/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */ 'use strict'; // Use only for debugging purposes. This should not be used in any code that is // in mozilla master. function log(msg) { if (console && console.log) console.log(msg); else if (print) print(msg); } // A notice for devs that will not trigger the fallback UI. These are good // for things that are helpful to devs, such as warning that Workers were // disabled, which is important to devs but not end users. function info(msg) { if (verbosity >= INFOS) { log('Info: ' + msg); PDFJS.LogManager.notify('info', msg); } } // Non-fatal warnings that should trigger the fallback UI. function warn(msg) { if (verbosity >= WARNINGS) { log('Warning: ' + msg); PDFJS.LogManager.notify('warn', msg); } } // Fatal errors that should trigger the fallback UI and halt execution by // throwing an exception. function error(msg) { log('Error: ' + msg); log(backtrace()); PDFJS.LogManager.notify('error', msg); throw new Error(msg); } // Missing features that should trigger the fallback UI. function TODO(what) { warn('TODO: ' + what); } function backtrace() { try { throw new Error(); } catch (e) { return e.stack ? e.stack.split('\n').slice(2).join('\n') : ''; } } function assert(cond, msg) { if (!cond) error(msg); } // In a well-formed PDF, |cond| holds. If it doesn't, subsequent // behavior is undefined. function assertWellFormed(cond, msg) { if (!cond) error(msg); } var LogManager = PDFJS.LogManager = (function LogManagerClosure() { var loggers = []; return { addLogger: function logManager_addLogger(logger) { loggers.push(logger); }, notify: function(type, message) { for (var i = 0, ii = loggers.length; i < ii; i++) { var logger = loggers[i]; if (logger[type]) logger[type](message); } } }; })(); function shadow(obj, prop, value) { Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: false }); return value; } function bytesToString(bytes) { var str = ''; var length = bytes.length; for (var n = 0; n < length; ++n) str += String.fromCharCode(bytes[n]); return str; } function stringToBytes(str) { var length = str.length; var bytes = new Uint8Array(length); for (var n = 0; n < length; ++n) bytes[n] = str.charCodeAt(n) & 0xFF; return bytes; } var IDENTITY_MATRIX = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; var Util = PDFJS.Util = (function UtilClosure() { function Util() {} Util.makeCssRgb = function Util_makeCssRgb(r, g, b) { var ri = (255 * r) | 0, gi = (255 * g) | 0, bi = (255 * b) | 0; return 'rgb(' + ri + ',' + gi + ',' + bi + ')'; }; Util.makeCssCmyk = function Util_makeCssCmyk(c, m, y, k) { c = (new DeviceCmykCS()).getRgb([c, m, y, k]); var ri = (255 * c[0]) | 0, gi = (255 * c[1]) | 0, bi = (255 * c[2]) | 0; return 'rgb(' + ri + ',' + gi + ',' + bi + ')'; }; // For 2d affine transforms Util.applyTransform = function Util_applyTransform(p, m) { var xt = p[0] * m[0] + p[1] * m[2] + m[4]; var yt = p[0] * m[1] + p[1] * m[3] + m[5]; return [xt, yt]; }; Util.applyInverseTransform = function Util_applyInverseTransform(p, m) { var d = m[0] * m[3] - m[1] * m[2]; var xt = (p[0] * m[3] - p[1] * m[2] + m[2] * m[5] - m[4] * m[3]) / d; var yt = (-p[0] * m[1] + p[1] * m[0] + m[4] * m[1] - m[5] * m[0]) / d; return [xt, yt]; }; Util.inverseTransform = function Util_inverseTransform(m) { var d = m[0] * m[3] - m[1] * m[2]; return [m[3] / d, -m[1] / d, -m[2] / d, m[0] / d, (m[2] * m[5] - m[4] * m[3]) / d, (m[4] * m[1] - m[5] * m[0]) / d]; }; // Apply a generic 3d matrix M on a 3-vector v: // | a b c | | X | // | d e f | x | Y | // | g h i | | Z | // M is assumed to be serialized as [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i], // with v as [X,Y,Z] Util.apply3dTransform = function Util_apply3dTransform(m, v) { return [ m[0] * v[0] + m[1] * v[1] + m[2] * v[2], m[3] * v[0] + m[4] * v[1] + m[5] * v[2], m[6] * v[0] + m[7] * v[1] + m[8] * v[2] ]; } // Normalize rectangle rect=[x1, y1, x2, y2] so that (x1,y1) < (x2,y2) // For coordinate systems whose origin lies in the bottom-left, this // means normalization to (BL,TR) ordering. For systems with origin in the // top-left, this means (TL,BR) ordering. Util.normalizeRect = function Util_normalizeRect(rect) { var r = rect.slice(0); // clone rect if (rect[0] > rect[2]) { r[0] = rect[2]; r[2] = rect[0]; } if (rect[1] > rect[3]) { r[1] = rect[3]; r[3] = rect[1]; } return r; } // Returns a rectangle [x1, y1, x2, y2] corresponding to the // intersection of rect1 and rect2. If no intersection, returns 'false' // The rectangle coordinates of rect1, rect2 should be [x1, y1, x2, y2] Util.intersect = function Util_intersect(rect1, rect2) { function compare(a, b) { return a - b; }; // Order points along the axes var orderedX = [rect1[0], rect1[2], rect2[0], rect2[2]].sort(compare), orderedY = [rect1[1], rect1[3], rect2[1], rect2[3]].sort(compare), result = []; rect1 = Util.normalizeRect(rect1); rect2 = Util.normalizeRect(rect2); // X: first and second points belong to different rectangles? if ((orderedX[0] === rect1[0] && orderedX[1] === rect2[0]) || (orderedX[0] === rect2[0] && orderedX[1] === rect1[0])) { // Intersection must be between second and third points result[0] = orderedX[1]; result[2] = orderedX[2]; } else { return false; } // Y: first and second points belong to different rectangles? if ((orderedY[0] === rect1[1] && orderedY[1] === rect2[1]) || (orderedY[0] === rect2[1] && orderedY[1] === rect1[1])) { // Intersection must be between second and third points result[1] = orderedY[1]; result[3] = orderedY[2]; } else { return false; } return result; }; Util.sign = function Util_sign(num) { return num < 0 ? -1 : 1; }; return Util; })(); var PageViewport = PDFJS.PageViewport = (function PageViewportClosure() { function PageViewport(viewBox, scale, rotate, offsetX, offsetY) { // creating transform to convert pdf coordinate system to the normal // canvas like coordinates taking in account scale and rotation var centerX = (viewBox[2] + viewBox[0]) / 2; var centerY = (viewBox[3] + viewBox[1]) / 2; var rotateA, rotateB, rotateC, rotateD; switch (rotate) { case -180: case 180: rotateA = -1; rotateB = 0; rotateC = 0; rotateD = 1; break; case -270: case 90: rotateA = 0; rotateB = 1; rotateC = 1; rotateD = 0; break; case -90: case 270: rotateA = 0; rotateB = -1; rotateC = -1; rotateD = 0; break; case 360: case 0: default: rotateA = 1; rotateB = 0; rotateC = 0; rotateD = -1; break; } var offsetCanvasX, offsetCanvasY; var width, height; if (rotateA == 0) { offsetCanvasX = Math.abs(centerY - viewBox[1]) * scale + offsetX; offsetCanvasY = Math.abs(centerX - viewBox[0]) * scale + offsetY; width = Math.abs(viewBox[3] - viewBox[1]) * scale; height = Math.abs(viewBox[2] - viewBox[0]) * scale; } else { offsetCanvasX = Math.abs(centerX - viewBox[0]) * scale + offsetX; offsetCanvasY = Math.abs(centerY - viewBox[1]) * scale + offsetY; width = Math.abs(viewBox[2] - viewBox[0]) * scale; height = Math.abs(viewBox[3] - viewBox[1]) * scale; } // creating transform for the following operations: // translate(-centerX, -centerY), rotate and flip vertically, // scale, and translate(offsetCanvasX, offsetCanvasY) this.transform = [ rotateA * scale, rotateB * scale, rotateC * scale, rotateD * scale, offsetCanvasX - rotateA * scale * centerX - rotateC * scale * centerY, offsetCanvasY - rotateB * scale * centerX - rotateD * scale * centerY ]; this.offsetX = offsetX; this.offsetY = offsetY; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.fontScale = scale; } PageViewport.prototype = { convertToViewportPoint: function PageViewport_convertToViewportPoint(x, y) { return