/* Copyright 2022 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** @typedef {import("./editor.js").AnnotationEditor} AnnotationEditor */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-len /** @typedef {import("./annotation_editor_layer.js").AnnotationEditorLayer} AnnotationEditorLayer */ import { AnnotationEditorPrefix, AnnotationEditorType, FeatureTest, shadow, Util, warn, } from "../../shared/util.js"; import { getColorValues, getRGB, PixelsPerInch } from "../display_utils.js"; function bindEvents(obj, element, names) { for (const name of names) { element.addEventListener(name, obj[name].bind(obj)); } } /** * Convert a number between 0 and 100 into an hex number between 0 and 255. * @param {number} opacity * @return {string} */ function opacityToHex(opacity) { return Math.round(Math.min(255, Math.max(1, 255 * opacity))) .toString(16) .padStart(2, "0"); } /** * Class to create some unique ids for the different editors. */ class IdManager { #id = 0; /** * Get a unique id. * @returns {string} */ getId() { return `${AnnotationEditorPrefix}${this.#id++}`; } } /** * Class to handle undo/redo. * Commands are just saved in a buffer. * If we hit some memory issues we could likely use a circular buffer. * It has to be used as a singleton. */ class CommandManager { #commands = []; #locked = false; #maxSize; #position = -1; constructor(maxSize = 128) { this.#maxSize = maxSize; } /** * @typedef {Object} addOptions * @property {function} cmd * @property {function} undo * @property {boolean} mustExec * @property {number} type * @property {boolean} overwriteIfSameType * @property {boolean} keepUndo */ /** * Add a new couple of commands to be used in case of redo/undo. * @param {addOptions} options */ add({ cmd, undo, mustExec, type = NaN, overwriteIfSameType = false, keepUndo = false, }) { if (mustExec) { cmd(); } if (this.#locked) { return; } const save = { cmd, undo, type }; if (this.#position === -1) { if (this.#commands.length > 0) { // All the commands have been undone and then a new one is added // hence we clear the queue. this.#commands.length = 0; } this.#position = 0; this.#commands.push(save); return; } if (overwriteIfSameType && this.#commands[this.#position].type === type) { // For example when we change a color we don't want to // be able to undo all the steps, hence we only want to // keep the last undoable action in this sequence of actions. if (keepUndo) { save.undo = this.#commands[this.#position].undo; } this.#commands[this.#position] = save; return; } const next = this.#position + 1; if (next === this.#maxSize) { this.#commands.splice(0, 1); } else { this.#position = next; if (next < this.#commands.length) { this.#commands.splice(next); } } this.#commands.push(save); } /** * Undo the last command. */ undo() { if (this.#position === -1) { // Nothing to undo. return; } // Avoid to insert something during the undo execution. this.#locked = true; this.#commands[this.#position].undo(); this.#locked = false; this.#position -= 1; } /** * Redo the last command. */ redo() { if (this.#position < this.#commands.length - 1) { this.#position += 1; // Avoid to insert something during the redo execution. this.#locked = true; this.#commands[this.#position].cmd(); this.#locked = false; } } /** * Check if there is something to undo. * @returns {boolean} */ hasSomethingToUndo() { return this.#position !== -1; } /** * Check if there is something to redo. * @returns {boolean} */ hasSomethingToRedo() { return this.#position < this.#commands.length - 1; } destroy() { this.#commands = null; } } /** * Class to handle the different keyboards shortcuts we can have on mac or * non-mac OSes. */ class KeyboardManager { /** * Create a new keyboard manager class. * @param {Array} callbacks - an array containing an array of shortcuts * and a callback to call. * A shortcut is a string like `ctrl+c` or `mac+ctrl+c` for mac OS. */ constructor(callbacks) { this.buffer = []; this.callbacks = new Map(); this.allKeys = new Set(); const { isMac } = FeatureTest.platform; for (const [keys, callback] of callbacks) { for (const key of keys) { const isMacKey = key.startsWith("mac+"); if (isMac && isMacKey) { this.callbacks.set(key.slice(4), callback); this.allKeys.add(key.split("+").at(-1)); } else if (!isMac && !isMacKey) { this.callbacks.set(key, callback); this.allKeys.add(key.split("+").at(-1)); } } } } /** * Serialize an event into a string in order to match a * potential key for a callback. * @param {KeyboardEvent} event * @returns {string} */ #serialize(event) { if (event.altKey) { this.buffer.push("alt"); } if (event.ctrlKey) { this.buffer.push("ctrl"); } if (event.metaKey) { this.buffer.push("meta"); } if (event.shiftKey) { this.buffer.push("shift"); } this.buffer.push(event.key); const str = this.buffer.join("+"); this.buffer.length = 0; return str; } /** * Execute a callback, if any, for a given keyboard event. * The self is used as `this` in the callback. * @param {Object} self. * @param {KeyboardEvent} event * @returns */ exec(self, event) { if (!this.allKeys.has(event.key)) { return; } const callback = this.callbacks.get(this.#serialize(event)); if (!callback) { return; } callback.bind(self)(); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } } class ColorManager { static _colorsMapping = new Map([ ["CanvasText", [0, 0, 0]], ["Canvas", [255, 255, 255]], ]); get _colors() { if ( typeof PDFJSDev !== "undefined" && PDFJSDev.test("LIB") && typeof document === "undefined" ) { return shadow(this, "_colors", ColorManager._colorsMapping); } const colors = new Map([ ["CanvasText", null], ["Canvas", null], ]); getColorValues(colors); return shadow(this, "_colors", colors); } /** * In High Contrast Mode, the color on the screen is not always the * real color used in the pdf. * For example in some cases white can appear to be black but when saving * we want to have white. * @param {string} color * @returns {Array} */ convert(color) { const rgb = getRGB(color); if (!window.matchMedia("(forced-colors: active)").matches) { return rgb; } for (const [name, RGB] of this._colors) { if (RGB.every((x, i) => x === rgb[i])) { return ColorManager._colorsMapping.get(name); } } return rgb; } /** * An input element must have its color value as a hex string * and not as color name. * So this function converts a name into an hex string. * @param {string} name * @returns {string} */ getHexCode(name) { const rgb = this._colors.get(name); if (!rgb) { return name; } return Util.makeHexColor(...rgb); } } /** * A pdf has several pages and each of them when it will rendered * will have an AnnotationEditorLayer which will contain the some * new Annotations associated to an editor in order to modify them. * * This class is used to manage all the different layers, editors and * some action like copy/paste, undo/redo, ... */ class AnnotationEditorUIManager { #activeEditor = null; #allEditors = new Map(); #allLayers = new Map(); #annotationStorage = null; #commandManager = new CommandManager(); #currentPageIndex = 0; #editorTypes = null; #editorsToRescale = new Set(); #eventBus = null; #idManager = new IdManager(); #isEnabled = false; #mode = AnnotationEditorType.NONE; #selectedEditors = new Set(); #boundCopy = this.copy.bind(this); #boundCut = this.cut.bind(this); #boundPaste = this.paste.bind(this); #boundKeydown = this.keydown.bind(this); #boundOnEditingAction = this.onEditingAction.bind(this); #boundOnPageChanging = this.onPageChanging.bind(this); #boundOnScaleChanging = this.onScaleChanging.bind(this); #boundOnRotationChanging = this.onRotationChanging.bind(this); #previousStates = { isEditing: false, isEmpty: true, hasSomethingToUndo: false, hasSomethingToRedo: false, hasSelectedEditor: false, }; #container = null; static _keyboardManager = new KeyboardManager([ [["ctrl+a", "mac+meta+a"], AnnotationEditorUIManager.prototype.selectAll], [["ctrl+z", "mac+meta+z"], AnnotationEditorUIManager.prototype.undo], [ ["ctrl+y", "ctrl+shift+Z", "mac+meta+shift+Z"], AnnotationEditorUIManager.prototype.redo, ], [ [ "Backspace", "alt+Backspace", "ctrl+Backspace", "shift+Backspace", "mac+Backspace", "mac+alt+Backspace", "mac+ctrl+Backspace", "Delete", "ctrl+Delete", "shift+Delete", ], AnnotationEditorUIManager.prototype.delete, ], [["Escape", "mac+Escape"], AnnotationEditorUIManager.prototype.unselectAll], ]); constructor(container, eventBus, annotationStorage) { this.#container = container; this.#eventBus = eventBus; this.#eventBus._on("editingaction", this.#boundOnEditingAction); this.#eventBus._on("pagechanging", this.#boundOnPageChanging); this.#eventBus._on("scalechanging", this.