In the PDF from issue 8527, the clip operator (W) shows up before a path
is defined. The current SVG backend however expects a path to exist
before generating a `<svg:clipPath>` element.
In the example, the path was defined after the clip, followed by a
endPath operator (n).
So this commit fixes the bug by moving the path generation logic from
clip to endPath.
Our canvas backend appears to use similar logic:
`CanvasGraphics_endPath` calls `consumePath`, which in turn draws the
clip and resets the `pendingClip` state. The canvas backend calls
`consumePath` from multiple other places, so we probably need to check
whether doing so is also necessary for the SVG backend.
I scanned our corpus of PDF files in test/pdfs, and found that in every
instance (except for one), the "W" PDF operator (clip) is immediately
followed by "n" (endPath). The new test from this commit (clippath.pdf)
starts with "W", followed by a path definition and then "n".
# Commands used to find some of the clipping commands:
grep -ra '^W$' -C7 | less -S
grep -ra '^W ' -C7 | less -S
grep -ra ' W$' -C7 | less -S
test/pdfs/issue6413.pdf is the only file where "W" (a tline 55) is not
followed by "n". In fact, the "W" is the last operation of a series of
XObject painting operations, and removing it does not have any effect
on the rendered PDF (confirmed by looking at the output of PDF.js's
canvas backend, and ImageMagick's convert command).
This patch adds Streams API support in getTextContent
so that we can stream data in chunks instead of fetching
whole data from worker thread to main thread. This patch
supports Streams API without changing the core functionality
of getTextContent.
Enqueue textContent directly at getTextContent in partialEvaluator.
Adds desiredSize and ready property in streamSink.
Given that we currently have quite inconsistent object formatting, fixing this in *one* big patch probably wouldn't be feasible (since I cannot imagine anyone wanting to review that); hence I've opted to try and do this piecewise instead.
Please note: This patch was created automatically, using the ESLint `--fix` command line option. In a couple of places this caused lines to become too long, and I've fixed those manually; please refer to the interdiff below for the only hand-edits in this patch.
diff --git a/src/display/canvas.js b/src/display/canvas.js
index 5739f6f2..4216b2d2 100644
--- a/src/display/canvas.js
+++ b/src/display/canvas.js
@@ -2071,7 +2071,7 @@ var CanvasGraphics = (function CanvasGraphicsClosure() {
var map = [];
for (var i = 0, ii = positions.length; i < ii; i += 2) {
map.push({ transform: [scaleX, 0, 0, scaleY, positions[i],
- positions[i + 1]], x: 0, y: 0, w: width, h: height, });
+ positions[i + 1]], x: 0, y: 0, w: width, h: height, });
this.paintInlineImageXObjectGroup(imgData, map);
diff --git a/src/display/svg.js b/src/display/svg.js
index 9eb05dfa..2aa21482 100644
--- a/src/display/svg.js
+++ b/src/display/svg.js
@@ -458,7 +458,11 @@ SVGGraphics = (function SVGGraphicsClosure() {
for (var x = 0; x < fnArrayLen; x++) {
var fnId = fnArray[x];
- opList.push({ 'fnId': fnId, 'fn': REVOPS[fnId], 'args': argsArray[x], });
+ opList.push({
+ 'fnId': fnId,
+ 'fn': REVOPS[fnId],
+ 'args': argsArray[x],
+ });
return opListToTree(opList);
Note that by using `let` instead of `var` in `PartialEvaluator.setGState` and `TranslatedFont.loadType3Data`, we can get rid of further `bind` usages since `let` is block-scoped.
Also, the fact that `bind` wasn't used in the `Font` case inside of `setGState` is actually a bug which has been present ever since PR 5205, where a closure was replaced by a standard loop.[1]
[1] I'm not aware of any bugs caused by this, but that is probably more a happy accident than anything else, since e.g. just removing the `bind` from the `SMask` case without using block-scoped variables causes test failures.