Util.applyTransform([x, y], this.transform); }, convertToViewportRectangle: function PageViewport_convertToViewportRectangle(rect) { var tl = Util.applyTransform([rect[0], rect[1]], this.transform); var br = Util.applyTransform([rect[2], rect[3]], this.transform); return [tl[0], tl[1], br[0], br[1]]; }, convertToPdfPoint: function PageViewport_convertToPdfPoint(x, y) { return Util.applyInverseTransform([x, y], this.transform); } }; return PageViewport; })(); var PDFStringTranslateTable = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x2D8, 0x2C7, 0x2C6, 0x2D9, 0x2DD, 0x2DB, 0x2DA, 0x2DC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x2022, 0x2020, 0x2021, 0x2026, 0x2014, 0x2013, 0x192, 0x2044, 0x2039, 0x203A, 0x2212, 0x2030, 0x201E, 0x201C, 0x201D, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201A, 0x2122, 0xFB01, 0xFB02, 0x141, 0x152, 0x160, 0x178, 0x17D, 0x131, 0x142, 0x153, 0x161, 0x17E, 0, 0x20AC ]; function stringToPDFString(str) { var i, n = str.length, str2 = ''; if (str[0] === '\xFE' && str[1] === '\xFF') { // UTF16BE BOM for (i = 2; i < n; i += 2) str2 += String.fromCharCode( (str.charCodeAt(i) << 8) | str.charCodeAt(i + 1)); } else { for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { var code = PDFStringTranslateTable[str.charCodeAt(i)]; str2 += code ? String.fromCharCode(code) : str.charAt(i); } } return str2; } function isBool(v) { return typeof v == 'boolean'; } function isInt(v) { return typeof v == 'number' && ((v | 0) == v); } function isNum(v) { return typeof v == 'number'; } function isString(v) { return typeof v == 'string'; } function isNull(v) { return v === null; } function isName(v) { return v instanceof Name; } function isCmd(v, cmd) { return v instanceof Cmd && (!cmd || v.cmd == cmd); } function isDict(v, type) { return v instanceof Dict && (!type || v.get('Type').name == type); } function isArray(v) { return v instanceof Array; } function isStream(v) { return typeof v == 'object' && v != null && ('getChar' in v); } function isArrayBuffer(v) { return typeof v == 'object' && v != null && ('byteLength' in v); } function isRef(v) { return v instanceof Ref; } function isPDFFunction(v) { var fnDict; if (typeof v != 'object') return false; else if (isDict(v)) fnDict = v; else if (isStream(v)) fnDict = v.dict; else return false; return fnDict.has('FunctionType'); } /** * 'Promise' object. * Each object that is stored in PDFObjects is based on a Promise object that * contains the status of the object and the data. There migth be situations, * where a function want to use the value of an object, but it isn't ready at * that time. To get a notification, once the object is ready to be used, s.o. * can add a callback using the `then` method on the promise that then calls * the callback once the object gets resolved. * A promise can get resolved only once and only once the data of the promise * can be set. If any of these happens twice or the data is required before * it was set, an exception is throw. */ var Promise = PDFJS.Promise = (function PromiseClosure() { var EMPTY_PROMISE = {}; /** * If `data` is passed in this constructor, the promise is created resolved. * If there isn't data, it isn't resolved at the beginning. */ function Promise(name, data) { this.name = name; this.isRejected = false; this.error = null; // If you build a promise and pass in some data it's already resolved. if (data != null) { this.isResolved = true; this._data = data; this.hasData = true; } else { this.isResolved = false; this._data = EMPTY_PROMISE; } this.callbacks = []; this.errbacks = []; this.progressbacks = []; }; /** * Builds a promise that is resolved when all the passed in promises are * resolved. * @param {Promise[]} promises Array of promises to wait