When a FreeText editor is pasted then it hasn't an editorDiv yet when added
to the layer, hence it's empty.
So this patch just move the call to addToAnnotationStorage to ensure we've
what we need.
We can undo/redo a command which will at some point add a command in the queue: typically
it can happening when redoing an addition.
So the idea is to lock the queue when undoing/redoing.
- After undoing a deletion of several editors, they appeared to be selected (they had a red border)
when in fact they were not, consequently, this patch aims to remove the selectedEditor class when
an editor is removed;
- Add a test with some ink editors.
- In the annotationEditorLayer, reorder the editors in the DOM according
the position of the elements on the screen;
- add an aria-owns attribute on the "nearest" element in the text layer
which points to the added editor.
- in using the global clipboard, it'll be possible to copy from a
pdf and paste in an other one;
- it'll allow to edit a previously created annotation;
- copy the editors in the current page.
- each annotation has its coordinates/dimensions expressed in percentage,
hence it's correctly positioned whatever the scale factor is;
- the font sizes are expressed in percentage too and the main font size
is scaled thanks a css var (--scale-factor);
- the rotation is now applied on the div annotationLayer;
- this patch improve the rendering of some strings where the glyph spacing
was not correct (it's a Firefox bug);
- it helps to simplify the code and it should slightly improve the update of
page (on zoom or rotation).