Without this patch, when using `PDFPageView` directly[1] this CSS variable won't be updated and consequently things won't work as intended.
This is purposely implemented such that when a `PDFPageView`-instance is part of a viewer, we don't repeatedly set the CSS variable for every single page.
[1] See e.g. the "pageviewer" example in the `examples/components/` folder.
Even though the code as-is *should* be safe, given that we're using an Object with a `null` prototype, it cannot hurt to change this to a Map to prevent any issues (since we're parsing unknown and potentially unsafe data).
Overall I also think that these changes improve the `parseQueryString` call-sites, since we now have a proper way of checking for the existence of a particular key (and don't have to use `in` which stringifies the keys in the Object).
This patch also changes the default, when no `value` exists, from `null` to an empty string since the use of `decodeURIComponent` currently can modify the value in a somewhat surprising way (at least to me).
Note how `decodeURIComponent(null) === "null"` which is unlikely to be what you actually want, whereas `decodeURIComponent("") === ""` which seems much more helpful.
Prior to PR 13042, when scripting wasn't really possible to use outside of the full viewer, the `enableScripting` option made sense.
However, at this point in time having to both pass in a `PDFScriptingManager`-instance *and* set the `enableScripting`-boolean when creating a `BaseViewer`-instance feels redundant and (mostly) annoying. Hence this patch, which removes the *separate* boolean and always enables scripting when `scriptingManager` is provided.
The relevant "viewer component" examples are also updated (with a comment), but in such a way that scripting support won't just break when used with the current PDF.js releases.
- All the scale factors in for the substitution font were wrong because of different glyph positions between Liberation and the other ones:
- regenerate all the factors
- Text may have polish chars for example and in this case the glyph widths were wrong:
- treat substitution font as a composite one
- add a map glyphIndex to unicode for Liberation in order to generate width array for cid font
- In order to better compute text fields size, use line height with no gaps (and consequently guessed height for text are slightly better in general).
- Fix default background color in fields.
Given that we've over time been reducing the number of `compatibilityParams` in use, there's now few enough left that I think it makes sense to simply inline them directly in the `web/app_options.js` file.
Note that we recently inlined/removed the separate `src/display/api_compatibility.js` file, see PR 13525, and that it (in my opinion) thus makes sense to do the same in the `web/`-folder. This patch will also slightly reduce the size of *built* `web/viewer.js` file, which cannot hurt.
There's no good reason, as far as I can tell, to have `PDFPageView.reset` attempt to cancel `annotationLayer`/`xfaLayer` rendering in one special-case (this is mostly a leftover from older code). Previously cancelling was moved into the separate `PDFPageView.cancelRendering`-method, and by slightly tweaking the conditions there we're able to remove a bit of now unnecessary code from the `PDFPageView.reset`-method.
Originally the `xfaLayer` wasn't implemented in such a way that it supported being removed from the DOM when pages were evicted from the cache, however this limitation was lifted in PR 13427 and the `xfaLayer` should thus be handled similar to e.g. the `annotationLayer`.
In addition to removing the `xfaLayer` from the DOM, this patch *also* implements proper rendering/hiding-handling for it (mirroring the `annotationLayer`-code).
*Please note:* This patch is tagged API-minor just in case[1], since it changes the signatures of a couple of `PDFPageView`-methods to improve readability of the code.
[1] Although users are *hopefully* not directly accessing any of the affected methods, and are rather using e.g. `PDFViewer` in which case none of these changes will matter.
- a rectangle can be defined after a field and so from a z-index pov, it's on top of the field, which means that the rectangle avoid to have some mouse events in the fields;
- so this patch just disable pointer events for all elements under svg (included).
Given that Internet Explorer is, since some time now, no longer supported in the PDF.js library this `<meta>` tag can also be removed (added in PR 6374).
- font line height is taken into account by acrobat when it isn't with masterpdfeditor: I extracted a font from a pdf, modified some ascent/descent properties thanks to ttx and the reinjected the font in the pdf: only Acrobat is taken it into account. So in this patch, line heights for some substituted fonts are added.
