- but don't validate them for now;
- Firefox will display a bar to warn that the signature validation is not supported (see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=854315)
- almost all (all ?) pdf readers display signatures;
- validation is done in edge but for now it's behind a pref.
This feature was Firefox-specific, and it's now been removed from the HTML specification and it's disabled by default starting with Firefox 85. Hence it seems completely unnecessary to keep this code in the default viewer.
Please refer to https://groups.google.com/g/mozilla.dev.platform/c/tc11BCenm2c and the resources that it links to.
This implementation is inspired by the behaviour in (recent versions of) Adobe Reader, since it leads to reasonably simple and straightforward code as far as I'm concerned.
*Specifically:* We'll only consider *one* destination per page when finding/highlighting the current outline item, which is similar to e.g. Adobe Reader, and we choose the *first* outline item at the *lowest* level of the outline tree.
Given that this functionality requires not only parsing of the `outline`, but looking up *all* of the destinations in the document, this feature can when initialized have a non-trivial performance overhead for larger PDF documents.
In an attempt to reduce the performance impact, the following steps are taken here:
- The "find current outline item"-functionality will only be enabled once *one* page has rendered and *all* the pages have been loaded[1], to prevent it interfering with data regular fetching/parsing early on during document loading and viewer initialization.
- With the exception of a couple of small and simple `eventBus`-listeners, in `PDFOutlineViewer`, this new functionality is initialized *lazily* the first time that the user clicks on the `currentOutlineItem`-button.
- The entire "find current outline item"-functionality is disabled when `disableAutoFetch = true` is set, since it can easily lead to the setting becoming essentially pointless[2] by triggering *a lot* of data fetching from a relatively minor viewer-feature.
- Fetch the destinations *individually*, since that's generally more efficient than using `PDFDocumentProxy.getDestinations` to fetch them all at once. Despite making the overall parsing code *more* asynchronous, and leading to a lot more main/worker-thread message passing, in practice this seems faster for larger documents.
Finally, we'll now always highlight an outline item that the user manually clicked on, since only highlighting when the new "find current outline item"-functionality is used seemed inconsistent.
[1] Keep in mind that the `outline` itself already isn't fetched/parsed until at least *one* page has been rendered in the viewer.
[2] And also quite slow, since it can take a fair amount of time to fetch all of the necessary `destinations` data when `disableAutoFetch = true` is set.
*Besides, obviously, adding viewer support:* This patch attempts to improve the general API for Optional Content Groups slightly, by adding a couple of new methods for interacting with the (more complex) data structures of `OptionalContentConfig`-instances. (Thus allowing us to mark some of the data as "private", given that it probably shouldn't be manipulated directly.)
By utilizing not just the "raw" Optional Content Groups, but the data from the `/Order` array when available, we can thus display the Layers in a proper tree-structure with collapsible headings for PDF documents that utilizes that feature.
Note that it's possible to reset all Optional Content Groups to their default visibility state, simply by double-clicking on the Layers-button in the sidebar.
(Currently that's indicated in the Layers-button tooltip, which is obviously easy to overlook, however it's probably the best we can do for now without adding more buttons, or even a dropdown-toolbar, to the sidebar.)
Also, the current Layers-button icons are a little rough around the edges, quite literally, but given that the viewer will soon have its UI modernized anyway they hopefully suffice in the meantime.
To give users *full* control of the visibility of the various Optional Content Groups, even those which according to the `/Order` array should not (by default) be toggleable in the UI, this patch will place those under a *custom* heading which:
- Is collapsed by default, and placed at the bottom of the Layers-tree, to be a bit less obtrusive.
- Uses a slightly different formatting, compared to the "regular" headings.
- Is localizable.
Finally, note that the thumbnails are *purposely* always rendered with all Optional Content Groups at their default visibility state, since that seems the most useful and it's also consistent with other viewers.
To ensure that this works as intended, we'll thus disable the `PDFThumbnailView.setImage` functionality when the Optional Content Groups have been changed in the viewer. (This obviously means that we'll re-render thumbnails instead of using the rendered pages. However, this situation ought to be rare enough for this to not really be a problem.)
With https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=844349 now being fixed in Firefox, the textLayer will now actually stay hidden as intended regardless of the browser settings.