Please see
For the most part, these changes are of the search-and-replace kind, and the previously enabled `no-undef` rule should complement the tests in helping ensure that no stupid errors crept into to the patch.
[api-minor] Always allow e.g. rendering to continue even if there are errors, and add a `stopAtErrors` parameter to `getDocument` to opt-out of this behaviour (issue 6342, issue 3795, bug 1130815)
This patch implements support for line annotations. Other viewers only
show the popup annotation when hovering over the line, which may have
any orientation. To make this possible, we render an invisible line (SVG
element) over the line on the canvas that acts as the trigger for the
popup annotation. This invisible line has the same starting coordinates,
ending coordinates and width of the line on the canvas.
Other PDF readers, e.g. Adobe Reader and PDFium (in Chrome), will attempt to render as much of a page as possible even if there are errors present.
Currently we just bail as soon the first error is hit, which means that we'll usually not render anything in these cases and just display a blank page instead.
NOTE: This patch changes the default behaviour of the PDF.js API to always attempt to recover as much data as possible, even when encountering errors during e.g. `getOperatorList`/`getTextContent`, which thus improve our handling of corrupt PDF files and allow the default viewer to handle errors slightly more gracefully.
In the event that an API consumer wishes to use the old behaviour, where we stop parsing as soon as an error is encountered, the `stopAtErrors` parameter can be set at `getDocument`.
Fixes, inasmuch it's possible since the PDF files are corrupt, e.g. issue 6342, issue 3795, and [bug 1130815]( (and probably others too).
- When the minified version is used the resolver of the worker can not find it properly and throws 404 error.
- The problem was that:
- It was getting the current name of the file.
- It was replacing **.js** by **.worker.js**
- When it was loading the unminified version it was working fine because:
- *pdf.js - .js + .worker.js* = **pdf.worker.js**
- When it was loading the minified version it didtn't work because:
- *pdf.min.js - .js + .worker.js* = **pdf.min.worker.js**
- **pdf.min.worker.js** doesn't exist the real file name is **pdf.worker.min.js**
The display layer is responsible for creating the HTML elements for the
annotations from the core layer. If we need to ignore border styling for
the containers of certain elements, the display layer should do so and
not the core layer. I noticed this during the implementation of line
annotations, for which we actually need the original border width in the
display layer, even though we ignore it for the container. If we set the
border style to zero in the core layer, this becomes impossible.
To prevent this, this patch moves the container border removal code from
the core layer to the display layer. This makes the core layer output
the unchanged annotation data and lets the display layer remove any
border styling if necessary.
I happened to notice that the error handling wasn't that great, which I missed previously since there were no unit-tests for failure to load built-in CMap files.
Hence this patch, which improves the error handling *and* adds tests.
I really cannot understand why this change is necessary, since modern browsers such as Firefox and Chrome work just fine with the old code.
Hence this is patch is yet another "hack" that's needed just because IE apparently cannot just work like you'd expect.
For consistency, the Node factory used in the CMap unit-tests is changed as well.
Fixes 8193.
This patch gets rid of the only case in the code-base where we're throwing a plain `string`, rather than an `Error`, which besides better/more consistent error handling also allows us to enable the [`no-throw-literal`]( ESLint rule.
Currently the built-in CMap files are loaded in `src/core/cmap.js` using `XMLHttpRequest` directly. For some environments that might be a problem, hence this patch refactors that to instead use a factory to load built-in CMaps on the main thread and message the data to the worker thread.
This is inspired by other recent work, e.g. the addition of the `CanvasFactory`, and to a large extent on the IRC discussion starting at
Note that I initially tried to add this as a parameter to the `PDFPageProxy.render` method, such that it could be passed to `PartialEvaluator.getOperatorList`.
However, given all the different code-paths that call `getOperatorList` (there's a bunch only in `annotation.js`), this seemed to very quickly become unwieldy and thus difficult to maintain compared to simply using the existing `evaluatorOptions`.