#boundOnScaleChanging); this.#eventBus._on("rotationchanging", this.#boundOnRotationChanging); this.#annotationStorage = annotationStorage; this.viewParameters = { realScale: PixelsPerInch.PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS, rotation: 0, }; } destroy() { this.#removeKeyboardManager(); this.#eventBus._off("editingaction", this.#boundOnEditingAction); this.#eventBus._off("pagechanging", this.#boundOnPageChanging); this.#eventBus._off("scalechanging", this.#boundOnScaleChanging); this.#eventBus._off("rotationchanging", this.#boundOnRotationChanging); for (const layer of this.#allLayers.values()) { layer.destroy(); } this.#allLayers.clear(); this.#allEditors.clear(); this.#editorsToRescale.clear(); this.#activeEditor = null; this.#selectedEditors.clear(); this.#commandManager.destroy(); } onPageChanging({ pageNumber }) { this.#currentPageIndex = pageNumber - 1; } focusMainContainer() { this.#container.focus(); } addShouldRescale(editor) { this.#editorsToRescale.add(editor); } removeShouldRescale(editor) { this.#editorsToRescale.delete(editor); } onScaleChanging({ scale }) { this.commitOrRemove(); this.viewParameters.realScale = scale * PixelsPerInch.PDF_TO_CSS_UNITS; for (const editor of this.#editorsToRescale) { editor.onScaleChanging(); } } onRotationChanging({ pagesRotation }) { this.commitOrRemove(); this.viewParameters.rotation = pagesRotation; } /** * Add an editor in the annotation storage. * @param {AnnotationEditor} editor */ addToAnnotationStorage(editor) { if ( !editor.isEmpty() && this.#annotationStorage && !this.#annotationStorage.has(editor.id) ) { this.#annotationStorage.setValue(editor.id, editor); } } #addKeyboardManager() { // The keyboard events are caught at the container level in order to be able // to execute some callbacks even if the current page doesn't have focus. this.#container.addEventListener("keydown", this.#boundKeydown); } #removeKeyboardManager() { this.#container.removeEventListener("keydown", this.#boundKeydown); } #addCopyPasteListeners() { document.addEventListener("copy", this.#boundCopy); document.addEventListener("cut", this.#boundCut); document.addEventListener("paste", this.#boundPaste); } #removeCopyPasteListeners() { document.removeEventListener("copy", this.#boundCopy); document.removeEventListener("cut", this.#boundCut); document.removeEventListener("paste", this.#boundPaste); } /** * Copy callback. * @param {ClipboardEvent} event */ copy(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (this.#activeEditor) { // An editor is being edited so just commit it. this.#activeEditor.commitOrRemove(); } if (!this.hasSelection) { return; } const editors = []; for (const editor of this.#selectedEditors) { if (!editor.isEmpty()) { editors.push(editor.serialize()); } } if (editors.length === 0) { return; } event.clipboardData.setData("application/pdfjs", JSON.stringify(editors)); } /** * Cut callback. * @param {ClipboardEvent} event */ cut(event) { this.copy(event); this.delete(); } /** * Paste callback. * @param {ClipboardEvent} event */ paste(event) { event.preventDefault(); let data = event.clipboardData.getData("application/pdfjs"); if (!data) { return; } try { data = JSON.parse(data); } catch (ex) { warn(`paste: "${ex.message}".`); return; } if (!Array.isArray(data)) { return; } this.unselectAll(); const layer = this.#allLayers.get(this.#currentPageIndex); try { const newEditors = []; for (const editor of data) { const deserializedEditor = layer.deserialize(editor); if (!deserializedEditor) { return; } newEditors.push(deserializedEditor); } const cmd = () => { for (const editor of newEditors) { this.#addEditorToLayer(editor); } this.#selectEditors(newEditors); }; const undo = () => { for (const editor of newEditors) { editor.remove(); } }; this.addCommands({ cmd, undo, mustExec: true }); } catch (ex) { warn(`paste: "${ex.message}".`); } } /** * Keydown callback. * @param {KeyboardEvent} event */ keydown(event) { if (!this.getActive()?.shouldGetKeyboardEvents()) { AnnotationEditorUIManager._keyboardManager.exec(this, event); } } /** * Execute an action for a given name. * For example, the user can click on the "Undo" entry in the context menu * and it'll trigger the undo action. * @param {Object} details */ onEditingAction(details) { if (["undo", "redo", "delete", "selectAll"].includes(details.name)) { this[details.name](); } } /** * Update the different possible states of this manager, e.g. is there * something to undo, redo, ... * @param {Object} details */ #dispatchUpdateStates(details) { const hasChanged = Object.entries(details).some( ([key, value]) => this.