Hence it should no longer be necessary to display the fallback bar, nor print a warning in the console, for documents which contains a textLayer.
Besides removing the `supportsDocumentColors` methods in the default viewer, we can also remove a now unused l10n string.
As described in the issue, having a DOM element with `id=page2` (or any other number) will automatically cause that element to become linkable through the URL hash. That's currently leading to some confusing and outright wrong behaviour, since it obviously only works for pages that have been loaded and rendered.
For PDF documents the only officially supported way to reference a particular page through the URL hash is using the `#page=2` format, which also works for all pages regardless if they're loaded or not.
As far as I can tell there's nothing in the PDF.js default viewer that actually depends on the page/thumbnail `id` at this point in time, hence why I believe that this removal ought to be safe.
Just as a pre-caution this patch adds an `aria-label` to the page canvas, similar to the thumbnail canvas/image, to at least keep this information in the DOM.
Unfortunately I forgot to test `gulp mozcentraldiff` with PR 11256, which is really bad since it will cause the en-US `chrome.properties` l10n file to be deleted at mozilla-central; sorry about breaking this!
In order to address this we'll have to re-add (only) the en-US `chrome.properties` l10n file, which is simple enough. Furthermore, since we're not doing any sort of build-specific parsing of the l10n files, we can just copy the en-US files as-is rather than having to run `gulp locale` during `gulp mozcentral`.
With the removal of the (standalone) Firefox building code in PR 9566 (a year and a half ago), these files are now completely unused in the GitHub repository[1].
Hence it doesn't really seem necessary to keep fetching them with `gulp importl10n`, and the existing files in the `l10n` folder can also be removed (thanks to version control, they're easy enough to restore should the need ever arise).
The patch also allows an additional simplification, for the `gulp locale` and `gulp mozcentral` commands, since it's now possible to stop writing `l10n` files to the `extensions/firefox/` folder and instead just copy them similar to other build targets.
[1] They're obviously still used in `mozilla-central`, for fallback messages displayed through `PdfStreamConverter.jsm`, but that doesn't make it necessary to keep them *here* as far as I'm concerned.
With the removal of the (standalone) Firefox building code in PR 9566 (a year and a half ago), these files are now completely unused.
Hence it doesn't really make sense to keep building them as part of `gulp locale`, and the existing files in the `l10n` folder can also be removed (thanks to version control, they're easy enough to restore should the need ever arise).
This includes the information in the core and display layers. The
date parsing logic from the document properties is rewritten according
to the specification and now includes unit tests.
Moreover, missing unit tests for the color of a popup annotation have
been added.
Finally the styling of the popup is changed slightly to make the text a
bit smaller (it's currently quite large in comparison to other viewers)
and to make the drop shadow a bit more subtle. The former is done to be
able to easily include the modification date in the popup similar to how
other viewers do this.
As outlined in https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1282759 the internal Firefox name for the feature is `entireWord`, hence that name is used here as well for consistency (with "Whole words" being limited to the UI).
Given existing limitations of the PDF.js search functionality, e.g. the existing problems of searching across "new lines", there's some edge-cases where "Whole words" searching will ignore (valid) results.
However, considering that this is a pre-existing issue related to the way that the find controller joins text-content together, that shouldn't have to block this new feature in my opionion.
*Please note:* In order to enable this feature in the `MOZCENTRAL` version, a small follow-up patch for [PdfjsChromeUtils.jsm](https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/tip/browser/extensions/pdfjs/content/PdfjsChromeUtils.jsm) will be required once this has landed in `mozilla-central`.
For the `PDFFindBar` implementation, similar to the native Firefox findbar, the matches count displayed is now limited to a (hopefully) reasonable value.
*Please note:* In order to enable this feature in the `MOZCENTRAL` version, a follow-up patch will be required once this has landed in `mozilla-central`.
This builds on the scrolling mode work to add three buttons for joining
page spreads together: one for the default view, with no page spreads,
and two for spreads starting on odd-numbered or even-numbered pages.
Please note that this patch *purposely* doesn't add every standard (or semi-standard) page name in existence, but rather only a few common ones. This is done to lessen the burden on localizers, since it's quite possible that all of the page names could need translation (depending on locale).
