The specification states that `CreationDate` is only available for
markup annotations instead of for all annotation types.
Moreover, popup annotations are not markup annotations according to the
specification, so the creation date inheritance from the parent
annotation is also removed there (note that only the modification date
is used in e.g., the viewer).
This includes the information in the core and display layers. The
date parsing logic from the document properties is rewritten according
to the specification and now includes unit tests.
Moreover, missing unit tests for the color of a popup annotation have
been added.
Finally the styling of the popup is changed slightly to make the text a
bit smaller (it's currently quite large in comparison to other viewers)
and to make the drop shadow a bit more subtle. The former is done to be
able to easily include the modification date in the popup similar to how
other viewers do this.
Currently `handleColorN` will fallback to add a completely unparsed/unvalidated operator when no valid pattern was found. This is unfortunate, since it could very easily lead to a couple of different errors:
- `DataCloneError`s when attempting to send the data to the main-thread, e.g. when `args` is `Dict`/`Stream`.
- Errors in `getShadingPatternFromIR` on the main-thread, unless `args` just happens to have the expected format.
- Errors when actually attempting to render the pattern on the main-thread, since the `args` will most likely not have the expected format.
Hence it probably makes sense to error in `PartialEvaluator.handleColorN`, and having invalid patterns fail gracefully via the existing `ignoreErrors` code-paths instead.
It appears that this has been broken ever since PR 9089, which also introduced this code, since the `QueueOptimizer`/`NullOptimizer` choice was made based on the still undefined `this.intent` property.
Furthermore, fixing this also uncovered the fact that the `NullOptimizer.reset` method was missing.
First of all, while this simple approach appears to work OK in practice I'm not sure if it's the best way of addressing the problem (assuming that you even want to).
Second of all, while the solution implemented here only requires tracking/checking one new boolean in order for this to work, I'm nonetheless not entirely happy about this since it will add additional overhead (albeit *very* small) to the parsing of path operators in PDF documents just for a handful of *corrupt* ones.
This way we can avoid manually building a "document id" in multiple places in `evaluator.js`, and it also let's us avoid passing in an otherwise unnecessary `PDFManager` instance when creating a `PartialEvaluator`.
Please see the specification,
Furthermore, note that this patch *only* adds API support and unit-tests but does not attempt to integrate e.g. the `ViewerPreferences -> Direction` property into the viewer (which would be necessary to address issue 10736).
The reason for this is that it's not entirely clear to me exactly if/how that could be implemented; e.g. would it be as simple as setting the `dir` attribute on the `viewerContainer` DOM element, or will it be more complicated?
There's also the question of how the `ViewerPreferences -> Direction` value interacts with the `PageMode`, and this will generally require a fair bit of manual testing. Since the direction of the *entire* viewer depends on the browser locale, there's also a somewhat open question regarding what default value to use for different locales.
Finally, if the viewer supports `ViewerPreferences -> Direction` then I'm assuming that it will be necessary to allow users to override the default value, which will require (most likely) new `SecondaryToolbar` buttons and icons for those etc.
Hence this patch only lays the necessary foundation for eventually addressing issue 10736, but defers the actual implementation until later. (Time permitting, I'll try to look into the viewer part later.)
The file `test/pdfs/annotation-caret-ink.pdf` is already available in
the repository as a reference test for this since I supplied it for
another patch that implemented ink annotations.
Note how `XRef.fetchUncompressed`, which is used *a lot* for most PDF documents, is calling the `makeSubStream` method without providing a `length` argument.
In practice this results in the `makeSubStream` method, on the `ChunkedStream` instance, calling the `ensureRange` method with `NaN` as the end position, thus resulting in no data being requested despite it possibly being necessary.
This may be quite bad, since in this particular case it will lead to a new `ChunkedStream` being created *and* also a new `Parser`/`Lexer` instance. Given that it's quite possible that even the very first `Parser.getObj` call could throw `MissingDataException`, this could thus lead to wasted time/resources (since re-parsing is necessary once the data finally arrives).
You obviously need to be very careful to not have `ChunkedStream.makeSubStream` accidentally requesting the *entire* file, hence its `this.end` property is of no use here, but it should be possible to at least check that the `start` of the data is present before any potentially expensive parsing occurs.
Without this some fonts may incorrectly end up with matching `hash`es, thus breaking rendering since we'll not actually try to load/parse some of the fonts.
