Merge pull request #10859 from timvandermeij/updates
Update translations and packages
This commit is contained in:
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Man oke ta o yujtajinäq ri PDF yakb'äl.
missing_file_error=Man xilitäj ta ri PDF yakb'äl.
unexpected_response_error=Man oyob'en ta tz'olin rutzij ruk'u'x samaj.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Neplatný nebo chybný soubor PDF.
missing_file_error=Chybí soubor PDF.
unexpected_response_error=Neočekávaná odpověď serveru.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Ffeil PDF annilys neu llwgr.
missing_file_error=Ffeil PDF coll.
unexpected_response_error=Ymateb annisgwyl gan y gweinydd.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=PDF-filen er ugyldig eller ødelagt.
missing_file_error=Manglende PDF-fil.
unexpected_response_error=Uventet svar fra serveren.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Μη έγκυρο ή κατεστραμμένο αρχείο
missing_file_error=Λείπει αρχείο PDF.
unexpected_response_error=Μη αναμενόμενη απόκριση από το διακομιστή.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Invalid or corrupted PDF file.
missing_file_error=Missing PDF file.
unexpected_response_error=Unexpected server response.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Invalid or corrupted PDF file.
missing_file_error=Missing PDF file.
unexpected_response_error=Unexpected server response.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Archivo PDF no válido o cocrrupto.
missing_file_error=Archivo PDF faltante.
unexpected_response_error=Respuesta del servidor inesperada.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Archivo PDF inválido o corrupto.
missing_file_error=Falta el archivo PDF.
unexpected_response_error=Respuesta del servidor inesperada.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Fichero PDF no válido o corrupto.
missing_file_error=No hay fichero PDF.
unexpected_response_error=Respuesta inesperada del servidor.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Fichier PDF invalide ou corrompu.
missing_file_error=Fichier PDF manquant.
unexpected_response_error=Réponse inattendue du serveur.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}} à {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Ynfalide of korruptearre PDF-bestân.
missing_file_error=PDF-bestân ûntbrekt.
unexpected_response_error=Unferwacht serverantwurd.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ find_reached_bottom=הגיע לסוף הדף, ממשיך מלמעלה
# "{{current}}" and "{{total}}" will be replaced by a number representing the
# index of the currently active find result, respectively a number representing
# the total number of matches in the document.
find_match_count={[ plural(total) ]}
find_match_count[one]=תוצאה {{current}} מתוך {{total}}
find_match_count[two]={{current}} מתוך {{total}} תוצאות
find_match_count[few]={{current}} מתוך {{total}} תוצאות
@ -181,6 +182,7 @@ find_match_count[other]={{current}} מתוך {{total}} תוצאות
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (find_match_count_limit): The supported plural forms are
# [zero|one|two|few|many|other], with [other] as the default value.
# "{{limit}}" will be replaced by a numerical value.
find_match_count_limit={[ plural(limit) ]}
find_match_count_limit[zero]=יותר מ־{{limit}} תוצאות
find_match_count_limit[one]=יותר מתוצאה אחת
find_match_count_limit[two]=יותר מ־{{limit}} תוצאות
@ -224,6 +226,9 @@ invalid_file_error=קובץ PDF פגום או לא תקין.
missing_file_error=קובץ PDF חסר.
unexpected_response_error=תגובת שרת לא צפויה.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Njepłaćiwa abo wobškodźena PDF-dataja.
missing_file_error=Falowaca PDF-dataja.
unexpected_response_error=Njewočakowana serwerowa wotmołwa.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Érvénytelen vagy sérült PDF fájl.
missing_file_error=Hiányzó PDF fájl.
unexpected_response_error=Váratlan kiszolgálóválasz.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=File PDF corrumpite o non valide.
missing_file_error=File PDF mancante.
unexpected_response_error=Responsa del servitor inexpectate.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ loading_error = Si è verificato un errore durante il caricamento del PDF.
invalid_file_error = File PDF non valido o danneggiato.
missing_file_error = File PDF non disponibile.
unexpected_response_error = Risposta imprevista del server
annotation_date_string = {{date}}, {{time}}
text_annotation_type.alt = [Annotazione: {{type}}]
password_label = Inserire la password per aprire questo file PDF.
password_invalid = Password non corretta. Riprovare.
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
# limitations under the License.
# Chrome notification bar messages and buttons
unsupported_feature=ეს PDF დოკუმენტი შეიძლება არ გამოჩნდეს მართებულად.
unsupported_feature_forms=ეს PDF დოკუმენტი შეიცავს ველებს. მათი შევსების შესაძლებლობა კი არაა მხარდაჭერილი.
unsupported_feature=ეს PDF-დოკუმენტი შეიძლება არ გამოჩნდეს მართებულად.
unsupported_feature_forms=ეს PDF-დოკუმენტი შეიცავს ველებს. მათი შევსების შესაძლებლობა კი არაა მხარდაჭერილი.
