSVGFactory, shadow } from "pdfjs-lib"; class AltTextManager { #boundUpdateUIState = this.#updateUIState.bind(this); #boundSetPosition = this.#setPosition.bind(this); #boundOnClick = this.#onClick.bind(this); #currentEditor = null; #cancelButton; #dialog; #eventBus; #hasUsedPointer = false; #optionDescription; #optionDecorative; #overlayManager; #saveButton; #textarea; #uiManager; #previousAltText = null; #svgElement = null; #rectElement = null; #container; #previousDecorative = null; constructor( { dialog, optionDescription, optionDecorative, textarea, cancelButton, saveButton, }, container, overlayManager, eventBus ) { this.#dialog = dialog; this.#optionDescription = optionDescription; this.#optionDecorative = optionDecorative; this.#textarea = textarea; this.#cancelButton = cancelButton; this.#saveButton = saveButton; this.#overlayManager = overlayManager; this.#eventBus = eventBus; this.#container = container; dialog.addEventListener("close", this.#close.bind(this)); cancelButton.addEventListener("click", this.#cancel.bind(this)); saveButton.addEventListener("click", this.#save.bind(this)); optionDescription.addEventListener("change", this.#boundUpdateUIState); optionDecorative.addEventListener("change", this.#boundUpdateUIState); textarea.addEventListener("input", this.#boundUpdateUIState); this.#overlayManager.register(dialog); } get _elements() { return shadow(this, "_elements", [ this.#optionDescription, this.#optionDecorative, this.#textarea, this.#saveButton, this.#cancelButton, ]); } #createSVGElement() { if (this.#svgElement) { return; } // We create a mask to add to the dialog backdrop: the idea is to have a // darken background everywhere except on the editor to clearly see the // picture to describe. const svgFactory = new DOMSVGFactory(); const svg = (this.#svgElement = svgFactory.createElement("svg")); svg.setAttribute("width", "0"); svg.setAttribute("height", "0"); const defs = svgFactory.createElement("defs"); svg.append(defs); const mask = svgFactory.createElement("mask"); defs.append(mask); mask.setAttribute("id", "alttext-manager-mask"); mask.setAttribute("maskContentUnits", "objectBoundingBox"); let rect = svgFactory.createElement("rect"); mask.append(rect); rect.setAttribute("fill", "white"); rect.setAttribute("width", "1"); rect.setAttribute("height", "1"); rect.setAttribute("x", "0"); rect.setAttribute("y", "0"); rect = this.#rectElement = svgFactory.createElement("rect"); mask.append(rect); rect.setAttribute("fill", "black"); this.#dialog.append(svg); } async editAltText(uiManager, editor) { if (this.#currentEditor || !editor) { return; } this.#createSVGElement(); this.#hasUsedPointer = false; for (const element of this._elements) { element.addEventListener("click", this.#boundOnClick); } const { altText, decorative } = editor.altTextData; if (decorative === true) { this.#optionDecorative.checked = true; this.#optionDescription.checked = false; } else { this.#optionDecorative.checked = false; this.#optionDescription.checked = true; } this.#previousAltText = this.#textarea.value = altText?.trim() || ""; this.#previousDecorative = decorative; this.#updateUIState(); this.#currentEditor = editor; this.#uiManager = uiManager; this.#uiManager.removeEditListeners(); this.#eventBus._on("resize", this.#boundSetPosition); try { await this.#overlayManager.open(this.#dialog); this.#setPosition(); } catch (ex) { this.#close(); throw ex; } } #setPosition() { if (!this.#currentEditor) { return; } const dialog = this.#dialog; const { style } = dialog; const { x: containerX, y: containerY, width: containerW, height: containerH, } = this.#container.getBoundingClientRect(); const { innerWidth: windowW, innerHeight: windowH } = window; const { width: dialogW, height: dialogH } = dialog.getBoundingClientRect(); const { x, y, width, height } = this.#currentEditor.getClientDimensions(); const MARGIN = 10; const isLTR = this.#uiManager.direction === "ltr"; const xs = Math.max(x, containerX); const xe = Math.min(x + width, containerX + containerW); const ys = Math.max(y, containerY); const ye = Math.min(y + height, containerY + containerH); this.#rectElement.setAttribute("width", `${(xe - xs) / windowW}`); this.#rectElement.setAttribute("height", `${(ye - ys) / windowH}`); this.#rectElement.setAttribute("x", `${xs / windowW}`); this.#rectElement.setAttribute("y", `${ys / windowH}`); let left = null; let top = Math.max(y, 0); top += Math.min(windowH - (top + dialogH), 0); if (isLTR) { // Prefer to position the dialog "after" (so on the right) the editor. if (x + width + MARGIN + dialogW < windowW) { left = x + width + MARGIN; } else if (x > dialogW + MARGIN) { left = x - dialogW - MARGIN; } } else if (x > dialogW + MARGIN) { left = x - dialogW - MARGIN; } else if (x + width + MARGIN + dialogW < windowW) { left = x + width + MARGIN; } if (left === null) { top = null; left = Math.max(x, 0); left += Math.min(windowW - (left + dialogW), 0); if (y > dialogH + MARGIN) { top = y - dialogH - MARGIN; } else if (y + height + MARGIN + dialogH < windowH) { top = y + height + MARGIN; } } if (top !== null) { dialog.classList.add("positioned"); if (isLTR) { style.left = `${left}px`; } else { style.right = `${windowW - left - dialogW}px`; } style.top = `${top}px`; } else { dialog.classList.remove("positioned"); style.left = ""; style.top = ""; } } #finish() { if (this.#overlayManager.active === this.#dialog) { this.#overlayManager.close(this.#dialog); } } #cancel() { this.#eventBus.dispatch("reporttelemetry", { source: this, details: { type: "editing", subtype: this.#currentEditor.editorType, data: { action: "alt_text_cancel", alt_text_keyboard: !this.#hasUsedPointer, }, }, }); this.#finish(); } #close() { this.#removeOnClickListeners(); this.#uiManager?.addEditListeners(); this.#eventBus._off("resize", this.#boundSetPosition); this.#currentEditor = null; this.#uiManager = null; } #updateUIState() { const altText = this.#textarea.value.trim(); const decorative = this.#optionDecorative.checked; this.#textarea.disabled = decorative; this.#saveButton.disabled = !( this.#previousDecorative !== decorative || this.#previousAltText !== altText ); } #save() { const altText = this.#textarea.value.trim(); const decorative = this.#optionDecorative.checked; this.#currentEditor.altTextData = { altText, decorative, }; this.#eventBus.dispatch("reporttelemetry", { source: this, details: { type: "editing", subtype: this.#currentEditor.editorType, data: { action: "alt_text_save", alt_text_description: !!altText, alt_text_edit: !!this.#previousAltText && this.#previousAltText !== altText, alt_text_decorative: decorative, alt_text_keyboard: !this.#hasUsedPointer, }, }, }); this.#finish(); } #onClick(evt) { if (evt.detail === 0) { return; // The keyboard was used. } this.#hasUsedPointer = true; this.#removeOnClickListeners(); } #removeOnClickListeners() { for (const element of this._elements) { element.removeEventListener("click", this.#boundOnClick); } } destroy() { this.#currentEditor = null; this.#uiManager = null; this.#finish(); this.#svgElement?.remove(); this.#svgElement = this.#rectElement = null; } } export { AltTextManager };