Note that `PartialEvaluator.preEvaluateFont` will return an empty string when no hash was computed. This will complete short-circuit the `fontAlias` comparison in `PartialEvaluator.loadFont`, since fonts which are totally different will then match if their `hash`es are empty.
This function is currently called with the `OperatorList` instance as its argument, hence I cannot think of any good reason for not just moving it into the `OperatorList` properly. (This will also help with other planned changes regarding the `ImageCache` functionality.)
By transfering `ArrayBuffer`s you can avoid having two copies of the same data, i.e. one copy on each of the worker/main-thread, for data that's used only *once* on the worker-thread.
Note how the code in [`PDFImage.createMask`](80135378ca/src/core/image.js (L284-L285)) goes to great lengths to actually enable tranfering of the image data. However in [`PartialEvaluator.buildPaintImageXObject`](80135378ca/src/core/evaluator.js (L336)) the `cached` property is always set to `true`, which disqualifies the image data from being transfered; see [`getTransfers`](80135378ca/src/core/operator_list.js (L552-L554)).
For most ImageMask data this patch won't matter, since images found in the `/Resources -> /XObject` dictionary will always be indexed by name. However for *inline* images which contains ImageMask data, where only "small" images are cached (in both `parser.js` and `evaluator.js`), the current code will result in some unnecessary memory usage.
For Type3 fonts text-selection is often not that great, and there's a couple of heuristics used to try and improve things. This patch simple extends those heuristics a bit, and fixes a pre-existing "naive" array comparison, but this all feels a bit brittle to say the least.
The existing Type3 test-coverage isn't that great in general, and in particular Type3 `text` tests are few and far between, hence why this patch adds *two* different new `text` tests.
Notable changes:
- Remove the `return this;` from the `MurmurHash3_64.update` method, since it's completely unused and doesn't make a lot of sense.
- Remove the loop(s) from the `MurmurHash3_64.hexdigest` method, since creating a temporary array and then looping over it is wasteful given how simple this can be written with modern JavaScript.
Currently for every single parsed/rendered page there's no less than *four* `` calls being made on the worker-side. This seems totally unnecessary, since the result of these calls are, by default, not used for anything *unless* the verbosity level is set to `INFO`.
The `src/shared/util.js` file is being bundled into both the `pdf.js` and `pdf.worker.js` files, meaning that its code is by definition duplicated.
Some main-thread only utility functions have already been moved to a separate `src/display/display_utils.js` file, and this patch simply extends that concept to utility functions which are used *only* on the worker-thread.
Note in particular the `getInheritableProperty` function, which expects a `Dict` as input and thus *cannot* possibly ever be used on the main-thread.
After PR 9340 all glyphs are now re-mapped to a Private Use Area (PUA) which means that if a font fails to load, for whatever reason[1], all glyphs in the font will now render as Unicode glyph outlines.
This obviously doesn't look good, to say the least, and might be seen as a "regression" since previously many glyphs were left in their original positions which provided a slightly better fallback[2].
Hence this patch, which implements a *general* fallback to the PDF.js built-in font renderer for fonts that fail to load (i.e. are rejected by the sanitizer). One caveat here is that this only works for the Font Loading API, since it's easy to handle errors in that case[3].
The solution implemented in this patch does *not* in any way delay the loading of valid fonts, which was the problem with my previous attempt at a solution, and will only require a bit of extra work/waiting for those fonts that actually fail to load.
*Please note:* This patch doesn't fix any of the underlying PDF.js font conversion bugs that's responsible for creating corrupt font files, however it does *improve* rendering in a number of cases; refer to this possibly incomplete list:
[Bug 1524888](
Issue 10175
Issue 10232
[1] Usually because the PDF.js font conversion code wasn't able to parse the font file correctly.
[2] Glyphs fell back to some default font, which while not accurate was more useful than the current state.
[3] Furthermore I'm not sure how to implement this generally, assuming that's even possible, and don't really have time/interest to look into it either.
pdf.js had a problem when copying characters on supplementary planes
(0xPPXXXX where PP is nonzero). This is because certain methods of
PartialEvaluator use classic String.fromCharCode instead of ES6's
Despite the fact that readToUnicode method *tried* to parse out-of-UCS2
code points by parsing UTF-16BE, it was inadequate because
String.fromCharCode only supports UCS-2 range of Unicode.