Compared to most other options currently/previously residing on the global `PDFJS` object, some of the Worker specific ones (e.g. `workerPort`/`workerSrc`) probably cannot be moved into options provided directly when initializing e.g. `PDFWorker`.
The reason is that in some cases, e.g. the Webpack examples, we try to provide Worker auto-configuration and I cannot see a good solution for that use-case if we completely remove the globally available Worker configuration.
However inline with previous patches for PDF.js version `2.0`, it does seem like a worthwhile goal to move away from storing options directly on the global `PDFJS` object, since that is a pattern we should avoid going forward. Especially since one of the (eventual) goals is to attempt to *completely* remove the global `PDFJS` object, and rely solely on exporting/importing the needed functionality.
By introducing the `GlobalWorkerOptions` we thus have larger flexibility in the future, if/when the global `PDFJS` object will be removed.