#previousStates[key] !== value ); if (hasChanged) { this.#eventBus.dispatch("annotationeditorstateschanged", { source: this, details: Object.assign(this.#previousStates, details), }); } } #dispatchUpdateUI(details) { this.#eventBus.dispatch("annotationeditorparamschanged", { source: this, details, }); } /** * Set the editing state. * It can be useful to temporarily disable it when the user is editing a * FreeText annotation. * @param {boolean} isEditing */ setEditingState(isEditing) { if (isEditing) { this.#addKeyboardManager(); this.#addCopyPasteListeners(); this.#dispatchUpdateStates({ isEditing: this.#mode !== AnnotationEditorType.NONE, isEmpty: this.#isEmpty(), hasSomethingToUndo: this.#commandManager.hasSomethingToUndo(), hasSomethingToRedo: this.#commandManager.hasSomethingToRedo(), hasSelectedEditor: false, }); } else { this.#removeKeyboardManager(); this.#removeCopyPasteListeners(); this.#dispatchUpdateStates({ isEditing: false, }); } } registerEditorTypes(types) { if (this.#editorTypes) { return; } this.#editorTypes = types; for (const editorType of this.#editorTypes) { this.#dispatchUpdateUI(editorType.defaultPropertiesToUpdate); } } /** * Get an id. * @returns {string} */ getId() { return this.#idManager.getId(); } get currentLayer() { return this.#allLayers.get(this.#currentPageIndex); } get currentPageIndex() { return this.#currentPageIndex; } /** * Add a new layer for a page which will contains the editors. * @param {AnnotationEditorLayer} layer */ addLayer(layer) { this.#allLayers.set(layer.pageIndex, layer); if (this.#isEnabled) { layer.enable(); } else { layer.disable(); } } /** * Remove a layer. * @param {AnnotationEditorLayer} layer */ removeLayer(layer) { this.#allLayers.delete(layer.pageIndex); } /** * Change the editor mode (None, FreeText, Ink, ...) * @param {number} mode */ updateMode(mode) { this.#mode = mode; if (mode === AnnotationEditorType.NONE) { this.setEditingState(false); this.#disableAll(); } else { this.setEditingState(true); this.#enableAll(); for (const layer of this.#allLayers.values()) { layer.updateMode(mode); } } } /** * Update the toolbar if it's required to reflect the tool currently used. * @param {number} mode * @returns {undefined} */ updateToolbar(mode) { if (mode === this.#mode) { return; } this.#eventBus.dispatch("switchannotationeditormode", { source: this, mode, }); } /** * Update a parameter in the current editor or globally. * @param {number} type * @param {*} value */ updateParams(type, value) { if (!this.#editorTypes) { return; } for (const editor of this.#selectedEditors) { editor.updateParams(type, value); } for (const editorType of this.#editorTypes) { editorType.updateDefaultParams(type, value); } } /** * Enable all the layers. */ #enableAll() { if (!this.#isEnabled) { this.#isEnabled = true; for (const layer of this.#allLayers.values()) { layer.enable(); } } } /** * Disable all the layers. */ #disableAll() { this.unselectAll(); if (this.#isEnabled) { this.#isEnabled = false; for (const layer of this.#allLayers.values()) { layer.disable(); } } } /** * Get all the editors belonging to a give page. * @param {number} pageIndex * @returns {Array} */ getEditors(pageIndex) { const editors = []; for (const editor of this.#allEditors.values()) { if (editor.pageIndex === pageIndex) { editors.push(editor); } } return editors; } /** * Get an editor with the given id. * @param {string} id * @returns {AnnotationEditor} */ getEditor(id) { return this.#allEditors.get(id); } /** * Add a new editor. * @param {AnnotationEditor} editor */ addEditor(editor) { this.#allEditors.set(editor.id, editor); } /** * Remove an editor. * @param {AnnotationEditor} editor */ removeEditor(editor) { this.#allEditors.delete(editor.id); this.unselect(editor); this.#annotationStorage?.remove(editor.id); } /** * Add an editor to the layer it belongs to or add it to the global map. * @param {AnnotationEditor} editor */ #addEditorToLayer(editor) { const layer = this.