for. * @return {Promise} New dependant promise. */ Promise.all = function Promise_all(promises) { var deferred = new Promise(); var unresolved = promises.length; var results = []; if (unresolved === 0) { deferred.resolve(results); return deferred; } for (var i = 0, ii = promises.length; i < ii; ++i) { var promise = promises[i]; promise.then((function(i) { return function(value) { results[i] = value; unresolved--; if (unresolved === 0) deferred.resolve(results); }; })(i)); } return deferred; }; Promise.prototype = { hasData: false, set data(value) { if (value === undefined) { return; } if (this._data !== EMPTY_PROMISE) { error('Promise ' + this.name + ': Cannot set the data of a promise twice'); } this._data = value; this.hasData = true; if (this.onDataCallback) { this.onDataCallback(value); } }, get data() { if (this._data === EMPTY_PROMISE) { error('Promise ' + this.name + ': Cannot get data that isn\'t set'); } return this._data; }, onData: function Promise_onData(callback) { if (this._data !== EMPTY_PROMISE) { callback(this._data); } else { this.onDataCallback = callback; } }, resolve: function Promise_resolve(data) { if (this.isResolved) { error('A Promise can be resolved only once ' + this.name); } if (this.isRejected) { error('The Promise was already rejected ' + this.name); } this.isResolved = true; this.data = data || null; var callbacks = this.callbacks; for (var i = 0, ii = callbacks.length; i < ii; i++) { callbacks[i].call(null, data); } }, progress: function Promise_progress(data) { var callbacks = this.progressbacks; for (var i = 0, ii = callbacks.length; i < ii; i++) { callbacks[i].call(null, data); } }, reject: function Promise_reject(reason) { if (this.isRejected) { error('A Promise can be rejected only once ' + this.name); } if (this.isResolved) { error('The Promise was already resolved ' + this.name); } this.isRejected = true; this.error = reason || null; var errbacks = this.errbacks; for (var i = 0, ii = errbacks.length; i < ii; i++) { errbacks[i].call(null, reason); } }, then: function Promise_then(callback, errback, progressback) { if (!callback) { error('Requiring callback' + this.name); } // If the promise is already resolved, call the callback directly. if (this.isResolved) { var data = this.data; callback.call(null, data); } else if (this.isRejected && errback) { var error = this.error; errback.call(null, error); } else { this.callbacks.push(callback); if (errback) this.errbacks.push(errback); } if (progressback) this.progressbacks.push(progressback); } }; return Promise; })(); var StatTimer = (function StatTimerClosure() { function rpad(str, pad, length) { while (str.length < length) str += pad; return str; } function StatTimer() { this.started = {}; this.times = []; this.enabled = true; } StatTimer.prototype = { time: function StatTimer_time(name) { if (!this.enabled) return; if (name in this.started) throw 'Timer is already running for ' + name; this.started[name] = Date.now(); }, timeEnd: function StatTimer_timeEnd(name) { if (!this.enabled) return; if (!(name in this.started)) throw 'Timer has not been started for ' + name; this.times.push({ 'name': name, 'start': this.started[name], 'end': Date.now() }); // Remove timer from started so it can be called again. delete this.started[name]; }, toString: function StatTimer_toString() { var times = this.times; var out = ''; // Find the longest name for padding purposes. var longest = 0; for (var i = 0, ii = times.length; i < ii; ++i) { var name = times[i]['name']; if (name.length > longest) longest = name.length; } for (var i = 0, ii = times.length; i < ii; ++i) { var span = times[i]; var duration = span.end - span.start; out += rpad(span['name'], ' ', longest) + ' ' + duration + 'ms\n'; } return out; } }; return StatTimer; })();