open_with_different_viewer=სხვა პროგრამაში გახსნა
@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ document_properties_modification_date=ჩასწორების თარ
# will be replaced by the creation/modification date, and time, of the PDF file.
document_properties_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
document_properties_producer=PDF გამომშვები:
document_properties_version=PDF ვერსია:
document_properties_page_count=გვერდების რაოდენობა:
document_properties_page_size=გვერდის ზომა:
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ findbar_label=ძიება
thumb_page_title=გვერდი {{page}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (thumb_page_canvas): "{{page}}" will be replaced by the page
# number.
thumb_page_canvas=გვერდის ესკიზი {{page}}
thumb_page_canvas=გვერდის შეთვალიერება {{page}}
# Find panel button title and messages
@ -221,22 +221,26 @@ page_scale_percent={{scale}}%
# Loading indicator messages
loading_error=შეცდომა, PDF ფაილის ჩატვირთვისას.
invalid_file_error=არამართებული ან დაზიანებული PDF ფაილი.
missing_file_error=ნაკლული PDF ფაილი.
loading_error=შეცდომა, PDF-ფაილის ჩატვირთვისას.
invalid_file_error=არამართებული ან დაზიანებული PDF-ფაილი.
missing_file_error=ნაკლული PDF-ფაილი.
unexpected_response_error=სერვერის მოულოდნელი პასუხი.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
# Some common types are e.g.: "Check", "Text", "Comment", "Note"
text_annotation_type.alt=[{{type}} შენიშვნა]
password_label=შეიყვანეთ პაროლი PDF ფაილის გასახსნელად.
password_label=შეიყვანეთ პაროლი PDF-ფაილის გასახსნელად.
password_invalid=არასწორი პაროლი. გთხოვთ, სცადოთ ხელახლა.
printing_not_supported=გაფრთხილება: ამობეჭდვა ამ ბრაუზერში არაა სრულად მხარდაჭერილი.
printing_not_ready=გაფრთხილება: PDF სრულად ჩატვირთული არაა, ამობეჭდვის დასაწყებად.
web_fonts_disabled=ვებშრიფტები გამორთულია: ჩაშენებული PDF შრიფტების გამოყენება ვერ ხერხდება.
document_colors_not_allowed=PDF დოკუმენტებს არ აქვს საკუთარი ფერების გამოყენების ნებართვა: ბრაუზერში გამორთულია “გვერდებისთვის საკუთარი ფერების გამოყენების უფლება”.
web_fonts_disabled=ვებშრიფტები გამორთულია: ჩაშენებული PDF-შრიფტების გამოყენება ვერ ხერხდება.
document_colors_not_allowed=PDF-დოკუმენტებს არ აქვს საკუთარი ფერების გამოყენების ნებართვა: ბრაუზერში გამორთულია “გვერდებისთვის საკუთარი ფერების გამოყენების უფლება”.
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ print.title=인쇄
bookmark.title=지금 보이는 그대로 (복사하거나 새 창에 열기)
bookmark_label=지금 보이는 그대로
bookmark.title=현재 뷰 (복사하거나 새 창에 열기)
bookmark_label=현재 뷰
# Secondary toolbar and context menu
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ document_properties_linearized_yes=예
print_progress_message=문서 출력 준비중…
print_progress_message=인쇄 문서 준비중…
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (print_progress_percent): "{{progress}}" will be replaced by
# a numerical per cent value.
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ find_previous_label=이전
find_next.title=지정 문자열에 일치하는 다음 부분을 검색
find_highlight=모두 강조 표시
find_match_case_label=대문자/소문자 구별
find_match_case_label=대/소문자 구분
find_entire_word_label=전체 단어
find_reached_top=문서 처음까지 검색하고 끝으로 돌아와 검색했습니다.
find_reached_bottom=문서 끝까지 검색하고 앞으로 돌아와 검색했습니다.
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=유효하지 않거나 파손된 PDF 파일
missing_file_error=PDF 파일이 없습니다.
unexpected_response_error=예상치 못한 서버 응답입니다.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}} {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Tai nėra PDF failas arba jis yra sugadintas.
missing_file_error=PDF failas nerastas.
unexpected_response_error=Netikėtas serverio atsakas.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Ugyldig eller korrupt PDF-fil.
missing_file_error=Manglande PDF-fil.
unexpected_response_error=Uventa tenarrespons.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}} {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -168,10 +168,21 @@ find_reached_bottom=ਦਸਤਾਵੇਜ਼ ਦੇ ਅੰਤ ਉੱਤੇ ਆ ਗ
# index of the currently active find result, respectively a number representing
# the total number of matches in the document.
find_match_count={[ plural(total) ]}
find_match_count[one]={{total}} ਵਿੱਚੋਂ {{current}} ਮੇਲ
find_match_count[two]={{total}} ਵਿੱਚੋਂ {{current}} ਮੇਲ
find_match_count[few]={{total}} ਵਿੱਚੋਂ {{current}} ਮੇਲ
find_match_count[many]={{total}} ਵਿੱਚੋਂ {{current}} ਮੇਲ
find_match_count[other]={{total}} ਵਿੱਚੋਂ {{current}} ਮੇਲ
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (find_match_count_limit): The supported plural forms are