- it seems that Acrobat is using a line height of 1.2 when the line height in the font is not enough (it's the only way I found to fix correctly bug 1718741).
- don't use flex in wrapper container (which was causing an horizontal overflow in the above bug).
- consequently, the above fixes introduced a lot of small regressions, so in order to see real improvements on reftests, I fixed the regressions in this patch:
- replace margin by padding in some case where padding is a part of a container dimensions;
- remove some flex display: some containers are wrongly sized when rendered;
- set letter-spacing to 0.01px: it helps to be sure that text is not broken because of not enough width in Firefox.
While I don't know if it's technically correct to even do this, it could provide a slightly better out-of-the-box behaviour in browsers that specify (from the PDF.js `l10n`-folder perspective) "incomplete" language codes.
Rather than immediately falling back to English, we'll use a white-list to try and re-write a "partial" language code to a (hopefully) suitable one that matches an existing `l10n`-folder. The disadvantage of this solution is that the list needs to be kept *manually* up-to-date with any changes in the `l10n`-folder, however new locales are added infrequently enough that this should be acceptable.
Fixes 13689 (assuming we actually want/care to do so, otherwise we should just WONTFIX the issue).
- Fix a typo in order to open the pdf in issue #13679
- After fixing the fill default color there wer some regressions because of z-index
and when fixing z-index there were some regressions because of borders
- So fix the borders rendering.
The PDF.js API has only ever supported accessing the original file ID, however the second one that (should) exist in *modified* documents have thus far been completely inaccessible through the API.
That seems like a simple oversight, caused e.g. by the viewer not needing it, since it really shouldn't hurt to provide API-users with the ability to check if a PDF document has been modified since its creation.[1]
Please refer to https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/pdfs/PDF32000_2008.pdf#G13.2261661 for additional information.
For an example of how to update existing code to use the new API, please see the changes in the `web/app.js` file included in this patch.
*Please note:* While I'm not sure if we'll ever be able to remove the old `PDFDocumentProxy.fingerprint` getter, given that it's existed since "forever", that probably isn't a big deal given that it's now limited to only `GENERIC`-builds.
[1] Although this obviously depends on the PDF software following the specification, by updating the second file ID as intended.
Using `instanceof Object` is generally problematic, since it's not guaranteed to always do the right thing for all Objects.
(I stumbled upon this while working on another patch, when I noticed that the `outlineView` was broken with workers disabled.)
- support paragraph margins, line height, letter spacing, ...
- compute missing dimensions from fields based almost on the dimensions of caption contents.
- it aims to fix#13583;
- fix the switch to breakBefore target;
- force the layout of an unsplittable element on an empty page;
- don't fail when there is horizontal overflow (except in lr-tb);
- handle correctly overflow in the same content area (bug 1717805, bug 1717668);
- fix a typo in radial gradient first argument.
Given that this property is only used with password protected documents, and is consequently document-specific rather than viewer-specific, ensure that `IPDFLinkService.externalLinkEnabled` is actually being reset by `PDFViewerApplication.close`.
To make things less confusing/inconsistent, remove the *undocumented* `externalLinkEnabled` property from the `PDFLinkService` constructor and force it to always be manually set when needed.
- when the CSS line-height property is set to 'normal' then the value depends of the user agent. So use a line height based on the font itself and if for any reasons this value is not available use 1.2 as default.
- it's a partial fix for https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1717681.
This patch provides an overall simpler *and* more consistent way of handling the `viewport` parameter during printing of XFA forms, since it's now again guaranteed to always be an instance of `PageViewport`.
Furthermore, for anyone attempting to e.g. implement custom printing of XFA forms this probably cannot hurt either.
Given that the "print"-intent is special, and that we should always fallback to the "display"-intent, let's ensure that the code actually reflects that.
Also, ensure that the method always returns a `Promise` since that's what the documentation says.