- As in the annotation layer, use percent instead of pixels as unit;
- handle the rotation of the editor layer in allowing editing when rotation
angle is not zero;
- the different editors are rotated counterclockwise in order to be usable
when the main page is itself rotated;
- add support for saving/printing rotated editors.
Given that Annotations can also have an `OC`-entry, we need to take that into account when generating their operatorLists.
Note that in order to simplify the patch the `getOperatorList`-methods, for the Annotation-classes, were converted to be `async`.
- the annotations must be rendered in the same order as the chronological one.
- fix a bug in document.js which avoids to read a saved pdf correctly in Acrobat:
there is no need to reset the xref state: it's done in worker.js once everything
has been saved.
Given that printing is triggered *synchronously* in browsers, it's thus possible for scripting (in PDF documents) to modify the Annotation-data while printing is currently ongoing.
To work-around that we add a new printing-specific `AnnotationStorage`, where the serializable data is *frozen* upon initialization, which the viewer can thus create/utilize during printing.
- each annotation has its coordinates/dimensions expressed in percentage,
hence it's correctly positioned whatever the scale factor is;
- the font sizes are expressed in percentage too and the main font size
is scaled thanks a css var (--scale-factor);
- the rotation is now applied on the div annotationLayer;
- this patch improve the rendering of some strings where the glyph spacing
was not correct (it's a Firefox bug);
- it helps to simplify the code and it should slightly improve the update of
page (on zoom or rotation).
We want to avoid adding regular `id`s to Annotation-elements, since that means that they become "linkable" through the URL hash in a way that's not supported/intended. This could end up clashing with "named destinations", and that could easily lead to bugs; see issue 11499 and PR 11503 for some context.
Rather than using `id`s, we'll instead use a *custom* `data-element-id` attribute such that it's still possible to access the Annotation-elements directly.
Unfortunately these changes required updating most of the integration-tests, and to reduce the amount of repeated code a couple of helper functions were added.
- Since the border belongs to the section containing the HTML
counterpart of an annotation, this section must be hidden when
a JS action requires it;
- it wasn't possible to hide a button in using JS.
This appears to be a Microsoft-specific version of the regular Arial font, hence we simply map this to Helvetica in the same way that we treat many other Arial-named fonts.
This only adds the minimum entries required in order to render the referenced document correctly, rather than trying to support "all" Hebrew glyphs, to ensure that all lines in `getGlyphMapForStandardFonts` are covered by tests.
After the changes in PR 14998, these operators are now no-ops in the `src/display/canvas.js` code and should no longer be necessary.
Given that `beginAnnotations`/`endAnnotations` are not in the PDF specification, but are rather *custom* PDF.js operators, it seems reasonable to stop using them now that they've become no-ops.
While `TextLayerRenderTask` apparently makes sense in TypeScript environments, given that it's being returned by the `renderTextLayer`-function in the API, we really don't want to extend the *public* API by simply exporting the class directly in `src/pdf.js` since it should never be called/initialized manually.
Hence we follow the same pattern as in PR 14013, and add some very basic unit-tests to ensure that `renderTextLayer` always returns a `TextLayerRenderTask`-instance as expected.
This only applies to *corrupt* PDF documents, where Annotations are missing the required /Rect-entry. Rendering PopupAnnotations unconditionally shouldn't be a problem, since we're not using a `BaseSVGFactory`-instance in that case.
- each annotation must be rendered independently of the others. So
after having rendered each annotation, the canvas states are reset
in order to have something clean to render the next one.
*This fixes a regression from PR 14754.*
We didn't lookup the image-data correctly, with the result that we tried to render some ImageMasks using a string rather than the intended TypedArray. To make matters worse, this code-path was apparently not *properly* covered by existing test-cases.
- it's a regression from PR #14247:
- before the PR, the button was rendered on the canvas whatever its status was;
- after the PR, the button image has been moved in an other canvas so when the button is not renderable
(because it has no actions) then the image is not added the HTML element.
- the buttons in the pdf in bug 1737260 or in the pdf in #14308 were not visible
- make the button always renderable but don't add the link element if it's useless.
- right now we're using the font size from the pdf itself but we use an other font
in the annotation layer. So this size doesn't really make sense and leads to bad
rendering (see pdf in #14928);
- use a sans-serif font for the fields containing text (fix issue #14736);
- remove useless padding in text-based fields (fix issue #14301);
- text fields allow/disallow scrolling bars (see bit 24 in Ff entry), so use this
value to hide/show scrollbars in annotation layer.
- it aims to fix https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1771477;
- hangul contains some syllables which are decomposed when using NFD, hence
the text must be correctly shifted in case it contains some of them.
In the `src/display/canvas.js` code the `d1` operator will be used to set the clipping region, and it obviously cannot be empty since that prevents the Type3-glyph from rendering.
Also, the patch removes an outdated comment; refer to PR 12718.
This limits the heuristics for handling of incomplete path operators, see PR 9838, to only apply to *sequences* of such operators. In practice a couple of invalid path operators are (hopefully) unlikely to completely break rendering, whereas a sequence of them will easily lead to fairly chaotic rendering artifacts.
- Use Canvas & CanvasText color when they don't have their default value
as background and foreground colors.
- The colors used to draw (stroke/fill) in a pdf are replaced by the bg/fg
ones according to their luminance.
The current `lastModified`-getter, which only contains a time-stamp, is a fairly crude way of detecting if the stored data has actually been changed. In particular, when the `getRawValue`-method is used, the `lastModified`-getter doesn't cope with data being modified from the "outside".
To fix these issues[1], and to prevent any future bugs in this code, this patch introduces a new `AnnotationStorage.hash`-getter which computes a hash of the currently stored data. To simplify things this re-uses the existing `MurmurHash3_64`-implementation, which required moving that file into the `src/shared/`-folder, since its performance should be good enough here.
[1] Given how the `AnnotationStorage.lastModified`-getter was used, this would have been limited to *printing* of forms.