It's easy to add more standard page sizes in the future, but we should take care to *only* add those that are very commonly used in actual PDF files.
The units are currently repeated after each dimension, which seems unnecessary and is also not done in other PDF viewers (such as e.g. Adobe Reader).
Furthermore, the name of the l10n arguments can be simplified slightly, since the name of the strings themselves should be enough information.
Finally, the `width`/`height` should be formatted according to the current locale, as is already done for other strings in the document properties dialog.
With the current way that the `HandTool` is implemented, if someone would try to also add a Zoom tool (as issue 1260 asks for) that probably wouldn't work very well given that you'd then have two cursor tools which may not play nice together.
Hence this patch, which attempts to refactor things so that it should be simpler to add e.g. a Zoom tool as well (given that that issue is marked as "good-beginner-bug", and I'm not sure if that really applies considering the current state of the code).
Note that I personally have no interest in implementing a Zoom tool (similar to Adobe Reader) since I wouldn't use it, but I figured that it can't hurt to make this code a bit more future proof.
A longstanding issue with the viewer is that you cannot tell if a PDF document includes an outline and/or attachments without actually opening the sidebar.
This patch contains a suggested solution for that, by displaying an hide-on-interaction notification on the `sidebarToggle` button (and the relevant sidebar view buttons). Note that this was inspired by e.g. the update notification that is displayed on the menu button in Firefox.
For an initial implementation, I've tried to do this in such a way that the notification isn't too distracting. Without being an UX expert, I don't think that we'd want something too in-your-face, in order to keep the viewer toolbars reasonable clean. (We probably do *not* want e.g. an entire notification bar in these situations, since that would take up unnecessary screen space and require actions from the user to close.)
However it's certainly possible that the current notification might simply be *too* inconspicuous to be truly helpful to users, but we could probably iterate on that if the feature itself is deemed useful.
This patch implements the page label functionality in a similar way as Adobe Reader.
For documents with page labels, if a non-existent page label is entered we'll try to fallback to the page number instead.
The patch also includes a preference (`disablePageLabels`), to make it easy to opt-out of using page labels if the user/implementor so wishes.
The way that `get/set currentPageLabel` is implemented in `PDFViewer`, is as wrappers for the corresponding `get/set currentPageNumber` functions, since that seemed like the cleanest solution.
The page labels are purposely *only* added to the page controls in the viewer UI, and not stored in e.g. the `ViewHistory`. Since doing so would mean adding unnecessary code complexity, without any real added value, and would also mean delaying the inital loading of PDF documents.
Note that this patch will ignore page labels if they are identical to standard page numbering, since in this case displaying the page labels adds no value (but only UI noise). The reason for handling this case specially, is that in practice a surprising number of PDF files include "pointless" page labels.
The following reasoning was used for deciding to remove the "Page: " label, and replace it with a tooltip, from the main toolbar:
- We have no other visible labels in the *main* toolbar (e.g. the Zoom dropdown doesn't have a label, but only a tooltip).
- We already hide the "Page: " label when the viewer is narrow.
- The varying width of the "Page: " label in different locales is already causing issues for many languages, with overlap in the main toolbar as a result.
Trying to create responsive CSS styles that works well in all locales is already difficult, and if we add support for page labels that will only further compound the issues.
- Some PDF viewers (e.g. Adobe Reader, pdfium in Chrome) doesn't show labels in the UI by default.
The outline toggle button has a feature where it can be double-clicked
to expand/collapse all items shown therein. Although this is described
in the FAQ, can go potentially unnoticed. This, however, being a useful
feature, advertise on the tool tip itself.
l10n translation for en-US and IDs updated.
Signed-off-by: Jeenu Viswambharan <jeenuv@gmail.com>
The logic for the hand tool is implemented in a separate project,
maintained at https://github.com/Rob--W/grab-to-pan.js
Integration notes
- Added toggle as an entry under the Secondary toolbar
- Added shortcut "h" to toggle hand tool (to-do: document this in wiki
after merge). This shortcut is also used in Adobe's Acrobat Reader.
To-do: localizations for:
To-do (wish): persistence of hand tool preference, preferably a global setting.
secondaryToolbarButton-handTool.png created by Stephen Horlander <shorlander@mozilla.com>