- When we're editing some annotations, keeping the role="text-box" make them visible
as editable and VoiceOver (Mac) is able to read the contents when they're focused;
- Add an attribute "aria-activedescendant" in order to make the content discoverable
by NVDA on Windows.
This patch doesn't structurally change the text layer: it just adds some aria-owns
attributes to some spans.
The aria-owns attribute expect to have an element id, hence it's why it adds back an
id on the element rendering an annotation, but this id is built in using crypto.randomUUID
to avoid any potential issues with the hash in the url.
The elements in the annotation layer are moved into the DOM in order to have them in the
same "order" as they visually are.
The overall goal is to help screen readers to present to the user the annotations as
they visually are and as they come in the text flow.
It is clearly not perfect, but it should improve readability for some people with visual
- This way, the keyboard callbacks are called even if the page has not
the focus, hence the user doesn't have to guess that they have to click
on the page which is a bit painful especially in Ink mode.
- Add two keyboard shortcuts to commit a Freetext editor (ctrl+enter and
- In the annotationEditorLayer, reorder the editors in the DOM according
the position of the elements on the screen;
- add an aria-owns attribute on the "nearest" element in the text layer
which points to the added editor.
- in using the global clipboard, it'll be possible to copy from a
pdf and paste in an other one;
- it'll allow to edit a previously created annotation;
- copy the editors in the current page.
Previously it was created only on mouseover event but on a touch screen
there are no fingerover event...
The idea behind creating the ink editor on mouseover was to avoid to have
a canvas on each visible page.
So now, when the editor is created, the canvas has dimensions 1x1 and
only when the user starts drawing the dimensions are set to the page ones.
- this way the context menu in Firefox can take into account what we
have in the clipboard, if an editor is selected, ...
- when the user will click on a context menu item, an action will be
triggered, hence this patch adds what is required to handle it;
- some tests will be added in the Firefox' patch.
- for example in Dusk theme (Windows 11), black appears to be white, so
the user will draw something in white. But if they want to print or
save the used color must be black.
- fix a bug with the color input which only accepts hex string colors;
- adjust outline color of the selected/hovered editors in HCM.
- As in the annotation layer, use percent instead of pixels as unit;
- handle the rotation of the editor layer in allowing editing when rotation
angle is not zero;
- the different editors are rotated counterclockwise in order to be usable
when the main page is itself rotated;
- add support for saving/printing rotated editors.
- each annotation has its coordinates/dimensions expressed in percentage,
hence it's correctly positioned whatever the scale factor is;
- the font sizes are expressed in percentage too and the main font size
is scaled thanks a css var (--scale-factor);
- the rotation is now applied on the div annotationLayer;
- this patch improve the rendering of some strings where the glyph spacing
was not correct (it's a Firefox bug);
- it helps to simplify the code and it should slightly improve the update of
page (on zoom or rotation).
- Right now, we must select the tool, then click to select a page and
click to start drawing and it's a bit painful;
- so just create a new ink editor when we're hovering a page without one.
Fixes two recent "Code scanning alerts" on GitHub, which likely happened because these calls originally used `parseInt` instead (during initial development).
- Approximate the drawn curve by a set of Bezier curves in using
js code from https://github.com/soswow/fit-curves.
The code has been slightly modified in order to make the linter
While calling `JSON.stringify(...)` on a class-instance obviously "works" (as in it doesn't throw), since it's really just an Object, it doesn't really make much sense in the context of the `AnnotationStorage.hash`-getter.
Also, access the *inverse* Viewport-transform correctly in `FreeTextEditor.serialize` to prevent errors being thrown when that method is invoked.
Finally, slightly updates the `AnnotationStorage.serializable`-getter to improve consistency within the class.