# [zero|one|two|few|many|other], with [other] as the default value.
# "{{limit}}" will be replaced by a numerical value.
find_match_count_limit={[ plural(limit) ]}
find_match_count_limit[zero]={{limit}} ਮੇਲਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਧ
find_match_count_limit[one]={{limit}} ਮੇਲ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਧ
find_match_count_limit[two]={{limit}} ਮੇਲਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਧ
find_match_count_limit[few]={{limit}} ਮੇਲਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਧ
find_match_count_limit[many]={{limit}} ਮੇਲਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਧ
find_match_count_limit[other]={{limit}} ਮੇਲਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਧ
find_not_found=ਵਾਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭਿਆ
# Error panel labels
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Nieprawidłowy lub uszkodzony plik PDF.
missing_file_error=Brak pliku PDF.
unexpected_response_error=Nieoczekiwana odpowiedź serwera.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Arquivo PDF corrompido ou inválido.
missing_file_error=Arquivo PDF ausente.
unexpected_response_error=Resposta inesperada do servidor.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Ficheiro PDF inválido ou danificado.
missing_file_error=Ficheiro PDF inexistente.
unexpected_response_error=Resposta inesperada do servidor.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -222,17 +222,21 @@ page_scale_percent={{scale}}%
# Loading indicator messages
loading_error=A intervenit o eroare la încărcarea PDF-ului.
invalid_file_error=Fișier PDF nevalid sau corupt.
invalid_file_error=Fișier PDF invalid sau corupt.
missing_file_error=Fișier PDF lipsă.
unexpected_response_error=Răspuns neașteptat de la server.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
# Some common types are e.g.: "Check", "Text", "Comment", "Note"
text_annotation_type.alt=[Adnotare {{type}}]
password_label=Introdu parola pentru a deschide acest fișier PDF.
password_invalid=Parolă nevalidă. Te rugăm să încerci din nou.
password_invalid=Parolă invalidă. Te rugăm să încerci din nou.
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Некорректный или повреждённый PDF-
missing_file_error=PDF-файл отсутствует.
unexpected_response_error=Неожиданный ответ сервера.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Neplatný alebo poškodený súbor PDF.
missing_file_error=Chýbajúci súbor PDF.
unexpected_response_error=Neočakávaná odpoveď zo servera.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -219,6 +219,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Kartelë PDF e pavlefshme ose e dëmtuar.
missing_file_error=Kartelë PDF që mungon.
unexpected_response_error=Përgjigje shërbyesi e papritur.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Ogiltig eller korrupt PDF-fil.
missing_file_error=Saknad PDF-fil.
unexpected_response_error=Oväntat svar från servern.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}} {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=ไฟล์ PDF ไม่ถูกต้องหรือ
missing_file_error=ไฟล์ PDF หายไป
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Geçersiz veya bozulmuş PDF dosyası.
missing_file_error=PDF dosyası eksik.
unexpected_response_error=Beklenmeyen sunucu yanıtı.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ document_properties_page_size_unit_millimeters=mm
document_properties_page_size_orientation_portrait=عمودی انداز
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (document_properties_page_size_dimension_string):
# "{{width}}", "{{height}}", {{unit}}, and {{orientation}} will be replaced by
@ -191,6 +192,9 @@ invalid_file_error=ناجائز یا خراب PDF مسل
missing_file_error=PDF مسل غائب ہے۔
unexpected_response_error=غیرمتوقع پیش کار جواب
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -69,12 +69,15 @@ scroll_vertical.title=Sử dụng cuộn dọc
scroll_vertical_label=Cuộn dọc
scroll_horizontal.title=Sử dụng cuộn ngang
scroll_horizontal_label=Cuộn ngang
scroll_wrapped.title=Sử dụng cuộn ngắt dòng
scroll_wrapped_label=Cuộn ngắt dòng
spread_none.title=Không thể than gia phổ biến trang
spread_none.title=Không nối rộng trang
spread_none_label=Không có phân cách
spread_odd.title=Tham gia phổ biến bài bắt đầu với các trang được đánh số lẻ
spread_odd_label=Sự phân cách số lẻ
spread_even_label=Ngay cả các chênh lệch
spread_odd.title=Nối trang bài bắt đầu với các trang được đánh số lẻ
spread_odd_label=Phân cách theo số lẻ
spread_even.title=Nối trang bài bắt đầu với các trang được đánh số chẵn
spread_even_label=Phân cách theo số chẵn
# Document properties dialog box
document_properties.title=Thuộc tính của tài liệu…
@ -223,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=Tập tin PDF hỏng hoặc không hợp lệ.
missing_file_error=Thiếu tập tin PDF.
unexpected_response_error=Máy chủ có phản hồi lạ.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=无效或损坏的 PDF 文件。
missing_file_error=缺少 PDF 文件。
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ invalid_file_error=無效或毀損的 PDF 檔案。
missing_file_error=找不到 PDF 檔案。
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (annotation_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" will be
# replaced by the modification date, and time, of the annotation.
annotation_date_string={{date}} {{time}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -2,25 +2,25 @@
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