#allLayers.get(editor.pageIndex); if (layer) { layer.addOrRebuild(editor); } else { this.addEditor(editor); } } /** * Set the given editor as the active one. * @param {AnnotationEditor} editor */ setActiveEditor(editor) { if (this.#activeEditor === editor) { return; } this.#activeEditor = editor; if (editor) { this.#dispatchUpdateUI(editor.propertiesToUpdate); } } /** * Add or remove an editor the current selection. * @param {AnnotationEditor} editor */ toggleSelected(editor) { if (this.#selectedEditors.has(editor)) { this.#selectedEditors.delete(editor); editor.unselect(); this.#dispatchUpdateStates({ hasSelectedEditor: this.hasSelection, }); return; } this.#selectedEditors.add(editor); editor.select(); this.#dispatchUpdateUI(editor.propertiesToUpdate); this.#dispatchUpdateStates({ hasSelectedEditor: true, }); } /** * Set the last selected editor. * @param {AnnotationEditor} editor */ setSelected(editor) { for (const ed of this.#selectedEditors) { if (ed !== editor) { ed.unselect(); } } this.#selectedEditors.clear(); this.#selectedEditors.add(editor); editor.select(); this.#dispatchUpdateUI(editor.propertiesToUpdate); this.#dispatchUpdateStates({ hasSelectedEditor: true, }); } /** * Check if the editor is selected. * @param {AnnotationEditor} editor */ isSelected(editor) { return this.#selectedEditors.has(editor); } /** * Unselect an editor. * @param {AnnotationEditor} editor */ unselect(editor) { editor.unselect(); this.#selectedEditors.delete(editor); this.#dispatchUpdateStates({ hasSelectedEditor: this.hasSelection, }); } get hasSelection() { return this.#selectedEditors.size !== 0; } /** * Undo the last command. */ undo() { this.#commandManager.undo(); this.#dispatchUpdateStates({ hasSomethingToUndo: this.#commandManager.hasSomethingToUndo(), hasSomethingToRedo: true, isEmpty: this.#isEmpty(), }); } /** * Redo the last undoed command. */ redo() { this.#commandManager.redo(); this.#dispatchUpdateStates({ hasSomethingToUndo: true, hasSomethingToRedo: this.#commandManager.hasSomethingToRedo(), isEmpty: this.#isEmpty(), }); } /** * Add a command to execute (cmd) and another one to undo it. * @param {Object} params */ addCommands(params) { this.#commandManager.add(params); this.#dispatchUpdateStates({ hasSomethingToUndo: true, hasSomethingToRedo: false, isEmpty: this.#isEmpty(), }); } #isEmpty() { if (this.#allEditors.size === 0) { return true; } if (this.#allEditors.size === 1) { for (const editor of this.#allEditors.values()) { return editor.isEmpty(); } } return false; } /** * Delete the current editor or all. */ delete() { this.commitOrRemove(); if (!this.hasSelection) { return; } const editors = [...this.#selectedEditors]; const cmd = () => { for (const editor of editors) { editor.remove(); } }; const undo = () => { for (const editor of editors) { this.#addEditorToLayer(editor); } }; this.addCommands({ cmd, undo, mustExec: true }); } commitOrRemove() { // An editor is being edited so just commit it. this.#activeEditor?.commitOrRemove(); } /** * Select the editors. * @param {Array} editors */ #selectEditors(editors) { this.#selectedEditors.clear(); for (const editor of editors) { if (editor.isEmpty()) { continue; } this.#selectedEditors.add(editor); editor.select(); } this.#dispatchUpdateStates({ hasSelectedEditor: true }); } /** * Select all the editors. */ selectAll() { for (const editor of this.#selectedEditors) { editor.commit(); } this.#selectEditors(this.#allEditors.values()); } /** * Unselect all the selected editors. */ unselectAll() { if (this.#activeEditor) { // An editor is being edited so just commit it. this.#activeEditor.commitOrRemove(); return; } if (this.#selectedEditors.size === 0) { return; } for (const editor of this.#selectedEditors) { editor.unselect(); } this.#selectedEditors.clear(); this.#dispatchUpdateStates({ hasSelectedEditor: false, }); } /** * Is the current editor the one passed as argument? * @param {AnnotationEditor} editor * @returns */ isActive(editor) { return this.#activeEditor === editor; } /** * Get the current active editor. * @returns {AnnotationEditor|null} */ getActive() { return this.#activeEditor; } /** * Get the current editor mode. * @returns {number} */ getMode() { return this.#mode; } } export { AnnotationEditorUIManager, bindEvents, ColorManager, CommandManager, KeyboardManager, opacityToHex, };