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a/PDFFont.js b/PDFFont.js index fd7e0d86f..ff06c5e4e 100644 --- a/PDFFont.js +++ b/PDFFont.js @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ var Fonts = { unicodeFromCode: function fonts_unicodeFromCode(aCode) { var active = this._active; - if (!active) + if (!active || !active.encoding) return aCode; var difference = active.encoding[aCode]; @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ var Fonts = { * As an improvment the last parameter can be replaced by an automatic guess * of the font type based on the first byte of the file. */ -var Font = function(aName, aFile, aEncoding, aType) { +var Font = function(aName, aFile, aEncoding, aCharset, aType) { this.name = aName; // If the font has already been decoded simply return @@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ var Font = function(aName, aFile, aEncoding, aType) { Fonts[aName] = { data: this.font, encoding: aEncoding, + charset: aCharset ? aCharset.slice() : null, loading: true } @@ -125,10 +126,10 @@ Font.prototype = { // Actually there is not event when a font has finished downloading so // the following tons of code are a dirty hack to 'guess' when a font is // ready - var debug = false; + var debug = true; var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); - var style = "position:absolute; top: " + + var style = "border: 1px solid black; position:absolute; top: " + (debug ? (80 * fontCount) : "-200") + "px; left: 100px;"; canvas.setAttribute("style", style); canvas.setAttribute("width", 100); @@ -136,40 +137,19 @@ Font.prototype = { document.body.appendChild(canvas); // Retrieve font charset - var charset = null; - var page = pdfDocument.getPage(pageNum); - var xref = page.xref; - - var fonts = page.fonts; - fonts.forEach(function(fontKey, fontData) { - var descriptor = xref.fetch(fontData.get("FontDescriptor")); - var name = descriptor.get("FontName").toString(); - var font = Fonts[name.replace("+", "_")]; - if (font && font.loading && name == fontName.replace("_", "+")) { - charset = descriptor.get("CharSet"); - charset = charset ? charset.split("/") : null; - return; - } - }); - - // Warn if the charset is not found, this is likely - var testCharset = charset || []; - if (!charset) { - warn("No charset found for: " + fontName); - } else { - // if the charset is too small make it repeat a few times - var count = 30; - while (count-- && testCharset.length <= 30) - testCharset = testCharset.concat(charset.slice()); - } + var charset = Fonts[fontName].charset || []; + // if the charset is too small make it repeat a few times + var count = 30; + while (count-- && charset.length <= 30) + charset = charset.concat(charset.slice()); // Get the font size canvas think it will be var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); var testString = ""; - for (var i = 0; i < testCharset.length; i++) { - var unicode = new Number("0x" + GlyphsUnicode[testCharset[i]]); + for (var i = 0; i < charset.length; i++) { + var unicode = new Number("0x" + GlyphsUnicode[charset[i]]); if (!unicode) - error("Unicode for " + testCharset[i] + " is has not been found in the glyphs list"); + error("Unicode for " + charset[i] + " is has not been found in the glyphs list"); testString += String.fromCharCode(unicode); } ctx.font = "20px " + fontName + ", Symbol"; diff --git a/test.html b/test.html index 8d649a149..d18f9599b 100644 --- a/test.html +++ b/test.html @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ + diff --git a/test.js b/test.js index 2b99dc136..1dffac549 100644 --- a/test.js +++ b/test.js @@ -93,17 +93,34 @@ function displayPage(num) { if (fontDict.has("Encoding")) { var encoding = xref.fetchIfRef(fontDict.get("Encoding")); if (IsDict(encoding)) { + + // Build an map between codes and glyphs var differences = encoding.get("Differences"); var index = 0; for (var j = 0; j < differences.length; j++) { var data = differences[j]; IsNum(data) ? index = data : encodingMap[index++] = data; } + + // Get the font charset + var charset = descriptor.get("CharSet").split("/"); + + } else if (IsName(encoding)) { + var encoding = Encodings[encoding]; + var widths = xref.fetchIfRef(fontDict.get("Widths")); + var firstchar = xref.fetchIfRef(fontDict.get("FirstChar")); + + var charset = []; + for (var j = 0; j < widths.length; j++) { + var index = widths[j]; + if (index) + charset.push(encoding[j + firstchar]); + } } } var subtype = fontDict.get("Subtype").name; - new Font(fontName, fontFile, encodingMap, subtype); + new Font(fontName, fontFile, encodingMap, charset, subtype); return fontsReady = false; } else if (font.loading) { return fontsReady = false;